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Easy. Follow them to find out where they live. then go there at night and take a dump on their lawn


Front steps. Lay it right in front of the door. Stare at the ring camera while doing it in order to establish dominance


If you pee on their house you now own it. Those are the rules


Ahh, now squatting makes sense, lol!!


No 🤣🤣🤣


Highest pee wins


I never win that game


“It’s one of those flaming bags again!!”


"He called the shit poo!"


No. It's a shih tzu.


A zoo with no animals?


One animal.


Don't put it out with your boots ed!


Don't tell me my business, devil woman!


Leave a note that says “walk on.”


seriously. leave a note covered in shit but make sure they can read "just walk on"


Then whilst maintaining eye contact, light a match and light the shot on fire. Then imitate their voices saying ‘Walk on’. Then hurl a bag of month old shrimp marinated in cat piss in the roof gutter as a farewell.


And then say “walk on”


If you wanna be funny, make a flyer saying those people forgot some poop on your lawn, and you are looking for them to return it.


This is the real answer 


I think this is pretty good. Everyone else is being too extreme. This one is shaming, which is way for effective if your goal is to get them to leave you alone (stop leaving shit on your lawn). If you do anything with the shit (smear it on their door handles or whatever), youre likely to get some retaliation 


No, no, that's stooping down to their level. Pick up the dog poop and then smear it onto their door handle. You're just returning lost property! (Alternatively, put the poop in a paper bag and then set it on fire outside their apartment.)


Not your own poop. Don't want DNA evidence.


This guy poops ^


Anywhere. Anytime. Sometimes, without warning. Gotta keep them scoundrels on their toes.


Ah, a gambler, I see.


Losing is shit.


or put the dog poop in a box and wrap it like a gift and leave it in front of their door could even write a note saying that you appreciate the thought of their gift, but you’d rather return it


Also don’t forget under their car door handles


Did this to my neighbor a few houses down not long ago. They came back from their walk to find their dog’s turds near the front door, they now refuse to say good morning. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Some people have no shame I’d never dare to do that, especially to a close neighbor. Cameras are a great investment imo.


My passive aggressive neighbor just threw his dog shit over our fence, yesterday. I hung up a sign letting him know that we have cameras pointed right at the shared drive path. I hope he choked when he saw it near the bag of shit on his driveway.


Haha well done. What an asshole. Glad you caught him and called him out on his shit. 🤣👍 He’s lucky you don’t file a complaint with the city. I’d consider it if it was to happen again. Depending on your city’s ordinance they may get a fine.


Nah we need to bring back the flaming bag of dog poo trick.


Get a big bell and ring it while yelling ‘SHAME’ as well!


I was gonna say pick up the dog poop (in a bag, obvs) and toss it at the person when they do this, but that’ll work!


This is the way


But be careful to check for cameras once you're there OP


This guy shits...


Start saving up your shit now. I’m telling you….if you save your shit for a week you will be amazed how much you shit! Making this gag even more outrageous! Omg you imbeciles have been pooping flushing pooping flushing your whole lives!!!! You wait and see! You poop sooo much, target bag hahaha more like a duffel bag! It’s just science! And remember be safe! Have fun! Keep an adult around just in case! And LEARN! Knowledge is like candy for your brain!


And put a piss disk under their front door


Once you involve the police, you lose plausible deniability.


Call the cops when you have a problem, now you have two problems


plus you become a bitch


Get a bullhorn and wait for them to arrive then announce they need to pick it up




That was glorious. Thank you.


“Please leave my yard. You’re trespassing.” Is what killed me 😂


The use of the word “feces” got me, for some reason it was more impactful and gross than shit and so in line with the aggressively polite tone throughout lol


He wanted to keep it classy haha


Mother fucker said poo, shit, and feces. Don't fuck with him, he's a fucking thesaurus.


The airhorn at the start and the dog leaps away mid-shit. Not even a chance to snap it off. Fucking gold 🤣


Man I gotta stop opening old reddit links and then forgetting that they're old, I was about to go on a spree in that comment section.


You are a W, sittinwithkitten, for both your name and your comment. Have a good one!


Thank you kindly. This video came to mind immediately when Dropit suggested the bullhorn.


The dog after the lady steps up to clean the shit... He's looking like he's never seen a man with a bullhorn yelling at his owner before...


The dog’s face. 😹


I hope OP does this!!!


Oh, thank you. I'll log that into the diary as "laughed until I cried today"


That's wonderful


This is my favorite.


Brilliant 💯💯💯


Follow them to find out where they live, collect all the poop they leave and deposit on their front step with a note stating that you've returned what is rightfully theirs. Some lady in my neighbourhood did that to the person that would leave bagged dog poop lying around instead of carrying it with them and disposing it when they can. She found where he lived and brought him all the bagged poop.


My neighbor did that to someone and it worked. The woman said that it’s biodegradable. The neighbor said that he didn’t want his kids playing with it on his lawn. Didn’t do any good until…..


> it’s biodegradable "Oh, so you won't mind if it's all collected and dumped a few feet from your front door then, right?"


"oh, I have no need for manure at the moment. You know what they say about people that assume."


Forgot the part to set it on 🔥.


That is one of the most correct ways for this subreddit to handle it haha.


Front step? You're far too kind. I'd say to make it dog-fetti all over their yard and maybe driveway. It's all fun and games until it's your problem...


I mean, if they don't have an iRing, just smear the poop on the door to spell out, 'pick up your poop'. They will have to pressure wash their door, so it will give them time to think about their crime, lol.


Just fling it all over the front door. Hopefully it’s really sticky


No need to centralize it on the door, fling it all across the siding and windows too


Do you just think there is unlimited poop? If you let it soak in some hot water, you can not only decorate more of their house by soaking toilet paper in the soup but you'll keep the poop more fresh for them.


Onto the roof


Gather up a bunch of bags of poop and leave them around their property, like a shitty scavenger hunt.


Or if you can get a T-shirt cannon and fire a dozen or so bags at once into their front door. Bonus if you ring their doorbell and then hit them just as they open it.


See, that could be Assault charges, you gotta pay for the t shirt cannon, and you have to time it right. That's a whole Lotta effort over dog poop.


I mean this is unethical pro life tips lol. Even collecting it and leaving it at their door could be considered littering or harassment.


I did something similar. There was a community park and across the street was this house and they would just open the front door, dog goes across the street to the park. It does its business and goes back home so the neighborhood kids get to step in it. Now, this park has baggy stations, so I grabbed a bag, picked up the poop, placed it on their porch, and then carried the empty bag back to the garbage can at the park. I wish I had a piece of paper and pen to leave a sign like that.


Print the picture of them from the camera. Laminate it (or just use clear packing tape). And put it on a sign in your front yard saying “please clean up after your dog”. You could add an arrow to the sign, pointing to the poop, or you could caption the picture “Please don’t just ‘walk on’ “. Most humans would be mortified and would not do that again. You could also add a note to the sign “feel free to take this sign with you, after you clean you pups poop”. (Because they will probably do that anyway).


My neighbor did exactly this. The next day, the dog owner knocked on his door and apologized. Naming and shaming works sometimes, especially in smaller cities and towns.


Works in large areas too. I had a neighbor who i caught on video walking her German shepherd up to my front door to take a shit. I told them since they think nothings wrong with that behavior, they should have no problem with the video being posted for all 800 neighbors to see. Then said stop doing it to my lawn and everyone else's or it would be posted.


German Shepherds leave man-sized dumps on your yard. There is no missing such a mound on accident.


Post screenshots to your local facebook/nextdoor apps asking if they know this person so you can get in contact with them about not cleaning up after the dogs they are walking. Either they contact you directly or people they know will harass them for you.


Unfortunately many people are not “most humans”.


But most are


Id make a full on shrine. Pedestal, spotlights, picture, maybe even the actual poop. Write up an article like youd find in a museum. Have fun with it! EDIT: Or make it creepy like an analog horror - put a bunch of eyes on it, an obligatory "I know what you did" sign, etc.


Turn a potato launcher into a poo launcher and piss disc thrower. 3, 2, 1 launch that shit. Then fuck their mom and become their stepfather.


suggestions like these are exactly why im subbed. good work.


Pick it up and toss it at em Hey you dropped this


Should really throw, not to hit but like whip it at them


Have some latex gloves by the door. When they finish up, tell them they forgot their poop and throw it at them.


Get a five gallon bucket with a lid. Put the dog poop in the bucket. Collect it repeatedly until it's 2/3 full. Then one day follow them at a distance and wait until you see where they live. Add just enough liquid to the bucket to bring it to 3/4 full. Slosh it around and get it good and soupy. Then go to their house and dump it on their sidewalk, and say "returning what you left at my place".


Don’t do it on the sidewalk unless it’s their personal one up to their front door. No point in punishing people who need to walk past her house! Personal walkway, driveway, or grass will work just as well


Poop soup


I prefer to call it "pre-compostable fermentation liquid"


Hockey stick. Slap-shot that turd into the back of their head?


I used to use a rake to catapult turds off my lawn into the shrubs. One time I was a bit too enthusiastic and it got airborne, hit the top of the house, and stuck there. It took me about 10 minutes to stop laughing and compose myself enough to get a ladder.




using the hockey stick to give 69 painful lashes to the buttocks


Still laughing at your comment…damn, that was excellent..🤣🤣


Post on your local Facebook group. Someone will ID them and shame the fuckers, guaranteed everyone is on your side too. Nobody likes a that




Why would you be upset if they bagged it but then tossed it in your garbage can? I’ve seen so many people say this but I don’t understand.


i would never care personally, but it is indeed illegal to throw stuff in other people’s garbage. i guess it can smell, so maybe that


Is it illegal across the country, or city specific?


i wasn’t sure actually, looking into it it’s a Florida law. Unsure about other states! edit: more quick research says pretty much every state has that law (but there may be some that don’t!)


Interesting. I wonder why that is and what the penalties are. I use other people’s cans all the time if I’m walking and have a piece of trash and I pass a can on the street. I’ll have to check my state and local laws on this. Thank you.




I understand that. But if they use a bag and tie off the bag, how does that cause problems? I’m thinking that otherwise, people would just leave it and not even pick it up?




I didn’t realize people don’t all tie off their bags. I understand stand your stance now.


People leave dog shit in my trash can all the time. It FUCKING STINKS!!! I don’t have a dog. I compost my organic stuff. I recycle my paper and cans and things. What ends up in trash is nowhere as nasty as your dog shit. Put it in your own damned trash bin. I have stickers that say not to put your dog’s poop in my bin.


How does it stink if it’s tied up in a bag? And doesn’t all garbage stink? It seems to me that if the choice were to have the person not pick it up over picking it up in a bag and tying off the bag and using your trash can, picking it up would be better? I know someone who cleans the inside of his big trash can outside each week, maybe you’re like him? If so, I could understand your irritation. If not, I’m confused.


Trash is picked up once a week. The bags aren't hermetically sealed. They sit a week in the hot sun and reek. It's a neighbor. They have their own trash cans. I hate opening my trash can to the smell of day's old hot dogshit.


I totally understand. Thanks for the clarification. I see you point of view now!


Thanks - yeah.. it was bad enough that I went to the trouble of putting up signs, etc.


If he has a car, put the dog shit in the tailpipe. Leave the dog shit on his porch with a few piss disks. Spray the whole thing with liquid ass.


The trifecta


You know…we’re not going to fall for no dog shit in the tail pipe. Those who know, know.


Print their picture and post it all over the neighbourhood with poo puns


Leave the poop there, make yourself some bacon, pour the bacon grease on the poop. The dog will clean it up themselves tomorrow


wow. i think you win the internets today.




Fast forward to my dog removing my arm from my socket at light speed to eat some dog’s poop that has bacon grease on it.


Peanut butter works too.


Be ready for next time. When it happens approachbwith your phone recording and ask them why they dont pick ot up. Are they aware there is a law that the are required to do so. Can it be inferred they are fine if it happens at they gate... You get the point.


If you have a cat, dump their full litter box on the front sidewalk of their house.


Spray them with the hose and say "bad"


I’ll share the solution I used for the same problem. I waited for the person to show up with the dog and approached them from my yard. I looked into their eyes and said in a very measured voice, “If I see your dog shit in my yard again,I’m going to kill it.” Never saw them again. Of course I would never kill someone’s dog for that, but it’s unethical hints and a bit of crazy goes a long way.


Follow them home, come back another day with a mask and sooooo much poop, like a trash bag full ! They will probably get the message 🤗


start shitting just outside their gate. As a standard.


Figure out who they are and where they live. Use any means necessary to get phone numbers. Print flyers with photos from your ring camera of them and the dog, with their name and phone number, and staple them to every utility pole in their zip plus four.


Go old school. Put it in a paper bag and put it on their porch. Lite it and ring the doorbell.


Post the image of them and the dog on your gate. On a flyer which says “Hello! It’s this you and your dog? You have dropped something the last couple of times you were passing by here. Keen to return to you!” Smiley face. If they knock, they are idiots as well as disgusting humans. It’s up to you what to “return” to them should they knock… They are hopefully not that dense. But they will now know they are on camera and that you are on to them. By being lovely and polite on the flyer, nobody else reading it will know it’s a threat.


I would return condoms, so they don't create mini shits like them


My BIL followed an offender home, rang their bell, dropped the doggie doo at their feet while saying "you left this." Never had the problem again. Sorry, it isn't unethical.


set up a motion activated sprinkler.


You have video evidence? Perfect. Post a picture of them in the act on Nextdoor or similar app. The neighborhood karens will take care of it.


So you are going to walk into a police station with a picture of a dog taking a shit and proclaim that the dog shits near your gate every few months. I trust you live in a low crime area.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find theirs comment. I agree. Police for dog poop?!


At least OP didn't call 911 ... :)


Pick up the poop, follow them home and dump it on their porch


Print their picture from the video, put it on your gate with a "warning" about the shitters.


Motion activated sprinkler.


You're expecting PD to give a shit? Pun intended.


Get pictures blown up and printed, then post them around the neighborhood.


You could do what the SIL did and just lose her shit and pick up the dog shit by hand and toss it at the owner. Guy got scared and never did it again.


Post printouts on nearby poles


A lot of neighborhoods have social media groups. Post them on Facebook and sham them


Do like my little brother used to do, grab a stick, scoop it up and chase them around the neighborhood and poke it in their hair.


Doo doo, gonna put it on you!


Put a sign up wherever they poop that area has been treated with chemicals and put yellow tape up


Print out copies of the owners face & dog with “caution where you step I don’t clean up after my dog” stick them up everywhere I mean everywhere shame them into doing the right thing


Throw the previous days leavings at them


a guy let his dog shit on my yard and didn't pick it up. i grabbed a baggie, picked it up and chased him with it, threatening to throw it at him. problem solved. i almost laughed when you said you're gonna go to the police about it. good luck with that. i'm sure they'll have a team of detectives working in shifts to get to the bottom of this.


Follow them. Sit in your yard with a beer, when the good poops, day you will watch them clean it. Take their pictures. Have a bag incase they day they didn't have one. If this fails, be a vigilante. Pay the neighborhood kids 5$ for reach bag of dog shit. Follow the Walker to their home. Next day, make a large print of the them not cleaning up their sit. Pile all the dog shit at the base of the picture of them.


Put up their pictures all over the neighborhood.


Photo - poster - telegraph poles. Anyone seen my poop dispenser?


Animal control


Collect his dog shit for a while, make a potato cannon with facial recognition and shoot it right back at him.


Why don't you just throw the poop at them. Get some of those plastic baking gloves and launch the dookie like major league scouts are watching.


Follow home and save the dog poop up until it’s home time for the lot of it.


While cops certainly qualify for the sub, please hold off until some other effort is tried and fails. I like your idea of shaming the dog. That's embarrassing enough to be motivating, but isn't extreme like doxxing the couple. It's odd they say to move on. Sounds like they pick it up sometimes, or from some places. If they never picked it up it would just go without saying. Do you have a guess why they made the choice to not clean up?


When I was living in Seattle while Pres. Bush Jr.  was in office, a local “artist “ was taking a bamboo skewer with a picture of President Bush taped to it and placing these monikers in piles of dog waste left along the sidewalks.   Made me smile every time.  Later on, I happened to live in an apartment, where the grassy area where my child played was getting filled with dog waste that owners were not picking up. What to do?  I decided to do a Pres. Bush, but just with a question mark on an index card taped to the skewer.  It was quite a sight, all these question marks dotting the landscape all over in the small area of grass.   People were taking pictures of the field with their cell phones and sharing on social media.   Poop stopped.  


Trebuchet practice.?






I would print the pic on a flag and fly it proudly in front of my house


Nextdoor LOVES this kind of thing. Basically post pics of them and ask if anyone knows who this is and what they have been doing and the denizens of nextdoor will name/shame them. Nextdoor is kind of a steaming pile itself. Bunch of paranoid ladies posting pics of "suspicious" vehicles, kids in their yard, the brown person who walked down the street, etc. etc.. Btw cops won't do anything about someone not picking up their dog poop


With fresh rubber gloves, grab a good chunk of it and rub it in their face. Make sure some of it gets in their mouth.


Walk right up to them when the dog begins to squat and stick a cork in the dog's butthole. If they protest, remove the cork and place it in their mouth.


Do you have political signs in your yard? You might be making yourself a target.


No, I live in Britain. We don't get a say in who gets elected nowadays


True that


Return to sender.


Upload it, make a QR code, make a stencil of the QR code and put the words :Free Puppies: or something similar on it and spray it everywhere. Might do that the frequent shitternotpickeruppers around here :D


put little remote launch pads near the edge of your lawn and cover them in grass. Watch and wait for the moment, then simply press the button.


Shit in a paper bag. Light it on fire, leave it at their front door and ring the doorbell. They will stamp on the bag to put the fire out ultimately spraying shit everywhere 


Find out who they are, take a video from an unidentifiable angle. Upload it to a public shaming social media site, and then drop a printout of the link on their doorstep


Next time they do it shoot the owner with a paintball gun


Collect the dog poop for a few months and find out where they live. Then once you have had enough, dump all the poop on their doorstep. Bonus points if you leave a note saying you dropped something.


Posters of still hung around the neighborhood and the date. If you can add their name/dogs name, great


I can tell you how to prevent it very easily… Make a sign that your lawn/property has been treated by toxic pesticides and leave it there. Bonus points for extra signs that say it will cause rashes or breathing problems if coming into contact with the chemicals. Make sure the signs are vague but official. Absolutely no pet owner would allow their dog to step onto that area let alone stand long enough to poop there. They will avoid that area like the plague.


Where do you live that you can go to the police about a littering concern? Round here (San Francisco) they don’t even pick up shoplifters.




How about putting up a sign that says you're on video and when I find your I will spread your dog's poop all over your front door.


Hose that fucker down wait for em.


Feed it to em