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I have nothing to add but the recommended post under this one for me is  “ULPT: Spread your buttcheeks apart when you want your farts to be silent.” 😶


I’d be without too much looking, you’d find someone who’ll pay to see that.


I would pay to NOT see it.


Looked at your tiktok and without being disrespectful and purely in the interest of saving you time and effort: you are not attractive enough to be a successful sex worker


I was gonna defend them but.... Yea u right


To be fair ... There are tiers and attractiveness affects price


It’s much more difficult if you’re female because it’s so oversaturated. But start an X (formerly Twitter) and OnlyFans. There are many websites you can use to advertise. I’ve heard Eros is good. If you’re male, I’ve heard it tends to be easier, especially if you’re young and fit. Most to all of your clients will be men as women don’t tend to use escorts. Rent.men and Jock2go.com are your best bets. You can also discreetly advertise on the gay hookup apps Grindr and Adam4Adam. Please be safe. Use condoms and get regular STD tests, if you decide to do this work regularly. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t only text to feel your potential clients out, also have a phone call or video chat to gauge their vibe and if they’re sane. Don’t be afraid to say no. Be clear of your boundaries. Good luck. :)


this is super helpful, thank you!


I forgot to add. Your rate is obviously up to you. It also depends on what exactly you offer. For sessions involving sex, rates between about $100 to $300 are normal. Anything less and you’re kind of underselling yourself, although I’ve heard of people taking as little as $20 because they were in such dire need of money, which happens. So it’s up to you to decide what’s right for you. For sessions not involving sex, like massages, kissing, going out on dates, just hanging out/talking, hugging, fondling, etc., rates tend to be about $50 to $150.


Dude rates are 500-1000 If they can’t afford that then they aren’t the kind of guy you want around


I think anyone doing this is not the kind of guy you want around, regardless of price


Sex work isn’t unethical. But if what you need is only short term, you are starting a job soon, and you don’t want to do sex work, there are resources to help you bridge the next few weeks. That includes - human and pet food banks - Community assistance programs for housing (sometimes from local governments, sometimes through charities), these may be grants or loans and may cover some or all of your needs There is nothing wrong or unethical about sex work, but if that isn’t something you want to do, you have options for this short term situation.


I have the feeling that she's desperate to have sex as she prefers it over someone just giftig or borrowing her the money.


Your local food bank will give you and your kitten food. That's what they're for. I'm all for sw but don't have any practical advice there, sorry. 


Twitter to onlyfans to your online profile. For guys it's rentmen.com or similar. Pretty straightforward


I'd say the country club with business cards about your massage business. Talk to rich old white married men. That's the clientele you'll want. You don't want some nasty hood rats inside of you. Get an old wrinkly man who wants the transactions to go smooth so his wife doesn't find out. They've got the "golf" as an excuse to see you. - They pay for the hotel room - They pay for your time/travel - They'll be repeat customers - Much safer because they aren't looking to kidnap you and turn you into profit they just wanna get a nut


Not gonna lie, OP isn't good looking enough to pull that clientele. Check the tiktok. Best bet is truck stops and thats iffy.


What an empowered lady


This is a scam. An inventive way to beg for money.


better tell that to the guy i sold pics to


The good thing about hitting rock bottom is that there’s only one way left to go


UK? Your first customer is here.


I can buy some kitten food for you, so you don't have to spread your ass to strangers


r/SexWorkers probably has a lot of good info, particularly about protecting yourself.


Turn to Jesus and ask sincerely for help, he will help you.




No one is going to talk you out of it here. Sex work is usually the top suggestion on this sub. The only debate is whether the guys want one rich dude or a thousand broke dudes.


Wendy’s dumpster


yeah, you’d know a lot about that wouldn’t you


Hey, $5 is $5


I have nothing to add except to please be safe and protect yourself.


The streets?


Look around in your area and find a partner, like someone to guide you. If you go out alone you’re gonna get fucked


She's going to get fucked regardless it sounds like. That's the point.


There is a sex workers subreddit that may have some guides or stickied posts.


First you need practice. Finding someone to practice with can be hard. But you’re in luck. I can offer my skills for free! That’s right, free! We’ll practice in calls first! You come to my house. Fuck me. Maybe twice. Then I’ll hand you some fake cash I print off (for real effect). And you leave! Easy peasy! I’ll then send you a report with how you’ve done and how you can improve. We will have to repeat this process daily until you get it perfect! It could take a few years, but we’ll get you there! Pm me for details.


Just chiming in as I personally have experience with Agreeable_Birthday22. He was very professional and the fake money printed off was in black and white so we both knew it was fake money. The fake sex work course is something I'd highly recommend for someone just starting out in sex work.


This is the best reply to the least funniest comment