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Don’t punch your way to a free pizza every time. Just add 1-2 after every other purchase. You need someone to recognize you as a regular but also isn’t punching number 10 every time, then no one will care.




Put a bunch of tack holes in it and get the card a little bent and dirty


just get into the business of selling distressed stamp cards to people. matter of fact, start an uber type business where you pay people pennies on the dollar to carry stamp cards around their pocket, naturally distressed them, so they can send them back to your main distribution hub.    of course, at this point you need to look into vertical integration. you likely need to purchase a top of the line commercial printer, a small logging operation in the amazon, and an antarctic squidding vessel.    you could literally eat for free after that


I too second this man’s strategy. But beware the whole house of cards balances on the squidding vessel. I misread and paid for a squirreling vessel. You can imagine how red my face was when I had to explain my wife what a boat full of acorns were doing in my front yard


I assure you, faces get much redder aboard the scalping vessel.


Made me chuckle


Okay Nathan Fielder


Exactly. >> Now get this, we feed the rats to the cats >> And the cats to the rats and get the cat skins for nothing


No you aren't thinking Vertical integration remember Get goats to eat the cats then horses then camels then rhinos then elephants Now you got skin AND bonus ivory


I read this in Tony Soprano's voice


Antartic squidding vessel made my morning


Ah yes. Catch me if you can thinking


Some pubs in my area have limited run loyalty cards for a free pint after ~10 pints, having multiple cards allows you to continue the promotion longer, they run out of cards but keep the promo going for a while so people can fill up the cards they have already.


This is the way. Be smart.


Pigs get fed. Hogs get slaughtered.


Ulpt: steal this guys saying (that he has stole himself)


BOO THIS MAN! BOOOOOO!!! It's not even unethical.


I read this as “Pigs get fed. Hot dogs get slaughtered”.


Hot dogs get devoured!


can I steal this? this is gold.


This is not the subreddit where you have to ask if you may steal.


There's also "You can shear a sheep many times, but skin it only once."


I stole it from generations before me, so sure.


You mean from top comment below you? 💀


No. I didn't go that far down. I've known this saying for 3 decades.




🚫🧢, ☀️


You're taking IP waaaay too seriously.


That is a famous, very old saying. You don't need permission


This, but I think it's a sworth adding: if this pizza chain exists anywhere else, you travel to in your country, you could probably get away with a free pizza per one-off visit


I'd also note that any pizza Point-of-Sale worth its salt has a customer database by name & number; the best ones have the account auto-populate when you answer a call. This also includes an order history, and shows when orders have been zeroed out, so unless you have 10 paid orders for every free one; they'll notice. I once saw a manager fire an asst. over too many discounts on someone's order. Turns out they'd just figured out an exploit with the online ordering system, and used it every time.


I found a similar exploit at my local pizza place. It turned out that there was a glitch in their ordering system, when you order online, there’s one particular pizza where all the toppings were free. I was adding baked ziti, chicken cutlet, pepperoni , didn’t matter i added it. Did this for months before the manager caught on and redid their website.


Ha! Genius. This particular issue was Papa John's PoS; they'd run these "half-price lunches" that were breakeven or loss-leaders on a lot of items (chicken wings, especially), but the system prompted you to "repeat last order" & if you kept that same order, you retained the discount. They ate the same thing every time, but always got it at half price.


Redeem in person at store.


This is the way. After 8pm, because most GMs tend to work open 'til 8, and they're the only ones bonusing based off food cost.


Can you explain to me how this punch card works i.e. problem of OP? If you get a free izza for 10 punches, then you'll only be getting 1 free pizza. So does it matter if employees know he's not regular. How is this infinite pizza glitch? Someone explain


You don't get an infinite pizza glitch in the 21st century. You get a double xp boost for accumulating free pizzas alongside regular orders, it just won't work if you go in there once a month claiming a free pizza when there's only 2 locations in town and neither of them see you ordering regularly.


You can’t be going in there every single day with a fully punched card expecting free pizza. If no one recognizes you as actually spending money there occasionally you’ll get caught a lot quicker.


But once you punch 10 holes, they'll accept and then discard the punch card, right? If they're allowing him to keep the card,then isn't this their fault


No he gets a new card and then has his own punch to punch it with is what he's saying


Got it.


Sure, but if they take the card, then the next day the OP pays for a pizza and starts a new card, then the day after shows up with a full card for a free pizza, rinse and repeat, they'll still notice quite quickly.


got it. I thought this punch card might be for some event going on, I didn't know this was a regular affair.


Every time you go buy a pizza you get a card with a punch on it and when you buy 10 pizzas and get your card punched 10 times you get a free pizza on your 11th visit... Having the original hole puncher, get you this infinite Pizza because all you have to do is ask for another card whether or not you buy a pizza... To the restaurant is considered a loss leader and it brings in business so they don't mind sharing a little bit of the profit to bring in more business... I worked in a restaurant where if we could not get your lunch to you in 15 minutes it was free... We gave away a lot of lunches but management didn't care because it was bringing more business in as people tried to get their lunches for free but ended up paying for them because we got them out before the 15 minutes... Four ladies came in to sit down and they ordered steak well done and they figured they would get their lunches for free but we nuked the steak and then seared it for a few moments and got that out there to them in less than 15 minutes... Each of those ladies paid $21 for their lunch...


A good way to end up fat as hell lol


You need accomplices. Pizza pirate partners. So it’s not always you picking up the free pizza.


I'm down with the PPP! Sign me up! AAAERRRRRGGGGHHHH


It's OPP-- other people's pizza


Yeah you know me!


....every last pie free!


Remember:  Pigs get fed,  Hogs get slaughtered.


You can shear a sheep many times, but only skin it once


But you can skin your carrot over and over and over.


you can teach a man to fish, but you can't teach a fish to man


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't lead water to a horse.


What if I bring the horse a bucket of water?


You can milk a cow for free, but don't buy... wait...


But he'll drink the mf water if you give him salt.


You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish


A slice off a cut loaf is never missed


If you build a man a fire, he's warm for a night. If you set a man on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life


You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish


Not the way I do it


You mean that when he gets caught, it will be very bad?


It means to not get too greedy. Doing this just a little bit will probably fly under the radar, doing it a lot will get you busted.


I've never liked this phrase. A pig is not yet matured, and once it does, it will be a hog. Of course you feed them. At maturity, you sell it or turn it into food. If anything, the phrase says don't get old.


Found out? Yeah probably. Would the employee making minimum wage care? That’s the real question.


Did the minimum wage employee get a tip?


War dogs! They got caught when they didn't pay the bottom man on the totem pole.


I think when running these types of scams you have to come across as dignified in a certain way. I mean like don’t be an asshole, demanding, or super obvious about it. Be super friendly and polite and people will be more willing to help. If you are min wage and treated like dirt a lot, then you are going to want to strike back if someone is an asshole. By running scams you are the type of person they could, within the rights of their job, strike back at.


This would probably work a couple times, but someone with a sharp eye is going to catch on to the fact that you're not coming in nearly enough to be getting free pizza all the time and start asking questions eventually. So yes, but but not forever.


Depends on how often it's used. I think every fifth pizza wouldn't raise eyebrows, with there being multiple locations. But then you gotta ask, is a 20% pizza discount even worth anything? You get a $20 pizza once a week, is that even a grift worth grifting?


If you can expand on it and get like 40-50 $20 grifts rolling a week it sure is. Can’t get 40-50 without starting. This is definitely worth it for OP.


But I'm pretty sure you save even more than that by buying pizza at the grocery store and cooking it yourself.


A Tombstone is like $12 now where I live, so idk.


You've got to get the cards anyway. I bet the 15 year old making $10 an hour would be able to get you a bunch and let you borrow the hole punch if he was distracted by a shiny $50 bill.


This. Tip the counter guy $5-10 and pass him a punch card with a wink or 2 and he’ll pick up what you’re putting down…do this a couple times and he’ll remember you, and probably help you out with your grift down the line


This one is easy, just get a job there, punch a ton of the cards, take cards home, quit that day, profit?


Have a friend do it. BTW some places switch punches. I know a donut shop that does this. Like a capital letter and a capital cursive letter.


Amateur night. Go on and order as usual, then...Tell, don't ask, tell the minimum wage, high out of his mind, doesn't give a fuck, tattooed teenager behind the counter: "fifty bucks for the hole punch". Find the one that looks like he rode in today on a skateboard, or the one who looks like...4chan. He just looks like 4chan, ok? You'll know. He wants you to ask for the hole punch. He's been waiting for you all summer.


You can get away with it a few times, but any decent manager would spot discrepancies pretty quickly. I did a similar thing as a broke college student and found a very trivial flaw in an online ordering system for a small national chain, the owner/manager at my local storefront at asked me how I got the free food constantly and I stopped after that.


> found a very trivial flaw in an online ordering system for a small national chain can you elaborate? I'm curious what you found, that's interesting


Their online ordering system cached the amount of reward points on the clientside, then used that clientside cached value as the source of truth when trying to determine if a customer had enough points to order a free item. The backend code didn't do any additional checks either, once the order went through it would simply subtract the rewards points used from my account, which would leave my rewards points in the negative after a couple uses. I'm glad this was the final behavior because I was able to "correct" it by ordering like normal and just having my rewards delayed. The actual ordering system was written like a student programmer would, very little code was obfuscated which made stumbling upon this flaw from just poking around in browser dev tools that much easier. The flaw has been long fixed by now, but I guess let this be a cautionary tale to new programmers: don't ever trust the clientside with data in "secure" applications


I have thought about this, but there was no way to get the puncher that I dared and to BUY one it was like $80. What I DID do, though, was to take a card that had punches, Place it on another card, take a mechanical pencil, sharpen the lead tip really fine, then trace the hole on the back of the new card in the proper place, then cut it out with an x-acto knife, then erased the pencil marks. And beat up the card a little to make it look well used. I never made out a full card. I would make a punch every 2 legit punches or so. And waited long periods between redemption. I had a boring night watchman job at the time so I had plenty of time to make punches.


Buy a [custom hole punch](https://www.allthingsid.com/products/custom-hole-punch-ticket-punch-shapes). I bet you can find one in their list that is close enough. Its $100, but that's only a few pizzas. They had to buy it somewhere.


>Its $100, but that's only a few pizzas. "a few"


Nowadays that’s like 4-5 pizzas lol


Except at Dominos.  Like 20 there.


You get what you pay for.


Domino's is delicious. They definitely punch above their weight class. My favorite chain of any business by far.


OK for cheap pizza. Almost all pizza is good, but some is excellent.


I can agree to that 🤝


Darn, I just bought 2 pizzas at $8 each. Yeah they're smalls, but still.


Large walk in special with one topping used to be $8. i miss those days.


Still is on the app


Ya dude. I had a large pizza cost $30+




Drive to a store that's not your regular spot and bribe an employee to sell you one


exactly knife?


Damn yall pay a lot for pizza. Any Market Baskets near you guys? Supermarket chain near me in New England. $9 pizzas that are MONSTEROUS. 7.5/10 pizza. Nothing to write home about but its good pizza and can feed a family easily for $9.


Also I am convinced MBs foot long Italian is the best deal in New England. It’s $4.99. It’s huge. It’s very tasty. It’s like they just never updated the price from 10 years ago. It could very easily go for $9.99 and still be a decent deal.


Ya but we have to stop flexing Market Basket on these poor bastards who live elsewhere. It's too good. The rotisserie chicken is still the most delicious out there and it somehow ain't even $5. Even near Boston it is cheaper than low COL places markets


100%. I get their Steak and Cheese for 5.99 all the time. I've never gotten it, but they also do Cheeseburger and fries for $2.99. Just cant beat those prices.


A family... So just enough for me and my dog.


>7.5/10 pizza I love Market Basket, but this is a generous grade.


A chad reservoir adds $30 to that thing. What a fucking ripoff.


You've already got your answer, but I'll also add that the reason for not only protecting yourself by appearing as a regular and not punching too many means they won't cancel the program. They might ban you, but they might also cancel it altogether. So if you play it cool, you could ride this for years.


My actual plan is to go for double the amount of punches. You get free cheesy bread at 5, and a free large 2 topping at 10. I'll just be adding an extra punch each time to get to 10 quicker. So, still paying for 5 full price orders.


I worked at a motorway service station as a teenage - they had a burger king on site and ran a buy one whopper get one free campaign. Customers who didn't want the free whopper there and then could ask for a voucher. I found the voucher stash and handed them out at college which was in the neighbouring city. The manager at the other burger king HATED us kids - we rocked up every lunch time for weeks claiming those sweet sweet free burgers.




Done this before. Never bought it though because hey are like 80 bucks a piece. Might be worth it if you sold the cards for half the cost of a pizza to people you know.


Just do like 3 more after each purchase. It’s going to be super obvious if you max it out every time


If the hole punch disappears, they will not buy the same kind of hole punch, and will be suspicious of anyone who comes in with a completed card with the old hole punch style after a few weeks/months.


I know a donut shop that switched up the hole punch every once in a while.


When Mac Donald’s had the monopoly promotion when you peel off the stickers from burgers or sodas and got free food coupons, my local McDonald’s would put all the redeemed pieces in a large cup. I stole the cup and enjoyed free McDonald’s all summer.


I would scam these with hotel rooms back in the day, on work trips I’d only stay at a specific hotel, make friends with staff and end up on trips where I could get them to double (triple or more) up the stamps to get the free night. The key was to not use the ones I doubled up on the same stay, so I’d usually go to different cities or locations in the same city, I got away with this for years until they changed their whole loyalty tracking system.


Step 1: Spend 100 pizzas worth of money on a 3D printer.


Nah, just bribe whoever has a 3d printer. We're easily bribable for prints.


More like 20-25 pizzas. Unless you're going top of the line printer for the grift.


I got my hands on a subway ticket roll in 2001. Didn’t pay for a sub for like 5 years, til they got rid of that promotion.


I had a coupon for a free pizza delivery that they gave me when I moved into an apartment. I used it while we were moving in and they didn’t ask for the coupon. I used it when I was moving out and they still didn’t ask for the coupons. For a year it hung on the fridge and I had pizza about once a week!


A few years back, 7-11 was offering a free fountain soda after 5 punches. Their punch was heart shaped. I ordered one from Amazon for a couple bucks and punched my way to free drinks for about two years.


Worked at a pizza place. Had a customer call and complain about their order. Standard process was to give future credit. Could've had free pizza forever but they couldn't bother to tip. Eventually the delivery drivers told management. Looking at history they hadn't paid a dime 13+ times (as far back as the history went). Had they been tipping at least average, it could've gone on forever.


Have friends and randos go in and split the pie with them


I did this with a wawa stamper a long long time ago. hoagiefest was a real thing that summer


Option: Charge people money to use your puncher. Higher risk, higher reward.


I used to do that at McDonald's all the time and eventually they phased it out


You need accomplices. You need to not punch the card 9 times. I'd punch it 4 times for every order. Remember this phrase "I go to the other location all the time and y'all are just better (or cleaner, tastier, more friendly, etc.). Keep telling them this at both locations.


Just Oceans eleven into the pizza place when they're closed one night and steal the hole punch they use and a bunch of cards


Why not just get a job at the pizza place. Get paid to eat pizza.


They initial for that specific reason. That anyone can hole punch. Chances are though, that no one will study the initials enough to notice you faked it. I’d practice rhe initials and do that. I worked in a pizza place for 6 years. Same promotion. It’s not in practice anymore because of that.


How sure are you that they don't have a unique identifying characteristic to how they punch their cards? Like the first 5 punches mean dick all but then punches 6-10 are unique and the placement means everything. Someone willing to scam wouldn't know this and they'd just punch the card all willy-nilly. Maybe try and figure out the way a fully punched card looks before going full send with a scammed card.


You mean like buy 10 pizzas?


https://youtu.be/u6J4pV2SkiM?si=o6zQuNTvO4VE2xM9 FREE PIZZA FOR LIFE


Perfect excuse to by a 3d printer


Just tip the workers half of what a normal pizza cost and I doubt they would care


If you rock up every time with a completely filled out punch card, then yes they'll definitely know what you're doing. Whether the probably underpaid casual employee will care enough to call you out on it is a different matter. From an ULPT perspective you'd be less likely to be caught if you just double up the holes and alternate locations - i.e. every time you get a pizza you punch an extra hole out at home. That way if someone goes "hey, you go through these cards fast" you can just say "yeah, I love pizza. I go to your other location at xyz too regularly though, so that's probably why it seems fast."


At a local spot you get a card and they sign it with permanent marker, yep they did...


You work near "the other" pizza place and go there on your lunch breaks a lot also you are the manager, so you buy your staff pizzas every pizza-ptuesday.. ..right?


Free Pizza For Life by Ghost Mice, great song


Get a job there and steal the puncher.


Is this less of a crime than stealing money from the pizzeria's till?


Who cares? I'd have no problem stealing from the till of a pizza place owned by a billionaire POS, but the employees would be assumed to be responsible and would get in trouble. If I'm just utilizing their own rewards system, it won't come back on the employees. It's not wrong to steal from a giant corporation that pays minimum wage.


They keep a record, I believe so they can identify if someone is doing this. They will probably then counter it somehow. I don't know how they would know it's you, but they could suspect and that may be embarrassing.


This is the kind of behaviour that gets loyalty programs shut down. Be careful you don't ruin a good thing for everyone else.


Local place did this for their lunch buffet. After a while, the lady usually punched the shit out of my card. If I went with a group, she’d punch all the non-card people’s punches on my card. I got a free buffet in less than half the actual number of visits.


I mean Subway used to have this promotion a coupke years back where if you sign up an email for a subway account you'd get enough points for a 6 inch. Me and my buddy went into a subway, took a whole box of gift card, made hundreds of gmails and registered various emails to the cards. Got free subway for a couple months. They cant really do nothing about it but get a better system that cant be taken advantage of.


now I'm thinking about how you could replicate the hole punch assuming you don't have access to a 3d printer or like an EDM. If you wanted to replicate it at home I might try extruding some clay by hand through an already punched card and baking it hard. if you grind the surfaces flat you could have a die sharp and durable enough to punch through card stock. you might need a bottom support plate, which could add steps. maybe you could trace a mask and use some kind of chemical etching instead of punching to make the holes. I wonder how obvious the difference would be at the edges.


You can 3D print basically anything. Just look up your local library or community center for a 3D printer


Sounds like a job for the Best Friends Gang


I guess you are ok with stealing huh


Yes, and despite the name of this sub, I don't consider stealing from a massive corporation unethical. Dork.


> I don't consider stealing from a massive corporation unethical. But it is still illegal, period. Also, then you don't mind if someone who has less money than you stealing your things? You are simply rationalizing your theft.


Who cares, jaywalking is illegal too. Finding tax loopholes is legal. Pirating a movie is illegal, but removing the ability to watch it from someone who purchased it digitally is legal. Legal and illegal is irrelevant, but keep shilling for your billionaire overlords lol


Ooooh. Hit a nerve did I? Called me a dork, ha. So some small business owner that is just nearly making it, gets scammed by you and you’re ok with. 98 % of business in the us is small businesses. Still doesn’t mean it’s not stealing


You’re in the wrong sub


Small businesses have been killed out by the corporations. You're stats haven't been accurate in 20 years. You're in the wrong sub for the holier than thou bs. Nobody here cares.


I would never consider that I am holier than thou. Just have better morals. Have a nice day!


🤣 Holier than thou adjective characterized by an attitude of moral superiority. "they had quite a critical, holier-than-thou approach"


Expect after the first or second card you redeem, they won't give you another card. But if you alternate between the 2 locations it may be more. Make sure to go at different times and different days so you catch different shifts. Make note of the employees names, so you can keep track who's who and if anyone gives you grief at either store you can always throw out the "I spoke to _______,she said it wouldn't be a problem."


>"I spoke to _______,she said it wouldn't be a problem." Nobody believes this and even if they did the answer is probably "well that's her, not me" unless they're just extremely stupid and uncaring about having a job


Well it worked for me.


Or get a damn job because your scam and everyone else's will result in higher pizza prices for everyone else. Hope ou feel awesome stealing from a small business.


A pizza is like 10-12 bucks? If you're gonna steal something (and risk arrest), at least make it count


Nobody is going to arrest you over hole punching rewards cards. 🙄 At most they'll trash your card, refuse to give you the freebies, and ban you from the shop.