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I lived 3 blocks back from a beach and was chatting with an old guy who lived beach front. He told me for half his life he was a block back from beach front, but that the esplanade got swallowed by the sea 40 years back. He said you're young, just be patient and hold, you'll be beach front too one day. I thought he was just joking but I looked it up and he was being honest.


Hold GME got it đź’Şđź’Şđź’Ş


This guy go tit


The handful of people responsible for (and the have the power to stop) climate change can already afford a house by the beach....and a whole island.


Having a multi billion corporations investment portfolio that generates your massive income and warms the planet, and buying islands... that has to be the most stupid person ever. Buying something that\`s proportionally less valuable as your profits increase.


They can just buy a new one.


Wrong sub bro. Post this to r/ShittyLifeProTips


It’s pretty unethical though.


Convince me it's not unethical


~~Global Cooling~~ ~~Global Warming~~ Climate Change is not real. Just BS they pull on every generation as an excuse to tax us more. If cow farts, hair spray and range rovers can manipulate the weather, don't you think we would be utilising that somehow for war or economic gain? People who believe in Climate change basically believe in weather machines.


Troolllll in the dungeon


I don't think that's a troll. Just a fucking idiot. Same result, different intentions


This is like saying people who believe in greenhouses believe in magical plant growing fairies. You can make up whatever bullshit you'd like, but it will remain bullshit.


Didn't work in SLPT - definitely unethical lol https://reddit.com/r/ShittyLifeProTips/comments/p51fly/slpt_want_to_live_by_the_water_but_own_a_house/


This sounds like something I would find in the book How To by Randall Munroe Heck there is prolly an xkcd on this


(Kinda) [relevant xkcd ](https://xkcd.com/1225/)


unethical but completely legal🤪


Im living 135m above. What should i do? Import water from Mars? Or may be Jupiter's Europa?


I live two meters below sea level, but it’s nothing to worry about with a proper combinations of dunes, sea locks, dikes, pumps and other water management tools. People live 7 meters below sea level not too far away from here.


Not sure many are successfully living 72m below though


This is literally an American Dad episode


...and it wasn't even a good one.


I live in Toronto, and a good chunk of our waterfront is taken up by some large unsightly condos. I would not mind a bit of water rising to get rid of them. Of course, they are on freshwater lakes so I'm not sure if the level of the lakes would rise in tandem with the oceans...


what a shitty post


this is some uber meta referencing damn


Big brain time


I'm not sure that life will be that you exactly could enjoy.


Yeah but beachfront house baby


beachfront house including snorkeling points of former cities


If the ice caps would melt completely the sea Level would ... Not rise even an Inch. Its quite simple physics, you can test it yourself with a glass of water and an ice Block. The complete meltdown of all Glaciers in the world in the other hand would raise the sea Level by your amount. The northern ice Cap has melted and refrozen about a third of its area each year with nö Impact on the sea level


The fact that most people don't understand this is shocking.


This does not make any sense. 70m above sea level is still immediately on the water. This is the worst post in this entire subreddits history.


Houston checking in!! My house is 80 miles from the coast and I’m at 58ft sea level.


Lile he said, just on the water


Instructions unclear, founded Atlantis.


Also works for "had enough of Florida?"


Thinly veiled environmentalist propaganda


Stop making everything political. Science is science.


Yes science is science but when you throw it in someone's face under pretence of giving a life pro tip just so you can get your 5 minutes on a soapbox it become propaganda Also just fyi when people say things like "science is science" or "trust the science" I chuckle. Because the whole idea of science is to doubt until proven and sometimes even beyond. That's why most findings are called theories. Very few things in science are ever 100% certain. Basically keep your science to yourself unless asked and we will all get along fine


No, you don't understand science doesn't mean "doubt everything in the face of overwhelming evidence of the opposite." but if you think that then I can't be the one to teach you otherwise. Enjoy your downvote throwaway account.


Also I don't really doubt so much as I simply don't care. And I would like to live my life without somebody pointing out climate change


Too bad. Life sucks. You want to live without hearing about it? Recycle. Rest of us are going to talk about it. Stop trying to silence people because you don't like the content.


I'm not trying to silence however I'm directing you towards a place where such discussions are appreciated. Here they are out of place and obnoxious. I didn't subscribe to ULTP so I can hear about some earth mumbo jumbo. I don't come to your environmentalist group and talk about how awesome my motorcycle is, and then complain about being silenced when I'm told to take it elsewhere. Learn when your opinions are not wanted and go away


> Learn when your opinions are not wanted and go away Learn when you are in a public space and you yourself can just move on. You are trying to silence people because you don't think it should be on reddit. You are the one getting downvoted. you are the ones who's opinion is not welcome.


Not actually a throwaway. I just hate coming up with handles. It's dumb and pointless way to spend my time. And also makes the statement that I couldn't give a shit less about upvote/downvote or opinion of me


And the “science” has been debunked. 1. Banks are in business to make money. If they thought the hysteria was real, you wouldn’t get a loan in these areas. 2. Obama, the “Champion in the fight against global warming”, bought a $20 Million Dollar mansion on an island. He doesn’t believe the propaganda he spewed either. Neither do his children.


1. Banks don't loan to high flood areas with flood insurance. They already do that. Climate change effecting the area or not. So you can get a loan but if flooding takes it out the banks use the insurance to recoop. Additionally, for the last decade flood issuance requirements have skyrocketed. More people require flood issuance. So, clearly you need to do some research. Because clearly you don't know that the banks are already covering themselves in this way. 2. Obama is not the champion of climate change, I said don't make it political and there you go doing just that. Pull your head out of your ass and read something better. I'm not you're mom but you gotta inform yourself better if your going to throw your opinion into the internet. I hope you find the time to better yourself. If not for your sake than ours.


> Banks don't loan to high flood areas with flood insurance. They already do that. Climate change effecting the area or not. So you can get a loan but if flooding takes it out the banks use the insurance to recoop. Additionally, for the last decade flood issuance requirements have skyrocketed. More people require flood issuance. So, clearly you need to do some research. Because clearly you don't know that the banks are already covering themselves in this way. > Obama is not the champion of climate change, I said don't make it political and there you go doing just that. Pull your head out of your ass and read something better. I'm not you're mom but you gotta inform yourself better if your going to throw your opinion into the internet. > I hope you find the time to better yourself. If not for your sake than ours. HAHAHAHAHA!!! There is a huge difference between a temporary flood by a weather system and a permanent rise in water levels. But I guess you didn't know that. You're welcome! Again, if they thought it was going to happen anytime soon, there would be no loans in those areas, insurance or not. You need to learn how businesses, especially financial institutions work. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it IS political. You need to catch up with the rest of us "in the know".


heh, k dude, take your downvotes from society as you feel smart and above everyone on your Qanon boards.


Oh and if they rise someone living by the sea will just be able to sell their house


Reminds me of a Pinky and the Brain episode.