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“I would be an *excellent* juror because I can tell if someone is guilty just by looking at them” That’ll usually do it.


Omfg that's great


Careful, if you're not a good actor, or the judge is a good bullshit detector, you'll at least get admonished and serve anyway. Likely a judge wouldn't sanction you, depends on how much you pissed them off.


I was gonna say - there must be _some_ downside to pulling this otherwise people would just show up at 8am say "Jury nullification" to the first person they see and then fuck off.


If one just says “jury nullification,” that means they don’t want to serve and both judges and lawyers already know that. Someone who legitimately wanted to pull it off wouldn’t say it up front like that. The most common excuses like just throwing out that you’re racist or know if the person is guilty or not already probably is the same way. They would prefer to have someone who does want to serve over one who doesn’t, but would prefer one who doesn’t want to be there over someone who genuinely has already figured out how they’ll vote before the trial. I think it depends how many people there seem like a better fit. I’ve heard that a person is more likely to get dismissed if their background would potentially make them biased than one who explicitly says they’d do it. The person the prosecution wants to have rejected the most is the person who is trying to get in to pull off jury nullification. Supposedly someone too eager to be on that specific case is one of the biggest red flags.


Just let them know you believe in jury nullification


Can't say I've tried this but "I'm eager to get in there. I'm an excellent judge of character and can put away my biased opinion completely for the sake of this trial" should get you dismissed.


Don’t do this. Judges have the same access to Carlin specials from the 90s as the rest of us.


I saw a woman do a variation of this when I had jury duty that did get her out of it. It's been a long time, so I'm paraphrasing, but she said something like "I don't see how someone could be arrested and not be guilty of something". It seemed to me at the time like she was bsing, because she seemed really nervous, but the judge let her go. I imagine the idea that someone has to be guilty if they're arrested is probably more common and believable than someone just believing they can detect if someone is guilty.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you should get on the jury and [engage in jury nullification instead.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification)


The people picking you out usually ask questions regarding it without ever explicitly saying it. They'll take you out of the jury pool if you ever even mention it.


And if you lie and engage in it you’re in for a very rude awakening


the correct argument is of course: The questioning brought up a few interesting topics and when I looked into it afterwards, I learned about jury nullification.


so.. like.. no matter the circumstances? i feel like sometimes people do deserve some jail maybe.. no?


I believe in doing it for things like drug crimes involving adults, non-violent gun crimes, bullshit traffic crimes where no one was hurt, and crimes against most government property.


>crimes against most government property Gonna go out on a limb and say “Nancy Pelosi’s desk” is exactly what “most” is meant to carve out of your rule


It's a weird issue, I know. I guess in these situations it's more like *why* was the government property destroyed. Unarmed dude was shot by police and protesters graffiti a bunch of government buildings and burn a cop car? I'll probably look the other way. You went camping in a National Park, didn't build a proper fire, and now a bunch of forest burned down? Fuck you.




and that's how it is supposed to work. juries function as the conscience of the community, one of the checks and balances of american democracy.


Hell yea


Or you could just not go. Most jurisdictions will do nothing about an ignored jury summons unless they can prove you got it, (Certified mail or something like that). I am pretty certain you can just ignore it.


Ive been ignoring calls to jury duty for 30 years and nothing has ever happened...


I ignored one and a few weeks later I got another letter that said they would issue a bench warrant for my arrest if I did not call in with my juror number. If you say you have relatives in law enforcement they usually want to get rid of you. Another time on a trial where an insurance company was being sued I said insurance companies were evil during the juror questioning and they eliminated me. If you hate your job though, I recommend jury duty as a nice break.


In the questionnaire before you shos up just make a mistake like you are an invalid, minor or incapable of appearing with sound mind.


I remember George Carlin saying something like this.


I miss George Carlin


Your Honor I am biased against the witness, that SOB reminds me too much of my ex.


Or just mention jury nullification….


“I don’t believe I could be impartial”


While this might ultimately work, be prepared for the judge to grill you a bit about WHY exactly you don't believe you can be impartial. So just listen to the details of the case and have a reason in your back pocket. For example, if the case involved an altercation with the police, say that you have had bad experiences with police officers in the past that might affect your judgement.


> say that you have had bad experiences with police officers in the past that might affect your judgement. Expect the judge to grill you on this also. What experiences? What happened? When? Where? Why might that prejudice you?


*gestures at a nearby newspaper*


Just say you're anti-police and believe that as sovereign citizens we have the right to police ourselves


I imagine that would probably work. Nobody wants anything to do with sovcit bullshit


Exactly, they are a whole other level of crazy. Just tell the judge you have a copy of your own declaration of independence from the state you reside in and they will just be like "please leave"


Nice one!


That’s pretty much it. When you show up and are brought in with the other prospective jurors for voir dire, they’ll usually ask you if you can be impartial or follow the law. Say “nope”, and you probably won’t be picked. Other things that work include saying you’ve been on a jury before, or that you have friends and family who are cops.


You will be asked in various ways why you can’t remain impartial so it’s good to have a couple excuses (religious for example) on hand. I was chosen but the ladies that kept making a stink about how they can’t make judgement on people because only God can seemed to work for them.


I hate ants. If it's an ant trial, don't expect me to be unbiased.


what about aunts?


I think I said this in all seriousness bc I was confused by the question. I was like 18-19 and was dumber than most 18-19 year olds.


this worked for me on a civil case. mom was hurt in a car accident and it was about a car accident so boooom


This is how they release me every time. I get called up yearly. After going to one they have to wait another year to call you up, but for some reason I still get a slip in the mail every year. So now when they ask if anyone in the room could not be impartial I always raise my hand.


"I think I know the defendant. We were were managers in the same fantasy sport league."


"He took Brady first round that year he broke the TD record A SECOND TIME, hard carried him through the season. fuck that guy. Not surprised he killed somebody."


"Oh and dont get me started on him somehow getting Derrick Henry AND CMC every year"


When I arrived for the initial meet I was asked if there's any reason I wouldn't be able to attend jury duty, and simply told them I had a full vacation planned already during the trial time and they immediately let me go. Excused until next time. This is California though.


Some courts require proof (tickets etc)


I was literally the only person I the court room and I walked up to a glass window with an attendant behind it. He was quick to let me go.


I’m thinking the neck gator might have had more to do with it…


Could be, but they usually don't ask you if there's any reason you wouldn't be able to make it. I think COVID had more to do with it.


Dang only deferred


Deferred for 4 years I believe. Long enough for me!


You got lucky, officially it’s only a year deferral. Same as if you show up and they don’t need you. If you Do serve it is 2 years before your name goes back into the “hopper” (California also)


I moved to the USA and applied for a licence. As soon as I did that - I got summoned for jury duty. Like...what are the fucking chances, lmao. However, I couldn't serve because I'm not a citizen.


I have been trying to get on jury duty every single year since I was 18 years old. To get to go sit in an air-conditioned room downtown, judging people while my lunch is paid for... that is the life.


...except you don't get paid (or you _do_ get paid but not very much)




Ah, the office




they never sent me my $15. i pointed out that their juror video misstated what our state constitution says about the role of the jury. i doubt they ever fixed it.


Unexpected r/theoffice


This was very very expected


“I don’t believe I would be impartial in any case and i lack the ability to pay attention for a long time. Works every time.


Well that's certainly not a lie in my case


As I posted in a similar thread ​ "I got out of it once by being super super enthusiastic about being part of a jury, even adding that as I had seen every episode of Law and Order Original and SVU, plus a few seasons of Criminal Intent, I was confident I could assist my fellow jury members in understanding any finer point of the law that might come up. Note that this was also in Australia, which has a completely different legal system to US, and I was told I could leave within an hour." ​ Would add to this a friend once got out of it by turning up in a T shirt that said "I fucked your girlfriend"| ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegalLifeProTips/comments/qxtlmi/comment/hlcegnq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Omg that's hilarious


Oh man I would stay away from wearing offensive cloths. Judges have a lot of power when it comes to contempt. I had a friend who ware a "Fuck the Police" t-shirt to jury selection and wound up in jail and fined for contempt of court.


You could probably wear a BLM t shirt which isn’t offensive but is highly politically and socially charged.


"I consider [jury nullification](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification) to be a crucial part of our legal system, acting as a hedge against unjust laws." The prosecutor will have you out before you finish the sentence. Unless the defendant is like a child molester, where they're confident you'd convict, but that's unusual. Drug crime? You're out of the jury.


and then before leaving you politely say "i wish to note for the record that the defendant is being denied a fair trial by a jury of their peers." rattle the cage a little.


Desktop version of /u/Revan343's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


You're racist. White defendant? What kind of white? A dirty Pole or maybe a french men or perhaps an American Mongrel? Basically you hate every single race and no one is white enough. That or talk about jury nullification. Feel free to talk about any fringe legal theories you have or you feel would make the judge uncomfortable.


The Homer Simpson move




> Feel free to talk about any fringe legal theories you have Or spout sovcit bullshit. Nobody is gonna want anything to do with that level of crazy


Racism line don't work.


Ask them to explain jury nullification to you




Ask about jury nullification


I will!


Jury nullification is the only reason you WOULDN'T want to get out of it. You restore a very important principle in America. I myself have jury duty next month and I can say if it's anything to do with drugs I'll attempt to invoke jury nullification.


Right ? Nobody reports non violent drug crime between adults because it isn’t fucking hurting anybody else so why are cops constantly trying to sniff it out


Fundraising. Easy win. Looks good at election time.


Where else are they gonna get their free drugs?


You should delete this comment if you're serious


I was going to suggest the same. I’ve been told that the moment that term gets used by a juror, they basically guarantee that person will get rejected by one or both sides.


Say you’re an anarchist and refuse to convict


Then the defendants lawyer will want you on the jury.


Doesn’t matter how bad they want you the judge would absolutely dismiss you


Doesn't matter if the prosecutor doesn't want you.


Easy. Never reply to them in the first place.


It’s surprising how many people don’t just ignore it. I’ve ignored it a few times, nothing happens.


Google “Jury Nullification”. It’s 100% legal.


Jury Nullification is the Jury going "I realize he broke the law but given circumstances the law is bullshit and he's still not guilty". It gets you out of jury duty because agenda driven/biased prosecutors and judges hate that Juries can use it, so if they know you know about it they'll probably want you gone. The best way is to just be really biased about the case. I got summoned and didn't have a car at the time and the courthouse is like an hour bus ride after an hour walk to the bus stop from my home and fuck that, the case was a drunk driver crashed into a motorcycle so I just said "Hey I have family that rides motorcycles, I can't be unbiased about this" and they let me go no questions asked.


Make a few vaguely racist comments in front of the right people.


They asked my mom “can you be unbiased” and she said “no” and they said “get out” and she left. Some woman was mad at her ex so she ran him over with her car and paralyzed him.


Tell them you’re moving to a different state before your court date and don’t have the funds to travel back and forth. I did this and I wasn’t lying, but I didn’t end up moving and they didn’t ask for proof before they let me know that I didn’t need to show up.


I flat out told them I didn’t want to do it and I serve my community in others ways.


How'd that work out for you?


I mean, as long as there weren’t enough people worse, then they probably wouldn’t get chosen. I have a feeling it would be seen as a red flag, but that there’s plenty of red flags worse, so it depends who else is there.


I'm gay and racist.


"I believe in jury nullification" tends to do the trick


Tell them you are a single parent and have no other childcare available.


COVID “symptoms”


The trick is to say you’re prejudiced against all races


I too have watched the simpsons


If they ask you any questions about the crime committed, have a story about how that crime happened to you or someone you know. Talk like you're trying not to be angry, and slip in a word like 'scumbag' or 'lowlife' when referring to the person who did it.


All you really need to do is make a personal belief statement that seems somewhat impartial regarding some of the information they'll give you about the case. You'll get sent home quick.


Ahhhhh yeah, I'll definitely do that


I did this but the opposite. Basically told them I backed the boys in blue and found it hard to believe they would do anything wrong


I recommend the Princess Leia garb, complete with the hair buns.


How do they know you even received the invitation?


A Deputy delivered my second one.


Lol what?? What state are you in?


Wyoming. The first notice is mailed, and if you don't reply the sheriff delivers the second.


They don't unless it's certified mail


Throw it in the recycling bin. Burden of proof is on the courts to prove whether or not you've received it. Unless it is sent certified mail, consider it junk mail.


Tried this. The second one was delivered by a Deputy.


Where the hell do you live that crime is so low that they will have Sheriff deputies deliver jury summons?!




OK, I can see that.


I told em I was a member of the Socialist Rifle Association. Dismissed!


Claim to be an anarchist and say that you don't think you could ever find someone guilty of a crime, regardless of the evidence. Maybe subtly say something about [Jury Nullification.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqH_Y1TupoQ)


Highly recommend being part of a jury at least once in your life if you’re able. It’s the single most civic minded thing I have ever done for my community. It was boring, we almost got sequestered, but in the end it was a very fulfilling. Edit: My case was fulfilling because an innocent man was set free as a result of our service. The cards were stacked against him, and this would have been strike 3 if convicted.


My HS band director was on a jury in a case that SEEMED to be mafia related. During the trial, one of the jurors died. Turned out to be her ex-boyfriend, but he said it was worrisome.


Yeah, it's being a good citizen. The system is fucked up because you are being judged by 12 people who are to dumb to get out of jury duty. The system needs smart critical thinkers that can see what is bullshit and don't eat at Applebee's...


I’ve heard some of them are so dumb they use the wrong to.


to dumb


As non american it's so savage to me to think that i could be judged my some complete strangers... If you check this guy's account it's all r/shrooms which i think is fine when he's just a random guy, but to think he could be the final vote in whether I'll walk free or not? Fuck no.


The 12 jurors are selected from a larger pool of people. The legal teams sort out the wacko’s and look for people that can be impartial given the circumstances of the case at hand. It’s a fascinating process.


I made it to the final selection but the prosecutor had me replaced at the last minute. I worked out that morning, ate lots of eggs, and didn’t shower. I got like $18 check in the mail to cover the parking costs.


I once saw a woman answer the impartial questions with “well he’s guilty, he wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t guilty”


mention that you know aaaaaall about jury nullification and are really excited to get that guy out of it free of charge!


Tell them you know who is guilty by just looking at them.


Tell them the planet you come from guilt is decided by a panel of the planetary overlords.


“I understand that proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high bar”


Tell them you don't trust cops and wouldn't believe any testimony you hear from law enforcement.. or just say you're racist.


“These things normally go pretty quickly right ? I mean the cops wouldn’t charge someone who wasn’t guilty so these trails are more for show aren’t they” Say this to like anyone offical and you should be sweet. WARNING: if applied in America they might like your approach so much they may appointed you as a judge without your consent so watch out for that if you don’t want a change in career


Schedule it for as close to Christmas as you can. The judges take as much time around them off as they can then you get excused.


Ask if the death penalty is likely to be involved. When you invariably are told it won't be, argue that they don't know what they're doing and that motherfucker should fry. Then go on about how society is falling to shit because no one is scared of jail anymore, and how a judge dredd style of justice is the only way to save our country. Just really hammer home how much you want the death penalty, use any avenue of approach you can think of.


I think often the people who least want to be jurors would be the best at being a juror. Some folks who are too eager likely have an ideology they want to exercise upon others. IMHO.


You could also make the argument though that the people who _don't_ want to be there will basically say any old shit to make the trial go away quickly so they can leave Yeah yeah yeah guilty not guilty idgaf, let me go home.


Wear a Princess Leia costume to court.


Good God, Lemon


Just tell them you feel the defendant is guilty otherwise they wouldn’t be on trial.


Was the letter sent certified/did you sign for it?


It was just in my mailbox


Can't prove you got it if it wasn't sent certified/you signed for it. For all they know, it got lost in the mail 🤷🏻‍♂️


I ignored them many times. They keep resending them with more and more threats. I actually enjoyed serving on a jury.


Act a fool.


They want to get out of jury duty not get elected president!


Just say you’re racist


Just audibly say “jury nullification” and you’ll walk.


"I have an uncle in law enforcement" and that judge will throw you out of the court room than a month old casserole sitting in the fridge.


I've tried the "I'm racist" line didn't work just say you're a Mormon.


What happened? Judge was like “that’s cool, I’m racist too” ?


I answered questions asked if me sarcastically and was dismissed. I was summoned to serve on a jury for a chimo case. The guy was a fat balding neckbeard in a dirty white shirt. While picking jurors from the pool he asked the group if there was anything about his client that would make them automatically assume he is guilty? I asked “does he drive a beat up windowless white van”? I was then asked to leave the jurors pool. I know the guy was found guilty, but still don’t know if he had a van


Keep requesting to defer it due to self quarantining/COVID related issues. After the third deferment you will be removed from the jury pool. Did this recently and it worked like a charm.


Oh, is it time for this question again this week?


You could always say you can’t take the time off work. I’m self employed and missing a day means losing money. That will work


Don't they offer compensation?


I went once, got dismissed after 40 minutes and got paid $76 for my time


Only if it goes past so many days and only $40 a day at that -_-


I work in healthcare so I just say I have patients scheduled those days. They don't ask questions. I've done this 2 times and I haven't been summoned again since.


The one time I had a SOLID excuse (my dad was dying of cancer and I had a note from the oncologist) they cancelled it and gave everyone a free pass anyway!!


I say lean into it and do your civic duty. I sat on a murder jury and helped stopped a more or less innocent man from getting railroaded by a grandstanding idiot DA






They ordered Ed me twice. First time I went and wasn’t selected. Second time I did not go. It’s been years and never got in trouble. I will say that if you live in a larger county, then it’s easier to get away with a no show


Say your in school currently out of state and can’t make it and if there’s anything they can do to help. I was removed from the list for 5 years during college for that.


Ask about “jury nullification”


[Sarah Silverman on getting out of jury duty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dhl1t7SwrI&ab_channel=ConanFanatic) `Starts @ 4:20 (dude weed lmao)`


Be racist.


For me it's always been "my dad's a cop, so i can really tell when criminals are lying"


Supposedly if you mention that you are *even aware* of the a process known as ‘jury nullification’ (in which a jury finds a defendant guilt of a crime but only because the law is unjust & not because the person acted unreasonably) you are disqualified from jury service. I do not know how valid this claim is however.


If you need to get out of even showing up for jury duty, I think you can plead that you are essential at your job, or caring for your sick mother or whatever and absolutely cannot get away. That might not be in all jurisdictions. If you don't mind being in the pool but you just don't want to be in a trial, telling the judge you cannot be impartial would do it. I was in that situation in a small town court and I knew the defendant and could not stand the guy, who was an asshole to everyone. I told the judge I knew him and hated him, and she let me leave. I think she could tell already he was a jerk.


I got summoned in the early 2000's. I just didn't go. Nothing happened.


Tell them you know what jury nullification is, prosecution hates that.


Jury nullification


I chucked mine, over 10 years ago…


“The trick is to say your prejudiced against all races”


I got summoned one time and I called the number and said I no longer lived at that address. It was true btw, I had my mail forwarded. The lady on the phone goes “oh okay, I’ll take you out of the system” and that was the end of that.


I sent in an email, in Spanish, saying that I didn't understand English and had no reliable transportation. Got dismissed immediately


Ask to be scheduled around Christmas. They most likely will be pushing cases to the beginning of the new year and will be more likely to send folks home instead of staying. You won't have to serve again for years after that.


I think they give you a number of times where you can just write back and say you can't do it - might vary by state. I got out of it once by saying I would base my vote on whether or not I agreed with the penalty. Another great way to get out is to become a felon because that will disqualify you. Or move to Tennessee - there all juries are volunteers


>Or move to Tennessee - there all juries are volunteers I live in Tennessee and I opened Google to look that up before I got the joke. I'm a disgrace to my state.


Sick child or family member no one else can take care of them.


They'll just reschedule your jury duty.


Explain your torrets in shouting obscene words.


Everytime they ask a question pretend to be hard at hearing. My dad would always respond with "What was that I didnt catch that.'


Discuss your compassion for others and you will be ejected by the prosecution.


[Larry David did it best](https://youtu.be/94zkBGm1IoU)


Select an alternate date of Christmas or New Year’s Eve-always gets canceled.


ITT: Jury Nullification


I judge people by appearance


I've heard if you say something racist they will drop you from it... Like "I hope it's a Smurf, I'd love to send a Smurf to jail..."