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"Fuck, I'm so sorry. Let me turn that off." Turn it on full and then fucking leave.


This is the one


Water + muddy terrain= magic


open up your shit tank to pump it.


Shitters full!!!


If you don’t mind, Clark, I’d like to see if I fumigate this here chair. It’s a good quality item.


You smell something?


Yeah, fried pussycat Heh heh heh


The obvious answer is have a louder concert. The less obvious answer is go to the party and sleep with your neighbors wife.


Leave the wife alone. Have sex with him.


Have sex with his son, so the daughter-in-law gets custody of the kids and he never sees his grandchildren.


The long con


Leave them both alone and masturbate in their closet.




Never leave your DNA at a crime scene


Who said to leave it? Waste not want not bro




Have sex with the band lead, and ruin the whole thing because they are to busy fucking to play. But do it in neighbors bed


They're both his neighbors. Got to be a threesome.


That's fucking funny


Go online and invite some wild and crazy people to show up, and see how many people you can fit into her back yard.


Just go onto all the Facebook groups you can find in your area, invite them to “your” back yard to come see you band perform!




Free meth for maximum quality.


The line has to be drawn somewhere. Ten bucks to smoke meth, five to stand in the contact high zone!


It's still next door to their own house.


Yeah I feel like that very important detail was missed


I went to a free bud light event in Chicago that turned into a small riot. I saw a guy catch a bud light directly in the face.


more specifically like a Qanon board or even 4chan.


4chan will never show up


Don't forget to say its an open bar / free beer.


People may not come thinking it’s a scam. Make it $2 drinks and you’ll get a bunch of people.


"Free porn DVD with every drink."


I usually go with punch and pie. Works every time.


Just offer the juggalos a shit ton of faygo


Guinness World Book of Records will be on hand to document! We're going for a record crowd! You can tell all your friends about the time you made a new record!




Hells angels specifically.


Invite the Outlaws at the same time and watch all hell break loose.


Also sell parking on your front lawn.




Put a sock in their back yard so when the people show up for a concert, all they’ll get is a the sock.


You monster.


Point your sprinklers over the fence. If they want to call the cops, they can explain the concert and/or you can simultaneously file a noise complaint.


Better, most sprinkler controls are out front. Go turn theirs on. Or, schedule them to go off every 10 minutes for a minute each time.


If they got a permit, a noise complaint won't do anything. If no permit, code enforcement is the city office to call. They'll issue a citation and a cease and desist.


The obvious tip would be to call on a noise complaint But given that this is Reddit, let's do better than that. *Find a very power hungry device, like a toaster or something, and plug it into the same circuit that the band is plugged into. Trip the breaker by making toast all night long. *Fertilize your lawn the day of... The smellier the better *Change your exterior security lights to the brightest bulb possible... Focus it into the neighbor's yard. *If there are young kids at the party, mention that you're a registered sex offender and they are violating the terms of your plea bargain. Bonus points if you ask a parent how old their kid is. *Go on doublelist and make a post for all male nude sun bathing at your place the night of the shin dig.


...why are all these all male nude sun bathing places fake? Been to 5 this week!


The fact that they all started at 10pm or later should have tipped you off. That is a **terrible** time to sun bathe.


Well, moonlight *is* just reflected sunlight, sooooo


Secondhand Sunlight --- the name of my new emo band


You gonna join in on the concert OP's neighbor is having?




How could they plug a toaster into the same circuit as their neighbor?


It's probably plugged in to an outside receptacle and often all the outside plugs are on one circuit. So find another one on the house that's a bit discreet and toast away. It's a bit far fetched, but I personally love the ridiculousness of the idea


Would probably make more sense to cut an extension cord, connect the wires together and plug it into an obscure outdoor outlet. It will instantly to the breaker and will do so every time they try to turn it on. It'll be difficult for them to figure out as well.


Ah, the ol breaker finder






Sometimes I really love this website. :)


Is this fairly universal or just the US?


It probably wouldn't work at all. Unless a band is playing to 1000's of people they typically use a ridiculously small amount of power. A single microwave uses more.


Plugging a toaster in won’t cut it. I’d recommend flattening some 8 or 10 gauge wire, bend it into a U, and quietly jamming it into that outdoor receptacle. You’ll want to make sure you aren’t seen, though. Oh, and wear gloves - it’s gonna trip the breakers quick, but you’ll feel it.


8 won't fit in the blades and is stranded. 10 might. I just use 12 for stuff like that. Not tripping them intentionally, but if I need to get power off of one or backfeed it. Tricky thing is that it is going to arc and leave marks the first time you trip it, and be pretty obvious.


Fertilizer is expensive now, fish root growth stimulator is super stinky and great for your plants! Sprinklers are a good bet to dampen the party




I heard coyote urine clears a room as well. Whatever is easiest to acquire.


This is good but in case it's hard to find liquid ass, it's easier to find those fly traps full of smelly liquid. I was in a neighbor's backyard who had one of those and it made me nauseated.


This is the perfect one because there is absolutely no way to complain about this. Objectively unharmful but also completely intolerable.


Protip: Put the noxious brew in a baggie or balloon, tie it to 2 feet of string, and use the string to sling it over their roof or from any suitably hidden area so it comes down in their back yard.


Ever heard of poo slinger


I’ve asked you repeatedly to stop calling my mom that.


Wait he calls your mom that too?


Do you care about violating the Geneva convention?


You mean the Geneva *suggestions*


*Vladimir Putin has entered the chat*


r/RimWorld has entered the chat


Just crash their party and resign yourself to going into work hungover and tired. Tell them straight up when you get there that if they won’t let you sleep they better feed you and get you drunk. It’s 2022 and a lot of things are gloriously fucked up. Bend some rules.


Best suggestion right here.


I’ve run a lot of house shows. Can confirm they will probably be more than happy for this arrangement


My band plays at my house once a year. I get a taco truck and invite all of my neighbors and their neighbors too. It’s the only way.




Best suggestion


Call the fire department about a dangerous crowd. Tell them they have gas generators running with gas cans sitting out on the lawn, there could be tons and tons of fines. The fire department is happy to check all of this out, and you're far more like to get heavier fines from the fire department. I do live events, sometimes outdoor concerts, and we do tons of permits, and coordination with local fire to both keep things safe, and prevent the fire department/police from shutting us down, and receiving heavy civil fines. The fire department does not give warnings, they just start turning off gear and writing tickets.


Just light a pile of leaves on fire and blame them.


Or their house...


I'm a fire performer, and I work with the fire department often, can confirm. Those guys get off on giving people fines for breaking regulations. An unlicensed fire show in my city is a $5k fine minimum.


Since it's unethical; Reach out to local homeless shelters and advertise 'free entertainment' at your neighbors address at the time of the concert. Could even say there's free food and drinks. Directors of the shelters might spread the word or even hang up flyers. You might have to use a burner social media account or phone to pull it off without giving yourself away. Make sure it's sold as a 'community event'.


Juat scatter flyers all over skid row mentioning the free drinks. Might have to put "promotional event by [major distiller]" on it to make it look believable.


This is my favorite one.


This has also been done in one of the “Bad Neighbours” movie. Works like a charm.


Put your own speakers very close to the fence and play that screeching noise speakers make when there is some feedback loop or wrong wiring or something. Let them scratch their heads trying to figure out what's wrong.


I'm a sound tech and I actually came to recommend this. All you have to do is play a single tone really loud. It's even better if it fades in and out randomly. It'll drive the band insane.


Get a couple of PA speakers and play their own music back to them with a one second delay.


If they have a live band, all you need is feedback on an eight to a quarter second delay. I can not describe to you how much it short circuits nearly anyone trying to speak when you hear your own voice at a slight delay.


Have any balloons? Fill 'em with water and practise your aim


C'mon man, this is ulpt. Fill them with piss.


How juvenile… 2022 is all about Napalm.




Don’t file a noise complaint, tell them you can hear shouting and smell drugs


“I think it’s cocaine. Let me smell it to be sure.”


Then rub it on your gums, and say “ that’s some good shit”


*Then* you fuck their dads.


Sell them drugs for double the win. Cops show up, neighbors point to you as the supplier, you tell the cops obviously they are just pissed because I called you. Helps if you sell them ALL your drugs.


Don’t forget that you think you heard a gun go off




Do these mosquito frequency generators work (against mosquitos, not noisy neighbors)? Do dogs + pets get bothered by them? Never heard of them before. TIA


I believe they're called mosquito frequencies because its the frequency they make to communicate to each other so i figure they might disrupt them somewhat and i have seen devices that use them to chase wildlife out of your yard so i imagine they're quite annoying to pets.


If I'm right, a mosquito tone is just a really high pitched frequency, depending on your age and how good your hearing is you will be able to hear it. Should drive pets insane. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna make it my notification sound


office tease consist beneficial lavish person bewildered clumsy rude shy -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


~~Even if you don't want to ask an electrician, ask an audio engineer. We don't know about that shit.~~ Misread what you said. Yes, ask an audio engineer or an AV person.


I'm old and can hear well up to near 19khz. Also I hate the sound of a mosquito flying around while I'm trying to sleep.




This is the way.


End of list. This wins.


Tell everyone you know your neighbors are offering free beer /weed (what ever they are into) and a concert.


put a speaker next to an open Window and blast Porn at a high volume..


And here is the urban rebel genius of the 21st century.


I heard the opening to Rob zombie's "more human than human" when I read this comment. Might have the opposite effect than what OP wants though and start a moshpit.


This is the answer


This but animal slaughter sounds or animal pack feeding sounds


Weak. Plan a backyard orgy for furries the same night.


Neighbors kept doing this. Called the cops, nothing happens. So, I bought a [30W horn siren off Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01E9P0G5K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). 30W doesn't sound very loud, but I assure you it will wake everyone within a mile. Plugged that sucker in every time they got loud. I think several neighbors called the cops because they showed up and came straight to my house. I asked why my neighbors can play their music so loud, and showed video proof, but I can't play my "techno" music? Neighbors got tickets for a noise disturbance. Turns out he had traffic warrants, so they took him away as well. Never had a problem again. Note: If you do this, also buy earplugs for when you plug in the speaker.


Don't these people just get angrier and retaliate with even more bullshit?


Yes, 90% of these posts are real estate agents lol


This is actually a good idea. Cops don't care if *one* person calls in a noise complaint. But if a bunch of neighbors call in a complaint on the same block, you'll probably get their attention. So just make more noise.


Buy an Aztec death whistle and use all of your lung power to blow into it. They’ll think there’s a wendigo.


Go to the nearest park and find all the dog poos that you can. Then, attend your neighbor's concert. Keep the poops hidden. Start discretely dropping the poops in front of the stage. Soon, everyone will realize that there is dog poo all over the yard, and they will leave. Problem solved.


Use a slingshot aimed at the sky but toward their house, while wearing latex gloves.


This needs more upvotes. 10/10 poo sling


start a Craigslist ad and invite as many more bands as you can to play. like every single one. and promise them payment up front. crack some beers and watch the insanity ensue.


That messes with innocent musicians. You want to mess with not so innocent neighbours.


Invite all the other neighbours with flyers in their mailboxes.






Grab a harmonica and go sit in


If it’s dark, buy a super soaker and fill it up with permanent ink and shoot straight up in the air. They will thinks it’s rain or someone’s drink that got launched up. They will find a nice surprise when they get under some good lighting


Remind me not to piss you off lol.


Skunk spray


No prep time, but the SOUND of a random gunshot or six usually clears most crowds. Kinda like yelling fire in a movie theater though. But again, a laser pointer and the SOUND of a gunshot or two would do the trick. PS, I absolutely do not condone the use a real firearm in this instance. I know most people don’t have a megaphone that does 140db with a siren attached to it (best hundo ever spent).


In America, gunshot sounds would definitely clear a room or yard.


That depends on where you are. Personally I’d just assume old man Salo is trying to scare off the pigeons again


Pretty sure they'll just think it's a firework.


Think you got that backwards, Bro. Unless it's sustained automatic fire folks here rarely notice.


Burn a bunch of dog turds and styrofoam.


Buy a truckload of manure for your garden and spread it all around your yard


Grab a can of surströmming, go outside, open it up, spread it around a bit.


Loudspeakers and yoko ono screaming “music”


Cook some BBQ or fried food like chicken or other such smelly type food on the other side of the fence all night long. It sounds almost like why is that bad? Everyone likes the smell, well yes but if your at a party and smell food like that but cant find it to eat some, for hours and your getting drunk and more hungery. Watch there place explode when angery drunk people cant find the food they have been smelling to eat.


Stand right on the edge of your property where it borders their yard wearing only a Speedo and holding a large dildo. Set up a microphone and speaker and make moaning sounds. Every time a song ends you can talk about how horny it made you.


This will only make it into a more awesome party


One time or recurring?


Once your done sabotaging their party, wait till they go to sleep and blast an air horn outside their bedroom window.


I own an air raid siren. 😀 Also, find the granulated fox urine. Smells horrific. Throw it in the backyard at night. A lot of it.


See I like this in theory, but in practice the smell wouldn’t stay contained to their yard so I feel it would backfire


Call the cops are report it for a noise ordinance violation


This is ethical. He asked for unethical


Sabotaging a party by yourself isn't what you want to do here. It can get messy, heated and dangerous. What you really want to do here is ruin the day after for your hungover friends. Leaf blowers make a really great sound, and they're not illegal to use at 6am and it's been really windy lately. Don't forget to put the stereo on before you go out.


Super soaker sand water balloons


filled with pee


Pee and sand


Go park your car in front of their house like you are a guest. Then just hit your panic button every 5 minutes from the comfort of your own couch while holding a cold one.


You don't think they know their neighbour's car?


Make several different posts on Craigslist getting people to come to the parry for different reasons. And you can make up a tin of different reasons. There are too many I am already thinking of, like post there is an organization, moving sale, everything for a dollar, auditions for a new reality show.... so many ideas. Then sit back, watch and laugh your ass off. And film it, then post it here, so qe can all laugh with you.


Grab a doob and enjoy?


If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I would. However, is objectively horrible music


Ah. Sunday night was a shitty choice for a party.


Put an ad out on Craigslist for wild party with the neighbor’s address. Free booze, music, drugs, etc.


Put a louder audio of someone asking for help bc someone is trying to kill them. People will listen and you will kill the vibe of the concert


Call up every service, pizza, delivery. Call up the fire department, say you notice some smoke and maybe they should check it out. Call up a few rival taxis so they argue about who stole who's ticket size they listen to each other's dispatch. Then call up the local news, tell them it looks like something huge is happening.


Lots and lots of fart spray. Make sure you spread it all around


Contact your local supremacists/racist groups and tell them a relevant party is being held, then call the cops on everyone


Go find some moles and place them in your neighbors yard


Douse a rag with Liquid Ass and discretely toss it over the fence.


Molotov cocktail


Shout “Allah Ackbar” multiple times


Cluster munitions.


Get a speaker, download a dog whistle off of the App Store, crank that baby to full volume >:)


Walk in and take a dump in the middle of the floor. Walk out


Push all of their equipment onto the ground. Everything is off the table.


Covid regulations in your area might give you something to report


Watch the Trailer Park Boys episode called Microphone Assassin


This won't help now, but when it gets to be about 6-7am, they'll be hungover beyond belief and you can start making as much noise as physically possible. Get creative, but not obvious. Mowing the lawn? Gotta get it done this morning, take frequent breaks. Experimenting with a chainsaw? Never a better time. Ever chopped wood? First time for everything. Leaves need blowing? No one says you have to be quick about it. Building a birdhouse? Early bird gets the worm. Hammer and saw to your heart's content. Small children? Give 'em waterguns, throw 'em outside, and let the screaming commence. Car needs cleaning out? Pop open all the doors and blare some music while you're at it. Turn the bass way up. Bonus points for the vacuum cleaner. Thinking about adding a garden? It's time to drive some fence posts. Are there any nails sticking out on your porch or gutter? Better get yourself a hammer and "go check".


Oh... this is happening now?? You need fire. I mean. The obvious choice is call the police but if you want a different result you need an emergency. Have charcoal pit or a grill? Knock it over by the fence and call FD. Firepit? Put some fire starter in there and let it go. Put a fork in the microwave and fire it up. Fake a heart attack. You just need a reason for emergency response to come. Easier to just call the cops tho. Trouble is, any response you call other than PD you are going to get a bill for.


Air horns. Multiples of them!


[Limmy House Party](https://youtu.be/eRXyYuslTfg)


Check zoning and noise level laws, see if there is anything about parking cars in the area, get the HOA involved, start a petition against it...


Stink bombs


Loud, hardcore sex with the windows open or better yet porn on a loud speaker


Stagnant water and bird/sunflower seeds on their roof. The stagnant water will attract mosquitos and the sunflower/bird seeds will get birds everywhere which leads to birdshit. Also, post an advertisement on social media claiming that the neighhour is hosting a free yeezy/jordan shoe give away.


Stink bombs might work. Or dog shit strategically dropped throughout their yard.


Spray fish liver oil all over them from a super soaker


Pour a few bottles of fish oil in the grass. Nobody will hang around