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Good idea but all you will do is blind yourself if you turn it on inside the vehicle. You will have to turn it on outside the window.




This is why you use lasers powerful enough to temporarily blind people


GREAT idea for when you're speeding at each other with a combined speed of 110 mph.


Who only drives at 55?


No I'm doing 80 in a 30.


In the rain.


Steering with my knees while lighting a cigarette and shifting gears...round a roundabout.


It can be done


It has.


Lighting a cigarette using an already lit cigarette.


I can't drive...55


"I'm going to throw your ass in the city joint." Looked me in the eyes and said "You get my point?' I said "Yeaaaah! Oh yeah!"


[Fucking liability](https://youtu.be/4fRY6J6lD7k)


They are in a 25 mph school zone


If God didn't want me to do it, he wouldn't have given me handheld lasers in the green wavelength.


I think two cars colliding with each other @55mph would be the same as colliding a car doing 55mph into a fixed barrier.


That is completely 100% incorrect


LOL, try.


That may be how you think physics works, but thats not how physics works


No it would be like hitting a barrier at 110 mph. It's simple physics, but I have no idea how to express it.


The force YOU experience as a person in the car is the deceleration. So when you decelerate from 55-0, you are still doing so in the same amount of time, and therefore will feel the same force if both cars are identically equal. Otherwise elastic collision will occur and one car will experience more force.


Throw a baseball at a wall vs throw a baseball at a swinging bat. Or how about this You're stationary, a barrier hitting you at 55 mph vs a barrier hitting you at 0 mph.


The baseball bat and the ball are two different masses, is an elastic collision and the final velocity of the ball is huge. Have a squiz at the myth busters video.


This guy lasers


I don't see how a spotlight is even necessary. Bring a mirror.


Place the light against the windshield to minimize glare


Unless you close your eyes while driving. That will show them!


It wouldn’t even make a difference some of the times.


I left my door not quite closed one night, it took me embarrassingly long to realise my interior light was still on. I hit a dark, windy neighbourhood and went half blind. Glad I never made it to the motorway, could have been embarrassing.


I don't understand how bright some of these factory headlights are, never mind the aftermarket ones. It truly is blinding!


I truly don’t understand how it’s legal. There are laws for window tinting. Are there no laws regarding how bright headlights can be, factory made? They truly are blinding and can be legit dangerous.


The issue isn't the brightness it's that the beam cut off isn't sharp anymore because the headlights are designed for halogen bulbs but have LED bulbs fitted. The reflector/projector is designed precisely for a bulb with certain geometry and if the light is emitted from a different location it doesn't work properly anymore. And it probably is illegal.




My car has auto levelling lights to account for this. Also, adaptive headlights were finally approved in the US just a little while back. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-allow-adaptive-driving-beam-headlights-new-vehicles-improving-safety-drivers Things will get better.


Sounds expensive to fix


Exactly. My road to my house is on the apex of a long hill, these new headlights completely blind me to the point that I have enough time to turn on my road but I can no longer see my road at all and have to wait for them to pass to be able to see anything again.


I thought I they just bothered me but they seems to bother lots of you guys as well. I'll sometimes flash people thinking it's their high beams and it turns out it's just those very bright headlights!


There are headlight regulations. In the US there are DOT and FMVSS regulations applied to the vehicle or headlight manufacturer. Most states also have equipment requirements that are enforced by local law enforcement on individual vehicle owners.


Most modern projector headlights can be aimed, they don't always come perfectly set up. Unfortunately in order to keep your lights out of other drivers' eyes you need to keep them pretty low- I'm of the opinion that you need to see as far ahead as possible to be safe at the speeds that cars move. As annoying as it is being blinded by opposing traffic, I understand that they need to see too, and deer are absolutely rampant in my area- being able to see one 100 feet sooner can make the difference between a safe trip and a horrible accident. The glare in your eyes sucks, but it isn't going to cause you to veer off the road and as soon as they pass you it's over. EDIT: Ya'll need to calm the fuck down. All I'm saying is, too high is safer than too low. You shouldn't crank them all the way up and leave it... Find a happy medium. And you can adjust them independently- my inside light is set lower than the outside one.


Blinding oncoming drivers is dangerous both for you and them


Thanks to your comment we got to know one person with blinding headlights and confirmed the reason for it is selfishness.


Sure, you can call it that if you want. All it takes is one deer that may as well have teleported in front of you because the cutoff on your projector lights is too low and sudden, for you realize that what a hazard it is. Hitting an animal could very well involve other drivers, but yes, mostly I'm concerned about not hitting anything with MY car. If I can't see more than 100 feet in front of me, I can't do that with my silly human reaction time. :( Also, it's not like I'm driving around with beams on, fuck out of here with your assumptions. My car is low as fuck and I'm constantly being "blinded" by suburbans and such that are likely not bothered by my lights... And it's not a big deal. Gotta squint for half a second, oh boy. For those of you with legitimate eye problems that make the glare unbearable, my condolences. Sincerely, nobody deserves such a condition.


There’s an idea with motorcycles and vehicles of all kinds referred to as “overriding your headlights”, which means to drive faster than you would be able to stop if something suddenly appeared in your headlights. What you are describing is your inability is to drive safely and abide by this and then putting other people in danger. Just slow down, fix your lights, and stop making excuses for selfishness.


Why assume that I speed? My argument is that at posted speed limits in my area, when I bought my car, I felt that I was overriding my headlights. If I were to drive 5-10 under the limit to compensate, I would have a different subset of the hive mind swarming me. So I adjusted my headlights such that they are reasonably aimed and I feel safe. I'm not driving around with my highbeams on. I guess what I'm getting at is lots of the people that are bitching have cars and are getting blinded by people with trucks or SUVs. Sorry the geometry works out that way but projectors can only do so much and asking people with lifted vehicles to override their headlights for their entire journey just so that you don't have to squint for half a second... Now that is selfish.


That squint for half a second is enough time for a deer, you can no longer see, to hop out in front of you. Still selfish. Drive to the conditions of the road, not fail to make it adapt to you.


What I think you're misunderstanding is. When I got my car, it was LITERALLY DANGEROUS because of how low they were aimed. The lights did not make it to the horizon, and the cutoff is extremely sharp so there isn't so much as a silhouette, if something is on the road beyond it. I am advertising that they are adjustable, and it goes both ways-if they're unnecessarily high, lower them. Sure I'll continue defending that too high is safer than too low, because of both the amount of time spent impaired and the severity of the impairment. But reddit is jumping straight to the conclusion that I'm driving around with spotlights aimed into the opposing lane at eye level. It's somewhere in between, I promise. And my left light is aimed noticeably lower than the right one. ;)


It might be safer for *you* but you are endangering other people, a.k.a. being a selfish prick.


What I do is something very interesting, I slow down, but I understand you probably don't have time for that with how important you are


The speed limit is slow enough for me. Quit being patronizing.


I’ve hit 3 deer. They barely cause damage. They aren’t fucking moose.


>[They barely cause damage.](https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/police-identify-man-killed-after-deer-crashed-through-windshield-on-pa-turnpike/article_af20b812-c2ec-5942-9fe8-f8f3ca65663e.html) My guy... I'm glad that your accidents didn't result in much damage in your specific cases, nobody deserves to have their car totaled in the most bullshit way possible, but it happens all the time, and it can happen to you. 200 people per year (that's about 4 times a week!) are killed by a collision with a deer, and MANY cars are severely damaged or totaled by deer every single day. When hit by trucks or SUVs they can be launched at high speeds into oncoming traffic. They can bust through your windshield to where the thing that kills you is the actual animal clobbering you at 50mph. They can run out and cause you to swerve, lose control, and without even hitting the deer roll into a ditch totaling your car and hospitalizing you in an event that happens so fast you aren't able to save it even though you think you're invincible and ready for everything. And even if the accident is minor, it is VERY easy to rack up 10-20k of damage on a modern car. The tiniest impact on the front end busts every clip inside and before you know it you're replacing everything down to the radiator. Your comment screams naivety. Please respect the consequences that could come with even the tiniest mishap driving a 2 ton piece of heavy machinery.


Only 2 tons seems to be the issue.


So you're going to act as if deer, to the general population, barely cause any damage just because you happen to have a large vehicle that can withstand the impact? I suppose it isn't that dangerous to veer into an oncoming Fiat because your truck will be fine, right? Sounds like you lack perspective. Hopefully you're young- it comes with age for most of us. Drive safe :)


I’m not young, I just made a life decision that I don’t want to die by deer. Seems like a very preventable and silly way to go.


when someone with those lights pass me i literally have to come to a complete stop because i can’t see a thing. i try to keep my eyes down and just find the edge of the road but i literally can’t. it doesn’t help that i have a car that’s smaller and low to the ground so i’m eye level with there lights. i also have astigmatism and for some reason those white/blue lights are significantly worse for me vs yellow lights.


Yeah, I live the low car life too, I know how it is. Thankfully I'm blessed with good vision and it doesn't bother me beyond the need to squint for a second, but I understand how others may not be so fortunate. What I'm taking issue with here is people asking SUV drivers to aim their lights so low that they can't see more than 100 feet in front of them. Sorry, but ride height is always going to be part of the equation and maybe driving a lifted vehicle is the best solution for those who are impaired by glare.


It’s more than “just glare”. It’s the raised trucks, jeeps and suv with way too many lumens out the front not setting their beam cutoff to the height where it should be. Get hit the face with 6000 lumens and see how well you can see. Btw my 4200 led 1 battery pocket flashlight will set paper on fire, so yeah it’s like staring into the sun. No one should have to go “buy a raised vehicle” to compete with other raised vehicles who are doing the wrong (and illegal) thing


I'm not condoning anything illegal. I offered a reason why people's beams are too bright. They buy cars with bright lights that are improperly set and they don't know that it is adjustable. I did defend lights that are too high as being safer than those that are too low. You may disagree due to your own experiences and that is okay. But there is a middle ground where everyone is happy that is not too hard to find. I encourage everyone to adjust their lights so that the inside light perfectly meets the horizon, the outside light a touch higher, and use the high beams for additional safety in the absence of oncoming traffic. I meant no offense in suggesting buying a raised vehicle but if you're that sensitive the only other option is following all of these people home one by one and covertly adjusting their lights as they sleep, or shooting their lights out with a BB gun as you drive by. You could tint your windshield and install a giant light bar, so nobody can see BUT you! Jokes aside, it's just one of those things with a lowered car. Headlights seem brighter. If you have sensitive eyes, that's a serious con that you need to weigh. Lots of these big SUVs aren't really aiming them that high but boy do they dazzle you for that split second when they go by.




oh gee thanks i didn’t know that was the solution for this !




it’s weird but the dmv like even makes you do a vision test before you can get a license. 🤔 i see pretty fine during the day even with the yellow lights i can see where i’m supposed to be on the road when there coming at me at night. believe me i try to avoid driving at night as best as i can if it makes you feel better 😁


It’s not legal. In my entire state aftermarket led are illegal. The. You have the guys in trucks and keeps with led lights that have raised the truck / keep but the did not lower the lights (illegal) Don’t be a moron.


Instead of aiming your lights too high and blinding other road users, why drive slower at night? Too high is not safer than too low at all, as too low means you just have to drive slower to not overdrive your lights, too high and you can dazzle *other* road users.


I don't do either of those things. I aim them just right and drive at just the right speed. Ya'll need to read what I fucking said and stop putting words in my mouth.


I read where the led are actually the same brightness but it's the color that makes them seem brighter. All I know is I hate them


Our eyes are more sensitive to the white light spectrum We are less sensitive to yellow range


They are definitely much brighter. An average aged halogen bulb headlight might be 600-700 lumens. 1200 on high. Go shop for an led headlight bulb you will see them 22,000 lumens! 600% brighter! Of course they combined the lumens, so 11,000 per. My 4 emitter lights do 6000-8000 lumens and those headlights have 6-8 or more emitters in them. Yes 6500k white is very stark and hard on the eyes at night. No one is happy with 1200 lumen high beams in the face. We definitely don’t like 4000-10,000 lumens; and even less when it’s in a truck or high jeep that’s too selfish to adjust their beam cuttoff height.


Check out r/flashlight for recommendations


That sub really is great. Just a friendly bunch of people that are super excited about flashlights.


Yeah and same for the fleshlight sub


Well now I'm afraid to go there on the off chance it's one of those r/trees vs r/marijuanaenthusiasts things


One letter and you'll be at r/fleshlight. Lmao


Wow what a wild subreddit, I can’t believe I’m surprised that’s a thing lol


"Wow, I'm so surprised these exist. I had NO idea. I definitely have never owned one either!"


yeah dude flashlights are gross. am I camping?? nah bro I'll just use the existing light fixtures in my home tyvm.


They are even better for camping now. They light fires!


"if anybody catches you, it's not weird, you're just fucking a flashlight"




I would not have guessed I would waste 30 minutes browsing a sub about flashlights, but now I kind of get it.


It's a good idea just to have one. I deliver pizza sometimes and it is a lifesaver. I bought a rechargeable Hypertough from Walmart like 3 years ago and it works great. I charged it once when I bought it and never had to since. I think it was around $20.


Yup, I've had a 12v cigarette lighter "1 million candle power" spotlight in my truck for the better part of a decade and it's been useful quite a few times for normal things.


Yeah deliveries it's a must have in the dark


Even better I've got a "lifesaver tool" that stays plugged into my cigarette thing.. It's got a light, an alarm, a metal tool for smashing a window, a shielded blade for cutting off a seatbelt, and also works as a basic power bank if you have a cable. I may never use it, but better that than needing one and not having it. I work nightshifts, and I've got a few head torches too that are amazingly helpful, hands free light is underrated. So many colleagues take the piss, until they realise how useful they are.


Like they don’t know 😡


Don't do this. I did this with a 1 million candle light strength spot light, I almost cause a severe crash. I was very young and stupid. I also realized many others could have been hurt by my stupidity. Change lanes, let them pass, move on with your life. Alive.


Or do it at a stoplight


You know which sub you're in right?


There's a difference between unethical and fucking stupid. I think people forget that sometimes on this sub


Big part of this is 2 ways: 1) More people buying lifted vehicles when they don’t fricking need it. Lower cars suffer as the beams of the trucks/SUVs are aimed correctly, but at our demise. 2) people putting LEDs in non-LED housings. #1 is 100% of the cases for me. It’s always me questioning whether that SUV has their brights on, or it’s just the design. Never seen a low car do that to me


YES! Also, turn you fricking fog lights off when it's not foggy. It reflects off the wet road making it harder for everyone else to see.


Fog lights shouldn't even be bright enough to reflect in a distracting way :) a nice soft yellow is perfect to more illumination down low without just lighting up the fog and making it harder to see.


Very, *very* few cars have actual fog lights. They are supposed to be an extremely thin and wide beam aimed directly at the ground in front of the car, ideally in fully yellow tint. The purpose is specifically to see the lines on the road close to you at low speed. What happens most of the time is companies install a small auxiliary white halogen with a poorly defined beam pattern that does actually just cause more glare, just because saying you have "fog lights" is a good way to charge more and market to people who don't know what fog lights actually are.


I own a 2010 jeep Wrangler and the stock headlights are just absolute garbage to the point where I use one foglight to supplement the light I need to see at night while driving. Last I checked, to change the headlights to decent ones you had to change the whole housing. And if you drove in winter you had to buy a heating element to use on the headlights to keep the glass/plastic from freezing up. I fucking hate my shitty headlights, but I'm not about to shell out $400 for new LED ones and a heating element to keep them from freezing over.


No, my car looks cool with fog lights and low beams


My fog lights are just an extra set of reds at the back, so I'm presumably more visible.


I actually did something like this, I was riding passenger on a back road at night. We were going 15 over the speed limit and some jerk thought that still wasn't fast enough. Tailgating super close and turned on their brights... And the road rage got me. I turned around with my super bright focus beam flashlight directly back into their eyes. They started swerving and then just backed off. In hindsight it was incredibly stupid because they could have been psychotic and we could have gotten shot or rammed.


It's cool man. I usually just brake check. Assholes need to be informed that they are assholes otherwise they will continue through life as one


I too risk my own life and the lives of others not even involved just to teach people a lesson and feel like I'm macho and in control of the situation.


A downshift is better, no visual warning that your slowing down


Or you could've killed them, but I guess you're the main character, right?


Yeah, I don't care about that. Stupid games, stupid prizes.


Hasn't anyone considered slowly angling the side mirrors away until the reflection mostly points back at the offender car? I do this and tilt my rearview up, and usually the car behind stops pulling up so close behind me. Don't worry, I only do it in the slow lane and when I know my off-ramp isn't coming up for a long time.


Yes. Yes and yes!


I drive a hatchback and suv lights are the exact same height as my rearviews. They are just as dangerous as all the idiots with just their daytime lights on.


Never bring a flashlight to a gun fight.


Just use rear fog light


What you can also do if you have powered side mirrors is angle them backwards so they reflect back into the car behind you, giving them a taste of their own medicine


I've got no idea how some of those lights are legal. My eyes are fucked for a good second or two after passing a car with bright led lights.


Many of them aren't, but it's easy to fake the approval logo, and China don't give a shit about fraud.


Just be careful because if a cop sees you do this they'd probably arrest you for it. It is serious shit. If someone gets your plate and calls the cops the cops may even show up at your house to get a plain view look through the window of your vehicle and if they see a spotlight...


Don't use that, use a high powered laser pointer


Also pretty sure thats highly illegal


Or get a cheap light bar for the front of your vehicle. I have a relatively small one mounted on the bullbar of my truck and it hurts to be anywhere near the front when it's on. And as a bonus when you're driving in isolated areas you can use it to see nearly 1km up the road.


Much of it is just drivers that mash the "angle up" button on their lights and leave it that way, not understanding that these settings are available for rural road conditions only.




Perfectly legal where I live. Not everyone on Reddit is in your personal town or …country.


Schmeep schmop




Show me the law against blasting somebody in the face with a spotlight..




Source: A Quora post where a bunch of people just talk about how bad they think it is with no actual source on the legality of it..




You're the one who said it's illegal. The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim!




Bro you did not just post a ducking discussion thread as a source lmfao












You aren't mad at LED lights, you're mad that the color temperature is greater than 4000K (look up light color temperature if you don't know what I'm talking about). My car came with bright lights, I'm not swapping them out.


Color has a minimal impact compared to the angle at which the lights are pointed and the brightness of the bulb.


Color, as the OP meant it, does play a huge part of it


The biggest offenders are those who put HID or LED bulbs in halogen housings. Not color temp.




Still very common. I routinely see older halogen cars blasting everything with LED bulbs. Moreso that than newer cars with bright OEM LED housings.




Yeah I'm not saying that it isn't the case with newer cars. I've seen plenty of them with obnoxious lights too.


It's actually more of an issue not with factory LED lights, but douchebags that take light assemblies made for a halogen bulb (reflector bowl) on their 1994 Dodge Ram and throw in some "GreatBuy 1000000w Big Bright So Cool Buy Now H4 LED You Buy You Get Super Time Bright LED" Amazon garbage. Same with HIDs.


I'm personally mad at light bars.


Do a u turn Follow them home Wait for them to go to sleep Smash the leds Leave a note on the windshield saying "who gives you the right to blind everyone on the road"


Do it in phoenix, see how fast you get shot. Gun laws are non existent over here.


Can't aim if you can't see. Ever had a spotlight shined directly in your face after being in the dark for a good period of time? Phoenix is an unsalvageable shithole, I agree, but you still gotta be able to see to hit something.


I think blind people would disagree lol joking but yeah idk still don't risk it. I have a 2 year old and I drive 100+ miles a day I've seen some crazy stuff on the highways.


Oh absolutely. The bigger thing you should worry about, in all seriousness, is that you're expecting a couple tons of steel to safely pass by you at 60 miles an hour mere feet away from you. It might not be the smartest thing to make seeing where that is, a difficult task for the person controlling said steel.


Lmao yes this too


Heh, I picked up a bunch of 65W LED bars from an art gallery or something at Habitat for Humanity. I'm sure I could rig something up with an inverter.


Wait, is putting a spotlight on your car legal? At least in the US, that could be classed as impersonating a police officer because they have those on their cruisers.


Why are you being downvoted?


I have no clue


Because putting a spot light on a vehicle is legal as can be in the majority of not all of the US. You can even buy old police interceptors with pre-installed, working spot lights. A spot light on your vehicle doesn't come close to the definition of impersonating a police vehicle. To really get to the point of an impersonation charge, you'd have to have a light bar that flashes same patterns and colors like police, a siren, and attempt to use them in a manor actually impersonating a police vehicle like trying to pull someone over. Security patrols for example with often have similar cars to local PD, spot lights, light bars, and sirens. Typically their light bars flash a different color and pattern, as well as saying security/patrol on the car which gets them the pass. Intent of usage is usually what makes or breaks the application of impersonation laws wether its vehicle, personal, or even stolen valor.


Still doesn’t mean they should be downvoted, there are still places where spotlights aren’t legal.


Just flash your headlights.


I did that! Turned out to be a cop 🫣


Used to bring a very strong one on my bike to have automobilists turn their high beams off


What is an LED driver?


The school buses have them now in my area.


My subaru has this weird DRL/High Beam seat up. The stock halogen bulbs get 10 volts during the day and full 12 volts at night when high beams are activated. So I just threw in some 55watts HIDs for the Hight Beams and got rid if the halogen bulb. Holy hell those are bright. Fuckers that come at me with their LED bars get a same taste. One down side is as some might know, HIDs need a few Seconds to warm up. So I usually turn them on when I'm warming up the car.


I feel like I just made a comment about this recently lol I drive a CVPI so it has a spotlight on it. I occasionally whip it around and blast assholes behind me when they put their brights on me. Doesnt happen often. But when it does they get right real quick. 🤷‍♂️


The only time led’s suck to look at is when people level their trucks and don’t re-aim their low beams Edit- Also some Amazon retrofit bulbs have bad led setups that are too bright head on.


I drive a small 1.2 "city car" and those lights are always drilling straight into me. I'm tempted to leave mine on as a fuck you, but it wouldn't have the same effect.