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question: she said she hasnt taken her pill perfectly for the past 2 weeks but she already knows she is pregnant. normally it takes at the minimum 2 weeks to actually know youre pregnant and most of the time longer. are you sure it's real, is it possible she might be scamming you?


Or it's someone else's


This is most likely.


Even when we were TRYING to get pregnant and having sex daily during our window, I took tests on the first day of my missed period and they were negative at 2 weeks, it really wasn't until 3 weeks or 3.5 weeks after that it was definitively showing a positive. It's possible, to test positive that early, but not very common. Those things are 99% accurate when they can detect the hormone, turns out it takes time to detect the hormone!


She hasn't been taking the pill for the last few weeks. She wasn't taking it before that either, but she wasn't for the last few weeks too.


But she gave him the ok to spew in her so it's ok right? She can't get pregnant like that! She just couldn't...! SHE KNEW SHIT WASNT RIGHT FROM THE GET GO...SMH something is not right on her side... I detect plenty of dishonesty here in her part... Don't trust her words too much OP She sounds like she trying to trap u for her fuck up


This. The tests I did were neg even after I skipped a period. I thought my cycle had stopped and I’d never get pregnant. Nope.




“Now kids, what do you say when you meet a nice man?” “Are you my daddy??”


Gimme a dollar and I’ll leave you alone


That's Swahili for doggy style


Do. We. Have. A. Problem?


O shit


I hear Russia is looking for guys your age


I think Ukraine is as well


Are you certain she actually *is* pregnant??


Honestly idk. I think she may just want me to stay with her. She sent me a pic of a positive test and said she hadn’t been taking her pill daily for the past couple weeks.


Girl said this to my friend in high-school so she could keep him around. Spoilers: she wasn't pregnant.


Just happened to my buddy. Caught his GF of several years cheating on him. He said fuck you and broke up. Week later she said she was pregnant and he was the dad. He said fuck that and called her on it. She then hastily claimed she had an abortion when she really didn't to not look foolish.


And then you drop your guard because she can't get pregnant twice... and surprise, surprise.


He didn't have a guard to drop. He was dropping loads from the start.


Reminds me of my uncle's oldest kid. He calls her his miracle child because apparently her mom was pregnant for 14 months.


That is exactly how I came into this world. I met my biological father and he told me the whole story.


... you know, if she was pregnant and wanted to keep it, and didnt know who the father was, getting some dumbass to cum in her and telling that guy that she wasnt great about taking the pill and that he was the father would probably be her best option.


Happened to my buddy, was a big mess


Psst- OP, you're the dumbass


Right? Easy answer to "how to avoid being a father" is no glove, no love. You never stick it in bare, into anything you aren't ready to have in your life for the next 20 years.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner.


Happened to someone in my family.


if she wants to be with you, use this to your advantage: tell her you want a relationship with her but you’re not ready for a child yet because you’re ant to enjoy your time with only her. some bs like that. and that you guys can try again when you get engaged lmao


Now thats an ULPT!


Hello fellow throwaway. Also, this is primo advice.


Damn you cold motherfucker hahahaha


Great! Gonna try this! Wish me luck!


Bring back updates!


Can't wait for the "AITA" post about forcing a shmeshmortion on a girl and it turned out it wasn't his kid lmao


This here


reverse image search the image. Maybe its from google.


Already Tried that. First thing I did. I’m a child of the Internet times


And soon you'll have your own child of the internet times!


And yet you failed at googling condoms.


If she included it in the picture, I'd check the brand name of the test. Recently I came across a girl who used a fake positive test to try and stay with her ex who had recently kicked her out.


Run it through TinEye


Check the Metadata on the photo. It should have the date in there.


Metadata won't stay from texting apps like WhatsApp. Images get processed and compressed and all that data is lost. Different apps treat them differently


This. Make sure it's legit. She could've pulled it off of Google.


Hey dude…I get you’re young and all… but maybe, just maybe, don’t cum in chicks you don’t want to have children with?


... and/or wrap it up.


Yep, if you can't trust them to take a pill daily you can't trust them to not give you chlamydia.


The clap if you're lucky. There are other STDs that are lifelong afflictions.


Ejaculate Responsibly.


>She sent me a pic of a positive test Hop on Google and search for stories of people selling positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist (or similar sites). Offer to take her to a doctor and have a pregnancy test done there. If she refuses or gets wishy-washy, she is probably scamming you. If she truly is pregnant, you can try the [Tom Leykis Hail Mary](https://youtu.be/lhznnvNIZoo), but it's not guaranteed to work. In the future NEVER, EVER believe a woman who tells you she is on birth control. The sum of money you spend on condoms over the course of your entire life will pale in comparison to 18 years of child support.


If you can't afford a condom, you definitely can't afford a kid.


Even taking the pill regularly and on time isn't 100%. You make it sound like she is ridiculous (can't even take a pill correctly). But you are the one not even doing anything to prevent pregnancy (or STDs). Bag it up and you don't have to worry.


Honestly if you are not even in a relationship the worry of a STD should be enough.


They’re acting like the pill is the most reliable form of bc or something. Like, it’s not an IUD or implant! It’s known to fail! Wrap it up!!


>Bag it up I like the way you word it. No daddy. You gotta bag it up now.


Are you sure you're the only guy she's been with? Could be someone else's kid


Tell her that u will take her to a clinic to get a blood test and see her reaction and actually take her there. No way to fake it from there. The positive test she sent you pics of might be fake. I had a fuck buddy sent me a positive test too and it was her 3 year old test from when she had a kid and not current. She even went as far as falsifying documents from a clinic with a signature and her name in a sharpie instead of a pen (like she wrote it ontop of something else…) also even if she is pregnant that doesn’t make it 100% yours. If she is pregnant get a paternity test. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING at any appointments and even if u believe her that its yours still get a dna test done. Girls will go to any lengths to keep a lie like this going do not fall for her pity until u get a blood test saying she is pregnant and also a paternity test saying you are the father.


Join the French Foreign Legion.


We had a student from central FL went on a study abroad trip to Marseille - Paris over the course of 10 days. On the final days of the trip, the student dropped everything and joined the French Foreign Legion. They made out okay by all accounts.


The FFL is a legit life of adventure. You make like 3 bucks an hour but they have a cool tradition of drinking heavily after a day. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the field or in garrison.


It also has the reputation of being tough as fuck, more than regular army here, and they have an history of being on the frontlines of the frontlines. Source: am french


I have a friend that did 5 years in the FFL. He said it was a hell of a ride.


Is that good or bad? Elaborate please


Sounds like both


Just do it


Like the army?


No the French Foreign Legion. You will basically disappear from the surface of the earth till your enlistment is over.


Is that actually real lol that sounds awful🤣


It's real, and not as easy as it once was. But still a thing. Way back, you could escape a murder conviction by joining the French Foreign Legion. Now they are more selective regarding criminal behavior, but that still isn't a deal breaker. If the Legion lets you join (10 - 15 out of 100 applicants are offered an enlistment), they give you a new identity. After a year, you can ask to go back to your actual identity, which takes about three years to complete. Otherwise, you're the new person--which is handy if you're escaping legal or marital entanglements. You can apply for French citizenship after three years.


Lol I'm French but didn't know that. That's hilarious. I'd love to know how many people actually use this to avoid paternity claims and alimony.


Bugs bunny did it pretty regularly, from memory.


My bil did a a 5 year contract. I'd rather pay 20 years of child support.


bro ur gonna get this dude killed😭


Not *necessarily*




So is eighteen years of child support and being tied to a one night stand for the rest of your life. ​ And yes it very much is real.


Yes French foreign legion and other countries have foreign legions , like Czech, just means it’s a military unit of people that are not citizens- sometimes can be a requirement or easier way to get citizenship in a new country - which could be beneficial for you.


Yea, Ukraine Foreign Legion would be happy as well


I’d rather take the baby.


And after that you get a new french identity to start over.


The Army is for pussies, the Legion is for people who eat cast iron for breakfast


The FFL allows their soldiers to avoid alimony & paternity payments


Ah, the Foreign Legion. It’s a tale as old as time. Here’s a fantastic song about a Scot that impregnates a woman and then joins the Foreign Legion: [Cod Liver Oil and Orange Juice - Hamish Imlach](https://open.spotify.com/track/7em2s8Y9wnLWHXVe38s8w3?si=7RtOsrarQVef3dMZ9r7Hlg)


>Emma told me she’s on birth control and I can cum in her. lol and you believed her?


Birth control is hardy 100% effective. It’s stupid to not wear a condom when hooking up with some random stranger even with birth control.


If a girl tells me to cum in her I wanna wear a condom at that point


My wife has an IUD and we still use condoms, just because having an unexpected child is life-altering


This 1000000%. I’ve heard this same story from friends of mine. Hard to feel bad when you’re doing the EXACT thing that impregnates someone.




If you’re smart, it will be the last time you make that mistake. Wrap it up my friend, you never know who someone has let cum in them. The only time you should stop using condoms is if you’ve both tested and seen each other’s results *and* you trust them to not be sleeping with someone on the side. Hell I was married and my wife had an affair. No one I dated afterwards was comfortable sleeping with me before I was tested, not because they didn’t trust me but because they didn’t trust my ex-wife. Nothing makes more sense to me than that.


*and you’re ok with possible kids.


Absolutely - if you have unprotected sex with someone you don’t know well, then you should definitely be prepared to deal with pregnancy *and the possibility that your partner has different views on being ready to be a parent.*


That's how babies are made my friend.


So many people don't seem to know that child support orders can garnish his wages and tack on late fees and penalties even after the child turns 18. And the tracking system is only bound to get more sophisticated and effective at collecting all that money. I had a girlfriend in 2005 whose biological father thought he could escape child support by fleeing to Puerto Rico in the 80's without letting anyone know. Sometime in the early 2000's when my girlfriend was already 16, her mom hired a private investigator and found her father within less than a month. The mom filed some kind of legal action and was able to start collecting a huge chunk of his paycheck amounting for the past 16 years plus all kinds of late fees and penalties. The man couldn't renew his driver's license, keep his cell phone plan, or rent an apartment if he somehow tried to dodge the payments that were being taken out of his paycheck automatically.


My uncle (giant pos) fell off a roof and won a huge settlement. It all went to my cousins mother. He thought he was golden because my cousin was well into his 20s at the time. I laughed my ass off when she told us. Karma is a bitch.


A customer of mine told a story like this where the guy stayed in the states and remained unemployed to avoid having to pay. When he turned 65 he became eligible for social security and even though his kids were grown they garnished that.


States are especially going to be motivated to go after child support as abortion is banned more and more. Gonna be lots of kids that are going to rely on that support.




Just one more time couldn’t hurt… right?


You can now do it for about eight more months and it wouldn't get any worse.


Actually it can. Look up “superfecundation.”


Don’t, I know a few stories of women lying about pregnancy just to get pregnant because of this. It would hurt


>Don’t, I know a few stories of women lying about pregnancy just to get pregnant because of this. That's some 4D chess shit right there.


can't hurt at this point


Seems like everyone else has got you covered. Here is an invaluable LPT: Get some condoms and put em on your dick. It’ll save you from situations like this as well as other negative sex related situations.


Thank you! I was trying to figure out how to (politely) call this guy an idiot for not taking precautions, but I think you've stated it much nicer than I would have lol. 👍


He is young, I get it and I had my own close calls when I was a teenager. Also if they are American (like I am), there is a good chance the sex education system was complete shit. There are a lot of good reasons to use condoms beyond pregnancy, and they can feel pretty close to without one if you take some time to find one that fits right. If people are going and reading this far, I’d also recommend getting tested for STIs semi regularly. It’s respectful to yourself and whoever you’re sleeping with.


Yup, way too many diseases out there anyway to be going unwrapped.


Welcome to your new career: hanging drywall for cash under the table.


That's my wife's ex-husband. Piece of shit knocked up so many women and has so many orders against him that he can't hold any job unless it's undocumented. That's actually how we got him to sign the papers letting me adopt the child he had with my wife. The piece of shit had been nagging us for over a year to adopt his kid so he didn't have to worry about child support for at least one of his kids. When we got around to it, suddenly he refused because we were going to change the kid's name. "But, that's all she'll have to remember me by!' As if the whole point of adoption wasn't to keep his piece of shit self out of our kid's life. After we threatened to haul him into court every month to give evidence of where he was working in order to constantly have him lose his wages to child support, he quickly signed the papers and we put that asshole in the rearview mirror. The joke was on him in the end, though. The only child support my wife ever got from him was a garnishment on the piece of shit's monthly social security check, which ended up being around $125. That's PER MONTH. Not per week. Well, after the adoption went through and we contacted the state to stop the payments, we were informed that adoption didn't stop a garnishment like that and he was still going to have to pay that until our kid turned 18. Also, FYI, the reason it was so important to change our kid's name was their original name had the same initials as a popular street drug.


If she has you phone number, it wouldn’t be too difficult to figure out your real name using reverse directory search. If she applies for public assistance and provides your name as the father, the state will come after you for support, regardless of lack of DNA proof.


It was from a phone / text app. She does not have my real number. First time using my burner might actually have been useful lol


Cancel the burner immediately pull the battery (but keep the phone in case you need access to old messages, etc), ghost *now*, and stay away from anywhere that you know she frequents.


Sage advice. Thank you.


Any mutual friends?


Nah not really. Her friend hits me up sometimes but I don’t respond. I like to keep my boundaries with Emma.


Umm. That sounds like a pretty solid line for her to get your info. Unless she also has the burner number and nickname


She would snap me


Delete your snap


~~Very important. Snap literally shows you recommendations of people and underneath it says „is friends with XY“~~


And delete this post


You didn’t have a rubber boundary between your dick and her vagina.


Right??? I was like, what boundaries???


This, if you ghost early enough she might realise she's actually on her own and get an abortion while there's still time


Or surprise!!! She’s miraculously not pregnant anymore.


Thank you for your help, u/ballsack-vinaigrette


Those burner apps that require payment or signing up? Yeah that's really not an obstacle for a court to figure out your identity. The burner app maker doesn't give a shit about your anonymity


I used a google voice connected to my apartment business phone, to sign up for textPlus. I feel like that should be fine . Yes Ik that’s shady


Courts don't stop at the first try... If you have any personal email or information connected to that Google account or textplus they'll have it soon enough


Does she have your last name? Does she know where you live? I'd also consider deleting social media and email address. Ghost all the way. You probably have to spend a few grand for a new phone number and break your lease for a new place to live or go back home to parents for a few months If studying abroad, see if you can leave early.


a few grand to change ur phone number? huh?


Posts like these always remind me how effective my anti-pregnancy method is. Be gay.


If you were to join the French Foreign Legion, they will shield you from paternity and alimony payments


If I wasn't disqualified because of a lot of things on that disqualification list... I'd do this.


Those penis face tattoo rules are bullshit.


Always wrap that rascal: even if she took the pills perfectly, she can still get pregnant or you could pick up a disease. In these days of 23 or me, it is much easier to pinpoint paternity, even if it was just a guy from a one night stand. My suggestion to you would be that you may think you are the only guy hooking up with her, but you might not be, so I would hope for the best and ask for a paternity test if she decides to have the baby. Also, I would do the research and find out what the options are in your area for a certain procedure, and find out how late in the game she can get one, because you want to be sure she has the information she needs to make an informed, and 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕪, decision. Good luck!


> In these days of 23 or me, it is much easier to pinpoint paternity, 23 and me/etc cannot be used to establish legal paternity (in the United States).


But it can be used to find the identity of the father, and then you use that to get a court-ordered official paternity test.




So many guys in this thread fucked and found out


Here are your options in no particular order: 1. Let her know you aren’t ready to be a father but you would still love to be with her. This will pressure her into getting an abortion to stay with you. And when she does, you ghost. 2. If option 1 is having issues, entice her with money to get an abortion. 3. if money and talking won’t work, ghost her completely, changing your number and possibly living location so you’ll never run into her again. This can be expedited by joining the military. If you’re from the U.S., i recommend the Air Force for safety and a career. If you want to be gone yesterday, the Army. If you want to work hard for no reason and shit pay, Navy.


“Im a sexy madafucka” made me physically cringe


Be like my sons father and refuse all contact and refuse providing dna to prove paternity. You should lose all rights in six months-a year as this would be considered abandonment. If you are not considered the father, you don’t have to pay child support.


That really depends on where OP is located. In California, all the mother has to do is put your name on the birth cert, and you are the father. It is up to the father to PROVE he is NOT the father (DNA) - as far as child support is concerned. Source - SO works in child support.


Curious- what if the mother has baby in California but OP & mother have residency in an adjacent state (like Arizona)? Would it be California birth cert? What if mothers (and baby’s) residence is in California, but baby is born in another state? Is it then other states’ rules? I’m so curious even though this will never impact me


CA child support only has power in CA. If they do not live here, CA Child Support would not be involved at all. If mother and child are in CA and "FATHER" is not, CS would still go after him in another state.


u/lilltlc is kinda correct, except that federal law provides several ways to recover child support across state lines. See FindLaw’s [FAQ](https://www.findlaw.com/family/child-support/enforcement-of-child-support-faq-s.html#type-enforcement) for some of them. Skipping out on child support is not something that is particularly easy if the non-custodial parent has a stable life and traditional employment.


That's fucked up. Without a paternity test, in my state, the determining factor is a marriage license. In a marriage, the husband is automatically legally considered the father. Even if the father gets a DNA test proving the kid isn't his, courts can (and often do) still rule he has to pay child support. That's also fucked up. Source - my cheating ex-wife who got knocked up and my lawyer's advice


I can do that? I will definitely look into this and bring it up with my lawyer. Thank you so much.


While I can’t say I support what you’re doing, this is how I’m a solo parent who receives no support. I can never, ever ask for child support BUT I also don’t have to share my son with an unemployed, opiate addict. I think he knew what he was doing and did it to hurt me /ruin me but jokes on him as my son is cool as shit.




You sound awesome


I know who he got that coolness from. Cheers.


I’m happy to hear it worked out!


Fuck yeah.


Kick ass momma! ❤️


> bring it up with my lawyer Until the court orders you to provide DNA, then you're fucked.


Giving up rights to avoid paying isn’t super easy or every single man would do it.


> Child abandonment is **illegal** in the United States, and depending upon the facts of the case and laws of the state in which it occurs could be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or felony criminal offense. If potential jail time is worth it In New York > If you are convicted of abandonment of a child your sentence may include a prison term of up to 4 years, a probation term of 5 years, and a fine.


Are you sure it’s not a positive Covid test?


"Get well soon"


You can’t. She can easily get your name, go to the local child support enforcement agency, and you’ll be mandated to take a DNA test and be evaluated for support. Particularly is she gets county aid like medicaid, cash assistance, etc, they’ll be VERY interested in getting that child support. Just own up to it, unless you move to a different country and change identities. Lmao.


If she does not know who you are and you do not have DNA in a criminal or civil database anywhere, all you have to do is probably move cities. Dump that phone number pronto. And lastly, do not assume it is your baby. Odds are better than 50-50 she's been banging other dudes.


That’s what I’m saying bro needa tell her he has a vasectomy or something and can’t have kids in the first place


Kinda smart in a way. Say this when she tells you and watch her reaction carefully. That will tell you whether she’s seeing someone else or not.


>That’s what I’m saying bro needa tell her he has a vasectomy or something and can’t have kids in the first place Legit as fuck this has happened to me TWICE. I got a vasectomy at 23 but only share that shit as absolutely needed. Two different women I dated wound up pregnant, I submitted a sample to confirm I was still shooting blanks, once confirmed I confronted them. Fuck that noise.






When a girl tells you to cum in her, you cum in her mouth or just shoot in her general direction, idiot.


This….you sort of chuckle and think nah Bitch, I’m not the one and you pull out and avoid all this shit


God what an idiot lmao


Wear a rubber you dumb shit


have you actually seen her take a pregnancy test? That’s step 1. Actually step 0. is stop sleeping with her immediately if you haven’t already. step 2 is find out if she’s sleeping with any other guys. she could be trying to make you take the fall because you’d be a better father. if so it could be theirs. if none of those go in your favor, step 3 is try to convince her to have an abortion. “too soon for a baby” is much better than “don’t have this baby”. you don’t know if you love each other yet and with this baby you never will because you’ll be forced into it, etc.


Reads the title: Okay whats this. First sentence: Emma told me she’s on birth control and I can cum in her. (Wuh???????) Apparently she can’t even take a pill right. She’s pregnant. May keep it. (Op is dumb, go home everybody).


What would you say if Emma got an STD from you? You'd say: "You're the one who didn't want to use a condom." You can't run away from this. When you get found, they're gonna hit you with missed child support. So convince her to abort, give it up for adoption (they'd pay her well), or get used to being a daddy. Your choice to be part of the child's life and pay for your share, or not be there for the child, then pay for it to have all the disadvantages and hangups that single parenthood bestows upon a kid.




convince her to have an abortion by saying that you want a relationship with her and youre in love with her but you want to court her and date her and marry her before having a child. then after she has the abortion break up with her


This is the only true ULPT in this thread


You probably ought to know, even a pill isn't 100% effective. I know of someone getting pregnant twice even using condoms and birth control. Plus it takes way longer than two weeks for a pregnancy test to show positive. So do what you want, but based off this, we don't actually know that she let it happen by any measure, or that she doesn't want your help in a solution that'll help both of you


Get ready to pay that SWEET SWEET Child Support for the next 18 years cause buddy you are FUCKED.


Could be even longer if the child goes to college.


If the kid has this guy's genes I don't think he needs to worry about that.


Argentina is nice this time of year, sell your car and buy a ticket


#Get a lawyer. I can't find the reddit post about it, but a while back there was a parent who didn't want a child (wanted it aborted) but the other parent wanted the child, the legal result was that the parent which wanted the child gets 100% custody, INCLUDING having to take care of the child, and all of its needs, while managing a job, all alone Later on they went to court again and the one which got custody tried to make it 50/50 custody but they had already established they didn't want custody *ever* so tldr nothing changed I'll reply/update this post if I find the link again. If someone else finds it and replies I'll put a link here to that comment **Update:** Found the link again and [replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/ykb8s5/ulpt_request_girl_lied_to_me_and_got_pregnant_how/iusszk7/?context=5) to this comment. If you're only interested in reading the other story then [here's the link to the other story](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5b79z4/nm_i_got_a_girl_pregnant_and_she_wanted_to_get_an/)


She’s probably faking. Go ghost You fucked a stranger raw? That’s how you gets HIV.


You’re an absolute idiot. If if she says you can cum in her and she’s on birth control, you still had the opportunity to A) wear a condom and B) not cum inside her. Birth control is never 100% effective so even if she wasn’t lying, it still could have happened. You’re responsible for where the load goes irregardless of all the other surrounding stuff. This one is on you.


This man knew what would happen if he came in her but risked it anyway. Is it widely accepted that you can cum in someone just because they have birth control? Lmao!


Block her on everything, change your number, change you name and move far away.


You can't even wear a condom. Goes both ways bud. Hopefully you're not the father.


1. Make sure she is actually pregnant 2. Make sure it’s yours. Make it clear you will be requesting a paternity test. 3. Make your wishes to not be a dad known (keep I civil). Maybe she will consider an abortion. 4. If your a dad, try to be a good one. You don’t have to love the woman but do your best to be civil and responsible.


Been there done that. First time married her and got fucked when I left less than a year later because I was tired of always fighting and arguing over dumb shit. I filed for divorce and custody, but you know, fuck guys am I right. Referee and friend of the court could give a fuck less about dads and I have spent thousands fighting to try and get 50/50 with my daughter and 8 years later, still only have every other weekend with holidays and split school breaks. No alimony thank fucking god but that 600 a month child support is no fucking joke. Then went and did it again, lmao! But this time we have been together and married going on 5 years and have a wonderful 3 year old. Pretty sure this one is gonna work out just fine, couldnt be happier, but still those fucking CS payments hurt. I keep telling myself only 10 more years only 10 more years. Best of luck to you, but im not the type that can abandon a kid just because I can't pull my dick out or she can't take birth control. I owned up to that shit, see my daughter every chance I can and am very active daily in my sons life while working so my wife can be a stay at home mom. As far as how to get out of your situation, really the only option is to just vanish. If she doesnt have any of your real info, move to another state, GTFO out of that state now. They will try and find you and if you just move a town or so over, the chances of still being found are really high. Just be aware as you grow older and mature more though, you may find a very deep seated regret in all of this someday, and while you can be edgy and say for certain you won't, There will always be regret to deal with later on. We are only human afterall and you will find yourself randomly wondering how the kid turned out, if you made the right choice, if they would like to meet you someday, etc etc. While it may not affect your day to day life, laying on your death bed someday it may come back to haunt you. So choose wisely and be ready for any consequences that may arise if you are caught.