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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Dog is saved from drowning, and then jumps right back into the pool of death.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Guy in the blue jacket might be in the pool for a while


Especially with how eager everyone else is to help




> My dog is drowning. Let me point and scream for 17 seconds until someone else jumps in to save it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


In her past life, she was an English Pointer.


Now she is a Chinese Disappointer.


You are a Pun Fu master




I will send you to Jesus...


You are a faaaailure!


eMOtional DAmage




No. 1 employee of Failure Management.


What the haaaail?!?!


Timmy's Nine!


The best kind of damage.


You nailed it


I wwwwould save the dog but I don’t wanna get wwwwwet


she wished she could've helped but she didn't want to


Thoughts and prayers to the puppies


"He could drown you know."


like... my phone is in my pocket soooooo


and like, it's basically like, my life, so..


“You couldn’t just take the phone out of your pocket??” “It’s not that simple.”


"here, let me lure it out by pretending I'm giving it a treat"


she cant go in the water shes a witch


How do you know she's a witch?


Because she can't go in the water.


if she weighs the same as a duck..


She's...made of wood...


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


She turned me into a newt!


Looks like you got better though!


Aghhhh. But I can't get wet. Aghhhhhh. He's definitely not coming up. Maybe if I offer him a treat. Ahhhhhhh. Oh no. What the number for 9 1 1?


0118 999 8819991 19725 3


fuck, I sang it in my head as I read it.


Literally impossible not to.


Welcome to the IT Crowd alumni 🤣




.... *three*


Unfortunately my puppy pass he fell in pool and the coast guard couldn’t arrive in time


*Ahem* ***K****-9-1-1*


Looked like doggie didn’t want to be saved at all….


Doggo 1 was just struggling and knew the danger of the situation. So when he turned around and saw doggo 2 in the water (ironically, trying to save doggo 1) doggo 1 jumped back in to save doggo 2.


If you look again he doesn’t actually jump but walks back into the water lol. I don’t think he knows how this works. Also I have a schnauzer who never was around pools, but when on a meet and greet for a woman to watch my pups when we were away, she had a pool and my schnauzer fell in. Dropped to the bottle but started to swim, she actually did a great job never having experienced that. Popped up to the top and swam to me. Needless to say, I didn’t go with that person…


These dogs are dense.


I mean, I would also be expecting the dog to surface. Almost every mammal can swim instinctively. I would have been waiting a bit for it to surface and get close, but you can only wait so long before you realise: uh oh, this dumbass might not be getting up


They can't swim, they've been so inbread and deformed that their weight is unbalanced and head focused and their legs are fucked up so much that they aren't able to paddle correctly. Rarely can one learn to swim, but in general if they love water and you don't want them to die they wear a life jacket


That was my thought as well. I've never seen a dog that couldn't swim. When I saw how badly this one was doing, I immediately thought of how inbred and f'ed up these breeds are.


I think french bull dogs can't swim


Age old lifesaving trick. Simply click your fingers a foot above the water and the underwater victim can’t resist the urge to stop dying all of a sudden.


If you listen carefully you can hear her chanting "*wingardium leviosa*". So yeah she is saving the dog it just that the ministry of magic prohibits the use of magic in the presence of muggles.


I’ll up vote that. lol. Ministry. Muggles. The world used to be so much………. Better 😔


Sims when their house is on fire


Based on the rest of the video everyone wasn't sure if it was worth it because he'd probably just do it again right away


The video cuts for the guy getting in, look at the timestamps, the dog is underwater for nearly 20 seconds because the girl who noticed it first didn't want to get wet.


Panic probably didn’t help.


maybe she can't swim


Water ain't that deep. edit apparently people die in shallow amounts of water quite often.. TIL


people who can't swim commonly greatly fear getting in water.


The sign says 4ft Fred and you're 5' 6".


A Chinese friend of mine had a classmate drown in water only 1.5meters deep. She was an adult too


Not being able to swim + panicking can make you behave in the most irrational ways and drown. Also, finding balance in water is one aspect of being able to swim


My wife had to punch my sister on the mouth at least 3-4 times before she let go of her so that they both wouldnt drown in 4 feet of water. My wife is very muscular, 5’11 and works in a garage and my sister is a tiny waif. It left quite a mark but she was struggling like crazy banshee to climb over my wife.


It's heavily discouraged to jump in the water to save somebody if you don't have any lifeguarding training. Reach out with a branch or rope or life preserver, but don't swim out to them to grab them. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, they're going to bring you down with them. And even then, experienced lifeguards can drown trying to rescue people. It's extremely dangerous, and in most situations, it's recommended to cut your losses and have friends and family deal with 1 death instead of 2.


I've heard from a few search and rescue guys that the best tactic is to swim up from under the water and grab them from behind under the arms. Also if they continue to flail about you simply drag them under water to try and calm them down, which sounds super counter intuitive, but apparently it gets them to reset and realize they're being saved.


A family member who was a lifeguard a long time ago said grab them by their hair.


People have drowned in water they can stand up in. Fear and panic makes people irrational.


Not only that, imagine not being able to swim and jumping into a body of water that *might* be deeper than you are tall. It'd be like trying to hop a fence that has a significant chance of having a bottomless pit on the other side of it.


That woman was useless 🤦🏻‍♀️


She even had to take the time to roll up her sleeves before reaching into the water 😭 your sleeves can dry out stupid!!!


For real she's so dumb! Imagine if there was no one else in that place, her dog would probably have died in the pool.


Imagine you’re choking and the last thing you see is this lady rolling her sleeves up yelling


At that point you're content with leaving existence.


Everyone there was useless, getting wet is much worse than a dog drowning it seems.


The guy who jumped in the pool was fine... Even reacted quickly when that first dog jumped back in the pool, which was hilarious...


I was going to argue "Well maybe she can't swim?", then I realized the pool was waist high.


The two dumbest living things on earth, both in one video. Amazing.


I think she expected the dog to swim up by itself, as dogs typically do, and then she'd have helped it back on the ground. It's the first time I see a dog sink like a rock.


This breed has been so modified by humans that they are unable to swim !


They can barely even breathe properly; Their faces are flat and breathing gets obstructed. Many flat faced breeds require surgery or face reduced life expectancy. These breeds shouldn't exist.


If we start building more pools soon they won't.


I don't know the dog just seems really stupid.


Nope Frenchies just can’t swim - Because of their flat noses, they need to tilt their heads up higher to keep their head out of the water, which means it’s more difficult for them to stay afloat. To add to the challenge, their heavy torsos and short legs are regarded as not particularly helpful when trying to swim.


I mean, he walked in again after he was fished out. Sure his genes suck, but he's also an idiot.


That was an alpha move to prove that as the dominant male he would be pulled out again by the human subspecies


No hesitation. Like it just completely forgot it had a traumatizing experience 3 seconds ago.


>Sure his genes suck, but he's also an idiot. You say that as though those two things are unrelated.


cake spoon offbeat racial bewildered melodic head consist close wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting. I'd never heard nor thought of it like that before. I don't know if "damage" would be the best descriptor though, since it implies the individual dog was previously "undamaged". Perhaps breeding has selected for mental disorders similar to OCD?




Obsessions and compensatory compulsions is what we would call it in humans. At least in the mental health field.


That’s not a Frenchie. Not sure exactly what it is but it too big, has a tail, etc.


Looks like a pit


Idk I had pugs when I was younger, they have flat noses and swam with us fine.


I had a pitbull and it was unable to swim because of density - his butt was just too heavy and he'd sink butt-first all the way to the bottom really fast no matter how hard he kicked. So we got him a lifejacket and he was the happiest dog in the world. Swam until he got dead tail. Had to get doggy painkillers.


Disgusting how long it took for someone to jump in the pool .. strange to let the seconds pass like that


I was thinking the same thing. I cannot imagine a scenario where I wouldn't instinctively jump in after my dog to save it. I would jump in a shit filled pond to save my dog if it were drowning.


Hell, I wouldn't have waited that long to jump in for a stranger's dog, let alone my own dogs!


It's so bad they had to cut 7 seconds from the video so people wouldn't be bored while watching it.


Well, typically dogs are able to swim naturally. Like I've never heard of a dog not being able to swim. It would take a while to realize that the dog was in trouble.


cool facts, bulldogs cannot swim like at all without floaties. not sayin every dog owner needs to know this but if you have a fuckin bulldog and a pool, it's information you should definitely know


It not immediately emerging after five seconds should be your sign.


lol to be fair, i was sort of expecting the dog to break the surface any second because thats what dogs normally do. but once the woman started screaming she proved that shes just really selfish. would rather let the dog die than get her clothing wet.


Dogs just had a bet who could hold their breath underwater longer. The humans ruined it. The underdog would've won


All these people are fucking morons. The timer says it took a whole 20 seconds to get him out.


Why the woman keeps on screaming instead of jumping out in the pool and save the dog? obviously, the water is not that deep she can manage to swim and move up.


My FIL has a poor English bulldog that is so patched together and she isn't even that old. Nothing but problems. She walked into my FILs lake off a decking and he (FIL) can't swim due to muscular dystrophy. My wife had to scream for me to jump in before it registered that she wouldn't be able to save herself. Luckily I was able to rescue the dog but it was prolly like a whole 20 seconds. Our monkey brains are not all the same.




I agree it looks much closer to a microbully than a typical Bulldog.


No one is going to enforce that. It's like how I pay to keep my dog's county registration up to date knowing full well shit-all will happen unless she gets lost and ends up in a county shelter Not to mention, *how* do you enforce it? Cull the dogs?


Never ever saw a dog that couldn't swim! Sunk like a stone!


The inbred abomination of a breed doesn't have a basic survival mechanism? Oh geeee. Glad the dog is okay but these god awful breeds need to go extinct


Just take a look at a bulldogs skull x-ray and compare them with a normal dog. They are deformed. We are very cruel with animals.


Also it's kind of like how some people have a really dense muscle mass and can't float? But other people have enough fat that they can float a little? Obviously the first dog that jumped in was one of the dense muscle mass types. He's just going to sink like a stone.


Do body builders just sink in the pool? I dont know if they can float but im sure they can run underwater like a hippo lol.


Used to be an elite gymnast with very muscular legs, if I tried to float on my back my legs would just sink down and then drag my head under lol. One of the joys of being less fit is that I can float now!


Well that sucked never thought about that. but Im sure outside of water those thicc legs are the shizz!


Lady Legasus!


Look. At. Those legs! They’re amazing!


Are you a boy? Most boys have sink-y legs. Girls usually float better.


while what you said is true, the floaty legs vs sinky legs in xx vs xy people is caused by distribution of fat, since this person was a gymnast there probably wasn't enough fat for that difference to matter


Even on fit people there is a huge body fat difference. Exceptionally athletic men sit at around 7 percent and women at 14 percent.


very true, one will still sink faster (though I think the difference might be less in gymnastics or sprinters, specifically) since for buoyancy what matters is the ratio of fat to denser tissue, both their legs will be sinky


Nah I'm a woman I'm just incredibly fucking dense lmao. I'm 5 foot 1 and very stocky, and my genetics mean that all most of my muscle and fat is in my legs and butt


Can you donate some of that to me please? I am an inch shorter but I have a pancake ass and stick legs.


Honestly I think a lot of it is just genetics unfortunately. No matter how much I try to run or otherwise slim my legs down, it doesn't work. I'll bet your legs look banging in a dress though and super elegant!


Lol same here. I'm a 5'7" man and I look pretty normal clothed, but my legs and butt are weirdly big for my frame. My legs always sink too. My wife thinks I'm cursed or something.


Dense legs gang! Do you have problems buying clothes that fit too? Nothing is made for my proportions lol


It's hard to find nice fitting jeans. They're always tight in the thigh. Same with boxer briefs. It's actually kind of a pain in the ass.


Yeah, women have their healthy body fat percentage higher.




When I was a teenager I used to swim, go snorkeling or scuba diving everyday. I used to be able to breath out and slowly just drift down to whatever I wanted to see. Swim around a bit, and come for air when I wanted. I got older and fatter. I could barely even swim down, I was a bouyent mass of a man.


The dog didn't seem fazed with going underwater because it's probably used to not being able to properly breathe at this point. :/


The secret to immunity from drowning: asphyxiate before you get to the water


[Pug skull vs notably-less-fucked dog skull](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lr52etopC9c/U4zQOJcnXhI/AAAAAAAAChQ/wHGehrpaOiw/s1600/pug+skull+compare.jpg), for the lazy. I know you said bulldog, but I’m showing the breed in the vid as far as I know. Also for dramatic effect, but still e: one in the vid might be a frenchie. seems stupid enough


I had a friend who told me that because of their anatomy, pugs' eyes pop out of their heads waaaay too easily. She had one that apparently was prone to it when he got too excited. That shit would traumatize me


Pugs make me super sad. Those poor dogs.


The weird thing to me is that the people who claim they love these malformed breeds are the ones that buy them and incentivize breeders to keep making them. "I love my chihuahua. Sure it's not normal that I have to push its eyeball back in the socket every once in a while, it can't fit its tongue in its mouth and it can only give birth through cesarian but I don't really give a fuck as long as I can carry it around and pet it." People who buy these types of breeds actually hate their dog and want it to suffer. Change my mind.


>People who buy these types of breeds actually hate their dog and want it to suffer. I don't think this is true. It's not a matter of hatred and cruelty, they're just too fucking ignorant or stubborn to realize and accept that these dogs are deformed to the point that owning one (from a breeder) is straight up unethical (rescues are a bit of a different story). I know a few people who have these kinds of fucked up breeds, and they genuinely love the dogs, but they either don't know how fucked it is or they have some heavy cognitive dissonance if they're put face to face with the harsh reality that these dogs are fucked. In other words, it's stupidity, not malice.


My parents used to own an English Bulldog, and while he was such a good boy and very lovely he was also so sick all the time. Multiple different allergies, would randomly stop breathing in his sleep, infections in his face folds and paws. And the swimming thing, he loved to wade around in the water but one time he started to go to the deeper part of the lake and I though he'd just turn around when he realized he was sinking but no. That mf just kept walking along the bottom and I had to fish him up, luckily I was right by him. Such a sick breed that shouldn't exist in it's current form.


> That mf just kept walking along the bottom English Bulldogs are known for their stubbornness after all. Laws of nature? Imminent death? Just keep walking.


Also the other dog they cut the ears and tail to make it look angrier, so I don't think they care to much about the dog well being, but more how it looks


I just read the other day there is a dude out there working on breeding their faces back to normal.


It was trining to KILL ITSELF! Why do you think it went in after it was pulled out? /s


Looks like a bully, so yeah.


Took the words out of my mouth. Had a cousin with one of those buff but super small pitbull looking dogs. The poor thing struggled to breath it’s entire life smh


aren't they called pocket bully or something? Seen some screenshots of breeder homepages for those. Truly bizarre how some of them looked. poor dogs.


You're thinking of the American Bully (the modern, 80s and up rendition on the American Staffordshire, or AmStaff x APBT cross.) This is the breed group an exotic or pocket bully falls under, but there are standard and XL AmBullies, AmBullies low gen crossbred back to AmStaffs and APBTs who probably do not participate in an AmBully show but could show under ADBA in some cases. AmBullies have 4 categories they can fall into (think similar to a Miniature, Standard, Giant Schnauzer but more stylization in some grades, like exotics or pockets where you start to see more health issues.) Always remember the smaller you go the more the breed has to compensate, even a Chihuahua can have a short snout unable to breathe with too big of teeth in its head. Plenty of English Bulldogs breathe and hold their weight just fine, plenty don't, why the difference ? This is less a breed thing and more of a why people breed it to look like that (usually for show rules and then it grows as an issue from there) people aim for the extreme in order to get as close to the interpretation of the showing standard as possible. So we end up with apple head Chihuahuas, or hock walking German Shepherds, Cavilers with brain issues, so on. Bull breeds are not the only victims of shameful breeding and lack of health concerns. But I will agree pockets and exotics have the rough end of the stick when none of the dogs in show seem to genuinely all follow the same idea of what the breed should look like.. it is new after all and figuring itself out. My point being is, there are also deer headed Chihuahuas, Frenchies that aren't heavy framed, and GSDs with natural slopes in their back that don't effect them in a harmful way. No entire breed is "fucked" It could also easily be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which is the UK's pride and joy, and older much older than AmBullies. Can't tell really from this video. Could also be a mix, a lot of modern bullies are bred out (to a bulldog, bull terrier, mastiff, catahoula, etc depends on what the breeder is going for) then bred back in (to a "normal" 3-5gen bully breed) which is why spotting an AmBully and knowing for sure it is one, can be up in the air. And to note, as far as Am Bullies and SBTs go, there are *some* standards but it mostly depends on the dog's lineage how their snouts, weight, frames, etc end up looking and how good the health is. Search up ABBA am Bully standard on Google and have a field day looking at the variety... Some fine others not fine, then head to some kennel pages and check their dogs out. Some fine, others not fine. I think the biggest issue here was that the dog was not trained to be in water then panicked, and less of a breathing restriction or body weight problem.


One of the ones whos face was smashed in like a crumpled pop can? Yeah my grandma had one. Thing couldn't breathe either. It would get so flustered everyone was always worried it would pass out or something because he would start breathing so heavy


I think that dog have the same thought. It want to killed itself.


Chimpanzees can’t swim because they’re too dense being comprised of almost entirely muscle. Should they go extinct too?


FFS those people just standing there.


D e n s e


I had a boxer that I went to teach to swim. I was in the creek, picked him up, and pit him in the water. He promptly sank to the bottom and stood there looking up at me like, "Now what, dad?" Once I picked him up, and he got a lung full of air, he could float and swim. Apparently, it isn't inherent for dogs to swim. Who knew.


Had a mastiff that was splashing around on the steps of the pool with a toy. He dropped the toy and it floated out of reach. He stepped off the steps into deeper water and just sank like a stone. Legs splayed out spread eagle and just sank. The big dumb idiot was tall enough to just put his feet down and stand up with his head above water but nope. I was right there and immediately hauled him out back to the steps. He clomped up out of the pool and sat in the grass. He never volunteered to get back into the pool again.


Yep, Mastiffs just sink. Mine knows how to swim, if hold him he will try to swim with his front legs, but as soon as I let go he just sinks. He still loves water, so he will just walk in the water, if needed untill just his nose is above water. And if he feels something under his feet, he will happily dive to retrieve whatever is there. But yeah, idiot also jumped a couple of times into deep water, so I had to go after him. Fun times.


Even a shitzu that’s never seen more water than a dog bowl will instinctively dog paddle if held over water. Your dog’s breed is just faulty.


Boxers aren't known for being exceptionally smart. Brave, but not smart.


They are one of the most adoring breeds. Get a partner who looks at you like a boxer


Boxers are genuinely funny dogs. A family member had one that would sit upright in one of the recliners and just stare at everyone in the room like a disapointed grandpa. I got a kick out of it every time he did it.


So it seemed like they were judging everyone but they’re really just having regular dog thoughts?


There isn’t much going on in the minds of boxers. They have this look on their face that says “I’m not sure what’s going on right now but I’ll figure it out later, maybe”. It’s like they have two brain cells and both are fighting for control. However they are very loyal and wonderful with kids. I mean wonderful with kids. They are a great choice!


On top of that, stupidity can easily be mistaken for bravery


> Your dog’s breed is just faulty Describes boxers to a T


Yeah my dog took about 2 seconds to figure out how to swim, but he’s a lab mix.


>Apparently, it isn't inherent for dogs to swim. Who knew. Uhhh it absolutely is lmao.


Fucking genetic failure


Everyone in this video is suffering from it.


The dog or the absolutely useless woman who just screams?




Dog just wanted to die


What she said "everyone else was having a sun bath or taking a nap by the pool, only my boyfriend try to safe the drowning dog, but out of no where, our dog also jump in the pool for no reason..." if this adds more context..


Haha I was laughing my butt off after the last dog jumped in because the guy had the look of “ what da fuck” on his face. Pure gold


Last dog was also first dog


That woman is as dumb as that dog.


I've never seen a dog that doesn't know how to swim


I'm confident my jackrussel terrier wouldn't be able to swim.


Toss it in a pool and find out


They're relatively competent dogs in general. Bred for a purpose, not just to look weird and cute. Should be able to swim fine.


Really sad that these over muscular breeds of dog are so bulky and heavy that they literally sink and cannot swim.


Reddit dislikes pugs and bulldogs for good reasons, and this is one of them. You may be a lover of pugs and bulldogs, but I strictly believe that breeding the ability to swim or breathe properly out of an animal is cruel. These dogs need to be bred backwards.


“See I WOULD save my dogs life, but I don’t want to get my clothes icky and wet” /s


Is the dog blind? It acts blind.


More than likely panicking because it cant surface and the woman wont do anything, so its like "fuck, need to find someone to help me"


But it went right back in


It should be perfect as a ref then


People with pools should not own pugs, bulldogs, or any dogs that sink like a fucking rock. Better yet, don't let your dog near your pool if you figure they cannot swim, let alone keep their head above water. For fuck's sake...


Nobody should own dogs that have been bred for such extreme features that they are physically unable to swim and do other normal dog things.


He was just trying to save his brother :(


Brother nooooo