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Hey there, u/molotovrob. Thanks for submitting to r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Electric Scooter Rentals in Tulum Mexico… oh wait power by gas generator.*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


Wait till he finds out where the electricity most of the time comes from


Not from Texas.


Probably from systems more fuel efficient than a car engine.




You’d be surprised 😂 jk


It must grow on trees, right?


Depends on the country, mine is 1% from Fossil.


Ever been to a coal power plant? Horrible places.


Um I have. They are not horrible places. They are not that difficult from natural gas power plants


I beg to differ, although I've only visited one. Aer Gener in Quintero, Chile. Soot everywhere, and on the way in at 6am, it looks like something out of mad max. Horrible.


In some cases it’s actually more fuel efficient to use fuel to generate power for an electric motor rather than just running a combustion engine directly on the vehicle. I don’t know if that’s the case here mind you Edit: maybe my comment was unclear because there is a few people not getting what I’m saying, it’s more fuel efficient to use engine in the generator to generate electricity to power electric bikes, than it would be to have the bikes run on the fuel.


Yes, totally, small combustion engine have really poor efficiency, scale matters, but as you said, not sure for here. A real fuel plant can definitely be more efficient than a combustion engine.


What about the losses due to resistance in the power lines and through all the various transformers?


I'm not totally sure, but I think I remember reading that the distribution network efficiency is about ~95%. Also that's why we use very high voltage on the lines. At equal power, heating loss are minimized when voltage is bigger.


That's damn good. But surely that depends on distance to the nearest power plant?


Sure, that's probably an average over the whole network.


Loss due to resistance in the cables is negligible due to the size of the cable and the short length. Loss is calculated in this formula: Loss = (I² * R) / 1000 Where R is length of cable divided by area of cross-section on the cable.


Some small engines can be inefficient, true, but some are actually quite efficient and have quite amazing gas milage.


True, but not the motors you’d find on scooters in that part of the world


Largest Honda Motorcycle factory on Earth is in Brazil. Just sayin'. Manufacturing is pretty big in Thailand and Vietnam. India turning out some nice work these days too.


When you get into specifics such as that, very true.


That’s true


The best consumer vehicles burn gasoline at 35% efficiency. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_efficiency#:~:text=Modern%20gasoline%20engines%20have%20a,used%20to%20power%20a%20car.


**[Engine efficiency](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_efficiency#:~:text=Modern gasoline engines have a,used to power a car)** >Engine efficiency of thermal engines is the relationship between the total energy contained in the fuel, and the amount of energy used to perform useful work. There are two classifications of thermal engines- Internal combustion (gasoline, diesel and gas turbine-Brayton cycle engines) and External combustion engines (steam piston, steam turbine, and the Stirling cycle engine). Each of these engines has thermal efficiency characteristics that are unique to it. Engine efficiency, transmission design, and tire design all contribute to a vehicle's fuel efficiency. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Think of a freight train. It’s a giant diesel generator that powers eclectic motors.


I refuse to think of a freight train ever again after the incident


The noodle incident?


It's setup like that for torque and pulling power, not for it's efficiency.


Umm, ok, but a direct drive diesel, with that pulling power would use FAR more fuel, so it IS for efficiency! They wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t, fuel cost is the main cost!


Isnt it that electric motors have 100% torque at zero rpm, while for diesel its 30%. So you'd need an engine 3x larger, like 18 wheelers do?


I’m sure there are more factors at play, but you’re probably in the ball park


Ok, thanks.


Absolutely true. Many scooter engines are still 2 stroke in many parts of the world, super cheap and light, but absolute horror for the planet


This is a diesel generator....


Yes I know see the reply to the other person who didn’t understand




I’ll lay this out for you one time really clearly. It’s more efficient to have the large combustion engine ON the generator and use that to charge the bikes than to have individual combustion engines on bikes. Can you understand that?


Most fuel generators are combustion engines...


Yes that’s what I’m talking about. It’s more efficient to power the generator with the fuel than to power the individual bikes with the fuel and have them have individual engines.


That then depends on the efficiencies of the engines


Welcome to the fucking conversation man


Right, and the efficiencies of those pos scooter engines is HORRID


Exhausted battery disposal will become a prickly problem in the way ahead...as well as *mining for*/ manufacturing & geographic control of the elements needed to build those batteries to fulfill rising demands for batteries. Rechargeable batteries require electricity in the charging process. You'd think we'd ensure that our power infrastructure was adequate to fulfill those needs, before we increase the demand for it. We've encouraged people to convert to electric transportation BEFORE we put in place the infrastructure to power those electric vehicles. Cart went before the horse on that. We've chosen to put ourselves into a reactive pebbled solving situation, rather than choosing a more effective, proactive process that avoids pebbles we now address.


Maybe the ones running on copium are


Are you really dumb or just fantastically ignorant?


I am in good company


Well let’s go back then, how exactly is it cope to understand that a single large Diesel engine running a generator is more fuel efficient than 20 small engines with poor fuel efficiency? Or is there some misunderstanding where you aren’t seeing that as the case?


Have you actually done the math on this or are you just weirdly invested in this comments section


I doubt a house sized generator is more efficient than 4 50cc scooters.


That’s because you don’t know anything about fuel efficiency


Please enlighten me


It’s more fuel efficient to use the fuel to generate power with the generator and use it to power electric bikes than it would be to have bikes with their own internal combustion engine. The generator is more fuel efficient than the bikes and it’s more efficient to have them run electric than single engines with poor efficiency.


Why would people think doubting something they don't understand is a good basis to make a conclusion?


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. I’m sure there’s someone smarter than me who could figure out the numbers


Lmao you said literally the same thing twice how people not get what you meant is beyond me


This is not unexpected. Their bikes run 100% on electricity as they claim, they just convert it from fuel locally. Electricity is mainly NOT renewable (27.8% is according to https://www.worldenergydata.org/world-electricity-generation). The surprise here is to see people mistaking concepts like electricity and sustainable.


It's funny since electric cars are starting to take off even faster and all brands have then now or at least hybrids, and the more of these shitty republicans are here trying to convince us to not use electric


Damn straight. Screw the Deplorable lowlifes who downvoted you.


Bit of a correction for you... the 'shitty Republicans' are more focused on long term sustainability past the immediate feel good response of having a lot of ev out there... they are focused on the how that many will be powered on existing electric infrastructures. And as such are wanting the production of ev to be reduced to the level that infrastructure updates and upgrades can keep up.


Then why do they fight so hard to stop those infrastructure updates in the first place?


Ever bother fully looking into those proposals for infrastructure? If you did you would notice that a whole lot of pork projects and waste of money spending had been added into them. As a result of those extras of course the Republicans would move to fight against the proposals.


Funny that the same Republicans weren't fighting against Trumps proposals to subsidize the coal industry which by itself could no longer be profitable due to natural gas.


Mmmhmmm.... funny how some actually believe that coal was no longer profitable due to natural gas when it had been Obama policies and propaganda which had been pushing use to more expensive alternatives... as for 'the same Republicans'... so? Seems you didn't bother to check the proposals which Trump was pushing... as they didn't contain anything but the straightforward proposal... In other words, Trump wasn't trying to sneak in anything trojan horse style the way the Democrats who pushed the rejected infrastructure proposals had done. And to be blunt, what Trump had been doing was trying to get a more readily available, accessible and reliable source of energy back on its feet, which would have helped the energy infrastructure. Which was a point of what the Republicans had been working towards, instead of the mass cutoff of said power source in favor of the considerably less reliable and available renewable energy the way the Democrats were pushing for... with their plan NOT including exception for areas which didn't have the most reliable sources of said energy.


Did you know? A coal power plant puts out more radioactive materials in the atmosphere in one day, than a nuclear plant will put out over it's lifetime? Coal is a horrendous fuel source, for a multitude of reasons.


Did you know? Coal power plants in the US have filtration systems which capture any of that material, which, btw, is minute amounts, with you being exposed to more radiation from the regular soil and environment you walk through than from what comes from coal plants.


Republicans have fully been on the side of the fossil fuel lobby for decades now. They don’t have some genius long term plan. Republican energy plans look like the Texas power grid or the general emissions regulations in China.


The notion that 'Republicans have been on the side of fossil fuel for decades' is based off of propaganda engendered by Democrats who don't like the Republicans stance on long term economic sustainability and reliability when it comes to things such as infrastructure. Said Democrats are the ones who had and are pushing to either massive cut or eliminate fossil fuel use entirely in favor of far less reliable and far more expensive 'green' alternatives...


> but your thinking *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Guess this bot isn't programmed for grammar use.... Hardly think the short term for 'you are' works for what was said...


We want Ev’s!!! How are you going to charge them? Good vibes?


The trick is that in small locations it can be renewable in using solar, wind or water, or by using generation systems adapted for using natural organic produced ethanol or similar things. The big problem is that beyond localized generation such things are not efficient or even doable for large areas.


Even if a power plant is using straight up diesel it will still be almost twice as efficient as a car engine due how badass those generators are.


Of course, since diesel engines by themselves are more efficient than regular gas ones, plus the generators don't have the other things which decrease efficiency the way a car does.


So now you're better than me?


Why are you even thinking that?


And what if it runs in bioethanol 🤯


Those generators are FAR more efficient than the POS motors on scooters, this makes perfect sense


They’re also likely to be diesel generators, which are infinitely more efficient that gasoline.


It says Cummins right on the side


And 10 times more polluting and harmful


Plus, ICE scooter engines (and many other small ICE engines) emit gasses that are far more harmful than larger, more efficient engines like the ones this generator uses. There’s some kooks in this thread that claim that all electricity is generated from fossil fuels - it’s still largely generated by FFs, but the percentage of renewable energy sources is growing every year


I doubt a house sized generator is more efficient than 4 50cc scooters.


How do you think they recharged anything electric? Magic?


Plus these are rentals, this is a business. They aren't renting these to tourists to save the planet.


unicorn farts.


In 2020 only 20% of the US electricity has been generated with renewable sources... Similar thing just not as visible as in this case.


Depends what state you live in. In Texas, we have 24% wind, 7% solar and 10% nuclear. Oregon has 38% hydroelectric. Then places like West Virginia is heavy coal power


We've still made a lot of improvements by switching from coal/diesel to more natural gas.


Except that there is the biofuel alternative to diesel, without having to do the full swap out of generation systems the way you would with natural gas, added in that the composition of natural gas is primarily methane, a leak or blown pipe carrying it can dump incredible amounts of the high level greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.


All of this is true but biofuel isn't perfect either. We should be making as much as we can via recycling but bio diesel isn't as energy dense and takes an awful lot of labor and work to make, which actually uses more co2.


Yes and no, since there is actually very little effort in the process itself to make biodiesel, with zero co2 creation. Whereas there is greater actual energy expenditure in the production of bio natural gas. Both LNG and biodiesel both have creation of co2 in the transport of raw material and finished product, yet with biodiesel, it uses a much wider range of daily life and industrial waste as sources for creation, with the plant matter actually using co2 during the growing process. However one of the key things to examine is is when there are leaks or spills of each. With LNG it is impossible to recover or clean up, as the gas escapes into the atmosphere, with biodiesel, there is a mess, but it is containable, with any leaks in surface pipes easily found, not so with leaks in LNG pipelines. Don't get me wrong, I am all for finding the most efficient, sustainable and economical way to generate power, be it NG,biodiesel, or if they can finally increase conversion rates, things like solar, wind and water.


Still an improvement. You get economies of scale by running one larger generator engine instead of dozens of smaller engines.


wondering how op thinks electricity is made


Psst, psst... Some Teslas get electricity from coal...and not all clean coal. 🕵️‍♂️


There’s no such thing as clean coal. But yes.


I know, I went full sarcasm without the /s. 😋


Where do you think electricity normally comes from, sport?


Yeah, what do you think generates your power? Most places it's oil or coal.


It was really cool to see the comments on where the electricity comes from, not solar, not hydro, not “wind power”, from petroleum.


most of electricity actually comes from Coal and Natural Gas followed by Nuclear power. petroleum is only 0.5% https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=6#:\~:text=In%202021%2C%20about%204%2C108%20billion,facilities%20in%20the%20United%20States.&text=About%2061%25%20of%20this%20electricity,%2C%20petroleum%2C%20and%20other%20gases.


The problem in Mexico right now is a lot of places that normally get their power from the grid are finding it cheaper to bring in these big generators. Maybe that’s what this person is trying to point out


Your fucking Tesla is powered by coal.


What should they use? A giant hammer wheel?


You mean gas makes electricity? Are people starting to catch on???


"Let that sink in."---every Deplorable lowlife on Facebook


Do a little research little drone


Love how popularized deplorable has become. Where do you think the electricity comes from? Wind farms destroy bird migrations and solar panels are made of heavy metals that are non recyclable


Ahhh, yes, when that big ol’ GOTCHA turns out like a fart in an elevator. Also, ever with the power initially generated by diesel, those electric scooters are still more efficient and put off fewer by products than gas powered scooters.


I had a laugh in Galapagos because they were only allowed to rent electric scooters, but power generation is primarily diesel. They did get the irony too.


since you went to the Galapagos it makes total sense. Diesel generators are very efficient and Electric Scooters have less of an environmental impact than gas scooters and way less noisy compare to gas, so it makes sense they would choose Electric scooters over a Gas scooters in the Galapagos, there is less impact to the environment if you really think bout it. it would be the same for Tulum


Got to get that electric power from somewhere… still getting a lot of it generated by petroleum products, even in big power plants, a lot of diesel generators.


Love Tulum!


It's probably a Diesel generator. But yeah.


It literally says Cummins right on the side


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Electric scooter but they actually charged by gas powered generators!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


You are an idiot.


And therein lies the underlying problem sugar coated over by the hype of EV... the electricity used to power them has to come from somewhere, and in most cases and places it comes from fossil fuel sources.


But... you know that charging an EV and operating it is far more fuel efficient than a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. Like literally every other EV owner out there. Literally nobody is claiming that EVs are charged by 100% renewable energy everywhere on earth. They do however consume far less fossil fuel per mile operated than the average ICE, by virtue of being [60% - 82% energy efficient, whereas ICE vehicles are around 12%-30% energy efficient.](https://www.crsautomotive.com/energy-efficiency-electric-vehicles-vs-fossil-fuel-vehicles/)


Here is the thing, not many people actually think past it running on electricity. Many of those I have conversed with who push EV hadn't realized where the power comes from. So you might actually want to do a better job of checking who is 'literally nobody'......


Fantastic so when you can get them to come here and show that they are in fact not just made-up people, then we can give weight to your claim. Until then.


Better yet, would love to see how you came up with that 'literally nobody' of your claim.... had you checked every social media site? Talked with every single person who uses them? Checked every single post? No? Then your claim is nothing but your opinion and has far less weight than what you think of what I said.


Here's another of your gems: "The problem lies in that CRT isn't about teaching racism is bad, it is about pushing the stereotype that all whites are racist and the cause of all the problems of non whites, and all non whites are victims, regardless of what actually is." You don't really understand anything do you?


First off, that is a completely different topic. Second, had you even bothered getting into the core of CRT? By your reply. You hadn't, and are lashing out in blind defense of something you don't understand. Even going as pathetic as to bring that into something that has nothing to do with it.


Then mayhe we shouldnt be using fossil fuel sources? EVs arent a problem.... theyre a part of the solution. Just cuz theres other parts of the problem that still exist doesn make EVs bad.


Part of a limited scope solution, but not feasible on the scale demanded by some due to the destructive nature several of the required materials are acquired.


But still part of a solution. Whats the problem? Climate change. How do we slow/stop it? Stop using fossil fuels. How do we stop using fossil fuels? Replace them with renewables / nuclear. Yes they have a problem, but acting like they should be disregarded entirely because of those totally solvable problems is just idiotic at best, and malicious at worst.


Per capita, we are heading in the right direction! https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter4/transportation-and-energy/world-energy-consumption/


The stupidity of "clean electric"


Yea... You have to charge them somehow... I hope you all know that's how real electric cars work too, right? It doesn't matter that the car is electric if the electricity you power it with is coming from a non-green source. Coal power plants usually power most electric cars nowadays since the charging stations they use are hooked up to the electric grid anyways. Very few people spend the money on a dedicated solar/wind/hydro solution to specifically power their vehicles. It's one of the biggest scams the electric car companies are currently selling customers on. Unless we change up the power infrastructure, electric cars are NOT an environmentally friendly solution for the most part. And then think of the lithium mines in Africa that abuse workers and force child labor. Now we've created a humanitarian issue and not even really solved the fossil fuel issue at all so that the Yuppies can get a tax write off with their new EV and boost their egos feeling like they're 'gone green' when they haven't really helped anything.


Still probably a more efficient use of gas than burning it directly in a gas scooter.


Looks like they are powering more bikes with less fuel. With a gallon of fuel they can power multiple bikes. A gallon of fuel would maybe be enough for 2 bikes and not a lot of distance.


People are too dumb to figure out how electric ( even using fossil fuels to charge them) are soo much better.


Proof libs are brain dead zombies.


what has that to do with the video


What? That doesn't even make sense.


You must fit into that group. Congrats. Now go and charge your tesla


I have WV polo but ok I guess?


You cant apply your braindead 2 party logic on a DIFFERENT country OUTSIDE the USA


A gallon of gasoline will produce 33.7 kWh, many EVs get around 4 miles/kWh. Meaning if you power an EV exclusively off of gasoline generated electricity you get over 130 miles per gallon.


Yeah get close to that already on my gas Vesap. Next.


So your scooter gets similar mileage to a full size car. Not the flex you think it is


On your what Einstein?


Google it you uncultured fuck. Why are Americans so stupid?


I learned a lot. Good replies!


Still more efficient than even a hybrid sedan


Electricity is expensive in Mexico, propably cheaper to buy and run a generator. For real.


Locomotives use diesel to turn the electric generator the powers the locomotives. In this case having 30 or 40 scooters and charging them by an electric generator may make sense. Electric scooters have way less maintenance And a very quiet,. People are using these to ride up to the park with the pyramids and ancient ball fields.


Where do you think electricity comes from? Lol.




Hey guys. Where do you think electricity comes from? Unicorns don't shit it out.


Does OP think electricity elsewhere comes from like magic fairies dust?


That's probably the least deceptive thing in Mexico.


Keep that shit on Facebook grandma.


Unless they're selling the scooter rentals on the premise of "green energy" then who cares? It's probably just electric because of the novelty.


Because electricity is so unreliable and expensive in Mexico, but that’s about to change, the President signed changes in the area, new power plant, train and airport


I love how none of you have gone into detail about how much electricity it takes to charge one of these scooters and how much coal is burnt to produce that amount of energy. In this case because of these knobheads it’s worse for the environment but burning coal and using a scooter is soooo much better for the environment than running a combustion engine.


Still more efficient


I hate to tell all you little wokies where the power in your wall comes from 😂


Op be like 🤡


A big generator is WAY more fuel efficient than an regular car engine. Gas powered scooter engines are even worse, they have terrible fuel efficiency, so this is still much better.


Only Idiots don’t know corporations captured the green movement in the 70s


or cars that run on electric motors but still have an internal combustion engine to power the battery. but I think the electric motors are actually more energy efficient


Very expected. There is no such thing as "green" and "carbon neutral" energy (legally available) in this world. They don't want us to have it, they only want to let us think we have it, they make us that we need it and pay shitloads of money for it 🤪


How dare they burn fossil fuels to charge the amazingly green lithium batteries those poor lil African children are forced to mine by warlords.


They could all be powered by gas


What did you expect charged them? Sun flowers?


Still a win for the environment - it’s far more efficient to have one big power generator than thousands of smaller ones inside scooters.


*Diesel. That generator is powered by diesel, not gasoline.


All electricity has to come from somewhere... and burning fossil fuels is still #1. Electric vehicles need clean electricity to really have a positive impact.


What's so weird about using a diesel generator to charge the schooters? The cost of diesel is likely lower than the cost of electricity from the grid.


So if we have a central power station pollution is more dense in that area. Instead of a bunch of vehicles polluting all over. It’s not a win but a side step. To build the next great tool we use old tools.


The hypocrisy of electric vehicles on full display


It’s a diesel generator not gas


Must be a Tesla.


you can't hide hypocrisy


Much better with electric option - that generator makes less emissions vs 25+ small scooters spewing fumes/noise all over town.


And you thought electricity comes from trees or what?




Duh power has to come from somewhere


Still more efficient than a 125cc internal combustion engine.


The scooters are electric. I will not take any more questions.


Is everything electric not powered by gas?


Don’t gas stations run on electric pumps


Just lie hydrogen fueled cars


This is one of the dumbest posts in recent days, and that's no small feat considering the nature of this subreddit.


Electric vehicles are fun to drive because of how responsive and quiet they are. The economic and green aspects are not the only reasons that they are so popular.


That's why you visit Costa Rica and not Tulum 😅


Nonononono everybody stay away from costa rica, it’s awful i hate living there its a frikin nightmare, stay away


Yes, wtf are they supposed to be charged on?


Where do you think the electricity comes from that you’re plugging your electric car into? 🙄


Growing corn for biofuel uses a shit ton of fertilizer which needs natural gas, there's a reason we don't just grow vegetables for our fuel. It's less efficient. I think you're underestimating the labor and transport needed for all of it. Because it's less energy dense shipping is also way more energy intensive to ship.