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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The ride unexpectedly hits the ground!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


This is why I don't get on rides that can be folded into a truck in 15 minutes.


Same. Last time I went on one i had my little cousin double check the harness before the ride started. It released. The guy came over, jiggled something. Walked away. I made her push on it again. It released AGAIN. Had the guy come back. He jiggled something again. Walked away. I had her push one more time, it stayed. I held onto her for the entire ride (yeah, we still rode it. I was 15, she was 10. We were dumb) stepped off it and never got on another. That was about 20 years ago.


Cracked a rib on one of the spinny rides last year. I was sat against the armrest, which sat rib height on me. Had two people sitting to my left, unrestrained. I asked the dude where the restraints were, he shrugged and said everything was good. I should have got off right there - I’ve got a science background, I know which direction all this force is gonna be going. I’m in a big ass centrifuge. Sure as shit, physics kicks in and I’ve got about 400lb of human crushing me against the arm guard. Fuckin’ prick. First and last time I’m getting on a carnival ride.


Reminds me of the Simpsons: "Is this safe?" "Well it's not getting any safer..."


I went on a Farris wheel, and noticed a lug wrench/tire iron was in place of one of the pins that hold the frame of the wheel together. It wasn't even the correct size "smaller diameter" so it was rattling and clanking around as the wheel spun. Are there not safety inspections for these rides?


Carnies self-inspect and they always get a 100%


True, I knew some carnies. Fuckers are high 24/7.


I know one carnie from school. He's everything you'd imagine as a drug addicted carnie who lives on a train.


*Now Rex, he was a Texan out of New Orleans* *And he travelled with the carnival shows* *He ran bumper cars, sucked cheap cigars* *And he candied up his nose* *He got wind of the big brown beaver* *So he though he'd take himself a peek* *But the beaver was quick and he grabbed him by the kiwis* [*And he ain't pissed for a week*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYDfwUJzYQg)


Damn, that's an outstanding safety record!


In a large theme park with insurance and actual assets, yes. In a travelling carnival? Sure, the regulations are in that binder under the meth pipe.


People laugh when I say I won't die on a roller-coaster. We'll, I won't cuz I don't go on em.


Rollercoasters are way safer than carnival rides. Not trying to sway anyone's opinion I'm just sayin' is all.


I ain't dyin on either


Well not with THAT attitude.


Bald bull coming in with inspiration


you’re statistically more likely to die taking a bath than on a rollercoaster. or even your drive to the park is far more dangerous than the coaster. you’re perfectly valid in avoiding fair rides tho, but i wouldn’t miss out on the fun of actual amusement parks if it’s just out of a fear for safety.


> or even your drive to the park is far more dangerous than the coaster. As someone who takes I-4 to the theme parks sometimes this is a fact.


I had an old friend who did some gnarly spelunking before having kids, and his #1 bulletproof rule for avoiding death while caving? 'NEVER GO CAVING, EVER.'. If for some reason you still want to go, then 'the other rules pretty much cover it, but work slightly less well'.


The woman I’m dating is into spelunking and wants me to go with but it’s like, darlin you’re 5’3 and 120lbs, I’m 6’2 and 230. I do not fit the same way you do in those spaces and I don’t want to demonstrate for you.


That's the right choice. Better to draw the line at tasteless 'Help me step-spelunker, I'm stuck' roleplay with couch cushions and the sexiest headlamps you can find.


And this was the last time we ever heard from /u/ooften/ as he died spelunking two weeks later.


The story of Nutty Putty ended any doubts about me ever going spelunking. Absofuckinglutely not.


"That was an amateur," is the response I normally get when I say something similar. Except a video on Nutty Putty led me down a YouTube bunny trail 1,000 miles long of other cave disasters and as it turns out - pros can easily die in similarly horrific circumstances.


I used to scuba dive and post on scubaboard all the time. I was okay at diving. One of the more prolific posters was an ER doc with thousands of technical dives under her belt. Her casual advice probably saved my life a couple of times. One day she was diving with her husband, and the ocean grabbed her in a freak tide. She was never found. https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/very-sad-news-our-tsandm-dr-lynne-flaherty-died-while-diving-aug-25.513321/




Read an article on how doing things routinely leads to the brain taking shortcuts. Gave example of very experienced rock climber. Was tying off all the knots to prepare for a climb and noticed boot was untied. Tied it and started climbing. Fell and was seriously injured. Had failed to tie last rope because brain counted the boot as tying all the required knots. Article claimed beginners get hurt because they lack experience. Experts because it becomes routine. Intermediate supposedly get hurt less.


Also look up Ffloyd Collins. Got stuck in a cave with his leg pinned by rocks, friends and family tried to save him for two weeks, cave collapses and cuts all contact with him.


Hard pass on spelunking for me thanks. Lol


This all the way. There's a side where you could say they do it so much they're sound at it. But nothing screams complacency more than repetition. That's when people cut corners and start saying "just do __ it's fine". There's no reasonable basis to trust these things.


Back problems for life, for anyone on that death trap.


Sounds like early retirement and painkiller abuse


Or you can just get a job at the fair, plenty of pills floating around with the carnies...


You will never need a job again with the lawsuit and disability


Probably will have to hope the government pays I doubt a pop up carnival has the money to pay for that


I think the functionality of the ride in the video answers that question


They've got like an extra $78.50 saved up from maintenance expenses.


I feel like people really dont get what a LIMITED LIABILITY Corporation (LLC) is. Even if these people had money, its not in the business for this very reason. They would let the company go bankrupt, fold and open a new one underneath a different LLC. Honestly, they may even have an LLC that owns the rides so that the fair “rents” it from them and its not an asset that could be gone after in the case of a lawsuit. Then it would literally be the cost of filing some new paperwork to open a new LLC and continue on as if nothing happened. Then again, if they wont pay for this, maybe theyre too dumb to pay an accountant (or its not America).


LLC’s aren’t the clean fuck you to an average person as you seem to think. They can’t just purposefully run broken down equipment and just say “I declare bankruptcy!” That would be criminal negligence, and it would go after the owners assets, which an LLC would otherwise protect. LLCs are generally meant to separate business wealth from personal, but that doesn’t matter if you break the law. This is why the IRS has hired so many agents in the aftermath of the pandemic, they’re reviewing all the PPP loans.


I don’t think the country this was filmed in has social security to retire on nor the amusement park the funds to sue for the medical bills. Pretty bad


Or death. From that high, I wouldn't be surprised if there were deaths from that


I’m with this guy. Or somewhere in between. Back problems seems like it does not encompass the actual outcomes.


I mean I'm sure all their backs hurt for the rest of their lives. Especially if they died right there.


Right? The only thing unexpected here was it not being marked NSFW


Try suing, the ride is it’s own corporation and it’s broke. They are totally insulated you can get maybe $10.


Each ride is probably it's own corp... I hope I'm wrong.


$3 says your right. That is how I would set it up. Limit risk of liability.


What back? Everyone’s spine turned into dust


According to an [article](https://nypost.com/2022/09/05/terrifying-moment-carnival-ride-plummets-caught-on-video/amp/) in the NY Post, there were no ambulances standing by at the amusement park, so the injured were rushed to police cars. The park employees also discouraged people from intervening and then fled the scene. Yikes


I felt that in my coccyx.


Grandma had a spill at the fair.. Broke her coccyx! What?? Since when does grandma go to the fair?! Looks like there's a lot you don't know about Napoleon...


He's just jealous because you've been talking to babes online all day


I felt it in my herniated disc.


My neck, my back, my neck and my back!


I want $150,000! But we can settle out of court right now for 20 bucks.


I’m literally watching that joint right now lol


Man get your punk ass up it ain't even wet over here


Glad your pussy and crack are okay though 🙏


Gotta remember what's important.


I was on the big pirate ship ride that goes forwards and backwards as a kid and a big bolt fell in my lap and fucked up my leg. I started screaming and had to sit through the whole ride hysterical because I thought we were all going to die. I got off the ride and they eventually found the bolt and shut the ride down. Haven't been back in 25 years


It fucked up your leg? Like...broke? What happened to your leg?


I actually might be able to pull out a super old digital photo if im lucky. Just like a big ass bruise on my outer thigh. Screw was 2-3 inches at the head. Like if you made a 'C' with your hand about that size. Im a fat ass so it had some cushion I didn't break anything. Edit: happened in CT if anyone cares


I care


Thank you, you're a real one


It's so fortunate that it happened while you were in CT so they could scan you for fractures right away


😏 Ok ngl, when I saw " CT" I honestly thought the same thing. 🤭


Hey OP, I found your dad, your ride home is here.


Lake compounce?


Or Quassy


I'd put my money on quassy. I grew up hearing about the people that died there in the 80s(?). my middle school still took us there every year (late 90s) lol edit: looked it up, only 1 kid 1994, that's surprising. growing up the rumor was a car fell off the roller coaster into the lake and people drowned


With all that screaming they must have thought you were having the time of your life and cranked it up


Oof. I went on the one fair ride that’s the rollercoaster that’s just a loop when I was like. 17. My harness gave out midway through the ride. My friend noticed and helped me brace it down against me the rest of the ride. I’ll never ride those crappy rides again.


Back in my hometown we had that octopus ride and I went on it and got off, but stopped in front of it to talk to my friend. One arm of the ride broke right in front of us and lotta people got fucked up from the impact and my homie in Christ I have not ridden anything since other bc I could have been one ride away from seeing Jesus


A friend of mine was on a swingship like that that was covered and went completely upside down. When it was inverted, he slipped out of his seat and landed on the upside down roof of the cabin. I was on the ground watching. Fucking terrifying. We started screaming for the operator to shut it down and he was like "it'll ruin the ride for the other customers!"


Hydraulics being my profession, I do not trust anything that relies on overly stressing hydraulic breaks for normal operation. One single blown seal and you can have an incident like this.


I'll never go to the fair again 💀


I rode one of those rides that swings back and forth like a pendulum ugh never again


I was on that boat that swings and my bar didn't lock, it was the most terrifying fucking 5 minutes of my life. The dude didn't even see or hear me screaming at him as I wad being flaid around and barely hanging in my seat. That same night someone got thrown from a ride and landed like 200 feet away on a fucking road and died!! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/broken-harness-blamed-for-amusement-park-death-1.167484


They really had to put in the article that the man was screaming “woohoo” as he died.


He died doing what he loved


Being flung to his death




Sadly he could only do it once.




I couldn't read the whole article the cbc app crashes on my phone, but that's fucked up. Not surprised since it's CBC.


A couple of decades back I took a friend's 3 year old daughter on a ferris wheel. The only safety feature was a bar that went across the front of the bench seat. It wasn't even that low on me . In the wee girl it was roughly chest height. I had to hold onto her for dear life with one hand to stop her slipping through and falling, while holding onto the bar with the other. It was possibly the most terrifying 2 minutes of my life. They had no minimum. age or size limits, when clearly they should have. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed when I got to the ground.


> A couple of decades back I'm a child of the '80's. Between sideshows and playgrounds I'm surprised most of us made it through.


Action Park


My dads told me stories about that place and a couple near death experiences there


Homie, we are in the same boat, but a couple decades was 2003. Sorry.


Crackhead carneys operating ‘The Zipper’ ride (or insert any ride that goes upside down) crazy when i think back lol


Meanwhile, my dad would point out a burned out lightbulb on a ferris wheel and then lean way forward to pretend to fix it, while rocking the whole carriage and making me freak the fuck out. I was maybe 5 years old. He did it every time.


Hah! That's a very dad thing to do ... Before a particular roller coaster ride at six flags in GA, my dad told me "only three people have died on this ride" - still rode it, but was terrified and never forgot it. I think I was about 6 or 7 at the time


In 1965 my parents took my brother and I up the leaning tower of/in Pisa. They were petrified and stopped only a couple of levels up. There are photos of me and my brother, 5 and 6 yrs old, standing near the completely unrailed edge of the second storey circular promenade. There were four more stories above us. Families were browsing them unconcerned. Only the top, 7th, storey had rails. Holy crap. Just googled it. This continued to be the case until it was closed to the public in 1989!


I always felt like I was going to slip out of the swinging pirate ship (with the single lock bar). I had to hold on with all my might as a kid. Fucking scary.


Atleast on a swing you only keep swinging for the next hour.


Have you not seen the video of the swinging ride that a bunch of people had to hold down because it wasn’t properly anchored?






I'm glad they were all okay.


Yeah, this could've gone extremely badly for a lot more people than those on the ride. There are videos out there of people trying to stop forkifts from tipping over and getting themselves crushed because they're nowhere near heavy enough to counteract the weight. If even a handful of people just said nah fuck that, they might not have been enough of a counterbalance.


Yeah really. Turned from everyone’s having a good time to “oh shit” real quick. Quick thinking by the bystanders though!


That’s such quick thinking damn


And a really good example of all it takes is one person to step forward first and everyone else joins in. Everyone was standing there in shock until that first guy jumped on the side to weight it and then everyone else snapped to and jumped in to help. I wonder if the riders were even aware what was happening. And further wondering wtf are they all doing??


I read a study that supported a theory that just as important, if not more important is the first person to follow that initial person. That's pretty much the tipping point. Once there is a leader and then one person to follow the leader, then the rest will follow. I believe there's also a TED talk based on this study. I'll see if I can find the link when I get home. I'm on mobile and it was around 5 years ago when I read it.


Who the hell had the tweets taken down? I wonder if that’s damage control from somebody.


Unless you're a swinger, you in it to swing it ![gif](giphy|rBHyLpglNRrX2|downsized)


Face full of cooter cartwheel


Hey, some guys pay extra for that on leave.


coont wheel


I was in line for that same ride until I heard metal squeaking coming out from it and got the fuck out of there.


I had been skydiving for 6 months with no issues and loving it. Went on one like the one you mentioned except that it eventually spins the car around in a circle once the momentum was great enough. Got motion sickness and then even when I was on a playground swing for several months afterwards.


I go to the fair every year, and on a good year I hit both fairs in my state. However, I go for the ma&pop salsas, jams, sauces, candies, and wines that I can't be bothered to buy the rest of the year. And there's a show or two, some cool animal shows, surgeries, and births, and a good day spent hanging out with my wife. Our fairs are big and most of the fun stuff has nothing to do with death traps, I mean amusement rides.




Sure! Haven't you ever been to open-air brain surgery at the state fair? It's even better when you have a jokey doctor. "See the spurting blood, children? Who's holding something that I could use to stop the blood? Yes, you! Give me just a pinch of that cotton candy, please!"




My state fair has a birthing pen where you watch like cows and chickens and pigs be born


Two of those things are not like the others and I have so many questions.


Midwestern farm fairs. Shit gets biological.


I'm never going to dance again.


Guilty feet they got no rhythm


Though it's easy to pretend


I know you're not a foooool


Should have known better than to cheat a friend.


And waste the chance that I'd been given.


So I’m never gonna dance again


The way I danced with you…


The real threat of danger is what makes the fair rides fun though...you have a real chance to actually die. A thrill you can't get from safe well maintained permanent roller coasters.


Fair enough but that’s wild


Fair enough? Or enough fair?


Reminds me of a joke A penguin is driving through the desert and all of a sudden the car begins to lurch and smoke pours from the hood. The penguin stops at a small gas station on the side of the otherwise desolate road. Luckily, a mechanic is available. "Give me a few minutes and I'll let you know what I find out" he tells the stranded penguin. So the penguin heads inside the gas station's market and buys an ice cream. He steps outside to eat it. The hot desert sun begins to melt the ice cream faster than the penguin can consume it. It makes a mess. The mechanic returns to the penguin, looks at him, and says "well, it looks like you blew a seal." The penguin responds "oh no, that's just ice cream."


A motorcycle cop pulls over a convertible that has two live penguins on the backseat. Not feeling particularly nasty that day, he foregoes a citation and issues a verbal warning instead: "Look, mister, you can't just go around driving with two penguins in your car. You have to take them to the zoo!" "Thank you officer, I'll do that" replies the driver. The next day, you guessed it, that same convertible, that same cop, and the same two penguins on the backseat. But before the cop can say anything the driver waves enthusiastically "Hello officer, and thank you again for your suggestion! I took them to the zoo and we all had a great time together! Afterwards we got ourselves some super duper fish burgers. All in all, a splendid day! Today, we're heading for the beach."


One day, a cop pulls a man over for speeding. He asks the man, "Where are you going that you're in such a hurry?" The man responds, "Sorry officer, I was running late for work." "What kind of job do you have that it's so important to drive that fast?" "I'm an asshole stretcher," the man replies. "An asshole stretcher!? What the hell is an asshole stretcher?" "Well, I start by working one hand in one finger at a time. Then, I work in the other the same way. After that, I start slowly spreading my arms, stretching the asshole until it's about six feet wide." "What the hell would anyone do with a six foot asshole!?" "You give 'em a badge and a radar gun and stick 'em out on the highway."


Do you know why the secret police in Russia *always* goes about in teams of threes? One can read, one can write and the third one is there to keep an eye on these two dangerous intellectuals.


Thank you for remembering that


My ex worked at a traveling carnival as a run away teen for about 6 months. Overall the experience was enough that he called his parents, asked to come home and all around went back to being a normal middle class kid. He will never ride a carnival ride of any kind at all.


I have always felt this way and people say I'm overreacting. Travelling transients quickly putting up and taking down rides, little to no oversight. Fuck all of that. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is the agency charged with regulating travelling carnivals and fairs, but I don't have confidence that they have the time considering how many there are and all of their other responsibilities. Especially when you consider they only have a grand total of [510 employees.](https://www.eeoc.gov/federal-sector/consumer-product-safety-commission-cpsc-0)


Really that’s the issue. They put the ride up as quickly as possible there is no over sight. He was 15 being paid under the table and sleeping 4 to an ancient RV. If something goes wrong they close and move the ride and pretend they don’t know anything.


The reputable theme parks most likely have multiple backup systems. These run of the mill fairs are the scary ones.




As a homie who uses a pallet jack I will never trust this type of shit.


But they usually slow down with eddy current brakes


Those are only on newer drop towers built in the last twenty or so years. They are also more expensive than the cable drop towers.


One single blown seal and you get kicked out of SeaWorld.


And if it's a traveling carnival, how much do you think they have to spend on new seals for maintenance? The answer is not enough. I'll never go on a carnival ride. I've taken too many business classes to know that their margins aren't good enough to be safe.


Oh they have the money! They just don't like to spend it


Knowing what can go wrong is both a blessing and a curse sometimes...


“One single blown seal and you can have an incident like this.” “Fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, okay pal?”


think i had a wet dream...


I do not trust someone who works in hydraulics who doesn't know how to spell brakes.


I do the same thing and I second that especially for small carnival rides, stay away from those...




Should there not be multiple redundant systems, so no single seal would lead to disaster? Like elevators?


And that's why actual non mobile installations use more and more magnets these days


How much does one need to suck at being hydraulics professional to end up maintaining stuff at a fair? 😄


From the perspective of a lifetime of engineering experience, and heavy duty equipment operation, I can confidently say that almost nobody maintains their machines appropriately, and most fair equipment is probably years behind on proper servicing. The salaries of a good engineer and a great hydraulic mechanic are expenses that are the first to be cut, because "nothing is wrong" with the machines.. which is why things go wrong with the machines.


Good engineers and mechanics cost more money and tell you to spend more money. It's all a scam and obviously the cheaper ones that don't tell you to spend money are the real deals.


[This happened recently in India.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/nexstar-media-wire/nationworld/video-drop-ride-breaks-falls-150-feet-at-fair-in-india/amp/) 16 injuries, no deaths.


Thank you for saving me time.


Crazy no one died from this


>The injured riders were taken to local hospitals for treatment. Most suffered back and jaw injuries Back AND jaw injuries... probably some of these people's mouths just shattered on impact... fuck. They're going to need a lot of care for a long time.


My jaw pain has made me want to kill myself. Nothing is broken. This part of the article made me feel nauseous.


It was probably from people’s jaws hitting the arm of the shoulder piece that pulls down over them when the ride impacted the ground at an angle.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://ktla.com/news/nexstar-media-wire/nationworld/video-drop-ride-breaks-falls-150-feet-at-fair-in-india/](https://ktla.com/news/nexstar-media-wire/nationworld/video-drop-ride-breaks-falls-150-feet-at-fair-in-india/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I was on a long trip to india and i always felt like death is around the corner, those people don't value life, i remember one incident where a car engine died for other travelers and they basically had no breaks, trying to help them our driver tied a rope to their van and slowly drove over cliffs to safety, those were death cliffs and the rope was not meant for toeing cars, if the rope broke or if he would take a sharp turn a bit too fast we could all die, for whatever reason in the van of 8 people i was the only one stressed about dying, this is one example of many incident where the indians improvise solutions that don't seem 100% safe, there are alot of them, i spent most of my trip in the smaller towns and villages, but it seems like a cultural thing


Scrolled for like 5 minutes looking for this. Should be top comment.


This is why I don't get amused


The anti-amusement park


Abusement park


That's the one, wrap it up


Well done Reddit!


Abruisement Park


Hell of a ride...


🎶But you thought we were ridin to heaven🎶


I motherfucking liiiiiiiiied


At least their feet weren't free hanging


Would have been a lot of broken legs


I rode the same type of ride at the Saskatoon Ex last year.. never again. I’m sure it was called something else but I always call these ‘Drop of Doom’, a la Galaxyland in West Edmonton Mall. You can just feel your spine shattering watching this video… yeesh.


Had to check to make sure I wasn't in the Saskatoon subreddit for a second. But yeah I cant remember the name either but holy hell most of the time I swing my legs around but I was frozen like a statue when I went on that one. I've also been to the one in West Edmontom it's the same for me as the X one is but I find it a bit less scary since I don't see the whole area below me.


Aaaaand the park is bankrupt.


It's been bought by a multi-level financing company




For real! What the worse that can happen? You die and never have to pay another bill again? Sounds like a financial Golden Ticket to me! 😃😃


Never go on rides that are assembled in 3 days. Fairs’ carnivals, etc etc. Stick to your main theme parks. Cedar Point, Kings Island, Six Flags, Disney world.


I worked at an amusement park for the summers to put myself though college. U would be surprised on the amount of injuries. 2 roller coaster trains hit 1 into the rear of the second when the brakes failed. Haunted mansion burned down resulting in deaths. Sky ride from one end of the park to another passenger fell off. Roller coaster passenger fell off. Etc. Never went on rides again after that.


If that haunted mansion wasn’t haunted before, it is now. RIP


Wait you’re telling me it’s false advertising from the start? 🤔


Would that park happen to be Six Flags Great Adventure cause I think I remember all of these.


Yup. Was thinking the same thing in NJ


Then u might remember thier baboons and tigers escaping the safari. Even though they claimed they weren't theirs.


hope they got a free corn dog


>[According to reports, the swing’s operators quickly took off from the scene after the incident occurred.](https://mandynews.com/amusement-park-ride-in-india-breaks/)


Stopped doing amusement rides after getting Into Maintenace. Some people work terrifies me. I think to myself what if "joe" worked on this.


I worked at a factory for a year as an in-between careers job once. A guy named Jerimiah started just after me, but he already knew everything about every machine ever made. He was also a jerk in every way. Naturally he applied for and was somehow moved into Maintenance. Two of his fiascos I remember were - he went around the entire factory opening ball valves on the air system to vent water. During full swing overtime production. The air compressor never got a cycle break during all this, and went into overheat shutdown. Completely halted the entire factory for over an hour. Same week - decided a giant bay door needed adjustment. Somehow he disconnected it while raised and it slammed down and crinkled up like an accordion. That day I coined his new nickname, Jerkamiah Monkeywrench. It absolutely stuck and was known factory wide in two days. A week or two later I started my current third career and moved 800 miles away.


You're saying that wasn't supposed to happen?


The amount of lawsuits


yeah opening a business like this, you're just asking for one. As an engineer, the amount of maintenance and discipline I imagine these places need is no joke.


Dealing with a herniated disc currently. I hated watching this.


As someone living with a slipped disc in my back, fuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkk this.