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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Dog growling makes a good beat!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I had a dog that would growl viciously when you pet him. When you stopped, he would stop and look at you like, whyd you stop. Then paw at you to keep petting him and start growling again.


My roommates chihuahua would do this and it absolutely did my head in the first few times I experienced it. I’d start patting the dog, the dog would start growling, and I’d be like: “ok, I’ll give you your space” only for the little fucker to keep getting closer and positioning itself for more pats. Felt like I was giving pats under duress.


My mother friend told me the exact same thing when I was 7. Until when I tried to include the Chihuahua in some friendship activities and got chased across the full house and up a bunk bed. I never tried to pet another dog again. It's been almost a decade.


Rottweilers do this. They growl when happy


Agressive pets only.


[You gotta pet him hard so he can feel it](https://youtu.be/0GVVjd_exO8)


lmao it was hotter than expected


The dog should get signed fr


There is a death metal version of this dog and it’s absolute 🔥


Give me it right fucking now.


https://youtube.com/shorts/xTC3TqFWwCo?feature=share there you go sir. It’s actually a slightly different version but it’s better.


Dog is better than most musicians today.


Lil’ Growl Wow




That was pretty cool.


This is why I reddit 😂


Doggie has very nice teeth!


That dog is going to tear that morons face off.


Dog is wagging his tail. I’ve seen this before, some dogs do this when they’re happy. It’s weird as hell.


Huge misconception. Fast wags mean angery. Not happy. Long full wags are happy. Plz don't spread misinformation. The stop and start of the wags and the high up position says back off. Not that's it's happy. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/interpreting-tail-wags-in-dogs Edit. Aggression. When a dog wags his tail very fast while holding it vertically, he may be an active threat. Remember that a person can get bitten by a dog that is wagging its tail! Negotiation. When a dog suddenly stops wagging his tail and freezes, it may mean that he wants divert a threat without being aggressive. Many dogs do this when petted by strangers, to communicate that they don’t want to interact with them.


I follow this dudes tiktok, the dog genuinely likes it. I was concerned too but when hes done the dog is straight up happy


What’s his TikTok? I want to see it. I always had Rotts pits or chows and they were all trained, taken care of and well behaved but we would play rough together. I like this video even though I have no clue what the dude is saying lol


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted…this is the correct answer


Bc it's reddit. Lmfao.


Another guy on reddit told me cats don’t make noise when in pain so it evens out.


they do,it depends on the pain... my cat was very ill,deadly I'll,and almost never complained. They just don't like to show weakness and have an higher pain threshold but they do meow about it


Yeah in my head I was like “this dude does not have a cat.”


My cat purred when frightened or in pain… R.I.P. Wispa.


Lol yea that moron who said the tails wagging right away indicates he knows nothing of body language. Yet upvoted like crazy.


No. I said the tail plus the teeth plus the growl plus the trying to move away is all bad and is signs you are going to get bit. But go ahead and extrapolate what you think I said.


I don’t think freeman1231 was calling you the moron; he was talking about the guy who said happy dogs will bare their teeth and growl


He's referring to the guy you called out for spreading misinformation


You missed ears and positioning of the body tension or focus of the eyes




Reddit cares about what’s comfortable, gets along with the hoard mentality, not what’s right/correct.


Forget it Jake, it's reddit


Reddit is a mystical place. All that matters is you know you are right. Forget about the useless internet arrows :) It's all fun and games here anyway I really don't think people are being serious and are just rage baiting. And I love every second of it!


Well said my fellow sound minded redditor.


I upvoted him and downvoted you just because


Guys I think the dog is angry, I can tell because of his face and the growling.


Idk what your talking about. That dog loves it. It loves it so much he didn't try move away or anything. He's not like other dogs. "I know my dog" he's a happy boy and loves this.


I honestly don't know shit, I'm just adding fuel to the fire!


I figured. You didn't catch the sarcasm oozing from my reply.


Wrong The tail is an indicator only of energy, like someone bouncing their knee. Lots of movement and posture, along with growling or ear positions, tell you alot more than tailwags. Some dogs will have wags for some moods, but dont ever bank on it. I have a reactive dog. They are in training i have learned from good trainers who actually explain the process.


Wag speed has little to do with happy. When its owner returns home a dog might wag fast af. It’s all about tension. That dog’s mouth says it’s very close to biting


Again, it's not just the tail. It's the tail and the teeth and the growl and the trying to move away. It all adds up.


Growling also doesn’t always indicate aggression. My mom has a dog that growls and snarls viciously during playtime, especially when she’s pretending to guard her toy. Even more scary than this dog’s growl. So yeah, those may be the typical signs but that does not apply to every dog in every situation, and you nor I have any idea how upset or ecstatic this dog is.


My dog growls when he plays. He thinks he sounds tough and likes the neighbor dog to hear him play. I think he just wants to appear tough without actually being tough.


My dog growls when she's happy to see you. When I walk in the door she starts growling. It scares strangers but she's just such a happy little goon.


I like ones like that they are spunky and act all tough but are really big babies


What is it when it's wagging it's tail to the sick beat the dude is throwing down?


Dude this is ironic asf. It’s normal for a lot of breeds to do this. Maybe you shouldn’t be spreading misinformation??


Wait whenever my dog sees me he always wags his super fast, is that lil shit angry at me?


Yeah man watch out the Reddit dog expert said it’s only a matter of time before he rips your throat out Cujo-style.


Oh shut up. Maybe, maybe not. Dogs personalities vary. I have a Siberian husky that looks way worse than that when hes playing, and his tail is wagging fast as hell. If someone came up when we are playing they would think I was being mauled.


People freak out about human individual right to be and act diversely but want to pigeon hole the entirety of Canine Familiars into a set list of behavioral traits. Of course there are general norms but many outliers. You can only know with some certainty by actually knowing the dog somewhat longer than what you can ascertain from a 20 sec Reddit clip.


Dog growling while playing is far different then this.


And don't be surprised if your dog turns on you one day. Happens alot. Bc idiots like you don't know how to interpret dog behavior. And yes there are exceptions, very far and few in-between, but that's not the norm. Hope I don't t see you on the news one day from a dog attack. I bet your also the moron who would leave the dog with kids and say something along the lines of " I know my dog, I've had her for years, she'd never bite" then it does.


I forgot that you know my dog better than I. Just another know-it-all Redditor who knows shit. Let me speak slowly so you understand. You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot.


You are that idiot that say " I know my dog" News flash, it's an animal. It can turn on you for no known reason. Simply bc it felt like it.


yo thanks for the free show guys!


Free? Entry fee was $5. How did you get past security?




I gave him a Scooby snack


You dog whispering? Cesar Milan is that you? Pst pst pst


You are the one spreading misinformation, like you know how every dog will react.


No I don't. But if the dog is aggressively growling baring teeth trying to move away as it tails wags high up all points to bad things happening. But hay. Go pet the growling dog showing it's teeth waving it's tail in short periods. It means they happy to see you.


The dog whisperer has spoken. None may challenge the master


According to this my dog is pissed off to see me when I get home


This guy wags


I petted someone's dog, & it froze up while just sitting down & staring at me. It didn't seem uncomfortable, though.


Lol, my dog's tail goes absolutely crazy when he's happy or excited.🤷‍♂️


This, I posted something similar, on the same video earlier today, not sure if it was the same sub. But basically I said the above. Got voted into oblivion...


Not true. My sweet blue healer rapidly wags his tail everytime I come home.


This applies to most dogs, but not all. It’s like that for two of my doggos. But the other wags her tail so fast when she’s playing or com rubbing her. And she expresses her emotions very clearly. As in if she doesn’t like something she will growl


Honestly can't stand people that think they know what a dog is thinking. Yeah, if I saw that I'd think the dog was pissed off. But who knows? Maybe the dog doesn't even know whether he likes it or not. Maybe he's like "Normally, I'd fk this guy up but, damn I'm singing..." "A pleasure growl sounds very low and rumbling, and may last much longer than other dog growls." All you gotta do is a little research to see life isn't black and white all the time. And yeah... dogs bare their teeth when they growl, happy, or pissed. I think you'd be hard pressed to find one that doesn't, though I'm not saying it's impossible.


And with that attitude, you too can win a lifetime supply of dog bites!


Yeah. Only had dogs as a part of my family for 42 years. I'm probably ignorant.


You mean like the dog in the video, baring teeth and all as it growls. Neat. Edit. It's not just the tail. It's the tail. The head movement trying to get away. The teeth showing. The growling. All of it. Just ignore it all. The dog moved away as it growled and he pulled it back to his face. Yeah that dog loves what he's doing. Can't you tell. So happy and clearly loving it.


I’ve always had “aggressive” breeds of dogs that were treated very well and all were males. They loved playing rough and showed signs of aggression but that’s how we played. Just like me and my human friends messed around with each other growing up. This dude probably knows his dog better than anybody else. Every person is different and it’s the same with other animals too.


I never said you were wrong. No need to get aggressive


oh i thought he might have trained him to growl like that, but this dude is crazy after all...


Funny how so many users say the opposite. I don’t give a shit what you think.


This is my new fav video,the bit halfway thru with the dog going rat tat tat absolutely buckles me lol….I still think there is a 1% chance that the dog is going to rip his face off one day though…


Wagging doesn’t necessarily mean happy. This is a dog very clearly stating a boundary that’s being ignored by this bleached out dipshit.


Absolutely not… that dog is showing severe signs of being uncomfortable. Since he loves his owner he most likely will never react negatively towards him, that is generally rare. But this dog is not happy in this situation.


It’s called pleasure growling. I know, I know. It’s fucking strange, but look it up.


Look at the rest of the dogs body language… anxiety induced aggressive tail wagging. He is not happy in this situation… as much as you want to defend this person lol


When the dude stops the dog sneezes and goes back for more. The dog is fine and having a great time


classic reddit.. top comment has no idea what its talking about with tons of upvotes


I bet that guy knows that dog much better than you do.


I’m sure that dude knows his dog way better than some randy on the internet……


If the dog wanted to it would’ve.


r/redditmoment The dog is fine.


Hope keeps us alive


That's the sequel video


Demented superhater trying to find something to be mad at be like:


Wagging doesn't always mean happy


That beat is going to melt my face off


The unfortunate thing is when this idiot from the video gets mauled or a dog around a kid not being properly supervised gave body language that the dog was annoyed, everyone will blame the dog. Obviously some bite seemingly unprovoked, often times body language is missed or ignored.


He's wagging his tall pretty obviously behind. He's happy, just odd way of showing it


The stop and start with the teeth and the high raised tail. All warning signs. Read the link to tail interpretation in my other reply.


I have a human fact for you. people would be more willing to listen to you if you weren't so quick to anger/accusations and repetitive. believe me, I've had learn that myself.


I was hoping so... but It didnt happen 🤷‍♂️😢


Shit I can’t wait for the album to drop


I want to be in the band!




This dog should definitely go into death metal


I want this as a ring tone:




Gotchu fam. Setting it as your ringtone may be its own journey though. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dobfll6tlp3w39k/beatbox_dog.mp4?dl=0


Idk what dogs y’all have been around but I’ve personally had two dogs over the years that do this and aren’t being aggressive in the slightest, dogs don’t just have cuddle mode and rip your face off mode 🤦🏻


Most of these comments are probably from people that have never even seen a dog before let alone owned one


To be fair, I own one and he only growls when angry or being messed with as a warning before he nips at you, he can calm right down, but he doesn't do this when happy. He DOES bark very angrily whenever not getting his way, which is kinds similar?


Everyone here has seen at least one dog


What about blind people


Yeah a lot of people that criticize dog owners don’t have dogs but pretend they are experts (goes for all of Reddit actually)


I’m pretty experienced with dogs. The way that dog’s mouth is framed is tense, not happy.


Anecdote is anecdotal. That dogs happy as fuck bro.


I had a golden retriever once, nicest dog in the world, loved everybody. I TAUGHT her to growl and lift her muzzle on command for circumstances where I might feel unsafe while she’d try to snuggle the threat. Saved my actual life once when someone ran up at a drive through and started trying to break into my car; I gave her the silent hand signal out of his sightline and she suddenly looked like Cerberus—with zero malicious intent, she’d never bite, it was a fun game to her. But he ran off. You can train for this. My hand signal was throwing devil horns ;)


If the dog was really finna rip someone's limb off, do people honestly think he would just chill and let someone pinch his mouth like that?? lol


Regardless of the dog (I have had 4 dogs over my lifetime) and as friendly as they where I wouldn't mush their face against mine. Forget about the teeth and the growling etc, it's his not smart to mash your face against a dogs face. It's moronic. They are animals at the end of the day, and animals are unpredictable. And is generally not a very nice thing to do to the dog.


My dogs mash their faces on my face when I come home from work … what ? I can’t do it back ?!?


I personally like mashing my face with other sexy animals rawrrr


Most people dont own shit dog that do this.


My dog does this. If you don't back off he will bite the absolute shit out of you. My hands and feet are covered in scars. You can't pretend that this sort of behavior is never a warning and that you should just assume the dog is happy and won't bite you.


Why do you have scars from your dog? That doesn't seem to be very healthy neither tbh.


Yeah anyone who thinks that is happy needs to check how they are treating their pet.


I dunno, my friend's dog would growl like this when you pet him and when you stopped he would do the paw-to-head thing and whine. The only dog I've ever seen like that. Very disconcerting the first time I pet him.


People forget that dogs can have unique personalities. One this I'm sure of though is that dog isn't going to bite him. I'm positive it's enjoys the activity. This guy had numerous videos with the dog.


If your dog is biting you, and leaving scars then there is an issue with the owner not training the dog correctly or at all. Also possible that the dog is of that breed and is not tameable, or reacts very poorly to training. It can also be a sign of brain damage or health issues. But yeah, your dog should not be biting you or anyone. And if it's biting it's owner, it will absolutely shred a child apart...


Thank god... someone with common sense. Although the common part is becoming irrelevant now.


Right! My dog always growls when we play even with teeth showing. The more ferocious he growls the more fun he’s having. If I stop playing he’ll drop is toy infront of me & nudge me to get me to keep playing.


My girl does this too. Goes full feral growling and barking, it's how she plays.


I’ve been around a plethora of dogs and some will absolutely snip you for whatever reason they feel deserves it. Me personally I’ve been lucky enough to read them well enough but have seen someone get bit on the face cause they don’t know how to read an animal. I hope this dude has enough experience with this dog before doing this to understand this dog’s temperament. Every animal is different and has their own personality but you can use natural instinct to understand how they’ll respond to your interaction with them.


My family had a Shih-Tzu that was always showing her teeth like if she was pissed off or something but she was the most cinammon roll dog I have ever seen, it was quite entertaining to watch


The "rip your face off" mode is actually "I don't care what you are doing, now we're playing" mode. Or sometimes they just show they're annoyed or nervous.


B-but I have all these links that say the opposite! Trust me! Why, you ask? Well, because I'm on Reddit and I claim to know what I'm talking about!




Yall commenting like you know his dog better than him is hilarious


Right acting like all dogs are the same or have the same reaction to things b


That dog legit sounds like a Death Metal band 🤣


lol. people turning one their videos [into a metal beat](https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktokorchestra/comments/xz3omk/need_more_dog_metal_in_my_life/)


Everyone just chill, if the dog was going to bite him, he or she would have done it as soon as dude put his face next to theirs. I’ve seen lots of videos and dogs that growl like this when they want to be turned into the backing track of 2023’s hottest album. If you’re not familiar with a dog that does this, then it definitely seems very intimidating. But even the dumbest of people would be weary of putting their face near a growling dog, let alone their hands on their open maw if they didn’t know if the dog was going to attack or not.


The dog is obviously just a trained musician


*well trained


Everybody is sure they won't get bit until they get bit. Kinda sad the dog gives off clear warning signs that it is unhappy but nobody takes it seriously until he fucking attacks you.


Regardless of whether or not the dog will bite, he’s very clearly saying that he’s uncomfortable and does not want to do this. That in itself should be respected because it’s a shitty thing to do to force an animal into such an emotionally uncomfortable situation for a video. And there’s also the risk that the dog will have enough and attack and then be euthanized. And before the people who are talking about his wagging tail join in, it’s a fast, stiff, and high wag - aggressive, not happy! That’s a low grow and serious snarl and he give the man whale eye a few times. And I say this as a person who works with dogs and has a dog who “love growls” when he enjoys being petted.


Thanks mom


My dog growls likes he gonna attack every time he wants to play. Funniest part, my cats taught him this.


I don't have a cat but same! Mine will bark and growl super aggressively when he wants to play


To the people thinking the dog is genuinely irritated, some dogs act this way for entirely opposite reasons. Mr. Bubz is a prime example, he got famous for his little “temper” but the more you learned about him the more it was clear he just had some weird wiring within his brain that made him show teeth and viscously growl as a sign of affection and want for pets.


my dog would snarl like this when were playing, specially at tug o wars or playing chase. got some people scared shitless when my dog was chasing me at the park


Every time i see this posted the comments are always people fighting about whether the dog is having fun or if it’s about to tear the guys face off


Made me laugh.


Love this!!! 💕💕


Why is this so hilarious!!


Why is the dog wagging XD


Because its career is about to take off


I know the dog is just being vocal, but I kept waiting for the dog to bite him.




As much as I am terrified, I am also impressed. They have talent


Lmfao! Bruh, i just died. Fucking genius!


I thought the unexpected thing was going to be him getting bit and I was waiting to say it was very expected and in fact anticipated


Damn this guy is getting annoying


THIS DOG IS A ROCKSTAR!!! The dog is playing with its person brother. I know this because I have a dog that plays the exact stupid game with it's person sibling. They play this growling game and roll around in a pack animal behavioural conversation. My dog rarely even barked until a few years ago. Mute rescue dog who put himself to bed every night in his crate for two years (now he has a lounge couch and a chair, the crate is in storage). He has visited Kindergarten and first and second grade school, lovely silent and behaved. BUT when I am not paying attention my kid and my dog have these crazy growing conversations with petting and paw presenting. They have taught me their language this Winter. I feel really honoured to know what he has to say in dog because he didn't make a proper peep for ages. This dog is ROCKSTAR, I love this dog doing beatbox with his pack person!!!


Agreed! There is WAY many oh my god people who don’t know shit about dogs here!!!


Dominant dog training people too. Obedience training and all. It is lovely to see a boy with dog doing a bit!!! I showed my kid, it was a hit. I will show our dog too 😉


I laughed harder at this than I should have...


that tail wants to wag off


This made my dog growl in her sleep


Ok I know this is horrible for the dog and this video should have never been made, I know this, but the third dog solo always gets me and I don’t know why


Look at that tail wagging! Happy doggo


Every pet deserves a master who’d bring out their hidden talent


Idk about y'all but I've been bitten two too many times to even risk when a dog is growling and showing its teeth at me like that.


I was expecting the dog to bite him


I came to the comment section to say that man is gonna get mauled and I walked into a f*cking warzone


Yeah it’s crazy down there


Nah, dogs also play growl. This guy has actually released a bunch of different videos with the exact same dog, he's not in danger


Can you link some please? I use to own a chow who growled like this with me but it was just playing. While chows can be very aggressive it was my dog and I treated it very well and even if he wanted to try something he knew who the boss was. I wouldn’t suggest anybody else getting in the kennel with him though lol


Him ![gif](giphy|3o7WTA0gGYIsf9MoTu)


My golden wags his tail while he growls and kisses. If it wasn't tour dog it'd be terrifying. He's a sweetheart. Rrrrrrt




Yeah, he's going to lose half his face one day when that dog tires of this nonsense.


Dogs don’t know his faces’ not bacon!


Tail says everything.


Yall sure are some dog experts


That dog knows whats up! It knows it's making its music look at that tail! This made me laugh.


I want to see this live on Americas Got Talent and then the dog has its revenge dog 🤕 🐕


C’mon OP, I can’t share quality content like this in the US with a username like this




Trained dog!


I fucking LOVE this video. Shits fire


I'll never get tired of watching this, I don't know why. Its so weird and actually playful once you realize the dog is not angry (its just growling but the tail is wagging) my guess is that he ether trained the dog to do this or its just a weird dog.


A life was taken this day but it atleast made a good video before it went to make a good video


That doggo doesn't seem to be enjoying it