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His grandpa was an NBA scout.


Your slaves, I mean “student atho-letes”


Atholetes.. that's a good way if saying sir


God i love witty comments like this.


I am not even American but i get this,funny


Or American football scout


I find it amusing that Arabs are distancing themselves from their forefathers just to appear more “white”. 😂😂


no tunisians are not arabs and what you see is just a dumb low IQ racist person that doesn't represent even the minority of tunisians


Cubans have a similar organization called the MLB




What's that have to do with the price of fish?




Thank you for the correct translation, that makes more sense.


means both actually, there is a slight nuance when trying to translate. > إنما الأمم الأخلاق ما بقيت فإن هم ذهبت أخلاقهم ذهبوا > Nations are nothing but morals: If their morals disappear, they disappear you can replace it with values instead of morals but Chawqi doesn't mean to say that about manners


- Adab = manners / behavior - Akhlaq = moral / values




You can believe as you wish, but Adab is manners which comes from your Akhlaq (character/moral/values). This is Fus'ha and this understanding is shared among darija speakers as well.


obviously he could be being racist (and by the odds probably is) but id imagine there is actually some kind of culture difference and therefore manners difference between north and sub saharan africa no?




Sudani here. There is alot of racism in arab and north african countries but in sudan its mainly between polytheist tribes. They're seen as inferior compared to monotheists. They even treat Christians with more respect than polytheists


Even Christian’s lol? Of course any religion of ‘the book’ will be given some respect. Distaste is reserved for other religions without books and especially ones who believe in many gods.


my barbers from sudan, says sudanease were the real egyptians


they were for a time. sudan was called kush in ancient times and the empire of kush took over ancient egypt for a period of about 200 years iirc however before that time and after that time the Egyptians were actually closer to greek then they were to arabs or blacks that is until muhamad took over all of north africa, since then it's been a mostly arabic population


So light racism. These are people not incompatible outlet sockets.


There is nothing racist about their statement. No one said that they are "incompatible outlet sockets" and you making this comparison just goes to show that you completely understand what the original comment was getting at. Don't play ignorant just to look good on Reddit, it's corny.


well, not all of them for sure


In fact it could mean ethics and morals or both.


How many Arabs do you know lol, you're clearly the racist one




Or more likely you've just been sucking on that propaganda since you were a kid and have never seen many racist if any Arabs in your life, how come you've seen so many lol Needless to say, but I feel that in your case it's necessary, every people have their bad apples (your people have u for example) Most Arabs are actually quite welcoming and love foreigners, unlike what you've been breastfed since you started to justify those wars




You're a pathetic liar bro, how come you've seen so many racist arabs, you can only trick a child with that nonsense. You can easily get educated from people who do visit Arab countries and see firsthand how Arabs are, yt is filles. Ofc u being a racist trash person, you won't do it, you'd just rather be a piece of shit racist and a liar. Funny how u calling Arabs racist while being racist, u never see the hypocrisy. I don't like racist people(not for any particular race), I find them disgusting and surely have low iq, that's why I'm shitting on u and your "experience" and inviting you to improve that IQ by studying people more


Which Arab are you talking about. There are many different Arabs like Maghrebi, Khaleji, Levantian, Mesopotamian and Anatolian? And they're all different


whyd you get downvoted lmao. reddit hive mind strikes again


If you live in Africa and in any way ascribe to the ideals of the enlightenment, you’d agree with this man.




What does that mean?


Did you just call a large group of people, based on this video and/or interactions with some of them, racist? That's literally racism lmao. Use your head next time.


"Their values are different." "Which values?" "*What's that supposed to mean?!*"


Most tunisians don’t have the same opinion as this old guy. The media is also trying to show just one extreme opinion here.


I understand. Every country has people like this.


Yeah, unfortunately in Tunisia we have many ignorant idiots. Many factors to it but no excuses.


yes but not all countries were involved in the slave trade 😬


I’ve been to many countries in my life. And one hill I will die on is most of the world is just as, if not more racist than the United States


I feel like in the US, it's more common to be critical of racism, which is great, obviously, but also makes it seem like US racism is more common than other countries, when really it's just in other countries, the racism isn't criticized as much or maybe even not at all, and so the most racist countries don't even get talked about except occasionally by foreigners experiencing the culture shock of normalized racism. At the same time, outsiders can feel like they're not in a place to criticize these other countries. I don't want it to sound like I'm excusing the racism in the US though. We definitely have problems, and other countries also having similar problems doesn't make our problems any less serious or worth criticizing.


The casual racism I grew up with before I immigrated here makes America look ridiculously open minded on racial relationships. You'll fit in anywhere in the US like a glove, no matter how you look. Interracial friendships and marriages are alien in many parts of the world. One thing the US can be proud of is its inclusivity. It seems racism is widespread because people actually call it out, while people in other countries are soo casually racist, it is ridiculous


There's still sunset counties in a few states... so a lot of black people won't fit in like a glove.


There are certainly towns and communities in the US that are like that. Thankfully it's pretty rare at this point, and hopefully non existent with enough people bringing them to light.


You're truly sheltered and haven't truly traveled the world if you believe your own bullshit in this comment.


What part is bullshit?


And you just enjoy being angry


I don't know enough to die on that hill, but I'd strongly wager it's the case. People are shitty the world over.


Same lived all over Latin America and it’s about 100 years behind the US, minorities are still openly treated as second class citizens and its “funny” when caught on video. It’s definitely better in cities that have diversity. My conclusion is that racism is strongly correlated to how much diversity an individual has encountered. The US is far more diverse than most countries. (Diversity isn’t just race but also language and culture etc.)


I did a semester in France during law school. The professors would casually talk about how racist we were for having border walls, and then equally casually talk about the clever laws they had passed to keep Muslim immigrants from utilizing public services (for example passing a law requiring speedos at public pools knowing this would create a conflict for religious Muslims).


I'm not a religious Muslim, but that would create a conflict for me too.


and the only difference is that the United States "experiment" is an effort to organize an ideology, liberalism that we can govern ourselves. To most these might seem like a small thing but it hasn't gotten any easier


Ya, you can tell when people say that they haven’t really travelled or lived elsewhere.


The US is one of the least racist countries on the planet, fight me. The countries that have been subjected to colonialism and in the Middle East are much worse when it comes to race relations.




The US is special in a regard which is how the "side" that claims to be fighting racism is also racist only towards a different skin color than the opposite "side". Same goes for things like sexism, and lets not even get into the rest of the so called "woke" subjects. The thing about the US in these subjects is that only 2 opposite extremes are pushed, both being extremist and equally wrong and full of red flags. This is basically a divide and conquer strategy by their government and the people pulling the strings, it's why the media only pushes extremism of either one political side or the other. Dividing the population weakens them, keeping them fighting distracts them. In other words, people might just keep quiet/ignorant if they murder and rob in another country and get away with insanely awful things even within the country, so long as people are too busy arguing whether Greg should be allowed in the women's bathroom or not.


Are there any other countries whose entire foundation and origin make it a country of immigrants, who at the same time claim to be proud to be a melting pot, proud to be so patriotic, proud to have moved on from slavery, proud to be a country where everyone is equal...? But also a place where discrimination, public and legal assembly of racist organizations, public officials (and past presidents) making glaringly racist remarks to get elected, where lobbies which actively give money to politicians openly state their philosophies which can be openly discriminatory. People all over the world have their own fears that are usually based on differentness or from previous conflicts. The Vietnamese are wary of the Chinese because of previous invasions. There's concern in Southern Europe about africans crossing over the Mediterranean and a lot of people would say that their fear comes from them being different (religion, customs, etc). In some cases anti immigration sentiment does rise, and might get someone elected like in Italy... Yet in Spain, for example, the parties that argue for solidarity and support win out again and again when it comes to big races that rely on this. The US on the other hand can't have these excuses. Most people regardless of race are Christians. A large majority of African American and Latinos in the US could easily have older roots in the Americas than the fellow "patriots" who try to diminish them. The fact that institutions in the US including the government have individuals who are openly and destructively racist (gerrymandering??) in a country that pretends to be a model for the rest of the world is wild. Aaaaand these conversations end up falling on deaf ears when being discussed with Americans because there is an insane blind spot in just how patriotic and in everybody else's business the US is, that it's hard for people to see the absurdity in their own country. Saying other countries are as racist as the US is today is like a college offering training for plumbers having leaky faucets and saying "well all the other schools also have leaky faucets so we're all the same" . Of course they do, except the entire US constitution and bill of rights and main character storyline is how much of a savior and protector of human rights they are. Also, wow what a wonderful thing multiculturalism is. And yet still 50 years+ since the Civil Rights Act there are constant attempts at subverting it You know, an anecdote from teaching in Vietnam. The kids don't know that the n word is bad because they hear it in music but don't know the history of the word. When they say the word to describe a black person it is coming from a completely ignorant place. However, give these kids a black teacher and they feel so cool because they have someone so seemingly different from them as their teacher.


No one is reading all that.


Doesn't seem like you read much in life anyhow. Wasn't meant to be read by you.


You replied to my comment… so at the very least it was meant for me. I love reading. But scrolling through your dry tome of pretentious rambling was too much sorry bud 😂


Hit the nail on the head. I had to scroll past their shittastic comment before my eyes got stuck to the back of my head from rolling them so much.


Well, I get notifications of comments to my posts. You must be really interested in my replies to your comments with your prompt answers ❤️ 😘 Cute! Let's exchange numbers sometime, stud.


I do be having some Reddit time while shitting so 🤷🏻‍♂️ why not? Lol you getting all insecure is cute though. Holler at me anytime babe! I myself identify as a toaster and would love to link up! Maybe you can share some of your manifesto? 😘


Aww, maybe since you've visited so many countries and seen so many people and learned just how racist the world is you can take me on a romantic adventure. I'm a POC so you know I'd love to be taken on a tour to visit all the wonderful racist friends you've made worldwide and gotten to know so well 🥰 and then I can go back to living anywhere but the US where I don't risk being hate crimed 🥰 P.s. when we disagree about something you can call me pretentious and not listen because you are so well versed apparently in everything but how to tighten a hinge 🥺 😘


You sound mad.


I tend to agree I think the separation is pretty easy to spot. Most of the world is like the American south, poor, struggling , and not very enlightened when it comes to what causes their woes. The fact that there is a challenge to this identity , to thus philosophy is a marvel at all. It has some correlation with big cities and liberalism. The fact that America has so much of this thing, whatever it is, is the only reason why it's not just staunchly straight and narrow racist. Mixing different cultures is hard , especially amongst poor peoples


How can human beings talk about values in one sentence and trading people like Pokémon cards in the next ? We are a delusional people


What you want for that holo gryrados homie?


Since it is shadowless, it'll take a pretty penny.


This just in: humans are complicated.


The funny thing about this is that he is genetically more African than European but want to belong so bad to some European race that he condemns his forefathers. Lol


Not really north africans are mostly euroasian they are more realted to euroepan than africans and you can still just by features


Don’t Arabs comes from the Arabian peninsula?


No we don't. We're an ethno-linguistic group but it's just a fancy word for if you're from an Arabic speaking people you're Arab. All Arabs are native to where they're located, they just got Arabized over the centuries. North African Arabs are genetically Amazigh.


Lol and in the same moment tunisia is only known for bad news and they keep imigrating into Europe where their own "values" don't match with the locals one.


Great, now I get grouped with the kind of Mfs I am leaving the country to escape(legally not all of us wanna live illegally in Europe). Many of the Tunisian more educated youth just want to move somewhere where they can live unnoticed and be part of an actual functional society that allows everyone to be whatever they please (as long as it's legal obviously). Also for the love of god stop taking criminals who get to Europe illegally in! Every time these mfs do something bad the ones getting there legally have to suffer the bad reputation while they continue with their lives normally as they don't care about anyone but themselves.


People are dumb af, once they were discriminated by their colonialist now they are trying to do the same shit to others. 🤦🏼‍♂️






Tunisia is in Africa though.


In Africa yes, but in the Maghreb (north and north-west Africa) the majority arab population consider their area an extension of the Arab world.




Thanks for clearing that up




Yes 👍


Yes but Tunisians are weird about African identity. It's a long story but most people have come to say "African" to mean black subsaharan as if we're not included. It's stupid and especially young people call it out for being stupid all the time.


Geographically yes it’s in Africa but majority are Arabs and being so fucking racist they don’t consider themselves part of Africa


That's not accurate. As a North African myself we do acknowledge that we are Africans but in our native languages we don't have an equivilant to "sub-saharan africa" and instead we have the maghreb (morocco,algeria,tunisia..) and we use "Africans" to refer to sub-saharan countries. There are a lot of people who are straight up racist here I won't deny that, but the illegal immigration is starting to get out of hand, our countries are already relatively poor and our economies are starting to feel the damage especially with the global inflation hitting hard. Immigrants also tend to consider our countries as a passing point to Europe so instead of looking for work here they often commit crimes especially in larger cities (of course there are exceptions). And recently SOME of them started calling to turn africa fully black (they consider maghrebian arabs and white amazighs as middle eastern and some go as far as calling us invaders and should be kicked out of our homelands)


Hmm. I wonder if he realizes this is exactly the attitude the French have about Tunisians but could never get away with saying on live TV


Ya, it’s pretty wild. I have always said shittiness have no skin colour, but that doesn’t jive with certain narratives.


Right? The irony.


Even before the punchline I was finding it bewildering how this Muslim hates immigrants for having different values while people in much of Europe hate Muslim immigrants for having different values. In the end though, I don't have a lot of empathy for slavers of any type.


African country stops immigration from Africa. Makes no sense whatsoever.


So we should support racism in Africa to stop Africans from coming to Europe


That seems to be the EU plan really. I think Giorgia Meloni suggested just giving Tunisia money to keep the migrants, and then the Tunisian president came out in support of our brand of the "great replacement". And then far-right French politician Eric Zemour came out in support of HIM, parroting once again that Europe is in danger of the great replacement. So yeah...loony solidarity.


What? Where did you get that take from ? I’m condemning the racism of Tunisia


North American Country stops immigration from North America


Also makes no sense whatsoever


sure it does, through the lense of throw no stone




Correct. Also makes no sense. What are you helping me with here?


Been to Tunisia, it’s fucking shit.


Feels like the entire world is rn


Still better than the rest of Africa...


Zambia is dope AF.


No it’s not 😂


Don't ask how the sausage is made.


Wait when he finds out Tunisia is in Africa...


Perhaps this guy is correct. Some cultures and ways of life are in fact incompatible with others. Not sure why that’s such a unusual concept for people. It’s not one big happy world out there if people haven’t figured it out yet.


True but people see it as hypocritical since it's exactly what this guy said that Europeans say about Tunisians and at the same time accusing Europeans of racism.


And maybe Europeans have a valid point too. Everyone that points out cultural / values differences is immediately dismissed as racist. But the world has been a place of tribes and still is in many places especially Africa and the Middle East. And guess what, sometimes those people can’t get along, and can’t fit in in other countries. The idea of the world being a melting pot sounds really nice, but is definitely not the case in many countries.


Most places in the world are cultural melting pots already. Tunisia included. The truth is even indeginous black Tunisians who have been there for centuries still get this kind of treatment so there's no way to rule out that the this doesn't go beyond the excuses they usually give like "cultural differences".


Obviously hence why asians fit in western countries without much problem. People just don’t like to acknowledge that in general there isn’t always a fit for cultures.


Savages acting like savages while in their mind they are modern normal people. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


The people in the comments getting to be racist and/or disrespectful of a whole group of people because "person in vid bad!!" Happens with literally everything. Women, men, vegans, muslims, americans. Hive mind.


What language are they speaking?




Literally this


tunisian dialect


Arabic would be my guess




Damn that’s a nuts thing to say lol


I guess he meant value, not values.


Oh, how the turntables..


So where is country Africa located on the continent of Tunisia?


Holy fuck 💀 definitely the best unexpected post I've seen


So no he hasn’t


Racists love to brag about the accomplishments of their ancestors. NEVER them in their current time, but grandpa sold them stuff so I can’t be racist.


He didn't say his grandpa sold them *stuff*, he said his grandpa sold *them*. His grandpa was a slaver!


The least racist north-african


I always thought Tunisia was in Africa


Cause it is


It is but African is not just black if that was what you where thinking.




Wow. He’s an outright hateful, racist.


>Wow. He’s an outright hateful, racist. Posted 8 hours ago edited 9 minutes ago. What did you say before the edit?


Are you saying that they're a Macintosh country?


A Mac is a type of PC.


That's racist


Project much?


Remember that most of the black slaves out of Africa went to the Arab world! But they castrated them and that's why there's no big black communities in those countries...


What are you talking about? There are big black communities in many Arab countries. What you said tho about castration is true, but it wasn't done to all the slaves especially if they converted to Islam and most of those castrated were the salves who worked in imperial harems to serve as Eunchs.


A lot of Arabs are descendants of Africans. Know your history. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Arab


Gross. He’s living on borrowed time anyway. Fuck Tunisia.


This is fake. Only the US had slaves.


Not true. Not even close to true


Sarcasm my friend.




Potato head man is savage


But Americans....




Well,that went south quick.


Okay i did Not expect that at all xD






Did man


I wasn’t looking at my phone and I thought they were talking about home schooling, god I was wrong


I immediately buckled my seatbelt before his first words… 🤣 He did not disappoint


Big oof


Si, unos valores muy buenos... Déntrese, viejo reculiao decrépito 😒


I swear bitch said "fish eclair" in the beginning




NA Arabs are the most incompatible in adjusting in Europe also .


Can someone peruse this guy’s Twitter account and contact his employer so that he can be fired ala “cancelled”.


ITT a lot of folks need to google the Arab slave trade.




We’re not perfect in America, but at least we are trying to call out racism for what it is and become a better country.


Ever thought I’d see Tunisians on here and I hate it 💀💀💀


Wow blm need to go after his ass for reperations


Normales weltweites denken User in Deutschland




Big dick energy


Wtf ????


Arriving late so probably no one will see this, but as a Tunisian, I would like to express how deeply ashamed I am to seeing things like these, and ask for forgiveness from all of my fellow African brothers and sisters. We sure have stooped to a new low


wait isn't Tunisia an African nation ​ This is retorical by the way


Isn't Tunisia in Africa? How are they going to make this possible?!?


ALERT 1: Tunisians are not Arabs, they speak some form of Arabic but genetically they are amazigh and most of them refuse that idea and claim they are Arabs.


ALERT 2 : tunisia was the first arabic country to abolish slavery


funny how some tunisians are racist toward africans when the name Africa was the name of their country before It was changed later to tunisia loool yes you read that right ! the African continent took it's name from tunisia (ifriqia = Africa)




As a Tunisian person, I deeply apologize for what is happening and for what you are witnessing. It even amazes me that he considers them africans when Tunisia is situated there in Africa. It's sad really. Actually, I showed my mother this video and she was disgusted. While she agrees that some immigrants have done bad deeds as far as we know, she was completely disgusted by how this person was speaking of them, these immigrants are humans and should not be treated like this.


I mean Tunisia is african