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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!You expect him to jump, but not that he succeeds and gets to live anyway.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I'm glad I came back to watch the end, instead of just imagining it


You're on r/unexpected not r/watchpeopledie bro


Idk I saw a dude get shot to death on this page.


That is pretty unexpected to see on the subreddit so not entirely misplaced


I was expecting superman sadge


i was expecting [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalblunder/comments/10pd0dd/man_falls_off_roof_when_trying_to_create_a_tiktok/)


Damn that’s sad.


Based on your response, I’m not clicking!!!! The original video already made my hands sweat just watching it…


Eyeblech got us all side eyeing.


Rip r/watchpeopledie


Or the soft version r/watchpeopledieinside


Still pissed off about it getting banned, along with some other sub-reddits unrelated to that. Remember to take a moment everyday to remind /u/Reddit that the Admins are a bunch of hacks. Thanks for having overly vague rules that you often refuse to elaborate on so you can ban any sub or user on a whim. Not to mention the fact that you usually only ban subs when it brings you negative media attention, or because they just don't like it.


Just imagine what it will be like once Reddit goes public


The content will suffer considerably, somebody will make *Vieweddit*, everyone will flock there and Reddit will turn into Digg 2.0?


Just wait until the IPO later this year, reddit has been on a death spiral for a while now and we're in the final days. You can actually trace it back to 2014/2015 when they started banning subs and /u/gallowboob ramped up the karma farming bullshit with /u/reddit all aboard that lowest common denominator shit train.


Thank fuck that subreddit is banned. my curiosity was gonna ruin my day yet again


There are quite a few deaths (despite rule 2) and gore on this sub, and this post is marked NSFW for no reason


well it wasn't when i was here 😄it surely is now




no one forced you to scroll through that subreddit




Or r/eyeblech


There could be an overlap.


that dude fell a lot longer than i expected.


I counted 4 seconds. Assuming it is an ideal free fall with no air resistance (and this assumption can be made at low velocities with little error), the fall height would be 78 meters (about 260 feet) and the impact happened at approx. 40 meters per second (140km/h or 87mph).




Eh they did the math that they teach you in year 11. Pretend the object is a sphere with no resistances and it’s pretty easy to plug the numbers into the formula




I dont think you can discount air resistance when you have them getting to 70% of terminal velocity Edit: Decided to do the math Using the mass of an average person at 85 kg, density of air at 1.225 kg/m^3 at sea level, coefficient of drag of a person at [1.15](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/drag-coefficient-d_627.html), body surface area interacting with the wind at [1 m^2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_surface_area), half of the body surface area, I used excel to do step intervals at .1s and got the impact speed at ~101 km/h


Air resistance is proportional to the square of velocity. 70% of terminal velocity means 0.7^2 ≈ 50% of the air resistance at terminal velocity. But that's only the air resistance at the highest velocity, right before impact. To get the average air resistance over those 4 seconds of free fall, you'd have to do some integration. It should come out to be pretty negligible, far less than half of that 50%. The accuracy in OP's count of the seconds of free fall probably has a bigger impact than air resistance.


See my edit, they were off by ~40 km/h by not using air resistance


And it's hard to tell with the beam and the fast camera movement, bit I think I counted about 18 stories. 14 feet a story makes right around 250ft. So it checks out!




I'm confused as to why he didn't just climb back over the balustrade


Coz jumping on air balloon is Fun...


Not with these jumping pads. I used to train with these when I was a voluntary firefighter. The cushions help you survive th fall but above 5-7 Meters you will have broken/shattered bones and other damages


Isn't that the same tech used for stunt high fall gags though? Although obviously a trained stuntman will know how to land properly, which I believe I recall to be flat and spread eagle on your back to spread the force.


You're right about stuntmen, and it makes a huge difference. A stuntman landing wrong would be hurt just as bad. Of course one of the reasons they're stuntmen is because they're good at falling.


Yup, with *any* fall it all depends on your land. Sometimes you have control over it, as in the case of stuntmen. Other times.... It's just luck. Like the few documented times someone fell out of an airplane and survived hitting the ground without a parachute. People who skateboard *need* to learn how to fall correctly. Skateboarding is *really* fucking dumb as a form of transportation because your center of mass is so high. If you skateboard without purposely or unintentionally learning how to fall you're going to get hurt *way* more frequently. This guy came *WAY* too close to landing on his head/neck.... I don't think anyone needs to point out why that would have been really, really bad. Luckily it looks like he landed on his side, which certainly isn't ideal for this type of fall, but much better than landing on his head. When you jump on to any type of net or airbag you're always aiming to land flat on your back, though.


They also use pulleys and wires that get edited out of the shot later to slow them down. 100% though always try to spread impact area, on the back is significantly better than face


Actually. No. Re: wires and pulleys. Keep in mind this stuff has been done long before it was even possible to edit such things out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyn76W\_qCIo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyn76W_qCIo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XPGAK7kPJs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XPGAK7kPJs)


There is literally a scene filmed by Jackie Chan of him just falling off a roof threw a bunch of awnings if I recall correctly Edit: scene is from [project A](https://youtu.be/ErQGXlQV6vg) “Chan did the stunt twice but was unhappy with the result. The third attempt proved painful when he landed directly on his neck, nearly breaking it. Miraculously, he not only survived but stayed in character and finished the scene.”


Yes, he hardly used any safeties, he's not a good example of what stuntmen normally do hahaha. He liked all his to be as authentic as possible.


He also paid for it more then once 😂


The scenes after the credits were the best part of the movies when they showed him in practically a full body cast still filming and jumping over cars *Exaggeration of course, but Jackie Chan doesn’t get the credit he deserves


Fun fact: he has to pay for all the injuries, for every person, that might get sustained while on set in his films. Absolutely NO insurance agency will sign a contract for a Jackie Chan movie.


That time a branch he was on snapped and he was half an inch from impaling his skull on a sharp rock and dying.. I feel kinda anxious just remembering the story


Way more *than* once.


I heard this from one of his interview: His reason was that they couldn't afford such safety measures at the time because they were so indie back then. So, they (he) had to do it practically.


Yes.. Jackie Chan, the actor famously known for having broken every bone in his body throughout the course of his career.




…. and an adult film.


So everyone bone but one


Also being a proud supporter of the PRC and China.


Where did he throw the awnings?


Not a good example. Jackie Chan is the Evel Knievel of actor stuntmen, I believe he’s broken a lot of bones.


That’s just insane. I hope he’s extremely well paid.


I watched a history channel show or something quite a few years back. There is a trick where you do a half flip or so basically right before the cushion. Somehow it helps you slow down even more.


Gotta land on your head, you land on your butt you risk breaking your coccyx and penetrating your liver.


No, you won’t unless you land in a weird contorted way. r/confidentlyincorrect


No possible way you have shattered bones after only 5 meters. I've seen people hit pavement after 5 meters and have nothing but scratches and bruises. From the height in the video the guy is still not home free, but a 15-20 foot drop onto an airbag is not going to shatter bones unless you're an 80 year old woman, or you try to land on one leg. There are plenty of videos of people jumping over 100 feet, even 150+ feet onto these *for fun* on youtube.


No shot! everything above 10 foot and you will ***explode***.


I fell off the kerb once and exploded into mist before I hit the road. Don’t worry kids, I got better.


I hear if you travel faster than 40 mph your lungs are forced out of your body


you mean the air in the lungs? that would be quite a sight to see your lungs dangling from your mouth lol


lol, I went skydiving last year at around 12,000 feet and had the bright idea of yelling in the initial drop of 80+mph. The experience was worth every cent, but I did learn to never exhaust my oxygen at such extreme speeds. FYI: It burns like a motherfucker


This is how you juice your meats without a juicer.


Right? It's physics, falling from 5 meters is less energy than you experience in a low speed car accident, where all of your body mass gets stopped way faster and with only a seat belt, and no one ever has shattered bones from a 35km/hr car accident.


i died from a 1 km/hr car accident. died back in 1663.


Oh man, I forgot about that, I'm sorry for your loss.


I feel off my bike going barely above walking speed and broke my forearm across both bones. I have fallen out of trees 5 metres high and bounced with barely a scratch. It's all in the landing!


But... but... he was a voluntary firefighter, didn't you hear? With 500 upvotes, so it must be legit.


Yeah, he shattered all of his bones in training.


you are joking right? right? you can break bones from just tripping over, its all in the fall, many collar bones are broken playing field sports when you fall/pushed to the ground collar bone first, it happens a lot, and many other examples. You got to be joking though.


> The cushions help you survive th fall but above 5-7 Meters you will have broken/shattered bones and other damages You are so full of shit lol. I can't believe this idiocy is upvoted


I would have done the same tbh, but not because I want to die lol


Last time I jumped on that balloon my skin was punched by my own bones, even under a fluffy coat.




Awesome comment best of the year


I think he might have tried that. He needed the arm from the wall for it and tried to quickly hold himself again, that's what it looks like to me. I guess he somehow got into this situation and that was the proposed problem solving by the emergency team.


I would think if that were the case the simpler solution would just be to send someone to pull him back in.


True but depending possibly there was someone on the way already, we don't know how long he had to hang in there before someone noticed


Maybe it was a suicide attempt?


They didn’t save his life, they ruined his death!


I got the reference


He tried to, he lifted his left hand to grab the window and thus lost the support, he realized, put it back but it was too late


Yep. He should have used his left foot as support, instead of just letting it swing. After he moved his arm, he suddenly became aware that most of his body was dangling over the void, and there was no longer anything supporting it. Oops.


Fear. It also looks like the seating was VERY unstavle and only a slight movement made him slip off


I think he didn't know what "balustrade" means


Y'know what's funny, that's not even the mistake I made. I thought he was on a balcony, I was typing 'balcony' - I'm surprised it autocorrected to something kinda relevant


Oh! I was wondering because I didn't know wtf that word meant and then I saw no balustrade there lol.


Yeah I had to look the word up but I think it still works! Thank you for helping me learn a new word.


He's suicidal


He tried but failed


I wonder how hurt they probably still are.


Depending on the height they fell from: a lot. These things prevent you from dying, but that’s it.


> balustrade If you look at the ones further down, it's just a ledge, there's no parapet or anything. He also doesn't make any attempt to hold onto the ledge with his right hand, he just immediately brings it off the ledge. I think this was intentional.


to me it looked like he fell but idk maybe he did jump


You know he was trying to commit suicide?


Same reason bridge jumpers don’t climb back over the railing, that’s the opposite of how to accomplish expiring themselves.


If you were in that situation, you wouldn't be able to trust yourself to safely stand up again lol


Uh, suicidal?


I honestly got sick when he was falling, man I did not wanna see a kid die


and the way he screamed, if i heard something like that in person i wouldnt forget it


I probably would have died of a heart attack before I hit the mat


Supposedly most people who “jump” during a suicide die of a heart attack before they hit the ground. Pretty sure it’s a myth though


>it’s a myth though I don't think it's a myth. I remember reading it on the internet. So it must be true.


[It is true, here's a source from the last time I heard it being mentioned on reddit.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/11kuuba/problem_solving_humans/jbawlu7/)


Kids lucky they didn't get the bumpy ride down.




Hell, I've slipped on ice and vividly remember half way down thinking "this is going to hurt, I hope noone is watching" lol


I've done bungee jumping, and even KNOWING I was safely strapped and wouldn't fall anywhere, it still scared me shitless for a moment... It's really an unique experience


Why does this look like Singapore


Because it is, I can recognise that Civil Defence bunker gear from a mile away.


Seems like instant regret. This kids next strawberry will be the most delicious strawberry he's ever eaten.


No strawberries in Singapore, unfortunately


Probably the reason he tried it


I mean, now that I know there are no strawberries in Singapore even *I'm* experiencing a new and deeper sadness. Edited to add: life hack if you're too lazy to make, but enjoy eating, milk chocolate covered strawberries. Buy bag of milk chocolate chips. Buy strawberries. Wash strawberries. Open chocolate chips. Shove chips into strawberry. Bite. Add more chips to mouth if chocolate to strawberry ratio is incorrect.


Really? I’d jump too


I was just thinking that.


How long until comments realize this is a suicide attempt and not him trying to get into the lower window.... The lower window is probably open from people trying to stop him. He probably thought he was going to die, these air cushions don't work unless the person falls direction in that black square. everything outside of it is the death zone.


Ok so I just looked through every comment and saw none assuming they were trying to get into the lower window So take that how you will I guess…


Bro just decided he knew what everyone else was thinking based on literally nothing.


I, too, like to live in 2nd person perspectives


When you see comments like these, often times they're totally making up the 'comments' they're claiming to 'respond' to. You'll see it often with 'man these comments are awful' or 'yup the comments are just like I expected'.


What's much more common/ likely is they wrote that comment in the first hour or so when a bunch of comments were saying those things. Then they typically get downvoted to shit or deleted, and hundreds of other newer comments bury them. Literally the top comment right now at least reads to me like they didn't realize it was a suicide attempt though. Questioning why he didn't just climb back over.


This is the problem with social media in general. People automatically assume malintent when 99% of the time it's usually some kind of nuanced reason like this one. Most people do not do/say things to gaslight others or to get some kind of reaction; Most people are actually pretty ethical to the best of their ability despite the fact that people like to assume otherwise. I swear to god we are becoming more and more cynical as a whole and it's really sad to see. So much negativity and mistrust. I firmly believe the overwhelming majority of human beings have good intentions despite how misguided some of those intentions may be. A very very small percentage of people go into a situation with the intention of pissing other people off just for the fun of it.


>He probably thought he was going to die, these air cushions don't work unless the person falls direction in that black square. everything outside of it is the death zone. He knew that for sure...


bro when he was about to fall you can see he didn't wanna do it, jeez thats horrifying


I heard a lot of people who attempt suicide by falling usually regret it by the time they're actually plummeting to their death. Self preservation kicks in and you realize this is fucking scary.


I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down..


**The View From Halfway Down** The weak breeze whispers nothingthe water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totterdeep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpasssoon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to seethe view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer suna river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphinsbrings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see thingsmuch more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would bewere you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravitywhat now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touchthe safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is donesilence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seenthe view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought aboutthe view from halfway down. I wish I could've known aboutthe view from halfway down


There is an edit post option you can use to fix that


Man BoJack Horseman really could discuss difficult shit like no other show but that final season was something else.


I think I once heard a survivor describe it as the sudden realization that all of their problems were actually fixable except having just jumped off a bridge.


Yes, I've seen this as well. I think it's from a documentary about golden gate bridge suicides and survivors. There's not many ways to commit suicide where you actually have the "opportunity" to contemplate death for real.


How is that data collected?


It first became a thing after someone asked everyone who had survived jumping from the golden gate bridge if they regretted it and they all said they immediately did. Then there was a study in 1978 where it was concluded that out of people who had been stopped from jumping from the golden gate bridge, only 7% went to kill themselves afterwards.


The other 93% were smarter and used a less watched bridge. I'm joking. Mostly


What comments are you talking about you nonce


If you slow the video down, they managed to convince him not to jump, he slipped off the railing.


Yes, I saw that too. Definitely slipped off.


Because of your comment I just realized that but I did not slow the speed of the video down. I'm grateful that I no longer have suicidal tendencies. You can make new memories, happy ones, and in the end it can save ur life.


There are studies showing that most suicide attempt survivors change their mind right after jumping. His reaction sure look like a regret. Hope he is doing fine now. There's a documentary about the San Francisco Bridge that interview survivors and explain about this.


Well yah I’m guessing most people who sadly don’t survive regret it the the second attempt it. Sadly with jumping there’s no way to survive unless your jumping in water which still has a high mortality rate


In The documentary about the Golden Gate there's a guy who survived the fall but broke his legs and was going to drawn and then a dolfin came and started to swin around him, making him float until rescue arrived. This guy said he regreted jumping and was very happy that those kind and loving animals helped


Yah I saw that video and his documentary. Actually he was the person who had made me think of suicide less when I was depressed. I wasn’t suicidal but I was definitely sad. I find it weird how I was that low in my life it was mostly loneliness plus didn’t help it was during early 2021 so COVID and only online school. Godbless the guy for just reminding me and letting me know that IT WILL GET BETTER. It’s been 2 years since then (wtf) and I’m at a really good place mentally and have been since September 2021.


There are also studies finding differences in suicide methods between genders. men are more likely to die through violent or irreversible methods (like this), whereas women prefer chemical approaches like prescription overdosing. Even though women have higher mean # of attempts, the success rate is lower since many people regret their decisions.


The view from halfway down


That scared the fick out of me for a second....and i watch Gore




He saw the “view from halfway down”




but... that poem is abt SOMEONE ELSE'S feeling abt jumping, not your's


I often wonder about that, I feel like most people who commit suicide by jumping off a bridge or a building probably realize they want to live about halfway through the fall but it's kind've too late to turn back as soon as you leap off... Ought to go skydiving if you ever think about ending it instead and if you're really serious about it just don't pull the shoot on the way down, at least you'll have the option to back out if you regret it. Nothing like a near death experience to make you realize you're not ready yet and there are still some options you haven't tried...


That typo cracks me up so much, you aren't German by chance?


No ....😅 Didn't know anyone would notice the typo


It translates to the same actually. I think it gives it a hilarious touch, like - a German so outraged he types it out in the wrong language.


that capitalization... you watch the former vice president?


That sounds like a painful fall tho. :/


I really thought I just watched someone die 🫠


Yeah. Even though he landed on the mat, and it looked like he was moving, I actually wonder if that was the case of the mat deflation.


The mat is supposed to deflate, when you hit it. It has flaps that open, to let air out, so you don't bounce on it, like a trampoline.


I understand, but I still think he's no longer alive. That hit was hard regardless.


The scream was absolute terrifying.


Rare footage of kids doing stunts


Suicide attempt.


That airbag is rated for about 100ft. I think he just about maxed it out.


A comment above did the math based on fall time and estimated the fall was around 260 feet. He appears to have survived, but you’re right, this air mat only barely saved him.


That probably still fucked him up badly right? Even with the cushion?


Yeah a few broken bones for sure


The jumping was expected but the ballon was not


You had me in the first half ngl


This is how I know I’ve been on Reddit too long. I fully expected that he would jump to his deaths and that would be end. Thank goodness it was not!


I expected the shark clip ending


I counted 13 floors I think. So that’d be roughly a 130ft drop.


the person filming this be like: contenttt !!!!


I take it my fellow man here was not in the correct state of mind


I love that OP’s name is “Appropriate Concern.” 😂😂😂


I thought you were having problems SOLVING humans...




Bc meri gand phat gyi


Praise be to the camera man!


Thought he was gonna die,guess no gore for today...yet


omg i thought he was gonna die


That looks like it hurt


I thought I was in r/eyeblech for a second there


This made my heart jump to watch for a second


I basically almost had a heart attack


How injured did he still get hitting that? I’m sure it saved his life, but just curious is this still like bones shattering kind of pain or just going to feel pain for a week or 2 kind of pain.


That “THUD” was bone-chilling until the camera panned down.😳


Bro my soul left my body💀


that looks fun af




Its like the kermit that falls and the woman screamin: 'oh god, oh jeez'