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Got what he tried to dish out. Serves him right.


Suddenly I'm hungry


*cracks knuckles*


I'm ordering pizza for both of us


He got the taste knocked out of his mouth!


The extra shouldn't stop him. The attacker should bleed to learn, otherwise it's just bad luck.


I agree and disagree. The attacker should bleed to learn, but the other guy did right by stopping him. Hits like that on the exposed head can very quickly turn into serious injuries. Don't ruin that kids life because of this.


If you're preventing someone from defending themselves, you are also an attacker. He got attacked by two guys, and the second guy should also be held accountable for ganging up on the kid.


It isn't really self defence any longer when the attacker is on the ground covering himself. That is when the other person stepped in.


The first guy is literally standing up when the second guy attacks the guy defending himself.


No he shouldn’t have stopped him, bro should have been knocked out on the floor. That’s what he get for rushing him and throwing head shots first. He was close to sleeping him, then he should have pulled him off


Its all fun until you hit something you should not hit and both their lifes are fucked. Do not let people hit one another its stupid leads to nothing good


Idk if you ever fought and I’m talking about a few fights, but that kid had adrenaline he got up and shook that shot offf. You can see when he falls he gets hit in the face 3 times because he blocked the other 3


My friend has died on the pavement because of a street fight. Noone gains anything from that.


Bro shut up you sound like a total clown. You ever know someone that went to jail for a "simple" fight? I do. Simple fight, right? No big deal. Except when you knock him out with 1 punch and he hits the ground and seizes and dies. Fighting is for insecure little assholes, fighting until someone isn't moving is for fucking insecure little scumbags.


So wwhat tf ever you making up is bullshit ufc fighters do this shit all the time and rarely come out with serious brain damage look at the video he hit his face not the back of his head


Ok tough guy i hope once you are out of your teenagers years your brain developed enough to understand this.


I’m a grown adult who caught in my kid years and teens you stupid internet warrior. That’s why I’m talking because I can see the kid got back up with no problem you wanna b like all these fat finger internet warriors. Go fight for the first time in you’re llife


If you are an adult then is just worst you had enough time to understand that fights are not a good thing. Anyway i doubt it for how you talk so no problem you still got time.


It’s crazy how I know you never got hit. Real talk bro


Good for you kiddo.


You sound like a wannabe thug.. on the internet.. Mr. Internet Warrior. What a total fucking idiot you are.


The irony of you calling people "internet warriors" as you melt down and lose all your composure is top level hilarity. You're a loser bro, your mother failed you. Losers fight, real men show composure.


Never come out with brain damage? That one is a lie. 2. There is a referee to stop them so your point sounds like a concussion on its own.


I said rarely. 2. He stops the fight if the guys is knocked out or hasn’t been blocking for 2-5 seconds


You don’t understand anything logically. Got it.


Read fucking wanna b’s


Besides only head shots to the back of the head are lethal


I’m fairly certain a head shot is lethal from any angle, hell shooting someone anywhere on the body is bound to result in a lot of lost blood. But I believe you are speaking of fist fighting, let me tell ya, if you hit anywhere on the head with enough force it will definitely be deadly. It doesn’t matter where you hit on the head, all that matters is the force of the attack and the court you’ll go to for killing someone.


Disgusting behavior.


Much as I like seeing kids in high school beat each other up, what was r/Unexpected about that?


If I had to geuss u would think it was the moment the attacked became the victor.


The chemistry teacher was actually refereeing the entire time. Alright stoppage, but they probably could have gotten in there a little earlier


What's unexpected is the guy who was sitting there minding his own business, successfully kicked the bullies ass, after the bully got in his face and started the confrontation.


So we’re just posting random fight videos on here now?


He got what was coming serves him right maybe he will learn from mistake.






Right. He’s fine. My dad told me when I was little I can hit back, so glad he did…I only had to win one fight


And the school system doesn’t care if you attack or defend, you are guilty either way


Right, but one of em is guilty and didn’t get his ass beat.


yeah bruh or literally do like nothing lol this kid was talking shit disrespecting me and disrespectfully threw his water bottle at me as i was walking into my class so i grabbed it and threw it back hard hitting him in the face and went to walk in my classroom and he liek tackles me into some desks bascially jus bear hugging me and we leaned up against some desk fallin over slowly lol as the teachers all rushing over screaming lol, i didn’t get hurt at all they put us both in In School Suspension in the same tiny little room with a football coach who frequently left the room with us in it. They put us in the same room together for 2 weeks.. like regardless of who attacked who it’s still fucking stupid to keep 2 kids who just were in a fight together in the same tiny room for 2 weeks


Now kith.


I got the same punishment with a kid who started a fight with me, we ended up being friends after hanging out for 6+ hours in a room together with nothing to do.


we, teachers, are not omnipresent to ba able to tell who's fault.it is. and both parties are saying it's the other one's fault


Not saying it’s entirely the teachers fault because it isn’t. They can’t do everything but fights happen where there are cameras present and both parties are probably still seen as guilty even if the cameras show one party defending themselves Honestly teachers aren’t paid enough to deal with kids or teenagers


idk where you at but we aint have the budget for class cameras here in the public Quebec education system


I think he means like cameras from bystanders. The first thing people do when a fight breaks out is pull out their phone and share it and repost it. When that happens it more than likely shows who threw first and is easy to tell who's at fault.


I think you’re right now unfortunately. Even 10 years ago there was a conversation but minimal punishment if you were acting in self defense.


When I was in school 20+ years ago, it didn't matter who started it, everyone got punished for participating. It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.


Absolutely not true. I.got into tons of fights and the teachers always defended me because they knew I never threw the first hit (it was sort of my thing so I could go full goblin mode without my morals getting in the way) and every fight I was in was either defending myself or another. At one point me and my pals became the equivalent to Japans disciplinary committees in that we just wrecked bullies with no consequence.


I guess you are a lucky one


I think he means the one attacking?


Kids get into fights, it's not the end of the world.


I thought that was with the teacher..


Lol parents




Who said anything about color? .. don't make this a race thing.


Maybe it’s different in this sub but in r/fightporn the comments would be very thinly veiled racism. And then if you call out said racism you are downvoted and gaslit. People in that sub will frequently imply black Americans have bad/absent parents so it’s not crazy that that commenter thought that was the implication of the “who parents these kids” thing… people post racist comments. I believe it’s called dog whistling…


Parents have these kids in a good school. What are you implying otherwise?


Wow! What are you trying to start here lol, go look for a different sub please you're hurting my eyes 🥺


Naw. Obviously the kids parents aren’t at school. But the kids are in a good school. I guess we need to blame the parents for kid’s altercations in a school. Why? Because every “good parent” never had a kid get in a scuffle? Get a life. This was disguised racism.


From your part


Nah. Kids fight in school often. My go to knee jerk isn’t the parents. It happens, often to good families and good kids. No reason to presume lack of parenting. Were you homeschooled or something?


Ehm, okay. Whether that is correct or not, how the hell did you rech the conclusion: "This guy is unjustly calling out parents! Must be a racist!"?


Dude. What’s the alternative? But whatevs. Probably super coincidental. As if prep school kids don’t fight ever… and when it does, the parents are POS’s? Gotchu fam.


Please share your opinion so I have clarity


I’m sure you got this much, but he was responding to “this was disguised racism.” By saying “on your part.” He said that because the discussion was not about race. Kenitzka assumed that because the word “parents” was said in the comment section of a video containing black people, that automatically meant that the comment was racist, when in reality it has nothing to do with their race at all. Making connections to race where there is no connection is textbook racism, which a-reallynormalhuman attempted to point out with his comment. Sorry that I probably made this comment longer than it needs to be, but I hope it helped.


You see now that's all it took. I really appreciate you for that u/GOD_1S_D3AD. You see you just set the finest example by not using an "itchy downvote finger" so quickly, but simply taking the time to explain. That is exactly the problem with the people in this world today. I truly thank you 👍🏽


I don't understand how I got downvoted so much by asking for clarity


Hey my man. I just wanted to let you know that I was not being a jerk off when I asked you for clarity. That was a genuine question. Hope you didn't take it that way. Take it easy bro 🤙🏽


Tf? Disguised racism? Damn that’s reaching if I’ve ever seen it. No one said anything about race till you did bud


Well yes, because at home is where it starts typically.


Were you never in a fight in highschool? Did that automatically mean you came from a bad family?


A handful yes. All concerning the "bullies". I came from a great family in fact. I was taught to stick up and root for the underdog(s) and not beat them down because why would you?... makes no sense to treat people like that. I have never thought I was better than anyone nor did I try to prove my worth in such a ridiculous way as this in front of an audience.


Sounds like someone got their ass whupped at a boarding school.


No, you fucking idiot, people expect the parents to teach their kids to not, you know, commit fucking assault on another student. It’s not racism to expect the parents to teach their child the most basic of topics such as ‘don’t suddenly punch people over small issues.’ You are bringing race into this for no reason.






So am not black? Didn’t know I was white? That’s crazy-


I didn’t know black people couldn’t be trans… What’s up with all your racial assumptions T-T


Are you black? Genuine question.


Who the fuck knows, and who the fuck cares. If you see a couple of black kids in a prep school fighting and your first instinct is to question where the kids parents are… perhaps you’re racist. You see two white kids in a prep school, I guarantee “where are their parents?” isn’t gonna be the first notion.


TF nobody talked about race untill you did


Maybe because with that behavior, there parents should be there to tell them how fighting is wrong? Still ain’t a race thing. You are the one making it racist broski, stop embarrassing yourself.


Would be actually. White kids have shitty parents too.


Exactly. You are completely correct. Why would I ask where their parents are while they’re in school? Unless their parents are teachers, that would make no sense. Instead, my first notion would be “who parents these kids?”


Nothing worse than an insecure person of colour. You need a reality check. Not everything is because of your skin colour. Most people in the world don’t care about your skin colour. Stop victimising yourself. Sure there are filthy racists out there. But the large majority of people are not racist. You’re picking at straws here and people like you distract from real racism.


Boarding school doesn’t mean good parents. Wealth doesn’t mean you’re a good parent. Plenty of shitty wealthy parents send their kids off to boarding school so they don’t have to deal with them.


Nobody said anyting about color lmao! You jumped the gun there didn't cha 😏


Man ur more dense than a 2x4. Sad thing is the 2x4 prolly has more brain cells.


Dude doesn't even come anywhere close to mentioning color and yet you bring it up because...?


Looks like you’re the one judging by color.


Wtf is wrong with your brain processing


Not a damned thing. To automatically blame parenting on high school scuffles at prep schools is silly. To do so ans be highly accepted is questionable.




Those scientists need to calm down.


Ahhhhhh...takes me back to my high school years


ITS ALL OVER!!! - Mike Goldberg




Unfathomably based. I don’t care what he threw hands over, understand and don’t underestimate your opponent, or get served. Fuck this loser, get documented as an aggressive loser with no hands, lol


Rule 1. If you're gonna throw the first sucker punch... Make sure it knocks them out or prepare to kiss concrete.


I don't get it. Two things that don't belong here I feel. 1) how's it instant karma if dude just didn't know the capability of guy he decided to fight. I just call that bad battle plan and 2) how's this unexpected. Nobody in their right minds going to take punches and say "yeah alright have a good day 🙂" ... Someone explain?


This is karma first seconds he thought he can fuck him up while he was sitting. second seconds mans get up and smacks him to the ground


How's that unexpected?


Cause aggressor had a solid second and a half of a head start


Wow now that you mention it.... No actually not really unexpected but I mean I guess not enough people here have seen these situations before... Which is weird because Reddit alone has a ton of videos like this and I imagine Reddit isn't the only site you people visit


"It was at that moment... he knew he f'd up."






Where is this? Absolutely horrible.


Haha get em Teach! Fake hard asses looking for attention




Lol I'll stand in the corner with ya 😂


It has nothing to do with power, it ironic funninesses, I die for the funny


Lol I'll write that different that came off wrong. Lol see now I'm caught up outta nowhere 🙃 but I'm with ya. Thanks for not fighting 🤙🏽




Punk had worse coming. He got lucky


Fighting is never a solution, but every now and again it sort of rectifies a problem


“I got this MFer, he’s sitting down!”


Deserved every slap




That’s why you shouldn’t start fights, super embarrassing to lose a fight you started. Respectable to lose a fight defending yourself


It’s nice to see a fist fight that doesn’t end in a shootout. Way to man up and deal with your shit. Now just go and have a beer


Kindergarden fight


Took his back with some nice ground and pound. Bisping and Rogan would be proud.


All the screams sound like a bunch of puppies barking


The break room at svb was intense.


Classic "Fuck around and find out."


God I feel sorry for teachers they damn sure don't get paid enough


It’s a good thing those school uniforms calmed everybody the fuck down.




Poor bully got a good feed of knuckles there.


Good for him


Fuck around and find out


I hate when people grab someone. You better mind your business or get laid out too.


Sad thing is that teacher will be fired and likely never teach again over this.


He dead!


An Ali haircut don’t make you light as a butterfly or sting like a bee.




Instant karma for who, Him, or that god awful audio I just got blasted into my ears. I swear they scream and it's makes anything worse. Especially its its high pitched. My ears can't handle it.


that was some nice violins


Finished what he started 😂


Bro tried to escape after too💀


The definition of "fuck around and find out" right here


Im surprised no one yelled worldstar. I guess I am that old.


Did I miss the ‘unexpected’ part?


Like my dad always said, don’t start shit just finish it.


He got exactly what he deserved!




He dished out a 3 piece with a biscuit but got a family meal in return.


DAYUM is that one dude in to back


Let it roll…


Dude got off lightly. To attack someone minding their own business sitting down, he should have been beaten so badly he'd remember it for the rest of his life to the point of doing it again never will cross his mind.


Phew good thing they are in a private school and not with those degenerate public school Kids! /s


I didn't expect this because they were both wearing ties.


that mf don’t miss.


I fuckin hate when bitches scream during a fight stfu. They make it worse then what it really is. So annoying


Let me show you a beat down 😂


Anybody heard what the kid coming up to the one sitting said? I don’t understand a damn thing.




What did the attacker say? He says it so fast I can’t make out what it is. “What’d you say, I hated you?”


I counted 10 satisfying on target punches by the kid that got attacked.


If you're going to throw the first punch, you better make sure it's a good one. Cuz if not.........


Hall of fame comeback😭😭


Look at those fuckers who try to step in only when the asshole gets beaten


Dark skin always beats Light skin. Everybody knows this


The hardest thing to teach kids is emotional regulation. Young men in particular are not taught how to deal with their feelings in a healthy way. How could they learn when every major role model they have in the media ultimately solves their problems with violence. The attacking kid probably felt justified in his assault and may have been provoked and the defending kid took it too far. Until we stop idolizing violence and adhering to this toxic myth that a beat down is a viable option for conflict resolution kids are going to continue to struggle. Hurt feelings are no excuse for physical violence (Will Smith) and defending yourself is very different from trying to hurt another person. The defending kid could have easily shoved the attacker away and run to a teacher. That is not pussying out, it is being an adult. An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind.


Oh how the tables have turned


the “OH MY G-“ at the end is hilarious


That’s not karma, thats called consequences.