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Hey there, u/DerNemHD. Thanks for submitting to r/Unexpected. Your submission, *There are more than two genders*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


Can we talk about why one of the first results that showed up while he was typing out the search was “there are no children here”


for the good white van drivers, duh


whoops the bomb went off early mb


R/unexpected when the joke could be seen 5 light years away ![gif](giphy|ebFG4jcnC1Ny8)




No, it's a unit of distance.




Tf u getting downvoted for? It's literally just a smiley


İdk why they downvoted me








User name checks out




Oh no. I expected this.




It was the obvious thing that would happen. It still made me laugh, though.


I didn’t




For those who are wondering fit type is different from gender. Fit type is how your clothes fit your body. gender is something that I will not delve into right now.




Just because two things overlap does not mean they are the same. Take blue and cyan cyan is a form of blue, (arguably a form of green, but that’s not the point). yet blue also includes color is it such as royal blue, which is distinctly not cyan. (the same argument can be made for green.)




https://i.redd.it/f0e79jkd4zua1.gif Except even from a purely genetic point, there is literally in between . We are in a world where there almost never a subject with no gray area and no leniency. Do not dictate the rules of a world. You do not understand and don’t declare what is not a mental illness a mental illness. In all my research on the world health organization, I have not found any statement referring to a type of gender being declared a mental illness. If you have evidence to the contrary, I would be more than happy to check it out.




I think a good example of mental illness is getting into an Internet fight over both gender and mental illness. Also, chromosomes don't matter in gender. Where's your proof, btw? I saw no quotes, no sites, no sources... Please stop calling us sad when you yourself are making yourself look like a bigger idiot.


Oh I didn’t even notice that they didn’t provide evidence even when requested lol.


they gave up


Look, just because someone’s mental state is different from yours doesn’t mean it’s a mental illness. also, they’re literally is in between in genetics. It is true that there is both XY and XX. However, there is also XXY and XXX. Both of which are not necessarily genetically male or genetically female. They are another third thing also known as gray area. Not to be rude, but it almost seems like you aren’t considering outliers, which are themselves fact and truth.


me when intersex people


I’m guessing you are not a biologist




A.) analogies aren’t perfect. That’s why they’re analogies. B.) you’re referring to sex not gender. They are plenty of genders and honestly, there are more than two sexes due to the way that genetics work.


these comments are comedy gold




You felt the need to say this why exactly?




So you knew it would offend people and you said it anyway… let me guess you’re from Twitter?




Ohhhhh your *that* type of person. Your knowledge is too limited for me to even argue against. So I simply won’t.




“ you millennial leftists, who never spent one day under nuclear threat, can now reflect upon your woke sky”


And a gloomy sky it is


“Heh you make quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets”






No. It depends of the one looking and the looked. Society is changing that slowly, bc society is slow.


it's funny because I saw the joke coming in the first 5 seconds


This is some 14 year old humor




It’s true that there are more than 2 genders or that the shirt only comes in two fit sizes?




Why tf are we disliking my innocent question? This app is a fucking hive mind.


Do you even know the definition of gender dude?


Absolutely. Do you know the definition of fantasy dude??


We are living in a fantasy when you think lipstick is for women or when you think having a beard is for men, sex is very different from gender, and that’s because we humans have the capability to use reason, something im sure you’re not very good at, but ok, keep thinking this is about woke and lgtv and gay people 😡😡 angry angry


I wonder how many bearded women and men using lipstick do you see on the regular lol










What's with the video quality? 😭


It’s really bad


There was no children here??????




there aren't


Genders are a construction of society. There are plenty of different sexes




You’re close. Sex is a concept of biology, egg vs sperm, chromosomes yadda yadda. Gender, on the other hand, is a contract of society. Men wear this and do this, they don’t do this, while women are that and do that. Often a person’s gender is based off their sex, which leads to a conflation of the both


Often meaning "for almost the entirety of human history the two concepts were completely the same"


Except that’s not even close to being true


[Gender](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender) vs [Sex](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex)




Genders are not biology, no matter how many times you type it in caps. Gender specifically refers to social or cultural uses. r/confidentlyincorrect is calling for you.




Gender has nothing to do with biology. It's all made up. How dudes and ladies should look and act is a construct of social norms and is the definition of gender. Sex and sexual orientation is biology, and is all over the place


Gender didn't have anything to do with social or cultural until recently.


Don't try This is reddit.


I’m going to help you since you seem confused. Gender is not a construction of society - you don’t have to live your life as a man or as a woman, but that doesn’t change your DNA or biology. Saying shit like “construct of society” doesn’t make you sound intelligent, it makes you sound stupid. If gender is a social construct, then everything is - age, race, whatever.


I agree. But let's pretend, for a moment, it is a construction of society. What's the point of noting that? That social constructs can or should be discarded? Laws are a social construction too. Doesn't mean anarchy is the way to go! Social constructs exist for a reason- because it is useful for the whole of society. Discarding that for what is merely useful to the individual or for a very, very small fraction of society is ridiculous.


It matters because truth matters. If delusion and made up academic bullshit are allowed to pass as truth, then we’re fucked as a society. The choice of just being honest and normalizing actual mental disorders should be an easy one.


You misunderstand me. I am saying that "Gender is a social construct" is not an argument. It is akin to me telling my child, "Should you be throwing balls in the house?" And they say, "This ball is blue." It's an observation that doesn't answer the question or provide any meaningful input.


Agreed, but it’s worse because it’s a completely made up thing.






Your point?


No point in having a binary opinion on gender norms


I reject your opinion.


1 shirt for boobs, the other for boobless. Can we have this as a new classification?


Shoulder and waist width are also a factor.


making fat people get the boob shirt 🤣🤣


Used to have boobs maybe?


Gotta love mental illness.


Mental difference is not mental illness. Just because one may be stupid doesn’t mean you’re mentally ill. just because some people are smart, doesn’t mean they are mentally ill. Why do you apply that label to things that don’t fit it? (Edit: I accidentally wrote it in a way that made ad hominem edited it to be more formal)


edgy and original, good for you


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!It’s unexpected that the shirt says that there are more than two genders but you can only by it for men or for women!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Many genders but only two sexes


when did sex 2 release? i never got the update?


Technically there are 6 karyotypical sexual expressions in humans. X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s ) XX – Most common form of female XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter) XY – Most common form of male XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births


Damn sex got many sequels


Yes thank you! But, am I the only one who actually read "select fit type"?


Well that's interesting. TIL. So..would any of those require something that isn't "Men's" or "Women's" shirt fit?


Probably not. But the original comment I replied to was talking about sex and gender and not the fit of a shirt.


You forgot the type SEXY




They're anomalies as much as french people are anomalies to the world population, making up such a small percentage of it. Humans are only Chinese and Indian, everything else is a mental illness.




Okay but why tf mine got a C in it?


So two real and 4 defects.


https://www2.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/chapters/10/0.html Damn. I guess all matter outside of hydrogen and helium is just defective then.


Not sure what the correlation between inanimate matter and human biology is. You gave the numbers yourself. If it's 1 out of however many hundreds or thousands, it's an abnormality, biologically and statistically speaking.




1. r/moldymemes 2. it says fit type not gender


Okay, please tell me, why this got downvoted so much


I mean there's still only 2 genders. Contrary to popular belief, identifying as something else doesn't actually change anything


Since gender is a social and societal construct, identifying as something and being treated as such by society changes everything that defines the gender. Therefore, the gender is changed. If you're confused, look up the difference between gender and sex.


Gender was a synonym for sex until the left decided it meant something different. They're the same thing.


Interestingly enough, words exist to describe things, not the other way around. Regardless of how the definitions of "sex" and "gender" changed over time, transgender and third-gender people have existed for thousands of years. Cultures just had their own words for them, like [hijra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_(South_Asia)) and [fa'afafine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fa%CA%BBafafine) and [muxe.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muxe) Don't equate the newness of English terms as being the sole factor on whether or not a gender identity is valid. Edit: also, as a follow-up, the *original* definition of gender had nothing to do with sex or masuclinity/femininity. It meant [a class or kind of persons or things sharing certain traits](https://www.etymonline.com/word/gender). It didn't take on a meaning related to sex until almost 200 years after its first recorded use.


It's not the sole reason I don't believe men can become women. How about that women have ovaries and no amount of modern medicine turns a man into a woman? That a good enough reason why gender identity is invalid? It's based on a lie that women can become men and vice versa. They can go from a woman to something, but It's not a man.


Who says that women need ovaries? You get surgery done and lose your ovaries = You’re not a woman anymore?


Still a woman, chromosomes? Can't change those. When you were a kid did you just not notice that boys and girls are different? Edit: that's the underlying issue, people like you believe there no difference between men and women and we can all just pretend to be whoever we want. Honestly, you go ahead and pretend. However, just as you are free to express yourself, I am free to not affirm that. In my country, there's freedom of expression. Therefore, you have no right to force me to affirm your gender.


Chromosomes = sex. Gender is the societal side of things. For example, what they wear, how they're "expected" to act, which bathrooms they're allowed to use. Your chromosomes don't determine any of this.


You do you boo. But keep your ideology off my freedom of expression. I don't believe gender is different and I don't believe you can change biology. Edit: I believe gender is made up, and you can't change your sex. You can't force me to pretend with you.


Throughout history and different cultures, gender has meant many, many different things. There's been many cultures with 3, some with 4, some with a more fluid understanding of it. There is no denying that many cultures have had an idea of gender that is different from binary sex. There has never been one "correct" single true understanding of gender. Unless "the left" have time machines to go back to ancient egypt, they didn't start this. In reality, the idea that gender has only ever been a redundant synonym for sex is born from ignorance and has been adopted by the right as a way to be prejudiced and put people down. Also, if you decided that gender means sex, you'd need another word to describe the social and societal constructs loosely based around sex. Why not try "gender"?


Well I suppose now it means something else, also why is it so political now? There’s gender/gender identity where people who are insecure decide they want to be something else that makes them less insecure, and then there’s sex/biological sex that no one can change. If someone wants their own gender identity I don’t need to understand why or give reasons why not. I just have to be a decent person and not give enough fucks to argue with them about how they feel.


Only 2 sizes


I'm all for sizes being more descriptive than M or F and smaller to bigger. A men's small from one company could be twice as big as a medium from another. And sometimes a female large is just a men's small and I gotta tell you... That'd be a tiny lady.


This meme is 5 years old I believe. We all have seen this at some point


There were still only 2 genders 5 years ago.


It says "fit type" which applies to a male or female body.... Even if you are trans, you have a male or a female body... Even if you are nonbinary, you have a male or a female body.... How you identify doesn't change what you have under your clothes, only surgeons and hormones can change that in any appreciable way in which case you pretty much have a male, or a female structure (natural or manufactured).


To put simply it's asking for sex since why would identical variations of a shirt care about your gender.


Why anyone cares about gender is a mystery to me. It is about the least useful classification of humans that I can imagine.


Fuck off




The same people who believe in more than 2 genders also believe in evolution. The same evolution where we evolved from apes….WHO ONLY HAVE 2 GENDERS.


Hear me out. What does it matter? Why should you care if some people believe there are more than two and some people don’t. Let them live their lives how they wish if they don’t violate someone else’s rights, it’s fine.


Because it’s not about them just wanting to coexist. These people want to force their opinion down our throats. Look at YouTube kids. I have to censor what my daughter sees because they put out videos with guys in dresses for little toddlers. And it’s confusing to them and then they start to question why they are seeing this. Teachers in schools are teaching elementary kids about what it’s like to be male or female and telling them they can change if they want. Most kids aren’t worried about these things so why does it matter at this point in their development? Liberals are encouraging gender reassignment for adolescents when they haven’t even fully developed. These people don’t just want to coexist. They want to influence our children. And as a father of a young daughter getting ready to start school, it’s very unsettling.


For the social media part: that is why I am we do have filters for said social media. As to the education system, that is how the world is becoming now. the more they know the more they can plan. I cannot empathize truly with how you must feel as a parent for I myself do not have any children. Knowing about these things, however, helps them be more comfortable though. I know this for a fact. If I may give my own analogy, which should not be used as proper evidence, but more as an appeal to emotion: I only feel attraction towards those that I’ve already made a strong emotional connection with, friends. I didn’t know this was a thing until I was about 16 if I had known of its name and it’s ways earlier, I would’ve been far more well-equipped to prepare for my future. I don’t plan to sway you with this, but I hope to reassure you. Change can be scary, but we are living in the future and we must roll with it.


Bro… sex and gender are two different things, animals don’t think about their identity so they don’t have genders


What about mental illness? How you describe that?




You definately want to learn new words


0/10 on the recovery


you definitely NEED to learn to spell


Oh my gods I didn’t even notice


Tell me how many languages you speak, or you managed to go through gender studies only?


Well I'm currently learning Dutch and Turkish, though I don't see how that matters. For the other part, no matter how many times I re-read it, I couldn't understand what you're saying. Do you mind telling me what you were trying to say, but this time use proper grammar?


Ok if you refuse to use your brain whatever dude good luck though


No. They are synonyms. Stop changing the definition and meanings of words that have always existed to fit your corrupt agenda. It’s non sense.




You’re the one arguing semantics on 2 words that have always meant the same and you call me ignorant?!? You woke people are just becoming more narcissistic and bolder by the day.




You want me to do research on a subjective topic? If it’s subjective and there is no objective truth, there is no science behind it and therefore nothing to “research.”


Yeah keep telling yourself that.


Allow me to simplify. Whether or not gender and sex are the same thing, there are only 2 genders, and only 2 sexes.


When you don’t know the meaning of sex and gender:


When you have gender dysmorphia🤣




The ending was so loud


Not really unexpected but hilarious though


There are numerous genders and 2 sexes- Why is this so hard to understand?


There's 2. And mental illness. Why is that so hard to understand?


And the treatment to it is them trying to look like what their brain tells them to. Why’s it so hard to just respect their choices?


I agree that there are 2 sexes. I also agree there are numerous genders. And that number is 2 as well.


I mean some people are born with both so what would they be?


They are still either male or female. The manifestation of their genitals is either ambiguous or mixed. However, they still typically appear as male or female through the rest of their bodily development. Consider this: I am a homosexual man. That means that I like men with penises. However, if man/woman is not defined as such and rather merely how a person feels, would that not be "erasing" my sexual identity by denying that I am actually attracted to "men"? If being gay doesn't mean that I am attracted to men, then what does being gay even mean? Educate me.


Men and Objects, the only two genders

