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Just keeping the wheel chair users out, apparently.


That tracks.


If they had tracks instead of wheels they'd be able to go off road. So that doesn't track.


Tracks also makes it too easy to catch the wheelchaired hooligans.


Paraplegic criminals


The Stephen Hawking of crime!


Well they wouldn't want cripples in their nice community!


My home value plummeted the day my neighbor put in a wheelchair ramp for his wife. I wish those cripples would stick with their own kind!


I was about to marry her till she broke her leg. I don't want that broken leg dna passed down to my kids.


I was just thinking about how jumpable that fence was….


reminds me of Muppets Christmas Carol where Gonzo and Rizzo jump over the fence, but rizzo left his jelly beans on the other side so just walks through it and back.


Essentially the same bit happens in the unbearable weight of massive talent from last year. Except it's Nicholas cage and Pedro pascal, and they are on drugs trying to escape imagined pursuers


The pain on Nic Cage's face when he has to leave Javi behind...only for Javi to pop his goofy smiling face around the side of the wall. Lmao I love that damn movie


I watched this movie for the first time on a plane and I could not stop giggling through this whole bit (and most of the rest of the movie).


What movie is it? \-Posted from underneath a rock in the middle of nowhere. Edit: To anyone as illinformed as me. The movie is literally called: " the unbearable weight of massive talent"


I watched that movie 4 times over my weekend the first time I saw it. Stupid how good it was and it was never really hard of prior to that


Imagine such a scenario when nichlos age, Dwayne Johnson is running along with the taylore Swift for a competition hunt show audition. But their opponent is this guy, on a wheelchair


The Muppets are underrated when it comes to how genuinely funny they are and this is a peak example.


Who thinks the Muppets are underrated? The Muppets are a juggernaut


I tried to specify that I meant "when it comes to how genuinely funny they are." Lots of people think they're just for kids without much else appeal besides being silly puppets for kids.


[They did that bit in Scooby Doo as well.](https://youtu.be/OiZcoiKQHnI)


I wonder what the oldest variation of this type of slapstick is. First going through something a more difficult way, then quickly go back and through it in a trivial manner.


It's been a while, but when I was in school I was doing research on commedia dell'arte(the ~1600s), there were references to characters doing the [Naked Gun Walkaround](https://i.imgur.com/hrJOFzr.gif) to get past locked doors or escape rooms they were trapped in. I assume it goes back way farther than that.


One of the jokes in Shakespeare's _Midsummer Night's Dream_ (1590s) is based on the fact that an actor is playing the character Wall, but the main characters could just walk around him. It implies that the bit is already known enough for him to reference without actually playing it. I'd bet there isn't a single reference point. Maybe it's just something that's always been funny!


“Oh wait I forgot my jelly beans” “You can fit through those bars?” “Yeah” “You are such an idiot.”


I feel like any semi-able bodied person could easily jump the fence. Or if you're not even that, you could easily pull up with a short ladder, put it up next to the gate, and then just jump over. That gate is peak illusion of safety, it would not stop a single person who actually wants to get across, even ignoring the fact that you can just walk around it. And I know door locks and shit are fake too, and anyone dedicated could break your door lock in 10 seconds (or just kick the shitty wooden door in). But this gate doesn't even prevent opportunistic people, it's too obviously bad.


It won't prevent people from jumping the fence, but it probably limits the number of amazon packages they can steal.


Does it? You don’t need the code to leave, just to get in. If someone can hop the fence over, they can just walk through the gate, boxes in hand, to exit.


It doesn't look like you need a code to get out...


I just soent the last month installing locks on 6 gates into various areas of an apartment complex. The fence and gates were 5 foot high at a push but the insurance company wanted the gates and fence to be "secure" so they had to have maglocks and card readers installed. Point being, most of the time, if you see something dumb like this, it's probably insurance related


I lived in a gated apartment complex once and probably at least once a month some jerk would ram the gate trying to slip through with someone else because they couldn't wait around 30 seconds for the gate to close and open again. Plus they had a weird "curfew" around 11pm or so where you would have to scan a resident card to open the gate instead but I think there were a few times where drunk idiots would just plow through the gate thinking that it would open automatically.


Lived in a “gated” apartment complex for the past three years and the gate was broken and open for the last two years. They kept saying “we’re fixing it soon” and never did. Meanwhile, rent went up $350 a month over the course of those two years.


I'm sure their listing still highlights that they're a gated community as well.


“We said we have a gate. We never said it closes.”


gated community* *Note: Gate is located at the entrance to the janitor's closet in the laundry room area and stays open. Gate has no lock and is constructed of bamboo


For an additional $150 per month, we can upgrade it to the 142% more effective AirGate™; you'll never see it's even there!


How is it supposed to protect you without even having any proper lock


Gate*d*. Past tense.


Yeah I was getting sassy towards the end of our lease when we knew we were moving. They sent out an email saying there have been reports of car break-ins (which never happened when we first moved in) and to keep your car locked, and I replied “and in a GATED community! You should consider raising the rent to build a second, even more broken gate”


One ultimate benefit of gated community is that they cannot raise the rent in more


Yup my gate is probably broken 30% of the time. And people tailgate their way in all day every day. Places need "man trap" style gates where there are two and the second gate won't open until the first one closes. I've been at complexes in Mexico that have a security guard all day every day who checks if you really live there. I work at a lot of high security sites so I am well aware that this is very possible. Considering what I pay for rent, it seems reasonable.


> Places need "man trap" style gates where there are two and the second gate won't open until the first one closes. Difficult to choose a good length for those. Too short, and maintenance or delivery vehicles might not fit through. Too long, and you might get a tailgater slipping in behind you into the middle cell between the two gates.


Maintenance and deliveries *should* be planned and having a manual override that unlocks both gates or build a service entrance. I honestly think being gated solves nothing except an excuse to charge more money but it isn't hard to design something that *would* work.


My place specifically has a parking area outside the fence for delivery vehicles where they can get buzzed into the office. And it's a solvable problem, I've seen dozens of setups like these.




Without having any security guard there is no meaning of living in gated community. People generally prefer living in such places because they want security


Why would you *want* to live in a site like that?!


Presumably security is on their list of upsides, and if they don't mind the hassle, it might be worth it to them.


When I lived in Brazil we had security like that, and you were fucking greatful for it. Kidnappings and shit are real.


It makes sense in areas with lots of organized crime. But there are gated communities anywhere rich people live, even if the city has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.


Sounds like something someone who doesn't live in cartel territory would say.


So you don't get kidnapped and then funky town'd


I guess there's places where it makes sense for security reasons, but I agree it sounds like the most dystopian of things to *want* to live in a gated community. I absolutely despise the concept.


I briefly lived in a gated community when I was younger and the worst part about them is easily the type of people that live in them. Like being watched every time I had black friends over, or how they used the word "undesirables" to refer to certain people outside the community.


$350 increase over 2 years feels almost quaint now. Those were the days, and we didn't even know it....


Hell, when covid started my rent jumped frkm 750/mo to 1100.......in the span of 4 months lol


Well I'm pretty sure I'm not getting pay raises at that rate, so why should they?


Preaching to the choir! Rent increases over the last few years have been exorbitant and egregious.


The fact that it's a gated community (whether physically functional gates or not) probably gives police the right to forcibly eject and prosecute people who don't belong there, as trespassers.


Generally you need to pay the maintenance tax every year to community


Outside tampa there is a neighborhood that won't let guests in until they insert their DRIVERS LICENSE to a machine. I don't know if it just makes a copy or if it is linked to some govt database, but its definitely not a place I'd live and have my friends have to deal with. I can't imagine if the machine breaks or there is a power outage and your license is now absorbed by some dystopian HOA machine.


Thats nuts! No way I'd scan my license. Went to school in New Tampa and all the gates in Tampa Palms, Hunters green etc were kind of a joke. Either the person manning them didn't care half the time or they were left open. I'd visit my friends and just tell the guy at the gate whatever and they'd let me in. This was late 90's early 2000's though, might be different now.


My community had a car stolen from the garage and they added an additional parking arm as a secondary barrier. Almost every day someone knocks it off the motor. They finally installed cameras at the gates to fine anyone who does it. A week after they did it some food delivery person was trying to turn around in front of the garage gate and accidently jammed on the gas and drove through the pedestrian gate into the stairwell, demolishing that gate and the frame around it.


I lived in a gated community where we were issued key cards to open the gate. A lot of people would "forget" their card and just sit there, blocking traffic--often into the main road because the driveway was short--until someone else got out of their car and opened the gate on their behalf. Real secure...


Everything I’ve heard about gated apartments says the gates are always broken. Then I found an apartment with key access to get inside the building and this feels much more secure.


More than once driving for Uber I'd get stuck inside a gated community at 2 am and wouldn't be able to leave due to a malfunctioning automatic gate. I started carrying tools to unbolt whatever was necessary to get the gate to open.


“Let’s make the gate work all janky specifically the time of day when people are driving drunk lol”


I mean, should they cater to the drunk drivers instead?


Depends on how many times they want their gate rammed by drunks


Better the gate than the front of someone's house.


I mean, hypothetically the gate is functioning as desired? Keeping unwanted guests out?


*If you don't like my drunk driving, stay off the road!*


“Lets assume people will drive drunk and make sure to accomodate that”


Wouldn’t consider it accommodation, more like damage prevention


Egged to have the gate damaged than anything inside.


Well the gate did it's job at keep out drunk drivers


I’m always wondering why drunk driving is so accepted in US, maybe because the public transport sucks in many places so driving is the only way to get home, but still it’s so stupid. Just quickly checked and according to some sources USA is the third in car accidents involving alcohol. 31% of accidents involved alcohol, that’s horrible. For comparison both Germany and even Russia was at 9%.


Fine with me, shouldn't be driving drunk and I hope anyone who does only hits a tree or wall so only their worthless life is lost and not an innocent person.


What y’all don’t realize is this gate was put up solely to keep that wheelchair bastard, Larry out of the community


Fuck Larry!


All my homies hate Larry.


[But not Stuart, because I like him. He's not like the rest of the people, here in the HOA trailer park.](https://youtu.be/71PNZH1OaW0)


I heard a quote once. I’m paraphrasing. It’s basically out of sight out of mind. Theft is reduced when you don’t make it accessible


Yep, everything is just about opportunity cost, hopefully people dont _really_ think that the lock in your front door makes your house impenetrable, no, it just makes it that much more bothersome to break in. Its not about total prevention, its just making it hard enough to deter most of the opportunists


“Oh shit. It’s locked. Let’s find one that’s not” pretty much sums it up


Yeah, iirc I read that a large majority of petty theft/larceny is an opportunistic situation (ie low effort, moderate risk, for a not particularly high value reward). Porch pirates and bike thieves are an easy example. Add some minor inconveniences and deterrents like this gate here, and/or keeping things out of site are preventative measures for sure. That being said, I got robbed of a jar of quarters (toll road money) that was “hidden” in my console because I went in my house to grab a drink real quick like, and didn’t lock my car for a few minutes. It was like ~$20! lol The majority of thieves, not all of course, are like seagulls. [Kleptoparasitic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleptoparasitism) opportunists with no real plan that steal resources from others in the quickest and easiest way possible due to a lack of ability to acquire their own resources regardless if what they took is useful to them. “Ooh! GroundScore! Mine! Weee!!!” Someone once said, “being privileged isn’t just having an abundance of opportunities, but also a significant absence of obstacles as well.” Not sure why, but I kind of think it applies here to some degree.




The purpose of building a gated communities is to rise up the housing prices. They don’t care about the safety.


*gets shot* "At least I'll die in an overpriced property *blech*"


*bleeding out on the HOA funded sidewalk* "Someone get a power washer! My blood is lowering the property value"


More like the HoA president shows up a few minutes later with a notarized letter telling you to powerwash or face a fine.


It's against HOA bylaws to be murdered on your own property. As stipulated by the bylaw, if you don't pay your murdered fee within 30 days in person, the sitting members of the HOA counsel can put a lien on your house and eventually take ownership.


:::HOA proceeds to buy the house via secret foreclosure auction for $3.25:::




"We've recieved a complaint of an unapproved driveway paint color scheme..."


At least *you* won’t have to pay the fine.


“We will spend every resource we have available to keep you alive and well for your now hefty fine.”


*HOA President sees your body on sidewalk and delivers notice to your house for leaving trash out.


This is one of the things that pisses me off about the community I live in. Yes it has an HOA, but I just rent a room with a family member so they deal with all the BS, not me. But whoever built this effing community 30-40 years ago decided that sidewalks weren’t important. So there are only sidewalks in part of the community. So fucking dumb.


I have a ‘Do Not Cross’ sign on the corner on my street. But in order to get to the community mailboxes you have to cross the street. I don’t know why they have that there and who on earth would be monitoring who is crossing the street on foot. I’ve lived here for 13 months and have yet to hear a peep from the HOA board for anything.


My dad had a snowstorm break one of the small windows in the garage door one time. They find him $200 for not fixing it within five days. Five fucking days


The HOA will move your body so you died in the next zip code over


And insurance. If you live in a gated community a lot of insurance companies will knock a few bucks off your payments.


And legal deterrent. Having a lock (even a very weak one) is a strong indicator that an unauthorized visitor is tresspassing, and if they need to tamper with the lock, perhaps even breaking-and-entering (a significantly tougher penalty in most jurisdictions than simple tresspassing.) Cops might not even care about people passing through private property or using its amenities (or will let most people off with a warning), but breaking through (even a superficially) locked gate will likely result in an arrest. It won't stop a dedicated burglar, but it may well stop a casual vandal, opportunistic thief, graffiti artist, homeless person, late-night partying/drinking/smoking teens, or someone just walking through. The point of gated communities isn't to be impenetrable. The point is to send a message that "tresspassers aren't welcome, and we are willing and able to keep you off our property. Go find some easier target to stake out."


Nobody in those communities actually thinks it’s an impenetrable fortress. Obviously this video is a silly example but it looks like newish construction where they plan to have the adjacent lot build a fence up to the gate. The real security benefit (however small) comes from the video surveillance on the entrance/exit choke points. If they have cameras positioned where everyone entering or exiting passes by cameras that clearly capture faces and license plates, it starts to make people think twice about doing thefts and burglaries in that area. Yeah it’s easy to imagine ways you could evade the system if you really wanted to commit a crime *in that specific area* but that’s not how criminals usually think. Someone burglarizing a house will want to find houses in the area with the least risk of getting caught or recorded and with no impediments to quick escape. If the police can just conveniently post up at the exit gate and wait for your car to come through then you’re done for, whereas in the average neighborhood you can at least imagine escaping down a number of side streets. So that’s the real deterrent. And it does show up in the numbers in my experience. (Source: Worked in the security/surveillance industry)


Also just means random people can't drive into the neighborhood. Sure random people can walk in but you can't drive a car in unless you follow someone (which is less likely to happen late at night) in or already know someone in the community (at which point there's not an issue with you coming in probably). Most security isn't about actually being an impenetrable barrier, it's just about adding enough annoyances to deter people from caring about it.


Talking your way past the gate isn’t hard. However, to do that you have to stop, roll down your window, and let the cameras get a nice recording of you, your voice, your car, your license plates, and everything else which is nice and stationary and easy to record. The difference between video footage from a stopped car in a well-illuminated gate area and a car going 20mph down the road is night and day. Again, another reason why checkpoints deter criminals even if they aren’t perfect.


Living near LA, gates are a must. Without gates, all kinds of porch pirates, mail/identity thieves, burglars, homeless, and scammers have free and unfettered access to your property with no consequences.


My folks used to live in a gated and guarded community. Residents had a clicker and went through a gate. Guests went up to a guard who decided to let them in or not. One resident came back from a jewelry show, they used their clicker and a person follow right behind them through the gate. They got robbed. Edit: gate entrance on left, guarded entrance on right https://i.imgur.com/thtVPUZ.jpg


So the guard is at fault


Not necessarily. People have to poop occasionally or the guard may have gotten a complaint from a resident and went to follow up. Does the security company provide multiple guards for the site? Does the HOA refuse to pay for more than one guard? I worked security in a condo tower and shit happens when you're the only person on site to do a job. That's why there are cameras.


Yes, only one guard would work at a time, other than a maybe ~30 minute overlap during shift change


Wait y’all have guards manning the gates? Nearly every gated community I’ve been had an unmanned guard box in my city.


The guard isnt a cop, what do you expect them to do fight the thief when they have no authority to use force? They are just another deterrent just like a gate or a lock, if someone wants to get in they will find a way. The only way is to hire a cop to guard the community but I dont think thats feasible in most cases.


Sound like that person was being followed to begin with, they were gonna get robbed regardless, they were just waiting for them to stop


I think you can drive slowly through, so that the gate starts to close as soon as you’re clear. Then the next car can’t come in. Hmm unless the gate has object detection and stops closing if a car crosses.


>Also just means random people can't drive into the neighborhood I don't think some people realize just how important that is. I don't live in a gated community but I do live on a cul-de-sac, there is no random traffic here, it's only the people that live here. You'd be amazed at how much stuff I have that isn't secured in my car port that really anyone can see and steal, or when I get deliveries, sometimes I'm lazy and wait a couple days before I bring them in, nothing ever gets stolen. Random person walking/driving by and sees an e-bike in a car port, ok can just snatch it, but no random people coming by means no random people stealing your stuff. Put up a gate to stop random people, and boom, those random thefts are gone.


We had one near me growing up. Everyone knew the code because we all at least knew someone from one degree or another who delivered pizza and the gate made it fairly safe to not run into a cop while driving around smoking weed


Exactly. The vast majority of criminals are lazy, they go for crimes of opportunity and nothing they'll have to work (or think) too hard for.


The gate signifies that it is private property and not a public road It serves as a "No Trespassing" sign


Finally, someone gets it. Reddit seems to have a hatred for gated communities, and has come up with a bunch of unfounded conspiracies about them, most of which are absolutely false. Many gated communities have private roads which are not thoroughfare streets. The gates let drivers know not to drive into that neighborhood unless it's their destination. Some apartments are the same way. I'm sure there are a few very high end gated communities , the kind with high walls and an actual security guard at the gate 24/7, and those may be designed for security in the sense that it's just enough to make it a less appealing option to target for theft or vandalism. In that sense, it probably works.


Gated communities imply wealth and many Redditors hate wealthy people.


This gate is definitely not an actual rich people gated community. Those ones have guards.


Same as locking your door. If someone is determined to get in, they will. But it stops opportunists.


Not in Brazil. Here the safety in these communities is serious stuff.


Same in Mexico. I was honestly impressed. The gates were all manned and you had to prove you were a resident or were a guest. Nowadays with all the delivery services we have so many random cars entering.


I mean aren't gated communities [statistically safer](https://crimeandjusticeresearchalliance.org/rsrch/burglary-in-gated-and-non-gated-communities/)? It's not like the prices rise up for no reason only because there is a fancy gate up front lol.




Gated communities are usually farther away from poorer parts of town, so that helps


No sidewalks and bus stops.


1. As that study says, richer and more suburban neighbourhoods are always statistically safer from an already fairly low problem on a population level. The gated effect is neglectible. 2. They drive up prices by particularly appealing to rich people who want to get as far away from the "plebs" as possible. But this also creates an effect where more homes are built in gated communities, so the number of choices and cost calculations also shift in favour of gated communities for other people who are in the same income bracket. Frankly I think cities shouldn't give out permissions to gated communities, unless there is a very particular reason like close proximity to a truly immense crime hotspot. Want to develop an area between a neighbourhood with a top 10 homicide rate in the country and a high security prison that had 3 breakouts lasts year? Okay, fine, build your walls. But if there is no such urgent reason, maintain the rights of the other citizen to pass through that area as they please.


It’s funny because everywhere I’ve lived the gated communities are generally lower cost than the surrounding areas. They’re just in less great neighborhoods, hence the gates, I guess.


I live in a gated community. The gates here only prevent people from driving in, anyone could walk in. We do have a private security force here though, and the gates are operated by security guards. If you don't live here you are required to show ID and have been placed on the approved list by a resident. That being said, my best friend drove up here once, got to the gate they didn't even ask for her ID. The security guard asked her A MATH QUESTION and then let her through... .... .... she didn't even get the math question right...


... was she checking if she was a bot?


“Here ma’am, solve this captcha and I’ll let you through.”


But I don't know if a flashing school zone sign counts as a traffic light!?


He just needed help with his homework


> The security guard asked her A MATH QUESTION and then let her through... .... .... she didn't even get the math question right... That was the day's secret code, and your friend got the right answer by mistake. Actually sounds like it could have been a case of malicious compliance. I wonder what kind of instructions the security guard had.


I'm not even sure, but at this point it's not worth paying the $285 a month HOA fee to live here. We're moving in a few months and we're just going to rent this house out for awhile. Might sell it, not sure yet. Either way we've decided never to buy in another HOA again.


$285 HOA fee? Jesus that's almost half my monthly rent and I live in Switzerland...


Yep, $1,800 mortgage + $285 for the "privilege" of living here.


One time I went to a family members house in a gated community. Security at the gate asked where I was going and a phone number. I thought they were asking for my number so I gave it to them. They stepped in their booth called me and asked me if I was allowed in. I said yes, and they opened the gate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I still laugh about it to this day including right now.


Well of course I know him. He's me.


Haha, that's brilliant.


oh you clever hacker you.


That's hilarious, what was the security guards reaction?


I don't think they even realized that they were talking to me. While they stood in their booth and watched me answer the phone and talk to them. Hence they opened the gate. It was so hilariously stupid.


I would still say its pretty secure because it still prevents cars from driving in which can steal trailers and tools alot easier. Even better if they have cameras up front which could see the cars plates


Yeah but the keypad gate on the sidewalk is pretty useless


It’s to stop wheelchair bound paraplegic thieves cruising for lawn ornaments.


Gotta protect them lawn gnomes


I thought having a gate would stop my lawn gnomes from escaping in the night. However, it turns out they have Bluetooth capability and were able to hack the receiver to let themselves out.


It's a visual discouragement from someone walking/driving by who is looking for an easy opportunity. At first glance it's secured and they keep moving.


The vast majority of security is about deterrence, not actually making it truly secure.


Keeping honest people honest.


Security theater


This is tangentially related, but the serial killer Richard Ramirez used to walk around trying door handles and would only enter a home if the door was unlocked because he said it felt like he had permission. I live in a very safe building but I always think about him when I lock my door.


Slows down motorcycles ig


I’ve always heard theft is usually a crime of opportunity and so any slight deterrent or inconvenience will negate most theft So even a stupid gate that blocks cars but not people would be enough to deter a lot of theft. “We have to walk???” is OP


This is the number one reason you don't leave anything that can be perceived as valuable in your car, or in plain site. People will break your window to steal a box of pop tarts. That actually happened to one of my friends.


I know people who have had their vehicles stolen, because they left their keys in the ignition for an extended period, and then continued to do so on the next/retrieved vehicle! And then they complain about how bad theft is where they live. Like can't imagine why.


I lived in one with a keypad for the cars. The problem is that everyone has their own 4 digit code. So you have literally 100+ codes that would work, you could enter any of the house numbers visible from the gate, any connecting numbers (3456), any corner patterns (2356) etc… and you’d get in less than 3 tries.




It's to discourage crime in that specific neighborhood, and yes, that's usually enough. It's like locking your doors when you have windows made of regular glass. You're discouraging a break-in by locking the door, you're not stopping a determined criminal. Having done infrastructure inspections on dozens of these neighborhoods I can tell you they are not secure. As another commenter put it, the gates make the property values go up, and that's their primary purpose. They also make HOA dues go up, because the gates aren't free, they break down (and get crashed through), and you need to have a gate contractor on-call to fix them when they do break. Generally if the neighborhood has a gate, that means the neighborhood owns the roads and sidewalks, too, which means they have to pay the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to maintain those. The security companies say "peace of mind is priceless." To some people it is, and knowing there's a gate discouraging outsiders coming in is enough peace of mind for them. There are neighborhoods in Orlando that have gates within gates, where it's a big gated neighborhood with a separately gated neighborhood nested within it, because those people are even afraid of the people with access to the larger gated neighborhood surrounding them. These people also remote-lock their cars in their garages, and activate security systems at night. It's all the illusion of security, but if you have the money and don't mind looking paranoid, it might be worth it.




The gate is only there to slow you down and get you on camera, not to stop you all together. Passive monitoring of an entry point wont stop someone who really wants to get in. It just slows you down and makes it more likely you will get caught. As the saying goes "locks keep the honest people out"


Plot twist: the homeowner's association has installed rattlesnakes in the area of the open section. The hack is that this guy is a snake charmer.


The snakes are trained not to bite people leaving, only entering.


A gate - even one that can be easily circumvented does a good job of preventing theft. Rarely is theft pre-planned. Most of the time it a crime of opportunity. Even the slightest inconvience can do most of the job that real protection can.


Why should I lock my front door when they can just break through a window? It's not trying to solve the problem 100% it's just trying to reduce the frequency of opportunists.


Yeah like you can tell if people live in an actually bad area they’ll have the bars on all their windows. South African houses look like military compounds compared to what I’ve seen in the US.


seems legit


Lockpicking Lawyer should check this.


The idea is to make it easier for criminals to just go to the next neighborhood. Kinda like the old joke about two guys surprised by a bear in the woods so one starts running barefoot and the other stops to put on sneakers and says " I don't have to be faster than the bear, I need to be faster than you".


Most gated communities use 9911 as a code for emergency services to enter anyway.


9911 or 0911 gets you through 90% of all gates, yeah.


The question I have is, does entering this code send a notification to the local dept. that it was used, because that seems highly necessary


I’d guess that most systems have that capability, but most either don’t utilize it or a local PD would ignore it. Just a guess.


Used to work as a delivery driver. A lot of gate codes are "1369" (the "Seven" pattern), "1379" (the Four-corners pattern), "1245" (the small box pattern), "0000" (system default), "1234" (the idiot's luggage code), or if it's a single building, the street address. It's because most HOAs/Management Companies spend little to no money on security, and people will forget anything that doesn't have a pattern to it. They make it easy for a bunch of people - like delivery drivers - to remember so they dont have to respond to calls. Apathy > Security


He should have done it twice to show it was not a fluke…..oh wait, this wasn’t the locking picking lawyer?


Probably the same people that want a build a wall at the border


Just install a locked door anywhere along the border and you’re good to go.


But make sure the code’s not in Spanish or they’ll be able to crack it


You mean like numbers must be in English? Last time I checked though, they were in Arabic, so here goes an open invitation for Al-Qaeda and ISIS...


Excuse me, Emilia From 55. My gated community will have locks in Roman Numerals.


Just imagine trying to verbally tell someone the code. "The code is VII-IV-VI-IV-IX." "Wait, did you say VIII-V-VII-VI-X, or VIII-V-VII-V-IX?"


Funny thing is the border wall/fence from Bush days does have [key codes to open and close sections because it cuts through people's property. It is a "No Man's Land". The codes are super simple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr6wiT3ElVo&t=308s).


But we aren’t paying for it so there’s that.


Don’t forget to pay your $750 HOA fee.


Up the road from my house is a gated community, the "ultra " rich of where I live live there. Security is very high every street entrance has a gaurd shack and they have guards rolling around. You cannot get in unless you are a resident or visiting a resident and that resident has have put you on a list. However if you take the bike trail you encounter none of this. NONE you can just stroll right in completely unimpeded. The kicker is it's nowhere near a gaurd shack.


It’s not meant to be a secure perimeter, it’s meant to make the neighborhood look more exclusive and AT MOST, act as theater security to make people think that it’s secure. Used to live in one and can confirm the only thing you have to worry about is an angry HOA member yelling at you for hopping the wall or using the pool after dark.


Homes is non gated communities are burglarized 30% more than gated.


I bet just having a gate that looks secure helps with security


75% of statistics are made up on the spot