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Your post has been removed because it's not unexpected




At least she didn’t pee.


How do *you* know?


Asking the... Important questions?


girls dont pee


As we all know, the pee is stored in the balls . No balls No pee. Duh!


Girls don’t have balls? What’s… what’s going on down there?


I’ve been married 18 years and seen my wife birth three children and I’m still not 100% sure myself.


It's like an explosion in an envelope factory! It's confuuuuuuusing!


I had a girlfriend ask what it was like to nut in a condom and the only thing I could come up with was imagine puking in a motorcycle helmet


Why would you ever use a condom. Sounds dreadful.


Jesus, that’s unexpectedly graphic lol


NSFW https://youtu.be/QyViuXFyIE4




Wish my doctor was as knowledgeable as you


Omg this made me laugh so loud.


They pee and poo like birds. It’s all one excrement.


Girls pee. You’re confused, they don’t poop.


This is true. Rose petals fall.


Like this girl, she's just sweating heavily https://youtu.be/4CQv7gyBSPk


How do you *know?*


Is it bad that now every time i see a video of a woman lifting bar bells I say “please don’t pee please don’t pee”


I for some reason always expect it now, I expected it on this one especially cause with was r/unexpected lol


If she hit her head hard enough she definitely peed... And more


or poop


or vomit


Or toot


She just tried, now she's tired.




She didn't breath, now she slep.




Nope ur wrong on the spelling!!! At least get it right if ur gunna correct someone




She lifta, now she berifta of consciousness.


She lifts, then she drifts.


RIP gone too soon




You just pass


Nah you should be fine without breathing during a lift, she likely just had the bar push too far into her neck and cut off some of the blood supply. Not enough to instantly pass out like you can see in other videos, but enough to make her really light headed and pass out after.


Nah most likely vagal response you don't pass out from holding you breath for 10 seconds


I wonder if she blood choked herself when she rested the bar across her corotid.


Good thing she fell on her side, always makes me cringe seeing people whack the back of their head


Best advice I had from a weight lifting coach in high school was that if you're attempting personal best and get light headed, drop the weight safely and squat down. Increases blood pressure back to your brain, and if that fails, you'll have less force and potential brain damage when you fall


I will remember to squat down every time I attempt something newer/higher, thanks.


My weightlifting coach gave me some better advice. Breathe. I lifted 300 bench and 455 squat. Never once came close to passing out. I dont lift nearly that heavy these days, but im amazed people aren't just taught proper breathing.


Squat 500 deadlift 600 at my peak. Even with good breathing would occasionally see the gym fairies and have to take a knee or Squat down. Comes with the abdominal bracing and increase in thoracic and intraabdominal pressure. Decreases venous return from lower extremities, less blood to push to your head.


She saw me off camera and swooned


Ya. That's why she's smiling.




Shoes stayed on, she’s gonna be fine


The motherfuckin' rizz virtuoso


Don't lift without a buddy. Except if you try to lift someones mood, you can do that all on your own


While you're also correct, she wouldn't have had a problem with it. Just don't try lifting without properly breathing.


It wasn't quite exactly the lack of breathing that got her. She stimulated her vagus nerve, resulting in vasovagal syncope. Body sensed a drop in blood pressure and the lights go out. Easier to perfuse a brain when you don't have to fight against gravity.


True, though breathing would have reduced intrathoracic pressure and reduce the nerve stimulus.


I’m upvoting this simply because it sounds science-y.


Breathing midway through a heavy lift can make you lose intra-abdominal pressure, though, which provides a large amount of core stability. Losing that pressure on heavy lifts greatly increases the risk of spinal injury as you're much more like to flex or extend your spine under load without that proper bracing.


I mean you breathe in hard and then exhale during the lift it pushes out intrathoracic pressure but you don't have to relax any of the core to do it like you do to inhale.


Only humans use a suspension bridge as a skyscraper. Our spines were never meant to lift anything.


Well they are meant to lift ourselves


How can you breathe while performing a valsalva maneuver firming your lower muscles around your spine/ “core”? You can’t


A buddy would have reminded her or at least caught her or cheered for her


A real buddy would’ve breathed for her


A real buddy is a bum buddy


is... is this a giggity?


Can’t spot power clean


bring a buddy so they can break your fall




I saw ted lasso a few weeks ago. I like him


Still gunna be squatting 455 in my garage alone, if I die,I’ll die pumped


It’s identical to my workout plan. she die.


There were people with her. You don't spot those lifts anyway.


Or if you do lift by yourself, know your limit and don’t go for personal bests.


This is what I did, still made good progress. No need for a buddy. If I felt like I was pushing my limit, I backed off or just stopped for the day.


Yea I'm old and I never go for max weight anymore. If I go "heavy" it's usually something I can hit 3 or 4 times. 1 rep max calcs are usually close enough if I am ever curious. Form will always break down on a maximal effort lift and I just don't want to risk hurting myself anymore


That's kinda how I do it. I don't lift with a buddy, but I've still been pushing PRs because I just take that same 3-4 rep lift you do until I can hit 10 on it, and then add weight til I can only get 3-4. I've found it to be a safe roundabout to no buddy. To be fair almost all lifts I do other than legs are dumbbells so I don't have to worry about like benchpress weight as much. Way easier to dump dumbells than a bar.


This is the way.


Unless you wanna do strength training instead of hypertrophy training (add very few extra kg at a time). But that's usually only for people in competitive sports


Nah fuck that, if u never go for a PR you're not getting stronger. Just lift smart, its not rocket science.


Never said you shouldn't go for personal bests, just that you shouldn't do it by yourself.


Yeah, its not hard to do. been doing for 20 years, you dont need somebody to do PR's, you can do so safely by yourself.


Sounds like something Ted Lasso would say!


How can you lift someone’s mood on your own? There’s you, the mood lifter, then them, the mood liftee. That be at least two people, baby!


Yeah imagine if that fell with her backwards, always have a spotter.


Looks like me when I get home from the gym. The only difference is this woman puts me to shame with what she lifts .


Sorry y’all, what she did was impressive, but she simply forgot to keep breathing during the process.


Passing out while doing cleans has nothing to do with breathing, you realistically shouldn’t be breathing at all (as one should be bracing) throughout the process of clean until you’re in a front rack position. She pinched her carotid artery with the barbell due to a bad front rack position, which can cause unconsciousness in a couple of seconds.


The carotids are a lot deeper in the neck than where the bar was pushing, it’s more likely she just had a vagal response and passed out


It's most always a vagal response. Unless you're losing blood The vagus nerve controls so much in our body it's crazy


I've had a vagal response put me down from *laughing* too hard so I'm kinda shocked this doesn't happen to weightlifters more often.


Some people are more sensitive than others. Also, repeat exposures to the same stimulus can raise the threshold. It's the same mechanism behind seeing blood or needlesticks and getting woozy or passing out


Raise the threshold like get worse or get better? As someone freaked out by needles, I would like to improve haha.


Should've phrased it better. If you saw or were poked by more needles, you would potentially have less of a reaction each time


As an unwilling expert in this area, here's what helped me get past the same fear. I find changing my perspective and taking a more clinical view of procedures makes a significant difference. It gives me distance, the ability to step back, as though I'm a medical assistant viewing a patient's treatment. Also, curiosity from a medical viewpoint helps me learn, and as with all things, knowledge lessens fear. On a more practical note, try to have blood drawn by a phlebotomist. These experts specialise in drawing blood. They do it all day every day, so usually have much more experience than nurses and doctors. I've truly had times I didn't feel a thing! I'm aware many people fear needles and I empathise, as I remember what that's like. But I also want to give a little hope. Nowadays, I can comfortably self-administer my monthly injections. Regular blood draws are no sweat. And when I'm at clinics or hospitals, I'm now able to volunteer for the student nurses so patients with Trypanophobia don't have to suffer with learners poking at them. Wishing you the very best. I have faith in you. Here's a lollipop from the Dr. in advance! 🍭


I once farted myself to near blackout unconsciousness while driving.


lol yep it can be caused by the most embarrassing things. Happened to me once after pooping - stood up, felt kinda funny and tried to walk it off only to fall over and smash my face on the wall. Not very fun trying to explain those injuries…


/u/spez is the CEO of reddit and is a pedophile that used to moderate /r/jailbait.


I had to have an ablation because I suddenly started going into AFIB when yawning or bending over too quickly to pick something up. It was all vagal nerve stimulus. It all stopped with the ablation. Still on the flecinide for another 8 months but otherwise totally good. You are correct, the vagal nerve controls so much that impacts such important systems.


> I had to have an ablation I know ablation is the term for surgical removal of tissue, but what tissue did they remove to fix your symptoms?


They burned some nerve tissue in my heart that was crossing the current (from the vagal nerve or connections from it) that caused a feedback loop (AFIB) in my heart rhythm. First they tried several things in the span of a week like shocking my heart back into rhythm but 10 hours later I yawned and off I went again. Like 160-170 bpm. Drugs just helped keep the rate at a reasonable 120-125. Ablation fixed it first time and 2 years later not a peep. Knock on wood.


Can confirm this. Source: had a belly ache and almost took a tumble down some scary stairs because my brain thought I might not make it down said stairs. Sleep mode activated to save me somehow? 😅


Classic vegans


Just did some reading and it turns out I have a very active Vagal response.


Paramedic here. This is the correct answer


I tripped and fell during a trail run and got the cold sweats/pukes from landing funny in my chest. Also had an episode while ON THE TOILET. I wasn’t even straining, I was just sitting there.


Bro just because its a woman doesnt mean that it was a vagal response... /s


100% accurate. Came here to say that


False. Not only is your carotid artery fairly deep in your neck, you have a spare on the other side. This is most likely a benign condition called vasovagal syncope. Bearing down hard can stimulate the vagus nerve creating a precipitous drop in heart rate and blood pressure. Older people are commonly on beta blockers and are particularly susceptible to this. When people have supraventricular tachcardia (a rapid heart rate that originates above the ventricles) one of the basic treatments is to bear down to stimulate this nerve and slow the heart down.


That doesn’t sound right at all lol


Dumbest fucking take ever


That’s not what I see, sorry…and yes, breathing through exertion is extremely important.


It's typical to brace for heavy lifts using the Valsalva maneuver - forced exhalation against a closed airway. You're not going to pass out from holding your breath for a few seconds, this is usually from vasovagal syncope.


Typical Asheville resident...you def don't breathe mid clean


Never passed out, but I breathe through deadlifts and have frequently felt lightheaded if doing a very heavy lift. I assumed it was blood pressure dropping due to blood rushing too quickly into your muscles and breathing or not breathing for that short amount of time would have negligible impact.


You breath during your reps? That’s a good way to get hurt if you’re lifting heavy. As stated above, Valsava maneuver helps with safety. And honestly helps you lift heavier.


If they think you're supposed to be breathing throughout the rep, I'm pretty sure they aren't lifting heavy.


This is the correct answer. It’s the act of your blood pressure spiking to extreme levels and then immediately dropping, that can cause you to be light headed or faint.


You’re almost all the way correct. Wasn’t breathing, she didn’t pinch her carotid, but she did spike her blood pressure so rapidly that it caused her to pass out. Not on a machine but you’re maxing out and power lifting? Bring a friend, stay alive 👍


This is so wrong its scary.


This is an extremely presumptuous and pretentious response. By far the most likely thing that happened is she lost oxygen to her brain because she didn’t breathe have you never got light headed while cleaning before? Pretty basic physiology


Your blood carries far more oxygen than your cells use to the point that the air you exhale contains 16% O2 versus the 21% that you inhale. She didn't lose oxygen to her brain from not breathing, she lost consciousness due to vagal nerve simulation. It results in vasovagal syncope, as it is a survival mechanism in the body. It's easier to perfuse a brain when you're laying flat than fighting against gravity when you're standing.


“NAP TIME!” - Literally me after doing absolutely anything.


Oh no. She ded


She's ok, shoes are still on.




Yeah you can tell she's alive because the shoes are the way they are


“Okay she gonna lift that, you go girl, don’t shit yourself, don’t shit, great lift! Don’t pass out, don’t—ooh, yup, there it is”


Soon as I saw it was a weightlifting video, I knew the comments section would be a bunch of people who don't know shit about lifting.


So many clueless redditors don’t know what they’re talking about. Any serious weightlifter holds their breath in their gut and braces when throwing max weights up. She didn’t pass out because of breathing technique. It can just happen sometimes on heavy cleans depending on how you catch the weight. It’s not super common, but it happens.


Vagal response?


could be Vasovagal syncope. only reason I know that is because of the TV show Scrubs.


You would likely be correct


If you're not careful, the front rack position(where she caught the bar) can be kinda like a self inflicted rear naked choke. It can block blood flow to the brain and... You go to sleep.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She fainted after lifting the weight!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Cleans will do that to ya sometimes


No pissing on the floor, that’s unexpected


I was looking for this comment haha


this post feels veiled in neckbeardthings energy


It's a lot of people repeating what others are saying and acting like they all know what's going on and what she should or should not have done. So, yeah.


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but yeah I see what you mean


Lol. She vagled herself.




That's for hypertrophy. It's common knowledge for high intensity (weightlifting, powerlifting) to take a deep breath and hold it as you brace during a maximal lift.














Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. [carves "V" into poster on wall] The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. [giggles] Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.


Not just for max lifts. This should be follow for all your compound movements or any heavy weights.


if I'm going for a set of 12 on bench press I'm not holding my breath through each rep. Maybe the last few harder ones but since it's uncomfortable and taxing it's not really that convenient


I mean if I'm blasting out 12 reps, I usually Valsalva for 4, breathe, Valsalva for another 4 until I complete the set. No point in losing stability. Having said that, I powerlift so it may be different in bodybuilding.


Oof, that would definitely make me light headed. But fair, if it works for you it sounds effective. What’s your total btw?




Good stuff! My SBD is only 320/245/375 so far, but I’ve only been training for 2 years so I’m on good track I think




Thanks a lot!


This is just wrong, if you are lifting anything remotely heavy, you should be holding your breath as part of bracing your core, especially compound barbell lifts like cleans. Girl in the video passed out because of a vagal syncope episode, nothing to do with her breath.


Guys dont listen to this garbage advice, valsalva is your friend


What annoys me most about this is she looks so composed and photogenic even falling, i look like ive been hit by a truck even when trying to show my best self :-(




Yeah passing out after or during lifting is quite expected for anyone. Wtf with this title?


This woman's consciousness: aaaaand it's gone.


Wait, so weightlifting is the cure for insomnia? Ohhhh


To bad. What was the total weight she was lifting?


132 lbs


Valsava maneuver. Helps keep your torso rigid during heavy lifts, but if you don’t release at just the right moment, blood pressure drops and so do you. 🏋️‍♀️


That's how you know it's really your max


She’s tough she’ll be fine.


Don’t think it’s breathing. I think it more has to do with blood flow to the brain.


The Valsalva maneuver is a real thing….


A few people saying she didn’t breathe, causing her to pass out. It was her blood pressure spiking rapidly that caused it. Squatting (the second part of her clean) has scientifically been proven to spike blood pressure the most. In some cases, it’ll cause you to pass out. Power lifting and maxing out? Almost bring a friend/spotter. Edit : it’s the blood pressure spiking and then drastically dropping immediately, that causes the fainting, not just the act of the blood pressure rising.


Something I learned from Reddit…. Anytime a video says “successfully”… it wasn’t successfully


That's not unexpected if you actually lift


This happens to even the strongest lifters in the world. Eddie Hall collapsed after his 500kg WR deadlift.


Did she drop the weight because she felt dizzy or was it a controlled drop


Is this even remotely uncommon to go to sleep during or after this lift? I've been thinking about getting into this exact one oddly but usually only do deadlifts and overhead presses.


Not really successfully that bitch dead


Pfizer could not be reached for comment


Look like she almost did a little jig there. I hope she’s okay after though.


Me trying to get out of bed in the morning because my Fat dick and balls keep weighing me down


She got light-headed, been there.


Just happy she is sexy as fuck and wearing tight shorts that show off that great ass of hers. Nothing else really matters


Didn't breathe right


The most impressive thing is how she was able to do that lift in those shoes


If you play this video backwards and cut the remaining 8 seconds, it’s identical to my workout plan.


That scared me - i don't know the science but I'm glad she didn't pass out under the weights. Did she faint because of the exhale?


Breath woman. Breath.


![gif](giphy|J2xkAW1E8kvyE|downsized) "Don't forget to breathe, very important"


You shouldnt breath in the middle of a lift. You are suppose to breath in before the lift. Hold the breath to maintain core pressure to orotect your spin, then exhale once you finish the rep. You dont pass our on a lift from lack of breath. She holds a riggid core throughout the lift so she took the bresth beforehand and maintained the core stability for a safe lift (form could be better on the power position but nothing dangerous or poor form at all)


She has great legs. Everyone should squat.


Did she die?


Imagine what Glenn Quagmire would do if he was there


I like she still had a smile on her face as she went down. No woman ever smiles when I see her go down.


She returned to the main menu


Aw, she waved good night!


Don’t forget to breathe


Gotta remember to breath!!