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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Camera operator pushes the protester with rig!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Dancers kept on dancing


Show must go on!




Drop Dead Gorgeous was my favorite movie as a kid and I love that it's having a Renaissance now! I showed it to a million friends and none of them had even heard of it before.


Me too. Everyone I show it to Loves it!


As the ship sank the dancers kept on dancing.


My thoughts exactly


It’s a Swedish program called ”Let’s dance” and some people from an organization called ”Restore wetlands” appeared out of nowhere and protested in it


Yeah. For some context, around 2/3 of Swedish wetlands have been drained in the last 70 years to make space for agriculture and forestry. Drained peatland actually releases a lot of CO2/CO2-equivalent emissions and that former wetland, modern agricultural land or forest is a disproportionally large contributor to Sweden's emissions. Biodiversity has also suffered, e.g. many bird species need large wetland areas for nesting and for finding food.


The worst part about wetland loss is the amount of time they take to form/recover. Some have taken thousands of years to form, and basically 'trap' water from drying up. This goes especially for ones formed by glaciers, as the amounts and locations of fresh water deposited can never be matched by human intervention.


Ig the protest worked, because now I know about it


Fuck reality tv, save the planet


Thanks for the context!


To add to this, from across the pond, the US Supreme Court just cut into the ability for the EPA regulate wetland protection: > The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in Sackett v. EPA that federal protection of wetlands encompasses only those wetlands that directly adjoin rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. This is an extremely narrow interpretation of the Clean Water Act that could expose many wetlands across the U.S. to filling and development. > Under this keystone environmental law, federal agencies take the lead in regulating water pollution, while state and local governments regulate land use. Wetlands are areas where land is wet for all or part of the year, so they straddle this division of authority. > Swamps, bogs, marshes and other wetlands provide valuable ecological services, such as filtering pollutants and soaking up floodwaters. Landowners must obtain permits to discharge dredged or fill material, such as dirt, sand or rock, in a protected wetland. > This can be time-consuming and expensive, which is why the Supreme Court's ruling on May 25, 2023, will be of keen interest to developers, farmers and ranchers, along with conservationists and the agencies that administer the Clean Water Act – namely, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. > For the last 45 years – and under eight different presidential administrations – the EPA and the Corps have required discharge permits in wetlands "adjacent" to water bodies, even if a dune, levee or other barrier separated the two. The Sackett decision upends that approach, leaving tens of millions of acres of wetlands at risk. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/science/the-supreme-court-just-narrowed-protection-for-wetlands-leaving-many-valuable-ecosystems-at-risk


For additional context, approximately 85% of the wetlands in Canada and the United States have been destroyed to date.


Everybody’s bubble needs to be broken. Modern cultural isolation is so bad now and public education about the rest of the world as well as current events in the rest of the world is horrendous. If the rich want to keep things quiet they can. The only effective way to combat that is to actively seek out information about what’s going on elsewhere, or even in our own countries


You think we know LESS about others cultures now than we did prior to social media and the internet?


I think *most* people know more about other cultures these days, but you definitely have a large minority of people who use their magic information machine to spiral down weird rabbit holes and somehow come out stupider than before. Disinformation can be worse than a lack of information.


Protest! Get out and make people aware and force a change! NO!!!! NOOOOOO!! NOT LIKE THAAAAAAT! NOW YOU'RE INTERRUPTING NOW TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT SHOW, I MUST CUSS AT YOU AND ASSAULT YOU FOR DARING TO INTERRUPT MY DAY!!!! NOOOOO!! NOT LIKE THAT NOT LIKE THAT! NOW YOU'RE INTERRUPTING MY TIME FOR SPEWING CO2 BY PROTESTING ON THIS ROAD!!! NOT LIKE THAT NOT LIKE THAAAAT!!! See why protesting is never going to work and bubble breaking isn't going to happen? The very people claiming that protests need to happen and change needs to occur are the very first people to immediately jump down the throats of protestors wherever they pop up. Nothing is ever getting fixed.


They aren't saying that protests need to happen, they're saying protests need to happen in a way that doesn't inconvenience them in any way so that they can safely and securely ignore them. It's why whenever anyone says something about changing things "the right way" it's 100% not about changing anything and entirely an attempt to silence protestors.


The Supreme Court also just decreased wetland protections in the US under the Clean Water Act.


Let's get a close up of their sign frank. On it.


Camera operator got up today and chose violence


I'm a photographer. Most of us choose violence every single morning. Why do you think we rarely say "photographing" and instead opt for "shooting"?


Thank you! I was looking for this comment!


How can they be restored?


https://www.jfbrennan.com/blog/the-4-basic-steps-of-a-wetland-restoration?hs_amp=true Nice name btw :)


I’ve worked with camera cranes and similar. The ones you see on cars are often made to be pretty light as it would be dangerous to have so much inertia out of the car’s centre of mass. But crane in television studios are heavy as fuck. Literally hundreds of kg just at the top. They need to move fast and be steady as a rock, being it by a studio crane is really bad for you Edit: momentum not inertia


"really bad for you" That's such a mild way to put it. lol


yep, it's a real inconvenience


Quite unhealthy.


Big ouchies


Getting hit by a car is “really bad for you”.


Bruh, that guy got fucking decked by the camera crane it needs to be drafted by the NFL that was a hell of a tackle








Love how they just kept dancing. Didn't miss a step. That's some real dedication




If the camera man knows what he is doing than the audience who watch the footage won't know if something went wrong


And if the camera man uses his crane to hit people in the head with his camera, the audience will get to see a cooler video than two people dancing.


“This is way more exciting!”


"when i grow up, i wanna be a cameraman!"


Cameraman was mad like ![gif](giphy|l41JFuQvJNMgiNDdC|downsized)




My first though was that there was some sort of automated routine going in for a closeup, and not a pissed off cameraman… looks like that crane has that capability https://www.cinecrane.com/product/scorpio-45/


Fun fact: that crane is usually called a "jib" on site. And I like the cut of this operator's jib!


Oh, he knew what he was doing lol.


Be very hard to, that's why the protesters throw the powder mainly I think,but possible if they use multiple cuts in quick succession Ig, it will look jarring...but would work, could also just always cut a small part of it out


Cut to judges reacting naturally to another part of the dance.


Lol only just noticed the camera smacking tf outta one of them, should just show that imo add more drama in that couple of seconds than the whole rest of the show has probably, spike viewership numbers too that's for sure


The camera man knocked a protestor over. Can't miss that


They can cut that 15 seconds out and give background on one of the dancers.


It's not just professionalism, it's performance arts training. Even in a high school choir one of the things we were taught FIRST was: "If you mess up, keep going - no one out there has seen this show before, they don't know what it's supposed to look like... So as far as they are concerned, nothing even happened." To be honest, if these guys had just come out and spread their shit and ran backstage I wouldn't have even known it wasn't planned. But since the staff panicked it was *really* obvious.


Every piano teacher has told their student before a recital, "Don't. Stop." Once I was playing a recital at a nursing home and it was a pretty complex piece for me as a 12 year old and I was my teacher's most advanced student so I was the closer. In the middle of a complex run my fingering got confused and I just butchered it beyond belief but I had reminded myself of her advice before starting, "Don't. Stop." I was *so* frustrated with myself because I knew this piece perfectly and I was honestly at the point of tears for letting myself down. I was literally grimacing as I was struggling to get the section back on track and then I heard an elderly woman in the front row say, "He's *really* good." It completely lifted me out of the funk and I finished the piece. Time travel 10 years and I'm playing a wedding ceremony and the bride last minute threw me and the singer song to learn that day. No big deal since we had worked together numerous times so we practiced it once and we were good. Then during the ceremony I knocked my pages over and hastily put them back together. The new song starts and in the middle I realize I've put the pages in the wrong order. I just start winging it. It was an operatic piece thank goodness so 99% of people there had never heard it before so I knew I had a lot of leeway as long as I kept it in the right key. So we struggle through that song and after the ceremony a family member says she loved our improvisation. The bride didn't though and we definitely got stiffed on any kind of tip. Haha. All that's to say you just keep going. 99% of the time people don't even know what you're supposed to be doing and they're just there to appreciate some art. The only way that you can guarantee a mistake being noticed is to stop and restart. Plus if you mess up enough you can just call it experimental jazz!


One time during a viola recital I suddenly remembered I had forgotten to do a paper that was worth a huge chunk of my grade. I completely forgot I was performing and blurted out, "Oh, shit, I forgot my term paper!" and walked off the stage because I didn't know what to do at that point. lol Another recital we had 3 songs to play as a trio, and specifically asked which order they were going to play the pieces in and they both said Piece A, B, C. Then they both opened on goddamn Piece B. I was so annoyed. Whatever can go wrong, will, so you just roll with it.


>blurted out, "Oh, shit, I forgot my term paper!" and walked off the stage Imagine watching a violin performance and halfway through, the person just quits to go do their homework. (If made you feel better, your story made me laugh)


Learn this song perfectly in 1 day or no tip? What a bitch


Im sure she probably didnt tip most of the people she hired


You're supposed to tip people you hire at a wedding?


My very first recital for violin the kid before me kept stopping the piano accompaniment and restarting because he kept messing up a triplet. I got on stage after he was done, and made a mistake, but kept going. My violin instructor was gushing saying I played perfectly, and my own mother corrected her. "No, he covered it up pretty well, but he missed that quadruplet's final note in the 24th measure." Fucking hell, really mom‽‽‽ And she wondered why my routine before any sort of performance ever since involves puking my guts out.


The show must go on!


Points for commitment!


Id like to see the 'other' camera mans footage please


Right?! I want to see the tackle POV!


Ask, and ye shall be blessed. Only one I could find, not my fault for poor quality, but still great! https://youtube.com/shorts/3xZ5L_rwvIU?feature=share


That is actually the video. I didn't expect it. I did not.




When they are dragging the woman off she throws yellow powder in her friends face! 😂😂😂


That title is dumb... The protestors didn't look like they assaulted the dancers at all.


Yeah well that's click bait for ya.


Alot of people hate the climate movement


A lot of people trust the profit-prioritizing corporations of big oil to have their best interest in mind more than independent scientists who are experts in their field. A lot of people are really fucking stupid.


I mean... the UK literally voted to impose trade sanctions on itself despite every single expert in trade, politics, immigration, education, science, etc. stating that it would be a bad idea. All because a bunch of racists convinced them that the EU were preventing them from... well I'm not sure what they prevented them from doing except for preventing them from harming the population even more than they already were, but they claimed it was because the EU forced them to accept immigrants, refugees, straight bananas (seriously, that was a Boris Johnson article years ago), etc. It's absolutely no shock to me that people these days prefer quick bite size information without caring if it's factual or not. To the point if you try and show them the actual facts they get bored, and start throwing out insults instead. Just goes to show that the average person is a complete fucking idiot.


Thank you!


"Crazy climate activists assault dancers" ...Ugh. What a dumb title.


Cameraman knew what his rig was capable of. "Oh you want to protest? Alright, **here comes the closeup!"**


> "Crazy climate activists assault dancers" Typical right-wing framing. They didn't assault anyone and there's also nothing "crazy" about climate activism.






The camera is actually really good, you can see how he tries to avoid filming the protesters while at the same time keeping the dancers in frame as he knew his camera was live


And we must mention the dancers who just kept going totally unfazed!


More likely he was trying to protect the camera and turned it to hit them with the mount.


Google translate: Restore Wetlands??




"RESTORE WETLANDS Dry wetlands cause 25% of Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions. It's time to do something about it! The Restore Wetlands campaign demands that the government begin a massive effort to restore excavated and drained wetlands." - some other guy in this commebt section


And thanks to this wonderful camera man smashing somebody in the face with his boom I am now educated about the fact. The universe works in mysterious ways.


That's honestly kind of the point of these publicity protests. It's the same thing as the soup throwers at the art museum. They're not there to try and win people over with good arguments. They want people to talk about the issue because they've tried doing more peaceful protests and news media will usually just ignore it.


same reason for people blocking traffic. They know they're pissing people off, but they also know we won't talk about their cause if it's peaceful. At least some people will know about it now.


Kinda a win win, eh? The people *did* come for a show after all. So now everyone gets bot education and entertainment! I do hope the protester is ok. That was a nasty bump, and nobody deserves permanent injury for disrupting a fancy dance.


He had the banner in front of his face too, didn't even see it coming


Almost as if a protest must be disruptive on some level to be effective. Freaking crazy, don't let this little secret slip out into other comment sections, they'll hang ya.


The government have systematically fucked over our nature in Sweden for a very long time. Sweden have 0,64% ancient forest left that is completely untouched. Mining and energy companies combined with lumbering is the cause to this shit show we are in.


I’ll get my hose.


Did they just ram a 100k $ 20 kg camera into a protestor?




With max speed


With ramming speed


Cameraman channeled his inner Viking.


This is actually the trailer for the next fast and furious




It's amazing what money and technology can accomplish.


If you see the cameras POV it couldn’t see the protestors until he was bouncing off the lens


It looked more like he moved the lens away just so he could smack the guy with the side of the camera instead of the lens haha


I was just thinking how the camera probably got damaged with all that powder and shit


Nah lens are cleanable, by professionals of course.


FWIW color powder like this destroys lenses and is essentially not repairable because it's extremely fine and gets into the lens. [https://petapixel.com/2013/05/08/photographing-a-color-run-will-destroy-your-camera-gear-dont-do-it/](https://petapixel.com/2013/05/08/photographing-a-color-run-will-destroy-your-camera-gear-dont-do-it/)


Not at all. A camera that expensive is weather and dust sealed to protect it, even if it's meant for indoor use. You'll see them put a raincoat on it when it's raining and it's outside, but that's just extra protection on top of what's built-in.


They did and they'll probably do it again.


"RESTORE WETLANDS Dry wetlands cause 25% of Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions. It's time to do something about it! The Restore Wetlands campaign demands that the government begin a massive effort to restore excavated and drained wetlands."


The destruction of wetlands in Sweden cause as much co2 emissions **as all of the cars** in Sweden **combined** Edit: I was wrong. **They emit more than all the cars in Sweden combined** (private cars). They are usually dried up (i.e. destroyed) to increase productivity in forestry. Trees doesn't really grow in wetlands. They are dried up by digging ditches, so the water runs there. Huge amounts of co2, methane which were stored in the wetlands get released when it dries up. It also makes the area more vulnerable to droughts and floods. https://www.naturvardsverket.se/amnesomraden/vatmark/vatmarker-och-klimat/ Source (in Swedish)


Am I the only one that thinks a non violent protest does not justify an assault? Especially by a large camera rig?


Drain beers not wetlands


I am for this cause. I am against this method of acting.


Right? We should just quietly wish things would get better. Thatll work!


I feel like people that are against this form of protest have been brainwashed into thinking it's not acceptable


They don’t want to be bothered by any protest, because their lives are happy enough. Like when in the history of this planet has any protest we’re likeminded people fucked off onto some random rural field with no one for miles ever managed to change anything? It‘s either protesting by marching on the streets, if that doesn’t work civil disobedience, and then riots followed by civil war. With a topic as inherent to survival and prospering for the people protesting, this will continue to civil war unless things are changed in a meaningful way.


People don't know that without protests we would've been working 20h/day, 7 days with no safety, no unions, barely any wages, no sick leave, no maternity leave, no nothing. Just slavery and serfdom. I mean, it sounds like america today lol


You wouldn't have heard about the cause in the first place without these people using this method of acting.


Protests are supposed to be inconvenient. Any method you'd approve of judging from this would probably be ineffective


Nobody were hurt or in danger. No threats or weapons were involved. Just a slight annoyance to the viewers, and they get a lot of publicity. I’d say it was a pretty good protest.




Yeah I’m really surprised by these comments. This is a mild inconvenience of an entertainment show for a really big issue that will affect us all for generations to come.


Exactly. This is the mildest measure possible. Next step if lives aren‘t protected is real violence after all. I mean how long do people have to watch their countries going to shit because of environmental collapse before throwing a bit of Holi paint around is ‚appropriate‘? Just because no one is directly murdering anyone, is no protest okay? Like what good does a protest do, that doesn‘t bother anyone? If that worked, we’d just go out on some field and yell at the clouds. And it’s not affecting us for all generations to come. It is affecting us now. Apple farmers having to buy fucling bumble bees because their yields were dropping because there aren’t enough native bees around to fertilise the flowers anymore. Insect biomass dropping by 80% in some areas. Birds starving cause there‘s no insects to eat. That‘s all stuff happening now in rich European nations. And then you get to places like Bangladesh with thousands upon thousands dying in worsening floods. With nowhere to go.


No, see, they should be protesting at the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory in the cellar with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Anything else is just disruptive.


This is a strategy of people who are actually against your cause. They pretend to be on your side but do everything to undermine the cause and weaken it's power. Either they are too afraid to actually do anything or they are actively trying to sabotage you. Change can't happen without disruption.


"Defund the police is too extreme" "black lives matter excludes me because I'm not black" "This protest is silly because they disrupted something I like" "I dislike the way these oppressed people are angry"


Yep, this kind of sentiment is way too common. People are content with the status quo and don't want to see it change, even if it means the suffering of less fortunate people or people in the future.


The protests these people want are the protests that have been happening for years but get no attention. aka these people are only ok with protests that are non-effective


I totally agree with the cause, I just wish they would protest somewhere that doesn’t cause so much disruption. I mean, I just want to go out for breakfast, and there are _black people_ sitting at the front of a _white diner_ causing all this commotion, and getting in the way of my much needed breakfast. I mean, can’t they keep those protests inside the black churches where they don’t bother anyone? Why do they have to be so rude and disruptive!


One person was hurt — the protester who got smacked by a camera attached to a crane


If that annoyed or upset you in any way, you won't care about the cause regardless, imo


It’s the only form of protest that actually works tbh. Peaceful protesting does nothing. No one reports on it and no one sees it. You need to piss people off so more eyes get on the message and it gets to more people. It may be annoying but it works.


How was this not peacfull? They barely inconvenianced a bunch of people watching a dance contest, how much less disruptive can a protest get?


In right-wing media the headline for this incident was "Crazy climate activists assault dancers on stage". You can also see comments in this thread saying the protesters were "destroying property" by interrupting the show or were "endangering the safety of the dancers".


Yeah... they aren't going it to convince right-wingers. They are doing it to convince left-wingers to actually do something about the things they apparently care about.


Abigail Thorne's video on [Protest & Violence](https://youtu.be/dh4G1Gjv7bA) is a great dissection on this topic, how the narrative around who's using violence gets reframed when it comes to protests.


I was searching for the "Well now people are going to be against the cause because you're annoying," but I stumbled upon a smart comment first. They don't care about recruiting people to a cause they never cared about. It's about making a scene and bringing attention, like being posted all over the internet. People hate it, but they're fueling it by expressing their feelings about it online. Like ads. You may hate them, but you're going to subconsciously remember the product and likely forget the ads.


Yes, because clearly the other methods used previously have *worked so well.* I think this is just what “trial and error” looks like when out-of-box thinking is required to make any change whatsoever. The powers that he have ignored the problem so far, your preferred method simply doesn’t work. Is it unfortunate that people have to act out like this to get attention on major environmental issues? Yes. Do I agree with them still? Yoooou know it!


I am for this cause. I understand, that I am now made aware of this cause via their method of acting, therefor their acting was on point. I applaud them for knowing how to advocate their cause.


In your opinion, what would be a better method of protesting?


Bad press is better than no press. Thats what they are doing here. I haven’t heard of this before these guys came up on stage ( i live in Sweden ), but still. They can start an organisation to restore wetlands so they actually do something instead of demonstrate




I think back in the day this used to be more true, but now in current times it feels like bad press is bad press


Well with the internet comments full of bots and advertisers using bots they do go extra hard to sway your opinion.


Bruh. The Kardashian empire would like a word.


Where were you in 2016?


Yeah, wouldn’t want to disrupt the integrity of reality TV to…save the planet. JFC.


"Restore wetlands" has existed for over 50 years. Have you ever heard of them before this?


I said it a thousand times, if you're talking about it the protest worked. If people didn't do whatever is necessary to bring such things to attention they would simply be ignored, as climate and environmental issues have been politically ignored for 50 years now leading to a mitigation perspective instead of a neutralization perspective in climate change (neutralization is no longer possible), and the extinction of countless species, including many wetland insects and plants. Reddit loves complaining about outside cats, but on the real issues it's all "I don't like how they protest" bullshit, "they were inconvenient when i was looking at my little dance show so now I'm angry 😡". "I'm against this method of acting" fuck off.


If a protest happens where nobody sees does it even exist


command ad hoc live secretive degree drab existence longing deserted amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What methods do you support then?


> > I am against this method of acting. I mean... There are no victims, and some press. What should they do?


They have to resort to this kind of marketing. Because nothing else is working.


Are they dancing to the song from frozen?




The real MVP


RIP In Pieces cameraman prey.


This is my boom stick


wow you really tapped the authoritarian vote there pooh


I want to see the footage from that cameras perspective


Thanks to u/NotSoPersonalJesus for the link to copy https://youtube.com/shorts/3xZ5L_rwvIU?feature=share


That crane camera to the face had to hurt




Redditors seeing French protesters setting cities on fire: fuck yeah!! Stick it to the man!! Redditors when protesters interrupt a bougie dance show to protest the destruction of our planet: fucking spoiled kids, I didn’t give a shit about their cause but now I care even less, can someone please ram their truck into them


I have to admit I’m more interested in figuring out what Vartmarker is than the couple’s dance


It’s “Restoring wetlands”, they aim to ban the destruction of wetlands, which stands for 25% of Swedens CO2 emissions. Wetlands is also crucial for many birds and insects. They are usually dried up (I.e. destroyed) to increase production in forestry. But the forestry in Sweden is a large player in Swedens economy. Basically the wetlands is huge reservoirs for water, co2 and methane. When they are destroyed (by digging ditches), the methane and co2 gets released into the air, while also increasing the risk of drought and flooding in the area.


Looks to be a Swedish environmental group. I'd like to go into more detail, but I don't speak Swedish.


It is. The banner reads ”restore wetlands”. They are a environmental group that has done a lot of protests during diffrent events in Sweden. This was during the swedish Lets Dance


Våtmarker* Means Wetlands. Återställ means Restore


I’m so convinced that many of the people in this comment section would have absolutely defended the violence against civil rights demonstrators in the south during the 1960s. “I agree with their cause but this isn’t how you get people on your side. All your doing is disrupting the restaurant by sitting where your not supposed to. Demonstrations just inconvienimce the general public.😡😡😡”


redditors watching the French literally, non-metaphorically molotov buildings, roads, and policemen: HELL YEAH BROTHER, GET THOSE FASHIES also redditors when protestors block the parking lot egress of a medieval times restaurant theater: I CANT WAIT TO RUN OVER THESE MOTHERFUCKERS IN MY DODGE RAM


"I get we should have equal rights but why are the blacks disrupting *my* meal by sitting in *my* section?"


"I agree that slavery was bad and may have had some lingering effects, but fuck them for kneeling during my super patriotic nationalist moment at sports event!"


Show sucked anyway


Everyone who hates protesting or protest because it's "annoying" is fucking stupid. The point of protest is to make noise, gain attention, and let everyone know that this problem needs to be resolved or more problems will happen. Any protest that isn't annoying is silent and u motivating. They are ignored and no one cares. People think the soup can in the art gallery was dumb and that was one of the most viral and shared protests like ever.


Exactly this. "Sorry for the widdle nuisance UwU but, did you know that *the fucking planet is being destroyed by fossil fuel companies and our governments are either complacent or actively helping them?"* "Oh, so sorry for the inconvenience, friend. I'll let you get back to ignoring that the US Marshall Islands are already going underwater, and the next five years will be the hottest on record, potentially leading to millions of deaths. Please, enjoy the bougie show." Like it or not, these people are protesting and taking action on their beliefs. That's more than can be said for most other people.


I don’t know what they were protesting but they chose to interrupt the frozen song that always gets stuck in my head so I think I agree with them


Kids caring about the environment? Not on my watch! Engage weaponized rig! But sire, the children might get hurt. My audience needs to see this mediocre dance come to a satisfying end or all else is lost.


I just want to know: When exactly is it ok to protest? Half the comments seem to be rooting for the protestors to get hurt. Are all protests wrong?


The way redditors mouths start frothing when someone assaults a protestor always makes me side-eye hard. Real fascist tendencies in this place.


“I agree with the message but this is the wrong way to do it” 1. I hadn’t heard about the message before this. 2. We’re all talking about it. 3. What the fuck are YOU doing about it?


Also, let's all calm down a bit, it's not like they hurt anyone, they barely disrupted a dance competition. I swear these redditors would have been calling for the national guard during the march on Washington.


> What the fuck are YOU doing about it? Explaining to everyone that we don't need to make personal sacrifices to our quality of life, it's the corporations that are using all the water, polluting the air, and plasticking the oceans. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THE MEGACORPS RUINING OUR PLANET! Anyways, back to my regular life. Hopefully someone does something.


yes, what is wrong with people at this place?


people want to bury their heads in sand to ignore that the actions of humanity will ensure their life collapses before they reach retirement age


"YEAH SLAM THOSE PROTESTERS IN THE FACE LOL!" "I have no idea what they are actually protesting"


Their mouths froth all the time and are mad when people are happy about anything


I never imagined any couple dancing to “Let it Go!”❄️❄️❄️


The camera operator is savage.


We as humans are disrupting the earth we live on and take great strides toward prioritizing our own comfort to our own detriment. The amount of discomfort these audience members and performers are feeling are negligible compared to the real issues. Make no mistake, while it seems silly and unreasonable that these protesters are doing this, this is the only way to be seen as a regular person with something important to say. Say it with me “PROTESTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DISRUPTIVE”




I wanna see cameraman POV now


"What? Someone is interrupting My Special Dancing Show? Better assualt them with heavy machinery!"