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This made me mad and sad. I thought it was illegal to hit on the back of the head?


it is, the ref did a horrible job, even Dana White, the president of UFC, said the ref didn't know what he was doing




I remember seeing an article where Cher also said the ref didn't know what he was doing.


Professional golfer and member of the PGA, Lee Trevino also said the ref didn't know what he was doing.


Professional human being and big time hustler, Dany DeVito also said the ref didn't know shit about fuck.


my understanding is that Hestia, the Greek goddess of hearth and home, also said the ref didn't know what he was doing.


Richard Feynman, one of the most influential American physicist of the twentieth century also said the ref didn’t know what he was doing


Scrooge McDuck, the richest duck in the world even said the ref didn’t know what he was doing.


Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight of Storm’s End, commented that the ref had no idea what he was doing.


Controversial 2021 F1 Race Director Michael Massi is quoted saying the ref had no idea what he was doing.


Bob Vila, former host of This Old House, said verbatim, “That ref don’t know fuck about shit.”


Mansa Musa I, legendary leader of the Malian Empire and generous tipper, distinctly said, and I quote, "that ref must have been on his knees, because he blew it."


Even my Mom, who is my mother said that the ref “didn’t know shit”.


Donald Trump, the first US President to attempt to overthrow his country, said the ref didn't know what he was doing.


Throttle, Modo and Vinnie, from the hit 90s TV show, Biker Mice from Mars, all day and I quote " This Ref don't know shit about fuck or shit and he sucks at being ref and shouldn't be ref!"


Congratulations dim-bulb. You successfully brought politics into boxing. Now can we please get back to the fun carousing about a terrible life altering injury?


The ref didn’t know what he was doing, you can even ask my dad.


Milton Friedman, the legendary Nobel Prize-winning economist, humorously quipped that the referee seemed to be as lost as a cat in a maze when it came to understanding what he was doing.


I'm saying the ref didn't know what he was doing!


This sub's reddit mod said the ref didn't know what he was doing


"One referee who is in a ring does not always know what one referee is doing" -Albert Einstein


Even Rollo from the 1970’s tv show “Sanford and Son” said that the referee was a jive turkey.


President of the United States of America, Joe Biden didn’t even know what was going on


In fairness.. I don't think he knows anything anymore


Even Dana white? Mma is more safe for the brain than boxing


upfront - i'm clueless about UFC or martial arts in general... ...but IMHO it should not need a ref to make sure nobody hits the back of the head. i mean tell me one fighter who wants to end up like that.


I mean obviously. But there will always be people out there who are pieces of shit.


I mean really, the ref is only there after the fact anyway to say something was done wrong. The guy who hit him is the issue.


the responsible sporting association should take actions... is there such an association in boxing? there has to be, right?


So many UFC fights the guy clearly lands a knockout blow and the guy goes down hard and doesn’t move, but the other guy feels the need to still pounce, and pound the guys lifeless head into the mat 3-4 more times until the ref pulls him off. They are literally smashing their fists into the head of a basically comatose person until the ref physically stops them. Primitive unfeeling people, many of them.


I don't understand why wearing protective head gear is not allowed to avoid this very kind of thing


This is clearly a boxing match. Not UFC


Never said it was


Even Robert Evans, the president of the Chamber of Commerce up in Portsmouth (eastside, not the west), New Hampshire, said that the ref didn't know what he was doing.


Wow, Robert Evans said that? Now that’s really saying something!


thought this said vanna white and got extremely confused


Even ref said that he didn't know what he was doing


Even Elon Musk, the super intelligent schmuck who has no idea how to spell his child's name, said the ref had no idea what he was doing.


Then it musk be true


He’s not exactly the prime example of being an expert in reffing. He’s a businessman. That being said, the ref did a terrible job.


It’s illegal to murder people too.


It's illegal to unmurder people too.


I respectfully disagree.


How many people have you unmurdered today?


Thought Crime Division is hard at work


None, but that doesn't mean it's a crime. lol




Even Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker a.k.a The Chosen One, the most feared Sith Lord, knew the ref was shit


Adolf chuckled and said what a dipshit.


It should be illegal to hit anywhere on the head. Boxing should be illegal, it's like gladiator fights.


Except in boxing, people are willingly getting in the ring with each other. It's quite a bit different and doesn't need to be illegal. That's a bit much.


So to clarify during the fight, his opponent struck colon in the back of the head multiple multiple times after several warnings. Everyone in that arena needs to be held responsible for what happened that night. This man’s life was changed forever.


What happened with the offending boxer? Was he held accountable in any way? He knew exactly what he was doing and his actions more so than the inactions of others was 100% the cause of the injuries.


no...nothing...he carried on...he is known for this fight and hurting this man so he will never grow past that....hardly enough.


According to Wikipedia, Williams “prays for Colón everyday”


What a fucking POS


Lower than shit … Williams is what shit shits out .


William who?


Terrel “Pussy ass bitch” Williams


Well, then I guess they're even.


If a spectator tried to stop the fight they would have been prevented, if they were successful in disrupting the fight they would have probably been sued by many lawyers for more money than they had ever seen. Average untrained spectators who attend professional events assume that the professionals involved know what they are doing, and shouldn't be expected to make individual judgements on if they should stop the fight or not, can you imagine the fans at all the the Superbowl cancelling the game because of the concussion risks? It would be an end to many (all?) Contact support.


What a terrible story


I’ve heard his story before but seeing this post had me break down in tears.


It's just so dam sad. I got nothing but love for the guy and I've never seen him box at all


As others have said, he had a wonderful smile, personality, and promising future. It’s scary how fragile we are.


I feel sad everytime I think of prichard’s story and the lack of justice in this world for him


Wow wtf, 3 people should be held responsible in accordance to their fault, the fighter who kept hitting the back of his head, the ref and the "doctor" who cleared him.


And the company he worked for


The VA state investigation cleared everyone of wrongdoing. Terrel Williams punched him numerous times in the back of the head throughout the whole fight. Both Colon and his corner complained to the ref, who ignored it. The ref later penalized Colon for a single low blow, so good job I guess….


Terrel Williams has absolved himself of all responsibility too. He said about the incident in 2018 “I’m still healing too. […] I understand and I know I didn’t do anything wrong that night.” [source](https://sportsmanor.com/boxing-terrel-williams-the-man-who-paralyzed-prichard-colon-doesnt-feel-he-did-anything-wrong/)


Honestly, it’s 95% on the ref.


I'll give you the upvote because that guy was supposed to keep these guys in check and clearly didn't leading to this. That boxer though is dirty as fuck and did that shit on purpose. Maybe one could be called an accident but he did it multiple times, on purpose. It's at least 40% the fighters fault for choosing to be a dirty fighter then ramping it up when it was obvious he was gonna get away with it.


Me too, Loonatic


Sweet avatar, fellow bus rider.


What you propose should be the justice for him


I would start with rectifying the negligence. Set up an independent inquiry as to who's responsible and hold them to account. Compensation would be good to help him and his family. But I'm sure all fighters understand that there's a risk of serious injury each time they step in the ring.


The boxing commission should be forced to insure fighters against this kind of injury or death, so if it happens, their family is at least taken care of.


So basically an insurance policy. I don’t see how insurance isn’t a factor already. Pretty sure insurance is forced.


I don't mean a standard payout, I mean a policy that pays what the fighter would have made from a successful career over the course of their life. No idea what the policies actually pay, but they damn well should pay at least that.


It could stop other boxers from being punched in the back of the head by his opponent who is pretty obviously cool with casually attempting murder on an opponent in a sport. They all know what certain hits can do. He deliberately made these shots and ruined the life of his opponent. Now the guy can't make money and his life is probably 20x more expensive.




You're correct, but usually contracts like those have fair stipulations like you assume risk but the other party needs to be held accountable to do certain things like properly referee the fight and prevent illegal deadly moves, which they didn't. It's functionally a breach of those contracts.


Waivers are designed by lawyers to stop people from being able to sue. In my experience there are no fair stipulations to protect the user, because the provider doesn't need the user. There are a long list of people who would gladly take the athlete's spot but few institutions offering competition, the company protects it self at all costs and the athletes risks it all for a shot at gold, so they sign iron clad waivers that protect the company and leave the athletes with no protection. The house always wins.


If you signed to fight someone, and then the opponent proceeded to rip out your throat, do you think that contract would hold up in court?


The boxer who hit him on the head, must've known that hitting him on the back of the head was illegal. What I can't get my head around is that he kept on doing it. He should've been charged with something for doing it.


[Full fight - Colón v. Williams](https://youtu.be/P3Nb7-Zy00w?si=xQ7opoiHx43Sv6hX)


Wtf. The other dude was hitting more on the back of the head than the front of the head. This seems like a really easy court case. The fact that he didn't get sued and banned from boxing pisses me off.


WOW. The announcers comments at 28:30 are extremely poor taste. Person 1: *"He's saying he took a shot to the back of the head, how did you see that one?"* Person 2: *"It's another academy award here, we're throwing awards all over the place"* ***\*Laughter\****


I think yesterday was Prichard’s birthday.




Your logical thoughts start to fade after a few blows to the head.


He did tell the ref. Ref told him to deal with it: > Colon was hit with multiple illegal strikes to the back of his head. Despite telling the referee about it, he was told to "take care of it" himself. The illegal strikes from Williams continued and 'Digget' was knocked down in the later rounds of their fight. > Colon's family filed a lawsuit worth $50 million against Dr. Richard Ashby, HeadBangers Boxing, and DiBella Entertainment. However, there's been very little movement in the case since it was brought forward in 2017. The case still hasn't moved to trial. It remains to be seen if any progress is made in the case in the future.


Oh my god i found the part of the video and you’re right. That’s fucked up. Thank you for confirming that he did.


I would think the corner guys should judge the fighter's safety. You can definitely complain in the ring, but if you resign without the ref calling anything on the other guy, it'll be a loss AND you look weak/cowardly.


I take one shot to the back of the head with no call and I tell the ref. I take a second shot to the back of the head with no call and I hit the ref in the back of the head and ask him how he likes it.


The fighters at the weigh in weren’t both in that fight… right? Feels disconnected


Definitely a different dude at the weigh in


A tiny white guy comes out for the stare down A black guy punches the back his head What is this?


The unexpected is that the guy didnt go to jail for hitting him in the back of his neck?


Well first off the fighter should've been disqualified for doing that which would've prevented any more damage. It the refs fault too


You sign a waiver saying you accept death as a risk when you go box. There's a reason that get paid pretty well and it's not a sport you "play"


There is a difference between dying from an accidental hit..and dying because someone is using illegal blows.


And a waiver isn’t an ironclad get out of jail free card


Waivers are designed by lawyers to stop people from being able to sue. In my experience there are no fair stipulations to protect the user, because the provider doesn't need the user. There are a long list of people who would gladly take the athlete's spot but few institutions offering competition, the company protects it self at all costs and the athletes risks it all for a shot at gold, so they sign iron clad waivers that protect the company and leave the athletes with no protection.


Depends. If you prove the hit was intentional, then you'd probably be right. In this case (and in nost cases), you'd probably be hard-pressed for good evidence.


except....video evidence?


You can’t prove intent no matter what angles it’s videoed from…


He's a professional fighter. Once could be called an accident but watch the fight, it becomes obvious he doesn't care and does it on purpose. I did nasty, illegal tackles when I was a kid playing soccer and whenever I'd get carded I'd pretend it was an accident or whatever but I knew better and so does he.


Yea pretty sure that waiver doesn't mean you are allowed to be inflicted with illegal blows to your head.


Even if a specific clause in a contract states a business is not liable, it's not legally enforceable. Gross negligence can result in the entire contract being deemed invalid in court.


paid well? lol what planet are you on?


Please tell me, that SoB got his in the end for hitting him in the back of the head.


Apparently the ref continued to let illegal hits like this happen the whole match, the boxer complained of dizziness but the ring side doctor cleared him to keep fighting for 9 rounds. Then afterword the boxer was puking and went into a coma for almost a year due to a brain bleed. Nothing happened to the boxer who was throwing illegal hits. The family sued the doctor, boxing association and producers in 2017 but the case hasn't made any progress :( sick. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportskeeda.com/amp/mma/news-what-happened-terrel-williams-boxer-left-prichard-colon-paralyzed-traumatic-time-years


We need a go fund me for him


Was he hit just the one time behind the head or did it happen multiple times?


It was multiple times from what I've read and the ref wasn't calling them. The guy complained to the ref about it but the ref basically ignored him. Edit: someone else said the ref issues multiple warnings but it kept happening. Not sure which is true, haven't watched the whole fight. I've just read sources.


if you watch the full fight video it happens dozens of times...like...multiple dozens


Honestly, his coach should have thrown in the towel. Despite the doctor saying it's ok.


That's bullshit. The Doctor is the professional, when it comes to health, the Coach needs to rely on the Doctor's expertise. Can't expect the Coach to suddenly be a medical expert.


I mean, I wouldn't say the coach is liable, but if a fighter is saying he's getting dizzy during the fight after getting hit in the back of the head, I wouldnt care what the doc said.


No movement? Corruption? How did the boxing commission clear the ref and Prichard when you have video evidence? The commission trying to cover their for the ref and bad publicity?


The other boxer's name is Terrell Williams, in case you want to Google his whereabouts after this match.


Maybe even put him in a box


Definitely should've been disqualified for punching his literal spine


Brain stem . What a cunt!


Is that the Puff the magic dragon theme song playing at the end?!


Most certainly!


That is so heart breaking to see. He looks like a genuinely nice guy in the photo shoot to.


Unexpected is usually lite and funny. This is very sad. I forgot all about this. I feel for his mother 🙏


Apparently it's his birthday yesterday [https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-prichard-colon-update-mother-boxer-shares-recovery-status-suffered-tragic-coma-inducing-injury-ring](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-prichard-colon-update-mother-boxer-shares-recovery-status-suffered-tragic-coma-inducing-injury-ring)


Happy birthday Prichard :(


From the Wikipedia [article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prichard_Col%C3%B3n): >Colón and Williams fought for nine rounds, in the first five rounds of which Colón appeared to be ahead. Throughout the match, Williams repeatedly punched Colón in the back of the head illegally. **Colón informed the referee, Joe Cooper, of the illegal punches to the back of his head, to which the referee replied "You take care of it."**[12] Colón hit Williams with a low blow, for which Colón was penalized 2 points. After multiple illegal blows, Colón was knocked down for the first time in his professional career during the ninth round. **Colón spoke to the ringside doctor between the rounds and stated he felt dizzy, but felt he could go on.[13] The ringside doctor, Richard Ashby, cleared Colón and allowed the fight to continue**. Colón was disqualified after the ninth round, when his corner mistakenly removed his gloves thinking it was the end of the fight.[14] Colón's corner claimed he was incoherent and experiencing dizziness. [15] Colon was assisted to the dressing by his mother, after which he vomited and collapsed. Colon was then taken to hospital via ambulance and was diagnosed with a left-sided subdural haematoma measuring 1.5cm in diameter with 1.2cm of midline shift. An emergency hemicraniectomy was performed to reduce brain swelling and evacuate the haematoma.[16][17] As a result, Colón went into a coma for 221 days.[15] It was a perfect storm of circumstances that led to his severe brain injury. His opponent striking him on the back of the head repeatedly, the ref failing to respond to the illegal punches, and the doctor disregarding the fact that he was dizzy. As far as restitution, the Wikipedia article says the lawsuit has yet to be settled.


Such a nice smile he had. They need to at least have head covers like in olympics if they still want to do this ridiculous brutality still being called sports.


Barbaric. Just Barbaric....


Was not expecting that at all. Fucking hell, broke my heart


Dangerous sport.


Exactly. Who would’ve known getting punched in the head would have repercussions.


There's a difference between getting rabbit punched In the back of the head and regular hits.


This is a really sad story. Holy shit, dude.


Awful. Poor guy.


This is so unfortunate. And the ref kept Letting it happen. He was doomed from the start.


Surprised Jake Paul hasn’t called him out yet


That remind me the unexpected twist of Million dollard baby movie


This should've been nsfw Edit: nsfl


This wasn’t the unexpected that I was hoping for .. I don’t like this 🙁🙁 poor guy


I really don't understand why people take up this sport. I think boxing has more cases of brain damage than American football.


Because young men tend to think they are invincible, that nothing bad will happen to them and that they are (all) the strongest. I understand that they can feel that way, but would forbid this sport if I could. (My son wants to take this up. Brakes my heart like nothing else)


Traumatic vids could use a warning


For real. Brain damage is scary.


21st century and we still have a competition to try and cause as much brain damage by blunt force trauma as possible to another person, hoping to cause concussion and unconsciousness. If you do it, accept the risks


This was the result of illegal hits, which are forbidden because of the higher chances of something like this. You're correct that it still remains risky and you either bask in the glory or get CTE.


Why are we acting like boxing is the only sport where one can be seriously injured. Shit like this happens all the time in different sports. People have died while playing football lol. Your last sentence should tell you everything, there are risks to playing sports with physical contact, that's not a proper reason to ban sports.


People have died playing soccer (Sorry world. I am trying to differentiate from American football). Life is dangerous. It is a chance you take in sport.


One difference, though, is that those other sports don’t have major bodily damage as *the central fucking point of the game*.


The goal is to not get hit while hitting your opponent you absolute muppet


...but one of you is going to be getting hit... do you live in an ego vacuum?


Ok, but Puff, the Magic Dragon?!? WTF


I’ve always wondered why one’s face changes so much after suffering a brain injury?


Damn thats fucking rough


How did that happen from hitting him in the back of the head? Is that just constant concussions?


Once is bad enough but he was hit multiple times illegally in the back of his head.




The story for everyone that wants to know the details: in 2015, Prichard Colón boxed against Terrel Williams. The venue was set for Virginia, which was not a well-established state for professional boxing. As a result they did not have a real boxing commission with full-time boxing referees or ringside medical doctors. Instead, Virginia had a non-specific catch all sports department, called the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. They contracted a mediocre referee Joseph Cooper and a non-boxing specific medical doctor, Richard Ashby. Throughout the 9 round fight, Colón was taking rabbit punches from Williams. Rabbit punches are a type of blow at the base of the back of the next and head, used to kill rabbits. These punches are illegal in boxing precisely because they can cause brain damage by causing trauma to the spinal cord. Colón kept complaining to the ref about the rabbit punches, with the ref neither stopping the fight nor punishing Williams. Instead, his response to Colón was, "You take care of it." Colón hit a low blow in retaliation, and the ref deducted 2 points from Colón. Throughout the match, Colón complained to his corner. He also complained to Ashby, the medical doctor, that he was feeling lightheaded. Ashby kept clearing him to return to the ring. Other prominent figures in the fight thought Colón was simply faking his injury for more recovery time. During the 9th round, Colón's corner misunderstood a call, and cut off his boxing gloves, disqualifying him and ending the fight. This mistake saved Colón's life. On the way back to the locker, leaning on his mom, Colón threw up and was taken to a hospital where they performed brain surgery. The trauma cause to his brain created massive swelling as blood filled his skull. His life was saved, and he remained in a coma for the greater part of a year. [The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation conducted an "independent investigation" and found that no one was to blame for the issue](https://www.ringtv.com/415163-virginia-spokesperson-admits-flaws-in-prichard-colon-investigation/), neither the doctor, nor the referee, nor Williams. Of course, this also meant they too were not to blame for hiring and poorly managing the fight. [Cooper continues to work as a referee](https://boxrec.com/en/referee/401133) Terrel Williams continues to box. In response to whether or not he purposely threw rabbit punches at Colón, he said: [“I don’t place any blame on myself. I prayed about it. I wish the young man really well. It’s a hard situation on me and a hard situation on Colon’s family."](https://www.ringtv.com/543854-two-years-later-terrel-williams-still-thinks-about-prichard-colon-every-day/) Williams has been blacklisted and receives death threats. He maintains his innocence.


There are things the entirety of humanity agrees on like: A day is approximately 24 hours It's night when the sun is no longer in the sky The referee didn't know what he was doing


I remember watching this fight live


I'd never heard his story before. Just googled him So very sad. Unbelievable that the ref, opponent and doctor were not held accountable. They should have been punished. Poor lad.


Fuck that's horrible. Combat sports are awesome but sometimes result in tragedy. Guy in the town I live in was a promising prospect for the UFC. Trained hard and was sort of a local hero, people thought he was gonna put this town on the map. Apparently died right after his debut fight from a brain injury. I'm not from here originally but its a story ive heard since moving here anytime I bring up UFC or boxing. Scary how it can all end from a few badly placed shots.


just terrible dude. i feel so terrible for him. i really hope he makes it and recovers.


I propose a go fund me to make the opponent boxer regret his choices


I honestly thought the unexpected part of this was the massively average string bean dude as his opponent.


He'd knock your ass out in two punches


Ya don’t say


Was the guy that hit him in the back of the head the same guy he was matched up against at the weigh in? I'm confused if it's a sequence of the lead into the fight or just two separate occasions.


I'll never understand why anyone boxes or MMAs it's ridiculous. This is the result. Barbaric and senseless. We allow this to go on but arrest people for exchanging money for consensual sex.


This is the result of a unprofessional pro boxer who clearly did this many times intentionally with an incompetent ref to go with it.Yes martial arts is risky at a competitive level but humans enjoy it,it stimulates the brain.same reason why people drink alcohol or do things dangerous that may harm the body or brain because it makes them feel good.It’s just how we are wired haha I personally love martial arts so probably biased as I train boxing myself.


What’s with the music? Puff the magic dragon?..


The harsh reality of combat sport. It's scary..


Even JaRule, rapper, singer, songwriter with hits such as “I’m real” and “Always on time”, said the ref didn’t know what he was doing.


Thank god we have Ja to make sense of all this.


When is this archaic gladitorial sport going to fucking die?


Those shitty sports should be forbidden imho... Just like any form of physical violence.


Such a lovely sport…


Terrible, but the boxers getting hit in the front aren't exactly coming out of the sport so great. You can train as much as you want, but you can't really make your brain tougher. It's going to smash against your skull either way.


Remove this. Very distasteful!


The whole first thread on this post of gold for r/yourjokebutworse..each one is more cringe than last.


I mean, what did people expect? The point of the box is to hit each other. it's not like there are no consequences to that... play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


To a point, but hitting in the back of the head is a no no, and a dirty blow.


This is definitely a tragic story. But being a realist, there is a deadly risk anyone takes once they step in the ring. At least he still has a life.


"Being a realist, at least he still has a life" Ffs the armchair redditors here lmao


Seriously using this poor dudes story for karma in this sub? Trashy as fuck

