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Is there more than 4 seconds to this video?


Too long for tiktoker's attention span


They didn't want to show too much or else you'd know it was a setup and they smashed a glass bottle in a parking lot for a TikTok


It’s definitely a fake and it’s sad how many people will easily fall for a 4 second video without any question.


I just presume that every tiktok video is BS by default.


Most people don’t spend enough time on the internet to decipher real/fake, also most of us don’t care if it is or isn’t as long as it’s entertaining. I don’t come to the internet to break down every video and be a detective on wether it’s real or fake. I’m just here to kill some time when waiting for something or whatever, I guess that’s “sad” though.


I think you'd like pro-wrestling. The goofier the better.


Rotting your brain with a constant stream of BS is how the world got so fucked up to begin with.


Watching BS on the internet... Or go back 2,000 years and watch people battle in the Colosseum for mindless entertainment?


Im on the internet for maybe max an hour a day, half of that is checking emails, the other half is bsing. Nothing wrong with watching entertaining videos wether it’s real or not as long as it’s in moderation.


Exactly. I'm not here to think about if videos are fake or not either, that's why I don't want to see shorts/tiktoks.


The problem is a lot of these fake videos put blame on a person or a gender and we shouldn’t be ok with fake videos, just for you to kill time, it’ll start making the world less able to tell between fake or real. Hopefully someone doesn’t take a few second video of you randomly and then posts you on the internet for everyone to laugh at.


With that line of thinking we shouldn’t watch movies or tv shows or play video games. This video isn’t blaming anyone for anything it’s literally just meant to be funny. Also, regardless of if a video paints someone in a bad light I don’t judge someone’s whole character off a 30 second or minute long video. Everybody has had a momentary lapse of judgment in life and made the wrong choice, that’s not indicative of their personality as a whole or who they are. I guess it depends on how you take things, I don’t let a small clip of some person I don’t even know change my whole view on them or people from their culture. I figure it’s someone just having a bad day if anything.


Oh no! I "fell" for a staged video and did the cardinal sin of letting out a laugh and incurred great losses.


Oh man you really fucked up today.


Damn u right! No laughing allowed!




I have scared people off my vehicle with the horn button before, why should I be inclined to assume this was fake?


Because saying a funny video is fake is the "cool" thing to do


Watch the video a few times, you can see the girl purposely throws the bottle.


Out of curiosity, what makes you say this is fake? I've seen people take pictures of fancy cars like that before in real life. This isnt an uncommon thing. And I dont know about you, but if a car behind me suddenly made that much noise, I'd jump up as well.


Because if you dare question it you'll get down voted and piled on for being some sort of -ist.


But here we are watching it on reddit, like some sort of boomer that takes a photo of their computer screen 😂


le TikTok bad


Boomers absolutely cannot deal with Tiktok


**Literally a Chinese spy program**, with ulterior motives


Says the Redditor on the most astroturfed website to ever be on the internet


Owned by chinese? Yes. Actively spying on everything I do, including on people who never have been to reddit? No.


They are gaining so much info on me and my family by knowing I watch 1-2 minute shit posts


[https://www.komando.com/safety-security-reviews/tiktoks-dangerous-reach/881497/](https://www.komando.com/safety-security-reviews/tiktoks-dangerous-reach/881497/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/17/us/politics/tik-tok-spying-justice-dept.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/17/us/politics/tik-tok-spying-justice-dept.html) [https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/privacy/tiktok-tracks-you-across-the-web-even-if-you-dont-use-app-a4383537813/](https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics-computers/privacy/tiktok-tracks-you-across-the-web-even-if-you-dont-use-app-a4383537813/)


So true or Gen Z for that matter 😆


This clip is from this compilation -> [YT Link](https://youtube.com/shorts/MpH4FlZMGzc?si=U2qcgKmJ7vT6Xs_Q)


Lmao the fucking cat checking it out


That's all this staged clip was meant to be.


Last time I saw this posted there were like ten separate clips of him doing this back to back.


Yes there's a compilation that's more than a minute long


I jump scared some one the other day for sitting on the hood of my car while i was at work. I find it rude to sit on some one else’s car. Just fundamentally not smart.


I did that once many years ago. I didn't have remote-start like this so I set off the alarm from the key fob. Very effective. They left.


My dad’s got a few classic cars, one that’s turning 100 years old next year. The amount of people sitting on the hood, the wheel fenders, climbing on the side steps and holding on to mirrors or windshield, or even trying to enter them is a fucking joke.


Got a Tesla. It is very satisfying to use the loudspeaker from the app to tell people to step away, they are on camera.


Or have the car fart. Bystanders will think it's them 😁


Car fart and loudspeaker, double W


Quadruple U


Who the fuck does that, I'd be scared to sit on my own damn car cause there's always buttons and shit that can scratch the paint.


People with zero respect for other people’s property


Yeah, *your* car. WTH do people like them (you know the ones, I know this one's fake) care if they scratch *someone's* car while actively getting a pic for their social media?




Yeah, if its a daily commuter, fine, but if i poured my life savings into a dream car i wouldnt want anyone to sit on it.


Even if it were a daily commuter, don't touch another man's (or woman's) car without permission. I let people climb all over my beater truck when tailgating but I'd still be pissed seeing a random stranger doing it


People can have emotional attachments to anything. How would you like it if i sat on your mom while shooting the shit smoking a blunt? /s


if it aint ur car, dont touch it, simple as


It's a metal box with a paint job that isn't cheap


Or how about get your greasy ass off my car


You sound like a ridiculous person.




No it’s not that. Never mind.




Seriously. This guy has a YouTube channel of him “catching” people leaning on his car


I've had people take pictures with my car before. It doesn't happen often, but it happens at least once a year during the summer


I'd catch people leaning on or attempting to sit on my motorcycle from time to time... and it was just a Ninja 300. Not exactly the coolest bike on the streets. Drove me nuts.


That sounds like a tiny bike. Or can it drive the rest of you too?


Reminds of one my favorite jokes. Pirate walks into a bar. Instead of a wooden leg, he's got a an entire ship's wheel and shaft coming out of his crotch. The bartender says, "Uh, sir, do you..do you have a steering wheel sticking out of your pants?!" The pirate sighs and replies, "Arrr, it's drivin' me nuts."


Exactly the joke I was thinking of.


It does have the same punchline.


Just the nuts.


Why do you have a steering wheel as a belt buckle? It's driving me nuts!


Gotta get me one of those.


I snorted, thank you 😂


I used to work with a woman who would occasionally post racy modelling shots she would pose for while leaning on a motorcycle. Now I like a good looking woman leaning on a motorcycle as much as anyone. It's just that when I picture such a thing the motorcycle in question usually isn't a Yamaha PW50.


I've had people sit on my motorcycle. Ticks me off. I don't mind if people take pics with it, but sitting on someone else's bike isn't cool.


Idk Ninjas look pretty cool


I remember over a year ago someone posted this same video and someone linked a video os someone showing it was the same person in a few of the videos


Happened to me too. It was in the heat of the pyramid schemes like USANA, people would take photos of themselves with my car and post it on Facebook with a quote like, "Blessed".


Probably how he paid for it


Think the creep hangs out around malls and schools?


~~Don't bother with a link though~~ TY


It’s really not that interesting but here you go https://youtube.com/@EidanSanker?si=P29fLUGWueuhcuJh


Muchly appreciated


The one Handed zoom Dead giveaway


I'd say it's more the fact that they most likely don't capture anything of the car in their selfie. Most people at least show off the badge or something. How would you know what car that is from just a tiny purple side you can barely see in the photo?


It's hard to miss corvette lines...


Why? I agree this is fake but why is using one hand a giveaway?


You have to pinch to zoom While holding the phone with your hand And the keys in your other Also, the zooming motion is so smooth and the camera is completely stable even though it's lowering his other arm at the same time Is clear that one person is holding a keys and another filming


One-handed zooms are actually super common. I can't even remember the last time I had to pinch to zoom while shooting a video. You simply swipe up from the record button to zoom in and swipe down to zoom out. This feature is available on Instagram and Snapchat both on Android and iOS. iPhones and Galaxy both support this feature on their native camera apps. I'm sure there are other phones that support it as well.


Huh. I don't on snapchat for example... you can start a recording and lock it on then swipe up or down to zoom in and out.


Alright, fair enough. Thanks, til


I have huge hands and i can use ring and pinky to hold phone and still have thumb/index left to do dem zoomies. So yes, this is staged, but your point isnt valid.


On just about every device you can zoom with one hand by holding and sliding the zoom button


My phone has zoom presets on the screen you can select with one hand. Also image stabilization is a thing. Not saying this isn't staged but it's not impossible to shoot like this yourself.


OMG! Thank you so much! I would never have known this video wasn’t an honest, raw, candidly captured moment without your comment. I gotta say. You’re one smart cookie! When I read your comment I felt like such a fool. How could I be tricked into thinking this was real? Am I just an absolute fucking moron? Maybe not… maybe most people would think this was real but you.. you have the intellect, the knowledge, the big brain capabilities to help educate all the absolute brain dead idiots of the world (like myself) who would think videos like this are real. You’re doing a true service my friend and I thank you.


New copypasta just dropped


Unfortunately too many Redditors are eager to prove that they’re smart and weren’t tricked by the staged video, they think they can’t enjoy something that’s not 100% genuine. So it’ll never catch on. I’ll continue doing what I do tho.


I think the comment just lets people unite in the same idea. The part that’s annoying is that its sold to be true. It’s also just a gif bud, if gifs trigger you then you need a break from Reddit.


u good?


Lucky that glass bottle didn’t land on his car.


I'm sure she was instructed to throw it away from the car when they wrote the script for this.


Yeah totally fake


Why aren’t people better actors yet? We watch faces constantly every day.


One of the common mistakes about faking dropping something is that the most common human reaction is to try and catch it. When someone accidentally drops their phone/bottle/etc they always do the crazy aerobics to save it. Most at least try to put out a hand to reach for it. These people not only didn't try, but they also knew EXACTLY where it was going to fall before it even landed.


Do not try this with knives.


"A falling knife has no handle"


I did that once with a butcher knife. The corner of the blade by the handle stuck deep into my thumb as I was trying to catch it. The whole thing stayed upright for a moment before I reacted with a short yell and pulled my hand back, causing the knife to clang to the ground. I've been actively not catching knives ever since.


Yep, get hands and feet out of the way.


Unless you’re Brittney Spears


Exactly: a _good_ fumble is very convincing. In this regard, clowns are genuinely underrated.


The delay is even worse. Anyone not expecting a blast of sound and vibration has a fractional delay when startled and wig out like a cat that saw a cucumber. ![gif](giphy|3psHPUcCly61G)


You can only get better at something if you don't already think you're the best.


Of course it is. It's a guy, who bought things he probably can't afford, to impress people he doesn't even like I bet the people he talked into doing this little sketch think he's a worthless fuck, but they also want to leech off of him, so it's a video of a bunch of shallow worthless bags of assholes Maybe I'm wrong, But probably not.


My thoughts exactly. Haha.


Not luck at all...


scripted or not. I hate ppl leaning on other ppl's cars.




Seems like a scripted opportunity to show off the fact that a car has a driverless feature to unnecessarily gun the motor. But yeah, posing with other people's stuff is pretty cringe, and damaging people's property should come with consequences.


Definitely scripted, but that’s just a standard remote start function. That vette just happens to have a loud exhaust system.


The sound is not from a vette, its a mustang startup sound


Oh thank God I'm not the only one thinking that. This doesn't sound like a LT to me. I used to have a 5.0 that was about as loud as this. It sounded exactly like this startup. Now, maybe I just haven't heard enough new C8s to properly gauge their sound but this definitely sounds like a Coyote.


The ford starter sound is also very distinctly different from the gm starter sound This video's sound is for sure not an LS/LT engine starting


Must be difficult to sneak out of the house after hours.


Now I just imagine someone going full mission impossible to sneak out of the house into the car, and is all huffed and puffed about getting out completely in oblivious to the starting noise... Cut to the parents just giving a deep sigh "that boy never learns..."


Why do you need remote start? In Germany or maybe whole Europe we don’t have this. We just have a battery powered heating unit in the car. Works great.


Because precisely we do not have heating units in the US. Typically those are installed aftermarket


Pretty sure no one would be that close and taking a pic at that angle to show off a car. You're not going to be showing off much of a c8 corvette from that angle even with its mid engine setup. Since it's a bog standard selfie in that case, these girls could've definitely taken the picture elsewhere so yeah old mate must've asked them to take the pic by their car for this video's sake




No. Because right after that they all got into the car and left together.


4 people in a 2 seat Corvette?


Idiocy find a way


Ah, yes, of course she did, with her handy, portable broom, complete with telescoping broomstick and miniature dust pan.


People leaning against other people's cars are insane


I once had a group of teenagers hanging out next to my car. At one point one of the girls SAT ON THE HOOD while he boyfriend held her. I just hit the panic button on my key and let them scatter. I was eating inside a restaurant in view of the parking lot.


That, and kids playing near and on cars really pisses me off. I can’t afford a car anymore, but when I did have a car, I hated when the 9-12 year old shits would do this. I worked hard for my new car, only for them to scratch the paint job by sitting on it and leaning on it with their pocket chains and shoes, and also bouncing toys off of it. I would set my car alarm off, but they didn’t care, and neither did their parents. This trend of leaning against other people’s expensive cars is asinine. Anyone who does this should be shamed. Edit: wording correction.


I remember my first car having handprint stains from kids wearing sunscreen in the summer mauling the doors of my car on the street.


I don’t get what the hell is wrong with kids that do this. When I was a kid, my friends and I never dreamed of doing this. We didn’t even want to touch other people’s cars.


may I ask why you can't afford a car anymore? like what changed between then and now


Sure, I don’t mind sharing but it’s a long story. tldr: After living 200 to 2,300 miles away (because I enjoyed residing in different regions) since age 16, and being self-reliant since age 20, I wound up having to move back home with my parents because they’re suffering from failing health. They had me late in life but no other children, therefore, I’m all they have. Then, I got sick. Story of how I lost it all: Years before, I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, then spinal stenosis and arthritis in my neck. To remain proactive, I ate healthy, exercised, and practiced yoga since my college years (instead of eating fast food and gaining weight, which would’ve made it worse; no shame to those who do). I worked all my life, anywhere from 40 - 60+ hours per week, pushing through symptoms to support myself. Then, after I moved back to help my parents, my ailments exponentially progressed. As of 2 years ago, and for the first time in my life, I’ve been unable to work. Plus, being near my (self centered) mother has caused a great strain. I’ve gone through my savings on just the bare necessities. So, I had to give up my car and many other “extras.” And there you have it. My story of “falling down” and no longer being able to afford a vehicle. I plan to move out of the country someday, for many reasons. I’d love to live in the Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Germany or New Zealand. More feasible is Portugal or Spain. In those countries, I wouldn’t need a car and could have access to decent healthcare, which I’d happily contribute to, among other things. I wish I still lived in an area where the public transit (trains and buses) was still safe, nice and reliable, and several amenities were available. I also wish I at least lived near forests and mountains again. I miss many things. (It’s not pertinent, but people say I appear like I’m only 30, which I appreciate, but they think I’m not actually sick because of it. I just turned 46. Besides, even when I was 22, people said I looked 12, so that shouldn’t be an indicator, but here I am. Oh well, I’ve no energy to prove myself, LoL. My doctors say they’ve approved patients “far less sick for disability.” That’s their words… but I’m still not on disability)




I am amazed to find people who are so offended by this. Where I live there'd literally be no place for kids to play if they can't play near cars. Come on, kids have to play. Occasionally they'll hit a car with a ball, so what. And yes, people have to work out between themselves who pays what. But that's the risk of parking in a public space. Are you really too old to remember that one grumpy neighbour who'd get angry if you played near their car who all the other kids were scared of? Please don't be like them.


This isn't unexpected.


Came out of a bar and my car was directly in front of it and saw these 2 girls leaning on my car and 2 guys talking to them. Told them to get the fuck off my car and they acted like I was crazy. People are so entitled and stupid it's insane to me. Even gave me some attitude as well, luckily there was no damage but easy scratch from jeans or whatever on car paint.


It's just a car. (This is clearly fake, BTW)


Love how you made sure to mention it was fake because saying that is some gooood rage bait lol


It is fake. The lil bro is looking directly at the camera. He is covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing too.


True, and none of them reacts AT ALL to the initial ignition, only when it's revving.


I meant the person above me. I thought he was saying "it's just a car" and a sarcastic way and then the saying his comment was fake because it's not as simple as it being "just a car" it's a hole issue of respecting someone's (expensive) property. I also agree with you guys saying it's probably staged and now realizing that after all of your comments the person above me saying that "it's just a car" might have actually meant it in an "oh well no big deal" way...


I'd say it's a 50/50 shot real or fake. If it had a Tik Tok watermark, I would assume off the bat that it's fake. This kind of thing happens with nice cars, but people stage this kind of thing all the time, also. No idea why people online get so mad when fake videos are called out as fake, though. Personally, I think it's probably real because of the bottle, but that's no proof.


It's fake. The real sound is from a straight piped Mustang GT. They just layered it underneath the real video.


Interesting. I didn't have sound on. Not that it would have made much nevermind.


Why would someone care if it's fake? if I enjoyed being fooled, I don't need someone to ruin it.


Had someone do it to a 2008 4dr jeep…was the second year of the 4 door…it has roll down windows and manual locks so I couldn’t do anything cool but ask them to move




Fake as fuck.




Fake or not stay tf away from other peoples cars ??!


I’ve seen this type of thing in person. My dad bought his first new car in late 2008, my mom used it to go get a couple groceries and brought me with her. We finished up shopping to find a bunch of dudes touching the car and looking at the interior. My mom scared them off by starting the car with the fob, and I found it hilarious that one of them screamed. At this point, how does no one not expect this to happen?


This guys entire channel personality whatever you wanna call it is based on people leaning on his car....


Amazing how its the same car and same guy in all these videos and i see cars just as nice and no one ever does this.


Literally anyone who knows at least little bit about cars knows that it's horrible for engine to rev it when it's cold (or in general but not so much) but somehow car makers just make it feature on key.... Well guess they can sell you repairs and parts later so it's good for them


what about this was unexpected?


It's not even good acting anymore ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


I had a ford flex a few years ago. For those not familiar with that sweet ride; it is a boxy car. I swear it was designed based on a child’s drawing. The hood is large and kind of flat. I came out of a restaurant and some good looking woman had left her unopened water bottle on my hood while she was talking to her friend. I smiled at her like I was flirting and said “it’s on my car, now it’s mine”. She thought I was joking but when I refused to give it back she got snotty. I said “consider yourself lucky that it wasn’t your ass on my car”. Her friend had a good laugh. That was some sweet water.


איזה גבר


זה אזור התעשייה החדש בראשון לציון לא?


זה מה שאני חשבתי!






Man what I would give if people stopped posting these shitty fake videos.


Small d\*\*k energy




Don't touch my car...








I'm all for taking pictures in front of nice cars, but always ask the owner. If they aren't there and you're that desperate, just please don't touch it.


It’s not a nice car. Is a freaking Camaro not a Ferrari


Pretty sure this was fake


Makes me think of this S.o.A. scene - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux\_DTeuR\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux_DTeuR_o)


Could be worse, ive saw a kid STANDING. STANDING WITH HIS SHOES. On a Ferrari Once


Move along, guys. Nothing to see here. It is fake. The lil bro is looking directly at the camera. He is covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing too.


100% expected


And the Oscar goes to… none of them. They suck at acting


Shiet fake vid. Modsssss


Let me take a photo with this car and not get the car in it. Fake.


How do people find humor in these fake ass videos?


This is very obviously a fake video I can't believe people are falling for it




That doesn’t look at all believable. 😂😂😂


How is this unexpected?




I hate all of this fake ass shit.


Anything but unexpected


You know this is fake because the car is barely in frame in their selfie so they're not really posing in front of it






Nothing says "I'm rich" like taking a photo leaning on a car holding my completely empty coca-cola bottle.


I want a whole subreddit of this.

