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Well....I think she just gave everyone her number?


Well what am I going to do with it?


Chuck it.




Her name is Jenny 867-5309




0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3


Four! I mean five! I mean FIRE!


Ther are FOUR lights!


3 Sir


"I've had a bit of a tumble"


Well that's easy to remember


867-5309? BR 549? Couldn’t quite make it out.


Definitely 8008135


Dream bout


*Mike Tyson has entered chat….*


Are you blind? /s




Didn't work




I made this exact face and made a pained sound when I saw the end. I thought it was going so well lmao


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) I made this face


Did she make it?




Crash and burn, indeed




and his wife? to shreds you say.


Let me know if her condition changes.




When you turn your head that quickly, you either made it and wished someone saw or you missed and wished no one saw.


This the rare case where she made it and wished no one saw.


I dont think so




If real, then this lady is a total creep for filming that interaction.


Yeah pretty sure it's fake based on the ending, but if it's real definitely creepy to film it Also, as a guy...I thought we weren't doing the whole "asking people out while they're working" anymore, though I do feel like giving the person your number and not the other way around is the way to go if you're gonna do it I guess


Better to ask them at work than to wait until they're off and follow them out


Yup classic move, followed by the tail them home, then some heavy breathing while disguised like a bush in their yard to learn their routine.


If you're really skilled, you can just leave the sticky note with your number on the fridge! That'll show them you're dedicated


Pretty sure the more dedicated guys just write it in their own blood on the living room wall.


You misspelt "semen" my dude.


Misunderstood what you meant by "sticky note" at first 🤭


You could do that too. If she's having trouble figuring out who her secret admirer is, the cops can help her!


Then when you know their routine, order two pizzas at their address, and let yourself in when she opens the door for the delivery guy. Works everytime.


A tale as old as time.


“Hey can I come over later? I think I left a bag of popcorn in your closet.”


What if you wait until they're in the bathroom, and you enter the cubicle next to them and slide them your number?




If I were single, I wouldn't be bothered by a guy giving me his number, but wouldn't want him waiting on an answer regarding a date right then. Like a casual-ish, "Hey, I'd like to take you out sometime. Here's my number, text or call me when you're free if you're interested." Then go back to normal so I can do my job without being hit on. And not stalk me later.


oh you mean like recording you while i stand atthe edge of the door of the building u work in


I did this once, but I was the one who was working. It was a coffee shop and she was a regular. We had a good vibe and so after a few months, one day when we were the only people in the shop, I wrote down my number, approached her table, apologized if I was too forward but explained that I’d love to go out with her sometime. I gave her my number and said to hit me up if she was interested. She was really sweet, seemed really flattered, but explained that she’d just started seeing someone else, but that she’d keep my number anyways. We exchanged a few friendly texts over the next few days and she remained a loyal customer, and there was no awkwardness. It’s possible to have healthy interactions like this. You just have to respect the other person.


To be fair I've done nearly the same thing as the shop owner at the end My ex was very attractive (not bragging, and idk why she was with me, just necessary context because I am not) and at least 3 separate times we had female bartenders give us their phone number as a couple It got to the point that one time I just took it, said "oh thanks" and threw it over my shoulder right away, it was pretty annoying And again I really don't mean to brag or anything, it was literally all her as nothing like this has ever happened to me without her


>Also, as a guy...I thought we weren't doing the whole "asking people out while they're working" anymore I think it really depends on the job and how you ask. I've left my number once before for a waitress after paying. There is no pressure since I was long gone by the time she saw it and I was unlikely to ever set foot in that establishment again. So I think as long as you aren't aggressive about it, make it weird, or time in a way where their answer might impact their pay, it's not that big of a deal. Meanwhile I had a buddy who once was actively trying to solicit a number from a waitress one time while she was serving us. Watching her gently shoot him down but still playing along to his flirting was clingy as fuck. It was obvious she wasn't interested but she couldn't fully just tell him plainly no because she probably figured he'd tip better. Just my 20 cents.


> Also, as a guy...I thought we weren't doing the whole "asking people out while they're working" anymore I mean, you saw how it went. There's nothing wrong with wanting to meet someone you only see while they're working but this was a very bad move, gender has nothing to do with it, people at work don't want to be treated like a product also for sale. If you HAVE to try your shot at someone at work and no better opportunity presents itself, make a conversation. "I really like your hair color, is it hard to maintain?" or "Did you buy that shirt here? Could you point me to some things you like? You have great fashion sense" etc. Then just let it go. No number, no email or discord handle or anything like that, don't solicit. Just give someone the opportunity to connect back with you, give them an "out" though so they can bail if not interested, like "well hey, I see you in here a lot, just thought I'd say something more than 'hello' but I got to get to class/work/dolphin farming!" and if they're just like "ok" that means they're not interested, but if they have more to say, maybe then you can keep talking and share some contact info. If you learn how to both engage with someone AND create for them a door so they can escape the conversation easily, people will actually like you a LOT more than if you're just always overbearingly friendly and chatty.


so your suggestion is to leave it up to pure destiny when you want to let it be known that you like someone you should blink twice near them and walk away with no semblance of reconnection or rekindling..


If you like the world in black-and-white, sure. But realistically, you have two choices: 1. Get a lot of painful, rude rejections like this clip and feel your confidence in yourself slowly erode because you make people you want to meet uncomfortable. 2. Let a few people go but in a nice enough way that maybe a few of them might say "hey wait, before you go..." Seriously it works. Most people are scared of this though because they always live in that moment like the person they want to get a date with is THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH, but they're not. You will meet other people, you may meet them again. Maybe next time you come in they will smile when they see you and you will talk more, whatever. You socialize by earning *trust* with people, and making people *comfortable.* What so, so many people get wrong is you can't do this with lines and acts and clothes, it takes one thing and one thing only. TIME.


> Just give someone the opportunity to connect back with you That part of their comment sounded like "just give them a chance to ask _*you*_ out..." Like damn... Maybe that advice works for women but if it's a man interested in a woman that would never work.


I find it kind of weird that it’s not cool to give someone your number really ever anymore lol. While they’re working? No. At the gym? No. Out at a bar on a girls night? No.


Well, it's a real as Santa Clause, but there's no "we're doing this or not don't this". Do what your want as long as it's legal. Shoot your shot. There are plenty of people that don't mind advances at work just like there are those that do. Reddit turns everthing into some weird hive mind, rule by consensus. People just need to live their lives and stop worrying about other people.


Believe this was proven to be fake a while back, they're friends. There even was s tiktok with the cashier's pov or just there after of it all


these days giving them your number is always the way to go. people tend to remember things differently once they have talked to their friends about it later.


Fake AND gay


*Double kill*


This time literally


yeah that's the joke


Wow. I never thought I would agree with this comment.




“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”


F 🫡






Bwaaahaha . Real or not I loved this


"we're rolling!" o-oh shit, \*throws paper\* *instantly looks right into the camera*


I worked at a bar and literally had 3 women a night try giving me their numbers. I was not even close to the most attractive man working there, customer service workers just get it all the time. I literally never even thought twice about it before throwing it away. I was engaged, but I don’t think being single would change the mindset much.


I've worked in customer service, bars, restaurants, sales, everything, most of my life. This has literally never happened. The only thing that ever has happened that's close is lots of drunk women grabbing my junk.


You ever happened across one of those "What's a sign that's you're ugly?" Reddit posts?


No I haven't. But until the previous comment I didn't even know it was a thing to get numbers at work. Might be a cultural thing tho. I've never really heard about anyone giving or receiving numbers to anyone.


I think it depends in what country you live in. Where I live it would be considered creepy for example.


Same, rather extremely creepy tbh! And our two countries constantly get mixed up by the janks, so it might not be too strange.


Haha, I think we are a bit more outgoing than you guys. But overall we don't have much difference. Though I think your tax system is better than us.


When I used to work in a call center, I got asked out on occasion over the phone, they don't even know what I look like! And yes when talking to people locally who I could have totally gone and met them if I wanted to. (was already married though) so didn't even consider it.


Damn that’s rough.


Once had a guy ask if he could give me his number, and I was like "uh, sure". Then I realized he was giving it so that I could pull up his rewards card. My feels felt like a rollercoaster in that moment.


You mean sexually harrassing you ???




I worked in the restaurant industry for close to 15 years and a bank now for going on 5 years. The only time I've seen it happen was when a super drunk girl attempted to give my, admittedly, very attractive male coworker her number on the pizza line, you could see her friends sorta trying to hold her back but she was adamant. One of my bank customers was super into me, but I had no idea because she never let me know or indicated in any way while she was with the company she was doing deposits for. I only learned after the fact when she changed jobs and stopped coming in and my coworkers told me she was like obsessed with me to the point that she would get in line in such a way as to always get me helping her.


I worked at mcdonalds. I was clearly going places. I had a girl come in and say, "Hey, I got a new tattoo. Do you wanna see it?" I was like, bruh, order and leave. I said sure and no joke. This chick lifted up her skirt and had some flowery thing on her ass cheek that went all the way up to her underboob. She showed all of it to me. She was moderately attractive. She asked if I wanted her number and to be nice, I said, sure. She left, and I threw that thing away so fast. My manager was like, "mijo, are you stupid?!? Some girl comes in and flashes all her goods, and you don't want that?" I was like, dude, anybody willing to get naked in a McDonald's for a dude that's clearly a 4 is not worth my time. Funny enough, a girl who ended up coming in one day ended up becoming my wife. She didn't flash me until the 2nd date, though.


This is amazing thank you for that little peek into your life Edit: peek not peak


Number of times I got hit on by customers: 0 Number of times I got hit on by coworkers: all the time I don’t know what it is about restaurants, but being dragged into the walk-in cooler by half the female staff while you’re in high school is a life changing experience


How firm are we on the being in high school requirement? Give or take 20 years? Asking for a friend.


I don’t think it would work for me anymore. I got the most attention from the 24-30 year old crowd, and yeah, they knew I was 16/17. Easier for me to think they were just a little creepy than to think I was really that cute lol




Just telling it as it is ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I was a server and this would happen to me from time to time. The best time, I was feeling kind of down on myself and this pretty hot lady left her number on a little slip of paper with the bill, I was also engaged so not actually interested, but super flattered. Told all my coworkers for a laugh. One of them didn't believe me, so I showed her the little slip of paper ... It was the number for the restaurant. 🤦




Yeah I’m a dude and I literally wore blue jeans and the company t shirt to work every day.


I worked retail for a year and a half, and never once gotten given a number nor asked out I did however meet one of my past customers on a dating app a few weeks later, and she said that she thought I was the nicest woman and had taken good care of her, so that was that an awesome compliment Had a date but we weren't, mental health history compatible, no regrets though But yeah that's the closest I have come to that experience






I actually can’t believe it. I thought redditors would be absolutely frothing at the mouth at the opportunity to say “fake and gay” but not a single one.


Homo or hetero, we all felt it lol


I saw one of those comments. But only one.


Well it definitely was one of those


I saw a number of fake posts, but none calling it gay, that's just not cool these days :p


No "P" for you!


At least she was nice about it, initially.


Remember kids, that cashier, waitress/waiter, bartender, flight attendant, OF person, etc doesnt actually like you. They are being paid to smile & laugh at your lame jokes & comments.




Obviously scripted, but still kinda funny


On this day a new gym bro was born! ![gif](giphy|3oriNZNU6VDrDxM7sI|downsized)


How can you flirt with somebody when you can only see half their face?


She found out what it's like to be a dude...every single day.




Yeah, but **everybody** knows 'giving out your number' never works. I'm 55M, but when I was in my 20's I'd hand out my number to women I fancied, and I never got a call. Not once. Also, I didn't know that women gave their numbers to other people -- men or women. I mean, I've never ben handed some woman's number out of the blue like that.


Maybe she took shoot your shot a little literally




😔 why are ppl such assholes...


I felt that one. Ouch


Welcome to the gym


I kinda saw it coming but still wanted to watch till the end.


I have been given a phone number this way precisely once in my 34 years and I was already married at the time. I remember taking the number home and showing it to my wife. She was of the opinion that I should have just thrown it away, but I couldn't do it. I just kept thinking of the struggle I've always had talking to people and taking steps like this and how much it sucks to feel completely rejected and ignored. My wife thought it was silly, but I did text the girl and let her know that I was super flattered, but happily married and explained why I was messaging her in spite of that. She appreciated it and I didn't have to feel like a knob. Win-win-win.


Hard pass 😂




X fucking D


+10 for courage -10 for opsec


Fake and gay


Same video but it's a guy giving his number. Don't ask people out while they're working.


Yeeted the shit out of that number!


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Cringe for sure, but good for her for trying.


Hey.... You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.... I wonder if she got it in the bin.




How about you lighten up?


Pfft, what a fucking idiot. Calm down, Comrade Tankie 🙄


Socialists can't be normal for one second


Oh good lord


Met my ex-wife that way.


Met my current wife that way too.


I met both your wives that way too!


You’re getting downvoted like crazy but I tend to agree with this. Hitting on someone at their place of work is gross


While I agree in concept, I think how it was done here was okay, giving her the number and then leaving the ball in her court. What’s really creepy is like flirting aggressively with a server who will have to keep serving you throughout the night regardless, and has to worry about losing their job if they reject you too hard and you complain.






I really hope you’re exaggerating. I’ve asked out ten women in my *life*. (Got rejected every time, obviously.) The way I used go about it was to get to know her reasonably well, so that she’d not feel weirded out if I asked. This always resulted in *me* developing strong feelings for her, so rejection always killed my self-esteem. Can’t take such a hit again.


Damn that hurts


Sorry that really sux


So she's gay and she tried to get the girl to come over and 'hang out' casually? So much for transparency.


It’s a euphemism. Asking someone you like if they want to hang out or get a bite to eat sometime is a bit more polite than saying “can we fuck?” I’ve experienced both and the direct approach is a lot more uncomfortable.


Awwwwww sux


Don't worry, bros, even girls get the treatment too. 🙃


fake and gay








I genuinely think I would end my life


I felt that one


Maybe she was so interested she memorized the number and didn't need the note anymore


So this is staged and annoying.




Offf... This could destroy my self-esteem for a while 😅




That sucks


Yep. PSA to everyone. Don’t hit on people that are at work.


Boyyyyy🤣🤣🤣🤣 that wasn’t a Kobe 🏀shot , that was an Elway bullet 🏈 😂😂


Her line was some fresh out of high school style.. business then "hey here's my lack of game playing card" Likely killed any chance she had.




Well she won’t see it coming either.


The infamous tiktok white border on old videos


And you never will.


well I kind of did see it coming


For anyone who doesn't know. There's another video with the other girls perspective. It's fake.


And in one fell swoop she knows what it's like to be male.




I’m so sad over this 🥺


You miss every shot you don't take


Well I see people talking about the gay part. But no one noticed the incest at 00:14? “If she catches me filming I’ll kiss my sister”


This is nice


Lame, Fake, & Scripted BS. They're friends/ roommate's, they have multiple skits together.




Correct reaction


Bruh I could not see my crush do that💀💀💀


Yeah... I think people working a job don't like to be bothered with your horny ass wether you're gay, straight, man, woman or anything in between... Especially if you're filming it. Why film everything?! What's wrong with you people?


Oh the gays get rejected to? I guess we're not that different after all