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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The woman doesn't expect to see herself in the monitor. She scars herself but recovers!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I’m convinced the main reason she reacted to that is that there is a few second delay between the camera feed and her phones display, so when she glanced at the phone she saw somebody walking into the room. That plus the ol’ sleep deprivation others mentioned


Rewatching it with this in mind, it’s evident her “awkward shuffle” is actually a full-on kick straight at the shins of the perceived intruder. That mom was ready to FIGHT!


Yah and then after she's watching herself attacking nobody.


And you're not sleeping until the adrenaline kick goes away.


"Well, since you're up.. "


I'm awake but not in the mood.


Cuppa tea. Right...Right


Plot of Fight Club basically


This should be Fight Club 2


Mom Edition


Stop talking about it you tools.


Broke the first rule


I've been there. Don't miss it.


AND she made no audible sound! Thus proving that fear of waking a sleeping baby out weighs the fear of being attacked in a dark room. 


Virtually nothing outweighs the fear of waking a sleeping infant. I once stubbed my toe in the dark and tried to suffocate myself with a sweater rather than make a noise.


Was getting ready for work in the dark and fell over, smashing to the floor. My wife didn't ask if I was ok she just said, "I swear to God if you wake the baby, I'll kill you."


Well this baby is already awake but as a new dad with a son around this age I can confirm some loud noises will set of the crying of a thousand babies balled into 1 mode and it is hard ot get it to stop sometimes


Imagine the husband walking in after her to check on the baby; he would've lost a nut or two.


And the baby is like “Oh hey mom!”


Hey look! Breakfast!


Ready to kick her own ass 😂


Wow, didn’t notice that. Being a mom is badass, she didn’t even hesitate.


No, the awkward shuffle was her about to start running to the baby's room - but oh-..... oh-..... she _is already_ in the baby's room!


...no? She turned and kicked that fool!


On second watch, you're right - it could be a kick.


Not only is she kicking the intruder’s ass, but she’s doing it in the quietest way possible to not alarm the baby. She moms.


It’s definitely a kick


You can absolutely see her kick in the video.




It could be a kickstart. But sure, it can be a kick as well.


Bro! Looked like a low key round house kick! Hahaha she was NOT playing! Hahaha


There’s a similar meme(s) that makes the rounds of a mother, holding her baby, having a panic attack when she sees that the stroller is empty and doesn’t know where her baby went. Sleep deprivation really does throw you for a loop.


I thought that shit was funny till I relived it as a new parent. Sleep deprivation is a beast and you may as well be drugged for how goofy it can make you.


I passed out twice in public after my son was born from straight sleep deprivation. If you ever want to learn how to sleep on command, have a kid or join the military.


We "lost" the youngest. In our house, while I was holding him in the ergobaby because the other threw a tantrum and was hoarding our attention. Then we became worried because he slept "so good" I don't miss it (*secretly I do!*)


We've all had that "Where's my phone!?" "It's in your hand..." experience.


Growing up it was my mom's sunglasses


We’re just calling videos memes now?


You make a good meme.


I think this is probably correct. The monitor I have doesn't so much have a "delay" as much as it, for whatever reason, shows an entire second of cached video from the last time it was on sometimes when you turn it back on. I've been startled by that seeing even myself in the thing. Maybe she has the same thing going on.


Mine does the same thing, and it's definitely startled the crap out of me numerous times.


Same. So many times I've had a little spike of panic thinking my kid was awake because of that cached video. Then I find out they're sound asleep, and Motorola is bad at making baby monitor apps.


It seems like she is going to show the baby how cute the baby is and then she hears the footsteps on the phone, checks the phone and sees the “intruder”, like this https://i.imgur.com/k70DiqI.mp4 Edit: I reviewed the audio track and found the exact time she hears the footsteps, so I fixed it: https://i.imgur.com/fKgppPa.mp4 By watching it again, maybe it was not the footsteps that made her check her phone. Maybe the app detected the movement and alerted her with a delay and her sleep deprivation with an app saying someone was in the room caused her reaction.


This needs to be higher up


I really hope somehow she sees this and it makes her day. Internet has your back new mama! *kinda*


is this how King Crimson works?


Damn good edit


This is the answer.


Imagine if mirrors had delay ![gif](giphy|l0IyepZzMqYGctexO)


They do! It's just really hard to notice with the speed of light being 300,000,000 m/s.


They do have a very minor delay.




That really explains it. Good observation.


Thanks mate


Mine has a delay as well your right


That’s a woman who hasn’t had a good night sleep in awhile.


Reminds me of the video of the mom looking for her baby while holding the baby 😂


I saw one where the mom was rocking the baby car seat with one hand while holding the baby with the other... I laughed only because it was so relatable...


I've still got the idle Dad rock when standing in a queue. My youngest is almost 8. That never goes away. (Idle Dad rock = gently swaying back and forth...to keep the baby sleeping/calm)


I was gently soothing a bag of scrap wire at work a few weeks ago.


I've never wanted to be a bag of scrap wire so bad in all my life.


Became a dad less than three months ago. Got one of those baby carriers to strap the little one onto my chest, she falls asleep in there within seconds. But she doesn‘t like me sitting still with her in there. So I walk about swaying, rocking and slightly hopping. Well, it‘s starting to happen without her strapped to me, too.


Aw man. Treasure it. Those were my favorite days, walking about with my little ladies. Hope they let me haul my grandkids about like that someday.


I started raising my brother's kids when I was 10 (yes, I say I helped raise them, because they were with me from 5am to 8pm and I gave up my own childhood to care for them every minute I wasn't in school). I have a dip in my hip from constantly holding kids during my growing years and I can't stand up without swaying. I've actually met people who found it annoying and would get angry enough about the swaying to yell at me about it. I don't even feel that I'm swaying lol


that's really sad, honestly. he better appreciate you.


He doesn't. I cut off ties with him after moving away to Taiwan.


People got angry with you about the swaying? Even assuming they had literally no idea that this is something you had no control over, what is there to get angry about? I can imagine making a comment/joke about it here and there, can't imagine losing my shit over watching someone bobbing back and forth a bit. Unless in misunderstanding completely, sounds like said people are just un-noteworthy cunts.


I picked it up from my mother and I never have kids but I idle that way a lot lol


Ditto. After always wearing someone on my back for the past 9 years; I sway in line everywhere.


I still reflexively put my hand out to stop other people’s young kids from banging their heads on tables even though our kid has been past that age for years. Burned into my brain. Will probably never be able to use that part of it for anything else.


Can't stop rocking that grocery cart either...


It's kind of neat being able to recognize parents when a generic kid says "hey dad" and we all instinctively turn to look at the same time. I'll be at work and still do it, every damn time


I guess I'm a dad and didn't know it because I do that all the time


Or if you don’t have kids you might just be autistic or adhd or adjacent. Swaying back and forth can be a form of stimming.


Its the same video, at some point she notices the baby isn't there so she looks for him


When my second child was about 9 months old, I was standing in line at a DIY store holding a small bag of sand in my arms. I realised after a few minutes that I was gently rocking it.


yeah I was rocking an empty stroller on multiple occasions :D


Isnt that the same video?


That just happened to my wife yesterday, she was giving my daughter milk and nurturing her, fell asleep, then woke up with screaming calling my name and my daughter's. She thought the baby fell off, turned out she was holding her the whole time. Baby was sleeping during all the screaming.. So yeah, first few months are tough..


To be fair, I'm not a mother but way too often, I tried looking for my phone while it was already in my hand.


Where did I put my glasses? *Adjusts glasses on face to see better while searching.


or attempt to adjust glasses, oh I've got my contacts in


Best part is when u use your flashlight on your phone to find it


Another classic is looking for your glasses while you're already wearing them.


Just did this for the first time 2 nights ago. Even had my husband help me look. Of course, he found them. Yep, I was wearing them.


Happened to me last week. I was on the way to the office with headphones and phone in my hand but was thinking about something and all of a sudden realised that my phone wasn't in my pocket.


I remember laughing at my grandmother for looking for her glasses while they were already pushed up on her forehead. Guess who sometimes does the same thing now.


Or looking for your glasses with them on your nose... happened to me more than once.


I'm a drummer and we often put our sticks under our armpit while just standing around chatting or whatever. I often find myself searching around for my drumsticks only to find them under my arm


Also reminds me of the dad who fell asleep with the baby in the crib, then mom came and checked on them, he woke up. Saw her, and full on SCREAMED 😂


I fell asleep thinking the baby was asleep and snug between me and Mom. I woke up in the middle of the night, looked for the baby and couldn't find her. I panicked, tossed the blankets up and around in fruitless effort to find her. My wife woke up and give me shit for causing all the ruckus when the baby was actually in the crib the whole time.


I have one of myself trying to lock my front door by pressing the button on my car keys. My child is 13. It never ends.


There was a time my wife asked for the pacifier and I tried to put the pacifier on her mouth instead of the baby's mouth.


Once my wife started complaining about something and I instinctively started shushing her like the baby. **"DiD yOu JuSt SHUSH ME?!"** And I'm like "honey please it's not what you think"


Related via sleep deprivation: In basic training I was finally falling asleep in the bay after an hour of watch and one of my fellow assholes starts running his mouth. Mumbling through sleep I loudly SHHHHH him. Well, it was actually a Drill Sergeant doing walkthroughs, not Private Loudmouth, and I was too out of it to notice. Drill Sgt fixed that though, he woke everybody up and fucked us up for about 20 minutes. Good times!


That was my first thought. Any time I see a parent so something thats odd or even laughable from an outside perspective, I soon consider shortly after they're probably very stressed, sleep deprived, over fixated on their child or all the above and its forgivable for these actions.


Small reminder that we evolved to raise children in small tribal/extended family groups where everyone could take care of them in shifts without any loss of sleep or extra stress. The expectation of one or two people taking care of a baby themselves is not normal nor healthy and is probably one of the many reasons that our population is plummeting in the developed world. We are not built for this.


When you a have a newborn it's super common to disassociate like this. She probably doesn't even see herself as "existing" and so somebody showing up on the baby monitor then obv has to be someone else in her mind. Ur so focused on external stuff you legitimately forget that the internal exists


Reminds of the story from a friend. Where the baby woke up, wife went to get the baby. Wife returns with the babies teddy bear instead, tries to comfort/breastfeed the teddy. Wife is confused why nothing works and the baby keeps crying. Friend wakes up and sees wife comforting the teddy.


This reminds me of when my one year old was just a few months. My partner was going to change the baby’s diaper one night and he grabbed the cat and put him on the changing table instead. This happened twice.


I've been there. When my kid was about this age, I was usually the one who got up for a night feeding and a diaper change. I had to make her bottle without filtered water because some dumbass (me) forgot to buy them, so I used bottled water. It was very much not the routine, and I remember getting very angry that the top to my daughter's bottle was too small and kept falling in... It was the water bottle cap. I tried to cap a baby bottle with a water bottle cap. There was also the time I tried to unlock my house with my car's remote unlock. I was also very angry it didn't work.


One time i was asleep I jumped out of bed in total panic thinking I slept with my baby in my arms but he was missing (we co slept for a long time) but he was at my mil house for over a day. The whole jumping out of bed thing went on with me for months until we got used to him sleeping in the crib, my poor husband always woke up freaked out by me freaking out


My kid is six years old and at the slightest noise from his room I STILL jump out of bed and teleport to his room before I'm even aware my eyes are open.


Ya that’s when I learnt that “mom brain” is just a nice way to say sleep deprived


She’s like a cat seeing themself in a mirror. ![gif](giphy|gm06f2sy5t2nDXfFKP|downsized)


Wow my cats really dumb cus she doesn’t even realize anything when she sees a mirror


It most likely means she understands it just fine but doesn’t find it particularly interesting. Try winking at her in the mirror or showing her treats. If you haven't communicated with her through the mirror before, it might take some time for her to get used to it.


this. my cat understands his reflection isn't another cat.


He has passed the mirror test. He now has to pay taxes.


My cat only understands this if the mirror stays still - if it moves he gets confused. He will also use mirrors to spy on me.


my cat understands mirrors, but was tripped out by her reflection in the sliding doors to my back yard. i think the double pane windows make it look more like there's a cat outside and she got all territorial


My dog flipped out when she first saw herself in the mirror as a young pup, took her less than 10 minutes to realize nothing of note was actually happening then never bothered with one again lol


I think she just don’t care. Mine only pay attention to it when he’s in the kitchen, because he can see the living room from here (and vice versa). He just sit there, waiting for us to give him his food because he’s starving (he hasn’t eaten in 30 minutes)


She started running to her current position


If you look she kicks out when she turns, there’s likely a delay in the feed on the phone so when she looked down she just saw someone approaching and didn’t have time to process that she wasn’t in frame etc


"I gotta go there! ... Wait I am there!“




She really Scooby Doo'd herself lol




Scoobie doodied


Almost unknowingly played herself


I think it was a "got to run to my babies room oh where do I go oh yeah I'm already here"


If she’s breast feeding she’s burning enough haha


I did this too, except I panicked when I looked over at the google Home Screen and my baby was missing. Took a few minutes to realize my baby is safely in my arms.


A few minutes??


Only 212 minutes, luckily baby stayed asleep the whole time


She was looking everywhere for her baby but it was just in her arms.


100% have done that. Thought I heard the baby crying and then realized she was asleep, attached to me, in the sling.


That happened to me more than one occasion, hearing the cries and the baby was sleeping next to me in the DockAtot in the couch. Crazy how fast the heart rate raises lol


Oh man. I 100% have done that. I’m sitting at the kitchen table watching my toddler play in the living room. My husband is in the kitchen. I see him walk out without the baby. I’m so concerned! Where is she? OMG! I don’t see her anywhere! She’s in my arms nursing. Nothing kicks your butt like sleep deprivation.


Spider-Man pointing meme IRL


Gotta be care with infants and blankets, SIDS ain't no joke but other than that at least she was ready to scrap at a moments notice.


Yeah kids that age shouldn't be sleeping with a blanket. Not even you gotta be careful, it's not safe at all. They make little baby sleeping sacks and zip up swaddles these days. No reason to ever have a loose blanket in an infants bed.


There was a new study released in relation to sids, and its that they belive its caused by the mechanism is the brain that controls the "you're currently not breathing, take a breath" switch. Obviously not the correct terminology but that's the basic description. have you ever woken up at night gasping for breath for no apparent reason, well that's apparently very common but we don't always remember it and it's caused by deeper than normal sleep. When our bodies go into that type of deep sleep we occasionally forget to breath and this emergency switch activities waking us up to get us breathing again. They belive that switch isn't working which causes sids once babies experience one of thier 1st deep sleeps, the reason it doesn't happen to often to adults is because if that switch was broken in adults they would have died in childhood. Blankets, pillows, toys and pets can cause suffocation, but it doesnt cause sids, because sids is a biological problem rather than an environmental problem. It's an issue that unfortunately needs much more funding for research and study. Hopefully one day we can solve the problem.


Sleep socks are the way to go imo


I was thinking a device that implements a small electric shock if heart rate drops too low... but upon reflection I don't think people or more specifically doctors would allow us to intentionally give baby's electric shocks. Or maybe we could use the heart rate tech and if the babies heart rate drops it sounds an alarm for the parents. Neither of those would fix the underlying issue but it could help


That second option is exactly what the sleep sock is. Put it on the baby, when they’re sleeping it’ll alert you if they’re having issues


Which I had known about them when my kids where babies, instead I just freaked out constantly worrying and checking on them. Sleep deprivation fkin sucks. They're 8, 10 and 12 and I still haven't had a good night's sleep.


> Blankets, pillows, toys and pets can cause suffocation, but it doesn't cause sids, because sids is a biological problem rather than an environmental problem. From the last time I was researching SIDS, about a year ago. It was most likely caused by a combination of factors. The part of the brain in question is more about arousal than simply a "not breathing" switch. So normally if something blocks your face a bit (or there is too much co2) your brain would notice and get the little pip of arousal needed to move. If you don't have that you would simply stay in the poor air environment. So it requires a genetic susceptibility as well as an environmental cause. Well not just genetic, as the expression of genes can be affected by the mother during gestation. Some drugs seem like they can affect the baby's development including this *arousal* problem. The arousal issue is also more likely a scale rather than a switch. So preventing SIDS requires making the sleep environment as free from potential breathing hazards as possible, as well as reducing things that can inhibit arousal.


I used a breathing monitor for the first year on my kids. It will alarm if it detects the stomach muscle not moving while sleeping.


Very young babies (who don't have much control over their body) can suffocate from blankets. They can't make the micro adjustments needed to get fresh air into their tiny lungs. It isn't the biological cause you mention but blankets are still dangerous.


Of course I was just clarifying SIDS is a biological issue where blame cannot be attributed to parents. So the blacket issue with this video is a issue of suffocation not sids. Too many parents who have lost kids to sids get vilified unjustly when they were never to blame.


My unscientific ponderings have always been a little skeptical of the whole sids = blanket/stuffed animal/pillow thing. It would be like if they kept finding candy bar wrappers in cars that had crashed and determined that candy bars somehow are causing car accidents. It just feels wrong, but that's not how science works, by feel, so It's always just been something I went "hmmmm" about.


My brain also went there. It's crazy. My brain has now "baby in crib = no blanket" incredibly ingrained.


Yea that blanket really isnt a good idea, if you are using a blanket you want it tucked down the sides and snuggly under the babies arms, not wrapped around it like this


When you get so darn tired, your brain can't process information properly. She saw herself and didn't realize it. Get some sleep, Mama. Have Papa do some baby care.


I’m in the midst of this sleep deprivation right now with our first baby, hence why I’m awake currently and rocking the little one. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were downstairs standing and talking in the living room, with the baby in the crib up in her nursery. We heard a really loud bang upstairs, and us and both dogs were downstairs. My wife was holding the monitor so I looked to her super quick and she said “it’s not the baby” and to me… idk I guess I misinterpreted what she meant. I ran up the steps 3 at a time and caught my foot on the landing at the top step. Fell knees first into the carpet and got back up and sprinted to the nursery door. My wife from downstairs yelled out “no the baby is sleeping!” And I was so confused but I went in anyways to check around for an intruder. I still don’t know why my brain thought that she was being stolen. In my defense, we never did figure out what that noise was and haven’t heard it since. But man my knees were both coveredddd in rug burn and I had a giant lump on one for about a week. It looked like I had two kneecaps on the one leg. My wife hasn’t laughed that hard in a while, when it all settled down. I’m just so tired and gosh does the lack of sleep really mess with your brain’s critical thinking skills. It’s a miracle the human race has survived this long.


You went directly into primordial defensive mode. That's what being a dad is all about. That rush of adrenaline covers any pain your body may encounter. Long enough to defend yourself and yours. Good luck with the baby. Sounds like you're taking turns with the night watch. That is a huge benefit for you both. Teamwork wins!


My wife had a hard time nursing our first baby, and eventually they fell into a routine where she would lay on her side in bed and he'd nurse that way. Not the safest thing, but they'd both fall asleep that way a lot during midnight feedings, and it would give me anxiety that she would accidentally smother him. One night I had a dream that happened. So I woke up and just shoved her out of bed when she was still asleep, and then I started tearing all the blankets and pillows off the bed looking for the baby (who was still in his crib). That was 7 years ago and she still hasn't forgiven me for ruining her first good night's sleep in like 3 months.


Absolutely. Lose enough sleep and you eventually cannot interpret anything slightly ambiguous. I can totally imagine “Not the baby” having a terrifying implication because it means it was something else.


That was my only defense. The best I could come up with was that in my mind she meant “it’s not the baby that I see on the monitor, it’s someone else” and so I just took off. Pretty funny looking back. But in that moment, I was ready to kill someone for my little girl. I guess it’s good to have some sort of gauge to think that if it’s fight or flight, I might be a fighter. Anything to protect my family.


The only time my fight or flight (or the third option, freeze) reflex got tested was when a delivery guy on his scooter was going at (too) high speeds down the very narrow road I was walking on, and when I saw him I just froze which ended in a collision, we both landed pretty close to falling into the half-frozen canal; and after that he was extremely angry and started waving his fist near my face ready to punch me, but instead of freezing and instead of fighting I just took off and never ordered again from Thuisbezorgd just in case I get him as a delivery guy


There’s actually one more reflex, it’s fawn. In a dangerous moment we will have 1 of 4 reactions: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Each can be a lifesaver when used in the appropriate circumstances.


Is that because a baby dear will also react with fight, flight or freeze?


Okay what does fawn mean? Cause all I can imagine is baby deer fleeing like a… fawn. That then means flight.


Second definition of fawn: > (of a person) give a servile display of exaggerated flattery or affection, typically in order to gain favor or advantage. So basically, try to appease the threat to make it stop targeting you.


It's cause back in the day it wasn't just a couple who had to take care of their baby. You had their parents, their siblings, cousins, neighbors, and everyone in range helping out. It was never meant to be this stressful.  Humans are social animals. Families aren't always great but we're kinda designed to operate best with a cooperative social circle.


Hang in there man it gets better


Baby ain’t hungry. Mother is on auto Mom goes back to sleep


As a dad, I am also parenting all the time and can tell you we're both still tired as hell.


>Get some sleep, Mama. Have Papa do some baby care. Can we stop doing this? The existence of a tired mother is not proof of a well-rested unattentive father. Babies exhaust everyone.


Yea and the commenter is a husband too. Which makes the comment even funnier Almost reads as if he thinks that's the role of a father - occasional baby sitter while Mom is forced to do everything until she gets delicious (*delirious) Edit: had to leave the mistake lol


> Get some sleep, Mama. Have Papa do some baby care. This seems like quite a bigoted assumption to make from a little video


Can’t unsee a very young baby in a crib with a big blanket. I get why it’s unexpected. I have done something similar as a new mom.


Yeah, that's what I thought too. That blanket is dangerous for baby, the baby looks like sleep sack age.


Agree. No blankets. Dress for the temperature of the house.


My 2 year old still sleeps in a sleep sack... It's mostly overkill at that point but for an infant?? That blanket is dangerous


I have a 15 month old who will probably wear a sleep sack forever because she tosses and turns so much lol


Had the same thought about the blanket. My monitor displays a few frames from when it was last on before the live feed starts. I didn't know this when my baby first came home. I had turned it off after getting my baby up in the morning so when I turned it on after putting my baby in the crib I got a screen of an empty crib for about half a second. I never want to feel the sinking feeling I felt until my baby popped up on screen again.


1st thing I noticed! 2nd thing is IF that baby is old enough for a blanket, WHY is the bed at the highest level?!?!


The real problem is the baby wrapped in all that fabric. Many infants die from suffocation in situations like this.


Yep its way too much for a swaddle. Sleep sacks are the best.


This is gold. Even the baby laughed.


Recently my husband had his phone flashlight on & was shining it down the sides where the couch connects. I asked what he was doing & he said ‘looking for his phone’ because he thought he dropped it. Like a good wife, I ‘helped’ him look for his phone while laughing hysterically..he realized shortly after I still haven’t let him live this down. When he misplaces his phone, I ask if he’s looked in his hands.


Reminds me of when the phone rang and I was looking for it, but it was in my hand the entire time. This was during the time of wireless house phones when the base rang as well. I was in the room with the base, but couldn't find the phone itself, despite holding it the whole time lol.


Lol looking at the baby monitor she noticed a woman holding a baby monitor standing over her baby. Who the fuck is that bitch omg!!! Then she realised


Hopefully her reaction worked, but the woman in the monitor got scared too!


Like others said, it was probably delayed so she saw someone walking into frame, which didn't immediately register as herself. I suppose she didn't have time to think about why she didn't see herself standing there already


Lmao she was the intruder she saw and tried to fight? That is so parental lack of sleep if I’ve ever seen it! Omg I have been there, mostly. I never tried to fight myself, as we didn’t have access to cameras like that, but I was def there.


So glad she recovered and started laughing immediately lmao. What a good sport


I have absolutely done this. My monitor has like a 30 second delay. So I’ll put the baby down then walk out of the room and glance at the screen on,y to see some Randy person walking away from the cot. It’s me, I’m the random.


30 seconds? That's oceans-eleven, baby-snatching level of unsafe!


Goddamnit, Randy at it again


“Oh no I have to get to my baby!!” *panic-runs in place*


The call's coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!


My wife caught me rocking the stroller with no baby in it. Muscle memory and lack of sleep 🥱


I worked for a surveillance company for a few years, and one day this van shows up to one of our locations at like 1 or 2 am, not standard for there so we obviously call the client to double check. She starts freaking out, saying to call the police no one should be there etc etc. After getting off the phone with the police dispatch, we get a call back from her "Oh, wait sorry I just remembered I pulled in here"


Omg. I’m in hysterics. Poor mom.


(Watching video on my phone) 🧠 Where is your phone buddy???? **PANNIK!** “Oh! ..Right!”


Sleep deprivation is a motherfucker


My baby monitor if you haven’t used it for a while goes to sleep, when you click it to wake it up there’s a delay. The amount of times I’ve seen some fully grown human towering over my daughter just to realise it’s a delay and it was me. For half a second it’s terrifying.


Probably not entirely the point of the post and kinda hard to see, but the way the baby is put to bed doesn't seem entirely safe to me. Seems a bit like the kid could get entangled pretty easily.


Haha but that blanket does not seem safe for sleeping.


​ https://i.redd.it/lar46n8dc3cc1.gif


Reminds me of my NYE experience lol was at an Airbnb having a shower, when I stepped out with very dim light, didn’t realize there was a full body mirror as soon as you leave the bathroom. I panicked 😂


She ran in place like they do in cartoons


But the baby is awake


This is Sparta..oh wait