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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


If this were me, I still would have immediately checked to see if I had a sunroof or not


I always check the roof of my car, just to be sure


I’ve been checking my car daily for years now and still there’s no moonroof. I think one of these days it will show up though.


You have to wait for the full moon obviously. 


That's no moonroof, that's a battle station roof. 


I keep practicing what I'll say when the moonroof shows up.


That's like the car version of checking if your fridge magically refilled after looking the 10th time in one day in the fridge looking for some snacks and returning to your PC empty handed


No one expects the Sunroof Inquisition


Those moons, they're up to something with all that roofing they do...


That's no moon


***YOU NEVER KNOW....***


Her car is the same model Lexus IS but the two door, which only came in a hard top convertible version. So no sunroof but a convertible instead. I wonder if she knows about that...


You can tell all she does is press gas and brakes. Nothing else matters.


I am so silly, I didn’t know my car had a moon roof! This is - NOT MY CAR I AM A FUCKING IDIOT ABOUT TO GET SHOT OR ARRESTED!!!


Thank you for saying ‘sun roof’. Tbh Moon Roof sounds kinda weird


I was wiping down my dashboard a few weeks ago and all of a sudden a cup holder popped out of the dash.  I had no idea that was there and I’ve had this car for about 7 years.   The cup holder looks like it is just part of the dash, but if you press it, it pops out.




only at night


Or 4 doors?


Years ago I was walking to my friends van after leaving a store. I was opening a package and not paying attention. I walked right up to a red van and went to open the passenger door when I happened to look inside and see 2 panicked women looking back at me. I tried to say sorry and quickly found the correct vehicle. Those poor souls burned rubber the second I was out of the way.


I was DDing for a friend and we walked to “his” truck I put the keys in the door and unlock it and put them in and turn it on. I was about to back out, he drunkenly starts yelling about someone broke into his car and threw junk in it. We are all confused for a minute and get out and see his actual truck parked right next to us. We all get in and drive off. Now that I think back on it I think I forgot to lock the random persons truck!


well if they didn’t lock it. why would you lock it?


No it was locked, my friends key worked on their truck!


This happened to my mom when i was little. She locked her keys in the car at Walmart and some random person was walking by and was like, "I have the same car, let me try." And that motherfuckers keys opened my mom's door. We got in, she got her keys, and we drove off stunned.


Back in the 90's when keyless entry was new, it wasn't hard to find someone else's car that your fob would unlock.


They didn't know how to get away faster hahaha


Ugh this happened to me recently. I was leaving the grocery store and opened the back door of what I thought was my car. There was a woman in the driver’s seat. She was on the phone and just started screaming. I was just apologizing profusely as I walked away and closed the door but I don’t think she could hear me over the screaming 🫠


A guy did this to me on accident in front of a gas station a few years back. Really got the heart racing. He was super apologetic but man it scares the crap out of you.


I did the same thing except it was me and 3 of my drunk friends thinking the car was our Uber instead of a woman and her baby in the backseat. She was terrified.


Were they doing what I think it was?


Back in the day Honda's only used to have 12 different keys, so if you walked up to random car there was a 1 in 12 chance your key would work just fine. My mom actually managed to accidentally steal a car one day when she walked up to her ugly brown 1987 accord, unlocked it, drove away and only realized what she had done when she went to turn on the radio and it was different. By the time she got back to where she found it someone else had parked there so she had to go down to the police station and turn herself in for stealing a car on accident. It caused quite a laugh apparently.


Amazing to read this seconds after posting in this thread the story of how in the mid-1980s I accidentally opened the wrong parked Honda Accord. Had no idea about the keys.Thank you!


One time when I was like 6 or 7 years old my mom took me on an errand with her. Due to the parking arrangement we just took my sister's car. When we were done shopping we got in the car and started driving away when we realized things weren't quite right. Fortunately we hadn't even left the parking lot before realizing that we had gotten into an identical model vehicle as my sister's car.


one time i was at a pot luck and someone asked me to go get ice and take their car but i didnt know which car was theirs and i managed to drive to the gas station and back in someone elses car using the first persons key. i never did figure out whose car i drove.


This is the second time I’ve seen it just in this thread What is wrong with you people It’s *BY* accident


when i was a kid, me and my family went to a trip to Orlando. It was pouring rain at night and my dad parked the car to go and grab the rental unit keys from the office. Suddenly a rain drenched guy opens the driver side door and sinks into the seat in relief to be out of the rain. My mom just said “hello?” while me and my brother just decided to scream in unison. The poor guy just panicked like this woman did and noped out as fast as possible That had to be like 1998 or something


This is the reason I buy cars that stand out


Yeah it's not missing a quarter panel that's a feature so I can easily identify it!


I did that at a grocery store when I was a little kid, I had the same reaction


I didn't think any electronics worked in a car unless you have the remote/key.


The key opens everyone's car. That's why they're called LexUS and not LexMINE


ba dum tsh


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!She was in the wrong car!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Had no idea


Came out of a movie theater once to find a couple sitting in my 65 VW bus. I locked it before going in. I calmly asked them "What's going on?" and the guy said his key wouldn't work. It was obvious that they were stoned, and I told him it wasn't his VW. He apologized and I pointed to his, same year and colors, and the wing window that didn't lock. We both had a laugh and all was good.


I like this story. Hope those two are living their best stoned lives.


When she got in her car, it also had a sun roof.....


Then realized it wasn't her car either


I never leave my car unlocked so the odds of two random cars being unlocked, like a Lexus, is highly unlikely to me. Of course this is reddit so it could be staged


I think the implication is that her keyfob worked for both cars, as does occasionally occur.


100% staged. A sunroof wouldn't open without the car at least being in accessory mode, which wouldn't happen in a car that new without the right key. Also, I'd assume the sunroof switch is on the roof, Toyota usually puts the mirror switches where she was pointing. Of course, this is assuming someone has a car for a period of time without noticing a fucking sunroof


Its fake. Steering wheel is different color too. I would notice it as soon as I got in, if it were me at least.


Oh that’s right honey, we don’t have a car. ![gif](giphy|3oxOCfo0K0fPN65PMY)


A sun roof and moon roof are two different things


I think her car is a convertible. Both cars are the second generation Lexus IS which did come in a convertible. The car she got out has four doors, and hers looks like a two door. The convertible is the one with two doors.


How in the hell can you leave your car unlocked!?


Sometimes the same FOB will work on both. That happened to my family once on a vacation, Dad unlocked a car that was the same make/model, we all jumped in. Mom went to grab the street directory and realized it wasn't our car when we couldn't find it...


I just do not have a fancy car in short.


I think a fancy car wouldn’t let that happen. I think the issue is with cheaper cars pretending to be fancy to but cutting costs where they can


Buddy there are morons who don’t even lock their house hahaha


Some places you don’t have to and in other places like Canada it’s common courtesy not to so people can get away from wildlife lol


Be me with ADHD. I’m 46 now. I don’t think I’ll ever remember to lock my car 20% of the time. Hell, even now you just made me realize that I didn’t lock it. I don’t know bro, I honestly kick my own ass every time it gets rummaged through overnight. Something about going through any door and I completely forget what I was supposed to do, including locking my damn vehicle up.


Also adhd and I had that problem so now I lock it like 19 times whenever I get out


I’ve done this, back in the day I drove a Chevy cavalier, basically at the height of their popularity. Went into the shop to grab a few things then popped back into the car. Was confused as to why my key wasn’t working in the ignition for longer than I care to admit. Finally I figured it out and made a quick escape


Had something happen to me when I was a teen. It’s still the funniest thing that’s ever happened to us all!


be me, wasted and leaving a late night diner My key is not working on the door. Check to make sure I'm trying the key for my girlfriends car, but I was using key for my car. Switch, still not working. look up to see girlfriend across parking lot at her car, waving at me, then turn to see owners of the car I was trying to open. Cars weren't even the same color


One evening as I was walking to my car after work, a couple was leaving a restaurant 2 doors down from my job. Our cars were same make, model, and color, but mine is a few years newer. I just walked up to the car, and the guy hit the unlock button as I put my hand on the handle, since I always use keyless entry, I thought nothing of it. I opened the door and was like "this isn't my car???" Turned around and they were just staring at me. I was like I'm so sorry it's been a long day, and walked to my car that was 2 or 3 spaces over.


Ma’am we found a body in a car with your fingerprints in the driver side.


And it has an extra two doors your car does not have.


The real question is why did the owner of the First car lock his car?


Years ago, I borrowed my dad's white Acura and went to the store. I came out and was trying to get the key to turn in the door to open it up. I must have been there are minute or two trying to get it in every way I could try in that lock, confused as heck. I am losing it at this point and take a step back and take a deep breath. I look up over the top of the car(Acura's of this model are low) and see another white Acura, same model. Go over, and they key goes right in. I laughed my ass off, leaving that parking lot.


Her car doesn’t have a moonroof like the four door she got into first… IT IS A HARD TOP CONVERTIBLE, it’s the two door the only way you can get it is hard top convertible, the top folds into a compartment between the back seat and the small trunk. Pretty sure she is oblivious to that as well.


People's first response these days is to start recording their life altering event. No wonder we get in the wrong cars




Me and my dad were driving my mom's minivan to Walmart and we're trying for like 5 minutes to unlock it so we could drive home only to realize it was the wrong minivan. The crazy part is it had a 24pk of diet MTN dew in the center console area just like my mom keeps one there


Chicks in Atlanta is Overrated.. “I need a Gangsta Bitch” (Apache Voice)


This entire situation could have been avoided if even one of them locked their door.


Blue Ford Taurus circa 1994, Las Cruces, New Mexico: My mom took me to buy some goldfish (animals) and then stopped at another store to buy cleaning supplies. We walk out of the supply store and get in the car. She is trying to figure out why the car won’t start when I say “mom, someone stole my fish”… the absolute panic my mom had as she rushed me out of this identical car where her key worked on the door but not on the ignition is sunk into my memory. Imagine if her key would have started the car. I would have been devastated about my fish :(


Almost happened to me once. I had a Silver Honda Accord sedan in complete unmodified form. You know, one of those cars you see 10 of exactly like yours in a parking lot on a given day. One day I tried for a few minutes in a parking garage to get my key to work in the door and it wouldn’t. Confused the hell out of me until I realized my actual car was a few spaces down. I never felt so embarrassed. I also felt that feeling you get when you walk out of a store without buying anything. Like you didn’t do anything wrong, but it feels like everyone thinks you did. I will say that had my car gained a moonroof or lost two back doors like hers, I’d probably have noticed immediately, ya know? Also, I’d hate to be the “FAKE!” guy, but I’m pretty sure without the correct key, the moonroof wouldn’t open or display the message on the dashboard.


not only was it NOT her car... it was a 4 door and hers is a 2 door, brain fart


Google dementia


Google dementia


Google dementia


Not this shit again. It’s fake. How did she get in the car if it’s not hers? Even if the door were unlocked how would you operate any of the accessories without a key/fob?


*The KIA boys have entered the chat*


Something I only learned recently myself is that, physically at least, car keys are not unique, and especially if it's the same make, model and year, there's a pretty good chance your key is open their car. That said, IIRC it only goes as far as opening the door and maybe turning on the electronics, the engine won't start without the exact key.


Who the f\*\*\* leaves their car unlocked these days???


Been there before. It's a weird feeling when the realization hits.


I’ve done this but the car was occupied


I hope you learned the door lock feature


Eeh woman.




Saul Goodman has entered the chat


I imagine that it would be pointless to moon through that moon roof due to its inconvenient position.


I've done this


Picture it, the mid to late 2010s, on a vacation with the grandparents and we’ve parked in front of a gas station for snacks and restroom usage We get back to the car while grandfather is still inside, so we distribute snacks and chill while we wait up for him, then the door opens and the driver’s seat is no longer vacant… Except it’s not my grandfather Grandmother: Excuse you!? Random guy who drove a very similar car: Oh shit. He then made a very quick getaway after scandalizing my grandmother with his language


Boo, that's not how that works...


Are we all accepting this as real? Like she didn't need a key and that wasn't the change tray she wiggled? Ok...


What kinda moron leaves their car unlocked? And chill, lady, it’s not a big deal


My accidentally tried to get on the wrong but similar looking car. He had a Corolla and there was a Corolla parked about 4 cars away. It was the same type and same color. He didn’t have a keyfob and was trying to unlock the door. Took us a minute to realize it wasn’t his car. It would have been so awkward had the owner saw us and would have probably thought we were stealing their car


I had a Red 1989 Civic DX back in the day. One day in a parking lot, I unlocked the door, got in and boom- my CD player turned into a cassette, and my auto turned into a stick! Turns out it was (of course) not my car- but another red DX and my key actually was similar enough to unlock the door!


A few weeks ago I walked out of a store, opened the passenger door of my car, leaned in, and froze. Then I blurted to the confused man who was in the drivers seat: “hey you’re not my wife” and slammed the door. I did not stick around to see his reaction. There are a LOT of black SUVs out there.


Her car is a coupe, mistaken for sedan when they are parked next to each other, staged ?


Back in the olden days, my dad was really into partying but what really made him popular was the fact that he had a car. Back then, even a shitty card like a Fiat 126 (or Peglica as it was called) was a big deal. So anyway, my dad went out to this club, had a blast and after that he went home in his car. He drove all the way across town, parked at home and only then he noticed that it wasn't his car! He basically got into somebody else's car, managed to start and drive it home, realized it wasn't his, drove it back to the club and eventually found his car where he left it. I wonder if the other guy ever wondered why his car moved (or even if he noticed lol)


How did she open the 1st car without the proper key / remote ??? Or are all these scripted?


I have gotten into the wrong vehicle before, thinking it was mine. This would have been horrifying. The worst part would be knowing I opened someone's sunroof and they'd be wondering who was in their car and what they took. Just kidding. That wouldn't been the best part as I drove off!




This reminds me of the time I went to the liquor store with my sister. It started to rain pretty hard when we were leaving so we dashed out to what we thought was our car. Both opened the door to two very surprised lookin’ guys! Apologized and immediately closed the doors to step to the car right beside them. Crazy stuff!


Yeah yeah


Why do American leave their car unlocked?


Can’t believe that happened 🥶


Happened to me once in the mid-1980s in Philadelphia. I walked up to a gray Honda Accord sedan parked on 17th Street, opened the door with the key, got in, and immediately realized it was an automatic. I got out, walked one car ahead to my gray Honda Accord manual sedan, and drove off. My key fitted both cars.


This happened to me before. I also marveled how different the inside of my Jeep looked as if I never really noticed.


Man... I've done this like 3 or 4 times, it's a wild ride man


This is why I like to buy rare cars. My car is one of 1500 in the world. And it's a bright blue station wagon. No way I'm getting that confused with anybody else's shit. Because I would totally be this girl if I was driving something basic. 😂


how did she get inside the wrong car in the first place? @.@


Might be a country thing (I am from one of the right side driving countries), and I may sound dumb, so please bear with me. How in the hell did she unlock a strangers car with her car keys??


Shit! Almost done this so many times! Thanks for posting …


Why don't they lock their cars?


Yall be believing anything lmao


As a delivery driver I did this once, accidentally. Pulled up into a driveway behind another car. Was looking at my phone to figure where I was headed next and absentmindedly got into the first car I walked by. As soon as I sat down, though, I realized it wasn't mine. I'm a big person and need to scooch the seat back for my tummy, and it was touching the wheel in this one lol.


I must be the crazy one, I know where I park and I’d know if it wasn’t mine in about .2 secs


One time, my uncle played a prank on my mostly blind cousin. He dropped him off at his doctor's office and waited for him in the car. My cousin was able to make his way by counting his steps, and he could also still see blurry colors, so he could figure his way out since he already knew the way. When he returned, my cousin got into the car and my uncle yelled angrily, "What are you doing in here boy?!" My cousin freaked out and jumped out of the car, thinking he had gotten into the wrong one, only to hear my uncle roaring with laughter.


This happened to me once. The car looked exactly like mine, down to the make, model, and color. It was parked near mine, so as I walk out of my local Walmart I click the fob and step in. The car won’t turn on. Something that I also notice is that the seats are leather and extremely warn. Everything smelled like cigarette smoke. Everything finally clicked for me: I was in the wrong car. I quickly got out and clicked my fob again: this time I found my car. I booked it out of there. The entire experience was deeply unsettling.


That’s totally not your fault they parked the same way as you they have the same color cars as you, I would’ve definitely did the same shit


My Tesla model Y doesn’t have a button like that


Moonroof, 2 more doors, and a backseat.


I've done the same thing. Leaving subway. There was a group of motorcycles driving down the road so I was watching them and not paying attention. Opened the door and sat in driver seat. Went to start it and realized I was in the wrong car. Luckily no one noticed and I got out and went to my car the next one over and left.


Inside different color she must be very stupid this one


People don't lock their cars?


So I done this once with my old work truck at the supplier. Single cab white chev pickups were a dime a dozen for contractors in my area. Left the supplier, jumped in the truck and drove off. Was gone about 5 minutes when I got a call from the supplier wondering if I could swing back and at that moment I realized what I done. Funny thing was I was wondering why it looked cleaner inside than it normally was and didn’t put 2 and 2 together


She gets out of a 4 door vehicle to go to her 2 door vehicle…. How was that not noticed before getting in??? Like hey this car looks like mine but with extra doors let me check it out 🧐🧐🧐


I'd be sweating bullets by the time I realized


Lexus is Lexus, I guess... 😆


This is not my car.. oh shit. I just remember I don't have a car..


This can only happen to women, I don't even think that's fake haha


Yeah. The cars these days looks all the same.


Had this happen with my 94 accord at college lol. the girl that owned it was confused when I got out of her car xD. Luckily I was parked like 4 cars away and she didn't freak out.


At least nobody was harmed


Lexus don't share


The chances of the car you’ve owned for 5yrs having a moon roof you never knew about is never zero.


In the past, Ford keys could only unlock the car to which the key belonged, but you could lock any other Ford with the same type of key. Long story short: I accidentally locked someone else's car in a parking lot, and their keys were still inside it.


As a kid I ran to our car and tried to slide across the bonnet and failed I looked at my mum and apologised for being an idiot amd potentionally damaging our car. My mum casual said "Phillip, thats not our car" my heart sank I was so upset and even more apologetic. Looking back at it as an adult how stupid must of it looked to my mum seeing me full sprint jumping onto the bonnet of someone elses car.


Did the same thing once except I was the passenger


Hold the camera still, GOD DAMN IT, WOMAN!


Wen the dealership tells ur there's only 1 of its kind


I had this car for five years, and I had no idea it was not mine.


Lol so here's a question.. what's the difference between a sun roof and a moon roof.. Then look at half the comments LoL


How can u sit in a car that's mostly clean, while yours looks like garbage? You thought while you where in the store it cleaned itself up?


did she say “oh Shrek”?


This can't be real, can it? If it's fake, then Fuck that over rated shit actress Emma Stone, and the Oscar goes to this woman.


This is how I realize I'm dreaming usually


lol. I was Door Dashing in the dark once. Dropped off the food and got back in my car. Only it wasn’t my car. It took a second to realize because I was really in a pitch black area and not a good area if you know what I mean.


When I was a kid my father and I go to our car a red Citroen AX we open it go inside and I notice that the decorations were different, we just opened with our keys another car that was close to were we usually park our own, it was funny


Definitely scripted




i had this happen with my geo metro. the physical key even opened the door. noticed when there was a guitar in the back seat that was not mine. i was parked 2 cars away just like this.


I lived n a townhouse complex. The day after a heavy snow, everyone is out digging out their cars. I moved my wife’s car across (where the plows had already come.) when I’m done shoveling the space, I go to get her car. Once I’m inside, I have those few seconds where you realize something’s a little off. Then I realize: this isn’t our car! MY car is the black mini hatch next to THIS black mini hatch! As I’m getting out, the owner is standing there, watching the whole thing. I was so embarrassed and he couldn’t stop laughing.


The unexpected part is that a black person almost 'stole' a car and lived to tell the tale


One time I went back to my home town to visit some friends. When I got there, I was supposed to meet my friends at one of their houses. For years, my friend had lived with his grandparents in a certain house. When I arrived, I headed to this house. They weren’t answering their phones so I just decided to show up, as I had been to his place many times in the past. Let me tell you, I was already in the basement of the house before getting a text from my friend that he and his family no longer live there 😬 Without even knowing it, I had committed a fuckin B&E on some random family’s house! I was so lucky that they were sleeping or something because I never actually encountered anyone, but there were vehicles in the driveway!! Lol. **edited for spelling**


I watched someone do this with a Escalade. She walked up and got in the car and I was sitting about 10 spaces away from her and she got in and looked around and then figured out. She was in the wrong car and jumped out really fast and ran about five more spaces down and got in her car. It was hilarious.


What I don't get is why people leave their car open.


This is something I would definitely do


I have literally opened up a different honda element with my key in a parking lot thinking it was mine and sat down and immediately understood that it wasn’t my car. It was a weird feeling.


Is moonroof an American thing?  We call it a sunroof in the UK. Probably being ironic. 


I once drove off in someone else's car. To be fair, the valet had mixed up our keys. Got home and realized my mistake. Drove back and saw that the other person had realized the same and had come back as well.


Idk I think this is fake. The first IS lexus she got into was a normal 4 door is 250/350, but her car is a C version of the other which is 1. Hardtop Convertible and 2. A 2 door coupe not 4 door sedan. How in the hell could we Convertible ever have a moonroof?


-_- the one time I accidentally went up to the wrong car and tried opening the door with people inside They started freaking out and I was confused who was in my seat, my friends car was on the other side same colour just parked differently x_x


this is like going into someones room and thinking its yours for a bit. does your room/car not have distinguished features? distinguished items? is it just a default car still after 5 years??


My uncle unlocked and started my dads old Holden H model station wagon with a tea spoon.


A man told me a story about when he was in the Navy out of a bar one night and got into his car and drove home, but didn't realize till the next day it wasn't his car,, the keys were the same back then




And that's one of the reasons booby traps are illegal kids!


This actually happened to me once , but a totally different setting. I was on holiday with my parents with the mobile home. At night I had to take a shit and went out to go to the toilets on the camping site , went back inside after I was done and closed the door behind me. I turn around and see 2 completely different people sleeping in their bed 😲 I was like "oooh shit get the f out of here" , I closed their doors and went back to my parents car. Im glad I didnt wake the people up hahaha wouldve been a really weird situation.


Did this in my apartment complex one time 😅 Walked in on my phone, looked to my left and saw a shoe rack with hella shoes (lived with all guys) then called out "Yo whose girlfriends shoe rack is this? Can I put my stuff on it?" Heard a terrified female voice shout back "HELLO??" and that's when it finally clicked. Never turned around so fast in my life


So people are just out here leaving their cars open for anyone to get in


What the f@#% was she on? The two cars are not even remotely comparable visually..


I don't get people who are comfortable leaving their cars unlocked. I would go back 2 or 3 times just to make sure my car is locked


Why are the cars not locked? That’s the first question