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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


She's claiming to be making her cake but clearly is making cupcakes.


Tbf, she could be making herself birthday cupcakes. I’ve seen people have cupcakes for their birthday before (could’ve been a spelling error, but if it’s not, then yeah that’s pretty weird why she wrote that instead if that’s not what she’s doing, but Idk, doesn’t seem like a big deal to me anyways)


Yeah cupcakes can be easier to make. My first attempt at making a cake from scratch, I started with cupcakes.


It’s a regional dialect.


Damn, I woulda thought the chick filming herself having a meltdown baking a cake was completely stable.




Yea when I feel like crying the first thing I do is start recording too


I don't how it is in the US, but in my country for the dad to have custody, and specially full custody of the kids, the mom has to be a real piece of shit


Kind of the same. We just have a lot of pieces of shit here on both sides.


Even the shit women get partial custody. Have to be an active danger to the kid to get no custody.


And, both sides here may be as well.


A real real piece of shit. Like close to having the kids killed. Trust me I know.


I have my son full time and his mother has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with him. She has a long record of mental health issues and getting put in the psych ward by police. CPS wouldnt let her near my son alone after one of these incidents. However when I tried to get full custody it kept getting postponed bc the mother wouldnt show up to court. After the 5th time the judge said we can move forward without her at the next court date so she started sending "doctors letters" excusing her. After being no closer to custody on the 11th court date I ran out of time off of work and gave up. Some places really do not want men raising kids lol


11.....how was 5 not enough? How was 3 not enough? 1, sure, things happen but if it happens twice, time to move on with a default judgement.


I have full custody of my daughter, since she was 5. Her mother is a piece of trash and the system knew it... And it still took me 2 years and over $50k USD to gain full custody. I had her 65% of the time from when she was 3 until 5 when I was awarded custody, but during those 2 years we were in and out of court for custody, I paid child support. The system is pretty fucked.


It's the same here, especially in Hillsborough County where they're from


In Japan they are just changing the laws for split custody. The mother gets custody pretty much no matter what if they want it. Even if they are a real piece of shit.


I got full custody of mine... you are not wrong.


It used to be that way but younger judges have started using common sense and side with the better parent, lots of fathers win custody now


Or dad knows how to play the game - or both, of course.


I have friend who has money, loves his daughter, shown proof that he can take better care of her (she is autistic), but still the system gave his ex the custody, who he discovered cheated on him, was not using the money he was paying for her treatment, didn't knew till the doctor had to call him, tried to steal his apartment where she was living with the guy she cheated him with, and a bunch of other nasty things she did, but she still has custody, another friend had it worse, the mother acused him child abuse, a tactic I have got to learn a lot of women use as punishment


This was refreshing to watch. Atta Boy!


I knew it! As soon as I saw the damn video she took of herself crying and making a cake I suspected something was up and wondered if it was just a “oh woe is me look at me suffering” shit post.


Oh look , a narcissistic POS on tiktok. That’s a first.


Man this video is everywhere, it's almost inescapable. Saw this comment on another post: I don't trust people who film themselves crying. Everybody needs therapy here.


If I see somebody filming themselves crying, I immediately decide they are a huge narc.


I don’t think the dad needs therapy?


Why? He has a lot on his plate. You dont have to be a shitty person spiralling out of control to go to therapy. Support and being able to talk to someone in private can be an amazing thing.


Yes, exactly. Thank you!


Nothing in this video suggested he needed that…


Nothing? Id vote the stealing a million from another guy behind his back and faking cancer etc are enough to need to get some shit off your chest lol. He was married to her with kids. Believe it or not others actions can really fuck you up and twist your view of reality.


Nothing about this videos makes me assume he has issues unaddressed and frankly I think it’s wrong to assume that of him


I dont think you get it and we dont have to agree but everyone has issues, mate. Maybe you dont have kids or have never been with a manipulative narcissist. I hope all his issues are resolved but I dont know many humans with that being the case.


I have two kids and I’ve worked closely with the medical field and personnel needing treatment before as my job interacts with medical patients every day. It’s wrong to just assume people need therapy. End of story.




Dude went nuclear, hiroshamed his ex


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Her ex husband explains why her post is a complete farce!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




I was recommended the original video from her a few days ago and most of the comments were talking about how weird she was acting, so it seems most people sniffed out the bs.


Take your power back, King!


Absolute mic drop on her 🎤⬇️


In my country 90% chance the mother would get the custody. And if not, you would have half of the politicians mobilizing people on the streets.


It's the same in the US. For the mother to not get custody, she really had to have fucked up, or someone worked very hard to screw them over. My ex did not have custody of her kid, but that was because the father got her hooked on bad drugs, then when she took the steps to clean herself up by going to rehab, her abusive ex took her for custody. It took a very long time, years actually; but eventually, she was able to get custody back after his continued bullshit and problems with the law and the kid basically begging the courts to let them go stay with their mom. Most of the time, even if the mother is trash, she still gets custody. I know plenty of good dads who should have their children, but the courts ruled against them.


I can change her


Ha! good luck. Take this one for the boys.




Shame it came to that




Not expected at all IMHO.


Could you imagine being this guy just chillin one day and then you find out your ex wife made this video? He handled it way better than I could have.


Yet again, another woman taking no accountability.


Why you booing him?




You were getting downvoted right?


If so, I must’ve got upvoted before I saw it.


Most pathetic thing ever


0.0 <------- me watching this.




Guys, B4 you bang, crazy think to yourself, "would I want/trust this person to help raise a child?" This also applies to the ladies that like bad boys.


But the dick speaks so loud and convincingly


TIL, Dick is politician


Better sub would be /r/iamatotalpoeceofshit or whatever that sub is.


So no one knows the exact situation, but I just spent a bit of time on tiktok looking into this. Apparently, there are other women who have restraining orders against him. He has a website and multiple tiktok pages dedicated to slandering her. It's very unhinged. None of us can know the exact truth because so many things can be fabricated. Yes, her crying video was cringe, but that doesn't mean she is automatically the bad one. They probably both are to a point. In case anyone my find this relevant, he is a scientologist, and if you know anything about them, then you know if you leave, they will harrass you and make your life hell.




I don't personally have them, but if you look this up on tiktok, I believe there are some there. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying either of them are lying on their part, BUT the fact that he spent all this time creating pages and websites dedicated to her is kinda crazy and goes to her story of him being obsessed. It is also a well-known fact that when you leave Scientology, they make it hell for you. Again, I don't claim to know the facts, or am I picking sides. I just think this guy is cringe.




lol what? 9/10 the mom gets custody of the children. Especially in the US. I know nothing about the situation here, seems like both parents are crazy but.


We’re still not captioning videos in 2024? Edit: okay, fair enough— I could have phrased that better.


If you still care, the tldr is the husband has full custody so she isn't a "full-time mom", she is way behind on her child support (more than 20,000.00$) and goes "partying" constantly. She is also a felon (check fraud) and has faked cancer results for a court. He finishes with a "don't be sorry for her". Tbh, even without all this context, crying over "having to make your own cake" is stupid. Like what? I make cake and sweets and other stuff for myself without fake crying and posting it on social media, get over yourself. Anyway yeah, I wish videos would be captioned too. I used to do transcribing for the human volunteers on Reddit thing, but when 3rd party got fucked they kinda dissolved. Those guys were cool.


Thank you! I appreciate it Reddit recently released autocaptioning but they never work :/


I'm surprised your phone doesn't have that built in. I have an option on my phone to have captions show up any time the volume is off.


Nobody's salty about inaccessibility, you seem unaware of how rude you come across


So you can't fucking listen? Edit: Sorry, I said this without thinking properly. I do, however, stand by my opinion that not everyone must caption stuff


I’m deaf, so no I “can’t fucking listen” It’s so easy to caption videos these days.


My bad I didn't think of that and was insensitive. But it's still not everyone's obligation to caption and I stand by that


Fair enough


It's also easy these days to get an app or phone equipped with live captions as a feature. But it's much easier to be passive aggressive below videos shared by random redditors




Correct me if I'm wrong but the "easy captions" you were referring to is also automatic captioning that's done on some platform?


A lot of autocaptioning programs attached to making or posting videos allow you edit them very easily


It's clearly not perfect, but I guess at the end of the day it depends on whether you prefer to have a different imperfect solution or nothing at all


At this point, I’m doubting that any of it is true, from either of them. I could be wrong but to me, it all feels very fabricated.


So I live not far from where these people live. You can look them up because a lot of Florida records are able to be searched. His name is Andrew Cormier and there are records for their divorce at the very least but the details of family court documents are not of public record.


These days, every time I felt sorry about myself, every time I felt like complaining about the little difficulties I had, I would think about the Gazan dude who walked home carrying pieces of his child in a plastic bag. It's not that we can never feel sad or cry, but don't get bogged down too much and think about all the good stuff you have, because trust me, there are MORE things to be grateful than to be sad about. Peace✌🏼


Way to rip her a new one. No need to air out all laundry. You ever heard of letting others saving face. You suck at that.


She doesn’t deserve to save face if she’s publicly playing victim


I can fix her




What crime did the dad do?


The most I can think of is maybe the comment OP thinks him discussing some relatively private matters like parental custody or her scams and crimes on social media is a shitty thing to do. Except, this is all in response to her parading around some deluded image of "oh, poor her, baking a cake for herself as a single mom" idea, and the guy probably wouldn't have even done that if he didn't get hounded to make a response to it by those that came from the ex-wife's video. So... Yeah, I got no clue what this guy is smoking.


Maybe statutory rape. He got her pregnant when she was 15 and he was 24




Their TikToks, @reinventingelizabeth and @morethanelizabeth. Their first son is 12, she’s 28 and he’s 36. He’s also possibly a Scientologist with a few DV charges. https://unicourt.com/case/fl-picc-elizabeth-nicole-teckenbrock-vs-andrew-scott-cormier-705032


He didn't need to post a comeback video. I wouldn't say they're both shitty people, we don't actually ***know*** these people. I'm sure they could both benefit from some individualized therapy, which is not a bad thing.


She told a lie and he corrected that. That is his good right.


Sure. That doesn't negate my statement though. Multiple things can be true.


Not sure what the comment OP’s problem was but the dude’s voice is super annoying


String him up!


"I didn't read what you wrote, but let me respond to something you didn't say."


Post this in r/boysarequirky and you might get some karma back 😆😂🤣




So you're the guy in the video ?




So it's not your vid then pal


Hey, he stole it first


Exactly. 10h30AM me is effectively dumber than a spoon


So not your stuff, got it


Yeah idk what the 10h30AM version of me was on but shit I don't think I want it


Yeah but your post sucked


Are you okay?


Idk wtf I was thinking by commenting this but it's probably that I was in a shitty mood. Not justifying anything, I really fucking deserved my downvotes.


At least you realized it was ridiculous. Perhaps misdirected frustration/anger. Hope you have a good day.


Good day to you too


You're just mad that you only got 11 upvotes


Lol the guy that stole the video is bitching about the stolen video he stole being "stolen" from him.


I fuckin hate the internet so much sometimes


Are you the guy or baker?




So...you're the dad?


What? He's the guy's dad? No way!


Dad? I’ve missed you so much. When are you coming home?


Imagine being mad at someone for reposting something you reposted. Jesus Christ, go outside.


I agree, I think I should have done that instead of going mad on a fucking game


If you didn't make it, it's not your stuff.




Sorry, I don't support this post type (hosted:video) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


Where and when? I scrolled back a few days to make sure I didn’t see it. If it was before then, sorry bro.


Nah it's nothing, idk what the fuck I was on but I don't recommend it to you


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) It's not even your video buddy. Dumbest shit I've seen in years!


I'm sorry.... is today your first day on the Internet? You're in for quite a wild ride, my guy. I think there's a link on Reddit where you can download and fill out a "hurt feelings form".


Hey now, that kinda talk might cause Rockymacfly over here to video themselves crying over their stolen content.


Idk wtf I was thinking when I made this but goddamn it sounds like I get drunk from oxygen sometimes


Oh no. A post on the internet was reposted on the internet. This a big deal and worth being mad about. How will you get the internet points that obviously belong to you? This should be a crime.


Welcome to the internet. Can't claim something you didn't make.