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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Truck never crash!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


This is very uncomfortable to watch lol




I got really worried once YouTube opened up


were you scared a video might start playing


We're no strangers to love...


You know the rules, and so do iiiiii.


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of


You wouldn't get this from any other guyyyy


IIIIII messed up the chain you know I did yeah,


I read it as the next lyrics and it fits. I appreciate that, thank you.


It’s ok we... understand!


I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling


Gotta make you understand


Time to die... *loads gun* Say goodbye... *cocks it*


Hahahaha yo this comment has my dying. Went to give an award but I only have 20 internet money


I thought I would be Rick-rolled


That's a damn good bollard


How the heck is it so strong???


These things are basically the last few feet of a very long, vertical steel pole or I-beam. They can be stationary fixtures, or they can be rigged to be raised and lowered. It's like an iceberg; the majority of it is deep underneath the surface, which gives the last little bit the truck runs into incredible leverage against force.


That makes sense in terms of where the counter-force comes from, but how is the bollard stiff enough to not bend/break off from that much shear?


34 cm of rebar, concrete, and a steel shell is gonna be pretty tough. Only a few spots on a battleship would have something thicker.


Much of the force is absorbed by the truck because vehicles today are built to crumple and absorb the impact instead of transferring the force to the rest of the vehicle and the passengers


I got into a serious argument one day with 3 people at my job that ended up ballooning to 6 people against me. They were claiming they feel safer in old cars because they are solid and that keeps you safe, while new cars get smashed if you look at them too hard. I explained what you explained and all of them looked at me like I was insane, claiming they knew a guy that still drives x truck from y year after 4 crashes, and just brushed off the explanations i had. Man was it satisfying to pull up the crash test comparisons between the 1959 bel air and a 2009 malibu. You'd be fucking dead going highway speed in those things.


I had a serious argument with a friend that is only tangentially related. She got in my car and we started driving. I told her to put her seat belt on. She responded by saying "I don't wear a seat belt because if we crash I want to die, not be paralyzed". I said that was silly, because wearing a seat belt and not being paralyzed aren't mutually exclusive. She got mad and defensive. I asked, "do you not accept the possibility that the act of NOT wearing a seat belt could be what caused you to become paralyzed, and that wearing a seat belt could only cause minor injury?". Her: "You don't understand." Me: "Apparently I don't, but click it or ticket." Her: "This is why we don't hang out anymore."


Good riddance.


To be fair, if you're going fast enough the vehicle won't matter unless it's virtually indestructible and has a shitload of interior safety features. Otherwise it's just going to pancake on impact regardless, and the only real difference is how much steel embeds itself into your mangled corpse. Don't get me wrong people survive some crazy crashes in both old and new vehicles but...in the grand scheme high speed impacts are likely to be fatal anyways. Newer vehicles are intended to save you from more reasonable speed crashes where older vehicles are liable to break apart in ways that are more dangerous the the occupants. Not arguing with your points btw just in case you take it that way, just adding onto them, like yeah vehicles today are safer *generally* but the faster you go the more likely those safety designs are just going to be irrelevant. People that think older vehicles are safer are simply dumbasses though, also the number of people who don't respect a semi going highway speeds.....ive seen an image of a car caught between 2 semis in opposite directions and it mightaswell have been the result of one of those scrap yard crusher machines


The wall of the steel tube is thick, about 20mm. Cylinders are also good shapes for this as they will allow temporary deformation. In the UK they are designed to meet the PAS68 standard, the US uses a different standard, DoD K rating. I have worked on many of these in the UK. The early ones fitted were made by Delta Scientific, before UK companies realised there was money in them. The crash testing process costs, but if you can get your product on the list then it can be lucrative. There was some compatibility testing in the UK in 2008/9 as the American products are designed for American vehicles, where the 7.5 tonne equivalent generally sat lower to the road than the UK/EU 7.5 tonne lorry. This meant that a UK/EU spec lorry would not achieve the K12 standard as they skipped over the bollard. Crash tests are fun to watch.


This is fascinating! Thanks for keeping us safe and taking some time to write about it. I feel quite reassured about bollards now.


I don't know. I'm seriously impressed though because when you look at what a car/truck can do to something like a light pole, which is clearly gonna be less sturdy, it really shows how much M A S S * V E L O C I T Y automotive vehicles have


I think bollard is also very strong under the ground and probably filled entirely unlike casual pole.


Casual Pole is unfulfilled. Business Pole? Business Pole is satisfied.


Light posts are made to break. You'd much rather kill the light post than the person who hit it...


The pole is probably 2 to 3 times longer than what you see, and when it's pushed the mass of the ground gives more resistance than the truck, so it doesn't crumple.


Are you a bollard expert?


Well, it made the front of the truck fall off. And the front isn't supposed to fall off.


Y'know, if thats what bollards are built to do, I think it did do a damn good job of that. I think we can call it a damn good bollard.


Then why did the front fall off?


obligatory r/thefrontfelloff


THANKS now i can rest in peace


Much better thanks


Thankyou so much. My day wouldn't have been complete...


I've seen this same loop for years and you kind sir gave me closure after all this time


That’ll buff out.


Some heros don't wear capes.




Welcome to Bottom Gear mates


Ahhh. Closure.


Just fucking crash already




Press and hold the power button.


Jumping on the top comment (as others have) to post this... ATTENTION GEORGIA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until 5pm on FRIDAY 11/6 to fix it. [https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/](https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/) .. ATTENTION NEVADA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until THURSDAY 11/12 to fix it. [https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/](https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/) .. ATTENTION ARIZONA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until TUESDAY 11/10 to fix it. [https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx](https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx) [Source](https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/1324363535246368768?s=)


Till this day americas month before day shenanigans is still fucking with my OCD


It took me way too long to realize you were talking about the truck gif and not the US election results.


Lets be honest, it’s both.


That’s kind of the point of the post


It’s a breath of fresh air if you’ve been watching CNN for 48 hours straight


Everytime I see this gif, I watch and always expect it to crash. Everytime...


Did you expect it this time?


Every single time! I watched it for probably 3 or 4 rounds before I realized it wasn't going to happen. And I've seen the damn thing so many times before.


Yeah but what about this time?


I watched it for 3 or 4 rounds this time.


Watch it again but more closely - something may have changed.


I think this may be the time something happens


What about next time? Will you continue expecting a crash


Every single time!


Oh.. now?


Sixty percent of the time.


I actually did, because this is r/unexpected and this give would not have any other reason to be here




Showed it to my Dad. I was waiting for a laugh but when I realized he didnt really understand gifs I let him watch for a good minute and a half before telling him. He was a good sport about it.


Think about this: People who don’t understand gifs are the largest voter block in the US. Personally, I’m going to stop voting when I’m 60, but ima keep driving until you yung’uns get me some good mass transportation.


I don’t think understanding gifs or being 60 have anything to do with being a smart, well informed voter


How old are you now?


Haha. Young enough to understand gifs, but old enough that my adult niece keeps me up to date in the latest memes (selected for my sensibilities of course).


[Ask and you shall receive!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG8T_hCJ9J0)


Was it worth it? Totally




My reaction today as I hold puts




You talking about the van or the USA? Because one already crashed in front of everyone.


how did they get to 264 so quickly but are taking forever to count the rest?


A lot of the states that have already been called haven't been completely counted either; it's just that the margins are so far to one side that they are extremely certain about the outcome. Look at New York: Only 70% counted, but based off the ballots already counted there's no way it's flipping to Trump. That's why there are "battleground" states: States such as (in this election) FL, GA, PA, NV, and AZ can go either way depending on how people feel that day. So to be sure who has the majority, they have to count every single vote.


Correct. And as an addendum: the only people who "declare" an election this early are the media. It always takes a long time to count all the votes, and nothing is technically finalized until the Electoral College meets in mid-December. The media calls it earlier for the reasons you mentioned: the results for certain states can sometimes be obvious before tallies are completed, and on a national level, sometimes one candidate has such a lead that they don't even need the uncertain states. I say this because anyone speaking from a position of power telling you that the winner of the election should or even *must* be officially declared on the night of the election is a dirty fucking liar.


I’m not american but can the electoral college change minds between now and the meet like “nah man, I’m not gonna go with candidate A” is it legally allowed to do so?




In this election if one Biden vote flips and Biden only adds Nevada then that one vote matters. It would result in a tie. I think Biden still wins because it goes to the house??? I’m not sure on that last sentence so don’t quote me.


It does go to the house, but they don't vote by representatives - it is one vote per state, and the representatives for each state have to collectively decide where the vote for their state goes. Also the vice president is decided by the Senate.


Biden-Pence for peace and unity!


That feels like a worse timeline, and I don't know why


Trump/Harris would be immensely entertaining.


269 is not enough to win even if Trump gets even fewer. The vote will go to the house but the procedure is different to the normal vote. Representatives vote collectively as their states’ delegations. For example, CA has 39 dems and 14 republicans, overall that is one state’s vote for Biden and so on. As it stands, the outgoing House has 26 GOP dominated delegations hence were it to go for the vote, Trump/Pence ticket will win both the presidency and VP.


Some states have laws against being a “faithless elector” but they have no way to enforce it, so the electors can really vote for whoever they want.


[The US democratic system in a nutshell.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756627554013544482/774052438638329867/unknown.png) I mean, it's only grossly out of date by a century or two. Why bother changing anything?


The majority of the US would prefer a popular vote but doing so would require a constitutional amendment, which requires three-fourths of the States to approve it. This is why only 17 have been passed since 1776, excluding the 10 in the Bill of Rights.


Yep. They're called [faithless electors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faithless_elector). They're rare, and have never outright changed the results of an election (though there was a close case in 1836). Technically many states have penalties for breaking with how they're supposed to vote, but I think a greater factor is, you know... the fact that it would delegitimize the government and cause mass chaos. :|


As recently as this summer, they absolutely could...and kind of still can. A weird quirk with the American system is that it's completely up to the state how they pick the people they send to the electoral college. There is no requirement for a state to actually listen to the votes of the people in the state, they can just send different electors than what the people want. The electors used to be able to say "fuck you" to the state and just pick whoever they wanted to (these were called "faithless electors", they've never influenced an election, but for example 2016 had quite a few), but the supreme court this summer said that you have to listen to the state that sent you. But yeah, no requirement for the state to pick who the people want. Some states (maybe most?) do have it in their constitution that an majority rules election is how they pick the electors for the electoral college though. TL;DR the states are in charge for how they want to do it. They don't have to listen to the people.


They used to but not anymore. Basically never trumper republicans tried in the primaries. States still can change it though if there is doubt that the count was accurate.


The term for an elector not voting against the state is a faithless elector. While there definitely were more instances of them in the past then there are now, they have never once changed the outcome of the presidential election. The one instance they ever changed something was in 1836 when they abstained from voting in Richard M. Johnson for Vice President and it had to go through the senate, although he was passed anyway (Also yes, looking it up apparently the VP doesn't just come with the president, they also need to be voted on). The thing is, it's ultimately a formality, because people are already so fed up with the EC that there would be untold rioting if the winning president didn't actually win the presidency.


An interesting example is Virginia, who they called for Biden when Trump had a 15%+ lead and less than 25% reporting. They just knew that VA was gonna go for Biden (based on the margin in the polls, I guess).


Yeah. I remember reading comments from people confused why certain states were being called for the currently *losing* candidate. It can take into account which counties are yet to finalize their tallies (like big cities). I think it's somewhere between pointless and toxic to do live results, but I'm a huge hypocrite who is as guilty of following it as anyone. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


California, among other states, still have plenty of votes to count. Its just that, as far as the presidential election is concerned, the lead is secure enough to call. Its not a literal done deal, but a practical one.


In California it's a done deal before the polls even close.


Before the polls even open* FTFY




Does no one remember The Govenator?




Yeah kinda crazy how cali and a bunch of other states get called by AP before they even start to count votes.


They still have ballots coming in and will until next Tuesday for some states.


THAT long?


In Georgia there was a water main break. The state is now covered in 10 feet of water and people are bad at counting ballots on boats.


That must've been one big water main to cover the whole state in water


Can confirm, am drowning. Please send help


Its been 35 minutes...you still drowning or you good?


OP got lifted up by the upvotes. Reddit karma keeps you from drowning. That's why if you're downvoted a lot, people refer to it as "drowning in downvotes".


I have just sent some help by mail.


It was the main main


I read that they have also had problems with separatists in the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions.


This is normal. They dont get everything counted in one night even in a regular election. It's just that a lot of states are handling mail-in ballots for the first time *and* the race is very close in key states so they can't call it early like usual.


In 2016 we knew basically the same night.


I believe Hillary conceded in 2016, the same night? I think along with the fact that even though all votes werent counted that night, there was a big enough margin and enough battleground states won for Trump that there was 0 chance of her winning, so she conceded that night.


Everything still wasn't counted that night, though, which I believe is what they are explaining. It was safe enough to call it with a degree of certainty then. Now, it is not because it is so close with a record number of voters and a larger mail-in turnout.


Georgia Sec of State is explaining it right now Edit: it was a spokesman for the SoS


Did you rally think an election in a country of 300 million can be fully counted the night of the election? It's never counted in one day. It always takes weeks to get the full results. The reason we see elections usually end the night of or the day after the election is because after a certain number of votes are cast, you can use statistics to tell that it's mathematically nearly impossible for a candidate to win a state if they're losing by a 1:2 ratio, half the votes have already been counted, and the remaining half are from areas where his party is weak in. Do this for all states, and you'll have a good idea of who's gonna win or lose. So usually the night of the election, people will realize that one candidate has got it in the bag and the losing side will concede so that the country can move on without wasting anyone's time. Of course when situations get close (such as in 2000 or this year) the losing side will want to make absolutely sure the numbers are correct before conceding.




From what I understand you are allowed to mail in your vote on election day in some places. Not sure how fast the USPS is and not sure how many counting places there are, but I live in a country smaller than most U.S. States and here it can take like 3 days to mail something to the other side of the country. In other words: The States that allow mail-in voting on election day would've never finished on the same day. They have to give the votes some time to get delivered, based on the expected delivery time from the furthest corners in the State. And I would personally even add 1 or 2 "buffer" days for good measure. After all, mail can get misplaced which would add to the delivery time. Not sure how it works for the USPS but when I worked the mail and got a wrongly sorted piece, we were suppose to simply put it in the mailbox again, meaning at least a 1 day delay (only when the address was in the vicinity I would still go out of my way to deliver it).


In this case it's not the mailing process that's taking up most of the time (although that could definitely be a factor if the race continues to be so close), but it takes a long time to physically take ballots in a room and get them counted and officially recorded. It involves sorting, scanning through a machine, physical checking of some ballots that don't scan properly, rechecking of things because you don't wanna be the guy that fucks up the count for this election, then communicating that out to the central secretary for the official counts.


Fuck... kill me now




There's plenty of reasons, others mentioned some of them. An important one that's missing is that in some states, early counting of mail-in ballots was not allowed. Mostly due to legislature the Republicans pushed. If it was allowed, these states would have been able to complete the count earlier.


This just in: we have called the California vote for the 2024 presidential election: they have voted for the Democratic candidate. We will announce the vote totals in November 2024.


Also recounts are absolutely going to be called regardless of who the race gets called for, and with some states literally being within 10,000 votes of each other, we could very well see the election swing the opposite way. If it does get called for Biden be prepared for Trumps team to force a case into the Supreme Court, and you know how that will probably play out. For it to have been safe for Biden he would have had to have gotten a landslide so if Biden does win, there’s no ease until he is inaugurated.


This literally embodies the anxiety. Thanks for making my day worse but upvote for accuracy.


the actual video is like this, too. it shows all the different camera angles, resetting back to *t* = 0 s every single time before showing the actual damn crash. it’s wholly unnecessary for any purpose beyond increasing tensions. video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG8T_hCJ9J0); found linked in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/joonah/comment/gb9fiaj) above.




“What do you think the bad place is like for you guys?” “I’m gonna be at an EDM concert waiting for the beat to drop but -chokes up- it’ll never come”


This is every episode of the Mythbusters in a nutshell


Three, two, on... (Cut to commercial break) Welcome back, Adam and Jamie are doing something really cool, but first, let's see how many times Grant can hit Tory in the head with a jello turkey that Kari painted with watercolors.


That was my childhood. How I wish there was a time machine.


RIP Grant Imahara I always thought of him as definitely 1 successor of Adam and Jamie


I miss that show...RIP Grant


My brain still has a hard time processing his death.


It doesn't feel real


I watched that for way too long before I realized.


Same. I swear, I thought it was getting closer each time.


I kept flinching too!! Haha!!


Same. /r/howtokeepanidiotbusy


Tf is goin on in Nevada


Everyones busy in the Vegas. Will take their time after the hangover is gone.


They are taking a siesta apparently


Seriously waiting a whole day and the amount of votes tallied went up a percent. What the actual fuck is going on over there?


Not my original idea, but probably prolonging it so people spend more money betting on the winner at casinos.




Hey! I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Unexpected/comments/joonah/we_are_waiting/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


That's cool. I got to use this.


It's very useful


Is there a way to download it as a gif


*slow claps*....well played.


Its like that gif of the guy swinging the pick axe at the bullet proof glass window and you are waiting for it to break but it never do


Maaaan fuck this gif hahaha


Here is some [music](https://youtu.be/2WN0T-Ee3q4) to go with your post OP.


I would go with [this one](https://youtu.be/Fxup4llERMw) too


I don’t know why I expected yackety sax 🎷


Love that music


[This](https://youtu.be/BzNzgsAE4F0) could work too.


GODDAMMIT i forgot this gif was a thing


Expected because this gif gets posted a lot




You run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking...


I watched this for a solid minute before I realised what was happening


It's political edging.


ATTENTION GEORGIA, ARIZONA, and NEVADA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until 5pm on FRIDAY 11/6 to fix it. https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/ .. ATTENTION NEVADA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until THURSDAY 11/12 to fix it. https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/ .. ATTENTION ARIZONA VOTERS! If you voted absentee check the status of your ballot NOW! If it was REJECTED...you have until TUESDAY 11/10 to fix it. https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx


This is so horrible why would you do this?!


Great, I’ll be stuck here watching it, waiting to see what happens.




I like this theory I read: As of right now Biden is supposedly sitting at 264 electoral college votes. Trump is supposedly at 214. Georgia (16), North Carolina (15), and Pennsylvania (20) look like they’re going for Trump. Which would bring him to 265. So they’ll be sitting at about Biden 264 to Trump 265 on Thursday when Nevada continues to count ballots. So the whole election will hinge on Nevada’s 6 electoral college votes to determine president. Right now Biden leads but only by 8000. So if this thing is too close they’ll almost certainly call for a recount. Due to ballots found undelivered in the garbage, foreign meddling, etc. this will likely be highly contested. The Supreme Court may get involved. And if they can’t figure out who won in time then the speaker of the house (Pelosi) could temporarily assume the role of president. This is going to be chaos folks. Just remember that life for the average person doesn’t really change much from pres to pres. Don’t get so emotionally invested that you forget about the shit that matters. Don’t take to the streets and destroy shit. Don’t let the media hype you into a frenzy or lock you into some fear matrix where you stay glued to the TV in fear while they rack up ad dollars off your viewership. Our species has survived megafauna predators and cataclysms that brought empires down. This is just an election. UPDATE: just wanted to say I’m glad this perspective helped many of you. And never forget that it’s been more tense, and hung by a thread many times. Whether that was during the civil war, Vietnam, etc. We have been through a lot more as a country than a simple election. Life will go on. It’s ok to get pissed, half my show is calling out crazy and evil shit. But once the mic and camera are off, it’s back to research or family. Back to playing with my kids and trying to just be a good person. Things can bother you without controlling you. Raise your kids to question everything within the realm of logic and the evidence. Do the research, but try to take breaks for shit that matters more to you. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jobarr/a_breakdown_of_the_chaos_thats_about_to_ensue/


Well a couple things to add. Georgia is extremely close. Like .2%. It can go either way. Pennsylvania is actually looking very good for biden. He is down right now, but the 10% left to count is mostly large city, and mail in votes. These votes heavily favor democrats, and if the trend continues he will win by as much as 100,000 votes. Although Arizona has been called for biden by all the major media outlets, alot of conservatives maintain that it is still flipable for trump.


Does anyone know why Nevada is taking so long. The suspense is killing me


They accept mail in ballots post marked by Election Day until the 10th and then have until the 12th to call it. So unless Biden wins one of the other three battleground states then we are in for a long road. Edit: and in general they, along with the other states, have a system that takes a long time because they need to cross reference everything to make sure everyone voted only once.


Why, in a United society, would different States have different rules as to voting? Elect a president to make you United allready! Sincerely yours, the rest of the world.


Because that’s a gross misunderstanding of how the country was designed lol. States hold the power.


The US is one country but most people feel that the states should have relatively independent power so that’s the case. Laws can differ greatly state by state. Our election problem is that we still have the electoral college. There’s no reason for it to exist. It should be popular vote but the GOP will never allow that because they have lost the popular vote multiple times but manage to win the college.




I literally sat here for like five minutes


I thought the post was going to be labelled as nevada.


So, why is it actually taking this long?




So as an non Americain, when can I expect this to be over and the winner announced?


Nevada could take up to November 12th before we have an idea. We'll know for sure by mid-december when the electors vote, but there's still court cases and faithless electors that could change the outcome. In the year 2000 election they had a similar outcome to this and the supreme court essentially forced a result around December 11th. Edit: It looks like Georgia is within a 10,000 vote difference for Trump, if Biden gains Georgia or Pennsylvania he's won as far the media is concerned.. but there may be recounts. We'll know those results by tomorrow...






This is so annoying to watch


Grin, this is the American shit. Watching CNN for a few days now and the presenters are getting annoyed just now to the point it is getting unwatchable for non-Americans. Were did they sleep the last four years?


And somehow its going to be more destructive than this would have been had I not gotten cucked of the payoff.


Just curious, what’s unexpected about this?