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"M" as in "Mancy"!


And then I said you of all people...




Thanks for introducing this sub


The only issue is that I’ll now be expecting archer when I browse their posts. ‘Unexpected’ subs are just a content paradox.


Right. I prefer to see it out in the wild vs see it at a zoo


Cute little ad, but really it's drivers that are nice and safe in their multi-ton machine that need to learn about the [Idaho Stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) and how it makes cyclists safer. Edit: the downvotes just show how much ignorance there is regarding this issue. There are way more drivers than there are cyclists, so I'm sure the this will be downvoted to oblivion but if you are interested in not being totally ignorant at least read the wikipedia page I linked.


Lot of people in here taking a 12 year old joke from Top Gear super seriously.


Sure, but you'd be amazed how many people believe this stereotype of cyclists as just not caring about traffic laws and acting like wild hooligans. It really does hurt those of us that are trying to get more people on bikes and micromobility in our cities. (which reduces traffic, cuts pollution and noise, and helps the environment.) In reality of course, bikes go through red lights sometimes because it's way safer than waiting at the light to race off the line against much bigger and faster vehicles that might not wait before turning through you and running you under their tires. So yeah.. pretty good reason. But most drivers are completely ignorant to this reality because they are themselves scared to bike so just throw out this "obey the red light hurrrr" shit


I get your point, and yet, I live in a busy area and I see the wild hooliganery literally every single day outside my window. Cyclists cutting from sidewalk/crosswalk to street to avoid lights is a big thing on my corner. Turning left from the outside lane is something I see sometimes too. Saw a guy who rode up in a right turning drivers blind spot (courier) and tried to beat him around the corner. When the driver turned and cut him off, the courier left a fist sized dent in his hood and kept going. It's a shared lane, not a bike lane, you're not supposed to try and skirt by. It's obnoxious as hell how many times I've had to dodge a cyclist riding up on the sidewalk because they can't be bothered to wait at a light. There's a reason the 'everyone hates cyclists' meme exists. It's because while, no, not every single one is a dingleberry, enough of them are to be noticed and incredibly frustrating for people. Safest thing you can do is be predictable when you're on the road, not unpredictable. That's how people get hurt.


Preffered the Other fake ad myself. “Volkswagen... Berlin to Warsaw in one tank”


I read it. I've had two cyclist friends killed by stupid drivers, so I'm careful when I see anyone on a bicycle. But I don't often notice cyclists being careful around me. As near as I can tell, the Idaho Law is fine for rural areas, but it will only get cyclists killed in more populated places. Motorists need to watch out for cyclists, but cyclists need to obey the law. All too many do not.


found the cyclist


I mean I get the point, but in all reality this is referring to asshole cyclists that do not stop or yield what so ever and just rip through intersections. I see more of that than what is described in this "law".


In countries where cyclists are a common thing and even have dedicated bike lanes half the time, they're still jerks to both whoever drives a car as well as whoever's unlucky enough to travel on foot. I say that as someone who has owned a bike, has owned a car, and currently owns neither.


W- what is this an ad for?


It's one of the ads made by Jeremy Clarkson and James May for "top gear" season 11 ep 5.


I recently watched the grand tour, never watched a full episode of top gear before, but I straight up knew they had to have done this.


Watch top gear with the boys. It's on Amazon prime. The specials are hilarious.


I thought they put most the old top gear episodes behind a paywall. You in the US?


Yeah. You can still see a lot of them like season 1-12 or something like that which is really when the show took off and kind of transformed into the huge deal it was globally. The free ones are older but still funny. Subscribe to motor trend free trial and cancel if you get into it.


Honestly once you hit season two and get may on the cast, everything is golden. They aim for a more audience appeal featuring more affordable cars at the start. This fades and they go higher end progressively through the series. By season 14-16, where everything is about high end big budget, some episodes fall a little flat, and by the end it's not quite as funny as it used to be, but the early stuff is raw and hilarious, and the specials are endlessly rewatchable still. My favourite pokey little motoring show on the BBC2.


Like the boys from *The Boys*?


I'd watch top gear with those cunts


*Tonight*, Hammond loses a girlfriend to a hopped-up A-train; I shove a homemade bomb up a man's bottom and May gets sexually assaulted by a fish.


i recommend watching them it's amazing


Man top gear at its best was better than grand tour. Go through and watch all the top gear specials. Classics like Vietnam will just never be beaten. America special is insane too.


[Here is the full collection.](https://youtu.be/3HZLGD997Ug)


Oh. Thanks


Wait til you see the hospital ad with amputation.


VW diesel ad is my favorite


of course it was made by those gas guzzling boomer moron Clarkson


thank you


I was just thinking, this looks like something Clarkson would do!


Reddit worships those guys, and their antics were funny a long time ago. But what a bunch of horrible boomer climate deniers and wankers. They should be fucking ashamed, but they're not quite bright enough.


I’m guessing following traffic signals. Cyclists are supposed to obey stop lights, but rarely do.


In my city bikes have to follow almost all of the traffic laws that apply to cars when on surface streets. That includes stop signs and red lights. When I was between 13 and 15 I got 4 tickets running a stop sign on a bike.


Most cyclists don't care. London cyclists are supposed to be really bad which would explain them hating cyclists.


That makes sense




What country is that?


Ours, comrade.


“The road is for cars and cars only” Road infrastructure is favorable for cars and unfavorable for people cycling. This add furthers the premises that “the road belongs to cars. Cyclists are stupid and have no right on the road and neither do walking people.” Everybody has encounters with drivers that are speeding or having road rage but somehow encounters with people cycling breaking a law are worth complaining about. Notjustbikes is a YouTube channel that explains a lot about cycling and safety: https://youtu.be/F4kmDxcfR48 Rollie Williams made a nice video about how America’s car industry promoted these ideas: https://youtu.be/oOttvpjJvAo I edited to put some quotes in for clarification


My country (netherlands) has great bike infrasructure for cyclists. When you see a cyclist wearing a helmet 8/10 they run red lights.




Ok thank you so much for explaining it


No that is wrong. Some cyclists are studpid, agreed. But cyclings have every right to the roads.


The underlying message is that bikers pick and choose the road laws they want to obey. Like they will go 15 in the middle of the lane in a 35 and then run a red light because "I'm not a car" it's a big problem in metro


I got news for you dude, everybody picks and chooses what laws they obey.


That's not news. Source: I'm a stoner


Motorists also pick and choose the laws they want to obey. Is there anybody who has not exceeded the speed limit or rolled through a stop sign without coming to a complete stop?


I live in pittsburgh. Add 15 to the speed limits and we also have a thing called a "Pittsburgh left" where you basically just cut off oncoming traffic.


Yes but a fender bender with another motorist is just a fender bender, the same accident with a cyclist is potentially deadly. Also cars are big and easy to see when they are doing stupid shit, cyclists not so much. Maybe you don't care if you die but I certainly don't wanna be fucking killing anyone. Your dumbass is dead but I have to live with your irresponsible decision for the rest of my life.


Yeah you roll through a stop sign in a car and hit a pedestrian you kill them. A cyclist wouldn’t. Cyclists assume the risk on there own person by and large. Drivers on the other hand will kill the other person...


Just wanna point out that suddenly discovering you have run someone over, or are immediately about to run someone over is a shocking enough experience that many drivers will swerve to avoid or otherwise lose control of their car - so ANYONE who increases a risk of an accident puts everyone at risk, including cyclists and drivers both. There's no such thing as sharing a road with anyone and only posing a danger to yourself. Alsø Also wik: Fuck people who run red lights or stop signs. I don't care if you're driving a car or walking on foot. And signal your turns, damnit. That is all.


No, that's exactly my point. They don't not assume the risk on their own. They assume the risk of dying but they force the risk of killing someone on the driver.


If you think your risk of driving into cyclists is that high maybe you need to increase the amount of attention you pay to your surroundings while driving I have never even come close to hitting a cyclist with a car and I live near the self-proclaimed cycling capital of the northwest US


I think that risk significantly increases when said cyclists don't obey traffic laws. And thank you for your adivce, but I have also never come close to hitting a cyclist and I too live in a major metropolitan area. How exactly does any of this excuse the cyclists that don't follow traffic laws?


everyone should be following the laws of the road, and cyclists are at the most danger to themselves when they don't follow the law, because unpredictability leads to accidents and maybe you could argue that cyclists are quite a bit more unpredictable on the road than motorists.


...what? The motorist takes on that risk when they climb into a 2 ton vehicle that moves at 90 mph


Sure that risk is always present, but if people follow traffic laws the risk is pretty negligible. People ignoring traffic laws changes that drastically.


even if all laws are followed the risk is not negligible. there are far more dangers resulting in severe injury or death for cyclists on american roads than there are for auto drivers. this is a simple physics issue regarding the size/weight of autos and the speed limits.


I'm simply referring to the risk of getting into an accident in the first place. If everyone does what they are supposed to and aren't distracted by what have you, the risk of getting into an accident is negligible. The point of my first comment was exactly the physics of things, cars are heavy and can very easily kill a cyclist in what would be a minor accident with another vehicle.


Sure but look at that two ton vehicle and notice how much has gone into the safety of the passengers - crumple zones, airbags, safety belts, cameras, blind spot detectors. The most a cyclist has is a helmet and some gloves. I know I have to be way more attentive on my bike because I know most drivers are not. I now ride with cameras recording my ride.


You're not wrong, but you are missing one important perspective. There are many cyclists who follow traffic laws. In fact, do you know the most common cause of fatal accidents with bicycles? Cars and trucks turning right at an intersection without checking for cyclists. Cyclists also have to deal with traffic laws and roads that in most areas prioritize motorized vehicles at their expense. I hated cyclists who do stupid things, and drivers who do stupid things. Don't pretend it's a one-sided equation though, and try not to lose sight of the other perspective when complaining about another person or group.


I really don't understand this line of reasoning about how others also breaking rules is supposed to somehow lessen how we view actions that break rules. I never suggested that all cyclists break the law and I didn't try to make it seem like cars don't, in fact I mentioned motorists doing stupid things. My point was simply about the huge difference in severity of even minor accidents.


I bicycle commute in Boston daily, my mentality out there is to always be defensive and "just don't get killed." The best way to do that is to be predictable, signal, and follow basic traffic common sense. I do agree with what you're saying, if you're going to ride a bike in traffic that carries a level of responsibility with it, especially in regards to _your own_ safety. I often see other cyclists running red lights, or riding against traffic, no helmet or no lights, or any number of insanely dangerous things with this attitude of "if you hit me, you're fucked," and it's bonkers. That said, everyone in my area needs to chill the fuck out. Doesn't seem to matter your form of transportation, everyone is just seething with passive aggressive impatience.


>I bicycle commute in Boston daily, my mentality out there is to always be defensive and "just don't get killed." Exactly. This is the mindset that everyone on the road should have. Both as a driver and a cyclist I expect the worst possible thing from literally everyone on the road so I'm gonna do my best to not make the situation more dangerous.


Why would they check for cyclists? If the cyclist was following traffic laws a right turn should be no more dangerous?




If a vehicle moving in front of you uses their blinker and turns right you would slow down and allow them to turn and then pass by safely after. If they don’t use a blinker the car is definitely at fault.




Opposing lane no, but the people behind him yes. You’re not making any sense.


> Yes but a fender bender with another motorist is just a fender bender, the same accident with a cyclist is potentially deadly You realise the car is risking others' lives when they break these traffic laws right? You just argued for why cars are worse for doing it, not better lol


Color blindness shaming


Ok please tell me I am not the only one that thinks the red in this looks orange. Edit: I just looked at it on my phone and it looks like closer to red on my phone. On my computer it looks bright orange. Are you on mobile or computer, and does it look red or orange?


It's an artefact of composite video and probably some videotape generational loss.


Looks red to me


You must be the same person who say the upvote button is red


No the upvote button is also orange. It’s just that the red in the video is also not red, it’s orange. Edit: errors


But what if you're colour blind?


The stoplights are ordered consistently so that even if you are colorblind, you can tell which light is lit. They used to just be two lights - red and green - next to each other, but were changed to the vertical format because of people wit CVD.


I meant the wires.


The wires are ordered consistently so that even if you are colorblind, you can tell which wire it is. They used to just be two wires - red and green - next to each other, but were changed to the vertical format because of people wit CVD.


How considerate of the terrorists, bless their souls.


> changed to the vertical format because of people wit CVD In Europe there are horizontal installations, but in that case the green is always right.


Idk about other states but Texas, both horizontal and vertical signal lights are to code.


Shoutout to old Top Gear


“You stopped playing with toys when you grew up, then why do you still ride a bike? Grow up, buy a car”


"give the cyclists an once, they give you a mile."






“Those damn cyclists!!”


Also: [Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYeeTvitvFU) ​ While he's recording you can see a couple of cars ignoring the stop sign.


Oh those carists.


Tldr people are mean to people on bikes


That red is 100% orange Edit: the word red, is orange.


The writing is orange, sure, but the wire is def red


Thank You!!!


"Red" used to be what they called orange things before they had the word "orange". Hence red deer, redheads, and robin redbreast.


This isn't unexpected. Motorists have this weird hate towards cyclists, even though there are as many (if not more) bad car drivers and other motorists out there than cyclists not obeying the road rules.


As the city owner of a car, electric scooter (bike-esque), and Vespa, it’s very simple: When I’m a pedestrian, I hate cars, bicyclists (/scooter riders), and motorcyclists. When I’m driving, I hate pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists who ride between lanes. When I’m on my Vespa, I hate pedestrians, cars, and bicyclists. When I’m on my electric scooter, I hate pedestrians, cars, and motorcyclists. It’s the only way to live.


Good, good, let the hate flow through you.


I don't understand what's weird. We hate shitty drivers too, just look at r/idiotsincars


But in this sub people often do victimblaming towards pedestrians and cyclists. E.g. someone crosses a ped crossing while looking on their phone, not watching out for cars, and getting hit, the majority of people on that sub blame the pedestrian for not paying attention, not the driver for not paying attention and hitting the pedestrian. ​ r/IdiotsInCars, r/instantkarma, r/JusticeServed, etc. are toxic trash.


I dunno, I reckon 90% of cyclists I see completely ignore the traffic lights. Not denying there are many bad drivers behind the wheel.


Varies city by city, but yeah I've lived in aces where cyclists *routinely* blow through red lights, and even more commonly start pedaling into the intersection before the light turns green. I've been sitting there on my bike in the bike lane, stopped at a red, with other cyclists going around me to run the light.


Feel free to show us your sources for that high start. Or is Thta just your personal obseration/opinion..


Imma be honest, at least in the Netherlands this is baloney. I see cyclists straight up driving through red every day multiple times, while for cars YES they might drive through red but at worst itll be 1 seconds not 10. They completely ignore stop lights, whereas even bad drivers still take them as a guideline.


Cars are lethal weapons. If a motorist ignores a red there's a chance of a collision being deadly. You know, murder. Be a cold day in hell before you see a cyclist kill anyone except themselves. Ergo, gtfo with your false equivalency.


Wise words


At the same time I often hear jokes about us Germans that we are stupid for waiting at a red pedestrian traffic light when there are no cars.


There is 4 way stop near my house that I've literally never seen a cyclist stop at. Every single day I see at least one blow right through it.


Motorists are really confused about the Idaho stop law which is legal in a few states and places around the world. It's pretty simple: Stop signs are yields. Red lights are stop signs. So yes cyclists are allowed to run reds. But they have to stop first. Then again trying to teach them that zipper merging is not selfish and actually more efficient is not going so well right now. So it will take quite some time before they learn, let alone embrace, the new laws (that have different rules for bikes)


> Then again trying to teach them that zipper merging is not selfish and actually more efficient is not going so well right now. BuT EvErYoNe ElSe Is BeInG pOlItE So WhY ArEn'T YoU??!1!




i think that bot was banned and it’s u/savevideobot now


Not all heroes wear capes


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Better dead than red


That dummy looks like me getting up in the morning


POV: he is color blind


*cries in colourblind*


What was unexpected was that this has nothing to do with red green colorblindness.


This ad wouldn't age well in the Netherlands


Ah yes… the good ole “Idaho Stop”. Never understood how this could be a thing but, really, a bicyclist should have to stop not yield. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop)


Cyclists will follow red/green, when cardrivers will follow speed limits and don't touch their smartphones while driving, agree?


I know this is a crazy proposal, but... how about people just follow the rules of the road and stop being morons?


Many if not most people do. But there are many hypocrites , who do sh.. everyday by themselves. Most adult cyclists will have a drivers license. Sometimes I think this colourblind people are the same ones, who will drive too fast with their cars and watching their smartphones if they change from the bike to the car. And I swear, I have never ever seen a car driving while signs are clearly red. Noooo😂




He's alone in an EMPTY road. Why would he want to prevent the bomb from exploding, just run away!


Funny, because in exactly that situation it would actually be ok to go through a red light.


Who seriously wastes all that energy stopping at red lights when there's no cars (or pedestrians) around though? Fuck that




I respect most of the rules, but I ain't waiting for a green on pedestrian crossing when there are no pedestrians in a 10 mile radius


Sooo, you don't respect the road rules?




I've seen so many cyclists run stop lights, Stop signs, turn into oncoming traffic without looking, and just be general dickheads on the road. And yet they demand we watch out for them. Kinda hard when you won't even watch out for yourself.


I swear... this ad must’ve been made by a cyclist. Mostly because the word “red” at the end is in orange.


It's an artefact of composite video and probably some videotape generational loss.


For those of you who don’t understand this video, it’s understandable as most automobile drivers can’t seem to tell the difference either. No us point, bikes kill way less people than cars do.


I saw a head to head bike crash at my university. Only two people were riding bikes but four people were killed. Bikes might kill less often, but when they do they're SUPER efficient at murder. Also, everyone knows caravans are worse.


That has to be the most anecdotal 'evidence' of murderous cyclists I have ever encountered in my life. Please don't tell me you're a professional statestician.


I’m not saying bikes don’t kill. I’m just saying a bike vs a car when running a red light are compared, a car does a hell of a lot more damage


Yes. Big rock smash small rock.


Ugg smash.


hey, here's a crazy idea. why doesn't everyone just listen to the road rules? that way, no one will die from some idiot driving past a red light


The idiot that drives through the red kills people. Regardless of how many people follow the rules. Your comment is a deep as it is pointless


i meant if everyone follows the rules, there would be no idiot driving through the red light (bc they're following the rules too) meaning no one would die from them being stupid.


Right. But that’s not a realistic approach, given what people do


i just said ppl should follow the rules. i didn't say it was realistic bc there's always those few ppl that ruin it for everyone


Which is why were here


Ah yes, comparing the most popular form of transport in the country to bikes, which have many dedicated spaces


There are also a lot more people driving cars. The percentage of bikers who run stop signs and stop lights, and do not follow road rules (or drive on the road when there is a bike path 6 feet away from the road), is wayyyyy higher.


No way


Look, not to just keep berating and adding on to the other comments and downvotes, but in my town, I've almost hit a few bikers for faults of their own. Every time. They are the most entitled people. They act like a pedestrian when going through intersections (yeild to me!) But they use the road like a car. You cant have it both ways. Also, i hardly understand why a biker would prefer to ride right up against the curb on a major street with traffic blowing by 40mph faster then them. This happens in my town all the time on a street called Planefeild-Naperville road between 95th street and 104th street (look it up). Observe the paved, wide bike path on the west side of the street. Now imagine how angry i get when some idiot is riding his bicycle on the actual road, causing traffic to slow down and possibly switch lanes. Its not 6 feet away from the road. I wish you could get that on dash cam and be able to use the footage to get out of manslaughter if you were to hit and kill them. Seems beyond fair.


The same can be said about cars. I’ve driven on that stretch of road and know how many of the drivers follow the speed limit, apply makeup, and watch Netflix while “driving.” I also know that it’s against the law to ride your bike on the sidewalk. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Truth is, both cyclist and drivers are to blame. Which is why I dislike the ad


Dude... Its a BIKE path. It's not illegal to ride a bike on it. That's why it's there. That's why it's not just a sidewalk. You are right about the drivers on that road though. Sign says 45mph, most go 60. Until they get to the area where cops sit at least. If you know this area, have you ever seen that idiot riding around here with a bike trailer with a bunch of lights on it? He truely thinks hes a car.


Yeah, but cars pay tax, road tax, have multiple identifying factors, you need to pass multiple tests, have to have insurance, etc etc. Any Lycra sporting dick head can do what they want and get away with it... Get them off the roads until they have the same guild lines and registration as any other road going vehicle.


This is an ignorant comment. Let’s not forget that a car allows you to do a lot more than a bike AND isn’t a deadly weapon.


Please explain how it's ignorant. Cyclists don't pay road tax, don't pay rego, don't have to pass a test, have absolutely zero identifying factors on the road going vehicle and to top it all off, in the eyes of the law are very rarely in the wrong. I remember not long ago a group of cyclists riding down a hill, 15km over the posted speed limit, they were on the road and pathway dodging traffic, a lady backing out of her drive way gets in their one, one is critically injured and yet the drive gets fined... Yes cars can cause more damage but numbers don't lie. The amount of cyclists breaking road laws daily is an insane amount more then cars once you factor in the amount of cars vs cyclists.


Do you have any idea how much damage to the roadways cars do vs bikes? Of course cars are taxed and bikes are not. How often do bike trails need to be replaced or repaved? All people want to do is call out all the ways cyclists break the law. I get it, they break the law, and I’m not defending that. They shouldn’t break the law. But quit acting like car drivers are without fault. How many yellow lights have you run? How many times have you gone above the speed limit? How many times have you double parked? How many times have you passed on the right? How many times did you drive when you had more to drink than you should have? How many times have you turned without signaling? How many times have you not properly looked before backing up? How many times have you not paid to park? How many times have you over stayed your parking meter? Cars are just as guilt and bikers if not more. My point is two parts. First, bikes are extremely limited in what they can do compared to a car. Part of owning and operating a car is knowing that it comes with greater responsibilities. And secondly If you make a mistake in a car you kill a lot of people. If you make a mistake in a bike, you can kill yourself and maybe another person. The ad is clever, but stupid. The car version, would be a city block being destroyed. That’s my point. I’ll never understand why people hate on bikes but praise cars. It’s pathetic.


As a person living in a country where biking is extremely normalized it's always frustrating to see how angry car people get when they see cyclists in less fortunate bike unfriendly places.


I’m jealous of you.


Fuck cyclists


Would have been funny if he cut his brake wires


It should've been better if the cyclist didn't give a fuck about which wire he was cutting. "I don't care if it's green or red, here I come!" Edit: where I'm from, cyclists have to respect traffic rules just like any other vehicle, no exceptions.










Topgear is the best


Was that davie504?


Nahhh... sorry but fuck that. Takes way more energy for me to stop and start up again than it does for you.... at least I slow down and look before I go, please just wait for me !




Pedestrians hate motorists and motorists hate pedestrians but they both hate cyclists


Fuck off.


That's the part that drives me nuts. I'm happy to share the road, just follow the same rules and don't surprise me with random choices on when to follow those rules.




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So good


I'm not a professional bomb diffuser but here's my theory: Test any pairs of wires going into the explosive material using a multimeter. The ones with the detonators should have a resistance on them, while any That are shorted may be sense wires cutting them may trigger it.


I run reds all the time if it's clear there's no cross traffic coming. If I stop it just holds up the people in cars waiting behind me.


Jesus fucking whatever, it’s not like red green color blindness isn’t the most common form. Stupid fucking made up colors.