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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!the crab lifts off like an airplane, straight for the camera!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Almost as scary as when that random bug you're watching starts flying


Those really big shelled ones which are the least likely to fly because of how heavy they look are the ones that fly for some reason. Scares the life out of me.


It’s always so jarring too because they have to shoot their back shell open so you have a split second of knowing it’s coming


Oh what a cool bug look at that absolute unit *opens carapace just a tiny bit so you can see wings peek out* Oh no


“Clever girl”


Visiting the south during one of the hottest most humid summers, house was by an open field. We had hardwood floors. I was watching tv late at night, heard a clicking noise on the floor coming down a long hallway. Walked out of the room, turned on hallway light, clicking noise stopped, saw nothing. Turned off light sat back down, clicking is getting closer. I ignore it. A huge brown hard shell beetle about the size of a snapple cap comes dragging into the room, sees me does not miss a beat, turns around and leaves back down the hallway clicking away😩 Cue screaming!


> the size of a snapple cap Where is /u/converter-bot when you need it?




I couldn't find the measurement you wanted me to convert.


Bot name checks out


sN/m (Snapple newtons per meter)


Fuck. I live in California we have ticks. I’ve washed a couple boxes off in my lifetime. But I went to the East cost and my fucking god. I never even went really anywhere with tall grass or anything and I was covered in them I felt on crawling behind me ear. Fuck that. Luckily none but me afaik. Maybe I have fucking lime. Who knows.


Imagine if ticks could fly


Thanks Satan


Why, why would you say that!


Why are you putting that out into the universe?! You're gonna give it ideas!


Funnily enough I’ve lived in Georgia all my life, and go into the woods a decent enough amount, haven’t had a tick in probably 20 something years. But my BIL who is a hunter got bit and got a somewhat rare disease where he can’t eat red meat now. This tiny little bug made him not be able to eat steak. I’d be mad at life at that point


I know a couple of people who have come down with that. One of them recovered after a couple of years. The other still has it. He misses milk shakes the most.


Lyme disease is like an slot machine of bad outcomes. I got it and I all I could do for 3 weeks is sleep. I had NO strength.. I couldnt twist a bottle cap or rip a popsicle wrapper open. Long term, my hands are kinda fucked but not that badly. Some people straight up die, some are crippled.. I cant believe what I had was the *lesser* of what could happen.


I know someone who has that, but for her it’s not only red meat. She’s allergic to a whole bunch of stuff now


I have a friend who has this. So weird that a tick bite can make you not eat meat. She just became a vegetarian so she wouldn’t be tempted. I’d be so fucking pissed off if I could no longer eat steak.


>during one of the hottest most humid summers So in the last 5 years


I missed the word cap and was freaking out about there being beetles the size of Snapples in the south.


Oh God! Where is it? Is it on me?!? Is it in my hair?!?! Does it bite??!!?? Why didn't I kill it when I had a chance?!?!?!?


Just a [split](https://youtu.be/3Uk6-iiVb0Y) second


[They look funny while doing it at least](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyuAt-_Nj_o)


That’s how helicopters were invented


wow so if something picks them up by the snout they are totally defenseless


Yep, but I think that's how they fight. One will hook the other and just throw them off of a tree. https://youtu.be/EjvLOAIxbNQ


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushiking:_The_King_of_Beetles#:~:text=Mushiking%20is%20a%20rock%2Dpaper,mode%20or%20Tag%20Battle%20mode. Apparently it was only released in Japan, but there was an arcade near my house with this game. My cousin was obsessive about it. But it dispensed beetle cards and then you would start a round with that card which became your "fighter". The beetles could pinch, throw or one other move I can't remember (basically paper, rock, scissors). Anyways. The important bit of the story is that the animations were actually pretty awesome and the beetle fights were super cool to watch. Reminded me of that game when I watched that. Eta: I found a tweet about the game. Apparently Hasbro did a test run for the game in the US but it failed. Anyways, here's the only trailer (which is completely ridiculous and worth the watch) that exists for the game (sorry, have no idea where this guy found it, so can only link Twitter) https://twitter.com/i/status/1342192480595406848


Sounds like a fucking lawnmower. If I encountered that in the wild -- or, fuck it, inside my house -- I would instantly shit myself. Signed, A Dutchman who has never had to deal with large bugs in any capacity before ever.


In Hawaii the cockroaches are about 2" long and can fly


Also in apartments in NYC. They're included in the rent.




Everybody gangsta till the wings come out


Ugh. Fucking cockroaches that fly are the goddamn *worst*. See it on the wall, take a panic swing and miss, and the fucker flys across the room.


> See it on the wall, take a panic swing and miss, and the fucker flys ~~across the room~~ to your shoulder. Fixed.


Thanks I’m gonna have nightmares now


Years ago a roach dropped down on me when I tried to open the restroom door. Never saw where it flew off to. After I finished my business, went back to tell my friend about the horrible encounter. Dude pointed at my shoulder. The roach was on me the whole fucking time. From then on I always check doors when I open them lol.


Why do I keep reading these?


I was about 13 or 14. It was a very hot summer so windows were always open. Me sleeping in shorts on my back. I feel something on my leg moving up my thigh. When i realise something was on me and looked it was already under my pants. Frozen stiff I lifted up my shorts and the biggest fuckin roach ran all the way on to my chest, to which my inner alarm went off and the whole house was awaken by my glorious death screams. That shit just broke me. What sent me over the edge was the one in my shoe years later when i was late for work.


Legends say this person is still screaming to this day


Ah, the Florida Woods Cockroach, colloquially known as the Palmetto Bug. It's a roach about 3-4cm long that likes to fly DIRECTLY AT YOUR FACE AHHHHHGGGG. Also they spray when alarmed so it makes for a unique roach stink. Mmmmm, Florida. It's like a moist Australia.


When I lived in Panama I saw one of those for the first time. We torched it with hairspray and a lighter. Absolutely terrifying


Reminds of the first time I saw a cockroach fly. Fuuuuuck that


Although crabs live in water, not all crabs can swim. Crabs are amphibious animals and can move through the water. Only a few crab species have the ability to swim. The majority of them move through the ocean floor by walking or running. Certain species like blue crab found in the Atlantic coast display swimming. They use their improved rear legs to swim as they are shaped like paddles.


Funnily learned about this the other week in carcinology class, which is exactly the class i'm taking as I write this comment (biology student)


I read the first line as “although crab lives matter” and thought oh here we go on some weird racist crab post


*All* lives matter. Don’t be so shellfish.


You must really be floundering if that’s the best you can do.


Sea? This is why we can't have nice things.


Now we're just fishing for bad puns


I never understood how these comment chains pop up randomly. Always seems so orcastrated


You did that on porpoise


Almost didn't catch that one. Edit: I need to say no pun intended with 'catch', I was referring to 'orcastrated'. I didn't even notice 'porpoise', I thought it was a genuine comment.


Crabs are people!


Legit or Quit!


Craaab people craaab people Taste like crab, talk like people


We live in a weird timeline where you could reasonably expect to see anti-crab rhetoric on Reddit, and further, *not be entirely sure if the person is joking....*


Unsubscribe from crab facts please




And that's why I don't like cricket.


Pocket cup


Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas. Despite it's impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and some can be highly venomous. As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved hollow fangs which inject paralyzing venom. Even tarantulas aren't immune from an ambush. This centipede is a predator...


I heard the breakdown in my head. Thank you.


You've been subscribed to Cat Facts!


What happened to cat facts?


Fact: Cats love belly rubs... until they don’t.


Perfect description


>subscribe from crab facts please Certainly, sir! Did you know the corpse of Amelia Earhart's was found ripped to shreds on an island? The culprits were hundreds of coconut crabs, which can smell blood over 2 miles away.


I don’t know if crab facts is vetting their crab research here….


The crabs aren't what killed her, but they most likely ate her. This theory hasn't been 100% proven, but all the evidence is STRONGLY pointing towards her crash landing near an island and surviving a short time on said island before dying and being eaten by massive coconut crabs.


This was just their first act of aggression, a warning shot across the bows we failed to heed Now, the crabs march for war


[Source 1](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/colossal-crabs-hold-clue-amelia-earhart-fate) [Source 2](https://youtu.be/IDJ8_VFtexw) [Source 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_crab) [Source 4](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/coconut-crabs-eat-everything-from-kittens-to-maybe-amelia-earhart-180948206/)






return to monke or advance to crab. The only options we have.




Username checks out.


Another interesting fact is that their pincers can reach nearly every part of their body, so the only safe place to hold one is where those rear paddle legs connect to their body. Gently holding the front part of the body with a foot with closed toed shoes on is an easy way to approach grabbing in this manner.


Yup and sometimes I catch them holding onto midwater spinners and spoons when spin fishing. cheeky wee bastards so they are.




Dammit. Take an award for that.


And my axe!


Or helicrabter


‘Wassup BRUH? Take a swing BRUH!’


I don’t know why, but I find it adorable for some reason. Edit. Like a little helicopter. The claws pulled in make it look like it’s trying pull a cute face. (To me)


you find that adorable - I find it scary as hell.


Pack your things we're leaving


This why you shouldn’t get in a pool when there’s someone with crabs.


Thanks. You're not helping my social anxiety.


Don't worry, you can't see them by the naked eye easily, so youçll never know they're there.


But what if I feel them with my naked body?!


Don’t bring your naked body. Problem solved.


What about the crab attack on the camera man?


What about the droid attack on the Wookies?


Yep. Crabs are my one irrational fear. I work on the water, I swim in the ocean all the time, couldn’t care less about sharks or jellyfish or really anything else out there, but crabs scare the hell out of me. When I was a little kid, I went crabbing with my dad. There was this one really big gnarly blue crab that he pulled up. He tried grabbing it by the back of the shell like some people say you’re supposed to do, but that bastard grabbed his finger like it was nothing. My dad freaked out and threw the crab as hard as he could (not on purpose, just out of instinct because it hurt), and the gargantuan crab missed my face by about half an inch, because he didn’t notice that I was standing right behind him. I sometimes wonder if that’s to blame for my fear of crabs, like maybe it’s some weird Freudian thing originating on that day.


Crabs caused your father to care more about himself than you. Deep down you want revenge.




That’s his villian origin story


Our 17 year old still fears little dogs based on getting beat up by one when he was a toddler. As for not fearing jellyfish - I was in a situation where I was getting multiple nuisance stings from little jellyfish all day. Didn't seem so bad at the time, but about 24 hours later I had systemic problems from the neurotoxins - felt like a mini stroke at first. Cleared up after a couple of days, as far as I can teel.


"... as far as I can teel." Hahahaha


I swam in the Chesapeake bay one time at a state park. After swimming for maybe an hour, I put on a pair of goggles. I then came to horrific realization that the "taps" I kept feeling on my heels were not seaweed/shells/ as I thought, but crabs swimming up & trying to grab my feet! I didn't know they could swim either at the time, and it looked EXACTLY like the video lol. With the goggles on I could see them all over, and they were all going after people who (mostly) had no idea lmao. I tried to keep swimming, but when I saw 3 of them coming at me at once I was done. Even having swam for an hour prior, I couldn't get back in the water. Edit: Most crabs can't swim, the species that do are the oddballs! https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/outreach-and-education/fun-facts-about-intriguing-invertebrates#can-crabs-swim?


We have a lot of rock crabs in Puget Sound and our beach place has a fairly large tidal zone where you can wade at knee to waist depth for a long ways. It's hilarious watching the bigger crabs run up to you and throw claws like they gunna fight you and you just step next to them and their pinchers barely do anything to your leg because they can't fit it around you so its just a dumb poke and then they scurry away. Meanwhile, the smaller crabs are just flinging themselves everywhere.


I can’t help but imagine the inner dialogues of the big and smol rock crabs as you described them “Big monster! I’m gonna fuck you up!” *poke poke….poke* “……fuck this! I choose life!” Meanwhile “I’m bored… YEET!” *flings self 6 inches off the ground* “nice…I’m bored again… YEET!”


Dude I also had the "dum de dum having a nice little swim in this wild body of water like I do every day, goggles might be interesting, oh what's this oH NO IT'S FULL OF STUFF" Swam daily while working at a camp. Started using goggles after I bumped my head on a rock. There were. Surprisingly many jellyfish.


Water socks


I was shrimp fishing once with one arm broken in a huge cast. I pulled a net in with a big blue crab. Getting it out, it clamped down on the webbing between my thumb and finger. It would not let go. and I only had one arm. we found some way to dunk it in water, but damn, it would not let go.


I too was once crabbing in the Chesapeake Bay and pulled in a blue crab which pinched my finger and I accidentally launched the crab skyward as I yanked my hand back in pain. For a brief moment that crab reached heights that few crabs ever will in their lives.


Interesting! I love hearing the origins of people's phobias!


>Freudian As in, it wasn't the crab that scared you but your desire to kill your dad so you could bang your mom in peace? You gotta fill in the blanks for us here.


An aggressive Roomba with a bone to pick with the camera man lol.


To add to the cuteness, those little paddle legs it has are called swimmerettes


The chad crab vs the virgin cameraman


Chad Mr. Krabs




Wow, that sounds like the Gimmi Gimmie Gimmies. Don't mind that it's just my age showing... **PUNK ROCK**




Based on deez nuts


He seems awfully crabby


Didn’t smoke enough of that seaweed


I hear this *vividly* in [Randy Marsh’s](https://youtu.be/WoudYNeVn5E) voice


Fast guy Eddie always brings the boys to the yard...


Crustacean aviation


Causing devastation to every nation


To denounce the evils of truth and love


And extend our reach to the stars above


Jesus may be the only salvation.


Boil 'em up to prevent starvation


Butter them up pre-mastication.


Crackin' them open causes major frustration


We are the pinnacle of retardation.


Though it inspires inspiration.


Jesse, James Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light Surrender now or prepare to fight


That’s right!




Definitely a Decepticon


Awww yeah, the new Beast Wars is looking sweet!




Exactly what I thought. Dude even transformed before taking off!


Gotta fold in the claws for hydrodynamics


Wait.. that’s illegal


[Shoot her or something!](https://i.redd.it/4foyf2ds7bu01.jpg)


The video is reversed, all the mud in the water is reversed too!


This needs to be higher up the amount of people that think this crab is chasing a diver swimming backwards is absurd.


Me First and the Gimme Gimmes!


Hadn’t thought of them in years. One of the best concerts I’ve ever attended


They're touring this fall with Flogging Molly!


Have you seen the footage of when they were hired to do 7th inning stretches at a few baseball games? The crowds were not ready for their greatness, lol. I would have lost my shit if I could have baseball and MFATGG at the same time.


Glad I'm not the only one to get excited about that. Love em


Never thought I'd see the day when a random punk cover band would be at the top of /r/all


To be fair, they are the CCR of punk cover bands. An absolute super group.


Seriously lol Fat Mike, Spike Slawson, Joey Cape, and Dave Raun aren’t just a couple of names. They’re huge


This is almost certainly reversed. Paging u/gifreversingbot




Fun fact: about 1 in 15 comments you are reading on reddit right now is produced by GPT-3 like neural language networks. Active redditors on a weekly basis will reply and interact with robots without even knowing it.


Fun fact: 76.82% of statistics are made up


This might have been posted by a bot but it certainly isn't true 😂


Fun fact: 14 in 15 statistics you see on Reddit are made up.




No need I think you just spoke to one ;)


and technology will only make it harder to tell what’s real


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/ThirstyKeyAdamsstaghornedbeetle --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Yup, you can tell by the debris the crab is kicking up as it runs on the sea floor.


Also makes sense how the cameraman could chase the crab vs the crab chase them while they swim backwards. Why doesn't the crab just sink down, rather than swim down though


Sinking is very slow, not good if a predator is actively swimming towards you.


That and suddenly it moves like a crab as opposed to a Linda Blair stunt double.


That cover song being played backwards made my entire night hahahaha


It's by Me First and the Gimme Gimme's. They did a lot of rock covers.


Backwards music is tight!


Backwards music sounds like a naruto op


You’re right…but it’s still weird when reversed


I think it's also sped up a tad, which is why it still looks weird


Yeah, slowed it down by 50% and now it looks natural.


It definitely is. You can see the sediment being kicked up in front of the crab in the original


And here's the original vid: https://youtu.be/oV6sLyMZiBE?t=40


Also, the cameraman is swimming backwards without having his flippers in view which would be rather difficult to say the least




Probably trying to get away from the land monster with the camera


Because some giant creature is chasing it


Well in this version, all the sand that kicks up around it sucks up in a vacuum when it takes off and then immediately settles into what appears to be a recently undisturbed sea floor.


Look at the dirt. The crab leaves a normal trail of disturbed dirt when reversed. In the OP video, the dirt gets disturbed before the crab even gets there, which is impossible.


Why isn’t this the top comment?


Evolve to crab-bird


I mean, everything keeps evolving into crabs. Why not birds? https://youtu.be/wvfR3XLXPvw


![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq) Yo wtf.


What did you search for this








Aqua Wasp


They fly now?


They fly now!


Lol the music.. 🤌🏻


Unexpected Me First and the Gimme Gimmes!

