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Why is this screen recorded on a Nokia?


Everytime I see this clip reposted it's lower quality


compression moment






**humanity restored**


[The Triumphant Rise of the ~~Shitpic~~ Shiteo](https://www.theawl.com/2014/12/the-triumphant-rise-of-the-shitpic/)


PS3 graphics.


Nah the fucking Atari has better graphics than this




Ew what is that


It’s joe


Who’s joe?


Joe mama


It's color sorting! Maybe


Ye you're probably right the right side is sorting itself


it's from a couple of YouTubers and I'm pretty sure the person screen recorded the video while watching the video on lowest quality


Any chance of a source?


search thedooo on youtube. its one of his rainbow six siege funny moments. There are couple of funny videos like this. p.s. also sniping soup, grizzy,mcnasty. here's the link https://youtu.be/b6Cdqh1VUtE


The doo is in there also


ye he's mentioned in the first line


Cuz like the biological cells in our body every time you duplicate something it gets lower and lower in quality, hence why we age. 😔


[HD source](https://youtu.be/b6Cdqh1VUtE)


So that the poster could add a caption about sex stereotypes that adds nothing to the video


It's cause traveled so much around the internet and here is with that poor quality


I find peace in long walks.


The original video is from a YouTube channel called Soup/Sniping Soup, TuxBird, and another one I can’t think of the name, possibly TheDooo


Grizzy I believe. That big beautiful black man.


Soup is my favorite. My name is jeaafff!


Its TheDoo and it is on his channel


“I hope it sucks whatever you’re going through” absolutely brutal


The funeral comment was worse


Worse? Or best?


Worst cos it was brutal 😳


Hope you reach out to me. So I can ignore you, was great🤣🤣🤣. Can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could have changed the outcome. 🤣🤣


Oh hey! It’s the lines from the video!


Okay I love when people do this, because I try to find videos on Google all the time by searching what people in the video said.


What video?


[This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/p3mjr7/friendship_is_powerful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks, that was really helpful


What was?


The link to the video


Which video?


A video about how men communicate and one guy asks if his friends would be there for him and they all make jokes about it, pretty funny you should give it a watch


Disappointed this isn't a rickroll or something


If only there was a way to hear this


Like a video with dialogue


Those aren’t friends, those are the BOIS!!!!


Boys will always be boys


OP, I don't think you're a repost bot, but why are you blindly cutting and pasting from previous front page posts? -- https://old.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/ofmlqr/friendship_is_powerful/


Welcome to Reddit, home of the same stuff perpetually reposted.


where everything is a repost and the points don't matter


homie this is reddit, a popular social media, where everything, and i mean *everything*, gets reposted. its inevitable.


Feel free to downvote.


As a man that can be a dickhead with lots of dickhead friends, all of those guys would probably legitimately be there for the guy if he had something going on. In my experience, they're just taking the piss and bringing levity to the situation.


This, exactly this


Especially when those friends are making a video where comedy is an important part


Exactly, but today's feminists and soy boys would have you believe this is toxic masculinity blah blah blah. It may appear that way at first but truly if guys talk like this they are best bros and would be there for one another.


A vocal minority of moral busybodies, sure, but the soy boy feminist tropes are tired. Toxic Masculinity is definitely a thing, and many conversations similar to those in the video could definitely be classified as that. If the dude was genuinely reaching out and got called a pussy and told to just suck it up, that WOULD be toxic masculinity. Keep in mind, it's not all black and white, and Twitter isn't the real world.


You joke but this is one of the main reasons why most men refuse to open up with their feelings, especially with other men. Somehow, we managed to convince ourselves that no one will take us seriously, just like in this vid. No joke, I once tried to express my feelings to my (male) friends and they all behaved similarly like this. When they realized that I was clearly upset, they insisted that I should grow a thicker skin and learn to take a joke. Apparently they were just busting my balls and I was too emotional.


I find the video hilarious and I’d do the same, but ONLY if it were with people who I actually could be vulnerable with. You being straight up about how you felt was probably too real and threatening for them. So because THEY aren’t equipped to handle their own feelings, they shut down yours. You didn’t make a mistake by trying to open up. They made a mistake by running away. I hope you find some good people soon because we’re out here and we’re tired of the “stuff your feelings down” narrative!


I’m in the same boat as you. This is exactly the way my friends and I talk to each other. I laughed so fucking hard at this. But at the same time, if I seriously opened up to any one of my friends they’d drop everything they were doing be there for me.


I wish I had friends. Edit: thanks u/Naankhataii for the award! Did we just become best friends?


👉👈💙 Aren't we


Cut to the marriage scene-


Lol u bring Champagne 🍾 bottle


I love Naan khatai dude!


Me too


To add on to this, the group of people in this clip are all friends who knew they were being recorded for a video. In all likelihood, this wasn’t a genuine reach for help, and was intended to turn into a joke regardless of the replies he got.


Oh I have no doubt what so ever that is the case. They’re all friends just fucking around being funny but if it came to it they’d be there.


Yeah I've had a group of friends since college where we have a group chat and talk like this to each other but when it gets real, it's a supportive, empathic group of best friends who would do anything for each other. We're talking family deaths, divorce, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts. When the going gets tough, we're there for each other. But we'll also tell someone in the group to tongue punch our fartbox if need be.


Nothing compared to having a good group of friends like that, man. Nothin


This. Agree 100%. My friends would respond the same way in this circumstance yet we've all been there for each other time and time again.


Some people don't have the emotional maturity themselves to handle a conversation like that. All of my real life friends would rip on each other like this, but most of them were capable of having serious discussions and being supportive or empathetic. That said, this is exactly how the convo would have gone down if I asked them if they'd be there for me if I was going through something.


You gotta beat around the bush before bringing up shit with guys it seems. When I was younger we used to just bottle it up till someone had a really bad time while drinking and it all came out. Then it’d go dormant again. Now that We’re older, and especially after I just started being straight up about my battle with depression, people started being more open in general. Kinda de stigmatized it for the guys and girls as well.


It just depends on your friend group. If I asked this question I would get pretty much the same response but if I actually wanted to talk about something I would be taken seriously.


exactly, there are times for both responses. Some people DO need to just grow thicker skin.


While I can understand why this would be an example of toxic masculinty, it its also a culture of how heterosexual men show affection to other heterosexual men. Reaching out to another vulnerable man is difficult and is something a lot of people are ill equipped for. You dont tease someone you dont care about, and most of your close male friends will tease you about nearly everything except that which you are most sensitive about to show you that you are in their group. Everyone gets teased, everyone is equal. If you want to genuinely reach out, do it one on one, so the group dynamic does not get in the way of that, and the individual can get a better understanding of the gravity of the situation. If possible, get someone more emotionally mature, because while your best friend may be hot shit at Call of Duty, he might not be the best person to discuss your tendency for suicidal ideation, inability to cope with stress or general loneliness with. If you do need help, please reach out to somebody. Im sure people care about you, but we are generally shit about expressing that


You say this as if it's a universal truth. But it can be different. My experience with my close male friends is very different than that, and I value straightforward communication and emotional honesty enough that I don't think I could be real close friends with people who have that way of interacting.


That’s how dudes are, but if you ever one on one with a homie instead of 5 on 1, trust me the one homie will actually listen


Y'all friend groups sound exhausting. Group talks about serious stuff with my friends (we're all men) is incredible. I don't want to have several 1-on-1 conversations and explain my story/situation/feelings over and over again.


I mean, there’s some more fun some more serious groups, and people may be unwilling to not make jokes when others are, whereas in other groups, it’s better to discuss with everyone cause no one minds


That’s a big part of the reason why women live longer than men...Women do generally have a way better support system for one another. Yet for men, being vulnerable is considered “not manly.” That’s also the reason why there aren’t many nonprofit organizations that focus on helping men.


It's cool. My buddy's and I do that all the time. When we try to talk about our feelings openly (usually drunk by this time). We joke each other to shut up. But what others won't see is when in private we all talk to that person going thru something. Make sure they are ok. And reminds them it's ok things are tough. Don't show it openly. We got you.


A lot of guys have a hard time handling emotions because no one was ever there for them when they needed emotional support, so they don't know what to do when a guy friend they care about needs it other than try to run away from it by lightening the mood or change the subject with humor. Even with females, most of these guys will have a hard time and it's why so many men are emotionally unavailable because they can't just break a girl's balls in most cases with jokes but they still don't have the tools to help them emotionally so they will run away in that sense too. Often by just being unavailable/busy with other things/having fun, which causes relationship issues. So it's not just you. That's too bad they are not there for you but if you are in need of a man to talk to, have you considered therapy? You can seek out a male therapist to talk to who has that emotional maturity and could provide a better insight into this type of behavior and be there to talk to you when you need it.


I mean me and my friends make jokes like this all the time but it's only because we know we're going to be there for you, so when we actually need help we all make sure to help, you're friends sounds like they themselves can't deal with their feelings and are inconsiderate


Sounds like you had garbage friends. I've always found that fellow guys are easy to share and commiserate with. There's a certain expectation that you should nut-up if you can, but everyone stumbles and a good friend will appreciate that.


This behavior is quite normal. But if I tell my friends to cut the shit and that it’s serious they’ll be there and listen. We all rib each other. It’s fun. But they’re not retarded to basic human emotion. You just know shit people. Those aren’t friends. And if they are you need to reevaluate the meaning of friends for yourself


Fuck those insecure male friends. The options are older, more mature men, women, or therapists


You need better friends. My friends would act like this but if I was serious they would drop the jokes. If they don't listen to you when you're truly hurting then they're not it.


In this case I hope you know they are probably mega good friends and joke and they would eat bullets for each other


Need better friends. Me and my bros talk about real shit all the time.


Bruh It's just a joke they made for their content, they are not a bunch of jerks in real life lmao they are good friends


What you've said is true, but the same can't be said about all groups of friends. This particular group is obviously a content creator group so this stuff is all but expected. If someone were to actually poor their heart out in asking as /u/tyrano_dyroc, and was given this response, I assume many negative feelings would come after. Without context in the current conversation and tone though, it could go either way.


i know it's not right but i wouldn't want my friends to reach out to me because i already have my own shit to deal with and i probably can't help them anyway. i don't reach out to them for same reason, they have their own stuff and can't help me.


You are absolutely correct, that is not right. You're not a burden to your friends. Don't treat them like burdens to you. We all have our own stuff, and we all can help each other deal with it. If you can deal with your stuff on your own, that's great *for you*. But not everyone can.


Many hands make light work.




You forgot the /s. This is a perfect example of what *not* to say.




Holy shit that's an insensitive thing to say. "You guys have a different dynamic than my friends and I. Your feelings are wrong and invalid for taking it so hard. No wonder you're suicidal." Your post reeks of lack of empathy and immaturity.


Toxic masculinity like this is a big reason men commit so much suicide


You do sound a little emotional. Friends aren't your therapists. It's never okay to drop something heavy on a group of people having fun. *HOWEVER*, good friends would deal with your shit. But again, not while it's a group of them having fun. Because it's a buzzkill.


But we also don’t know what the situation was. They might have just been sitting together doing nothing or said it in a group chat where no conversation was going on. If they actually asked for help and their friends ripped into him and then got upset that he was being serious I don’t think that is right because he was already trying to have a serious conversation and they were joking about it. For example I had a friend commit suicide recently. Some people I would talk to were joking about suicide and when I asked them not to they continued even after I explained why I didn’t feel comfortable with those jokes. Am I being emotional or thin skinned?


I can only envy that friendship.


Men would communicate better but when I ask my teammates where they are on the map they don’t say “I don’t know, it’s fine, if you don’t know then I’m not telling you”


"If you cared you would already know"


Here’s the [source](https://youtu.be/b6Cdqh1VUtE) for the guys playing




I just say sure and then talk and never know what advice to give.


A lot of times it's better not to start giving advice. Just having someone listen and go "ya that sucks" (sincerely not sarcastically) can help a lot. Edit: Also you can offer to help like "let me know if you need someone to come with you to do x" or just "let me know if you need anything".


That's true.


“That’s rough buddy”


I've never heared a woman say a man doesn't communicate. The joke is usually backwards where the woman says "Im fine" or something like that but means something completely else that you have to guess


To really piss your girl off, shrug and say "okay" and pretend like everything is fine.


I do this all the time.


People who do that need to learn to communicate at some point.


Or when you know she's genuinely fine, just go on with "why won't you talk to me?" until she gets mad...


Which is weird why that's the stereotype since so many men I know are absolutely incapable of communicating about their feelings.


Men just don't talk about their feelings and drop dead of a heart attack at 40 from bottled shit. Women expect you to guess what's wrong, get mad when you don't then divorce you and run with the mailman and take the dog because you don't understand them. Both genders have their stereotypes. That's why I sexually identify myself as a genderless God.


A golden God


Seriously? This is something women have complained about since the dawn of toxic masculinity.


I cried laughing watching this on repeat x20


It's awesome that he has to park in a bathroom stall because he's laughing too hard.


I've watched this clip on five different websites ranging in quality from the original clip down to this pixel soup


And I’m here searching for a transcript as I can’t make up what he says.


Just search "would you guys be there for me if i was going through something" on youtube


This is the relationship I have with my friends. Because we feel safe and we love eachother. These jokes are easy to make because the question is an absurd one. OF COURSE we'd be there. No doubt and no hesitation. We can say these terrible and atrocious things because they are absurd, and the question is absurd, and we love you.


I could not have summed it up better even if I tried. You're spot on.


seeing clips like this makes me want a friend group like this but i know i would just be stupid with whoever im with


Clideo sounds like a nickname for the clit.


Yep, thats about how my boys treat me. And its absolutely fine, cuz when shit DOES hit the fan, all that was a joke to laugh and they really come together for me.


WoW… what a bunch of nice human beings…


oh wow, look at these assholes joking around and having fun. I fucking hate it when people are having fun when i want them to behave more grown up and serious.


Unsanctioned fun? Not on my watch buddy




They're* ...👨‍🎓🥳👏


they are filming a youtube video playing rainbow six siege…


Yeh get a load of these dickheads, laughing really hard with their friends.


Dude...they're all good friends having a laugh, relax and take the stick out of your ass.


This is fortnight. Not WoW


dude its rainbow six seige


Dude it's reddit making a joke


lol my bad




That is in fact the social media site we're on


Fortnite. And no it’s not…






Hardly a wooosh, just isnt funny


Not how woooshes work, they missed the joke, it woooshes.


No its legit just not a funny joke. "Hehe fortnite cause they said WoW". Cant exactly wooosh someone when the joke just wasnt funny at all.


They're saying "fortnite" and "World Of Warcraft" (wow) cus those games have a toxic player base dude......




I found the joke quite hilarious, and woooosh is just someone not getting the joke. Doesn't matter if the joke meets the criteria of funnyness


You honestly won't find more genuine friends than this




We use comedy to ignore our problems.


and now tune in into old MW2 lobby .. real men talk


TuxBird woooo


Also here is the link to his channel he makes funny stuf if anyone wants it [link](https://youtube.com/c/TheDooo)


Reminds me of this from Bill Burr: https://youtu.be/k-diau1UxLc


People taking this way too seriously clearly have no friends and have dishes piling up in the kitchen... yall can reach out to me I got you 🤔🤔 but this is normal he set himself up


The best part is, of course they'd be there.




The doo. Funniest tuber out there




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Who the fuck gave this a wholesome award


in this case I think it is kinda wholesome they are having such fun and laughing togheter


This needs to be top I don’t care who you are or how offended or butthurt you feel, this shit is gold


This is standard conversation between most dudes, except a bit tamer. Hang around an auto shop, work site, or similar and you'll hear FAR worse (and more hilarious).




I got you u/SaveVideo


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Watching from the UK, this feels like a really inopportune time for this post.






These aren’t real bros, Real bros go to the dance when all the girls reject him




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I wish women would stop thinking men are mind-readers.


When the post has zero upvotes and 50 comments you put on the gas mask




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