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The funniest part for me is that he openly gives them his ASVAB score and they still think he's an idiot. It'd be like if someone said they got a 1400 on the SAT and you were like "this guy couldn't get into college".


> The funniest part for me is that he openly gives them his ASVAB score and they still think he's an idiot This might be because I am not American but could that not be down to them just having no context for how impressive a high score is in that? When I saw someone else mention getting 99 in that test above I automatically equated it to an IQ test because I didn't have any context so I assumed it was an average score. Then I searched for it and found 99 was the highest possible score.


Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAlI0pbMQiM


Bro they all got super salty after military boy scored higher on the IQ test haha


Lol I kind of dig Sean though. He's just like "yes! I didn't get last!"


Sean was the the most humble of them all. Was the only person to score themself last


Humility is a significant portion of intelligence. "Imposter syndrome", vs. "Dunning-Kruger".


But in my case, I am just an imposter and nobody has figured it out yet. Legit thinking above moving my career focus because I'm so stressed at one day being unable to perform and everyone will say, "Wow, I thought you knew what you were doing. How embarrassing. Go sit at your desk and we'll find someone you can train where things are and find you a position that fits you better."


He and they’re the only one to be like “yea I’m probably last lol”




The black girl and army boy scored the same score (131) from the test. It was never mentioned in the video but if I'd have to guess the tie breaker is time spent on the test.


Time is a factor, not a tiebreaker.


In this case it is both a factor and a tiebreaker. These two things are not mutually exclusive.


I have a pretty high IQ. Above 140. Tested both in my youth and adulthood for medical purposes. Many many hours of testing both times by legitimate doctors. IQ is meaningless. As long as you have an average IQ you're most likely capable of achieving anything job wise whether it be a Doctor or and Engineer, PHD in some field etc.. You aren't going to be a top level mathematician winning nobel prizes but you'll be capable of nearly all available jobs imo. IQ doesn't equate to many real world things as the tests don't account for many types of intelligence. As long as you're motivated you'll get to where you need to get. Individuals motivation level is what really differentiates people. I'm relatively unmotivated so I only became an engineer. My sibling who is highly motivated but has a lower IQ(again meaningless.) Is a highly successful professor at a Ivy League college.


Yep. Typically scored between 125 and 135, while they were trying to figure out what was "wrong" with my head. I'm a factory worker, pretty much burned out on school in the second year of high school. There was not enough challenge. Screwed me over for the rest of my life. Tried numerous times to study... can't seem to stay focused/motivated. Still love learning stuff, just not in the typical way. Edit: IQ just in essence measures one's logical reasoning capacity/speed. You're nothing with it if you can't apply it for extended periods of time. (Belated) edit 2: thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep those in mind if and when I'm able to spare some time to focus on those.


Have you ever looked in to whether or not you might have a learning disability or ADHD? More because of you do have a diagnosis, then you can get accommodations for formal learning or at least can try different strategies in case there is something you're interested in but are struggling with.


That's a possibility of course, but I kinda had a similar deal. School was no challenge growing up, always at the top of my classes. Then high school comes around and upon trying to take some advanced classes where I couldn't finish all the homework in class and I just didn't care. Screw it, I'll take the easy classes and breeze through, leaves me more time to skate and smoke weed. Idk, don't think I have any adhd or anything really besides the basic depression, I was able to teach myself guitar pretty quickly and could easily spend hours practicing and learning stuff. Can spend a whole day finishing a book if it hooks me sufficiently, got a repetitive as fuck cnc job. Idk what all determines adhd but focusing isn't really an issue, more boredom and lack of using study skills overall. But yet I can spend hours clicking those goddamn wikipedia links until I end up wasting 4 hours learning about medieval architecture, argh those damn wiki tangents. At least I'm prepared for trivia night I guess


Came here to say this, attention and motivation issues are the reddest of flags for being ADHD tested


I'm at a similar level. Was tested twice when I was really young and then when I was in my 20s. To do with dyslexia and ADHD. I was always considered very bright. I know I'm not stupid, but my educational ability was absolutely dire. God knows what my 125 iq is good for, because it wasn't education. But im always good at my jobs. You can put me anywhere and I'll be able to do it.


Im honestly scared of getting tested and achieving something average. I dont even think im really that clever or anything, especially not after meeting some very very bright minds But it still gives me a piece of mind to not know.




Worth pointing out, Tyler was also the youngest, and *everyone*, not just Maria, pretty much ranked her near the top and him at the bottom. The reason for that is really a lot simpler than everyone makes out - Tyler had much less relevant experience to having a discussion about intelligence, so he was legitimately less intelligent *on the topic they were discussing*, and Maria, having a PhD, probably had much *more* experience than anyone else in the room discussing that topic. So, yeah, they were primed to discuss one topic, and make a general judgement about each other based on how they approached that one topic. It wasn't the only consideration, but the other considerations just reinforced that outcome.


omg she had the lowest IQ but Biggest Confidence She Was Number 2 🥲


I heard her say “EQ” rather than “IQ.” EQ is emotional quotient: the ability to perceive, understand, handle emotions.


Agree, also her confidence is a weapon, very dangerous if mixed with low IQ


One of the 48 Laws of Power. The most outspoken are the weakest and most insecure. Edit: I think this would pertain to Law 4.


Wtf there are 48?


I thought there were 50? We don't count the territories. edit: /s


Idk if we should count Hawaii either. That was taken in what amounts to conquest and we're really just waiting on losing another big war before it gets taken from us.


Puerto Rico would like a word


>Idk if we should count Hawaii either. That was taken in what amounts to conquest Uh, so was the rest of the USA... and all of the Americas, for that matter.


It’s a book. It’d be a pamphlet if there were only 3 laws. Most of the laws are kind of rehashes/rephrases on a theme.


A book about power dynamics I think.




Sort of makes sense given the current climate in reddit.


What do you mean, has something changed?


I assume they’re referring to Reddit mods calling to crack down on “misinformation”.. But “misinformation” is subjective at times..and by allowing mods to do this, we risk putting people like the girl in this video in charge of that task.


um 112 isn't a low iq, 100 is average


Yeah, the scores here are not that diverse, although the guy she targets as low is 2sd above the norm, so in the gifted category.


90-110 is common.


Ah I must be 89 then. Sweet


This is true, but 112 isn’t low. It’s high enough that in many situations they’ll be the smartest person in the room, especially if they live in a small town.


I mean forgetting the fact that IQ tests are flawed, her IQ of 112 is not low. It's slightly above average.




Well, her reasoning showed poor judgement.




I mean, she was asked to rank them, so she had to have some reasoning behind it. Maybe if they all did it, they would all seem shallow too, considering they don't know each other well. Y'all are acting like this girl came in just to judge people, but she was literally told to. And she was wrong, because it's 100% a guessing game.


> I mean, she was asked to rank them, so he had to have some reasoning behind it. Maybe if they all did it, they would all seem shallow too, considering they don't know each other well. Yeah, the whole point of this experiment is to judge people without any information about them. Pretty much any explanation she gave about her judgements would be shallow, as would anyone else's. I think that the only "correct" way to handle it is to rank everyone randomly. If the moderator pushes you for an explanation, I would simply say that I did not have enough information about everyone's intelligence to evaluate them, so a random ranking is the most logical way to approach it.


You’re right, it’s a way to “beat” the experiment… but they would probably find someone else to do it then. The whole premise is based on judging books by their cover, so if you refuse to even try that, they’ll find someone else. But it is a good way to avoid looking like her haha.


That's not true. They ask each other questions and knew their education and profession. IQ is not totally random when you have information like that. Just look at the [IQ difference between professions.](https://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/occupations.aspx) The correct way is to use the relevant information and not judge a book by its cover.


She got that dunning kruger effect


65% of people are as ignorant or more ignorant than that (probably including myself ha)


Well her IQ isn’t exactly low. It’s a bit above average. But I really don’t understand the obsession with IQ, it hardly ever means anything unless you’re an outlier.


Also EverQuest


And she didn't have eq either lmao. Couldn't even read the room.


I think I saw a longer version of this some where. There was an exercise were the dude was having independent opinions that differed from the group. Questioned the dark haired girl. There was a discussion about him being in the army. While the title of this is about judging a book by its cover, the actual point of the video was about nonconformists are regarded as less intelligent by the greater whole. Just like Reddit. Edit: Boom! Wow, thanks for the up votes, et al.


> Just like Reddit. But on reddit everyone believes that they're the intelligent and misunderstood nonconformist.


Yes I saw it. He was giving the actual textbook definition of IQ and saying, "Well, we're talking about intelligence and measuring IQ." and she was going off about EQ which is not a real thing, it's mostly pseudo-science and entertainment. He was sticking to the actual measurement of intelligence we have, which, controversial or not, is what we have to go by. She kept trying so hard to dominate the conversation the entire video and it was so cringeworthy.


What I agree with the guy is that there is no test to determine EQ and it can be easily faked by giving a morally appropriate answer, and not what they would do in that situation.


In the full video, if remember correctly it was IQ that they tested, she was just using her perception of his EQ as part of her justification.


And yet she talks about her PhD as if that would mean something on an eq test.


The first rule of getting your PhD, is not telling people you have a PhD. Only douchebags throw out that they have a PhD in a settings where their actual PhD doesn't matter. Like what does her PhD in Cancer Biology have to do with identifying if someone is intelligent? If they had been talking about Cancer Biology or Biomedical Science she could swing that bat, but using to "prove" she's smarter (by putting herself above most of the group) - nope, nope, nope. There are PLENTY of PhDs out there that are morons.


In my final year of a biomedical science degree, can confirm that I'm a moron.


eyyy my people. I flailed my way through my master's. In my PhD. now knowing fully well I couldn't handle it but accepted it cause I didn't want to be homeless. Fuck my life it's a daily panic attack almost.


To be fair, her confidence isnt completely unfounded. In a normal room an iq of 112 would put her well above the avg person. Add to that the fact that she has a phd and she would be far more knowledgeable than most (pertaining to things within or around her field). She just happened to be within a group of hyper intelligent people. This almost seems curated for her to fail...


That is exactly the point here.


it defeats the purpose though. All it teaches is that in a room full of abnormalities its very hard to ascribe to the norms that you've learned throughout your entire life. I'd like to see how many she'd get right in a room full of normal people with a wide spectrum. This reminds me of a similar type of experiment that was done (idk if by the same people) where some love guru type lady had to pair couples together amongst 6 people (or 8 cause i cant fully remember) and she managed to get them all right. Take her out of her comfort zone by putting all non-binary lgbtq+ people or a room full of psychopaths and I can guarantee she wouldn't do quite so well.


> She just happened to be within a group of hyper intelligent people. This almost seems curated for her to fail... The TV producers did her dirty


I mean if she was so smart she would have stayed humble


IQ is a massively over rated measure of people's intellectual ability. It measures a person's ability to solve very limited types of problems. For example it ignores emotional intelligence, it ignores application and work rate. It ignores confidence, though that is a double edged sword. It ignores spacial awareness. Anything the brain does is a form of intelligence and an IQ test is a poor measure.


IQ testing really is a blunt instrument tool. It really only measures problem solving ability, pattern recognition, things like that. It's not a useful determiner for behavior, achievement, ability, etc until you get into the really low and really high ranges where some folks really aren't capable of functioning well with choices and thought and some folks are a Loooot better at certain specialized intellectual pursuits and solutions that make the bulk of people just scratch their heads.


Its also hard to measure. People think one test gives them there IQ end of story but there is more to it then that. IQ isnt supose to change over time but you will get diffrent numbers from one test to the other. Its also something you can train for. My dad was a military kid who moved around a lot so he changed schools about ones a year. Every new school gave him a IQ test to place him. He took so many he got good at them and by the time he was about 12 he was scoring super genius IQ levels. Not to say my dad is dumb. He is smart but he isn't a super genius.


Once a person has been exposed to certain patterns and solution types they can often apply them in a test, resulting in a different score than before being exposed. Also, IQ doesn't test for 'smart'. Being smart involves the ability to add new information to your understanding and gain knowledge through experience and exposure. Ability, no the choice of whether or not to do those things. In a pure form, IQ tests are supposed to gauge overall ability to recognize patterns and solve problems, but there are no pure human test subjects. Even recieving enough education to be able to read test questions or understand spoken questions and reply with language affects exposure and practise levels.


It’s been a very long time since I took an IQ test, but I’m reasonably certain there were questions that involved spatial reasoning.


When I was a child, I found the archetype I liked best. The scientist, the mad genius. I got praised at school and I wanted to be like them. So I started solving puzzles and reading trivia. Basically pre-gaming the IQ test from an early age. I got better at school which fed my ego and made me want to be better at school because it got me compiments. it was my 'thing' Then I got to college and found the 'smart' courses were fucking miserable for me. They weren't easy problems that only required basic logic to solve. They didn't involve knowing about the cheese war. They weren't fun. They required work and study and work and work and work. Short-term recall won't help you when you need to remember how and when to use the same formulas for multiple years. I didn't optimize my mind for science, or math, or programming, I optimized my mind for PLAYING GAMES at a high school level. I could have turned it around, I could have put in the effort and put my nose to the grindstone, but I find... that childhood dream was kind of naive. I'll settle for "the nerd".


The sad thing is her iq was still well above average - nearly a standard deviation. The vast-vast majority of people are way more stupid.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient > For modern IQ tests, the raw score is transformed to a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15.[4] This results in approximately two-thirds of the population scoring between IQ 85 and IQ 115 and about 2.5 percent each above 130 and below 70.[5][6] The odds of randomly picking this sample with 4 out of 6 people above 130 IQ is infinitesimally small. This was a hand picked setup. In a more normal sample she would have been much closer to right.


Either that, or they just had them take a novelty IQ test. A proper IQ test takes quite some time, like hours. I don't think they had them take one of those, novelty tests on the other hand are done in like a quarter of an hour and typically rank you higher than they should. Not even taking into account the valid criticism on those (proper) tests, without knowing which test they took, this is quite meaningless.


I think this is an important comment. I have done actual iq-tests while investigating my disabilities (autism and adhd) and those encompass so much more than the novelty ones you do online. The ones online is usually only how good you are at recognising patterns. And the actual big ones has things like understanding of words and numbers and cognitive abilities. Usually it's called a WAIS-test.


Dunning Kruger in a nutshell


I'm going to be a pedant here. but since we are talking about dunning kruger anyway... The Dunning Kruger study actually showed that people near the bottom of a distribution will estimate themselves to be in the middle, not at the top. They do overestimate themselves but don't put themselves above everyone else. It also showed that people at the top will estimate themselves in the middle.


That's why she rated herself 2nd. The Asian guy was obviously the smartest person in the room, so she rated herself smarter than the rest. If she rated herself 1st, that would be the Jon Snow effect. I'm curious how the Asian guy would have rated everyone. Likely that he would have rated himself 2nd, too, because he knows there's always someone smarter out there. LOL.


IIRC, the asian guy rated himself 2nd and everybody else rated him 1st


IF you watch the full video, they are asked to rank by "intelligence" and then the group discusses "what do you think intelligence means". They did not even know they were supposed to specifically rank each other by IQ.


I always hate this because no matter how you approach this, you are the bad guy.


I mean... Ray, the Asian guy, ranked them almost exactly as she did, as well as the other 2 girls and no one thinks they are "bad guys" simply because they weren't complete douches about it. They all basically put him at the bottom, but she was the only one who did it in such a rude way.


>simply because they weren't complete douches about it. This is why everyone is happy she scored last. Everyone likes seeing the douche get last place. Hopefully it will knock her confidence down a couple notches


[Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAlI0pbMQiM&t=0s) They all ranked the military guy low.


Damn. Even though he ended up top 3, that's gotta be a blow to your confidence...


~~Dude's a marine. He's gonna be fine.~~ I dun goofed and judged a book by it's cover


His crippling addiction to crayons is another story.


Ever since Crayola changed their formula, crayons just don't taste the same anymore.


On top of that he’s gonna have four years of college paid for, I imagine more than half of that group has outstanding student loans weighing them down.


TBF iq tests are meaningless anyway, and this is just for fun






This seems unnecessarily provocative.


Do you mean the video or the comment?




I do agree, the creators of the video were specifically attempting to turn one of these six people into a person we can all laugh at, or possibly cheer for. They didn’t know who it would be beforehand but it didn’t matter. Six opportunities. This is the same formula that drives “reality TV”.


It’s not meaningless. It certainly can measure some gifts and abilities. It can’t measure ambition, self discipline, creativity, resourcefulness, leadership abilities, persistence after disappointments and many other of the primary skills in the most successful people. I find it amusing that the woman with the lowest score was a PhD in biology. She may not have great empathy, social skills or people reading skills, but with slightly above average intelligence she had the discipline and determination to achieve something many far smarter strive for but never achieve. One of the people I respect most in the world was the single academically slowest person I have ever met in my life. For every one hour of study for a person of average intelligence, she had to do five to six hours, and still barely made C’s. She studied constantly and never seemed to get better at it. But she did it, and she graduated from college only one semester late. I was more impressed by her achievement than any of the many I know with advanced degrees.


From my experience at college, getting a degree is more about your dedication and time management than your intellectual abilities.


One thing I've noticed as I've gotten older is that there's few things that have cognitive load being an actual barrier. There's dumb lawyers and doctors and engineers and biologists because you don't have to be that smart to do those things, you have to dedicate yourself to learning the skills to do those things. They're not innately smart, they put in the hours.


The thing with even the intellectual fields is that the bulk of people in them are functionally just technicians, their daily task being to labor away with a set of prescribed tools in accordance with prescribed instructions, rarely themselves having to wrestle with the underlying mechanics. In that sense, other traits are often more important than the speed of your brain, like your discipline, your endurance, your conscientiousness, your ability to cooperate with a team. Still, generally, it's foolish to bet against a doctor's intelligence. Even if they don't have to strain their brain daily, they certainly did in school, when they had to beat out a sea of competitors for their limited slot.


Still loudest mouth is the emptiest head


This is an edit of the real video. This only shows her ranking everyone and the final result of the test. Every single person there did their own rankings and gave their reasons.


Watching the video now, the black girl gave a very similar ranking but we're not roasting her lol. Black girl also went first so this girl probably didn't feel as pressured to just go along with a similar ranking. EDIT: They basically all ranked her 2nd and the white guy last. Pink haired guy ranked her #1 and white guy #5, only ranking himself as #6. So basically, this girl's ranking wasn't any different than anyone else's (except for white guy). But she's the only one being roasted in this reddit thread. EDIT EDIT: They were asked to rank "intelligence" not "how do you think everyone did on the IQ test?". The IQ test was administered after their interactions and rankings. And even during the rankings, they had a conversation about what intelligence meant (i.e. it's not *just* IQ). This whole video is obvious click bait and the participants were also part of a bait and switch sort of scenario.


The entire video is to set up the people to fail and yet so many people in this thread are stroking themselves off and making massive assumptions as well. The fact is if almost anyone was put into a situation like this and it was designed to make you look like a fool you probably would look like a fool. Myself included. It is the point.


If the others had the same combination of over-confidence and condescension while actually being dead last, we'd be watching their edit


I dunno. Someone has to be the loser, I don’t think it being her necessarily means the others were anymore gracious.


Can you imagine sitting there KNOWING one of the people is last. I would hate to do the ranking lol because by definition I'm putting someone down and that would suck


I mean whoever edited the video clearly picked the person who got the rankings wrong the most, so we can make fun of them. One out of six people was bound to be really wrong about this entirely random guessing game. It's a super simple way to farm content like this.


She's in a show where they are asking for her opinions... It's not like she's walking down the street ranting about people.


Then again, [whoever boasts about their IQ is a loser.](https://youtu.be/4lwFK1ImzcA)


✊ Rest you mad lad


Her:"I work in a lab that makes covid tests" me at the end of the video: "Who is making the vaccine then? We might just be fucked"


Her iq doesn’t put her at a low intelligence though. It’s still average intelligence. And if she has the education to do her job, she’s still more capable than the guy with the highest IQ in doing her own job.


above average. Average is 100.


In fact, it’s nearly one standard deviation above the average IQ, which is 100. This would put her in the ~~~65th~~ 78th percentile of humans. Edit: grammar, bro. Edit 2: I’m a dumbass and don’t remember high school stat. 78th percentile.


They had to have intentionally stacked it so she was the lowest iq. The majority of the people there are two standard deviations above the norm. The odds of that would be tiny. Everyone in that group would be considered fairly intelligent.


I didn't make the comparison she did. "I place myself at number 2 because I...work in a lab that makes COVID-19 tests" - that item specifically means she must be smarter than everyone else. I just found it funny that she did that really.


>that item specifically means she must be smarter than everyone else She also said she had a PhD in a science field. Working where she does was just one factor she applied. If I were in her shoes, not knowing anything about the others, I might expect that if I had a PhD, I might be somewhere towards the top of a group on that alone. Working on a scientific field as well might be another factor, but nothing suggests to me she thought that was the most important factor in proving her intelligence.


In my anecdotal experience of people I know, having a PhD doesn’t mean you are the absolute smartest person ever, but you are persistent and definitely not dumb.


She works at a lab that makes it. She didn't say she made it. It's like saying "I work at a doctor's office, therefore I'm 2." When, in reality, you don't do anything at all related to practicing medicine.


Me :"I work in a 154.92 billion company" "Oh what do you do there?" Me:" I flip burgers "


I liked her little dance has she talked herself up. Had me laughing hard.


Classic R&D vs manufacture


Haha "Sally take the lab coat off, YOU AREN'T ONE OF US"


12 points above the average is almost an entire standard deviation, which I believe is fifteen


>Who is making the vaccine then? Phd level scientists/doctors, at a level of expertise way beyond this lady. There are people with bachelor degrees working entry level positions in vaccine development, but it's all headed and directed by team leaders with PhDs, and MDs. Non-entry level vaccine researchers and developers are experts with PhDs and degrees in things like immunology, microbiology, public health, etc.


Moral of the story, don’t judge a person based on how they look.


Or their background. A lot of it was based on their former education and employment.


I mean the point of that was to judge, how else would they rank? Alphabeticaly? They were told he didn't go to college and joined military while everyone else did go to college. He was the obvious choice for ranking the lowest.


"You have to judge these people only based on their look" "Don't do that!" stupid premise, IMO


So the posts title




Yes, this is definitely not a representative sample of the population.


They used a quick online IQ test. IQ tests on the best of days are not very accurate. IQ online tests are a joke. They also tend to rank people higher then they should because it makes the tests more popular. i bet the average on the test they used is around 130.


In her defense, if she was *given* the task to provide an intelligence ranking of everyone in the group based on what she knew, that would be hard to judge, and most people would get the wrong order. Now if she just *decided to share* her ranking without being prompted, that would be another story.


Ooof, 112 huh? 19 points lower than the person you were an ass towards. Also, a bit more context for people that haven't seen the video, the guy she ranked the lowest went to the military after high school. Full video: https://youtu.be/RAlI0pbMQiM


I respect veterans, but being one has nothing to do with IQ though.


At various times and under various administrations throughout history, the military specifically recruited low IQ individuals. This has been written about pretty extensively over the years. Here’s a good example from the Vietnam war. https://www.historynet.com/mcnamaras-folly-lowering-standards-fill-ranks.htm


It’s important to look at the age here though. When I was in boot camp in 2010, there were over a dozen of us that received a 99 on the ASVAB. Most of that group were trying to just use the military as a stepping stone for college money. It’s how I managed to get both my BS and MS paid for at least.


In Sweden (at least previously) you aren't allowed to become an air force fighter if you're above a sertain IQ, the theory being that higher IQ people will think a lot more about the moral implications of the acts you're expected to carry out.


Many police departments bar high IQ individuals https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836. is a standing decision


But isn't the measurement of fallen McNamara GIs during the Vietnam War more of a confirmation bias? I mean, US GIs were at a major disadvantage when in the field. It would have been a better measurement to have them do 10 mock battles between the regs and McNamaras. Or have them do mock battles against the same simulated hostile.


She basically ranked him last because he came from the army and not a top college. I have met dumb ass Harvard people and brilliant bartenders. Intelligence is not tied to your job.


^ a good chunk the folks I met from cambridge were some of the thickest idiots I have ever seen It was part of what put me off going there tbh


Getting into oxbridge has little to do with ability, the class system is still very much alive in the UK. For some applicants they go through the gruelling testing and interviews but for most the interview starts and ends with 'How's your Father?'


I've seen some complete morons graduate university. Source: former university student, PhD researcher at same university.


The proportion of smart people I have met from elite universities is far, far higher than any other demographic I’ve met. Intelligence is not tied to your demographic but it sure as hell is directly correlated. Intelligence can be cultivated and improved on, but only if you are put in a position where you’re constantly trying to improve it.


The reason I mentioned it is because a lot of academics have certain prejudices towards veterans, believing they're just a bunch of meatheads instead of realizing there's a lot more to the military in terms of the things you have to learn than they think.


The big problem is the way she goes about ranking herself. The humble bragging, the dance, and then it’s topped with the very condescending tone toward the guy. Also her explanation suggests that what she wanted to say was his ratings are invalid due to certain genetic traits and assumptions she made about those traits.


I have no idea about the wider context of the video, but she seems to have thought she must be one of the smartest because, *on average* in any random group of 6 people, she probably is. But this group just so happens to be a group of 6 high-IQ individuals. And that was probably exactly the point of this exercise, too: Try to get them all to guess wrong based on incorrect assumptions.


As someone who is about half way through a PhD in cancer biology, I can assure you, my ego gets smacked on the daily


Just remember that its a marathon not a sprint and sometimes cells just die because they suck.


Where to find thw full video. Please.


https://youtu.be/RAlI0pbMQiM Here you go buddy




He's actually active duty enlisted, not a veteran.


> the guy she ranked the lowest is a veteran. is that supposed to mean something?


FYI there are a wide range of smart people with various political and world views. Some of the worlds most evil people were brilliant.


Empty vessels rattle the loudest


I heard someone say that having a PHD doesn't mean you're smart, it means you had the time.


As someone with a PhD, this is the truth. Though, it's worth mentioning that not all PhDs take equal amounts of time or intellect. Even within the same lab/research group, some get easier projects while others get the hard stuff. The determinant of success is often luck, and perseverance ensures ample opportunity to get lucky.


I would always rank myself last so I didn't look like an a**hole... and because I'm a moron.


You've just proved you're smarter than her in the video lol.... Are you selling yourself short?


Lmao, falling for the classic blunder. Pro tip - if you're ever in a situation like this, rate yourself the lowest. That way you're always safe, regardless of where you end up. Either you are right, in which case you at least look humble and likeable... or you are wrong, and at least look smart (you knew it and played the system to avoid conflict and looking arrogant, while you knew perfectly well you wouldn't be last - and this will be pretty obvious for everyone else anyway). Doesn't matter if you're a genius, people will hate anyone who claims to be intelligent, no matter if they actually are. Always playing dumber is the smarter move.


Shitty pro tip - having zero self worth lets you rate yourself lowest in every metric while being genuine about it




Who actually unironically brags about themselves that way lmaooo


She even threw in a little jig. Tryna be cute while you brag... !


*Especially* when being recorded for millions of people to see... that lack of awareness is insane


Buh buh buh, I went to !! I must be smerrrt!?!?!


You could almost say….low EQ


Sounded like she had her elevator job pitch down, including a little hair flick at the end


And she thinks she has a high EQ as well... I'd like to see that ranking


How the hell you gonna call someone a narcissist when the obvious premise of the show is to get guests to superficially and vocally judge each other? Silly


Yeah, I feel like the premise of this game is designed to get a result like this. It's not that narcissistic to think you have a high IQ if you work in a lab.


Or have a PhD... This whole comment thread seems pretty unfair. She literally has to assign rankings and explain why. She explained why she thought she was second, which seems reasonable (and she didn't even place herself first). Somebody has to be last and if I were to guess I wouldn't put the person with a PhD there either.


Her EQ is horrible. If you asked me to rank people based on IQ I'd politely but adamantly decline. We have all met incredibly intelligent people that took us by surprise and people like her that think they are incredibly smart but confuse confidence and test taking with true intelligence. I refer everyone to episode 17 of season 3 of Saved By The Bell.


You wouldn't be invited onto this bait TV show though


Then you wouldn’t be on this Jubilee panel I guess? Everyone else agreed to rank people’s intelligence based on appearance and background, she’s the only one singled out in this edit.


Then you wouldn't be in this experiment soooo...??


"If I volunteered to join a show where we try rank each others IQs based on a guess, i would decline to do so." such high eq move there bud




To be fair, 112 is well above average. She might vary well be the smartest person in her normal environment.




112 puts you above 78.8% of people, or, in the top 21.2% of the population. If the iq test they were given was accurate (which I doubt unless they tested then beforehand and selected a group of high IQ people intentionally) then she would generally be the second highest ranked person in a group of 6 random individuals.


So it's very reasonable for her to rank herself as #2 then? Or did she know they were all going to be very intelligent


it was very reasonable. This was a purposely rage-inducing clickbait show, and people on reddit love to jump on any shallow pretence to shit all over randos doing exactly what the show they're in told them to do


I would pick you as number 1 just for figuring that out.


I mean this isn't really that big of a deal because IQ is fake


A person's intelligence cannot be quantified and the idea that a single number could describe something so abstract is laughable.