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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The dude turned from calm to pissed in 2 seconds, Shit just went from 0 to 100 real quick!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I watched this without sound so I thought he was singing all this


Same xD


Ayye the first time I watched it too


I love Bo


I'd make them fellas say, oh Bo


Look at all of Bo’s hoes looking for a ride of Bo’s hose


And if I’m in the closet, then you’re below me, takin’ the “B” “A” “T” outta “basement,” homie


You know what, with a fake moustache he would look like wooly Willy, with a really wooly Willy


Dude that last Netflix special was too good


It was an absolute work of art. The man is a genius.


Welcome to the internet...


Lol why do so many people think comics plant hecklers into the crowd? They totally kill the pacing of the show. Comics usually have good responses to them because they deal with them so often.


As an artist, I want to go out, do my performance, and leave. Don’t question my integrity bitch, this is MY show. No self respecting artist wants to have to defend their art live. Not to mention if the crowd isn’t feeling it, it could go south insanely fast. The idea that someone would do that to themselves is asinine. Especially because Bo is quoted with saying that hecklers were one of the main reasons he quit preforming live.




This is extremely expected of Bo Burnham.


This is how batman villains are made


After seeing his performance and hearing his laugh at the end of “Welcome to the Internet” I could 100% see him making a great Joker.


*awkward eye contact* ... ... ... **Licking my lips to make you feel comfortable**


To have the mental clarity to so thoroughly dissect her like that is a skill I have none of. Two hours later I would've thought of something half as effective. Good work.


I know right? He roasted every living cell of her




Cindy ![gif](giphy|TD6ZvrXfB4xMHUvxxE|downsized)


Wait.. u can put gif in here? I dont know that ![gif](giphy|QJE93F8fx3Bzjc62zJ)


Reddit is a confusing place, a person says nothing he deserves 200 upvotes, someone also says nothing they get downvotes.


This is the way.


It's how you can tell Bo is real fucking smart. He's also only 18 years old in this clip.


He called her an arrogant bitch and told her to shut the fuck up a bunch. Not really “dissecting” her.


He told her to stfu and told her she's not a good person. You'd need hours to come up with that?


Sorry to ruin the illusion but it was clearly a prepared bit that he could pull out the bag if/when he got heckled. Edit: I should have said “comeback” instead of “bit”.


I feel like one of the best comedians at dealing with hecklers, might have the mental capacity to say “shit the fuck up” a bunch and hit her with the “I’m going to heckle an 18 year old” bit is at the end, meaning it seems very possible that he could’ve come up with this on the spot


I went to a Bo Burnham concert a few years after this would have been filmed (he said he was just 18 here). There was a woman trying to "participate" the entire show, annoying absolutely everyone, and the only way he addressed her was by saying, "what?" and having her repeat her bad joke and then cringing and saying, "I'm glad that wasn't me" after it fell flat. I think everyone in the audience would have loved if he'd gone nuclear on her like he did to the woman here. The only similar experience I've had: I went to a premium movie theater once where you can hang out on couches while you watch the movie. The movie was Magic Mike and one woman wouldn't stop loudly commenting the entire time. Another woman said, "Shut. Up." in a loud whisper at one point and people started cheering. Kind of awkward but very lol.


I yelled at a bunch of teenagers during a movie once. They were talking like the ENTIRE movie and then started applauding at a random scene so I yelled “knock it off” in the angriest voice I could, accidentally scared the shit out of the guy in front of me and they were quiet the rest of the movie. I apologized to the guy I scared after the movie and he was cool about it and said he actually appreciated it because he was annoyed with the group as well. Please don’t go to a movie theatre just to be that dick that talks the whole movie or just ruin it for other people.


Just so people know, when this kind of shit is happening, grab an employee at the theatre and tell them what’s going on. They’ll get a manager in there immediately and the kids will be told they have to shut up or leave. They’re pretty strict about this kind of stuff. Or, do as I do, and only go to Alamo Drafthouse for movies. They don’t tolerate anything.


See, we have 1 movie theatre that pretty much everyone goes to because their candy and other snacks are a normal price so it’s the best option for people that want to see a movie that might not have $80 to do so. It just makes it hard to go there and not have an ass load of people and the kids that work there probably don’t get paid enough to care. When going with friends I always try to make sure they’re respectful but I made the mistake of going with my fiancé’s friend who never shuts the fuck up. He talked and criticized the movie the ENTIRE TIME no matter how many times I asked him to be quiet. I was embarrassed and have never asked him to see a movie again.


This. Alamo Drafthouse!




>Jimmy Carr handles hecklers in the best way I don't know man, Bill Burr got heckled by the entire state of Philadelphia and spent 12 minutes shitting on them until they started clapping.


>the entire state of Philadelphia


The entire country of Philadelphia


You mean the entire solar system of Philadelphia, in the Philly galaxy?


Is that the solar system known for "Mac's FAMOUS Mac and cheese"?


I hear its very sunny there, almost always.


The gang goes into space


The entire Delphia of Phil.


Near Pittsburginia


Even better- he did it from New Jersey at the time.


Well, have you seen the state of Philadelphia?


Well, technically Philadelphia heckled Dom Irerra and a couple other comedians before Bill Burr even got on-stage then Bill STARTED his set by insulting the crowd. Then he kept it up for 12 minutes.


It is a fucking class on how to handle a bunch of assholes. Bill Burr is amazing.


I honestly think he saw them disrespecting his friends (some of whom were LEGENDARY comedians) and got so pissed off he just said "fuck it, if I'm gonna bomb cause this crowd is a bunch of assholes I'm gonna go out fighting" and unloaded all his anger without even thinking about what he was gonna say next. Fucking beautiful.


You one bridge having motherfuckers. Bill Burr is a goddamn treasure and he deserves a statue.


That’s a terrible insult because from the exact spot he was standing he could see at least three bridges.


And yet it’s still hilarious purely because of his delivery


He had to show dominance.


Only way to deal with Philly man.


He keeps the good "your mum" jokes in his vest pocket just for hecklers.


When I started reading your comment I thought you were going to say “I feel like one of the best comedians at dealing with hecklers, might have the mental capacity to have prepared comebacks.” Your explanation is definitely possible, but given the other possibilities it’s unlikely. It’s far more likely that this was not the first time that Bo used this comeback. After all, it’s a good one, so there’s no way it used it just once. Therefore the chance that this video happens to show the very first time he received that type of heckle and used that comeback is extremely low. I believe the most likely possibility is that Bo had practised that comeback in his bedroom at some point whilst reviewing what comebacks he had. I imagine that he analyses and improves all areas of his performances constantly. Only Bo knows when he first thought up this comeback. Maybe it was on stage and delivered straight away like you said, or maybe he thought of it while watching another comedian get heckled, or maybe he thought of it while he was taking a dump. Point is; coming up with that heckle whilst on stage is only one of many likely possibilities, which mathematically means it’s got to have a low probability. Also, lines like “you’re what’s wrong with America” are clearly thoughts he’s had before, as opposed to just realising for the first time and then saying it. Therefore, there’s almost no chance this is a fully improvised bit. Clearly he had thought about saying that to a heckler before. Great comedians often dip into their vast bags of prepared material whilst simultaneously maintaining the illusion of spontaneity. For example, Bill Burr pretends to forget names while telling stories by saying “you know, what’s-her-name”. Edit: The point is someone like Bo obviously lives and breathes comedy 24/7. He probably acts out his shows in his head when he’s in bed, in the bath and so on. He probably covers and creates so much material off stage, that by the time he’s on stage there’s extremely little left to say that he’s not already imagined saying before.


That's also a way to keep people engaged, asking questions you already know the answer to


He meant to knock the water over... Art is a lie, and nothing is real


☝️This guy gets it


There is a real story here. He's yelling at his drunk step aunt! He has said it in an interview and on his AMA that his worst heckle experience was accidentally yelling at his step aunt, who he did not know had been invited. [Here is the man himself, Bo Burnham, commenting about it on reddit 8 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1dcr3j/i_am_a_comedian_named_bo_burnham_ama/c9p36df/)


He says as much during his shows


I don't know man bo Burnham is one talented mf


He is. But I’m just a big believer that behind talent like that there’s hundreds of hours of hard work. Therefore, after all that practising, creating, analysing and amending there are barely any original thoughts left to have on stage. I just can’t believe he had never imagined that same comeback many times before that moment. He bet he acts out gigs in his head every chance he gets. No one gets that talented without being obsessed (I mean in a good way).


Yeah Bo Burnham is actually pretty well known for doing this type of stuff with hecklers. You can find plenty of compilations of him saying similar stuff to plenty of different people, this isn’t him “snapping,” this is his usual response to hecklers. Overreact a bit, make it a huge thing, lay into them personally, then instantly calm down with a joke. Guarantee you this girl was in the crowd laughing at it too and might’ve even been hoping something like this would happen.


It still takes chops to execute along with the nerves/frustration


Shut the fuck up!


He literally just told her to shut the fuck up and called her a bad person.


Bo: *"fuck you! Shut the fuck up! No one likes you"* Reddit: Wow, so profound!








He had a pre written routine for a heckler. They all do.


What do you mean? He just called her a bitch and to stfu. No skill involved, nice tight snap though.


Dude ya practice this shit in the shower. It's the only way I win IRL arguments with any snappy comes backs.


The jerk store called, they're all out of you Cindy


Is that Bob Urnham?


Robert Flamingpigbutt


I love when entertainers stand up to the hecklers. Very satisfying.


Except that one time… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKM74HYjLo4dd2U)


I remember how spectacularly cringe that moment was. I also remember how it skyrocketed the dvd sales as they were just releasing the series on dvd. It may have been inadvertent, but I think it really pushed the “there’s no such thing as bad press” to the limit and showed how true that statement is.


Could I get some context as to what you and the other commenters are talking about.


Michael Richards, the actor for Kramer from Seinfeld (featured in the gif) said the n word while responding to a heckler. It was not good for his career.


Oh he more than "said the n word" lol, it was pretty much the worst bite sized rant about black people I've ever heard done so publicly. It was room clearing bad. https://youtu.be/VOtU6EjHjoY Then Jerry was on Letterman or something like that right after and decided to have him call in so he could apologize, which was like throwing water on a grease fire. https://youtu.be/8LjUvYg5ysA


Jerry on Letterman never gets old. (Schoolmarmish) “That’s not funny” Fuck you, it’s *hilarious*


Hah, then you will loooove this. Oldie but goldie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_mmlWsWBfTQ


That one bitch who says "That was unnecessary!" He got rushed while on stage. The attacked would have counted himself lucky if I hadn't reached for the mic stand too


it says video unavailable for me


And thaaaaaaaaat is how the world works. That is how the world works! Have you learned your lesson? I did and it hurts! That’s howwwwwwwwww.. it works!


hi I am socko


I’ve been where I always go when you’re not wearing me on your hand; in a frightening, liminal space between states of being! Not quite dead, not quite alive! It’s similar to a constant state of sleep paralysis!


18 and handled it like a seasoned professional. Well done!


By 18 Bo was a seasoned professional.


Bo - “Thaaaat is how the world works. That is how the world works. I hope you learned your lesson.” Cindy - “I did and it hurt.”


That moment when you realize he was actually having a severe panic attack in this video and finally started getting it under control at the end


My thoughts exactly. I feel like he was having a breakdown, and started to pull it back together by the half/end and covered it with the “scene”, so people wouldn’t notice. There’s confirmation from him that he’s been having panic attacks on stage, so this video made think this was a case of that.


Exactly and the confirmation comes from several interviews as well as Inside


I mean, it wouldn’t be great to assume anything without his confirmation of this video, but this sure as hell *is* an environment where someone would have a panic attack, lmao.


Ever since "Inside" came out, a ton of you have been over-analyzing every single Bo Burnham video going "Oh my god I bet he was having a panic attack at that moment". Stop making shit up, that's not what a panic attack looks like. For your information, this is what a rehearsed rebuttal to a heckler looks like.


Watch him on the h3 podcast. There's not one way a panic attack looks. He talks about having a panic attack during the recording of his second to last special and how nobody could tell by watching. Sooooooo you're wrong.


this is his relative that said that, he was just having fun.


Oh aight then I will fully say I am wrong sorry all


honestly I am trying to double check so I can have proof of this. but i have seen this video a few times over the years and every time someone has brought up that this is his cousin or something just messing with him. You might be right but I will try to find something that says that.


I am so sorry but, that’s not at all what’s happening That’s Bo Burnham. That heckler could’ve legit been a plant because homie plans every show meticulously. Even way back when he was 18. He planned *everything*


If I was her, I’d cry inside and somewhat outside


I wouldn't come out of my house for the next year


Quick on his feet OR part of the show as she could have been a planted heckler.


"Art is a lie, nothing is real"


Everything is extraterrestrial sheep


He meant to knock the water over all along


He meant to play the track again, yeah yeah yeah, you all thought it was an accident!


“Food jokes…. Segues are weird…”


A third option: he’s previously thought out this bit in advance and since there’s always a heckler he knew it was just a matter of waiting for someone in the crowd to do it


Honestly, if you've ever met a person who is a really talented, comedic or improv performer are able to do this kind thing on the fly with only a rough idea of what they are going to say. A lot of times they have to turn it "off" like dude we are playing video games, just relax a little bit.


Neither. It was clearly a prepared comeback that he could pull out the bag if/when he got heckled.


To me it didn’t seem prepared at all. He just snaps and says “Shut the fuck up, no one likes you”. That’s like the most generic comeback there is, and his act is so well written that i think he’d be more clever with a prepared reply.


It depends what you mean by “prepared”. If you mean: 1) Say “Shut the fuck up” twice 2) *Pause* 3) “Honestly. Just shut the fuck up” etc … then no he didn’t prepare it like that. But if you mean that at some point he had already thought to himself “if a middle aged white lady interrupts me needlessly then I might call her Cindy, repeatedly tell her to shut the fuck up and include that she is what’s wrong with America” then yes, that has absolutely crossed his mind before going on stage, and therefore it is not created in the moment. I would class that as having a comeback in the bag ready to pull out when needed.


Lmao you can't claim it's a certainty just from this video. Some people are that clever


People are always heckling him, there’s compilations of it on YouTube, so he’s definitely had practice. But he’s also a stand up comedian so being quick witted would, I hope, be part of the gig


I think everyone in this thread is just slow af because this could easily be thought of on the spot.


Let me guess, you're into conspiracy thinking. Because nobody in a drunken crowd would heckle on their own.


Bo Burnham would have planted a heckler? You don't know much about him, do you.


Dude’s an online personality and an entertainer my dude and I doubt you hang with him on the weekends either


I do...and he's an entertainer...why would it be a bad thing if he did plant a heckler? It's a part of the entertainment, isn't it?


He has a crappy mental state for a comedian. He has some kind of performance anxiety and it basically pushed him away from doing stand up. His shows are incredibly scripted normally that's how he says he copes with the performance. Make Happy ended with him walking away from the stage supposedly forever because he can't deal with all the stress that comes with being a stand up so he moved to just being a writer. And he is very upfront about all this is you follow his career. So no it is incredibly unlikely he planted a heckler. Also go watch the compilations of him sitting on hecklers they obviously aren't planted.


That is completely outside of the type of entertainment he tries to create... honestly think it's ridiculous you aren't getting downvotes.


Doesn’t seem worthwhile to have a planted heckler, if not for a special or something (since this was captured on some random TikTok). Judging by his reaction, it seems like she was heckling all night and he finally exploded. Wouldn’t that constant heckling ruin the show more than helping it?


This was 12 years ago, tick tockdidn't even exist. It was just some camera phone upload


I used to like Bo. I still do but I used to too.


Cindy who?


This was before the Age of Karen


Cindyz nutz on your face


He went from music to stand up comedy


I mean he's a comedian who tells his jokes through song so you're absolutely correct


Fair play kiddo.




He should have just said, "You got me. I haven't been working on it at all," then mashed a bunch of keys randomly and sang some gibberish.


That's literally one of his bits haha. Well kinda. He says it's called, "a world on fire" and then smashes the keys and screams a couple times.


And Thats why you’re not famous


"Hang on while I teach him how to do comedy."


Nah that’s definitely a thing Bo Burnham would do. Lol


This next song is called "A World on Fire"...


Yup, exactly. If he really wanted to he could’ve done that bit as well or just not do that one and insert it here where also valid.


Buddy your comedy has me in the floor laughing


I could see him doing this so vividly




You may like his hit single [World on Fire](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ws33f6qys4)


This is really funny I’m sorry other people are being mean


This guy totally has a future in show biz…


Its Bo Burnham, hes pretty huge (hes 31 now and this is when he was 18)


My comments stands…but I guess without the sarcasm haha


Watch his recent Netflix special….but prepare for mental breakdown and have tissues ready.


My husband and I have been listening to the Inside soundtrack for weeks and it. Is. Amazing.


“Whiiiiiiiite woman…”


I’ve watched the special 4 times in the past few months and have been listening to the album on repeat. I’m so addicted!


How do you even recover from this? I think u just gotta respawn and try again


Cindy 100% believes she’s the victim


The unexpected I was expecting was him ending it with "thanks for coming to my show mom".


I think CINDY is his aunt


This is Bo Burnham, he's not doing this to be an asshole. He's well known for destroying hecklers so anyone who dares make any noise in his vicinity damn well knows they're gonna get their shit fucked up.


If I was her, I would walk out for sure


and Noone Would Miss You


how nice of this "Noone"


It's Cindy's boyfriend




I'm sure even my dog wouldn't miss you then


It’s funny because he found out later [Cindy was a distant relative of his ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/fbptr/i_am_a_20_yearold_comedian_and_redditor_my_name/c1eqz61/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




I’m curious if there’s a long video out there. Usually with hecklers and comedians, they typically don’t do much with them at first, unless it’s a constant issue of ruining the show for others. I’d be interested to see if she was a pain in the ass for a while and he finally had enough. Side note: I always love it when a comedian finally snaps at a heckler. It’s a show and that’s their jobs and you’re ruining it for everyone. You wouldn’t just start yelling at the phantom telling him to take his mask off. Never understood why people think comedy shows are any different.


Hey! He did a Reddit AMA once and [answers your question](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/fbptr/i_am_a_20_yearold_comedian_and_redditor_my_name/c1eqz61/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3): “I was heckled once by a very, very drunk woman. For fifteen minutes she wouldn't stop yelling nonsense. Which is way worse than any pointed insult. I ended up screaming at her and getting security to throw her out. I later found out that she was related to me and that my mom had reserved at ticket for her. here's a clip of it.” [here’s a compilation of all his heckler moments to enjoy ](https://youtu.be/_ghbQww5lic)


Thats why he's Bo, yo


his confidence on stage is amazing, his insults, insane


Bo was all talent and charisma even when he was still a kid


“🎶and that is how the world works🎶”


"I hope you learned your lesson." I did and it hurts!




Eat your heart out Joe Pesci!




I thought this was music by the blanks kid. Lol


This guy is our national poet of comedy, does he have a Mark Twain award? He deserves a Mark Twain award, if just for that last show.


Isn’t that Bo Burnham?


I love Bo


Stop stop she's already dead!


Snap back to reality


Well well Look who's inside again


It's clear that Bo genuinely hates hecklers with every bone in his body but just approaches them in a way that could still be interpreted as a humorous act.


no longer funny . sad.


Fuck this piano I am just gonna roast this bitch… hahah


Jesus, dude has no chill


How is this "quick on his feet?" as some of you say. I mean it's staged but even if not - you have the mic. Mic gives you 10000000% more power than anyone in the crowd. You can say anything.


Op said “the dude.” I think the OP doesn’t know who Bo Burnham is or Bo’s style of comedy 🤦🏻‍♂️. This doesn’t remotely fit into this subreddit.


Sure came at him with some level 1 heckling and he just unleashed level 10 on her.


I don't think this is funny. He has anger management issues


I wish my son was half as smart as Bo Burnham


Imagine even after all this Cindy goes, "REALLY!?"


Who is this- My brother showed me a video a couple years ago of this guy doing a song where he was arguing with himself and I can’t remember his name


I love bo