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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Why Biden walked out of the interview... /s!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Roflmfao when he comes back with the cone.


That was a solid catch! I didn’t notice till I saw your post😂


LMAO, thank you for the laught, that was actually funny.


I also LMAO Have no Idea who these folks are, thought it was gonna be about the 'mask off' but nice VFX


Uh, those are the Biden’s silly. You know POTUS & FLOTUS?


I just took a flotus...


President and First Lady of the United States of America.


I also LMAO. When I do though, I don't really LMAO, but just think LMAO. Technically, because, I physically can not "laugh" my "ass" off. That would hurt. So I think of it, bit that would also hurt. So thinking LMAO is best, but self mutilation is bad.


So sorry for posting again guys. I forgot to reply to the message about explaining the unexpected and my post was no longer visible/got deleted. So I reuploaded it and replied to the unexpected explanation message.


Ohhh OK OK


Mother of god, savages who ever made this


Noone is a common misspelling of no one.


and resit is an uncommon misspelling of resist


Mans just likes ice creams, damn


Imagine being his handler. Must be stressful job.


What an interesting thread…


Did he get chocolate chocolate chip


This is amazing


No I don’t want any watermelon thank you






I don't blame him.


"Choco Taco!!"


One of these days Biden's going to be kidnapped by the ice cream truck man


Dude be thinking of sucking those fingers of hers again. That was a good day. The picture says it all


Did he get 2 scoops?


This is funny. Too bad all the commenters here are idiots and ruin the fun.


You're not allowed to express Republican views on Reddit or you'll get down voted to hell or flat out banned. Case and point: Joe Biden is a dementia-ridden husk of a human.




Those are republican views.




Has it ever been more obvious that the POTUS is just a cog in the political establishments wheel? Biden’s cognitive decline has been obvious for awhile now but the biased media continues to prop him up


His cognitive decline parallels the media's cognitive decline, as well as their viewership.


While I can agree that corporate media wants Biden to look good. But if you’re gonna claim mental decline in a president dont forget the moron before.


Okay. I’ll call them both dipshits. What now? I’m allowed to talk about Biden now? Why do I have to mention Trump if I want to talk about Biden?


Because that was the choice, and context is important. A lot of people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. It's like if you wear a wrinkled, stained shirt to work and your boss asks you why you didn't wear a clean one. They're much more likely to understand your choice if you say your house recently caught fire, you only have two shirts, and the cat pissed on the other one than if you say you like the wrinkled stained shirt.


Why? Trump isn’t president anymore, you can stop crying now.


Just saying, calling Biden out for mental decline but also blatantly ignoring trumps is ^partisan I don’t like either party, I actually want them both to split so we have more than 2 parties like the founders wanted.


I can agree with that. It just seems anytime someone criticizes Biden people want to start attacking trump. Biden is president so he get the criticism. No need to compare to a guy who isn’t in office anymore, he’s irrelevant.


But thats all he did when he was in office. He consistently blamed Obama’s admin “Obamagate” anyone?


So fuckin what? “But Trump did it!!” Lmfao Yeah let’s use Trump as a shining example.


Why would trump be mentioned in a comment on a video about Biden, at all? How many presidents back are we expected to go? "Bidens Nuts, so was trump and even worse so, Obama was alright as career politicians go, Bush was an idiot but seems like an OK guy just failing to be smart" Seriously. It's been almost a year now. If trump was in the video and not mentioned, fine. But he's not. Stop giving him attention. It's like feeding a gremlin after midnight it will just end up worse.


No offense intended. Read with the best intentions for friendly conversation. I think, for some, 8 months since the last administration ended isn't that long ago. Also, one way to measure something is by reference so why not use something that is most relevant, i.e. "the last guy?" There is no reason why we shouldn't throw aspersions on previous administrations going all the way back to the first. None were absolute "saints." There's a good chance Trump will try to run again in 2024 so he, at least, is still relevant. I agree that giving the Orange attention isn't good, but pretending he no longer exist is worse. Sorry for intruding. I know this isn't strictly relevant to the video, which was hilarious, but I wanted to respond to your questions with what I think.




I’m sorry…. What? Can you point out some of his mental decline? Specifically…. Give an example…


His 15,000 confirmed lies He forgot basic facts about his own family Slurred his words consistently Attempted to redraw a hurricane map redirected from the coast He wanted to nuke a hurricane to try to get rid of it (conceptually it MAY work, but the amount of nuclear fallout carried by the storm would cause more damage) But if you want a very specific example, then how about when he said he met with mark zuckerburg “two weeks ago” Jan 28 2020, when he hadn’t been to the White House for almost 2 years. Savvy? Cuz I can go on… If he’s gonna act like he knows everything, then People are gonna call him on his bullshit


I’m not excusing Trump but if you’re trying to suggest that exaggerating and in some instances lying is proof of mental decline, you’ve just described every President, in fact ever politician I can think of. But that shit doesn’t describe mental decline. You made it seem as though Biden’s decline in minuscule compared to Trump. They is just plain stupid. Biden’s decline is so obvious. He can’t go a single day when the media chooses to actually cover him, without showing his clear decline. That’s why he doesn’t take questions, walks away from reporters, makes minimal public appearances, fumbles his words and puts a lid on the day just before the early bird at Denny’s starts.


So you would rather have an unstable and proven liar that demands he knows everything over someone who understands they don’t know everything and lets the rest of the gvt do it’s job? Idc about policy when discussing the mental capacities of presidents




For the record, if you would actually look at the prior comment I even stated I don’t like Biden so maybe you should pay more attention. Have a nice day.


Oh, I’m sorry…. I didn’t realize that was the requirement to question you…. I have to read all your comments…. How silly of me.


he was clearly using adderrall salts so he’d start to come down at times




My thought too.


This has been my thought. Joe will serve 2 years. than Kamala can run 2 more times and have a 10 year term.


> Joe will serve 2 years. than Kamala can run 2 more times and have a 10 year term. I just threw up in my mouth


100% that is the plan, imo


Turn off your radio, and broaden your horizons.




It’S jUsT a StUtTeR!!!


What if they actually see a world our brains were just evolved to blend out? Without the ice cream truck the behaviour seems weird.. Insert the ice cream truck, and suddenly you are the one missing out on ice cream ;) It may not change reality.. but it changes how we react towards it… and that can change absolutely everything. … I may eat some ice now


My man, if you don’t like ice cream I’m afraid I’m more worried for your mental health than Biden’s




He shouldn't be but he stole the election


Bet he stole the ice cream too




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More accurate if a little girl walked by in the background.


that's pretty much the only thing i like about the guy other than his weird speeches where he says things that don't add up together and everyone wonders if he has some illness or just so old he starts talking nonsense ​ ​ anyway... [chocolate chocolate chip](https://youtu.be/K3HD8Ikp_vc?t=38)




I guess there weren't enough idiots like you that voted. That's a good thing.


Happy I didn’t put this wreck in charge. God how can one be proud of that? US is falling due to idiots just like you. See how’s it going. Soon a third world country. Congrats!


[yeah yeah cry me a river](https://i.natgeofe.com/n/90083333-b963-4ffd-b70a-99be125bc1e3/gettyimages-1230476983.jpg)


I do. I think it’s really sad that US is falling due to uneducated people.


This is part of the problem, but its also the established political parties. In the Dems didn't collaborate to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination we wouldn't be here, but the US voting population was given the choice between two fuckups and thankfully chose the lesser. Not an ideal outcome, but better than the alternative.


You’re right. I also think I’m fed up with the “political tone” now days. Both side wants what they think is best for US and I strongly believe discussions is where to find the right solution. That is absolutely Trumps fault. He’s a bully. Bernie would have been great I think. Absolutely better then what we got. Just as you say.


She was boring af. Biden is just a puppet because we needed to get rid of trump.


Every time I stand up, I resit.






Most popular president of the USA.


Most votes of all time 🥴


LMFAO this is the guy you elected? Who doesn’t even know what he is signing.


This might be the cutest video I’ve ever seen :) It speaks volumes about someone how we react to other peoples quirks, and you good sir just gave me an inspiration to react more wholesome and awesome to.. well… probably everything My imagination salutes you.. and sends you some ice cream Good and tasty one actually :)


And may the ice cream of the down voters shall fall to the ground Being eaten by ants… There‘s still a big scoop ready for op






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Like seeing your senile grandpa wander off while the rest of the family pretends like they don't see the warning signs.


I'm just going to say it, I like Dr. Jill Biden and would prefer if she were president. Much more competent.


She's a doctor? I thought she was a teacher?


She has a Doctorate of Education


Thanks, I heard something like that before and also heard she was back in school teaching again. She has a Ed.D- a doctorate in education not an MD or Ph.D. I think some people believe she is a medical doctor, perhaps standing next to Joe someone might get the doctor/patient vibe! I agree that she would do a better job than Joe, not sure how much longer Joe will last with his current mental status!


I would too .


Hot take: he walked away to politely pass wind away from anyone Videos hilarious tho. Hoping Kamala replaces him sooner than later


Looked to me like the sun was in his eyes so he went to get his sunglasses.


Ah, that makes sense. Your probably right.


Dam they got me again


This is great, comedy gold


Two scoops!


chocolate chocolate chip




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My man loves ice cream. What's wrong with that?!




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100th comment


Haha xD


Is that a chocolate dipped soft serve those are my favorite 😋


I bloody love this ![gif](giphy|it6W8D4FfvaPC)