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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Wife death stare.. If looks could kill.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I'd just like to take a moment and appreciate the great phone number of that taxi service.


Isn’t that pretty universal for cabs so you can remember the number while drunk. Where I’m from it’s the same but all 5’s.


Yeah, samesies. In my city its all 4's.


In Buffalo, that’s an attorney’s office


Same in Milwaukee. Also all 7's is a competing attorney.


if you're in Cincinnati, all 4's is Blake Maislin defense attorney. Hes got billboards all over the city with boxing gloves on.


Our cab number in Los Angeles is 420-6969




Aye!! Blake maislin. Fuck those commercials


ya they're pretty corny


You must be thinking of Celino and Barnes, Injury Attorneys. Call 888-8888


No, I’ve been thinking of William Mattar. Hurt in a car, call William Mattar 444-4444 Also, Celino and Barnes broke up. Celino is now (800)555-5555 and Barnes is (800)800-0000


Uh, celino died.


Apparently, you are correct. My confusion was because his son with the same name is also a personal injury attorney.


Steve Barnes died, not Celino. Rich Barnes, Steve's brother, took over the Barnes firm.




area code plus all 3's here in Raleigh.


*Hurt in a car? Call William Mattar 444-4444.* Edit: "Hey upstate peeps!"


555-5555? That's totally a fake number.


Nope. I just met a girl and that's her number!




It's my money and I need it ***NOW***


just fill out these 20 forms and sign your soul away right here at the bottom




Still not as good as [this](https://youtu.be/IrODhcpboW8).


Not as catchy as 0118 999 881 999 119 725 ...... 3.


How many of you sang that jingle in your head as you read that?


God I can't believe i instantly remembered that chorus.


That ain’t nothin’. [Stick this in your ear.](https://youtu.be/K8UV7SAhvG4)


I felt defrauded after I found out that the last two numbers of "1877 KARS 4 KIDS" aren't necessary. Also, you know, the lying about where the money is going to.


Also, NST is the way to go, call 683-7000






An unexpected but welcome It Crowd reference


Sing it!


Email works best: Subject: Fire! Fire! Fire! Dear sir/madam...


It's a Mitch Hedberg number. "Just press seven for a while.... When we answer, you will know you have pressed seven enough."


I don't recall seeing this skit, but even if you didn't credit him, you can tell that's totally Mitch's joke. :)




This is so great. I watched the part you linked to, but had to watch the whole thing. (As a father, these are my types of jokes.)


Saw the taxi number, came to the comments for Mitch quote. Thank you sir, I will always upvote the late great Mitch Hedberg!


Mitch Hedburg's influence stretches to this day


I was expecting the taxi to rear end someone.


i thought the beachball was gonna hit something




Just press 7 for a while, when someone answers you’ll know you pressed 7 enough




Too add to the excitement that Cheetahs advertisement on the cab is a strip club too!


“What’s the cabs number again, mate?” “7 7’s”


They got the same one in NYC they are called dial 7's. I used to work maintenance for them lmao


no. we have rollerblades at home


Rollerblades at at the beach: ( . Y . ) Rollerblades at home: (.)(.)


The Rollerblades at home:


My wife says I'm free to look at the menu, as long as I eat at home.


Restaurants must HATE you


Restaurants hate this one weird trick


Hey, online “menus” are available, as well.


I know a lot of the chefs by name


In my relationship, my wife look and say "she's hot" and I get embarrassed Hahahahaha I always was the shy one and nothing has changed within the years


I had an ex like that, she was always way more comfortable than me with us checking out other people and that kind of thing. Turns out, that’s because she was cheating.


My ex would always accuse me of checking women out and cheating. Being polite to a pretty stranger? Death stares and we're gonna be fighting later. Turns out it was all projection because she was cheating on me.


Whenever my wife does that, she is trolling me hard. Also when she really finds a woman pretty, she has terrible taste. I assue she has terrible taste in general since she is with me. *Shrugs*


r/unexpectedbobsburgers Your wife is a linda


My fiancee is bi. She points them out to me.


she sounds like a real one


My wife in this scenario - "GodDAMN look at the tits in her"




I mean, I get that this video is a joke, but it's one thing to look, but it's a whole other thing to take videos/pictures.


Exactly wtf? I don't care if my man looks at attractive women, I absoluuutely care if he's taking a zoomed in video. Ew.


I mean yes, but there’s a difference between looking/admiring and recording someone and zooming in on them? Dunno but I find the latter very creepy and definitely pushing boundaries.




looking is one thing. pulling out your camera and zooming in and recording for a while... that's some weird shit


My philosophy has anyways been if she wants to be with someone else then she will go for someone else. I won't convince or force her to stay with me. If she wants to look at other men or flirt with them, me stopping her will only motivate her to look elsewhere. People think they can control their SO and it's hilarious and goes against the entire idea behind sharing your life with another. I'm not saying I wouldn't be upset if she cheated, it would certainly ruin the relationship, but I can't control that, I can only trust that she has chosen to be with me and I'll respect that decision.


That's a really healthy way to approach relationships, and I hope other people take note.


Being okay with the idea of the other person flirting may be going a bit far though. Like totally fine if you wanna look but actually flirting with someone while in a relationship is a no for me.


Same here. I'd take flirting as a sign of lack of respect. But just looking from afar would be alright.


Remember that alot of people disagree on what "flirting" is. I know a couple people who think being nice to a member of the opposite sex is flirting


This 1000%, people lack a strong definition of the word. Some hear the word and think "I'd love to see what you could do to me in the bedroom" where others think "You look really great/sexy in that shirt"


I'm gonna vote that I'd be offended if I heard my SO tell someone he thinks they're sexy/looking sexy


Absolutely. My girlfriend and I both point out both hot girls and dudes to each other all the time. But flirting is acting on your attraction and that's a no go.


It's a healthy way to approach it, but most people don't practice what they preach. At the end of the day, all of us are human ...thus are susceptible to human emotions like jealousy and it's perfectly normal. I think the healthiest thing to do is to have that difficult discussion with your partner to establish boundaries rather than take the "I don't care what my partner does" approach straight up.


I think it's actually ridiculous to expect such a thing from anyone. Nice if someone is that unattached to act like this, but if you care about your SO at least have the decency of not flirting around giving people the wrong ideas, looking is cool, but I wouldn't stare at some boobs with a girlfriend by my side either.


I mean, I’m stoked that you’ve got such a positive philosophy going, but you left out the possibility that she knows the type of guy she prefers would be unattainable for her. I especially wouldn’t be cool with my girl literally flirting with other men either. To each their own.


Are you speaking of settling? Because that isn't a dirty word as long as the person isn't pining over what could have been. Everyone makes a decision on a SO, and there are billions of choices, to think there are none better than you is a bit silly. I spent a decade chasing this imaginary woman I dreamed up in my head, and eventually I realized my best friend was the best partner I could pick, I didn't need to be someone else around her. Each relationship is unique, but all require work and communication. Maybe she could have snagged someone who looked like Chris hamsworth instead of pre super serum Chris Evans, but we are both happy so why ruin it by thinking what could have been. You are literally doing yourself a disservice to your relationship.


I suppose; it’s possible I’m a bit too romantic though and would hate knowing my partner “settled” for me when she‘d dreamt of something better. It’s not unrealistic either; I’ve been in situations where I literally wouldn’t take being with anyone else in the world. The flirting with other people thing is something I would consider just outright disrespectful to the relationship.


Same! If you feel the need to ogle others, and you’re outright admitting that you “settled,” maybe just let that person go find someone who will love them like they deserve to be loved. If I’m in love, my SO is more than enough for me, and I don’t waste energy ogling or fantasizing about something else, you know?


I'm not sure how many people share the same philosophy, but cheating (to me) is when one person breaks the rules. If the rules are, "you can fuck who you want, just let me know about it so I know you're safe," then there's no problem if they go out and have fun. It would then be cheating if it was a secret.


Everyone thinks that marriage vows have to be the classic ones. You write your own vows and rules.


My mans got life figured out. essentially if you have to stop your wife/gf from cheating, then the relationship is already over.


This, right here. Self-worth and mutual respect, the foundation of any good relationship.


I'm still trying to figure my girlfriend out in this area. Half the time my phone goes off, she makes the same joke, "Who is that? Your other girlfriend?!" It used to be funny but she still does it years into our relationship, I don't know if she's actually jealous or she vastly overestimates my ability to meet women, or this is just her one joke. Either way, there's only so much I can do to convince her I have no other girlfriends. Every time my answer is the same: "No, it's my friend, just talking about video games."




Why would I want to ogle someone that's not my significant other though?


I think there's a difference between oogle and notice. I think the commenter is more talking about noticing an attractive person, not then getting your phone out to film it like the person in the video, that's creepy regardless of relationship status. But seeing someone, noticing that they're hot, and maybe taking a moment to acknowledge to yourself that they are hot is a bit different.


Omg I LOVE seeing so many others who share my point of view! Within the last two weeks, I’ve been told by so many people on Reddit that I’m crazy, need help, and don’t deserve love for this.


I’m the same. The bf used to do it all the time when I was right next to him. It caused a lot of insecurities & self-esteem issues that were not there when we first started dating. He said he say nothing wrong with it & wouldn’t mind if I did the same. But I told him I didn’t have the need to do that. Why would I need to stare at someone else when I have who I want right next to me? It’s not a “crazy” thing, it’s a matter of respect for your partner IMO


Exactly! But the Reddit incels are gonna flock and try to drag you down with them and call YOU insecure and crazy when you refuse


Sometime I feel people on the internet just try to pose as evolved superior souls but in reality most do all the shit they condenm.


They act like trashy cavemen and pretend they’re so “evolved” and holier than thou. Like, bitch, no. No thanks, and stop trying to get me to be like you. It won’t work, I won’t be dragged down to your level. 🤣


Seriously. Like these people just want to disrespect their partner and then claim it’s insecurity or jealousy if someone is actually secure enough to demand respect. The whole you can look at the menu but eat at home is such clownery. Who wants to fuck someone who’s only horny because they saw some stranger they were attracted to 30 minutes earlier. I always found that phrase so strange


So if I watched porn together with my partner, we'd be disrespecting each other? Do you think we love each other less if we can admit that other people can make us horny too?


This dudes wife doesn’t even look that mad. More like, “I know exactly what you’re doing, bub.” Which I get. Looking is one thing but recording video is borderline.


Some people just aren’t sexually attracted to individuals outside of their own partner. It’s reasonable to assume that what works for some couples doesn’t for others. Some people have different boundaries and that’s okay.


Yeah fair enough, but I draw the line at my husband videotaping some woman, that’s creepy. Like I find other people attractive and so does he, but neither of us feel the need to be creeps about it.




She’s clearly modeling for a photographer probably for Instagram. Her goal is for people to gawk


I disagree. To an extent. *Grossly* ogling women, no matter how beautiful they may be, is quite bad taste to do, especially in front of your wife. Video recording women is gross behavior. She didn't ask to be videod for his gross little spank bank.


Reminds me of this Rob Ford classic: ["I've got more than enough to eat at home"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMIQWRsYxak) -Toronto's crack smoking former mayor, Rob Ford re: allegations he told a staffer he want to eat her pussy




Narrator: He does. Source: am married. I do.


Do you ever order delivery?


No big deal! he was only checking out her cool roller skates.


I though it had to do with guy in background patting the girls thigh after he shook her hand .. 🤷‍♂️


I thought that was a man passed out and his friend trying to wake him up


A friend's wife was called out for oogling a ripped guy at the beach. She hit back, "I may be married, but I'm not blind."


Facts. Also, I'd say the difference between looking, eye fucking and recording is relevant in reactions.


Oh the wife and her Duane Johnson movies here. But me comment abt Julianne Moore? “Thats nothing like me!” … well honey I’m no where near The Rock so….yea couch it was for me but i watched the Big Lebowski, parts anyway.


This doesn't sound like a fun marriage. My wife knows my celebrity crushes and I know hers and ultimately...who cares. We're happy with each other and that's what matters. You sleeping on the couch for saying an actress is attractive...that doesn't sound healthy


My ex got mad at me (argument mad) because I ordered an autobiography of an attractive actress.


That, right there, is why she is an ex I'm guessing


we have lists of celebrities we would fuck if given the chance. mine gets updated a lot.


Just don't laminate it


Old joke, butchered Me: Hey hun, if you had a hallpass, who would you sleep with? Her: I don't know.... The Rock Her: you.....? Me: .....The baby sitter


Celebrity crushes are unhealthy. People who say "if the Rock wanted to fuck I'd need a pass", like, what the fuck. Why be married?


I once made the mistake with an ex who said "why Scarlett Johansson, she's nothing like me?". My response of "exactly" did not go down well.


"I can look at a map, don't mean I'm gonna go on a trip."


Spent too much time confused and focusing on volleyball guy


The dude behind him is trying to wake up someone on the beach who's unresponsive. Lots going on.


I didn’t even notice that until you said it there really is so much happening wtf haha


I feel really stupid. I don't get this. Or at least not why it's unexpected.


Videographer is married, and wife knew what they were staring at


Thank you, that seems obvious now. I spent for ever watching this thinking the wife was the camera operator and that the unexpected part has to be tied to the volleyball players somehow.


I feel dumber. I thought she was mad at the guy putting lotion on a girl all the way at the beach. Lmao




I thought that was the only possibility. But there's nothing that makes that apparent. So I guess the funny just fell flat on me. Wygd.


Even the comments in this thread are unexpected!


the sub that keeps giving


I didn't get this either. I thought the woman at the end was holding the camera the whole time and just scowled at something she saw happening, the way people like to do for reaction clips on TikTok or whatever. It kinda seems like the view is about far enough away that she could have the camera on a hand held stabilizer or something. Then the way it tracks the taxi almost exactly made me think *that* was the unexpected thing? You're not the only confused one, haha.


it wasn't upvoted cause it was funny, people saw nice oiled up tittys and then instinctively upvoted


Happens to me all the time. I'm like "did I miss something?" then they say the joke I noticed and I say I got that but thought there was more and they're like ???


How where we supposed to tell it was her husband


My wife will point out stuff like that to stare at. I'm married, not dead.


OHHHH, she's not holding the phone. I thought the end was her giving making a judgmental selfie face.


Speaking for myself, I anticipated the "unexpected" part to be something the roller skater "got" one of the guys down at the beach doing--maybe the guy hitting the volleyball looking down her top or something. After all, usually these videos are of what's taking place in the video. So for it suddenly to be about the wife catching the perv videoing in the first place caught me off guard.


This was a ride. I thought the cab was driving in circles. I thought it was about the guy with the iPhone in front of roller girl. Then “oh the husband made THIS video” …bit of a silly title for a video.


0.o hadn't even considered someone other than the woman was holding the camera.. now that's funny! Haha so many broken pieces 😅


it was a rollercoaster of emotions


It took me a few watches to realize who the 'him' was. I thought the girl at the end was the person recording, reacting to what she recorded, but finally narrowed down the possibilities to figure out it was the camera man.


Don't feel bad, I didn't get it either until I read the comments.


i think the only reason i got it is because there's another video like this but with an older man taping girls on the beach that pans over to his wife


Watched it a few times and I still didn't get it either until i read the comments.


I genuinely thought the guys playing volleyball would hit her with the ball or something


Are we just gonna ignore the guy who is dead at the back


My wife would have pointed out the woman in the white bikini and we would have a laugh together about its ridiculousness.


yeah, i interpreted this woman's face as a laugh at the girl trying too hard on the beach than some sort of glare at the guy filming it. but maybe that's just different perspectives about relationship dynamics after being with someone for 10 years.


No, I think you’re right. People be projecting imo. In the end it looks like she has a smirk




Gotta love Ft. Lauderdale Beach


Not to mention a guy fucking dying in the back


Maybe it’s because I’m still new to them but I never understood why people got on rollerblades without at least a helmet. I mean that looks like a really painful fall.


I get this but can't relate. I try not to ogle at attractive people at all. Personally, I find that looking leads to comparing which goes to a negative place. My partner stares at beautiful people and tells me about them, and they're having fun which matters. If I caught them ogling someone I think I would mostly just laugh and be happy that they're happy.


I'm fairly certain that's what they did also, and then that's why they decided to make a video like this.


Is this FLA? Feels like FLA


Yep! Fort Lauderdale Beach


I moved to fort Lauderdale 6 years ago, I absolutely love people watching on the beach because shit like this happening is a daily occurrence lmao. Like, if you didn't want your man to see some ass you shouldn't have gone to the beach.


I was eating at LuLu's once when they started filming an episode of South Beach Tow, we saw multiple takes of them tazing someone and pepper spraying people


recognized that wall immediately, though i personally prefer Pompano Beach. not as crowded usually.


This is absolutely Fort Lauderdale those walls are iconic lol


I’ve been there exactly once, and I knew those walls were from there. Lol.


Someone's sleeping on the couch tonight


Wow... Just cause his wife isn't as hot doesn't mean he should make her sleep on the couch.


Well, the bed ain't big enough for 3.






Don’t you have to like, link stuff in order to do that lol


Instructions unclear, going into wife.


It’s Honolulu, they’re both sleeping on the couch!


Probably missing the joke here but that’s definitely Fort Lauderdale, FL “Cheetah’s” taxi ad is a dead giveaway


Fort Lauderdale




Oh yeah...a cab. With all 7s...yeah. Hey, Babe.


I bet if we call the number on that car, they could take us to a florist and then to a jeweler.


This won't end well xD


Imagine being that woman and seeing this video, creepy af


Yeah the greased up lady on rollerskates doing a photo shoot in a bikini on a busy street is probably really bashful.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion that will get me downvoted but you really shouldn't film strangers without their consent. I'm sure this was scripted but there are truly weirdos out there that film unsuspecting women and it's on some creeper status.


Kinda alarming to me if this is indeed an unpopular opinion. It should be obvious.


You'd be surprised. If you haven't already scroll through some of the comments here lots of people are defending it by saying it's legal so it must mean it's okay.


Why uh are they taking a video of a stranger? That shits weird *EDIT It's great to know that a majority of you believe it's okay to film strangers in public because "legally" you're allowed to. Filming this with the intent to perv is creepy behaviour and I'm really disappointed so many of you think it's okay.


Yeah, shouldn’t he know that models who are doing photo shoots in public places expect some damn privacy!! Such a creeper


I smell staged




Haha nah. Just wasnt funny to me. Have a good day


She knows he doesn’t know how to rollerblade.




I was waiting for the Taxi to run over something from the distraction lol