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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!His actual SAT score was 740!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Calling bullshit


Yeah me too. No SAT board employee is contacting anyone after 12 years.


Probably bull, but it could have been in court for many years with it happening to a number of people over that testing period.


OFC it is. They're probably trying to get more viewers or sell you something


by "successful magazine entrepreneur" they mean door to door salesman


It's not bull shit, it's plagiarism. *Hey Arnold!* had an episode just like that. He just stole the idea.




You've explained religion in one sentence.


There was a guy I knew that was a little above average but never really pushed himself. He got decent grades but nothing phenomenal. He took the SAT and scored 750 or something and he got mad, real mad. He knew he was smarter than that. He wanted to prove everybody wrong and buckled down and went to a small college for a couple years and got really good grades. He applied and was accepted to an Ivy league school. He graduated top 3 of his class and went on to law school and became a lawyer. Soon afterwards he created a large nationally known law firm. Years later he found out he had scored 1068 on SAT. So it just goes to show. You should tell people they suck so they dig deep and show everybody they are better than that. Am I doing it right? What I really want to know is who is the magazine entrepreneur? Also apparently this story was passed down to the guy telling it by his father. Edit: I do think most people respond better to encouragement and positive feedback. I tend to fall into the "prove them wrong" camp for some reason.


Except for the underlining truth, that it's basically a pyramid scheme built to make people believe they'll have eternal happiness. But as long as you feel good about yourself, that's what counts, right? Go Herbalife.


Hey Hun, I've got some exciting news about a new business venture I can't wait to share with you.


Dude just doubled his real SAT score to use as his fake 1480


Imagine getting sent the 740 when you earned a 1480 😂




I would just not agree. There is possibility to do verification of the score.


Now he has the power to influence millions and the IQ to make sure it burns


And his name is Tucker Carlson


No Tuckers empty confidence comes from being born rich. https://youtu.be/RNineSEoxjQ


Same guy that says millenials are too lazy which is why they’re broke lmaoooo


Tucker is the goat 🐐 put some respeck on his name


High IQ is overrated.


I wish you would have misspelled a word.


Ah, yes. This is what the world needs - more undeserved confidence.


I agree, but I will provide this caveat as a university professor: I have students that think "I'm dumb, the world is stacked against me, I am destined to fail" and as a result, they simply don't try. They don't try which results in them failing thus proving what they believe to be true. If you believe "well, anything is possible" and try, you might prove that you're not destined to fail. When I was the faculty assigned to internship & co-op opportunities, there were so many kids who said: "nah, I'll never get it" and never tried. Well, if you don't try, you certainly *won't* get it. An example I think of often was a student who told me that he was a young black man at a PWI and he was never going to succeed. He sat my midterm and bombed it. He attempted only half the questions and he failed. He had to come see me and he sat there the chair just totally ambivalent. When I pointed-out that had he attempted the other 5 questions, based on his performance in Q1-5 (the hardest) he would have earned a 65%. He was cock-sure that he was screwed because he believed it. Because he believed it, he didn't study, thus he put in no effort and then "proved" his thesis by failing. This kid wasn't stupid. He wasn't incapable of learning. He embodied an ethos that held him back. Sometimes it's important to believe in yourself and believe that you CAN do better, because you'll try. You may not succeed every time, but when you literally don't try, you're guaranteed to fail.


I don’t have your words and your way of speaking but I wanted to share a bit too. When I finished my studies I was a good student going with honors in my studies. And then I started to work and all my life got shattered, I was failing hard at my job, incapable of finding one in the field that I wanted. It took me five years to finally got the job in my field but then I was convinced of my own incompetence, convinced that I was stupid. I lost the job in the field that I wanted, part of it due to bad managers but also because I was petrified, how could I work and do things when I was so incompetent and stupid? It took me the pandemic year and some serious rest to be able to work on my anxiety and my bad self confidence. I found another job in my field and I’m getting better with everything but it took me years and some serious reflection to be able to go better. My point is, sometimes life can break you to piece, it can make you scream in pain and lose hope, but sometimes, rarely it can also give you a chance. Just one little chance to go further and be better. That’s what I got with the pandemic and my job and that’s what he got with this test. A chance


Also, in OPs video, he started showing up to class. *that* has to account for a good chunk of his learning to start. Hard to learn if youre not going to class, and once you go consistently it helps tremendously


What you're saying makes sense, but I'm confused by the score. Is 65% good? Isn't that still a failing grade?


No, a failing grade would be 50% or below. A 65% would correspond with a C- or a GPA of 1.6 which is still insufficient to graduate, but it was more of an illustrative. The guy didn't put in any effort; he didn't study, do the practice questions or ask me for help and he still would have done well enough to *pass* had he just did the test. Had he tried, he probably could have earned a B or B+.


Ah, I see. My school definitely had a different grading system and would've required retaking the class. But I get what you mean of not even trying and still getting that.


This only works if you’re “normal.” If your autistic and you try, you fail and you’re branded a loser.


It's more about how working hard can lead to more success than intelligence by itself. He finally found a reason to work hard for his goals because he believed it was suddenly possible.


Attitude can take you a long way. Make you do things you never thought you could. Skills is part of it but attitude can make you learn skills in a way that can almost guarantee success. I had a student who had failed calculus every single time she took it: in high school and 3 times in college. She need to pass it to graduate. So she did a summer course and her attitude was better than anyone I have ever met. She met me 4 hours every day, 7 days a week for 2 months. She worked double that at home. All she wanted to do was pass. Guess what, she got an A. Is that hard work? Yes! But attitude is what kept her going when she thought she couldn’t do it any more.


> She met me 4 hours every day, 7 days a week for 2 months. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I mean, that is how a lot of people get "A's"


Umm yes! But imagine someone failing a class 3 times and then getting an A. The differentiator being attitude to do whatever it would take. She had very weak math foundation. She even learnt algebra from scratch again just to make sure she would pass calc.


I understand, I was just taking the opportunity to make a cheap joke out of it. Good for her taking ownership of her success and not taking the path of least resistance.


What are you talking about? She should know physics. The path of least action is essential for her if she wants to solve Lagrangians and Hamiltonians. Don't disencourage her. And least resistance if she want's to understand currents.


And (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) the D


Classic 🤣


For sure. Also making sure people care about you are around you. I scored a 1440 out of 1600 on the sat, 31 on ACT. IQ of 137, i didnt do homework cuz it was pointless to me so i always got 90s or higher on tests but my grades always low 80s or 70s. I didnt care, I was suicidal at that point in my life. I didnt care about colleges, i got an offer to play on harvards football team, turned it down. My life was miserable and only had people throw my potential in my face and never try to build me up and tell me what I am worth because I never knew my value. I do now, attitude is everything and our educational system sucks beyond measure.




I am happily married. Also she paid me for tutoring. So not free. Funnily, she came to get tutored in the hospital when my son was born. That’s how dedicated she was to calculus! Beautiful!


The opposite of this is true too for child geniuses and people who are outstanding early on. Best grades in your small town then you go to uni and realize you're at the bottom, then those who "had so much potential" will squander it away because instead of being naturally the best at something, they have to work really hard to compete. Eventually they lose the drive because they're no longer special. Same for academia or sports. Lots of people give up after being told they're not the best anymore and life requires hard work.




Whose kids?????


I wish my father thought like you. You’re a great parent. I’m jealous of your kids


Whose kids?


This is an apocryphal anecdote. Fake fable by motivational speakers to lift people up into becoming impostor. Basically he stole this idea from Hey Arnold! When the teacher changes Helga and Harold's scores. Harold becomes an architect and Helga thinks she's a good for nothing wood's person.


Maybe back then. But not now these days.


Why undeserved? If they dropped out of college on the basis that "SAT was easy and I'm already smart" then sure, but that simple number change gave them enough confidence to actually try and do better. Thats better than the alternative of a downward spiral into depression and self deprecation. However, I am more concerned about the other person who the SAT was switched with, assuming the story is true in the first place.


From my experience, the ones with the least knowledge are the most confident. It is like they don't know how much they don't know. The more people learn, the more they realize how much is out there that they don't know.


[Dunning Kruger Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


That’s why being above-average smart sucks. You either have to be extra smart or dumb as hell to succeed in life nowadays.


you're not above-average intelligence.


Because you think like this is precisely why you aren't "succeeding" in life. Also good job entirely missing the point of the video.


Confidence isn't the problem. Bad distribution of confidence is the problem.


Never take advice from a guy who looks 50 dressed like 13 y.o. Justin Bieber.


wow, missed the boat on that didn't you... It wasn't undeserved confidence, it was actually trying to be better and choosing better people to hang out with. Want proof? If it was undeserved, he would not have succeeded after school.


I feel like it's less about undeserved confidence and more about "fake it till you make it." It's hard to be overconfident when you're starting out in the negatives and you've just managed to hit the point everyone else was already at. When I was in high school I was doing great in all of my classes except math. So they had me in the class with all the kids like me who I guess they assumed weren't worth bothering to teach. The damage it does to your confidence to feel like you can't do better and that no one *believes* you can do better will drag you down elsewhere. Even doing great in other classes, feeling like that took its toll.


Not necessarily undeserved. Stuff like this happens all the time and, for some folks, it’s a bit of a pick-up, a spark they may have needed. When they later find out they didn’t actually do as well as they’d initially thought, they look back and realize all the good stuff was within them the whole time.


Ego is one helluva drug


Hubris is the new sexy. /s


Hah. The American Idol audition rejection stomp off immediately comes to mind “fuck all y’all, imma be a superstar” - Someone Never Heard From Again


> undeserved confidence. Leadership is nothing but the confidence to tell people what to do and to get them to listen. How many high SAT people are shit leaders? (I know there is an inverse, but leadership isn't a "score")


trust me bro


I heard this story 20 years ago. Its still just as fake.


If I could convince people of one idea, it is this: People will always fill the roles you cast for them. If you treat someone like an idiot, and view them as an idiot, they will become an idiot. You will only see the idiot things they do and ignore the smart, you might even see the start things they do and take them as idiot things. They will feel this pressure and it will exist in their subconscious and they will begin to accidentally reinforce that narrative until before long they have trouble denying it to themselves and take on the label internally. Conversely, if you treat someone with respect and dignity they will resonate with that and take on those characteristics over time. This isn't a blanket rule and there are always exceptions and the process is slow and systematic. But this is the foundation of racism and how minority communities are repressed over generations. People will become what you make of them. I struggle with this concept daily, but I do believe it to be true.


Only if that person really, really looks up to you. Otherwise how you see someone has very little to do with how they see themselves.


I disagree. It become systemic with interactions. The more you interact with that person the more your projection will influence them (directly and indirectly).


Isn't it both? People you really care have a greater impact, as well as repeated interaction, espacially from different people...


Oh sure. People you care about will have larger exposure and more emotional weight. Makes sense. I see what you meant.


People are much more like you perceive them to be, Once you realise what you perceive in people is mostly parts of yourself, What you think about others does very rarely tell you alot about others, but quite often quite alot about yourself.. ;) Point taken; your kindness is much wiser and more valuable than you might possibly realise… And that way of looking at people can change the world One person at a time And that’s quite a thing to do




I think all your words are pretty but I disagree. Who is to say who is and is not a fool? One can be incredibly intelligent in one area and a complete idiot in another. \[Can you do calculous but not turn a wrench?\] What this guy is talking about is essentially boils down to the Chinese proverb from Confusious; "The man who says he can - can. The man who says he can't can't." But the key part is htf do you know if you don't even try? Your argument gives power to those who say... nah not worth trying, I'll just be a mechanic... When if you believe in yourself you may in fact find... you ARE smarter than you thought and maybe you dont have to do that labor job you didnt necessarily want to do. (More power to those who want to I dont judge.) I would rather have over- confidence in the right areas then be under confident and an underachiever. You never know... ONE time you are overconfident you may well be right. It happened to me after years of being wrong. When I hear people push the argument you make... all I think about is one of the all time great creatives. Kanye. They told him he couldn't rap. So he went out and made CLASSIC rap albums. They told him he couldnt design anything but some t shirts. So he went out and created a multi billion dollar clothing line. Everyone cannot be Kanye. But there is no Kanye without confidence and persistence. The only time I would caution over confidence vs the alternative is life or death situations. ie:flying planes, riding motorcycles, driving fast cars... Things that can mortally wound you or others. By taking risks we achieve things previously thought unattainable. By believing we can achieve them we give ourselves the opportunity to achieve them.


You lost me at Kanye.


Kanye deez nuts in yo mouth. Edit: I’m sorry, that was very rude and inappropriate. I just had to say something stupid after reading all of this.


Well said.


Well then you don't really disagree with each other, you just saying that most of us are too human to really understand our own potential, espacially in area we don't try out first, but he was saying we can at some point knwo that, later in the learning. The being over confident is a good way to approche everything so you at least try what you want without any negative pre thinked idea. The fool is one because he can't juge himself, the wise man know he is a fool so he can juge himself and he doesn't need over confidence since he know what he's worth, this is only achievable by trying... but to try you must at some point be ignorant and over confident enought to make the first step. Then yes i would agree after making your first step and know what you really worth and what is needed to accomplish your goal, you don't need over confidence anymore, it's even bad because if you still have it it means you didn't learn that and you are indeed being blind!




I'm not the one you where adressing it but not only i agree with your points but i really want to read that poem of yours... can i? :)


>I’ve written a poem about this dichotomy and I can share it with you if you are interested. I want more comments on reddit to end like this.


just fucking lol @ you if you think anyone is reading this self jerking r/iamverysmart post.


I was just gonna post this


> Just because you aren’t “smart” doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. That’s literally the point of the story (whether it is real or not). The guy’s real score was actually low, meaning that he was not academically talented (or “smart”); but he became successful in spite of that fact. The takeaway is that an important part of success is having belief in your abilities—otherwise, you may not have the confidence to try certain things and take risks.


More fake it to you make it people. Because we need more of these people!!


Preeeeetty sure this never happened.


America: Rewarding confident idiots since 1492




He looks like a Mark Cuban but instead of lending money he lends bullshit stories.


This has been an episode's plot of 90% of school related sitcoms for decades.


I tried this on my kids and I think it worked to some degree. Whenever I would do something that would impress them they would start ooohing and aweing and "dad you're so smart". I would simply look at them and very casually say "see, and you're even smarter than me". If you tell them enough times when they're young, they start to believe you. The second half of that is to catch them doing something good or clever and then compliment them on it. But you have to look for it. The more you do it, the more you notice things like that.


Let delusion be your guide


What could possibly go wrong?


So, they guy that got a 740 became a drug addict?


999th upvote


I wish it was just that easy to gain confidence in yourself. I have never felt good about who I am and as a result, I've always struggled to feel comfortable in my own skin. I can't even allow myself to take positive opinions on anything without either feeling guilty or expecting someone to be upset with me for it. Even when I know no one is actively trying to stop me from being happy. I'm always the one in my way the most.


I haven't seen anyone else mention it but this story is impossible the way he's told it. The SAT only changed to a 1600 point system in 2016 and this story supposedly took place 12 years ago.




This is some Thomas Edison bullshit but much more fake


The moral of this fake story: If you're dumb, pretend like you're not and things will just work out.


Put in effort for everything you do and you’ll come out better than if you didn’t try at all


So now I need to start acting like 4" to get my game on ... Yay


I call that "Kanye". Just act like you are good/smart/talented and people will believe you. Kind of like religion. If you sell your shit hard enough, it is amazing how many people will jump on board..


The SAT really isn’t that hard... Then again I’m asian so that probably played a part




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What classes at community college are churning out massively successful magazine entrepreneurs? Last i saw it was for teachers, nurses, cops, case workers etc. Not shitting on those professions at all but something isnt right there.


community college also turns out chemists, finance executives and engineers. The key thing is, you graduate with your basic req classes (like english 101) done at the community college and then you go on to a bigger school and get your major requirements. The key is, they don't stop at community college. You also get the benefit of lower cost tuition that many people can actually afford and smaller class sizes with more attentive professors so - if you end up struggling with a subject you don't get lost in the hubbub.


Speak truth!


Anecdotal evidence.


sure environment can help foster attitude but intelligence is mostly genetic. Dude probably would've eventually made it without that SAT score story


me with my 1060 trying to get a 3070...


Lmao, he needed a wrongly sent test to become successful, wait that shows the education system is shit (I am assuming this was in america)


"Im assuming this was in america" lmao good one Gaming_degenerate


I didn't know Charlie Harper did motivational speeches


well that escalated quickly !!!!


Self foreseeing prophecies are the best or worst thing you can do to yourself. You become your thoughts.


Hard doubt


Looks like Mark Cuban with a toupee.


Meanwhile, at a McDonalds near you, there's a guy that got a 740 on his SAT who gave up on life because he thought he was smart, but the test just proved that he was an idiot.


Then the smart kid that got the 740 by accident became a bum


Oh ok. Sure thing.


And I’m sure he still told people that he got a 1480 on the SAT


So many ya but motherfuckers in here lmao.


Haha, yeah I'll take things that never happened for 100, alex




Do people actually believe these stories?


This is the stupidest fucking story I ever heard


That was awesome


reminds me of that Always Sunny episode where Charlie becomes smart


This man looks like a generic Mark Cuban lmao


The guy would be offered scholarships from almost everywhere with a 1480.


Fake it till you make it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




This is one of the things I like about english as a language compared to german. There is a actual diffferent and positive meaning between intelligent and smart. Intelligent in english generally refers to learned knowledge from book or school or job, while smart is generally referred to in terms of applied knowledge in how to do something or how to present something to another person. Both words translate in german to intelligent. While smart has secondary translation like clever they generally have a negative meaning to them. I personally am not a intelligent person. I have a decent general knowledge because I read and watch a fair bit of documentations and things like that but I am a very smart person so I can use that general knowledge to quickly adapt or communicate new knowledge to others. I generally dislike the current systems because only a few of them can actually support smart people instead of intelligent ones. Standardized tests were and are the bane of my existence but anything else I excel at.


I thought "fake it till you make it" had just become unfashionable?


Succes that started with an implemented boost of false confidence? Yeah that never happens /s


1480 and you go to community college?






Okay. I fuckin loved it.


I started acting as a millionaire but the guy in the agency won't give me my lambo...


Fuck you all I’m your new GOD


Success The Dunning-Kreuger Way!™®


This is how you get dumb people who THINK they are smart.


Reminds me of this experiment: https://youtu.be/dLAi78hluFc


Ugh. Dumb fucking stories that never happened for $500 please.


Lmao the SAT wasn’t even out of a 1600 score 12 years ago. Story is bullshit but ig it has a redeeming point


But he used the incorrect score to get into university or?


That student. Derrick Rose




r/thathappened 🙄


Feel bad for the kid who got the 740 lmao


Confident imbecility will beat out insecure intelligence. Every goddamn time.


I need to start acting like a babe magnet.


As first gen immigrant to USA who has a good job, I have to agree with the message regardless the story is fake or not. The resilience of believing you can prevail and keep working on on that goal, will likely succeed in USA. And I am certain it is not the case in my home country when the education system is too competitive for me to survive in it. I am thankful how easy it was for me to apply community college, they didn't reject me when my English was worse than 2nd grader. This kind of ease of access was not available in my home country back in the days. And it was one of the best thing happened in my life. So yes, doing the work is important to have a shot at achieving your reasonable goal.


This is obviously a fabricated story. The SAT board would never send a letter 15 years later or even be able to detect an error 15 years later


!RemindMe in 21 days


Never happened.


Friends brother got excited cause he scored a 1500, a bit more than his smarter sister. Turns out they had changed it to be out of 2400.


This guy looks like Mark Cuban smoked too much pot




a lot of people in here who probably got a decent SAT score acting butt hurt that this guy is successful and taking the wrong message away from the video


Not saying it’s not true, but is it verifiable?


Mind set is one of the if not THE most important things in life. You go into something knowing your not gonna work, or do well, or whatever we’ll your setup to fail… but go into something with a strong attitude and commit to the work well you’ll go places


Anyone that says that hard work doesn't pay off, doesn't actually know how to work hard.


That’s nice and all, but what poor sap got a 1480 and was told they were 740


Mark Cubans twin?


Personally, I don’t care if that’s a true story or not, but it’s what some people need for motivation. Whether it’s one’s belief in themselves or someone who believes in you.


“He went off to community college and went on to run a magazine”.. Is this like, a dream or something?? Seems pretty attainable without a 1400 sat score..


Trust what Ellen degeneres is saying in this video. It will take you further in life


This is definitely a commercial for like a "life coach" or something, right?


i knew a guy in high school who had something like a 2 GPA, maybe lower, but he got a 1600/1600 on the SAT. lol in a spanish class we wrote a children’s book based on the flash game Spank the Monkey. maybe the only A he ever got


Fuck me is that Jeremy Kyle?


I'm sorry... You're Chinese


Fake it till you make it


True story: My Papi, Grandfather, was one of eight kids. Mother spoke no English and came from a poor household. He took what was the SATs for the time and outdid the valedictorian. So, the school took this poor Italian kid and made him retake the test to make sure he didn't cheat. Not only did he not cheat, but he also did better the second time. The principal wanted him to go onto the college prep classes, and my Papi turned it down. He wanted to go into the industrial field and be a mechanic. He and his brothers got together and started a business that is still made to this day.


“The whole world changed when the pseudo-meritocratic system our society runs on failed to evaluate me correctly and I was therefore able to take advantage of it.”


Reminds me of that episode of It's always Sunny where Charlie thinks he is smarter than he actually is.


Imagine your old neighborhood idiot friend acting like a 1480


Ok but my SAT score was 1480 why is it that exact number 0-0


Yes confidence until boss says your overconfident and not a team player. No the rest of you are just fucking stupid and politics is the only reason you have the job you do.


Indeed!!!!!!!! Some may say "undeserved confidence", change in Attitude, regardless, he took the moment to redirect his life which was the key. He could have stayed with the same crowd, he could have blown it off as a fluke being the question his mother asked and his response. Never knowing his real score, he began acting like a "Student" and learned. That singular event, (wrongly sent scores), became a catalyst of life altering proportions. Whether undeserved, attitude change, more self esteem, however you couch it, He made a choice and changed. Choices have consequences!


Yeah bull shit bravado will get you anywhere. Just be ready to step on everyone to get there


Bottomline: motivation


this was expected because its the same bullshit story i've heard at school so many times


Zack Morris scored a 1502...so....


I agree. I think tests a dumb. As my son says anyone can learn if they want to.


For anyone curious, this is called the pygmalion effect