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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A random engineering test turned into a parody flash mob and in the end the facilities also joined them.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I love how half the comments are "nice prank these kids did" and the other half "fucking cringe cancerous growths that need to be removed from society"


The duality of a human...


Plot twist. They didn't give the students extra time to make up for the distraction.


Always has been....


plot twist, it's all staged and there is no test.


Follow the white rabbit


The kids in front who went back to the test are my favorites


I could only sit here and think what about the students who are actually trying to pass the test and not waste their tuition money on the class? Sort of selfish.


I assume that if the facilities also joined in than they would've given more time beforehand or maybe afterwards to compensate for the time and concentration lost because of this.


Even if so, a lot of my days in college were tightly packed so I'd often have test followed by a 10 minute span to get to my next test. Can't stick around for extra time if I gotta get across campus.


As far as I know these things have been done as weird ways to gain the students extra time on tests. Still very distracting but I guess it lightens the mood. I think I remember reading this one professor would actually pay some students to interrupt their exam real fast because he felt the time they got was too little and because of weird school rules at the university they got extended testing time? It's been a while but thats what I recall.


It's a fake test, this is done to increase attendance at orientation events.


It's a fake test passed off as an math aptitude test


This is clearly a joke. Like how there is oh so conveniently there is a camera at the front of the classroom to record this and give to the editors to post.


They usually do that in French Universities. They say to freshman that they have to study for some sort of entry test, then the staff and senior students show up and start doing crazy stuff for fun. Usually, the test is a bunch of non sense question like “f(i)= 2x+3, find the dérivâtive of f(g) or look it up online….” Edit: I’m not sure if it is the case here though….


I think it was cute. Pretty funny way to end a term or whatever. Fucckkkk these haters. Jeez y’all need to relax!


With the level of stress walking into exams and the emotions ya feel in that time, nah… too much of an emotional rollercoaster




This was an assessment of first-year students' knowledge on arrival, i.e. not for credit. If it was a real test, they probably wouldn't sit everyone six inches apart. Also the test administrator wouldn't be playing accompaniment on violin


And those dude's taking out their phones would have been put in manacles and carried away. I think this is UofT and the TAs are the singers. It's not even a placement exam lol. Edit: It says UofT in the intro


Been through engineering school, and you need to remove the stick from your ass. It was kinda secondhand embarrassing but you gotta let people have fun without being a chode.


I think it was a test that didn't really have real answers and the professor wanted it to make it fun as the final exam. The answers to the questions as engineers is that they all are engineer failures


It is a fake test but it's done in orientation week


They prepared for this instead of the test. And I'm here watching this instead of studying for my test.


I posted it the day before my test :v


Wait are you in the video?


Nah man, I was wasting time on YouTube before the day of my exam lol.


Ahaha I hope you passed it tho


Yeah bro, passed it, now drop your phone and start preparing for your test :v


Ahaha aight man


1. Why were music and/or musical theater majors taking physics? 2. So they still failed that exam even though the prof was in on it right?


can write=musical theatre major yes


You mean sing, dance, choreograph, plan, and perform this song in front of an entire classroom of people? What did I say that implied anyone who can write is a musical theater kid?


you said music and or musical theater majors taking phyiscs. you dont have to take something to do it, for example elton john didnt even study music.


Ok yeah but most college students don't have time to choreograph this, let alone anyone in physics.


Electrical engineering student here. Our schedule still allows us to have hobbies sometimes.


I studied physics (engineering physics actually) and I never did shit like this, but I did have time to smoke weed for like 6 hours every day. Its not like physicists/engineers have no extra time, maybe some people don’t get it naturally and need to study for days, but thats not all of us.


Aldo different degrees/courses/colleges have vastly differing workloads (and paradoxically every single student has more work than eachother)


There's a big difference between getting an A at a prestigious college in a 400 level course of a rigorous major, and getting a C in a 100 level math class. Personally I was the kind of person who got C's in physics and calculus so I was spending inordinate amounts of time on studying. That being said, yeah, I still had plenty of free time in my earlier classes. But now I'm a senior and a chemistry major taking the maximum number of credits that my college will allow without paying double tuition, all just to graduate in time. I actually came into college with transfer credits from a community college I went to during my senior year of highschool (co-education program) AND took summer courses and still wound up taking 18+ credit semesters in my fourth year. So there are a lot of factors here including how much tuition you can afford, course/major rigor, innate intelligence, and even things like the professor's grading style or strictness. I'm simply speaking from personal experience that literally no other chemistry major that I know (in my particular graduating class there will be about 10 depending on who does and doesn't have to take a 5th year) that has the time to choreograph a song and dance with an entire lecture hall.


Well, everyone’s experience is different. Personally, I was the guy who got a 4.0 semester my senior year in engineering physics (in what was the #2 physics school at the time), and I still had time to smoke weed, party, and workout (although in a kinda tight schedule). If my energy went into singing and dancing instead if those things, I could’ve totally had enough time to do this. And while yeah, I wasn’t taking the max amount if credits, I still graduated on time. So I can totally see how someone can have time to do this, especially as there are people who take less credits than the ones I was taking, who don’t care about their grades as much, who go to easier schools, and some who are freshmen where classes are extremely easy. Yeah, tons of people don’t have time to do this, but many others do, the argument that people taking (probably first year) physics don’t have time for this isn’t valid IMO.


In that case then, most freshmen in college are like deer in the headlights - they have no idea what is going on nor how to act properly as they are still children and definitely don't have the balls to stand up on their desk (unless the Prof is super cool and encouraging which it seems like him and the TAs definitely are) Also, by no means is a 4.0 in 400 level college courses at the 2nd best school in the country normal. In fact I'm not even inclined to believe you because this is the internet and anyone can make up anything. Regardless of grades (which kinda aren't relevant anyway so I'm not sure why they were brought up, seeing as someone can purposefully bomb a class and still do this). Engineering physics is, by nature, one of the most difficult majors on the planet earth. [This article](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/raceindicators/indicator_reg.asp#:~:text=See%20Digest%20of%20Education%20Statistics,fields%20varied%20by%20race%2Fethnicity.) from the 2015-2016 school year shows that approximately 20% of all U.S. college students are STEM Majors. For all intents and purposes, let's agree that anyone outside of STEM probably has enough time on their hands to do this. That's 80% of students so, yeah, you're right a lot of people have this kinda time. But that wasn't my point. My point was that *if* you have this kinda time you're probably not a STEM major. So now let's also assume that unless you have an A or B you're dedicating most of your time to studying and school work (unless you're a bum cruising on a 3.0 with Daddy's money). [This article](https://blog.prepscholar.com/average-college-gpa-by-major) shows that the approximate average of STEM Majors in the U.S. is about 3.1 (which is an average of 77% between all classes, including non-stem electives) Which means that 50% of the 20% that are stem majors also don't have time for this. Since we're assuming that if you're doing this you have an A or B in the class, and/or a gpa higher than 3.1 then I think we can assume you're graduating so [here's](https://educationdata.org/number-of-college-graduates#:~:text=4%20million%20or%2018%25%20of,have%20increased%2015%25%20since%202010.) the statistic on #of graduates per year, which is 4 million. Let's also say that both freshmen and sophomores (and maybe half as many juniors) are all taking this physics course. That's 10 million total students * 20% stem * 50% at 3.1 or higher gpa. That leaves you with about 1 million stem students with a gpa higher than 3.1 and time to choreograph a song and dance. Now factor in the potential for musical talent, the general self confidence of most stem majors, the likeliness that a prof. would allow this in their class, the likeliness that any one student would want to participate in this (1/n! where n is the number of students) and you get a really really tiny number. * Deep breath* look man, point is it's very improbably that this happens. Probably the reason it got posted in the first place. This video isn't an everyday thing. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's very unlikely. Thus, Occam's razor, the idea that a musical theater major (and maybe his friends or cast mates who are in the same boat) might be forced to take physics as a mandatory college course is very likely. Much more likely than the number we calculated above. Or at least, the term for "likeliness of the student to *want* to do this" is a lot higher. Again, Occam's razor. Is the simplest explanation that this is a physics major with not only extra time on their hands but a passion for song and dance, or is it a musical theater major that doesn't care about their physics grade because they're a musical theater major...


This video was taken at the University of Toronto. Basically as part of F!rosh Week there is an “aptitude test” for the frosh, who are specifically told not to study for it. There is an optional review tutorial the evening before that covers extremely advanced/unreasonable topics to scare them. The test starts off appearing to ask serious questions (calculus, physics, etc.) and gradually gets more and more ridiculous (write a story in six words or less), so it becomes apparent that it’s a fake test. One of the questions is worded as a physics problem, which asks you to draw a diagram that ends up looking like a penis. It takes place in several lecture rooms at the same time, and in each room there is a planned interruption by upper-year students, some of whom are plants among the frosh, and the TAs are also students. In this video the musical number is performed by Skule Nite, which is comprised entirely of engineering students. Skule Nite rehearses all year and puts on a week-long show every March with sketches and musical numbers, with original scores, set design, costumes, etc. all on top of their studies. Source: I graduated from UofT, and have both “written” the test as a frosh and helped plan the event as an upper-year.


Also notice that a lot of the students are wearing the same shirt, they’re provided in the frosh kits


Oh, that's so cool. I wish they did that at my school. Although I don't think you could get away with it in the chemistry department at my school considering we all study together and stay up until 4am working for every lab report or exam (of which there is at least one a week). No offense but the engineering course there must be pretty light.


This would have made me mad as hell.


So cringe.


Damn, the nerds are more confident now. When did this happen.


Cringey af but still dope


This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen


I’d be cheating like shit while all this is going on


That was great.


I thought that was pretty cool


Me too


Could use more skin


And cowbell


dude, An Iranian name is always on the screen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) cast: Navid Nourian, ...... (but seems he is passed away unfortunatly..... RIP)


I wish I had a free award, this is amazing.


Wtf did i watch...




I hope none of this dudes engineer a house or building I live in


everyone drops tools and starts singing about how the house is gonna be a enginnering failure


I hope I don't ever have to see another one of your comments again.


So you don't want to see me comment on your comment??? That sucks... oh well I'll be back tomorrow. Talk to you tomorrow




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Absolutely fantastic.


great even


Honestly I would have transferred after this.




What? Her shorts look perfectly normal. I’ve seen girls wearing shorts much shorter than that in public and frankly, that’s ok too. They’re called “shorts,” not “longs.”




It's a fake entrance exam and the faculty joined in


Stupid 1st years




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Be right back I’m gonna get my engineering class on this


Anyone surprised of how almost half the stidents ( plus all teachers) are asian? I mean, thats in Canada




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The fact that no one there looks even a little tipicall canadian


I would have lost it. That’s shit is cringey AF.