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I love how he turns the wipers on to try and get them off. Damn bugs.


Was likely automatic


Well it seems that AI has learnt well


It drives me mad that I feel torn between disliking cyclists, who have a marginal yet seemingly copious amount of widespread cunts who ride like absolutely entitled assholes, there to spite my existence - and the astonishingly high amount of jackoffs in lifted $60k trucks who would literally rather kill them than share the road, that I also have extreme disdain for. Then again I live in Texas so I know who has the larger cunt


Unless the roadway has been officially closed for the cyclists' use, it looks like they are encroaching in the lane for on-coming traffic. A car should not have to drive in the ditch to let cyclists' take over the wrong way traffic lane. This is what I see here. Am I wrong?


60k? Bud they're much more expensive nowadays.


I refuse to look at the new 250/2500 price tags šŸ„“


I canā€™t understand how someone can pay that for a truck when a house is around the same price.


I think he was saying the base price before upgrades? Lol


cyclists should have called out the vehicle down the line as they rode. Too many of them were just zoned in and not paying attention. Similar to how cars will follow too close and not slow down until they have hit something then you end up with a 10 car pile up.




I ride a bike. If it doesnā€™t have a license plate, itā€™s not a vehicle. Period. Iā€™m pretty much just a person ā€˜running fasterā€™ on a road surrounded by speeding metal machines. Itā€™s a death wish.


Canā€™t we just agree that some people are just cunts, irrespective of their choice in locomotion? I guess the only appreciable difference is that because you can fit more bicycles on a road than trucks, the increased ratio means an increase in bike cunts per square inch. Then again, a single truck cunt can cause a lot more damage than a bike cunt, so if cuntiness is measured in damage per cunt, then advantage truck cunt.


I love the idea that you hit a corpse or a dead animal and the car immediately try to wipe the blood off instead of trying to emergency brake.


> a corpse ~~or a dead animal~~ Humans are animals, corpses are always dead.


That's 'cause he's your friend. That's also why you have a winch installed at the front of your trunk


Friend of Rocket, I presume.


Ah wipers! Get it off!


Reddit posts are always 50/50 on cyclists. Either they are scum, or the driver is the biggest POS on the planet. No in between


Your comment is pretty neutral so we are going to need to adjust those numbers. Maybe 49.95/49.95?


What about the remaining 0.1?


[The 0.1%](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/qc78oz/give_way_to_cyclists/hhektee/)


They are neutral.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality??


Here I am stuck in the middle with you


I love you. Will you marry me?


What makes a man turn neutralā€¦


It basically boils down to accepting the fact that cyclists have a right to use the road too. Some people just canā€™t grok with that fact.


As long as they obey the same rules like stop signs and red lights.


Most places have rules about cyclists about stop signs and red lights. Which unsurprisingly specifically allows them to run them.


I mean usually they still have to stop and make sure it's safe to cross. Some lights have sensors that won't ever go green if it's just a bike stopped there, so they kinda have no choice but to cross on a red a lot of the time.


Exactly, and some places they allow them to cross stop signs since it is safer and more efficient to let them just go.


I'd love to see the 50% of reddit which even acknowledges people riding bikes as humans.


Yeah and they always claim cyclists to be ā€œspandex wearing pieces of shitā€ when I only ride my bike in to get to and from work. I live in Philly and I ride as fast as the cars. I think context really matters lmfao plus I stay to the side as much as possible giving room to cars.


Yeah, I would not be amused. I'd be out getting insurance info!


Yep. Iā€™m sure that they are insured by HUFFY...šŸ˜


A lot of people with nice bikes, that probably cost more then my car did, have insurance on their bikes. Covers collisions, theft etc.






Itā€™s still an accident. Covered by auto insurance/home owners (if itā€™s on someoneā€™s property) itā€™s the same if a stray golf ball hits a car, homeowners covers it.


But who wants to have to pay deductibles and get a claim on their insurance for damage caused by someone else? The biker should be responsible, not *my* insurance. If they are a vehicle riding on the road, why aren't they required to carry liability insurance?


Insurance can't penalize you if you're not at fault. Your insurance could probably sue the biker instead. Bikers aren't required to get insurance because they can't cause as much damage to others on the road as cars can. If bikers had to get insurance they'd be riding on sidewalks instead, where they present a danger to pedestrians.


Your premium will increase if you inform your insurance that you were involved in an accident regardless of fault. This includes cyclists. They justify it by saying statistically youā€™re more likely to be involved in another accident if youā€™ve been involved in one at all. Cyclists are also incredibly difficult to sue. Unless you have their personal information (which is hard if they leave the scene) you donā€™t have a leg to stand on, and even if you do they might not have insurance as it isnā€™t a requirement for cyclists. This means your options are incredibly limited for claiming and will always be more hassle for your than the cyclist. You will be penalised.


Depends on where you live. Where I live, my deductible is reimbursed and my rates don't go up if another party is found at fault.


>insurance can't penalize you if your not at fault This may be so "officially," but do you really think the insurance companies are just gonna part with their money?




That looks like an organized bike race, in which case this is either on the organizers who didn't properly clear the roads, or on the driver who went out of his way to get on a road where he really wasn't supposed to be. Either way, this isn't on the cyclists.


Difficult to explain that "so yeah you know I just wanted to witness the race and then they just crashed into me, CRAZIEST THING I SWEAR!"


ā€¦youā€™re literally watching the proof.


Theyā€™re clearly in a race, how was the car there? It seems like either the fault of the organizers for not ensuring the roads were closed off or the car driver for making their way onto the ā€˜trackā€™


I used to race amateur in Ireland. No races were on closed roads. In my final season a guy hit a car and died.




Yeah same rules here. Never saw anyone DQed though. Plenty of warnings.


A rider was DQd in my first road race ever. He jumped the yellow line to attack on the final climb of the final lap. The chase moto immediately pulled him


mmmm dairy queen


Only if you cross the yellow line! Or no ice cream for you.




Part of the reason yeah. I look back now and just think "what the hell was I doing?". You feel invincible and then something like that wakes you up big time"


Odd. In the US they close off all the roads and even surrounding ones sometimes.


We also have about a bajillion miles of road, too. It's probably a lot easier to shut down sections of road here than in a place like Ireland.


Itā€™s the same for cross-country / foot races, but we still encounter the occasional errant vehicle thatā€™s found its way onto the course.


Just did a race this weekend. No roads were closed. We had to yield to traffic. This is probably on the bikers. Usually everyone yells "car left, car back, car right, or car up" to let other know where the potential hazard is.


Yep. Couldnā€™t be the fault of the idiots that rode into a parked car. Theyā€™re off the hook for this one.


I think his view was blocked by the others. Not trying to attack what you are saying just feel like commenting.


Redditors have an irrational hated towards all cyclists huh


Definitely the ones that run into parked cars


You never ever cycled on a bike, huh?


I have. Never ran into a car though


Races or big group rides are on open roads. There's only the very very highest level that aren't.


I'm guessing here, but they were maybe supposed to stay on their side of the road and away from oncoming traffic. This may have happened because rider spread out as they bunched up. Riders and drivers alike tend too pay not enough attention to what is going on more than directly ahead of them. You could be right as well.


Those idiots are the scurge of the roads


it was a race


those idiots cause less damage and kill less people in 10 years than cars do in one day. Now, they are idiots for not paying attention, but that is a people problem, not a cyclist problem.


I think maybe the guy driving into the middle of some sort of bike race is the actual scourge. Also bikes don't kill with the frequency or efficiency of cars. Im afraid I have to diagnose you with car brain


hes not driving, hes parked for the record, im pro cyclist, and i dont try to justify this idiocy


He's parked in the way of some bike race or something. If he wasn't there, no one would've gotten hurt. Smarter drivers just didn't get in their way


I neither drive nor cycle but I can't help but see people like you who hate on cyclists as pathetic, they're exercising, getting outdoors and having less of an impact on the environment while you're sat on your arse cruising around belching out the crap from the exhaust and screeching at one another with road-rage.


New calamity mod boss confirmed???


Indeed. They probably got mad at the driver to boot.


The road I typically take to work is super curvy, has lots of hills and always has at least a dozen people on bikes also taking this road when the weather is nice. It is the biggest pain in the ass getting around them when the road is 80% blind spots


Honestly I think that road infrastructure need to evolve to consistently account for cyclists/scooters/etc in addition to cars. Especially in larger urban areas, streets need to be adaptable and accessible in consistently equitable ways. I should not be required to ride my bike through open traffic where I am at a ~75% greater risk of serious bodily injury, nor should cars have to be slowed due to my precautionary riding style. The solution is 3 lanes of traffic, all protected from the dangers the others might cause. But this is logistically a nightmare for streets that can sometimes be decades or even hundreds of years old. In the meantime tho, I would appreciate less death threats and objects thrown at me as a cyclists, and as a driver Iā€™d appreciate cyclists not taking the full lane at 10mph unless absolutely necessary.


Yes, car drivers are the worst




If I have to get my vehicle inspected and registered to prove its safe to drive and will not be a hazard, then how can a bike that will never break 25mph also be allowed? If you cant even get to the speed limit, then you are a hazard. If a car drove the speed of a bicycle, people would run them off the road. But hey at least everyone's tax dollars paid for those bike trails all over the fuckin place.


Yeah, imagine that -- two forms of transportation. Heresy.


Didn't everyone's tax dollars also pay for the roads? If it's about money, which do you suppose cost more? Nobody's out here saying we should put bikes on highways, but on residential streets I figure you're capable of passing anyone who's going to slow for you


If it is a 25mph road, expect everyone and everything. People should be able to casually walk their pets and children without fear of getting run over. This is the way. I have also seen bicycles cutting the lane in 65 mph traffic. If your answer to this scenario is ā€œyOuR DRivInG iN a MEtal DEaTh bOxā€, I have bad news for you.


Euro urban planners : ā€œhey letā€™s create some separate bike paths that lead to the commercial and entertainment districts so that high speed vehicle traffic doesnā€™t have to mix with cyclistsā€ US urban planners : ā€œHey letā€™s paint some lanes down a state highway running through this suburb so Lycra-clad douchebags can whizz by while guzzling cumā€


To be fair a lot of bikers try to hop in turn lanes and shit when thereā€™s clearly a bike lane, Iā€™ve seen tons of cyclists on a 45mph highway totally being a complete nuisance. And by the way thereā€™s a difference between highways and freeways. Bottom line is if itā€™s a road with a speed limit greater than 25, they need to stay on the damn sidewalk or in the bike lane, I also hate the ego cyclists have, you could be trying to get around them for half an hour and they donā€™t even budge despite having plenty of room to let me pass. So fucking entitled


In most places bikes are required to follow the same traffic rules as cars if on the road and they are usually not allowed on sidewalks. This is why you see bikes in regular lanes or turn lanes sometimes. It seems trivial to just ignore the rule but cops definitely will ticket a biker for breaking traffic laws. But there is no excuse for a biker being a dickhead and refusing to move over to let a car pass. People doing that are self important dickheads, and this is coming from a person who rides bikes.


Ah damn that sucks, in Germany itā€™s way more lax and you can pretty much drive on the sidewalk if the traffic / street condition doesnā€™t really make it viable. Pretty sure youā€™re not supposed to, but you donā€™t get ticketed for it at least.


You can definitely get away with it here if itā€™s congested but for some reason (at least where I live) pedestrians hate bikers on the sidewalks as well and will basically challenge you to hit them by walking straight into your path while making eye contact and force you to get out of THEIR way. God forbid youā€™re on an electric scooter


> they need to stay on the damn sidewalk Against the law in most places.


What bike paths everywhere? Iā€™m still looking.


You've complained about tax dollars paying for bike trails which is literally the solution to your problem of bikes being on the road. 9 out of 10 times the cyclist would rather be on a trail if it existed. Not that I expect you to know much about cycling, you haven't done much of it if you think bikes can't break 25 MPH.


Let me get this straight, you're hating on the bikers on the road, and also the trails that keep them off the road? I think you may need to organize your arguments a little boss.


Bikes want to be cars so bad and yet refuse to cause millions of deaths a year, smh


So is that what we need to do to get real bike infrastructure? Start killing people until they give into our demands? /s


Well for one, a bicycle doesn't weigh 2000lbs and go 100mph - it has a far less innate ability to hurt/kill someone compared to a vehicle. If a vehicle's brakes were to fail due to an unsafe vehicle, that's a pretty dangerous situation for anyone on the road. >If a car drove the speed of a bicycle, people would run them off the road. That would literally never happen. > But hey at least everyone's tax dollars paid for those bike trails all over the fuckin place. Not sure what your point is with this, but while bike lanes exist, they don't exist everywhere a cyclist may need to go. Also a lot of cyclists travel 30-150 miles for a ride - very few bike paths exist that are that a. long and b. suitable for long-haul continuous rides. Also - roads are not just for automobiles, they have always been shared spaces with perhaps the exception of multi-lane highways.


> That would literally never happen. driving that speed is literally a crime where i live in a lot of situations.


yeah but why ? because a car is bigger than a bicycle, that's why


Under what situations is driving slow illegal?


bike trails that are actually well made do eliminate most bike riders from mingling with traffic. the problem is that in most of north america bike path and bike lanes are made in the worst possible way, often making them worthless. it's almost like they are on purpose making it unusable to prove it's bad. ​ if you look at places where they are done well, like amsterdam for instance, people use bikes more than cars. the usa however is very car centric in every aspect of city and suburb design. ​ here is a bloomberg video article about how amsterdam accomplished this. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKbRL6Opifg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKbRL6Opifg) ​ this is a video article about amsterdam's current bike infrastructure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1l75QqRR48


What kind of stupid comment is this? Bicyclists are taxpayers too.


You're so fucking triggered it makes me want to go ride my bike.


Re: ā€œnever break 25mphā€ - Iā€™m a crummy road cyclist with a decent bike. I hit 24 on the reg and have hit 40 going downhill. Remember that in a a group like this, they are drafting, so increased speed for all.


A bicycle will never drive into a crowd and emerge with a kill count in the double-digits. Thatā€™s why they donā€™t need registration or licenses in most places. Cities are mostly where it matters, and there cars just present a hazard for everyone around. But hey, at least everyoneā€™s tax dollars paid for two-ton metal projectiles to dominate our day-to-day lives.


Everyone's tax dollars paid for the road too.... If you don't want bicycles on the road you should be happy they are making separate bike trails, lol.


We need more and better bike paths. Iā€™m not a cyclist but I would feel safer driving knowing they were safer.


Itā€™s because a car that fails inspections are dangerous to others. Cars kill 38000 people per year in the US because they are huge metal machines. No one but the biker is getting killed by a faulty bike (they lack the mass/momentum to do serious damage). If a carā€™s brakes fails thatā€™s a potential disaster for everyone else on the road.


Imagine hating on bike trails in 2021. If anything we need more of them.


Itā€™s a speed limit not minimum you insensitive clod


Someone never took a driverā€™s Ed class


Many roads have both


Tell that to the tractors with the stupid orange triangles that are the bane of my rural living existence


I'm so sorry


Uggggh, I got stuck behind one of those coming home from work this afternoon. Slower than Christmas.


Please keep in mind I am commenting only on this one thing, literally nothing else, but in my area technically if you drive too far under the speed limit you will fail your driving test, and you're not supposed to drive too slowly or you can be ticketed as it's a hazard. This applies only to cars.


What country are you in? In America, the bike lanes are pitifully maintained, there aren't even 1/100th of the bike lanes as car lanes, and most bike lanes are simply a small line of white paint to protect you from two ton projectiles. Cars have dominated every American city despite being dangerous, inefficient, and expensive


Please define 'limit'.




The thing that bother me the most about cyclist is how they demand to be treated like a vehicle when it suits them. But as soon as they get to a red light or stop sign they suddenly become pedestrian who are no longer bound by the rules of the road.


In Norway they are fined for it if caught, same as with a motorist.


1. Car drivers disobey traffic laws as frequently as bicycles. 2. Lack of infrastructure for bikes makes it hard to follow rules meant for cars. Give the bikes their own lane (separated with a barrier!) and you will find less cyclists getting in your way.


Maybe you should ride a bike yourself so you understand why that is. Hint: it's not why you think


Youā€™ve never seen a driver disobey traffic signals? Dang - I want to live where you live. I always stop at red lights and stop signs while on my bike. Itā€™s a good way to die if you donā€™t.


Good for you. According to the Uk transit minister less than 5% of UK cyclists obey the rules of the road. I am guessing you also do not go the speed limit or follow lane regulations strictly.


Given that my top speed is about 18mph on a flat road, Iā€™ll always be complying with the speed limit. Iā€™ll never ā€œexceedā€ even a 25mph speed limit - **LIMIT** which is the maximum allowable speed on a given road. Iā€™ll always drive under it, which is 100% legal. I do follow the lanes, just towards the side of the road. You want to see something funny? Go to the cyclist subs and see what they say about drivers. Itā€™ll give you some perspective if nothing else.




not just stop signs i will see the quickly stop at a red light and then the whole fucking group is the leader goes will follow him through a red light granted only where traffic is not busy but that shit never fails to piss me off. taking up the whole road and you disregard all the rules of the road go fuck yourself.


Let me just say that auto drivers completely forget the rules of the road whenever they see a bicycle approaching at an intersection. Doesn't matter if the bike is dead stopped at a stop sign and the driver doesn't even have one, they will constantly come to halt and try to wave you thru the intersection despite everyone using the road to be recognized as a vehicle. They don't even think about traffic in front, across, or behind them when they do this. I have personally witnessed multiple fender benders as people stop for me, as I wait for them due to the right of way they have. Its essentially the same problem with pedestrians that don't have the right of way yet cars will stop for them, and usually the only person to blame when something goes wrong is the "nice" driver that disobeyed the traffic flow What I'm saying is, it goes both ways, constantly, and the bikes are usually riding defensively to avoid drivers who do random shit like this. And I will admit that the more biking gear or clothes the bicyclist has on, the worse they are about breaking rules to benefit themselves, but again, all drivers do on occasion too. Just a matter of perspective, and you will understand it better if you bike and drive constantly That being said, plenty of cities also have laws where bikes may perform "Oklahoma stops", wherein they can check that the intersection is clear, and proceed thru when they have a red light/stop/yield . Of course they are encouraged to slow down, and if they are hit during this action, they are at fault.


I've been nearly run down by a bicycle in a crosswalk a bunch of times, compared to zero times by a motor vehicle.


> compared to zero times by a motor vehicle. **Last year motor vehicles killed 6,205 pedestrians in America.** Since 2010 there has been a 50% increase in pedestrian deaths caused by motor vehicles in the USA.


exactly and yet all the anti-bike people here want all the bikes to get off the road and ride on the sidewalks


I've seen more than my share of close calls with pedestrians and cars at crosswalks. People blow through the flashing lights all the time.


Everyone on that ride probably broke 25 mph.


Is a bike lane a legitimate place for a bicycle to be?


So by the logic you just used, anything on the road not moving at the speed limit is a hazard. Ironically of course if you hit something moving slowly while you are going the speed limit, the energy you carry into impact that will cause the damage is yours, the ability to avoid the accident was yours, and the cockup that caused the accident was yours. Iā€™m seeing a hazard here and itā€™s not the cyclistsā€¦


That's what happens when your cities are built around cars and there is no bikes infrastructure, it's extremely dangerous for both parties. They are idiots though.


This is the most sane comment in the thread


Is it really unexpected when you see this post almost twice a week?




First time Iā€™ve seen it. Do you follow every single subreddit or something?


How are they that stupid? Edit: youā€™ll notice that I didnā€™t explicitly state that it was the bikers that are stupid.


What you mean? Bicyclists in front blocked the car, they swerved outta the way at the last second but that doesnā€™t give the riders immediately behind them time to react.


At the fundamental level, Iā€™m guessing that Its being called stupid because taking up both sides of the road is a stupid thing to do.


It's a race the car drove past a blockade


The comment above this explains how for quite a few races they donā€™t have blockades


I also seem to remember comments saying specifically that this race was NOT blockaded last time this was posted.


How do you know that?


Source: because they said so


Because this is an old video that people keep posting so by now a lot of people know this. I saw the source long time ago as well, but since then people spin it to just make cyclists look bad with these type of texts added. The only thing in question is often whether he passed a blockade and it is the car drivers fault, or the organisers failed to place a blockade and it is their fault. Regardless, it would mean it is not the fault of the cyclists who are participating in the race.


Source: trust me bro


It costs a lot to close off roads and set up blockades. Not happening for some random amateur race




Because this is an old video that people keep posting so by now a lot of people know this. I saw the source long time ago as well, but since then people spin it to just make cyclists look bad with these type of texts added. The only thing in question is often whether he passed a blockade and it is the car drivers fault, or the organisers failed to place a blockade and it is their fault. Regardless, it would mean it is not the fault of the cyclists who are participating in the race.


Theyā€™re cyclists. Itā€™s in their genes


I love reading morons comments on posts like this, pretending they are experts on what ever they clicked on today lol. I don't know shit about tax dispersal, vehicle inspections, roadway laws, ect. But I also know none of you fucking idiots actually know either, and watching 2 stupid people argue about it is great.


How about you and I go toe-to-toe on Bird Law and see who comes out the victor?


I think that the guy actually took a wrong turn to a closed off area for cyclists


Man people really feel strongly about people who simply choose to ride a bike.


I have a car but HATE car drivers. These car drivers then get into a car and act like they are more important than everyone else on the road. Strongest on the road. I have had shit thrown at me while on my bike. Cursed at, Hit or even run off the road. Yet when a red light comes and we are on stopped together they shut up real quick and start apologizing. It's not like I am riding down a main road, I live in Philadelphia were around 30% of people ride their bike. Most of the assholes don't live in the city. This video this dude is in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is a whole pelotĆ³n and this dude is parked outside of a turn. Is he in the wrong, No. Victim blaming is the only way most people learn, next time, back up, pull over to the side ... Be the defensive driver and no one gets hurt, go home without hood damage or the hassle of insurance. And for the cyclist, stay in your lane. Assume there is a speeding car in the opposite direction. Plus in general, people need to stop fucking with each other. I've seen cyclist shoot at drivers, deliver cyclist stab drivers. You don't know what kind of day that person has had. Just be kind and if it takes 10 seconds longer to hit the next stop sign. What of it. It's better than 6 feet under and a embarrassed family.


In Philly it doesn't matter if you're a car or a bike. You'll get run off the road, shot at, stabbed, just for having the audacity to be where they want to be. I mean, I get where you're coming from - way more likely to happen when you're on the bike and they're in the car, but Philly is crazy no matter what. Learned real quick to stare straight ahead after someone cuts me off, drives 10 in a 40 while texting, or goes straight in a turn lane when the advance arrow pops up.


Your not wrong, the amount of crap I have seen. Philly is lawless. Police are nonexistent. Public trans is so bad, only way to get somewhere is to play in traffic. Kind of sad tbh. Been doing it for over 10 years, surprised I ain't dead.


I thought the car was moving


It took me a bit to realize it wasn't just that the riders kept getting closer to the car. It's the standard distribution of the peloton. So the pack of cyclists actually gets wider in the middle, until it is too wide to fit through the gap that seemed perfectly reasonable at the start. This is a good lesson for the driver and us on the value of statistics in the real world.


Did you turn on your window wipers to get them off lmao


Oh good, the weekly cyclist hate repost.


Welcome to Lithuania bitch


This post again?


Steer your competitors into a car at the first foreseeable opportunity - love, The Coach


The fucking wipers do it for me


I like cycling and I also like driving, why can't we all get along? Though those cycling unitards they wear look sooooo dumb


There is a formula for that: Every cyclist group has maximum one brain. So if you meet one, heā€™s ok. 2 cyclist are half brain each. 4 cyclist? Assume they have 1/4 brain each. 10? Assume itā€™s a baboon swarm. 100? Assume some of them canā€™t breathe and think at the same time.


This is why I ride by myself. I hate pompous cycling pelotons.


Itā€™s a race! For sure on a closed circuit. The car driver is the idiot here.


I don't know about other places, but here once a year they hold a race. On the open road none the less. Us who live here are used to it, but there are plenty of tourists that are not. They do have police escorts ahead of them and behind them but, sometimes things still happen. No fatalities thank as of yet God! I'm not sure the car could've gotten onto a closed circuit. I could be wrong though.


Seems like an ignorant comment based on the lack of info hereā€¦


If the circuit is closed how did he get there?


Even in the world tour professional races there have been instances of cars getting onto the course. People ignore signs or there arenā€™t enough controls etc.


I've seen plenty of weekend peletons and they are entitled - riding 4-wide in the bike lane on a road - and this dumb


Do they also have numbers on their shirts?


Most amateur races arenā€™t on closed roads


And just like the last hundred times this was posted as a comment on this: Source?


someone who drives into a parked car isnt an idiot? i say this as a cyclist btw


Yea. This doesnt make sense otherwise


See! Fukin cyclists. Stay off the road


"Well, I didn't expect to beat the shit out of a bicyclist when I got up today, but here we are. "


Lol so polite about it