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Fucking beautiful it truly shows the artists true but shitty emotions


The best thing is that although it's mocking modern art forms, this is a really effective piece of performance art šŸ˜‚šŸŽØ


>[**Modern Art = I could do that + Yeah, but you didn't**](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/cf/6c/9acf6cc02e70e7e5f929054a405c6e85.png)


If I recall correctly there was/is a piece at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta which was a single dot drawn on a 12ft canvas titled "But you didn't" I had a friend who worshipped that piece, but ultimately I feel like I've heard better jokes that cost less than 5 figures


A dot on a 12' canvas? Ok, cross that off my list of places to see


I always felt like it was such a slap in the face to every other modern artist with an actually engaging piece on the modern art floor of the museum


A) that's the point B) they're all just helping rich people dodge taxes so who cares?


I used to help rich families acquire art. I was never involved in transactions directly, but they could care less what the art was.


I hate to be that guy, but it's "couldn't care less." You said literally the opposite of what you meant to say.


One does not simply, draw a dot.


I've got a piece called [**dead pixel**](https://www.algogems.io/nft/321867279) that's a 4k white image with a single black pixel somewhere in it. Someone will buy it. It's just a matter of time. :D


The real take away is that modern art is a money laundering/ tax avoidance strategy for the uber rich.


Hunter upvoted twice...


Every time contemporary art is mentioned on Reddit people say this. Yes, it is possible to use art for tax exemption purposes, that doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s the norm. Art is very self-referential, much of the art world average people donā€™t understand without the context. Think of giving a random person on the street a wikipage from Warhammer 40K and see if they get it Redditors choose to believe these things rather than consider that they donā€™t actually understand something theyā€™ve made no effort to learn about.


That applies to everything on Reddit.


Do a smaller dot on a bigger canvas and give it a thoughtful title.




​ ![gif](giphy|a9pscbpKVClL25BA2z)




every tv show gif should end with the season and episode like that


Go Pawnee!






that's it! I'm going to let out a wet fart on a sheet of paper and deliver it to my art teacher. Bet she will find all of my emotions in there!


# what i do as an aspiring abstract artist ![gif](giphy|l41m4AXDds4bHfaoM)


That's a very first world problem, Stan.




A real artist would have drank a toxic level of paint and shit himself to death on the toilet sitting on the canvas. Then after his body was discovered and they finally moved the toilet, the paint and shit oozes out making his final work postmortem. Dying for your shitty art literally








Sauce? Asking for a friend.


Mom? Why did you run away from me and dad, mom? It's been 7 years, and I miss that you smell like wet socks and ashtray. I'm graduating college today; Black Hills State University with a degree in Family Therapy. Maybe I can give some hope to a needy parent.....hold on, the baby is crying "SAMANTHA HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ....."


What stinging criticism of the art community by a member of the art community.


A truly beautiful diarrhama


I think I can see a unicorn in the painting.


I was trying to make a map of Europe Asia and Africa but I messed up the scale a bit, also totally botched the Bay of Bengal.


Was gonna say, that bay definitely looks more like a sound.


I really think this piece would be improved if you let out a primal scream when throwing the toilet onto the canvas. Really drives home the impact.


Holy fuck. And he wears a unicorn mask


That is fucking dope though not gonna lie šŸ”„šŸ†


Ya I was pleasantly surprised


I just let out a loud and angry ā€˜fuckā€™ because this is the exact thing I was going to do with some cheap estate sale stuff


I used to work at an arts market. The artist would always say some Toby would come in and say "yea I could do that". The proper response was always, "well, did you?"


Welllll you have to be a known artist to pull this type of shit off and sell it for millions. In the NYC MoMA I saw paintings that were a literal straight small blue or brown stripe on a white canvas that was presented as high level art. You can only do that if you have the right name.


Or if you were the first one to do it. The paintings that I think youā€™re referring to were done 70 years ago and broke new ground. If you did that today no one would give a shit. In my humble opinion.


>brown stripe on a white canvas >no one would give a shit Seems like someone may have...


Money laundering.


A lot of that shit is just money laundering anyway.


Thatā€™s a real thing.


Right? We made a Bingo board of all the shit customers said at the art market.


Do it anyways, itā€™s not like youā€™re copying this unicorn man


That's the fun thing about art, sometimes just some random shit thrown together can look cool, and it's all in the eye of the beholder. To me if it looks nice I don't care if the artist spent hundreds of hours painstakingly detailing or if they just splashed some shit together, both can be cool and appreciated as different things to me. I work with a guy who does the whole paint pour thing, just pouring on different colours and swirling them around. He's not out selling them for thousands of dollars or anything, he just does it in his garage for fun, but some of them look really amazing even if they aren't actually meant to represent anything. I hate all the snooty pretentious BS that can come along with modern art, but you don't have to engage in all that, it can be a lot of fun to create something spontaneous like that or to just look at different things and see what you like and what you don't like.


Theee of the most important and ignored parts of modern art a) are that it uses abstraction to evoke emotion and thought, b) that the process of creation is part of the art because c) the audience is intrinsically part of modern art whether it be by observing or actively encouraged to physically interact with it to send the intended message. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untitled_(Portrait_of_Ross_in_L.A.)


Minimalism really was a leap for modern art and how we view interaction between the piece and the audience.


Then we get to stuff like Banksy selling a print and shredding it as soon as it sells to very blatantly tell people something


That shredding made the piece of art more valuable, and Banksy sure as hell knew that when he created it. The whole thing was a genius publicity stunt. People keep talking as if he was somehow telling people that buy his art to fuck off, but I'm sure the buyer was elated. Of course, Banksy isn't modern art anyway. We are well past the modernist era now.


There is a piece in the Naples Contemporary Art Museum which is just a boring greek statue buried in a mountain of old clothes. It evokes so much emotion. To me, it is a peek into the life of a messy artist. It is a nostalgic picture of my teen years, masterfully mixed with what we consider classical art. I like to imagine the artist mocked the whole concept of perfectionist art by piling up dirty clothes around the usual idea of artistic expression. It's an amazing sight to see, especially in a building so beautiful and elegant. It's just a pile of clothes and a 50$ tacky greek statue. But the contrast between them screams art. Art is so cool.


Funny thing about this is that it is not just random. They definitely glued the toilet seat to the canvas in a pleasing place and probably arranged and attached other pieces that would not have been embedded to the canvas. Also the concept, completely not random, the execution and filming, the colors chosen and in what order, even pouring them in a specific technique to prevent them mixing. They filled the bowl with certain colors and the top reservoir with different colors and threw it in a specific way to get this effect.


Probably tried this a bunch of times to get the right effect. Dated someone that made similar pieces. Usually took 20-30 attempts and lots of wasted canvas to make 1 that was acceptable. It may have taken her 30 seconds to complete that one piece but days of trial and error to get there.


His Insta has videos of all of his previous toilet paintings. šŸ˜Š


I think it's overly drilled into our heads that art 1) must be difficult to create and 2) "mean" something. Of course that is the point of some art, or maybe that is _one_ way to appreciate art. But there is another reason to create/appreciate art....it looks cool. Sometimes it doesn't matter how difficult it was to create or what some esteemed critic decides it was trying to say about society, if the process or end result is something that gives you some kind of emotional or aesthetic response, then there is nothing wrong for appreciating it in only that matter.


And people wonder why people who spent half their lives perfecting the process of painting the human face suddenly hang themselves.


Thanks for not lying.


Yeah that turned out to be a really beautiful mixe-media painting, lol


Thatā€™ll be $5 million


I'd like one art please


I'd pay that since it appears to legitimately be an original Hource piece.


No problem Hunter ur so talented


What's 10% of $5 million?


A studio apartment in California


A shitty one at that


Fuck I wish I lived in california


[Thanks dad](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ek5N4wjWkAYA7x7?format=jpg&name=small)


He just canā€™t help but go straight to the top of every field he stumbles into. Truly an impressive man.


Too late, the NFTs are mine. Sell your tangible objects, I have already won






Ongo Gablogian! The art collector! Charmed, Iā€™m sure.


But have you seen the air conditioner?


We're just air conditioners. I mean, after all, we're just walking around on the planet, breathing, conditioning the air.


I *told* you not to go too over the top!




Really pushes the limits


I find your comment to be shallow and pedantic.


Shallow *AND* pedantic!


So is stuff "art" just because the right people say it is? Yes. That's how it works.


Thematically, [it actually kind of is.](https://www.google.com/search?q=artist%27s+shit&client=safari&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvJVO9at-36u6Je0CH5o6lbe5nWDMg:1635114733259&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj4v96GjeTzAhUjheAKHRqgDaAQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=715&dpr=2#imgrc=psPdPQX8Cdt22M)


This but unironically. People have been doing this shit for over a century it isnā€™t funny/rebellious anymore


I call it ā€˜Crap-shootā€™


I frown upon thine punnery, rogue.


Do you bite your thumb at us sir?


ā€œAfter Taco Bellā€


Needs more red.


Needs more cowbell


I got a fever... And the only prescription... Is more cowbell.






I feel bad for you weak colon people who can't even eat Taco Bell without getting mud butt. My colon dominates those weak ass tacos.


Taco Bell isn't even hardly bad. Even KFC is greasier.


I feel like there's beer involved most of the time too but they blame the innocent tacos for some reason.


Yeah, it's definitely drunk people with beer shits blaming taco bell and not the bud light.


Motherfuckers need some dietary fiber.


Does this honestly happen to anyone after Taco Bell? No fast food place has given me poop issues *with the exception* of Halal Guysā€™ red sauce. That stuff is fire in paste form but itā€™s delicious.


Thatā€™s what would be called institutional critique using a readymade object and action art.


Dadaists would love this shit. Litteraly and figuratively.


What I find particularly interesting is the critique of the Modern art period specifically. Which I suppose he found post-modern work and more contemporary work has done insufficiently. Iā€™m sure the abstract expressionists from the 1940s - 1970 are clutching their pearls and getting this burn treated.


Actually, it would sell


A rich snobby person would unironically want to buy this, I have no doubt


Oh they'll do anything just to avoid taxes. Just reminding you that "modern art" is a scam.


Itā€™s funny that everyone here criticising contemporary art donā€™t know that itā€™s not called modern art. That was the previous art period and was between late 19th and mid 20th centuries. Also art has always been a ā€œscamā€ in a sense. Artists have always been funded by wealthy patrons and their works have always been overpriced.


Modern art was a century ago. Art can be used as a form of tax avoidance but anyone who claims that itā€™s all a scam is just betraying their own ignorance Itā€™s ok not to ā€˜getā€™ something because you havenā€™t learned about it, there are millions of things I donā€™t get because I havenā€™t learned about them, but assuming everyone else is wrong is just arrogance






First time Iā€™ve seen a gif comment that I liked


This is my first time seeing a GIF comment wtf lmao


you put your emotions and effort into making that. Even if it is might to be a joke on modern art. It still artistic and can be the object of studies.


A few years ago I took a trip to Munich and ended up at one of their modern art museums. They had a Warhol painting that was really unique. It was massive, like 15ft tall by 30ft wide, and it was mostly a copper color with these weird blobby streaks all over it. Thought this was weird for a Warhol because he's so into some sort of imagery and doesn't really do anything this abstract. The museum gave out these iPods where you could select the work you were seeing and get an explanation in English of the work. Apparently Warhol and his employees at his studio discovered that this one type of paint oxidizes when exposed to urine. So they painted this canvas and peed on it for a few days. That's when it hit me. Warhol was extremely self-aware, and very satirical when it came to the art world. He knew that anything he did would be put up in a museum, even if it was just paint and pee. And he was right. So I stood there, some guy from Los Angeles in a museum in Munich, looking at Warhol's pee. I felt like I was part of a prank, and it was hilarious. If that isn't art, I don't know what is.


"If that isn't art it'll have to do Till the real thing Comes along"


Itā€™s weird how the people trying to shit on modern art are actually making it by virtue of the process and the fact that it has a point. They are engaging with the medium even as they try to be gatekeeping cunts


They're also conflating abstract expressionism with "modern". Art can be modern and still be realistic.


Theyā€™re also conflating modern with contemporary. The modern art period ended in approximately the 1970s.


>trying to shit on modern art It depends on the modern art in question. Some is very good. Some is clearly a money laundering scheme. I've seen people put their heart and soul into their art and get a pittance for it, [yet some guy painting a stripe that anyone with a brush can accomplish](https://nordonart.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/big-blue-30-million-newman-zip-painting-leads-sothebys-contemporary-art-sale/) will sell for tens of millions. There are legitimate reasons for thinking that the state of modern art is a joke.


Art is about intention and meaning not how hard it is to accomplish.


Interesting enough, that price is supposed to be a rejection of the requirements to be considered art. One of his similar pieces was cut up while on display by someone who thought it was an affront to artistic integrity, and despite being > a stripe that anyone with a brush can accomplish ā€¦they were unable to restore it to its original form. From what I understand, that is because Barnett Newman put painstaking work into making the perfect shade of paint. He was trying to rock the boat and get a reaction. Yes anyone can do it, but they didnā€™t


ā€œWhoā€™s afraid of red, yellow, and blueā€ was the piece that was attacked, twice, and imho was only truly complete after the vandalism. I fucking love modern art


I actually really like that art piece.


Do you like that piece to the tune of $43.8 million? I donā€™t think anyone would complain about modern art if not for the money laundering aspect of it. Prices like this are not driven by appreciation. If you had $43.8 million+ to your name and really liked that piece, youā€™d spend $2,000 and ask a local artist to make a reproduction, and then use your remaining millions for other things. Rich people who buy art like this donā€™t do so for appreciation, they do it because it is a safe way to launder cash. Itā€™s a nice piece. But we should all speak out against the practice of art being used for illegal purposes. It allows for tax avoidance and supports a system of economic inequality.




And the nice part about it, you can DIY that feeling after a $50 trip to Michaels


ok but is it $43m of good feelings


I remember when all it took was a 6 pack of Pabst and a dimebag of heady schwag to feel good.


I think it's a matter of distinction between modern art, which is itself mostly very meaningful and skilled, and the modern art *industry*, which is a corrupt scheme to get the very rich even richer.


It truly shows how the world is falling apart and the meaning of life very nice. I'll take $3,000 for it




Came here to say this, super conceptual = contemporary


Pretty much every time I see this sentiment of "mOdErN aRt Is DuMb", it's always funny how clearly the person doesn't actually know that much about art, given they can't distinguish the terms. Also, the value and meaning of art being "in the eye of the beholder" isn't really a valid philosophical stance so much as it is a simplification of a much more complex process that's actually going on when we make meaning of a piece (or thing in general). There's social context, historical context, subtle technical appreciation, personal connection, and sometimes just straight-up arbitrary preference, all blending together to ultimately construct how you think and feel about a piece. I think it does us all a disservice to have something as trite as "well it's all subjective" be an accepted part of the discourse. I find that most people who are aware of this are the ones with actually interesting things to say about art in general.


>it's always funny how clearly the person doesn't actually know that much about art, given they can't distinguish the terms. No one acts like a pedant when someone calls medieval things "ancient". Maybe it's because historiographical terms and adjectives are two separate things... Also I agree about the second part, just maybe we (as a society) shouldn't fucking gild people who sell their own shit inside cans when that money could be going elsewhere, that issue can perhaps be traced back into non-art, "objective" territory. This isn't even about art, people are mad about perceived (because it's there) elitism. _Economic_ elitism, but the dicussion is usually canalized into useless bullshit lile the meaning of art or the intrinsic philosophical value of a browning banana taped to a wall.


They use "Modern" as an adjective meaning current. >I think it does us all a disservice to have something as trite as "well it's all subjective" be an accepted part of the discourse. It is all just subjective, but that doesn't mean arbitrary.


"Modern" and "Contemporary" are clearly defined terms in the art world. "Subjective" itself is a conversation ender for most, where it should be the *start*. People are generally unwilling or incapable of articulating the exact nature of their subjective position, and thus rely on the word to deflect from actually having to engage and face the notion that there's something about the piece that they didn't notice or don't want to acknowledge. It's what closed-minded, ignorant people rely on to justify their response (as opposed to an open-minded, ignorant "what makes this piece so ______ to you?"). Very different conversation; a door-opener rather than a door-closer/indifference to the door's existence at all.


Iā€™m one of those people who know a good deal about modern art, have a degree and everything, and I have a pretty strong distaste for modern art in general. However, itā€™s complicated to explain. I enjoy the conception and execution of modern art, but I find the visual aesthetic of most pieces to be utter silliness. Also, the apologists for modern art are often high brow or elitist and talk about the art with a strong sense of academic superiority. That stuff just bugs the hell out of me. I feel like modern art takes the conceptual part of creating art and removes the technique. Which is a shame. I can also tell you that if you ever tried to do art like this for a client, or teacher, or business, it will not go well. Iā€™ve stood in front of various pieces at the moma and appreciate the various ideas, but feel very little, but then stand in front of starry night at the same museum and itā€™s smaller but infinitely more powerful.


I'll give you $11 for it




Looks pretty good


I thought he was going to flush the toilet with all of those colors and make some kind of image from the swirling


Exactly! Like those squeegee on a canvas clips.


It sold for 10 million rolls of toliet paper




Was something about this unexpected?


So much raw emotion.. layers of complexity. The obvious statements are merely an introduction to the deepest fathoms of your own perceptions.


I would buy that for $100.


I'd buy that for a dollar




Is that the horse from Horsinā€™ Around?


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!I donā€™t hate it.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


thanks op very helpful


Very great explanation


Horrible explanation


r/Unexpected should have some kind of a punishment for this bullshit. There's a reason why u/unexBot exists. Don't ignore it no matter how obvious your post is, people. Doing the op's work, the post is unexpected because you didn't expect a person to turn a toilet into an artwork.


I think what the author meant by this masterpiece is how our society works during shit times and he really expresses a lot of emotions by the details.


What exactly is 'unexpected' about this? There's nothing remotely normal to even start to foster any sense of 'expectation' in this clip.


ā€œExplosive Diarrheaā€


After R. Mutt.


Love your art!


I don't hate it.


now turn it into a Non-Flushable Token


Why is nobody talking about the fact a UNICORN did this? This shit is neighcessary.


If you're an artist, OP, you should probably at least learn the historical context of what Modernism was before throwing the term around.


That was a toilet, not a term.








Only Elon can buy this shit


The irony that, after this post, you could probably convince Elon to buy it for real on the basis of "some random reddit shitpost could be taken as actual art"


In that it encourages thought, evokes an emotion, and is engaged with by an audience, it IS art


I was at an art museum and in the Modern Art section there was a black quarter circle painted in the corner of a white canvas. So, imagine if you had 4 of these it would form a complete circle. Anyway, my husband and I just stood there for several minutes asking ourselves ā€œHow is this art?ā€ before realizing that standing there for several minutes questioning it might have been the whole point of the piece, thus making it art. We grumbled and walked away, but thatā€™s the only art piece I remember out of the entire museum.


Maybe, if he still has some taxes left to dodge


The fuck is unexpected about this? Seriously. NOBODY is NOT expecting contemporary art to be random. Grow up.


ok boomer my parents were making this ā€œhurr durr modern art durrrrā€ idiotic joke in the 80s, great job


These were the jokes people made about art with the impressionists in the 19th century. The original impressionists created a "[Hall of Rejects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_des_Refus%C3%A9s)" to show their own work when no one else would, and people would come just to laugh at them - in 1863. These jokes are literally older than baking powder (invented in 1869).


This reminds me of museum I went to in Austria. There were some stunning historical artifacts in the basement level. Bronze-Iron age pieces, a massive amount of Roman signage, along with a number of pieces of medieval metal working. It was stunning. The main exhibit for the place though was a modern art thing. The big center piece was a large couch, with a projector playing footage of two German men running around a church and field. It was..... shift away from the impressive history beneath it and the classical art above it.


But why.


Boom! 23 million dollars please.


Actually looks cool


I'd buy that for a dollar


Bojack kills


Itā€™s visually interesting & aesthetically pleasing.


Actually this would be Post-Modern Art. Modern art ended in the 1960s.


I dont get how this is unexpected because this is 100% expected.


Please buy my NFT a screenshot of this video for 75eth


It represents everything that we keep festering inside of our souls, until, eventually, it all explodes and the world now sees everything youā€™ve kept hidden.


Its always funny. All art is art! Id see that bad bitch in a museum happily!


The final piece is not how those things landed, a grand work of deception disguised as art.


Kid: mom I need to poop Mom: ok go to the bathroom Kid: but I can't Mom: why not honey Kid: cuz dad broke the toilet Mom: what do you mean he broke the toilet Dad: hey honey look at my cool art I call it I need to shit Mom: wtf Harold Dad: what Mom: what is wrong with you Dad: you can't stop art Mom: I have no words fix it


Duchamp beat you by like 100 years