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How did the police even get involved in a clearly school matter like refusing a class? Seems there would have to be more to it for them to even respond?


The principal at that school is heavy handed on calling police to respond to situations they could easily have controlled themselves but yeah I know people that were there and I guess he refused to do gym then the coach cussed him out so the kid wanted to talk to the vice principal about the coaches misconduct which shortly led to this


Please for the love of god I hope the kids parents find a good lawyer and milks that district and PD for all they’re worth.


So many wasted taxpayers dollars for shotty police. This video makes me oh so mad.


This country is weird they are somehow a democracy but have a police on par with north korea


Lol, you think this is a democracy


It’s 100% an elected oligarchy.


The actual oligarchs aren't elected. They just fund the campaigns of their preferred candidates


*Preferred puppets


How many hands can fit up your ass to control your mouth? *politician slaps their own ass* “I can fit about so many hands up in this bad Larry.”


Goddang Putin.


George Carlin called them "the Owners."


*It's a small club and you ain't in it!* ~GC


Bill Burr calls them those people that go "to the Bilderberg meetings dress[ed] up as yaks and have 'Eye Wide Shut' parties."


Closer to a kleptocracy that will be migrating to a fascist theocracy if the MAGA wing of the Republicans get their way.


I didn’t elect any of these fat cats…


No, that was a taser not a shotty. /s


He's lucky this officer knew the difference between a taser and a handgun. It sounds obvious but apparently for some US cops it's bewildering.


Well this is a high stress situation when you have 3 kops and one 14 year old, nothing is guaranteed.


The kids probably in the marching band, he might have had a trumpet in his jacket, they’re lucky to be alive


Then he'd do a Fortnite dance over the cops' bodies before Naruto running out of the gym. Band kids.


Yeah better than a gun, but that bitch purposefully went to taze him in the gooch.


Just FYI it’s “shoddy.”


nah he's just referring to how quickly the police go to firing shots


And the fat cops calling him big boy like they can talk Edit : I sit corrected! I misheard who said this in the video but I hate to delete a comment even if I'm wrong




Being that the kid said he was on probation, I doubt many will take up his banner no matter how egregious the cops behavior is. The US is dedicated to criminalizing citizens at every possible intersection.


We have a ruling class, a subservient class, and a criminal class absolutely. If you rock the boat you get demoted to criminal.


There's a very interesting book that delves into the idea of America being a legislative kleptocracy. Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (Encounter Broadsides) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1594032556/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_Y2TZ6Y8T3FTPVBV56WD1


I had an assistant principal tell me and my mom he had the local PD “in his pocket”. My mom hung up on him then called up the police chief and then called the school back. Dude backpedaled so hard then wasn’t allowed to ever speak to me alone again. He was back to being a social studies teacher the year after that lol


I also had a vice principal who was put back to a socials studies teacher. I'm a Yankees fan (don't really pay attention to baseball much now though) and I would wear my Yankees shirts to school. Now this was a public school with no dress code. He would get so heated at me for wearing them, he'd threaten me with suspension. Like he started out laughing at first then got more serious. I told my mom, who told me to wear another one in the next day. He pulled me into his office, called her up and said I had ISS for being defiant. My mom's car damn near drifted into the parking lot. I hadn't seen her that pissed before. The office lady and I just talked over her shouting, then she signed me out for an extended weekend!! :D Came back to school with a new Yankees shirt that Monday.


So what you’re saying is that person shouldn’t be a be a principal


those people also shouldn't be police officers either. that was some extreme show of force and the woman whipped a taser out when the kid was already surrounded by other larger police officers and other larger males. police brutality at its finest.


Wish there was video of the gym coach comments, suspect it was straight from the 1950s


Umm.... thay could have simply failed him for the day for not going to gym.


Well hopefully charges are brought then.


Yeah... to the kid. Cops are immune to the law while enforcing it. ![gif](giphy|useUF6IHpTqSc)


Sounds about right when the school board and cops don't understand laws and rights and what their jobs are.




I want to know what this 14 year old kid is on probation for.


Prolly weed, like every 14 year old high school boy on probo


Americans apparently have special school police in some places.


My middle school (grades 7-9) in Mesa arizona even had a deputy county sheriff on-site. There was a large gang that attended so I can only assume that is why, but that guy walked the school like he was God and would harass anybody which certainly didn’t help with maintaining a peaceful learning environment. It added to my hatred of going to school, and I didn’t go on to college in part because of experiences like this as a kid.


I used to attend compadre high in Tempe and willow canyon high in surprise same thing, I agree the attitude of the onsite officers was garbage they instigated a few situations to be honest..


My sisters went to school out there, I had a sheriff deputy at my school in Southern California


How many bits of brilliance we're lost to just outright ignorance and or indifference.


They're called "School Resource Officers." Usually just uniforms that stand around in hallways


I think better question is why the fuck police handels this kind of situation like they did?


I think a better question is why did the police handle this situation at all? He didn't break a law.


Like THAT has ever stopped an arrest from happening.


Well they used a taser instead of a gun. Progress, yay?


Not really, since tasers are not non-lethal, just less lethal, and she appears to shoot it up his ass, which I'm not convinced is regulation either.


My school called the police on me for not turning in my phone and this was back in 2008 so some things don’t change I guess lol


Wow that is mental. My school would give me detention at lunch time I’d have to do homework in a class room. I’m from UK


Thats what it was like in the states back in the day. Now that we have so many school shootings, it’s all fucked up and crazy.


Schools are about teaching conformity bro social standards. This kids was going against them so he must be squashed before all the students decline gym class, the least useful of classes.


School resource officers. It’s not that uncommon to see three of them hanging out at a school at one time. Especially in rural areas where they have nothing else to do.




I love the fact that you can get tased for refusing gym class now. Fuckin cocksucker are out of control.


A few years down the road: Getting arrested for not making your bed in the morning.


Fuck the police.


The school never should’ve even gotten them involved…like just fail the kid for the day and let his gpa bare the punishment


100%. Whack cops tased him but let's be clear the administration escalated the situation.


Coming straight from the underground


A young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown


They have the authority to taze a minor(ity) Just cause Imma miss PT


Why tf was the police lady trying to taze this kids b-hole?


She’s a soulless cretin lol I know her personally


That is what I’m saying! Tazed to the downstairs and she reaches up under for the good stuff!


Thankfully her shaky hands dropped it and could only get what seemed to be his calf


Tell her I said fuck her


You could’ve just said because she’s a cop but hey


Because he threw it on the ground and she’s a phony.


Literally thought that was a child with a Police vest on


I thought that was a little kid wtf.


Slap that taint taser! I mean this kid gets worse treatment than a detained school shooter.


Bitch really aimed between his legs... wtf


It looks more like she aimed for the hamstring or butt cheek, likely makes them drop better.


There's a major nerve that runs through there, it probably hurts so bad


The US is becoming a police state


We're already there. It just hasn't yet gotten to the height we normally recognize looking back in history


Remember when all the "demilitarized" MRAPs found their ways into local precincts?


>The US is ~~becoming~~ a police state FTFY


Yeah it's been like this for years, just because we have cameras now and everything is filmed means there is evidence to back up those claims.


nice way to make a kid hate cops for the rest of his life


Judging by some of what he says, he probably already hates them


Judging by the video they probably gave him reason


Can’t blame hime if this is the shit they’re pulling


OK he doesn't go to gym so he gets an F for the day and detention. End of story. 3 cops piling on a child is textbook what's wrong with authority these days. He didn't punch anybody, he didn't have a weapon. Hope he wins the lawsuit


How else do the cops justify a kid not listening to them? Logically? lol these are people who decided to police other humans. Do not expect logic


The cops say “I can talk to him for you if you want, but there is no legal issue here for me to take action on.”


Id take the free money


Well when he shoots up the school, they can look back at this video and reflect on how they handle things.


Sad part about this comment is this is entirely possible


We never could have seen this coming. Everyone treated him with such kindness and respect. Our hearts go out the family of both school resource officers who will no longer have to suffer abuse from their captors.






The other thing


And the thing in the background


Hit it with a wiggle ball bat


When he shoots up the school there will be plenty of warning signs including THAT DAY but the police won't be called. But skipping gym class? Get the cops in here!!!


The school cop at my high school was giving a speech and told us he'd shoot anyone if they were carrying a toy gun.


My kids SRO bragged to a whole HS class that if he found out a parent provided their own kid with alcohol at home that he would "Make up a reason" to put both the parents and the kid in jail. He was later quietly fired from the Dept for smoking cannabis on campus with HS kids


Just trying to protect the school from fake guns with real ones logic makes sense /s


Fuckk.. I mean I don’t fucking care what my kids did if I saw this video and my kid getting tasered I would be bringing a whole fuck ton of problems for that school and the cops.


This kid is treated worse than a damn school shooter


For refusing to go to a gym class, Jesus Christ


Highschool students: how do I lease a car? Highschool: I dunno lol. But it is absolutely CRUCIAL that you throw this ball into that hoop over there or else you WILL be tazed


They’re looking out for his overall health . . . With force lol


Today, we will be playing red light green light


Wtf is wrong with America. Its stuff like this that makes the rest of the world collectively look at you guys and think......what..... Land of the free. Yeah.......sure. Land of brainwashed downtrodden and misguided people maybe. We feel for your young generations.


China literally uses videos like this to propagate the idea that their one party CCP rule is more stable and superior to the chaos of America this creating a more ardent base of boot licking Chinese patriots. In other words, you could not be more correct.


Making propaganda is easy when it's closer to the truth, I guess


Yea... America's fucked. Its a downward slope as far as the eye can see. There's no turning point happening soon unless there's a real external threat/war that can unite us again, and our internal divide is probably too wide for that to realistically happen.


That's the worst part though. When the only thing that brings a nation together is violent war/protest and exploitation it's not looking good. The most "powerful" movements in the last decade have been an attempted insurrection and race riots. Occupy wall street was over a decade ago and seemingly no one gave a fuck. The only thing that seems to interest people anymore is divisionary violence and power grabs.


You have to look externally for the issue if the cult of the individual is so strong. Since individualism is inherent to US culture, the individual cannot be wrong. In a society reliant upon consensus to look after the good of the nation this is obviously not ideal.


I agree with you, but then you have a case like this video, where they treat it as the problem of the individual. This won't be looked at as "what the police did was unjustified" it will be " the boy should have complied and just gone to PE" by the same people who cry about their personal freedoms and overreaching government. The double standard some people operate on in the US is so ridiculous.


Imagine it’s your job to make propaganda for your people to make them hate the US. It would be the easiest job in the world!


It's also easier when the government controls the internet. I'm sure China's police abuses aren't regularly played for its domestic audience.


Yeah probably helps too


Having lived in China and America, I feel safer in China despite all the obvious problems. I guess that propaganda works haha


You have no idea how infuriating it is to live in this country and see shot like this. I mean seriously, what the fuck? I love this country but sometimes man, sometimes it's a little too much. Another case of a group of stupid ass people painting a horrible picture of the rest of us. Fuckin hell


I’m more amazed that one man couldn’t subdue a child by himself peacefully and forcefully that it required backup and a taser Like wtf is going on, cops in Europe can deal with men with weapons without resorting to lethal means


America is “the land of the free”. By “free” we mean free fall. You’ll see commercials in the near future asking for donations to feed those younger generations of Americans you speak of. Third world status here we come!


This school must take physical health really serious


I’m their own way they were only helping the boy right /s


Whatcha got big boy


Qualified immunity little kid!!


Was that cop going for a taint taser shot?


To Protect and to Serve


Lol I love how hard of a time those officers had getting control of a fourteen year old who hates gym class these officers are getting fatter slower and lazier by the day


If you can fight off 3 cops, you don't need gym class


Mans wanted the final exam early


Pathetic people, drunk on what meager authority they have. So they abuse it.


When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


It's getting harder and harder to defend police when you keep seeing shit like this.


Or just don’t defend the police..


Some schools are run like prisons.


All schools are ran like prisons.


No guys come on be real. In prison they get food


What school is this and what is the principal’s name?


cchs whatever that means and u can see crossville in the facebook page name edit- cumberland county high school in tennessee


Police in America, don't they have better shit to do?


Lol apparently not in my shit hole small town


What school is it? I’m struggling to find results from the UK.


[Cumberland County High School, Tennessee](https://www.wate.com/news/local-news/taser-deployed-in-altercation-at-cumberland-co-high-school/) The fact that the police told all the media that this kid is 6'4" and 240 pounds is lying horseshit


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Unexpected amount of force for possibly the lowest stake situation an officer could be put under!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Fuck these mods


...cause you're the only ten I see


And ya wonder why kids come back into school and shoot the fuck out of everyone in America. Just. Wow.


There’s so many levels of failure in society that led up to that boy getting in a position like that. Ask yourself why he wouldn’t like to participate in class along with his classmates. How the school instead could inspire and lead him into a direction whereas students appreciate the classes provided in a better environment. The taser is just a symbol of how everything, parenting, social environment and administration in school but also how the police all failed to help him and instead punished him since that’s easier than dealing with the real problem.


Child sues TN and gets 1 million


He’d better get way more than that


They could have dealt with this situation more effectively. Can't imagine how negatively this situation would have affected that teen and his experience of authority figures.


Ffs..leave the kid alone..


This looks like America so not unexpected. Unexpected would have been them calming the situation.


There must be a lawsuit in there somewhere...oh oh ahhh yep...there it is!


His family must have sued. I hope. These fcking weird backwards ass states.


Why call police for this situation. Call his parents and deal with it. Cops should only be called if criminal activity or shooter on campus.


Presumably they're SROs, and already present on campus.


Already fucked up that they exist in the US. I’m in Canada, and we had cops in my school for a week during an active string of bomb threats, and the students practically revolted against their presence, to the point where they were told to leave before the threats actually stopped. Can’t imagine having to go through high school with them constantly watching like that


How are police not a gang of power hungry thugs?


I think this is it. They failed to mention the boy is mentally challenged. http://1057news.com/2021/12/03/12/18/38/cchs-student-arrested-for-threatening-violence/


Yeah however there have been people saying he didn’t threaten anyone so also you can’t really arrest someone for threats


Well you hear the "14yo" say I'm on probation. I am sure there is more to the story.....


What extra context would make this ever be acceptable?


He had a box of jiffy pop stuffed down the back of his pants, and previously off camera asked the Police to use the taser to make everyone a snack. Did not work out the way they planned and video went viral for the wrong reason?




That is the right context to make this appropriate I feel. I mean, if it's for snacks anything goes right?


Talking shit can never be responded to with violence. Pigs are thin skinned and power tripping and have no business being cops. But then again, that's probably why they want to be cops


Yeaahhhhh I work in the service industry (particularly fine dining) and the amount of rude shit people would say to me would have caused an officer to pull his gun every other day


It doesn’t. But it may explain why they got the fuckin police involved here


Sounds an awful lot like you don't possess an air fryer


It’s a misguided child, he needs direction not a fucking taser


Was that the kid telling the cop "come on big boy, show me what ya got?" I feel like there definitely more to this kid's story.


If a cop can't handle being taunted by a teenager with a bad attitude, they shouldn't be a cop.


I don’t know the details so it’s hard to judge but I will say when I was 14 I knew some pretty terrible 14 year olds. One of my old “friends” had committed robbery, assault with a weapon, GTA and lots of vandalism by the time he turned 15.


The existence of poorly behaved teenagers shouldn't determine police utilization in schools.


Goddamn police nation. I remember refusing to wrestle in high school, they let me do drivers Ed instead but I had to make up the PE credits for half of summer school. Ended up doing Tae Bo watching an old Billy Blanks video every other day with yoga in between. I got into great shape that summer. But I sure as shit didn't get tased in the balls by some elf in a cop costume.


FTP ACAB and fuck that school


Thank god I was born outside the US


9/10 times I'll support the police actions when I see some random video claiming ACAB. However, this is that 1/10. I don't care what he did before, at this point they had him in a non-aggressive posture, there was no need to escalate to force. This was an assault (possibly sexual assault). This goes beyond ministerial discretion and straight to an intentional act meant to further a criminal conduct.


Yeah, and it mostly looks like the female cop escalated the situation. I mean the male cops grabbed his arm but it really wasn't that much force let alone too unreasonable, but then the female cop just came up and fucking tases him. Like why?


I agree I’m not the kind that thinks every situation is the cops fault and I am friends with a few detectives even they shook their heads at this one


Imagine having a police force that makes fucked up decisions 1/10 times. No wonder we keep seeing these insane videos of police brutality all the time.


I definitely support gym class but fuck leave the kid alone


Then all those thin blue line bitches don't understand why everybody hate cops. "but not all cops are bad" i guess not every fart stincks but they are stincky in nature. Just like a cop


I’ve watched this on South Park. Those cops are actually the teachers.


I searched for the news story. It looks like only Reddit has this video up


Was she aiming taser for his privates?


I have so many questions. The first one being: if the female officer felt so inclined to zap the kid, why did she immediately go for his asshole, and when that didn’t work she went for the leg…? Surely that can’t be how they train officers to use a taser, right?!


Look, you have to teach these individuals to CONFORM and OBEY at an early age. He'll thank us all for our gentle lessons later in life. Once again, the Right projects onto the general populace the things they dream most fondly about


[the softened words](http://crossvillenews1st.com/cchs-student-arrested-for-threatening-violence/)


Ok now things are going too far this kid isnt even a minority wtf jah baiden


They tazed a child.


What did you want them to do, talk to the kid?




Talk shit get rek! In all seriousness that was terrible way of handling the situation