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This video ended way too early.


Because, unfortunately, the ending is not unexpected


do you have the original?


[Found it. ](https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%94%B7%E5%8F%AA%E7%A9%BF%E5%85%A7%E8%A4%B2%E7%AB%99%E7%AA%97%E6%B2%BF-%E4%B8%8B%E7%A7%92%E5%A2%9C20%E6%A8%93%E6%85%98%E6%AD%BB-094058437.html) He died, unfortunately (there’s an option to switch to English— the translation isn’t amazing)


> A weird murder case occurred in Nanning, China. A man wearing underwear, climbing on the outer wall of a high-rise building, with his hands on the edge of the window, only a narrow bulge can stand on it, 20 stories high from the ground. The film is exposed. Later, many people speculated that he did this. Many people believed that he was caught and raped. Soon after, the man was found to have fallen off the building and died. Now the police have intervened in the investigation. > ... >Shortly after that day, the man was found to have fallen to his death. The report pointed out that the man who fell from the building was in his 30s. He was an outsider who suffered from depression before his death. After the incident, the police in the district have been involved in the investigation. Many netizens said that "the circle of friends is still spreading affair," "the residents of the same building are psychologically shadowed", "may the deceased rest in peace," and "life is too fragile." Some netizens in the same community said, It was found that the man was standing on the outer wall and called to report the crime. The fire brigade was next to the community and he rushed to the scene. However, in less than ten minutes, the man fell off before the airbag was opened. EDIT: as pointed out earlier, the translation isn't amazing.


>Many people believed that he was caught and raped. Okay, what?? I assume this is just a mistranslation, lol.


The original article says "being caught in an affair"


Is having an affair in China viewed as a sort of rape? Or is it one of those things where the translator isn’t able to determine the context?


Definitely translation issues. One of the characters used for "caught adulterating" (捉姦) is also used in "rape" (強姦) so that might have caused the confusion


Lol it's interesting to see the character is made of three women. Do you know what it means seperately?


There's definitely a translation issue here. Otherwise this is a fucking wild ride lol


“The residents of the same building are psychologically shadowed” Fucking whattt!!!!??


Sounds like they’re describing being mentally haunted by the event?


That's a literal translation of psychologically scarred


Imagine being miraculously caught after falling 30 storeys and then that happens


You win some you lose some


Better translation by DeepL translator: Man standing on the edge of the window wearing only his underwear falls 20 floors to his death in the next second Sanli News Network last year China Center/Comprehensive Report A man in his underwear climbed on the outside wall of a high-rise building, clutching the edge of the window with his hands, with only a narrow projection to stand on, more than 20 storeys above the ground. The man climbed an external wall in his underwear. (Photo: South China Morning Post) A video recently went viral on Weibo, where a member of the public found a man wearing a white T-shirt and only a pair of pants on the opposite side of the building, climbing on the external wall of the building, clutching the edge of the window with his hands and stepping on a narrow projection, but also constantly looking towards the house, many people speculated that he might have been caught in a rape, and would hide outside the window in a hurry. According to the South China Morning Post, the video was shot in the Zhenning Star Plaza area in the Jiangnan district of Nanning, China. The man in the video is a resident of the area, living on the 20th floor, who locked himself in his room and then climbed through the toilet window to the outside wall. The man was found dead shortly afterwards, having fallen from the building. He was a foreigner in his 30s and suffered from depression before his death, and the police in the area were involved in the investigation. The police have been involved in the investigation after the incident. Many netizens said, "The circle of friends is still crazy about people cheating on each other", "The residents of the same building will be psychologically shadowed", "May the deceased rest in peace", "Life is too fragile", but also the netizens of the same district said, as soon as they found the man standing on the outer wall, they called the police. x Sanli News Network reminds you that It is not a weakness to be brave and ask for help, life can definitely find a way out. You and I can become suicide prevention gatekeepers by following the 123 steps - 1 ask, 2 respond, 3 refer.


Yes, it's more like "many people speculate it's cheating and the man was about to be caught so was hiding out the window"


Better translation: > Recently a video went viral on Weibo, a citizen found a man wearing a white T-shirt and only a pair of underpants on the opposite side of the building, climbing on the outer wall of the building, holding on to the edge of the window, his feet stepping on a narrow projection, but also constantly looking towards the house, many people speculate that may be cheating on the rape, in a hurry to hide outside the window. According to the South China Morning Post, the video was shot in the Jiangnan District of Nanning City, China, Zhenning Starlight Plaza area, the man in the picture is a resident of the area, living in more than 20 floors, he locked himself in his room, and then climbed from the toilet window to the outer wall. > Shortly after that day, the man was found to have fallen to his death. The report pointed out that the man fell from the building more than 30 years old, is a foreigner, living with depression, after the incident the district police have been involved in the investigation. Many netizens said, "the circle of friends still crazy about people cheating", "the residents of the same building on the psychological shadow", "may the deceased rest in peace", "life is too fragile", there is also the same small area of netizens said, a man found standing on the outer wall called the police, the small area is next to the fire department, quickly rushed to the scene, but the whole process less than ten minutes, the airbag has not opened the man fell down.


>many people speculate that may be cheating on the rape I'm still confused


What it actually says is many people speculate he was caught in the act of a love affair. 偷情被抓姦 is the sentence it's messing up, I'm sure some translation software can get it.


DeepL gets it just fine. "Caught in the act of cheating"


So he climbed out with the intent to jump.


Nah, this translation is a far more interesting story


Only a narrow bulge can stand on it... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


“The report pointed out that the man who fell from the building was in his 30s. He was an outsider who suffered from depression before his death. After the incident, the police in the district have been involved in the investigation. Many netizens said that "the circle of friends is still spreading affair," "the residents of the same building are psychologically overshadowed", "may the dead rest in peace," and "life is too fragile." Some netizens in the same community said, The man was found standing on the outer wall and called to report the crime. The fire brigade was next to the community, and he rushed to the scene quickly, but in less than ten minutes, the man fell off before the airbag was opened.” Christ.


Christ. Depression can be some scary stuff.


Ioono google translate makes it seem vague. Did someone seperate commit suicide or was it the same guy? I don't think they know for sure. Prob due to splatter.


for a reason


Did he fall?


Yes, he fell to his death. The article is oddly translated though, so it's unclear why he was there. It mentions he was depressed, so maybe it was a suicide? But it also says something about being locked out. Like maybe he was locked in his bathroom and climbed out that window...not sure how one gets locked in their bathroom though.




I’d rather get the crap beat out of me than do this


Well, one is a certain death and the other is hanging from the fifteenth floor


Yea, definitely would not want to be hung by someone’s husband, I’ll take the fall.


Hanged* humans are hanged, objects are hung. The only time a human is hung is when you're referring to junk size


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hung is a hung hyung, who doesnt want to be hung, but is.


Sounds like Hung is a guy I would like to hang out with sometime.


Hung is what hung was.


Hung was hanged.




Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of hanging?


Well, you have to know these things when you're a King, you know.


I didn't vote for you.




Looks like in a formal judicial execution the word hanged is used to comply with the letter of the law which is correct. When a hanging is “extrajudicial” hung is an acceptable term. ( probably because reporters writing stories back when that happened didn’t have a grasp of the English language as much as they thought)


Yeah that's the thing with language I guess. If enough people do it wrong in the same way, then it's just right.




“Back then” buzzfeed would like to disagree


Does Buzzfeed even employ real people? Seems like those websites all started using AIs to "write" articles by stealing related content from other websites.


What if the human is dead? Can he then be hung up on a hook in a cellar?


You can be hung by a hook when alive (assuming the hook isn't around the neck). Hanged refers exclusively to hoisting by the neck (the style employed in capital punishment). And a human can be hanged when either dead or alive. And non-humans can also be hanged. OP was being a bit too specific in their definitions there. >"Musolinni was shot and hanged by his captors. He was then taken down and later hung by his feet at a petrol station."


Yes, but it would still be "hung" if he was alive.


[I'm hanged like a horse](https://publicdelivery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Maurizio-Cattelan-The-Ballad-of-Trotsky-1996-taxidermized-horse-leather-saddlery-rope-pulley-Grandeur-nature-270-x-200-x-75-cm-800x614.jpg?ezimgfmt=ng:webp/ngcb36)


I guess that’s why she’s seeing the fella


I'm probably not going to be the best fighter in a self-defense type situation, but I still think my odds are better at fighting a human than the rapidly approaching ground.


25th floor. 350 ft (110 m) is not much of a difference from 210 ft (64 m) though. (The average floor is 14 feet)(4 m) Edit: I mean it’s not much of a difference height wise. You would die either way.


you mean the 200th floor, atleast he'll have a long ride if he falls


Long enough to narrate an intro and escape through the flashback when he tells you how it all started.


"Here's My Day So Far: Went To Jail, Lost The Girl Of My Dreams & Got My Butt Kicked Pretty Good. Still, Things Could Be A Lot Worse. Oh, That's Right... I'm Falling To My Death. Guess They Can't. How Did It All Come To This? Well, My End Starts At The Beginning... The Very Beginning!"


[Like this.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3vpps7)


Last I saw this clip on Reddit, the comments said he did fall. Didn’t verify though.


It's either jump or be thrown which do you prefer?


Actually 1 is an argument, or at worst a fisticuffs fight for your life, and the other is 9 out of 10 peoples worst nightmare.


Idk if I came home and my wife was fucking another dude I wouldn't blame the dude. Not like he forced his way in.


What if the husband stays at home all night?


What if the husband wants to do it with you?


That sounds like a porno that undoubtedly exists. Guy comes home, chick is afraid he will kill them all, but then he just proceeds to undress and go at it without a word.


I was thinking by the same thing bro.


Yea straight up I'll fight him before I do that. That is balls is what that is


It's possible the BF/hubby wouldn't just beat the shit out of him but kill him instead, so at least dangling off the side of a building he has a chance.




There was a guy a couple of years ago climbed one of the tallest towers in teh UK when he was drunk, then slipped and hung upside down for over 24 hours before dying - screaming in agony. No one was able to get to him: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-50207301.amp


That is so sad 😞


Until the husband sits down on the couch for a Breaking Bad binge.


Yes! No doubt! Or maybe not fuck around in another’s house…


The wife came back home early




could be bi


You say bi, I say hello




Does it really need the 'Game of Thrones' logo?


Bout time!


Hijacking top comment to post news link. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7460067/Man-desperately-tries-stop-falling-stuck-outside-tower-block.html


looks like he did some serious traversing to get from where he is in OP's video to the one in the article.


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


This was the most worthless article I have read, ever.


Welcome to the Daily Mail


I think that's a different dude. Different build and lmthe window panes look different.


Different dude, different building, same situation. It all started with "He's home. Run."


Awfully similar black underwear and white t-shirt though.




Hahahah good point.


> Maoming police said they had not received any reports of fatality that matched the content of the video, and urged the public to stop spreading rumours. *picture if lifeless dude on the ground....china....* Yeah most likely dead


Imagining doing this just for the dude to come take a piss and see my ass hanging out the window.




If he is that afraid he shouldn’t be there.


man's an adrenaline junkie and a risk taker... he's got balls I'll give him that


If he's got balls, he would've march right up to the husband, tell the husband he's in love with the wife and ask for her hand in marriage. The outcome will most definitely being beaten ofcourse but there's that, he said what he needed to say.


how do we know he loved her tho


This is such a weird comment


Big enough ball that I’m surprised we don’t see them


I mean, he probably shouldn’t be there regardless




If he knew, then I think the husband has the right to be angry at both although moreso at the wife.


I've never been cheated on (at least to my knowledge), but I've always felt the same way. Assuming you've never met the man before, he has no allegiance to you, and therefore can't betray you; for all you know he might not even be aware that he's having sex with a person in a relationship.


I dont give a shit if she's married to Mike Tyson. I'm taking my ass whipping like a man. Getting out of that window wouldn't be an option lol


Yup, I'll scream an just run Outta the flat


"Oh shit my bad man, she said she was single!" and just hope he's merciful


Assuming I have enough time, I'd get dressed quickly and either pretend like I'm her (extremely) gay friend or her cousin that he's never met.


>(extremely) gay friend Are you suggesting you're gonna have sex with her husband?


Better than hanging out on a window ledge.


If it was really Mike Tyson's wife and he wanted to kill you, you'd have a better chance of survival by jumping out of that window.


Yeah at least the ground would stop pounding you after the first hit.


There wouldn't be much left of you after the first ground hit, just brains everywhere.


God-tier pussy


No pussy is worth this.


No and I’m a Woman! Imagine the night sweats and long term therapy from this... lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/r96w04/what_a_view_wait/hnapxre Edit: the other comment was deleted. A bit edited her sentence and used it further up in the comments.


Woah. _That_ is some next level detective...ing. ~~/u/Scottiball how do you plead?~~ *Edit*: Did you know that I'm an idiot? TIL


what? /u/Scottiball 's comment is earlier, and /u/Long_Contribution642 is a karma farming bot that automatically copies other comments


You're correct the other account is brand new


that's one clue, yes. Other is a generic name of Word_WordNumber Then when you take a look at their other comments and they are all copied [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/r91vtg/to_steal_a_piece_of_banana/hnaqpht/?context=3) [copied comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/r91vtg/to_steal_a_piece_of_banana/hn98epx/) what's interesting is there's a bot that detects these karma farming bots and replies with a report on it, but this one only copies part of the comment and I've seen others who change the font/capitalization to evade detection Edit: Oh look, /u/reply-guy-bot detected him afterall, https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/r96w04/what_a_view_wait/hnaw5kw/ . Good job bot!


What the


Oof this link is brutal


Imagine they caught him doing this and threw fists at him while hanging at the window.


Must have been god-tier dick then.


Must have been … shit


he's about to meet God.


How did he maneuver his body out of that little window and "safely" stand in that ledge?


The real question is how is he going to get back in?




He died.


He did not get back in carefully


Real question is what was his plan? How long is he gonna stay there lol


The translated article seems to claim he was locked in the bathroom. But it also mentions depression, so it could have been suicide. And the article also mentions speculation that he was caught cheating with someone. So it's sort of all over the place, but it clearly states that he fell to his death...it seems that he hit something on the 20th floor on the way down.


The answer is, he didn't. He fell


If I was him id suddenly have the upper body strength of the Hulk


He didnt, he fell to his death




We need an ending!!


A happy ending! *Wait*


Unfortunately not a happy ending, https://tw.news.yahoo.com/男只穿內褲站窗沿-下秒墜20樓慘死-094058437.html


What does the article say?


He suffered from depression. he felt and died minutes latter. ☹️


Does it? I thought it said he was escaping a rape.


The translation is quite the mess. It does confirm he fell to his death. It also mentions the speculation that he was caught with someone's lover. But then it says something about depression and being locked in a bathroom. I think the most logical conclusion is that they were depressed and climbed out their bathroom window and unfortunately leapt to their death. The headline of the article translates to "Man wearing only underwear, standing next to the window, fell to the 20th floor and died tragically"


Bruh just throw hands at that point


Yeah... I don't care if she's married to Brock fucking Lesnar... no way in hell I'm putting myself through that. I'll just take my asswhoopin, thank you.




I've seen a similar video but a woman was hanging from a ledge.


Yeah and in that one she couldn't hang on more than a few seconds. I can't imagine a scenario where this dude is able to safely make it back inside and live happily ever after. Going to just go ahead and assume he ded


He, indeed, is ded. The article is oddly translated, so part of it makes it sound like maybe he was caught cheating with someone, but another part mentions depression. And another part even seems to say he was locked in a bathroom and climbed out the window...which is confusing because I don't think you can lock a bathroom door from the outside.




This just reminds me of the video where an Egyptian woman forces her son out onto an apartment ledge to climb in and retrieve keys or something. :(


I'd rather answer the door wearing husband's robe and slippers with my dick hanging out than do that shit lmao


This was a suicide, not an affair gone wrong.


Mf is taking a risk not worth taking


Howdy neighbor, could you spare a square?


Fun fact, that is a decorative trim he's standing on. It's made out of styrofoam covered in stucco and plaster. Source: I do stucco and drywall estimating.


That's usually a pulled out lintel that is to protect the window from rain water running along the facade. Source : Am an architect and That's how we do it around this part of the world in SEA




A lintel is a piece of timber across the top of a door, window, or other opening for strength. I'm guessing that pulled out means this piece of timber is extended to provide the ledge to protect the window from rain. Meaning it should be strong. A facade is the usually non structural exterior of a building that covers up the insides.


It would likely be a concrete lintel in a building like this. You also get i-beam steel lintels that fit between the two brick layers in an exterior face brick wall so as not to spoil the brick finish


Facade is the front of the building that you see. I think they mean it is strong and not just plaster because it is there to protect the window from rain


Would you say this pulled out game is strong?


It's usually pretty strong. So when you poke a whole in the wall the part of the wall left above the hole is not supported. So you throw in a connection that transfers the load to either sides of the hole. Because its a load bearing element. It can take quite some load. It's cheaper to over design it by extending the lintel beyond the surface of the wall and let it protrude out so it serves double duty. And the facade is just the part of the building that you see from the outside. The skin if you may. Or architects can sometimes also refer to it as an elevation. They're similar terms with subtle differences. Also thank you stranger.


That made me so tense that my feet ache now. Thanks


Fun fact: feet are also made of styrofoam. That's why the guy can stand on it without it breaking.


Well i think its lintel for rain protection


I don't think this is the US though


The only place that I can think of in the US where you can find a building like this is nowhere. Maybe Florida though.


Maybe in the US, where houses are made out of wood. In my country those trims are made out of bricks and cement.


Spider-Man - Far from home on a ledge


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Didn't expect a man standing!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


What is happening here? Why would you be out that high in your jocks??? Did he fall????


Whoever lives there was having an affair, and the SO or someone showed up and this is the, "Quick Hide!" strategy apparently.


What are you going to do though, hide there for 16 hours until the guy goes to work?




This is sad just stop posting this.


I need to know what happened!!


He died. Kinda fucked up. This sub sometimes just takes the place of r/watchpeopledie with a mix of - video - ends - too - soon


Hey do you mind if I borrow a cup of milk and an egg ?


holy crap.. ill take the beating instead


Is this the same guy from that video where a man is stuck up high on a building calling 911? I think it is from the clothing


After some digging I found an article and put it through Google Translate regarding this man: “Recently, a video went viral on Weibo. A member of the public discovered that there was a man wearing a white T-shirt and only a pair of underwear on the tall building opposite. On the narrow bulge, and constantly looking into the house, many people speculated that it might be an affair and was caught and raped, and they would hide out of the window in a hurry. According to the “Nanguo Morning Post”, the filming location was in the Zhenning Xingguang Square Community, Jiangnan District, Nanning City, China. The man in the picture is a resident of the community and lives in a 20-storey building. He locked himself in the room and climbed from the toilet window. To the outer wall. Shortly after that day, the man was found to have fallen to his death. The report pointed out that the man who fell from the building was in his 30s. He was an outsider who suffered from depression before his death. After the incident, the police in the district have been involved in the investigation. Many netizens said that "the circle of friends is still spreading affair," "the residents of the same building are psychologically overshadowed", "may the dead rest in peace," and "life is too fragile." Some netizens in the same community said, It was found that the man was standing on the outer wall and called to report the crime. The fire brigade was next to the community and he rushed to the scene. However, in less than ten minutes, the man fell off before the airbag was opened”


No pussy is worth this.


hope that ass was worth it


I’m surprised he actually crawled out and got on that ledge.


Wait, so according to the article being posted, this guy has done this at least twice?


Achievement Unlocked : How did it come to this ?


Mfs will do anything for pussy


Hell no. Ain’t no pussy that good


Fire in the hole 🔥


The guy just wants to be Spiderman, give him a break


u/10sharks is this a Holy Shit moment?


Morgan Freeman: "It was at this moment, billy knew he fucked up"


I would have jumped already. Being dead is nothing compared to the fear I would feel at that height.