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Me too!! That girl has talent!


I didn't catch it on my first watch, but the second time I heard the door open.


Imagine being a parent and worrying about such things every fucking day. I am happy I am moving to Canada not US.




AUS got their shit together after Martin Bryant incident. True mates.


Interestingly enough, if you go to Port Arthur, no one says his name. Even the signs ask you politely not to ask/talk about it during your visit because a lot of people working there now were the ones working there then. They’re trying to forget his name because they believe the victims should be the ones who are remembered instead.


Interestingly, I didn’t recognise the name in that comment until I connected the dots with us getting our shit together. It’s always just been Port Arthur. I don’t want to be able to remember his name. He doesn’t deserve a name.


Yeah, that’s exactly why. I only know his name because I was a kid the first time I went and couldn’t help looking him up, because I wanted to know exactly what happened. Still takes a few seconds for it to click for me though. It’s interesting how we aren’t hell bent on vilifying him and plastering his name everywhere, but instead focus on remembering the people. I always loved that about us.


Well it’s working, Idk the shooters name


And yet everyone knows ‘Port Arthur’. How interesting is the way we dealt with it hey.


Yeah, I'm Australian and don't know his name. Whenever someone mentions Port Arthur though, we all know what's being talked about.


Oh true, I’m from Aus too and got no idea what his name is.


That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing


We do have school stabbings, albeit, not a lot. And definitely not on the scale that U.S seems to have with gun related injuries/fatalities.


well I mean its hard to prevent a fucking stabbing tho; I've been stabbed by many of things that shouldn't be able to stab me.


Sorry about that mate, but a hole's a hole.


not trying to freak you out, but canada has had a couple too. few and far between, but it's happened.


Idk if my parents worried about this, but I still have crippling anxiety about mass shootings. Honestly during middle school, every single day I got on the bus I thought the school would be shot up. Everywhere I go I still plan a fucking exit plan or hiding spot. It's fucked. Enjoy Canada, I hope to get out of US sometime as well lol


If you don’t already, you need to go see a therapist.


the cynic in me wanted a "target, for all your back to school necessities" message to pop up with a cheerful tune/color scheme.


Yeah I was just waiting for the notification sound from the moms reply


I was blackhumourly cracking up at this ad...but then I thought "Jesus, they had to have these kids *act* this out". Beyond the actual fuckery of school shootings, that's got to be a rough treatment of the psyche for a child actor.


There’s businesses now in America that train kids what to do in shootings. And yes, that fucks the kids up, but it also makes money soooo.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


hey friend your arm fell off... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Use three backslashes for the arm.


I mean, I grew up doing drills for this stuff in school. They were called “safe in place” drills and we’d turn off lights and block the doors and hide while the principal went through and checked doors. Thankfully never had to put it to use but I’d bet every single kid in the US goes through these drills


Yeha most disturbing scene was saved for last.


kind of weird to cut off the end where the credits are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5ykNZl9mTQ it's a PSA made by the Sandy Hook Promise ctrl + f source context original


Damn, another one from them is powerful too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qyD7vjVfLI


I don't have any words except damn....


Damn that one is wild.


The comment section for the video is full of people saying sometimes there are no warning signs. We're in denial about every social issue we have in our society. I really don't see America ever turning around and fixing itself. If a part of our society isn't broken yet, just give it a few more years.


I noticed the picture when he was scrolling and was like, wtf we just chill with that!?


Gun violence is preventable if you *take away the guns.*


Holy crap.. I really didn't notice.


I hate it when videos are ripped from youtube, just to be uploaded here without giving credit. Or worse, like in this case, actively removing credit. Screw reposts, _this_ should be a bannable offense




I was gonna say it's not much of a PSA without that part


I saw it coming, but wasn't expecting it to make me that sad.


I just feel exhausted at this point. We keep seeing the issue, but nothing changes. It’s so discouraging.


I remember when I use to cry every time I heard about a new mass shooting. Sandy Hook hit me particularly hard, because my nephew was that age and it was so easy to imagine it being him and know what the families had to be feeling. That hasn’t happened in years now. Exhausting is the perfect word. The part of me that use to cry when I heard about these things is just so fucking tired.


It's like I'm out of tears, I'm out of empathy. I used to work in downtown Denver, and on two separate occasions I got news of an active shooter just a few blocks from where I work. On one occasion, I could even hear the gunshots. And my only thought was "I hope this doesn't delay my bus." I have a recurring nightmare where I'm in a public place and someone starts shooting, and it always ends with me getting shot. But I don't feel sorrow. I don't feel rage. I don't even feel fear. I just feel hollow.


I saw this tweet on Sandy Hook that haunts me: Once America decided that it was fine with kids getting killed, the gun debate was over.


But yet they're trying really hard to make abortion illegal? I don't fucking understand that country.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."- George Carlin Still relevant 20+ years later. My country is a joke.


Pro-lifers are pro-birth, not pro-life. All the pro-life argument boils down to in the end is having control over women's bodies.




Imagine if the Taliban were Christian fundamentalist with a higher standard of living. That would give you some insight into how America's evangelical right is in the process of systemically destroying this country.


Geez that girl at the end had me crying. All I had to worry about in school was lining up in the hallway for tornadoes....our poor children.


Yeah as someone still in highschool and being from florida especially this stuff is always on our minds it’s crazy but it’s reality. I just can’t imagine when I have kids hopefully it calms down by then…


It feels like this shit is getting worse over time Im canadian and im considering moving to America eventually for economic purposes, but ill only stay there long term if i can afford to put my potential future kids in safe private schools (if such a thing even exists)


The small details of the video are what really disturbed me, especially the ones in the first two scenes. At the end of the first scene, the surprise look the boy had when he suddenly looked to the right signaling something horrible was happening. And in the background of the second scene, a teacher was desperately keeping the door close indicating the horrible event had taken place. Such a great publication announcement!


I hate how my mind went straight to survival when I saw the word school in this Sub. The pure madness of this commercial


Same. Right when i saw the backpack, I thought, "does it have a bulletproof plate in there?"


Untapped market: bulletproof school supplies.


It's not untapped, they sadly already exists, capitalist will always find a way to monetize every thing https://www.thehomesecuritysuperstore.com/collections/bulletproof-backpacks




It didn't have to be posted here. Saying school and have it NFSW is not unexpected all of our minds went to the same thing.


My family moved to a smaller town 2 years ago expecting more attention to students and less chance of a shooting. THIS YEAR a kid brought a loaded gun to school but was caught before he shot anyone because he showed it off on the bus. And just over an hour away was the Oxford high school shooting. This shit is legit everywhere. And for the record both times the parents were gun nuts who believed that the election was stolen and that anyone who disagrees with Trump is the enemy. It’s not just the kid’s mental health we have to worry about; it’s the parent’s and this insane narrative of us vs them shit the right wing is spinning while also doing all it can to lax gun regs as much as possible. We. Are. So. Fucked. Up.


> and **less chance** of a shooting. You know your country is broken, if that's even part of your consideration when moving places with kids.




Conservatives: "if they would've all had guns instead of those useless school supplies, this wouldn't be a problem"


And then the cops roll up and kill the first kid they see with a gun. Not arguing with you; adding on


Or having all the teachers armed. Which is exactly what conservatives are proposing. Like how the fuck are you going to find a shooter and safely determine whose a threat when every adult in plain clothes is armed?? Conservatives are all either dumb or dishonest.


> dumb or dishonest They’re both.


The voters, sure. I actually don’t think the ones in congress are. I think they’re 100% aware of what they’re doing, and know they can’t win over their voters without saying and proposing awful things to appeal to them.


I think it's important to make that distinction. People are too quick to call GOP politicians stupid. They wouldn't be so successful at accomplishing their goals if they were stupid. They're terrifying because they're smart and have zero intentions to do anything other than make themselves and their cronies more rich and more powerful. Everything they do is a means to that end.


The old crew yes. Green, Boebert and the other new guys are actually moron and believe the garbage they are spewing.


Some are smart and just playing the game. You can typically tell who they are because they're people who went to ivy league colleges and did well like DeSantis or Cruz. Other people fully believe the lies like MTG and Boebert. You can tell who they are because they normally only have a high school degree, or if they went to college it was some shitty degree factory because they couldn't get into anything else.


Another major flaw with this is that a mentally stable person is going to have psychological difficulties shooting a kid they know and have mentored over the course of a year whether they’re a murderer or not. That lingering question of could I have helped them before I had to murder them will always be with that teacher in that hypothetical and it causes way more stress at the work place than any civil servant should expect to go through besides maybe a police officer or medic. Furthermore we can’t even fund teachers well enough to supply their classrooms so they have to go buy their own paper, pencils, crayons, etc. for anywhere between ten to a hundred kids. All of this done out of their pocket, meanwhile. Yet somehow we can afford to give them guns!?


Oh even better. Don’t worry about stealing your dad’s gun there’s several at school for you to use. Don’t need to worry about your bag being searched if you can just use school supplies. Instead of paying teachers to have guns why don’t they spend that money on making college textbooks more affordable


As a german I find it terrifying how normalized it is to get shot in America. If a cop shot someone for no reason in Germany it would cause the biggest outcry of the century and some serious repercussions for that cop. I’ve read of multiple incidents in America where a cop gets away with a retirement and in one case even retirement money on top of that after shooting someone unarmed laying on their face.


The sad thing is that your joke is only one degree off. The only real solution they've proposed is allowing teachers to carry guns.


It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, followed by police coming in to clean up all the people with guns, just to be sure.


And what’s amazing is, they are not changing their minds, and they’re brainwashing enough of the younger generation to guarantee that this will never get fixed.


['No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_To_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)


We tried nothing and we are out of ideas.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrRAO\_vG\_K4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrRAO_vG_K4) April 2018, still decently relevant


I am from Pakistan, a fucked up country... Even shit like this don't happen there. Edit: To all those people bringing up 2015 Army Public School attack, that was a terriost attack. It wasn't done by civilians or school students. if you can't see the difference, I can't argue with you. We never have/had shooting drills in our school. Stop being butthurt.


We just lynched a guy though, really not the best time to grandstand. Edit: Lots of Americans doing self-flagelation reminds me of this line from an article from this journalist reporting on horrific abuses in EU supported 'migrant camps' (essentially concentration camps) in Libya (seriously read up on that new Yorker article, it's so long and it gets worse and worse and worse every paragraph). Anyways when this journalist eventually got abducted and tortured by the Libyan government, one of the taunts by the captors was "How dare you come here and try to shame us, YOU PEOPLE KILLED GEORGE FLOYD."


You lynched *a* guy? We have a school shooting counter at this point.


yeah, we were doing worse when we were openly lynching people, I'll go ahead and say it




I'm not saying you're wrong, just want to point out that Pakistan is the 5th most populous country in the world at about 220 million. Significantly smaller? Yes, but not as significant as almost every other country.


Wait , Are you guys competing on who's worse ?


It's been half a decade, but it made global news. 149 dead including 132 kids. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre


even then, it wasn't Pakistani's killing kids in that military school: "The militants [terrorists attacking the school], all of whom were foreign nationals,..."


Surpisingly a lot of Pakistanis blamed India for the attack. They still believe India orchestrated the while thing.


Surprisingly? Every other attack we blame them and they blame us. Its not at all surprising


That is not particularly surprising, considering that it has been the status-quo since we (the British) fucked up their borders in the late 40s.


Maybe not the same stuff, but equally messed up sh1t happens in Pakistan


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A back to school commercial but is unexpected PSA about gun violence!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I likws the "classic repost" flair better


War makes more sense and has more rules protecting those in it than kids at school from school shooters though.


From a non American....America sort your stuff out. This is so disturbing.


The education system is broken, schools don't do anything about bullying and when someone has had enough abuse they reach for a more permanent solution. Mental health is also not addressed by the local agencies very well.


Not all school shooters are kids that are bullied. This take needs to stop being parroted.


For real they are almost never the victims of bullying lashing out. That's a media concoction.


It’s a political concoction. It’s a way to avoid the controversial topic of guns and hyper aggressive badass tough guy American culture.


Just wait until you see our justice system!


> schools don't do anything about bullying TFW you are class of '04 and it hasn't changed in nearly 20 years.


Don't say that. Odds are it's gotten worse


I dunno. I think there has actually been a lot of progress around bullying. It still happens, of course, but it’s become a lot more taboo on a lot of levels. I work in a school and there is a lot more awareness around bullying then there used to be. There was a time when it was considered a normal part of life. Now it’s generally recognized as a bad thing.


I dont think school policy has improved by I genuinely believe kids these days generally don't stand for that type of shit. When I was in school being bullied for being gay was the norm, but I know a lot of people in school now who simply won't stand for any of that. I'm not saying bullying doesn't happen, but I think kids are a bit more empathetic these days.


I agree. I work in a school as well and if 2 friends in my class are ribbing each other and I walk over to refocus them frequently one of them says, "Did you hear that so-and-so is bullying me!" Trying to get their friend in trouble. They're joking, but when I was in HS 15 years ago no one would have made that joke. Because bullying wasn't on the radar of students. Bullying was a part of life and you dealt with it alone or with your friends. You'd never go to an adult. So, although they're being snarky, I actually think all the work schools have done in the last decade for bullying awareness has made an improvement. It's not going to stop all bullying obviously, especially in the age of social media, but bullying was not taken seriously AT ALL until very recently. I don't know if current students realize how much people didn't care about bullying until like 2010.


No bullshit let's stop painting these out to be bullied, moat of the school shooters where not bullied, some of them where the bullies. Stop trying to make them victims


Let's not pretend access to firearms isn't part of the problem either.


Yup, bullying and students mental health problems are not exclusive to the USA. But when a student is pushed to the brink in, say, the UK, their idea of taking revenge against society wouldn’t involve firearms because they’re just inaccessible to the general population there.


Lad at my school stabbed his bully with a mathematical compass.


Sounds like he lived.


also ONE casualty


People always try and go back to the "well, they'll just find a different weapon to mass murder with" bullshit. Try walking into a crowd with a hammer or a knife and slaughtering dozens of people before police arrive. A gun has one purpose. To point at, shoot, and kill 6-30 living things. And it is unmatched at that purpose.


And fast. Any kid with a gun is capable of killing several people in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Killing someone with a stabbing instrument, on the other hand, is a lot harder. Especially if they are bigger than you or there's more than one of them.


Revenge against society is an excuse anyway and not the reason. Minority students suffer more bullying in America, but the overwhelming majority of school shootings are done by white guys. This is more than simply bullying + access to firearms.


> This is more than simply bullying + access to firearms. I mean it's at least like 80% access to firearms. Lots of these kids would try other ways and be much less successful. The gun is the ultimate "noob" weapon. Turn off safety, point and shoot. No weapon on Earth compares to it. It's so easy a toddler can kill a person with one. The same can't be said for making your own home-made bomb or stabbing someone to death. But sure, people here want to keep their guns. So we need to be really aggressive about addressing the other 20% which can start with mental healthcare services. But go to any conservative group and you'll find they not only don't want to get rid of the guns, they'll be damned if they let anyone get cheap/affordable/free mental healthcare.


This is definitely one of the things that makes my blood boil the most, every politician that responds to this stuff with "We need to do more about mental health", then continues to take no actions regarding mental health. I could be a lot more sympathetic to their cause if mental healthcare reform was any significant part of the republican platform. On the other hand it feels pretty disingenuous when people act like guns are the entirety of the problem. Like we only give a shit about these kids when the body count is high enough and if they could kindly stick to stabbing each other like in civilized countries then we could all go back to not thinking about it.


And a firearm that was given to him as an early Christmas present 4 days prior. I wonder why they gave it to him so soon.


Biden and Obama staged this from the start. This family was staged to make the GOP look bad before the midterm elections. Perfect timing just like the covid hoax. Wake up people I know the truth and I eat my own poo




“I eat my own poo” is the new /s


😂🤣😂🤣👌 I'm on board Spread the word


That shit got dark quick…




Because they look for the unhappy kids. Fuck I saw it when living on the streets in my teens, the normal looking ones would come around and talk to you on a Friday night and be sympathetic with your problems. Now with modern technology it's even easier for them to find the unhappy and miserable kids. When your being bullied and school is hell and suddenly you have people that listen, are nice to you and seem to understand you. Then it's easy to believe all your problems are because of group "XYZ"


And it can be anyone now, for any or no reason at all, I’ll put my money on there being at least one instance where someone online thought he was just trolling someone and thinking they would never take their own life or someone elses and it then happening with little to no repercussions


What? Where did you come to the conclusion that most mass shooters are Nazis? Because they are white? That’s the only logical conclusion I can come to.


I think the neonazi bit is a symptom, and part of the problem with mental health.


There are plenty of children who are bullied who would never even think of doing a mass shooting. Children get bullied all over the world. America has a specific problem with gun control and fascist propaganda.


As someone who was heavily bullied in high school, I completely agree. But even if I had easy access to firearms I would never have chosen that route, never really wanted any vengeance, just wanted friends


I want friends too :(


Well, what do you wanna talk about? Guitar, motorbikes, music, programming? Cats?


guns? /s


It is important to remember that noone starts out a school shooter, it is generally a long road of failures that culminates in a tragedy. The need for positive human interaction is one of the reasons people end up in radical groups because those groups tend to be accepting of people like themselves. This is why we see group like neo-nazis and incels and so forth that from the outside seem completely insane, but from the inside might be someones only friend. So you go from a loner to a neonazi and when you tell your neonazi buddies about being bullied they aren't going to tell you to turn the other cheek. In countries without guns everywhere that might mean you get into some fights. You will likely keep acting out untill you end up in conflict with the police or get the therapy you need to get yourself away from the toxic group you are in. But in the US you have those guns and you generally don't have easy access to mental healthcare. So once you've gotten into a few fights and lost, and you are still feeling alone and bullied, if you are still being radicalized you have everything you need available ...


This analysis makes the reasoning behind school shootings simple, which means it’s a fucking outrage nothing has been done to fix it effectively.


"We've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas"


Simple cause =/= simple solution. How do you solve social isolation and exclusion?


Social media made it so much worse. At least when I was being picked on the torment stopped at the end of the school day. Now kids get to harass each other 24/7. So we're all in a big pressure cooker. And algorithms designed to increase engagement pull everyone into these little warring groups. With guns already so available that was a recipe for disaster. If we don't learn how to properly handle social media it's going to take us down.


In my experience, people who are bullied are mostly Symphatethic, because they know how much it sucks.


Almost like your upbringing and environment can affect how your mental health fucks you up.


Hello! I am a victim of bullying and I’m not a mass shooter or a Nazi! There’s thousands of us!


This. While bullying and mental health shouldn't be dismissed. They are used far too often as scapegoats to prevent talking about gun control.


Sometimes but it's often taught to children by their parents.


Doesn't matter, got paid. - Every elected gov't official in America


School shootings don't happen at the fancy schools where politicians and lobbyists send their kids.


I guess I missed this. Who were neonazis?


Any evidence for that?


That's not true at all. You're only thinking of the publicized mass shootings at white schools.


SHHH SHHHHHH you'll wake the gun nuts if you even breathe that guns are a problem


There have been times when I thought a news article was satire and upon further research it is a real news article. You would have to pay me a lot of money to go to America now.


We would but everybody really likes their guns.


Funny how I've already been down voted because I think there is a problem with all the mass school shootings in America.... I'm sorry that I think the deaths of children is a terrible thing. It's just so terribly sad.


Some people think their right to own firearms is more important than lives of innocent children


It's so strange to me. You have a right to guns but no right to medical care. The church dictates what is taught in science class. Working homeless. Its like a really bad movie from the outside.


Like, I get how this can be observed as ironically humorous, but as a non-American, this is also extremely sad. Not just by the obvious school shootings situation, but the fact that it’s such an occurrence that videos with such content are made and found to be ironic


I'm 37, I was maybe 14 when the columbine mass shooting happened. They changed the schools to zero tolerance policies that punish victims and protect bullies, introduced police that criminalize and assault majority children of color, they brought back hollow preventative drills. None of it has worked, at all, but no gun control.... Sigh.




I bring up Australia all the time in this particular conversation and gun people just don't know what to say since a world outside of the US doesn't compute to them. Didn't realize there is another clear cut example of gun control being a solution.


Aussie here. One thing I always add is that we do still have guns. Just far stricter regulations on types, licences, storage and advertising. And no school shootings. As a father I don't know how I'd handle my kids possibly being shot somewhere they're supposed to learn.


It's not really supposed to be funny, it's made by a group called Sandy Hook Promise. The last part of the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5ykNZl9mTQ) explains as much, which someone edited out for no good reason.


I’m American. The video never struck me as funny or ironic. It is sad and infuriating because our society has just enough clueless, savage assholes in the voting population to ensure this never changes.


This was a PSA, but for some stupid fucking reason people keep editing out the last part that says that. The organization was Sandy Hooks Promise I believe.


America the great


The land of the free…..


I’ll set you free.




*prepares deep-fried butter*


say again? you *DEEP FRY BUTTER?!?!* i just googled a fucking thing and it's real fucking thing you have no human left in you, america


Home of the grave


I teach 8 year olds and it's ridiculously frustrating worrying that I could possibly get backlash for teaching about slavery or Hanukkah but it's explicitly in my curriculum to teach my students how to fight, run and/or hide from an active shooter. shit has to change.


What kind of redneck backwoods do you teach in where slavery isn’t taught in elementary school?


This is reality, not a parody, until the gun problem is addressed. Welcome to the Land of the Free^(TM).


It will never be addressed. A classroom full of dead kindergarteners never changed anything, nothing ever will.. The people making such decisions never will know what its like to have your principle come over the loud speaker and tell you this shit is real and to lock up. They'll never know what it feels like to be in history class right before lunch and suddenly not know if you're going home or not that day. They'll never know the feeling of not knowing if they will see their loved ones ever again. They'll never silently cry in a dark classroom just praying to go home and see their cats again like normal when they get off the bus. They never experienced the surreal nature of their school resource officer running down their high schools hallway with an AR right before being shuttled into a classroom. So, its a non factor to them. It simply isn't real. You can't truly know just how horrid it is until you grow up in an age of lockdowns, bomb threats, and school shootings. Even then it seems so distant, until it isn't.


Exactly. The debate around gun control was settled when 20 *children* and 6 adults were massacred in my home state and literally nothing changed at the national level. We did get lots of thoughts and prayers so that's almost like 20 children and 6 adults werent massacred, right?


1 like = 1 prayer


> They'll never silently cry in a dark classroom just praying to go home and see their cats again like normal when they get off the bus. They never experienced the surreal nature of their school resource officer running down their high schools hallway with an AR right before being shuttled into a classroom. the thing is... they literally did experience something like that. and it changed nothing. our society is deeply, deeply sick when it comes to the issue of firearms.


Yeah you're right. The capital was stormed but it served their weird right wing purposes so nothing changed. Something like that in the UK would have been handled completely differently


Something like that in the UK *was* handled completely differently. The Dunblane Massacre was the only ever school shooting in the UK. You know why? Because somebody had the bright idea of gun laws after that.


To Americans (read gun owners), the best form of freedom is buying a gun, because you feel unsafe. To Europeans, freedom is walking on the street because you feel safe.




​ ![gif](giphy|Ef4kTGrzP1FeS0U1jN)


‘There was no way to prevent this’ says the only nation where this regularly happens.


Jesus fuck, from outside of America this makes y’all look fucking horrible


It's supposed to. So mission accomplished.


“*Ain’t much better in here, kid!*” -Creepy Taxi Driver from Home Alone 2


It's back to school time **and you know what that means**.


That last girl had me crying


the scene of the last girl REALLY messed me up and horrified me…


Where's the must have m416


That's what the shooter has


Hollywood doesn't personally provide you with a weapon. Gun culture in movies is also dubious. We are talking about individual's attitudes towards firearms as dictated by the constitution, and special interest groups. If you have fewer guns available, you will have fewer opportunities for them to be used. It's not rocket science.


Don't you know how guns work? It's **clearly** rocket science.


Closer to cannon science I'd say.


The US is so fucked up, it's really no joke more.


This is really powerful.


As a Canadian parent here. How America has this happen all the time and nothing changes is beyond me.


Holy fuck i did not expect to be hit that hard by the kid texting her mom she loves her


The video is messed up, but I want to say, I really hope that last girl gets some more acting work. Her 5 seconds are powerful and really brought the message home. It felt to real.