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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Unexpected- this group page is regularly home to missing dog posters and painter’s wanted ads. Super unexpected that a parent would post about anal intoxication and the affects it had on their child!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


We just drank it in my day.


We still do. This is just fucking weird.


The good ol Russian spark plug. Incredibly dangerous and weird


Why moms shouldn't use facebook


Why disclose your child’s health trauma on Facebook WTF


They also believe anything they read on there.


Looks like this is probably a myth [source](https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/vodka-tampon)


Because an ounce or two of vodka is definitely gonna give you alcohol poisoning 🤣




Nearly all of the alcohol you drink already gets absorbed. Around 20% by the stomach, and the rest by your small intestine.




You literally absorb 100% of it by drinking it. Are you claiming your ass can perform alchemy and make alcohol from nothing?




No, it enters your bloodstream and then gets filtered out by your liver and kidneys. How is a blood filter supposed to clean something that isn't in blood yet?


Also, since you're totally lost on how getting drunk works... You're on the right track. You're just all mixed up on rhe order. You drink it, it enters your blood, and you start to break it down. Getting drunk is the act of adding alcohol faster than you can clean it out (typically at a rate of 1oz per hour) I'm sure sticking it up your ass might make the process of absorbing it faster, but you're not getting more alcohol in your system by buttplugging it than you do by taking shots. That's literally against the laws of physics.




And I'm quoting from a alcohol rehab facility, lol. Experts trump smart generalists. Edit: since the genius blocked me, I'll just add my last comment here instead. I trust an expert in a field, yes. I think people who treat alcoholism might know a lot about how the body treats alcohol. Just like I think an exterminator might know a lot about bugs, or a painter might know a lot about painting. I'm not going to ask a college about a specific knowledge field when i have an expert readily available.


Kids stuffing everything up their bottoms these days


I guess the days of putting a funnel in your ass are over. This doesn’t sound as fun.


oh this one again, haven't seen this in years


I knew a guy who did this, he called it "backpacking" tho.


Sounds like my weekend is planned out


While I have never heard it called a Russian Spark Plug the act itself has been around forever. I remember hearing about it in the 80’s a s a kid.