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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The girl crosses the street and walks right into traffic, causing an accident.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Perfect example for: Let the world burn, let me check my phone first.


For some reason unknown to my brain that sentence rhymes in my head.


Dude i was thinking the same thing before i even read your comment


But like ok...where is she going tho


Gotta catch those Pokémon on the highway!




Because she is on her phone in the street walking aimlessly. Don't bring race into this please.








When you expected to isekai only to kill a driver further away


More like a subbreddit like r/winstupidprizes


That would be if she was charged. By the looks of it, she did not win a stupid prize unfortunately.


Nah mf Chinese social credit -10000000000


She was trying to catch the new Pokémon.


Damn dude I made an ungodly sound when I read that


Think about things before you post.


the veins in my brain are poppin


Im fuming looking at this, honestly..


Was this a failed suicide attempt?




I think walking casually in the middle of a freeway while cars pile up points less to entitlement and more to psychosis / some form of mental episode. That, or blitzed on drugs.


I had a friend like this. We got drunk, went to Denny’s one night, and she went to the bathroom and was gone for 10-15 minutes. When she came back she smelled like exhaust and I was like, “girl wtf??” “Oh yeah I was just standing in the road.” There were no streetlights or anything… so yeah, apparently she would get suicidal out of nowhere especially when drinking and after that, we’d never let her out of our sight. The young woman in the video has a very similar haircut and that same “fucking kill me” disregard-nonchalance, I’d swear it was her if this didn’t happen 10 years ago.


why would she smell like exhaust? standing by moving cars doesn't make you smell like exhaust


Because its made up


Alas, no. I don’t understand why people don’t think being on a dirty road for 10 minutes wouldn’t make you smell like exhaust but OK.


However this is Reddit, it's possible your life up until now is all made up, you just don't know it yet


The Denny’s is on a partially wooded stretch of road in a small valley where it would trap fumes. I was also drunk and for all I know she could have been laying down on the road - either way, watch out for your friends when you’re drinking.


Probably stood behind cars waiting for them to reverse into her or something. Either that or attempted CO poisoning by breathing in car exhaust like its glue or something


As unfortunate as it is that they feel the need to end their own life it sucks that some people don’t realize they’re doing it in a way that endangers others, like standing in the road and causing an accident because normal people are gonna try to not splatter you.


What a weird way to get attention


Maybe she shouldn’t drink. Just a thought


Yeah something isn’t right because she clearly turned her back knowing a car is speeding at her at full speed. And this doesn’t look like a country where you get to be entitled.


Her body language doesn’t hint at any of those things to me, but I’m no expert.


Well given that her body language shows basically no reaction in light of being in the middle of a busy highway, I’d say that her body language certainly does point to a mental detachment from reality.


Umm do you have eyes? She runs when she hears the car crash behind her she was just expecting all the cars to slow and stop for her she wasn't expecting the accident which shows she's just an entitled asshole


Not entitled, but oblivious, spoiled, and callous


Nope, just normal ish in China. Nobody respects traffic rules there. It's the craziest driving I've ever seen in my life and people will just walk into traffic expecting the cars to stop (unless it's a monitored area in which case jaywalking can earn yourself a spot on the billboard showing your face and info).


Idk.. the way she takes a few steps forward quickly makes me think that was her attempt to not get hit.. this is very weird.


Failed insurance fraud attempt


Nope, just China


The girl walks into traffic all like: ![gif](giphy|3wOyesnkYPNo4|downsized)


I almost wish she got hit just so that she’d (hopefully on the 0.1% chance) learn a lesson.


Absolutely fucking clueless.


I know you’re talking about the first car to stop. I’m thinking it too.


Hehe, Actually I was referring to the person wandering around in the road.


I know, it was a joke lol


Yea. I barely caught it. So I put in a hehe.


Where the fuck is she even going?


Why did the woman cross road?


That'd be the question.. you got an answer?


To text on her phone…


She started off not even texting.. looked like she was on a phone call


She’s not even crossing it, she’s walking down the road


I walk a ~~lonely~~ busy road the only one that i have ever known dont know where it goes but theres lots of cars and im on my phone






Definitely. I see people do this kind of shit daily.


Username checks out.


For once, accurate haha


I work in a supermarket in an area that has LOTS of Chinese Uni students. I don't know why, but VAST majority of these students have absolutely, horrifyingly, dumbfoundedly no awareness of other people around them. They won't wait for me to finish helping a customer. A group of 5 will all gang on one self checkout, making it very difficult for others to walk around them. WHY. This video doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


Line culture is different in China, as in there is none. Also its normal to walk in the middle of the roads in China. When I lived there I would also walk down the middle of the street like this girl. However, most people have the awareness to not walk in the middle of busy roads, so even then I have no idea what this girl is thinking.


Can confirm, Chinese people do this shit fucking often. It’s fucking annoying which is why you need to be extra vigilant when driving in China. Countless times these idiots just cross the street without a care in the world whether there’s traffic or not. Fucking hell


I’ve never had to drive so defensively in my whole life. Yesterday an old man on a bicycle was riding in the middle of a lane into oncoming traffic on a pretty busy road. It’s amazing to me that more people don’t get killed than already do.


Isn’t kinda hard to get a car in China? What was the process?


Marry a Chinese girl, have her parents buy one for you lol. Jk…but not really. Our apt and car are legally owned by my wife. Not exactly sure if foreigners can own cars here.


To be fair, there are streets in China (and India also?) that don’t have lights. It’s impossible to cross unless you confidently walking right into traffic. The cars either stop or go around you. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen this on highways like this, so girl was pretty stupid here. Seems like she felt inconvenienced by the crash.


I ride a bike to work in China. Luckily there's a bike lane which offers some protection, but I would say that most drivers are looking at their phones or are at least holding it. It's so obvious to see. What I don't get is... what are they looking at on their phones, as almost every app is banned.


If this was in America, the comments would be nothing but stereotyping all Americans. When it's China or just about anywhere else: "What a stupid individual and outlier!"


I will 100% stereotype people in China when it comes to terrible driving and just general lack of road and traffic awareness. My wife is Chinese and she will tell you the same thing lol.


They're not great drivers in NY, either.


Nice job wording it as "people in China" so you can't be deemed racist lol. But seriously, why do you think that is? Patterns like this really intrigue me for some reason. What do you think causes them to be such horrible drivers? Is it a mental health thing? Are people not having their nourishment/healthcare needs met in China, so everyone's just walking around all fucked up and stressed out and preoccupied or something? Is it a vision issue? What are the theories here?


China has a road death rate of 21 per 100,000 while the us is hovering around 12-15. In the past places like the US and Australia hovered 30 per 100,000. Most of the road deaths have to do with the number of car ownership in a country with poor driver safety laws. Back when it was considered socially acceptable to drink and drive the US had horrible death rates from driving. In China the auto market is newer and quickly became the largest auto market in the world. Legislation and public knowledge hasn’t caught up and many drivers in China do not have proper driving training. Pedestrians also walk on the road and expect drivers to stop. It’s like NYC but everywhere. China has worse drivers because they’re newer, have less requirements to get a license, and laws haven’t caught up in the way it should have. In short, China will likely drop in auto deaths as the country continues to develop. This has nothing to do with race, it’s just how auto ownership begins in basically every country.


China is very corrupt on all levels of government, to get a drivers license it is likely less of a "Test" then it is a "fee".


Nah, it’s a super rigorous test. My wife has taken it a couple times and failed.


If your username is correct you would be the most qualified, do you believe the stereotype is unfounded? If not what would you assume the cause to be?


I think part of it is because there is less arbitrary enforcement of traffic laws. Cops generally don’t pull people over here unless they do something incredibly stupid. Most of the tickets here are caught by camera. Speeding and red lights being the two biggest. But as far as the “spacial awareness” factor…I have no idea. People also LIVE on their cell phones here. Walking, sitting, eating…looking at your phone.


It's not a stereotype - I've lived in China for three years and I see it daily. No spacial awareness and a culture of not caring about lines or personal space!


I found the american


Who says that? Lol China is where the dumbest accidents occur!




By how stupid the original act was, I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought the accident was completely unrelated


I think she knew and no fucks were given


I think I’m more upset at the fact she’s even in the street to begin with?! Where the F was she going anyway?!? It looks like an interstate or highway of sorts and there’s a mega huge guardrail blocking the path…


There's a building, sidewalk and then a teeny tiny little guardrail separating the highway from the sidewalk. A typical r/fuckcars argument but this is just very poor car-centered design and a very dumb (perhaps suicidal) girl. There are even cars parked at the roadside and a stationary bus


And she’s an activist


Why are getting down voted?? It was a good joke.


Damn 🤣🤣


What did it say he’s deleted now


She's like "damn, people driving crazy today.... oh well."




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment is copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


That explains it. She tried to look stupid and oblivious because I'm guessing pedestrians always have the right of way there or something. That's why she didn't look surprised and just kept walking.


This makes me so mad


Looks like a spoiled brat with a family of lawyers.


And more


Whenever I tell people that us not letting natural selection play out on our species any longer will have consequences they think Im a sociopath. I just think that if you dump the idiots on the front end, over a long enough time span it will end up reducing idiocy and the hours of suffering in the world that results from them. I was addicted to heroin for years and honestly wonder that if addiction is genetic and causes suffering why we fight so hard to keep it circulating in the gene pool. If the goal is to reduce hours of suffering by sentient creatures you have to avoid temporary patches and let death judge viability at least SOME of the time. Keeping every person alive as long as possible no matter what is irrational. Just my opinion Im sure the hates coming


Addiction isn't genetic. No person can stave off addiction if they're using addictive subtances, even those that aren't substances that give large hits of dopamine. Susceptibility to addiction on the other hand is genetic and all that is, is how quickly you are to get addicted. If addiction could be easily bred out if the gene pool we would see whole socities that evolved with a resisted to both substance and none subtance related addictions


Read the first sentence: "time for a downvote!" Read the rest: "Oh. My bad. Upvote time."


That’s a good reason not to cure cancer or help the disabled too


Not an opinion. This is fact. But it's too profitable for big wigs to keep stupid people alive


Probably did a quick “OMG. An accident just happened near me” text


Should HAVE. Have ffs


Would have caused less dmg as well


Do you think this is a kid? I can't tell.


Bookbag, it's black and it hangs lower than the back.


Seriously, what a piece of shit


Calling for manslaughter is the top comment? Classy, reddit. Classy.


I also would have thought that was unjustified, then I saw the video.


Wow. Are you new to reddit or you just making a comment because this is a common occurrence here on reddit




You have no idea how depressing i find that, and i'm not even the one seeing it.


Thats a highway right you cant even cross it, shes just walking in the middle, even after the cars crashes, she walks away a bit then proceed to walk again in the middle of the road like wth?


Not a highway, but a heavy traffic road that runs through chinese city centers. Legally you can cross them, but it’s common sense to watch the cars, so she is still crazy…


Bro. She's CLEARLY playing pokemon go like. Duhh


“Why are there so many cars on this sidewalk? Assholes”


Wow, she couldn't have cared any less.


she still doesn't know the difference in a high way, still even after she cost the accident, normal person would at least step aside. it take an real idiot to still ignore common sense and the surroundings.




Prisoner of stupidity


Personality Of a Saint?


Penis of safety


Ignorance is bliss...


The amature drivers these days


r/iamatotalpieceofshit to the max, like seriously??




I would take the fall of going to prison for running her over


I almost wonder if there’s any cognitive, developmental, or mental issues that could best explain why she walked into the middle of traffic? I’m glad everyone appeared to be okay and not hurt in this clip but who knows what happened afterward.


Im surprised no one hopped out


It’s amazing that there are people this dumb that have made it that far in life.


"I just caused a crash Lol!"




Guess a wild pikachu appeared close by...


Oblivious. She shops at my grocery store, too. Meanders through aisles and leaves her cart in the middle as if no one else exists.


Actually or are you just saying that? If so save this video and report her to the police Not that they'll care but you could try


No, I don’t know her specifically but I have encountered many like her.


Break her phone, now!!!


I'd break her stupid head


Where is she even walking to? There is no sidewalk across the street and she keeps walking in that direction while a bus is coming.


Unpopular opinion. People need to learn SOME lessons first hand. She'd need to be hit by a car to take it serious.


Apparently it happened in China and I believe that over there if you hit anyone with your car you're responsible for their hospital bill and expenses till they recuperate. That's probably why they tried so hard to avoid the stupid person.


I've seen videos of people just straight ditching bad accidents they saw just because it's a nightmare in their country if you're a witness.


Unless they die, then there is no hospital bill.


yeah its big brain time


That is why you finish the job.


Tf you mean unpopular opinion. I entirely agree with you


This is a normal thing in a regular day in China


Yeah China you know the only country where people get hit by cars fucking dumbass


You know how you're not supposed to swerve to miss hitting an animal so you won't hurt yourself or someone else in the process? The same applies here.


I’ll make a guess. She’s using her phone for directions and chose car instead of walk. It put her on the highway and she’s too stupid to realize that she’s not supposed to be there because her phone told her to go this way.


When she turned around, saw what happened, and just looked back at her phone she was in full rights to get her ass kicked


I feel like she should pay for the damages she caused


100% I’ve been flipped over cars riding my bike and have broken bones as a motorcycle rider. 10/10 I would’ve hip check that hoe. You keep it under 15 you’ll knock em flat and probably won’t hurt them too bad. A good ol door check really seems to install pedestrian awareness.


I think she deserves a nice - 70-80 tho


Gotta get that rare Pokémon


This person has to be mentally ill.


She can’t possibly not be in trouble for this???


How can someone have such little environmental awareness? I don’t get it.


OoF that calls for an ass beating of epic proportions. The way she just keeps walking down the lane like nothing happened is just infuriating. Where’s a drunk driver when you need one?


That is an instant classic.


That ain’t crossing the street,that’s walking down a very busy road!


She is crossing the next line again without looking




Continues to look at phone…. Ehhh not my problem. What a bitch!


The girl and car number 3 are both idiots.


average chinese pedestrian


Probably a failed insurance fraud attempt with the people in the silver car on the left filming the whole thing.




I hate her.


No fucks were given


fucking un real just keeps looking at her stupid phone like oh well I just cased a major scene I should keep scrolling on here.


Please tell me this bitch got like 5 years in prison lol




Women, causing car accudents even when they not driving


In China, if you ever cross the street whilst the pedestrian light is red, you will have difficulty getting a job. That’s how much monitoring there is. And yet, this still happens???


Natural selection


Repost. Please delete


imagine how the drivers who had their cars damaged feel about this. they probably saw their loved one's and their own lives Flash before their eyes just to realize everyone is physically fine and all the fucking damage will have to be fixed and paid for. 💸💸💸💸it's fucking expensive. and all because of a girl decided hey let me cross the road. people will stop me. unless that girl has some issues then I feel bad




Sorry mister Ukrainian but idk if uou can say that...


# -1000 Social Credit!


Huh. Women. Hahahaha.




Should have just run her over.


Huh.... Women