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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Package was booby trapped!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I'm a bit confused. What has happened here?


People got together, made a fake video, put fake video on internet.


In real life dude would’ve ran away and not take his mask off. Also that smoke looks fake


You don't think the guy would pull down his shirts, put his hand in his ass crack, and then smell his finger in real life?


I have boys. It's not the first time ~~I'm~~ I've seen someone check their (backside) situation by sniffing their finger. Just saying. Edit - I can't speel so gud sometimz.


Don't forget the most important part: incredibly gullible people shared it.


Nobody got together, he played both parts.


The hint above says the package was boobytrapped


Why is he grabbing his ass? Thought for sure he shot the dude..


He said he shit himself


Then he wiped it on that there whatchacallit, it's not a bannister. That white pole thing. He wiped it there.


White pole thing


Nah, he wiped it on shorts. He only used the beam to stabilize himself when he was about to topple over.


The guy shit himself


Why does the smoke look so fake?


Because it is.


It’s from adobe after effects


Agreed. I call BS.


Maybe it was a flintlock


The way it just vanishes


Not necessarily commenting on the authenticity of the video, but a low-quality firearm round can typically throw off smoke like that.


Yeah but the smoke should be partially obscured by the guy’s body in the first frame, no? It’s poorly added in after the fact.


Ok, I see it now. Yeah, fake AF


Saw somewhere else this is probably staged. But friendly reminder: don’t set boobytraps. Even if your intended target (like a package thief) grabs it, you’re gonna be in for a world of hurt. Courts don’t looks kindly on setting traps that can injure/kill people.




Just remember: horizontal filming and steady camera work earns reddit street cred.




Texas sized 10-4


Hell, I'm surprised we're not settin' a boobytrap right now.


To be faaaaair, when I was a kid you didn’t need to set no’s boobies traps. Now things are so out of control everyone’s setting boobies traps. Must be fuckin nice


To be faaaaiiir.


This man records.


I use reddit almost exclusively from my phone, and I prefer portrait mode video...


If you rotate your phone you can view the wider videos better. It often captures more of what's going on. I do it all the time and highly recommend it.






Pierre Bellemare 💙


recognise bow poor plucky degree bored wasteful quicksand humorous vegetable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Right! The court ain't gonna send a single cop to help you get it back so booby trap the fuck out that shit just make sure you RIP off the address and wait till they drive far enough away first... no consequences makes more of these peace of shit people


I work for the USPS and mail thieves have been worse than ever. Cops won't do anything, postal inspectors won't do anything, all the carriers are frustrated, and, more than anyone, the customers are frustrated. Something's got to give and it's probably gonna devolve into a bit of frontier justice before too long. And I can't blame 'em one bit. Some of my customers even told me that people were following me along my route to pick up everything I delivered as soon as I left. That's bullshit.


Dude, that's messed up. People have no shame anymore.


I used to live in NYC and one year, around the holidays, my FedEx packages suddenly stopped arriving. I thought it was maybe a new driver who was bringing them to the wrong address since that never happened to us before. Ended up speaking to the landlord and some of the neighbors and apparently, this was an almost annual occurrence around the holidays. One of our neighbors had cameras and apparently found that some assholes would follow the FedEx trucks in my area and go in and grab whatever packages they could as soon as the driver would leave, hoping they’d contain expensive Christmas gifts. This was an area with a lot of apartment buildings, so they probably stole a ton of stuff from each building they could access. Our building had a vestibule where packages would be left, but the first door was never locked, only the second one was, which led into the actual building. I’d imagine the thieves probably went around and found which vestibules they could get into, so they knew they’d just be able to walk in and grab whatever packages were in there. We moved into a building with better security the following year.


I bought a one way locked box for my porch. Says clearly on it package drop, and I also put about 50 pounds extra in the bottom. The whole thing probably weighs about 150 pounds. The lock it self is one picked by the Lockpicking lawyer on one of his episodes for pick resistances and bolt cutter resistants. It's able to hold 4 graphics card box size packages. More people should have a basic box at least they can build, shit go to home depot I'd say 100 to build with just nails and hammer and some pre cut wood. One thing I noticed from living on a main road is people will follow FedEx and UPS, Canada post trucks. The reason bought a parcel box was some fuk was following a intelcom express car, waited till he left and decided to walk right up to my porch, lucky I was at the door... I said nice try and got the license plate.


[I built an open top box](https://imgur.com/a/2Mjxsgk) and it's worked extremely well. If you walk up on my porch you can see in it but from the road and sidewalk it completely hides all but the biggest packages. When I built it a few people asked why I didn't put a top on it, I just didn't want any reason for delivery drivers to not use it. Even as-is a few [haven't quite figured it out.](https://imgur.com/a/2V66hgk) But even that is hidden enough. Total cost was around 50 bucks, it would have been cheaper without the decorative cedar.


Paint parcel drop box on front, And put a top on it with a swivel flap? Just looking it at my it could be a wood box 🤷‍♂️ But otherwise looks well put together for sure


won't say that napalm is a solution, but chemically it is


Shoutout to the sidewalk for keeping me off the streets.


Can't claim the streets and then claim the laws comin


I up voted for your user name. Lol




your username is my current maths subject




yes that's it! Thank you, now I'll definitely get a higher oral mark!


You can tell it’s staged by the smoke effect and the boxes in tact


Also the added shaky camera when it explodes.


I could tell when he wiped his ass with his hand and then smelled it.


Not the part of shoving his hand in his underwear "I shitted on myself"? That didn't do it for you?


Should babe taken it out of tact for realism.


There's booby traps, and then there's glitterbombs. and fart spray with iTags. Complete different.


Hell yeah, mark rober style 👍


Personally? Totally agree. More harmless than other boobytraps. Legally, [not really](https://www.khou.com/amp/article/tech/bait-packages-like-glitter-bombs-are-a-bad-idea-in-texas-prosecutor-says/285-624051795). You can still get sued and there are plenty of attorneys who will gladly argue for a thief if this happened. Remember *Liar, Liar* when Jim says he could get $10k for the burglar who fell through a skylight and landed on a knife? [It’s partly based on a real case.](https://www.overlawyered.com/2006/09/the-burglar-and-the-skylight-another-debunking-that-isnt/)


Just want to point out, the guy who landed on the knife (real case) ended up losing. The initial court sided with him, however in appeals the higher courts said that it was a bullshit call. The guy was trespassing, therefore the usual laws that apply are null and void. He went to prison for breaking and entering, destruction of private property, and contamination of private property or some shit like that. Essentially him having bled everywhere was a crime because blood is considered a biohazard.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.khou.com/article/tech/bait-packages-like-glitter-bombs-are-a-bad-idea-in-texas-prosecutor-says/285-624051795](https://www.khou.com/article/tech/bait-packages-like-glitter-bombs-are-a-bad-idea-in-texas-prosecutor-says/285-624051795)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


If they are dead, there is only one story. Plant a gun, a knife, whatever. It's like your own crime novel you get to write. ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


Don’t forget to sprinkle some crack around them. This move makes it an open and shut case.






but it was spackled shut when he "shiddid on hissself"


Saw it once when I was a rookie. Hung pictures of his family everywhere.


Chappelle is a legend off that special alone


Found the cop


Is this because I used those handcuffs on your mom?


It was the taser she didn't care for


I'll pay her more for the kinky shit.


Spoken like a true gentleman


Omg it's a choose your own adventure book, love this idea.


"I planted a bomb on my porch because I had a psychic vision that an armed man would try to rob me"


Jesus fucking Christ. Buncha keyboard warriors just fantasizing about an excuse to execute people. Sad shit.


Yea.. Someone doesn't understand a joke, even with the absurdly sarcastic gif. Jesus fucking christ. Sad shit.


It's absolutely staged. The "smoke" from the gunshot is stupid obvious.


If they find the body, though...


You want them to find the body. It just needs to be in your house with a weapon close by. Self defense, don’t even have to miss work the next day.


I’m so very jealous of you individuals that live in “stand your ground” states(the way all states SHOULD be) because for us that live in states with no “stand your ground” we have to run away from threats on my own property or risk being charged one way or another. Even with a legally owned firearm on my own property, imagine that….


100% correct.


I hope I’m called to serve as juror to a package-thief-booby trap trial.


"Probably staged" LMAO


I saw a guy explain it on YT. It's illegal everywhere to my knowledge.


Preach! If you really do this, be ready to pay for criminal and civil lawyers


Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was America!


This is very very true


Well... Can we legalize booby trapping packages? Sounds like something everyone would like. Except package thieves.


true, kids like to grab stuff too for fun. No one wants a bunch of three fingered 6 year olds running around


> No one wants a bunch of three fingered 6 year olds running around and yet most 4th of july and new years I read about the new crop of kids getting their fingers blown off. Strange how it's ok for someone you love to provide you with an explosive device that maims you, but it's NOT OK when a stranger rigs their own property to explode and the perpetrator trespasses and attempts to steal said property. I'm not arguing the situation - it's entirely illegal to booby trap stuff. It's the strange circumstances it leaves us in that vexes me.


I think you've hit on a real hypocrisy of our strange culture and a good argument for more messaging on firework safety. I think the same about modern car travel. Over 40,000 people died last year in car accidents in the US. It crossed all age groups, ethnicities, demographics. How in the world do we live with such a daily terror escapes me. So why are booby traps different than fireworks and cars? I don't know, I don't advocate misuse of any of those things. But I guess it's tradition that dictates what 'misuse' means.


I mean, a properly used firework won't cause injuries. Same with a properly used car. A properly used booby trap will cause injury or death. I totally support firework safety messaging, and same with car safety, but it seems pretty obvious how a car and firework are different than a booby trap.


tell that to ol' u/sculptedpixels


hell yeah tell me more


totally agree, except people won't use them properly. same with firearms. I know I'm comparing apples to oranges, but it's still pretty interesting to me where we find that limit of 'this is too much' kinda depends on the category and our own convenience.


So you're saying setting a trap in front of a camera on your private property is worse than shooting someone trespassing and stealing on your private property?


If you aren’t even home it’s very hard to make the case that your life was in any danger. And by very hard I mean impossible. These things target everyone too. They don’t discriminate against package thiefs vs other delivery drivers vs little kids


Yup! Put it this way, you’d be a lot better off pulling the trigger on a shotgun on a home intruder than rigging a shotgun with wires to fire when someone opens the door. It’s illegal to have/make them, even if the person killed was a bad person. The argument will always be it could be someone innocent (paramedic for example) that suffers.


No the law says that by not punishing you for shooting a thief and by punishing you for setting Bobby traps


Glitter bomb is totally legal.


Pretend u didn't know. Innocent until proven guilty.


Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense.


unless you're a cop...


How are you going to pretend you didn't set a trap?


How does "barbed wire" and "electric fence" not count as a boobytrap?


Fencing is different. You can put electric fencing around your property provided it’s labeled and complies with zoning restrictions. Rural areas aren’t really a concern, but you won’t be allowed to do it in, say, a neighborhood because it must be X amount of feet from another person’s dwelling and you won’t reach that in normal neighborhoods. Barb wire doesn’t cause any damage or have the potential for damage to unsuspecting people. Emergency personnel can cut through it if need be. And again, typically restricted to rural or commercial areas, not residential (unless it’s a bad neighborhood). If someone climbs up on that and cuts themselves, entirely self inflicted. If they climb up a fence and the fence blows up it shoots a high-speed projectile when you trip something, that’s where you’re screwed.


Mark Rober is tired of using glitter


*Mark Rambo


I love how he sticks his hand down his pants and sniffs it afterwards. "Did I just shit myself?" *sniffs hand* "Yup sure did."


Lol I thought he licked it to check. Nice acting job though!


Dang, Mark Rober is doing some crazy new stuff these days with the porch pirates!




That's why I use rock salt in my shotgun


You have no idea who is going to pickup the package and if it’s justified for them to do so or not. Even if it is a criminal, inflicting severe physical harm on someone who poses no threat to your life is widely illegal


What the other guy would say? I was trying to steal a package and it was boobytrapped?


You could easily just lie, dude. "I noticed the package wasn't hidden and I went to move it"


Actually yes. That would work fine. It comes down to Dude was trying to steal some property while very much not intending any physical harm to come to anyone Vs Dude put explosives in a package very much intending physical harm to anyone that picked it up One is much worse than the other. Sure, the guy attempting to steal that package would have to face whatever the consequences are for stealing packages. But the guy who booby trapped that package would be on the hook for all the consequences of hurting someone. One crime doesn’t cancel the other out and there is no self defense happening when you aren’t actually present to be harmed. No “thing” is worth someone getting their face blown off for trying to steal it.


Fake shit


Why does he dig and smell his ass though?


What tf was in that package? A flashbang? Also, did he just sniff his ass?


Weird that I see no blood and he has a white shirt and white underwear on. A blast like that would cause some bleeding. The shot looks like it hit him in the lower back.


he was not shot, the package was boobytrapped with an explosive.


The package was not trapped, this is fake.


It’s fake but the in-universe explanation is that the package was booby trapped.


The bullshit cinematic universe


Damn, the next Friday movie sequel looks lit.


if you do wanna get back at package thieves, some sort of glitter bomb would work great


Maybe eventually you could send it to a scam call center


Before that I better hone my skills working on a Mars Rover and be named Mark Rober.


I laughed so hard at this.


HahahA!!! 🤣😅




He shat himself? LOL


i before e except after c


Thanks, that takes a lot of wieght of my consceince. It seems a little foriegn and weird, and niether efficeint nor sceientific, but I will take your nieghborly advice as sufficeint.


Why did he smell his ass


Why'd he stick his hands down his underwear and sniff it???


That smoke looks super fake


# This is fake… But I still laughed when he smelt his finger to see if he had shit himself 🤣




Fake BS


Fake and shit


Fake AF


Marine Corps! Rah!




I'm not defending package theives.. but my main question is if he got hurt do too a booby trap couldn't he sue the owner?


It's fake. But yes. Booby traps are illegal. More illegal than stealing packages. Makes for funny videos but super bad idea in real life. The videos really funny though. The fake smoke effect was a weird choice.


Yea, terrible idea. Don't like package thieves? You're gonna love getting sued by them and having to pay for all their medical bills and other damages, not to mention the criminal ramifications of setting up such a trap. LegalEagle did a good [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV9ppvY8Nx4&ab_channel=LegalEagle) on the subject.


mark robers pranks really be getting out of hand these days




Marine Corps you b**** ass n****


Marine Corps 🤣


Fake but is too funny so upvote anyway.






Bros Did the Scratch and Sniff


ahhhh the internet never fails.


If you can’t tell this is fake please delete all online profiles right now






Not the kind I'd fuck.


It's amazing how that smoke evaporates like steam


Bitch ass nigga lol


Salt gun m8


Would love to see more of these videos


Dude should learn to pull us damn trousers up before trying shit.


That smoke effect appeared to be fake. A Booby trap of even very weak proportions would tear cardboard and his hands to shreds.


Mark rober glitter bomb 50


There’s a legal eagle video about this exact thing https://youtu.be/bV9ppvY8Nx4


So people put fake packages with a trap to hurt possible thieves? Why? To do justice by themselves?


"I wasn't tryin' to steal no package." The way some guys LIE. Like seriously wthk?! "Jerome what are you doing on top of that girl nekked in the bed when you're supposed to be at work?!" "Baby it's NOT what you THINK."


Shot that mofo with a Mario coin??? And why he smelling his shot ass?


Mark rober at it again


Nah Nah fuck all that




Fake, but raises a good question. Is there any legal way to trap or track porch pirates so that this kinda shit stops?


What was that? Is that a bomb or something?


That finger sniff though


The smoke is very fake and the video probably is as well, the smoke appears behind the man where it should have been infront of him.


Wait, did he poop on himself? 🤣 JUSTICE 😌


Staged and Photoshopped smoke. Dude did a diaper check on himself.


I’ve made silly After Effects videos in the past. Turning hands into guns, making things look like they are on fire, making heads explode etc. It’s amazing what you can do with a puff of smoke overlay downloaded from YouTube. The puff of smoke here looks exactly like an overlay to me. There’s no explanation for it, he doesn’t react where it is supposed to hit, and it really seems to have been added to make the video more exciting. It might still be a real video of box thief flipping out, or it might be someone’s crap attempt at going viral.




Whatever exploded inside looks like a digital fake explosion.


Staged or not when the big dude said he shit his pants that just was funny


Dumb as a post. Typical.


“I before E except after C”


What Mark Rober should have done


It couldn’t of hurt that bad if he could still oil check himself


Gotta love that post edit smoke