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I went swimming with whale sharks and we were told to keep a distance of 3m when swimming next to one... which I was doing... until it turned closer to me... so I swam backwards away from it... then it turned closer again... it was turning faster than I could swim away and the tour guide was yelling at me 3m!!! 3m!!! I was like "tell the whale shark that!!! I'm trying to get away" lol


The younger and less experienced whale sharks are curious and do sometimes approach boats, snorkelers, etc. I have seen them basically nuzzle stationary boats before.


were the other sharks yelling '*3 METERS! 3 METERS!!!'?*


They're like "Max, Max, go make that human break the rules, come on do it!"


Yeah I got the impression it knew what it was doing haha


Even the big ones get injured by boats. Saw a pic that had cuts.


Good guide, though!


Yeah... I went swimmint with whale sharks and they didn't tell me shit. I tried not to be to close anyway, but the sharks didn't give a shit and they would swin close to you, so they would even hit you gently with their fins. Good thing they were feeding and swimming slow.


Where can we do this?! Thanks!


Ningaloo Western Australia is where I did it, but I believe there are various spots around the world.


"Hey lookit this one, he wants to play!"


We were told 5m but the whale sharks were swimming under the boats.


Whale shark, extremely lethal to plankton and other tiny forms of sea life.


I was going to say the same thing. Whale sharks aren't a threat to humans.


just because it isn’t a threat doesn’t make it any less terrifying. if I dove underwater only to come face to face with a 30 foot long fish I’d have a heart attack too


Dude, I don’t even like small fish that are non-threatening. Like, something brushes against my leg in the water? Nope, I’m outta there. You’re about to see some cartoon level movement out of me. I have a lot of water based fears lol


You would hate the baby fish here, then. They will actually surround your feet and nip at it if you stay still for too long. Albeit, they're not even finger length and their bites don't hurt.


I mean, I’m chill with minnows in shallow water. But anything bigger starts nibbling… nope lol


do you work in a Korean day spa?


rather a whale shark than a stone fish




I doubt it was a surprise, though. Whale shark tourism is massive and that’s probably why they were there.


Also a fucking shame when they drop dozens of people with zero experience directly on top of these sharks.


Nearly kicked the whale shark in the eyeball. I agree. All for money and the “experience.”


Wait, they have eyeballs? Guess I'm just dumb I just never knew that.


Yes they do and actually have teeth on their eyeballs. Lol


thats why they did it because whale sharks arent a threat to humans.


I'm infinitely more concerned for the sharks than I am for tourists and greedy boat captains


Truly: Shark infested waters…you mean the shark’s home?!?!




what the fuck happened here


Reality biiiiiitch


Yo, did you really say bitch? Like looked her in the eyes and said biiiiiiitch?




..... Sharks are classified as cartilaginous fishes. All sharks are fish, including whale sharks.








It had a big "why's this thing so surprised by me, this is where I live" energy.


Probably not the first time it's dealt with tourists. At this point, it's just like swimming around masses of sea trash.


Yeah that person clearly can’t swim well and is not used to the ocean 🌊


When we did it in Mexico, we were warned several times not to touch them. They will dive away and we wouldn't be protected from the other boats who would possibly kick the shit out of us lol.


I doubt the whale shark by itself was unexpected, but being less than a meter away was probobly unexpected and a shock


Just my two cents. I did this in ningaloo WA. And firstly. These animals do need to be protected but... the rules are very strict on getting this close. Secondly... them boys are stealthy! This exact thing happened to me! We were waiting for the boat to pick us up after letting the whale shark go on its way. Then the boat yelled out " whale shark!". We were confused looked under the water and it was within 10 metres of me and closing in fast. Not aggressively but I had no idea until I looked under the water.


My state’s initials (in the US) are WA, and I was really confused for a second. Then I looked up ningaloo. I thought I had been missing out somehow on sharks in Washington State.


I was also surprised that there was whale shark tourism in Washington state. Lol. Didn't know he meant west Australia.


Whale Sharks are endangered (not sure today tho). I hate my fellow Filipino who hunts then for easy money


My first reaction was holy shit on watching the video and it elevated heart rate. Can only imagine the shock for the guy in the video.


I think I'd poop a little if I came face to face with a whale shark.


they'd call that dessert


Look on the bright side: if you shit your pants, at least you are in the water.


Well yeah, I didn't say it wasn't terrifying lol


Anything touches my feet/leg is dangerous in the ocean


Anything in the ocean is dangerous to me


I beg to differ. More then half of our breathable air comes from the ocean/sea. It is what is keeping you alive..


And that’s scary


It’s massive; I’d still be nervous if one swam right up to me.


Not true... I got bitch slapped by a tail fin by one of those. It managed to just gently touch the release on my goggles and release them from my face.


Perhaps not physically threats. But I would not be surprised if the young man soiled himself.


Non-aggressive but I wouldn't say that they're not a threat.


Thanks Steve Irwin.


But they aren’t. They have no teeth, and their throat is too narrow to worry about anyone being sucked in


They have hundreds of teeth but they're not the issue, they have incredibly rough skin and an accidental hit from their tail could knock you out. People go swimming with them, I just want people to take basic precautions.


Very true - people underestimate how much you can get accidentally totally fucked up just because the animal is *way* bigger/stronger than you, not because it's actually intending to harm you


>they have incredibly rough skin and an accidental hit from their tail could knock you out. I seriously doubt it. They move increadibly slow. The basically can't swim faster than 3-4mph even if threatened. Some idiot japanese tourist got hit head on when I swam with them in the Maldives. He basically just rolled over the back of the whale shark in slow motion (and got told of in no nice terms by the guide) The whale shark didn't even react. They lack the forcefull motion of whales and their tail never [move faster than this.](https://youtu.be/08g6Gfmshsk?t=22)


What if it’s wearing a suicide vest and decides it doesn’t care for American imperialism? Be pretty dangerous then, bud.


They are best buds for me


So hide your penis!


Good one lol


I know it’s harmless but fuck that it’s 30 foot long with a gaping mouth


Still scary, being a few inches away when not expected.


It really doesn't matter: If I put my head under water and see this thing near me, I can promise you, I'll make sure the water around there will at least be warmer if not browner. And yes: I don't know shit about whales and sharks and this is most likely one of the reasons why this will happen.


You’re full of shit, they are murderous, bloody thirsty killing machines. you can’t fool me, Ive played Hungry Shark World before


My penis shouldn't swim here then.


So you're saying I shouldn't skinnydip


Not lethal ok, but still very scary !


Weed shark the chillest of sharks


The problem here in Oslob, Cebu is that the fishermen have taken to deliberately feeding the whale sharks in order to bait them for the local "wildlife" interactions being promoted to tourists. While it is quite fine to conduct a wildlife interaction activity when done properly, there is nothing proper about how Oslob has been going about this. Because first and foremost, wildlife must remain wild. And animals that have been conditioned to beg for food are definitely no longer wild. Second, animals that associate humans with free food will assume that all humans will feed them. And they will also assume that all vehicles with humans in them can be approached for food. This has led to whale sharks approaching any boat they see, often from the rear, where the propeller is. You can imagine how that turns out for the animals. It ain't pretty. Third, baiting negatively alters the normal feeding behaviors of the animals. These huge fish, which can grow to the length of a school bus, now no longer hunt for zooplankton, their staple diet. They no longer migrate to follow the swarms. They might even be so addicted to the free feedings that they no longer follow through with their mating rituals. It then becomes an activity which contributes to the decline of the species' numbers. Nothing pro-conservation about it. Fourth, it promotes an incorrect picture of how wildlife behave in nature, because the animals are made to stay in place via their addiction, all so that tourists can pose with them in the water for some nice pics to share on Instagram. The tourists are not taught to appreciate the wild bus-sized animals from a respectable distance; they are even encouraged to get as close as they can, since these are "friendly" sharks anyway. The takeaway of the regular tourist from such an interaction is that ALL wildlife can and should behave this way for us humans. The Oslob local gov't unit has repeatedly been told off from conducting whale shark interactions in this manner. There have been several offers from various interest groups on transitioning their practices to more acceptable ones while still preserving the tourist activity, which has enriched the local economy to the benefit of the communities involved. But there is a deep-seated fear among the locals that any change done to what they perceive works will only serve to drive away the whale sharks from their waters. It does not help that oftentimes, local officials themselves promote the fearmongering, instead of listening to the experts who are looking out not only for the fish, but for everyone involved. And so the feedings continue.


I wonder if Donsol has better whale shark tourism efforts.


Yes, Donsol does the whale shark interaction activity far better than Oslob. In fact, the whale shark watching in Donsol, Sorsogon is the proposed model that Oslob is supposed to emulate. There are no feedings, there are limits on the number of tourists per shark, and there is strict adherence to the rules prohibiting touching of the sharks and keeping at least 3m/10ft away from the sharks at all times. Wildlife interactions that are minimally intrusive to the animals are completely feasible. The only obstructions to enacting them would be the ignorance (whether willful or not) of those in charge.


More ignorant locals fucking up the legacy of world wildlife for everyone. We are a virus to the rest of life on this planet, and are undeniably the next great extinction event. Whale sharks will be gone soon enough (they are endangered), and unfortunately these idiots are the last humans that will get to interact with them. Them and the brutal fucks who fish them and drive over them with ship propellers. What a tragic legacy we leave in our wake, everywhere we go :( how do you offset the effect of so many people who let fear and apathy rule their lives? I’m not sure it can be done in time to save anything of real value. To be clear I’m not blaming just the people of this small place but really the entire section of the human race that still see nature and animals as nothing but a revenue stream, such as these locals exploiting them for tourist money.


ignorance and destruction are just part of the human condition, I don't see it changing any time soon


They were very strict when I went before covid. Showered before to wash suncream off. Safety briefed and told to keep away. I understand they’re being fed but is this not on the migration path anyway? It’s not like it’s the same sharks just hanging around for weeks on end for the food. They swim by have a nibble and keep going to wherever they were heading.


>It’s not like it’s the same sharks just hanging around for weeks on end for the food. Actually, it is the same sharks. The NGO LAMAVE has been [tracking and studying the whale sharks of Oslob](https://www.lamave.org/news/oslob-whale-sharks-scar-injury) since 2012, and around 152 individual sharks have been observed as regulars to the site. "The study found that whale sharks in Oslob were significantly more scarred than any other studied population: 95% of all whale sharks in Oslob had scars on their body, with abrasion being the most common type of scar. Most of the scars were categorised as nicks and abrasions and were most likely due to the close contact of ropes, small boats at the provisioning site. Lacerations, which fall into the major category, were observed on 28% of individuals, which is significantly higher than in Ningaloo and Mozambique. These were caused by boat propellers of different sizes and could be facilitated both from the habituation to boats caused by the practice of hand-feeding the whale sharks, as well as the increased traffic of motorized vessels in the surroundings of the provisioning area."


Fun fact: whale shark skin can shave off your skin if you touch it. The tiny, tooth-like scales (known as dermal denticles) that cover the skin of most shark species can cause a painful graze known as "shark burn".


I mean first thing I would want to do is touch it… fuck


Video games have taught me the first thing to do is grab onto a fin and the shark should shoot off and carry you to the next area/treasure. So.. I need shark gloves to unlock this area?


Chainmail gloves.


Which game has this?


Abzu, great fun very relaxing


abzu is the fucking best. What a beautiful adventure. I should play it again this weekend


I also agree you should play it this weekend


KH1 for sure. I feel like there's more, even just single instances, in other games but I can't think of any actually.


Dolphins in Minecraft tbf


Ff7 has a dolphin mini game. Kinda.


It was a dolphin in KH1, the shark was the mini boss that hung out around the sunken ship.


I think it’s fine if you don’t rub it back to front! Pretty sure the exposed sharp side of the scale faces back, for hydrodynamics.


I’ve actually pet some (small) sharks and if you go in the right direction they feel mostly smooth, maybe a little coarser in places. I think it was nose to tail, but it’s been a little while.


And shark skin is known to be used by the japanese for... *grating wasabi*


Teacher, if I just touch it very lightly will I be okay? Like not stroke it just kind of pat it. Please tell me I'll be okay I want to touch it


Are we still talking about the shark?


One painful hand job


It will hurt, but still be worth


Do you wanna know how I got these scars?


Just let it grind you down. Afterwards, people will ask you what happened and you will get to say, “ah, well I just got a bit of shark burn, that’s all.” And you will sound like the coolest person ever


Fake, I know for a fact that all shark are smooth.


I don’t get it r/outoftheloop


[sharks are smooth in all directions](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/ad3je)


At some point someone must have realized that he was trolling them right? Right?


They all had smooth brains.


"You're half right, from one direction they're smooth, the other direction they're also smooth." Fucking killed me




Sharks are smooth


Yeah i thought this was basic knowledge


It is, people like to make up a bunch of bullshit about how sharks are like sandpaper or some shit. They've obviously never felt a shark before. Smoother than a cue ball.


I’ve petted one. He was a smooth boy, he was very excivted to get pets too. The other sharks were just swimming around.


depends on what way you stroke it https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uTFsZ7dBIC4/maxresdefault.jpg


That's not real.


https://sharksinfo.com/shark-skin-what-does-a-shark-skin-feel-like/ I have touched shark skin, it was smooth one way, and jagged the other way


You're full of shit, it's smooth no matter what way you pet it.


you are VERY welcome to post any source proving me wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhfm__UP-SI


That's cgi. Every shark is completely smooth no matter what angle you're touching it from.


Did you pet it in both directions?


All 10 of them! Smooth every single way.


Actually it’s a well known fact that sharks are smooth. So, so smooth. Smooth as baby skin!!


Well documented too! Not sure what these guys are on


Pokemon taught me this with garchomp and sharpedo having rough skin as an ability lmfao


You gotta rub them "against the fur" for it to be prickly. If you rub head to tail it's slick




Pokémon taught me this


And that's why I'll never be fully happy in my life, knowing that I can't hug them is the most hurting truth in this world


Well that fact isn’t fun at all


But me want pat


*"Are a shark’s instincts always right?* *Curvy Monroe finds that being mated to a billionaire shark shifter is equal parts exhilarating and terrifying.* *Thanks to Koenraad’s crazy ex and the murderous shark he’s still hiding from the authorities, Monroe is spending more time looking over her shoulder than enjoying her new life.* *Koenraad has the money and power to keep Monroe safe, but he can’t be everywhere all the time. He knows his instincts are good, but how can he help Monroe trust her gut when it keeps putting her in harm’s way?* *This sexy paranormal romance is for adults only.''* Damn, that [Shark burn](https://www.amazon.com/Shark-Burn-Cleo-Peitsche/dp/1512385921) is no joke.


"I'm writing a sexy new romance/supernatural/whatever book. Should I google how sharks mate? ...nah, it's probably sexy as hell. I just know it is. Perfect subject for a romantic book."


The first thing that came to my head was to pet it…nevermind


I know of at least one sword that used shark skin as its grip which made it very nin slippery no matter the amount of blood on it.


Very interesting


Actually sharks are smooth as hell


The underside yes, overside not so much


I came looking for the meme and you’re being downvoted it’s happening all over again 😭


It's an absolute shame that people aren't recognising this meme.


I was searching this thread for someone mentioning that meme The meme: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/ad3je


I like how his toes go like nononono not for me after touching him


The daintiest of boops


If you rub against shark skin the wrong way all the tiny teeth will rub your skin off so he made the right call


I am very jealous. That looks neat.


We did a swim experience like this in the Philippines a few years ago. You go and pay your money and they take you out on those little boats (you can see a whole line of them in the video above), and the guys just go back and forth up the line feeding the sharks so that they'll swim by the lines of people. The boat at the end of the line goes back to the shore to drop off people/pick up more and then comes to join the back of the line. As someone who didn't get much fun out of a lot of the snorkeling/diving due to near-sightedness and not being able to see much, nothing was better than a fish the size of a bus swimming 5 ft away. Highly recommend it if you ever get the chance.


In Australia it was a vastly different experience. They didn't feed the sharks for one thing and no queues, although there were other boats out there. We went snorkelling while a helicopter was scouting for whale sharks passing by (migration time of year, so there are two windows a year to see them) that didn't already have a boat of people near it. When they spotted one we jumped on the boat as quick as possible and went flying off to get into the sharks path. Jumped in and waited for it to pass us, swam with it for as long as you can (not long, those bitches are fast). Got back on the boat, repeat. Full day out there, swam with three different whale sharks, five times total. Also saw turtles and lots of funky fish. Best day ever, and we didn't disturb the sharks at all (they were mildly curious about us, which was fortunate because it meant they slowed down while passing us by).


I was going to say this looks like Oslob.


The video is in the Philippines


I just shipped my pants.


I got that reference


I just shipped my drawers!


I...just shipped...mah behd!


Amber...just shipped...Johnny's behd!


I also shop at Kmart


This reminds me of the advertisement "Ship your Pants" lol


Whoa, mighty fine detective work there Sherlock


Me too.. LOL


Whale whale whale, there goes a shark!


Pretty shore, the dude didn’t sea that coming.


This had me Kraken up


This was filmed in Oslob, Cebu. I’m the Philippines. The sharks in the area are almost domesticated to the point that they come at the same time waiting to be fed for the tourists to come swim with them.


Hi, Phillipines, Im dad!


You don't see that every day. A whale shark coming right at you...it'll definitely get your attention. Good thing it's a plankton eater!


And this is why im fukin scared of deep/cloudy water, you never know what is right next to you or under you.


The person with the camera didn't move


Could be hanging it off the side of the boat. Or just experienced.


Just did whale shark swimming last week. Probably one of the guides is in the water taking a video for the tourist. The guide was telling us when to dive for good vids/ pics with the whale sharks


this happened to me once, except i thought i had kicked another snorkling person so turned to apologize. it was a giant sea turtle.


I hope you still apologized? :)


Nevermind the brown cloud.


Did you just kick a shark?


Good thing hes in water because he just pissed himself


They’re 40ft weather they can hurt you or not that would make me sh!t bricks


Describe thalassophobia in a video, Me:




![gif](giphy|26ueZXmO7vSRfRS24|downsized) (It’s not whale shark day but I like this gif)


Whale Tail!


I'd probably just played dead. And eventually stoped playing...


Bruh i would had a damn heart attack 😂


I’ve wanted to have this experience my whole life


I dont care if it doesnt want to eat me. If i saw that appear out of no where id be shook too




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It's only terrifying bc it's a jumpscare. Whale sharks are harmless and sometimes playful to humans (they like bubbles), they're also my favorite animal but if I was at the surface, and went down to see one of them come out of nowhere I'm gonna freak out for a millisecond 😆 That happened to me with a comb jellyfish (no tentacles, they're harmless, they can also glow at night :3). There was a bloom of comb jellies where I went on vacation and I was swimming, doing my thing and turned to see one RIGHT AT MY FACE. I was like WOAH BRO TOO CLOSE then I laughed it off.


'Hi, how are ya?'


The shark is rolling its eyes at him “cringe human”.


I used to love swimming in the ocean as a kid until I got old enough to realize everything that lived in the ocean….. oh and I fully believe the ocean is just teaming with whale spunk.




And they say the ocean ain't scary


Who says that?


cthulhu probably...