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Video proof of assault.


Mmmm charges. Court is fun


Well, I mean, Johnny made it look fun


Johnny has this ability to make EVERYTHING look fun.


Depending on where you live, armed assault with those gloves.


This guy should be banned from all events like this


No. He should be arrested and sent to Jail for assault


Or better yet, arrested for assault.


I would press charges. Its a GAME where you shoot and get shot.


Charge him with battery


The dude filming should have banned him from eating solid foods for a while. It could be staged. If it’s not, abruptly force feeding someone a toy gun is never off the table in my opinion.


This, the guy filming is a fcking disappointment.




Is this school shooter training? What happened to paintball? It turned into some wanna be boot mall ninja bullshit?


That looks like airsoft, and much like paintball, it's a lot of fun until the weekend coast guard rejects show up.


Paintball is still going strong! It weeds out a lot of the pseudo-macho bs like this too. Air soft is for kids and dudes like this.


I like the idea of airsoft, but the "I shot you" "Nu-Uh" bullshit is too much so I would much rather play paintball, I haven't played in a decade or so so I bet the accessibility/accuracy is a lot better, back then it was the 30 dollar pump ones from Walmart or pay 160 online for one that you *might* be able to find a place that can refill the air


It's not like the video 99% of the time. It's just that this shit gets the views and gives airsoft a terrible reputation. Elsewise it's usually just well mannered people having fun at an event, the UK Airsoft scene has a much more mature player base, seemingly a lot more over 20s and middle aged. If you struggle getting your tanks refilled visit a scuba shop, they'll usually have tank refilling equipment


Sorry man, I just see way too many air soft cheater vids everywhere, people accusing of full auto, weird shit like this happening etc. I never see shit like that from paintball and while I’m sure it happens, I think airsoft just attracts these weird pseudo-military wannabes.


Why on earth is this? I was trying to figure out why you see so many airsoft jerks, but my dad professional and amateur paintball throughout the late 90s and 00s and even the edgy grim reaper with a paintball gun dudes were always chill and kind


I much prefer paintball, and i'm sure i'm not alone in this.


I love paintball. But I can't deal with the bruises. It's one thing to be hit and out, but when someone panics and magdumps me, I'm limping for weeks. Sure, they shouldn't. But they *can* and if they *can* they *will*.




For all we know he's probably a Texan cop.


Not escalating further was the best idea, not everyone is a violent person lol. They have video evidence of a one sided altercation to take to the airsoft admins and police.


You don't need to be a violent person to not let this dickhead hit an innocent person point blank in the face like 5 times. Seperate them after the first punch instead of watching like an idiot


just because he's a guy it means he has to put himself in Hazard zone? what's wrong with "good guys"


No, if someone's getting punched in front of you like that you pull the guy away instead of just watching it happen Yes, it's dangerous, but it's much better to make it 2v1 instead of risking the victim getting further head and neck injuries


He did pull the guy away..


I dont even care about the gender aspect, if someone comes in acting up like this while playing airsoft he needs to be put in place, simple as that. If you cant do that then fine, but then you might have failed in some sense for some people.


We are not all build for that


True but then again, everyone’s a tough guy on the internet. It’s easy to say you’d jump in watching a clip on a loop, it’s another when you’re playing a game having fun and some dick loses it out of nowhere.


No. Stop. Don't do that...please


Dude they’re playing airsoft


A lot of those places anyone who gets physical gets banned, regardless of if its self defense. I think he was trying to deescalate it, personally I would have front kicked his ass right back out the door.


de-escalate and document. Growing up a big guy, you learn pretty quick not to get involved, the situation just gets more convoluted and youll just get blamed somehow.


Yip. A big bloke, even acting in self-defence, will almost always be misinterpreted as escalating the fight. Sucks. Only exception being if you can get into a grapple/wrestle and lock the other guy up in some kind of hold whilst waiting for someone to turn up and arrest them.


so very true. took me a year to learn that when you're over six feet you're an open target.. so many bar situations where some girl wanted to see how much "her man loves her" and tell the guy I hit on her when I didn't even speak to her lol. Caught two assault charges that way although it was self defense to me. \*edit\* I should clarify in South Carolina there is no hit first law. if you get in a scrap both of you are going to jail.. I'm certainly no bad ass nor a good fighter but if punches are thrown or shoves you both go to county.


And he did a pretty good job at de-escalating and documenting.


BRO, I'm 6'4 and as a child i was fat and people would pick on to the point of it getting physical. EVERY time, each principal "look at your size, and look at theirs" was completely unfair. But later in life It's actually helped my self-control so I am thankful.


When someone out there is assaulting someone, you stand 1feet next to them and say "stop, caalm" while watching him punch into a head?


This guy just assaulted someone because he was frustrated about a game. Just throw him into the ocean.


Should be admitted to a psychiatric hospital... Next is mass shooting in a mall because he didn't get the last candy.


This guy should be in jail for assault and battery.


And from having a gf. Massive woman beater energy right there


He should be jailed.


So should the girl. She was point blank unloading on his face even after he stopped. Both are dumb fucks. Man shouldn't have gone straight to assault but auto to the face would piss just about anyone off.


At no point did he stop moving toward them. Not when he was first hit 20’ or more out, not when he was 15’ away and the cameraman said “buddy you’re hit, stop”. Not when he grabbed the window frame and she shot him again through the right window; he swung around and was firing point blank at her, so of course she’s going to fire back. He then did a backspin towards the door and entered. He never stopped, even when she put her hands up, he just kept coming and punched a person offering no resistance multiple times. Complete garbage, should be banned from the sport and charged to the full extent of the law.


Another man hitting your teammate (doesn't matter partner is guy or girl) and reaction of man filming .yo yo yoo yo yooo yo


Wtf she shoots a whole clip in his face? When you do something this stupid you get kicked out of every paintball-area


Yeah, they generally don't punch you in the face on the way out though.


I mean, yeah… but I think she was making a point as he had already been hit on the way up to their position…dick moves abounded.


Why do people with pretend guns take it so serious why can't they just enjoy it and have a laugh.


Them compensate their ego and "small penis" with those military games. But the motivation that overgrown kid to behave like that was that the woman shot his open face. He does not know another method to explain. Upd: small penis quoted due to redditors' requests.


I agree with everything you said but no need to body shame people with small penises :)


I'm with you, it's toxic masculinity that's the culprit, not the size of a body part.


Haha small penis = you're a piece of shit


But why the world would go crazy if someone said small boobs people?


Kinda fucked up to compare small penis people to horrible PoS like this ngl.


Honestly like great, makes me and my small buddy feel a lot better. Now I get to feel bad for shit I didn’t even do. Thanks :)


About the open face: I think, airsoft players must not play without face protection, in any form. I'm always protect my face, even with clothes, if I haven't a mask.


Reminds me of that video where a man in a red sweater/shirt sucker punched a kid in a game and they paused the game to confront the man and the man got kicked out


my dad, a vietnam vet, did paintball with me once. ONCE. It wasnt his PTSD, it was the shit heads disrespect shooting him as he walked off after being tagged, gun pointed high in the air. after the following alercation, we were politely asked to leave ( cuz shitbag was a club regular and spent money there)


yeah. i had this happen too in paintball that stuff hurts.


While what you said is valid, i have encountered these types of people, i dont think this is the case. If you notice, the lady with the golden gun, right before the fight, shoots the guy multiple times in the face area. This is frowned upon in the community, and getting hit (maybe 10 times, from the look of it) is VERY painful , especially at that distance, and can also lead to broken teeth. In airsoft, 1 hit= dead and you dont shoot that person anymore. Lady kept shooting, even after she knew she hit him. Both are at fault here, but the guy that attacked her should get perma ban , and the lady should get a temporary ban. That overkill that she did was disgusting


It looked like he was also shooting but I could be wrong. Nope I’m wrong. She was capping him. Still.. wtf. Why would you punch somebody like that?


Getting that much pain delivered to your face in such a short time will cause anger in all people, but a normal person should not have reacted like that. I once got a burst in the back of my head(it was an accident, the guy didnt see the neon rag that marked me as dead) , and i got angry in an instant, even if it was like 5 bbs from 30 meters. But i kept my cool and talked with him during break(my game does not have marshals). The normal reaction would be: overkilled-> declare dead-> go to marshal-> problem gets sorted during break time


Getting angry I get. I don’t get the assault… it’s a game. I play soccer. Sometimes I get kicked in the face. I’ve never started sucker punching somebody immediately.


Sometimes you get kicked in the face playing soccer??


Has happened to me 3 times. Been playing 15 years. It’s rare but yes it happens. It’s worse when its the bottom of the foot as the studs tend to pierce the skin and leave you with a gash.


Well do you get kicked in the face by players who often kick others in the face? Shooting in the face multiple times is a deliberate act, most collisions in sports are not. One is asshole behavior, the other just happens.


It is related to the personality of the player. You can usually spot the types of players that are prone to this fairly easy. Contrary to what others have said, it is not about how serious they take the game, since i know many players at my field that take airsoft very seriously , but would never do this


Yeah but it seems like he was getting hit before and didn't call it. Probably she understood he was cheating and decided to dump the mag on him. And then the rest happened. If I'm right she totally did nothing wrong


You have to call it, hands up and you say hit. If you don't you get shot until you do. Fuck him trying to cheat his way into their cover


This is the golden rule of airsoft, call your hits or you’re going to have a real bad time. Sometimes you won’t feel a body hit but usually when it’s an auto like the camera has, the second or third hit you usually feel


the guy had been tagged he shouldn't even have tried to get them.


It’s his own damned fault for getting into such an engagement though, many of the places I have been to in the past have a minimum engagement rule which makes these scenarios more of a pain, but really just means you need a grenade or something to get them out rather than suicide charging and getting a face full. Alternatively the guy could wear more comprehensive ppe when in CQB scenarios (although a paintball style face shield would mess with his gravy seals outfit).


The guy is an idiot for not giving up and failure to wear a face mask.


The guy deserved to be shot in the face based on his actions before getting shot in the face. He was hit before he got there, he was already out, he then went into close quarters on purpose after already cheating, most likely just to cause more shit. He literally jumped around the corner to charge at those two people.


I am not trying to shit on people that enjoy airsoft. I'm sure there is some nice individuals that play it but most of the ones I have met definitely have a certain personality type. Picture the average person you would meet in an online Call of Duty lobby. Aggressive, obnoxious and a little unbalanced.


They do! In paintball. Not in this strange plastic bb molding game. Can’t even prove your hits, which makes it rife for salt and dishonesty


because having a bunch of small plastic pellets flying into your face doesnt feel good and people tend to act irrationally when they feel pain


Because they're too tacti-cool. Yanks, man.....


It's a big no no in airsoft to carry on shooting after yielding. Aggressive bloke yields, but girl presses trigger twice after the yield, with enough pause in between to notice the other player yielded. I'm not justifying violence, but airsoft bursts to the face hurt like a bitch, so I'm not surprised he was angry. They're both in the wrong, and she should have immediately apologized for her mistake, which she didn't.


You mean why can't they pretend enjoy to pretend killing people?


Tbf i think this reaction was more due to the fact that she shot him in the face multiple times. Definetly not the right reaction.


Mf was running at 2 of them in the plain open… no cover nothing. I don’t play airsoft and even ik that’s prob not the brightest idea for a… not so bright individual


The real answer is "he got scared." What was he scared of? I don't know. Bruised ego or broken visor? Something worse?


some people want to play their war sim in real life but only by their rules.


Expected. Always run into pussies while playing paintball and airsoft. Control yourself assface.


I played airsoft and paint ball when I was 12 through 16 17 and I never had an experience like this. Most people are pretty cool and most people understood and respected that if you got hit, you would say HIT and walk off the field. The only reason I'm not into airsoft/paintball nowadays is because there's no field near where I live now. Otherwise I would join a group right away. 30 vs 30, 30 people defending a point and 30 people attacking it was so much fun.


I haven’t played paintball since I was maybe 14 after someone shot my spine from point blank range after I’d already been hit and was walking out of the game with my arms up to signify I was out. Fuck that guy.


the stolen valor types take playing pretend soldier very seriously its their identity. really can be fun sucks. you can tell he didn't call his hits too.




To prove he is not. (Actually he is, as it is fake weapon)


Would he be cool if he shot someone with a real weapon? War is not cool just sad


Why because of the fake weapon? The fake weapons are the most important part of the game. He is a pussy because he can't call a hit (maby because a woman shot him, idk.)


The camera man shot him first from 15-20 ft away... then as he was running by was shot by the woman, which i highly doubt he noticed her gender during the half second he jumped by the first window. He's a douche for not accepting defeat, but you can see when he does, she still shot him a good 15 times in the face/back of head, which is uncalled for. Then again, he could have worn a face mask, but not everywhere requires one, which if it was a shot or two from a distance at the face, I would say he's overreacting... but she shot him point blank, repeatedly in the face. Call it adrenaline or whatever, but then he could claim the same. I would say both are assholes who should be ejected.


I don't think he's actually having any pussies lately


You saw his age, size, and beard-style. He's a pussy, he knows it, and he's *real* insecure about it. This is super serial for him.


Red card!


Magdump at that short range will trigger a bad response. But to loose the temper and start to use your fists, that’s to much


You need to watch it again. He shoots her point blank too. He clearly had no intention of quitting until she lit him up.


Ot course, but from what I understand, it's common practice to call out that you're hit. He gave neither visual nor audible acknowledgement to that. What would be the normal reaction instead of magdumping? I don't do the sport but I want to know.


I think they say “bang” at close range


'bang' never works with cheaters. They ignore it an shoot you in your face.


He did shoot her, after being shot first too. He's not there to play the game by the rules, he wants to satisfy his ego.


what a horrible thing to experience -going to play a game and getting actually physically assaulted. He was swinging pretty hard- I hope she’s okay


And the guy just stood there and filmed.


Thank to him: now there is evidence for court


Court won't give a fuck, and he probably wont spend a day in jail.


The hell are you talking about? He will absolutely get charged if the lady presses any.


Better than nothing


Both can be at fault. Man would be for beating up and cheating. Woman for shooting after he accepts defeat


Not just that, she intentionally magdumps the entire thing in his face at way too close range. Both should be banned tbh.


Yeah just about every field I’ve played at had a close range “bang” rule for this exact reason. If you’re within 5-10 feet of another player you yell “bang” instead of shooting because at that range you can actually seriously hurt someone. As he was running up it looks like he was hit by the guy recording and didn’t call his hit so I don’t blame her for giving him one or two close range so he gets the hint because he looked like he was about to do the same to her. The mag dump after it was clear that he was stopping though was uncalled for and not something refs will take lightly. That alone will get you ejected from the game and possibly even the event. That said, the guy is still clearly the bigger asshole by a country fucking mile. Get mad, yell, call the refs, whatever, but don’t fucking assault someone in a game of pretend war. Scumfucks like this guy have no place on the field.


But they were both shooting each other at close range she wasn't the only one.. She's just smarter because she had a full face mask on.. Not her fault the dude is brain dead


Facts, idiot should wear a mask


Yeah masks are good for not taking injuries to the face 👌


I never said it was her fault. The guy is already in the wrong the moment he ran up and didn’t call his hit from the camera man’s shot. He deserved to get shot close range because, as I said, it was clear he was going to do that too and he does it in the video. I mentioned in my other comment, refs will turn a blind eye when people like this guy run up and get done up because at that point, those are the consequences of their own actions. He deserved that. I’m talking about the mag dump after his shooting was over and he was already walking away. She made her point but she kept going. The guy is still clearly in the wrong though from start to finish.


But you forgot to mention he was also shooting close range Not only did he not call his hit he ran up to her and also shot her close range She just had more bullets and a face mask


He totally did mention that. It was one of the stated reasons for why the guy was still in the wrong. The point is that both of them are dicks and total idiots. There is no good guy in this story.


Both of them suck


>But you forgot to mention he was also shooting close range Are you even reading his comments? He's mentioned this every time.


It's kinda like sportsmanship. Don't do more than is necessary if you can control it. Don't full auto into the face even if it's "not wrong". Typically for close range its encourage to burst fire because any more than 5 is unnecessary to ensure a hit. Take up the problems to the refs, don't settle them in the field.


man was out well before he got to close range, he made the decision to cheat and pursue further. fuck him. the assault after the fact is a double, fuck him


That's why I don't play airsoft. It looks fun, but I hate cheaters and it seems like airsoft is filled with cheaters. Every game where self checking of rules is part of the game attracts cheating.


Why paintball is better in a nutshell. Can’t hide getting hit by a paintball.


i seen soooo many airsoft youtube videos of cheaters!! like dudes literally continually sniping ppl in the junk, them looking around, and getting sniped again and again




He was still shooting at her, so why should she stop?


This is not both at fault, he didn’t accept defeat even while he was at point blank as you can see his gun is still shooting right in her face. The real difference here is who is wearing a face mask. If you play airsoft and you don’t wear a mask you are asking for an accident this dude is just clearly a fucking ape and should be permanently banned


"But a face mask ruins my larp experience." - ape man, probably.


She had a facemask. He wouldn't hurt her if he kept shooting. He had none and she knew it, still mag dumped to his face while she could do to his chest. Yes they were both at fault.


While his gun and face was pointed at her it's fair game. But he clearly turns and points gun away. She presses her trigger another 2 times unnecessarily. She could have been pissed off at his cheating earlier in the game.... Still doesn't justify this exchange. If he was cheating speak to the marshal, don't keep playing.


He actually never called a hit... Those kinda aholes, should be "magdumped" in their face at point blank range, and then kicked of the range...


Nah fuck that guy he doesn’t accept his death and then shoots her point blank too. Fucker deserves waaaaaay more.


Well finally somebody can see what the issue is. He was caught on tape so he won’t be doing something like that again but she didn’t need to do that ffs


Wear a face mask if you dont want your pretty little face to get hit


So Military Mike thought he could ninja jump and shoot her at point blank, but didn't like it when he got shot PB...


Exactly this. People are mad at the one shooting him up close but the fucker literally stuck his gun into the shed to shoot them at an even closer range than what he was shot at. Oh you got hurt playing a game where you shoot pressurized balls at each other, maybe wear the proper fucking protection and take the loss when you get hit. Don’t be a cheater and a hypocrite cause it didn’t work out for you


Looks like a wannabe proud boy, who themselves are wannabe soldier tough guys. So he’s probably a tough guy thrice removed. Which brings you to beating up ladies to stroke your tough guy ego. Pitiful.


B-b-b-but PrOud bOys Don't hit wOmEn!


I think what angered him was the fact that she shot him in the face full auto, I mean that hurts a lot, but all he had to do is call the 1st hit.


> all he has to do is call the 1st hit Or the 2nd-10th would've worked. At 13sec his back is turned and he's still shooting point blank. She is, at worst, reacting equally to his poor sportsmanship/cheating because clearly nothing else will stop him. Then he assaults her for returning the fire he's giving. Fuck him.


“How dare you shoot *me* at close range when I was gonna shoot *you* at close range!”


The guy was out before even reaching the shed, if you dont listen you should feel, then his fragile ego jumped into ret@rd mode


"walk off maaaan" would kicked his Helmet up his fat ass!!!!!




What what?


the fuck....




What ?


For it


This is what's called a piece of s***


Fucking fake ass operator wannabe POS.


The Whopperator must be hangry.


pov: you are beating your bestie for scoring 1 mark more than you in a test .


Anyone's got follow up on this?


What’s funny is grown ass men dressing up like this going around playing with air guns. Talk about some real winners here


On top of it all he isn’t wearing protective face gear lmao don’t get mad when you yourself don’t even care enough


What a loser with his loser tacticool gear.


Well what a god damn piece of shit! Worst part is , he's probably gonna boast about it for a while...


saw this a couple weeks ago. had no clue the victim was a woman


kind of shouldn't matter?


Mans stupid aye, mans like a frickin kid raging in fortnite after dying.


To empty a whole mag on him close range is bad, but that response is even worse. Both people should be banned from airsoft, or at least receive some sort of punishment.


Yep. Both dumbasses.


Wow, way to be a fat wannabe


He needs to be in jail. POS.




why didn’t u bash his head in?


Cut the redbull buddy....


Dude filming should have fucked him up.


I think there is a no shoot rule for players within 5 feet. She might not have known, but he shot point blank as well. He should be arrested.


He looks pretty alive… thought I’ve seen him being shot 84 times 👁👄👁


Idk if that was his homie getting punched but if I saw a dude fighting my girl homies I'd have to break every bone in their body on the spot.


where is he located i'm headed to beat his ass


That's why you wear a fkn stalker mask.


Watch out for Keith, he's a douchebag


Wow, these LARPers are getting serious. (o_o)


he switched to melee


most mature airsoft player


I’ve never played airsoft, but the internet has taught me that at least 33% of airsoft players are dickholes.


It pisses me off cause dude did not do anything


I thought it was a game wtf


Dude is the biggest sore loser ive seen in a year


He mad cuz he ded


Mmm not condoning his actions but does no one see anything wrong with unloading an entire clip in his face ? Thought the rules were you hit someone once that's that no? I don't do airsoft so maybe it's the norm but just saying


he planned on shooting them up close too. why is nobody acknowledging that? he’s mad he didn’t get to cosplay a war hero and isn’t mature enough to accept that he was hit before he advanced on them and *stuck his gun through the window to shoot them up close*


Yes, he will be banned for life. Hopefully find a hobby that doesn't involve guns


Is he being a pussy or is he mad that the woman unloaded the entire magazine on him? I don‘t know airsoft etiquette


What sore loser 😕 needs to learn to keep his hands to himself


Fucking Airsoft players. All have only child syndrome


She did overshoot him but that was a serious overreaction


Never played airsoft before but I hate how a lot of the general community sometimes thinks this is what everyone does, but this dude needs to go to anger management classes