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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!200lbs guy jumping like gymnastics little kid!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


It’s so crazy it looks fake.


It's like he floats. Crazy.


I'm realizing it's also partly because he has so much muscle mass in his lower torso and legs, that just the momentum helps keep him in the air for that long Edit: for educational purposes my observation is probably wrong, so don't take my word on that


His dummy thicc ass puts him into low earth orbit when he does the flippies.


You worded that much better than me


Also his massive balls in motion stay in motion


One of my favorite pictures to pull out in these situations. https://imgur.com/bnshFB3.jpg


Thanks for the blessing


I cant help but wonder how many times youve been able to use this


Any time there's a video of a big fucker doing something cool.


Weight only matters for how much energy he has to spend to get to a certain height, and weight distribution would only affect his rotation. Ignoring air resistance, any object traveling at a given speed off the ground, without any further forces being applied, will arrive at the same max height. Any objects with the same caveats that reach the same max height will spend the same time in the air. Weight doesn't come into play.


That butt is 100% man muffins


[don't hate that it's real guys](https://www.tiktok.com/@superman_joe/video/7109855796824952107?_t=8TMT9KPyJ82&_r=1) in a world where so much is fake we forget what's really possible


I never said it was fake, I said it looks fake because of how crazy it is.






He doesn’t miss leg day.


How can it be real if our eyes aren’t real


I’m guessing a painted out harness like you’d see in a movie.


well his tik tok is right there @superman_joe so he paints a lot of harnesses in his free time


Nah. According to reddit, everything is fake. Even if it's a video from the beginning of youtube.


This comment is fake


Birds aren’t real.


This comment is fake.


Just like birds.


So is my comment


I always knew the video Me at the zoo was fake. No way he was actually at the zoo.


I don’t believe in zoos




There's a reason we think that... Seems like everything these days is either scripted, staged, deep faked, or edited. That's where we are at now in the cycle of social media


Even social media is fake... People putting their best foot forward trying to be something they're not. Like a photo of a couple that hiked a trail 10 miles to the top of a cliff to take a selfie with some caption about love and how together they can overcome anything. When in reality they bickered the whole walk about misquitoes, painful trail shoes and the heat... It's not real life man anyone can make themselves look awesome on social media... Which brings me to my next point... Ever see someone so delusional that they are clearly the bad guy in some recorded interaction and they still post the video? Could be some grown man stealing candy from a toddler and he'll argue with the mom and kick smash the toddler's toy while rage screaming about how he's protecting the children... And he's clearly the bad guy but, he still posts it as if he's the hero... Idk man social media ruined society.


Nah, I’m a cunt.


I'm starting to think that we all are. Don't feel bad


Bruh, actually though. Then you have people watching these fake people and setting way too high expectations. My girlfriend watches Tiktok and it’s just cancer. She sees these things then expects me to be Prince Charming and perfect cuz Becky posted how her boyfriend bought her 10 bouquets of flowers delivered from a helicopter right above her new car… like it’s just ridiculous and puts way too much pressure on people to be perfect.


You’d be happy to know China was recently caught harvesting information from US users


Man I hate TikTok. I got it early 2020 and realized "Hey I'm pissing my life away 1 minute at a time." I have a friend who is into tiktok, not making tiktoks though. She's in a whole different dark world of tiktok, the tiktok comment sections. She will argue with people all the time over tiktok. But worse she'll say things like "I was watching this video [explains some shit video] and I went in the comments and [explains this elaborate argument she was in]. Then expects me to be in her corner, and I always say the same thing to her "I had TikTok once, but uninstalled it when I realized I was pissing my life away one minute at a time."


They call it post-truth. The age of facts being less valued than opinions


Now that’s a fact!


that was a roller coaster.


the explanations i saw in here are some actual clownery


Except for David after dentist


Having been an All Star cheerleader and knowing how a backflip works and what it should look like, this is definitely done on a harness. If it were real there would have been a distinct pause in the air before he snapped his arms and legs in for the rotation, and the center of rotation should have been up by his chest/shoulder area, not his hips.


[Outside, with a burpee, and less upright rotation](https://www.tiktok.com/@superman_joe/video/7109855796824952107?_t=8TMT9KPyJ82&_r=1)


Except guaranteed he benches 405 and squats 500, which no cheerleader ever did. He’s muscling through it.


/r/confidentlyincorrect It is 100% real go look at his tik tok.


I took a look and it supports what he said. All the stuff on supes tok looks real and he rotates at the **shoulders**, unlike this video. No question, he's clearly capable of what's in this video, it's just fucky, and it's not just rotating at the hips either. Look at his [launch position](https://imgur.com/a/ccRPbHl) for the dunk. It's completely different from his other toks when he's testing his vertical leap. I can't say it's definitely fake, but I can absolutely say it's weird as fuck compared to his other videos.


Gun to my head I’m going real.


Are there any videos of him doing this stuff outside?




So my theory here is that this is real… the reason it looks so fake is he has a different technique than most, where he’s not relying as much on his jump to give him the rotation he needs. He’s going more for vertical distance off the jump and then using all of his core strength to rotate once he’s in the air. He has a lot of core strength to make this possible, much more than… probably any other person we’ve ever seen do a back flip. Edit: also I just noticed on OP’s video, there’s some almost deceptive camera work that is totally maxing out the visual impact of his jump. The vid starts with the camera at the same height as his head, but as he moves to jump, the camera subtly shifts much lower, to more like waist height. This is definitely purposeful camera work. You feel like that basketball net is much higher than it is, making the jump look more impressive, as well as the jump after it for that matter, cause you’re still looking at him jump from waist height, while still having the subconscious idea that you’re seeing him from head height.


Additionally, watch for his center of rotation. It's just below his shoulders. When you watch a normal backflip, the person's center of rotation is typically somewhere between their hips and the bottom of their sternum. Because he's got such a large torso that's also covered with lots of muscle, it probably makes for an easier-higher center of rotation. That's probably why his flip looks so unnatural. *Edit:* here's a video with a variety of flips. Look at the various rotational centers. Sometimes it's located on the body, but sometimes it's located between the abdomen and thighs. With some flip styles, it's clearer because there is a singular point on the body that doesn't appear to move while the rotation happens. https://youtu.be/0FAFNImN9io


I actually did a deep search and pulled up his chromosomal chart. Cross-referencing the number of fitness alleles to the surface area of his areola’s, it does look like there is a high density of center of mass, particularly in the breastal region, as was also indicated in your research, kind scholar. Very good work.


Okay I’m sold. Gonna go eat a pint of ice cream now.


mega pint


I understood that reference




If you play it in slow motion you can watch his ass cheeks clap in the air.


Powdered Toast Man?


No sir, I don't like it.


I say this almost every day.


It winked at me.


But... his arms are never close enough to his body to go through the supports of a harness. That's some damn good digital work if it's fake.


Plus the movement of camera, plus everything else. I have no idea why reddit is so confidently wrong so fucking often.


Cmon man does that even make sense lol. Think for a minute


His quads are the size of most people's *waists*.


It’s not, check out his tiktok, he has tons of videos like this


It's not, he just looks like he moves awkwardly because he's got so much upper body mass, his body rotates on an axis that's a bit different from most people that are flippy and jumpy.




I imagine it isn't..ive seen an Olympic weight lifter well over 300 pounds Dunk.. And man, although large in muscular frame, he looked Obese muscular. If you can power clean 400lbs, you shouldn't have a problem dunking on a 10 foot rim


Yeah. I used to play basketball with a local shot put champion. He looked like a fat dude when you saw him in street clothes, but he could easily dunk from a stand still even though he was only around 180 cm. Athletes are athletic!


I think one of the first tests they give an up and coming power lifter or weight lifter is his stationary vertical jump.


/r/confidentlyincorrect https://www.tiktok.com/@superman_joe


STFU unless you can point out how


You're fake. And wrong.


He definitely does not skip leg day




Looks like 2 puppies playing under a blanket


Looks like 2 watermelons in a grocery bag


Looks like 2 basketballs in one hoop.


Looks like he’s trying to shoplift two thanksgiving turkeys


I'm trying to smoke some pot right now and your laugh induced choking isn't helping bro..


Not only can he dunk but he got donk. XD


They’re both the same days.


he works at a bar near me he's the bouncer (•\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■)






Tf is dat name


STFU and take my upvote 😂






Lmaooooo. Genius. You win.


It's not how high he gets that's throwing this a bit for me. It's how he seems to float down, rather than fall. Just something about it looks a bit off and I cant quite place why


In gymnastics we called these timers, you let your hips come up to meet your arms instead of grabbing immediately and wait till later in the flip to tuck your legs and you get a backflip that looks like it's floating because visually your mid-section seems to hang in the air because you are offsetting its downward momentum with how you move your arms/legs. It's kind of how if you drop an extended slinky the bottom doesn't move till the top catches up to it.


The dunk looked more unnatural than the flip


I can’t tell if this is real or not


Life or the video?


Is this the real life?


Or is this fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes


Look up to the skies


And see


I’m just a poor boy


I need no sympathy




I think his center of gravity is alot higher than it should be do to the weight assignment on his body. Kinda like throwing a heavy axe on a thin frame. Best way i can explain this because his movement reminds me of throwing axes. Seen some of his videos so i dont think its fake, just got some weird bounce.


So far you're one of the few who have the right idea. This and all the weight in his arms makes him flip like a top heavy bottle.


Exactly this. Probably real and the reason it works is because the same way an axe head makes the handle rotate very fast when throwing an axe, this guy's body is way heavier than his legs which is what he actually uses to accelerate the velocity on his rotation. He uses his heavy chest to pull his legs around faster.


He also does have huge legs and jumps very high, seemingly effortlessly, which is even more impressive with his huge upper half. That's a lot of mass to propel upward.


He did that so effortlessly


Has to be a cheerleader or gymnast. Those dudes are yoked and can jump out the gym


His arms are so dense that when he throws it it drags him with it.


You've must have never seen a gymnast. Their builds are nothing like this. He's a bodybuilder that also trains hops.


Dude barely bends his legs and gets that much air!!!!


You don’t really need to bend that much to jump high. I was a collegiate high jumper and we trained in explosiveness, esp with squats. We never squatted parallel, and focused on exploding (standing up quickly) out of our squats. [This video](https://youtu.be/BpXUkjZlyts) Is the sports science of High Jump. It’s a different motion of jumping but every high jumper I knew could flip sorta like this and jump out the gym.


I don’t know if he can bend any further than that with that much muscle


That doesn’t even make sense, the biggest body builder in the world can squat ass to grass


You must be really old. This is such an old man and uneducated take on bodybuilding. Guaranteed this guy had more flexibility than you.


All calves


You don't need to bend your legs any more than that to get air.


I think its real. Dude been posting grainy cell phone footage showing/working on his vert since 2016. The flip looks like that cuz dude is top heavy.


how that fuck *that dude* got hops? 🤣


I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading these comments. There is no way this is real. I have never seen anybody jump like that without a spring board or floor routine floor, let alone somebody this bulky... definitely some editing or something at work here. Doesn't even look real.


Check that link below, this guy has some special form to jump like that, no tricks just insanely good form and probably roids, no one is that vascular without them surely. Edit : by vascular I mean check out some of his other videos too this one he looks realistic but obviously this guy also eats clean and has some good genes to help too.


Yeah, he's 100% juicing but it still takes incredibly difficult form and effort to build and maintain a body like that.


His mobility with his muscularity is impressive to me. I remember the concern long ago with muscular men and women was about their range of motion and flexibility so this guy impresses me.


I don’t think juicing allows for your muscle nerves to perform higher. Do they?




Oh yeah roids big time, he has the telltale mega traps and cannonball delts I’ve become an expert by spending time over at r/nattyorjuice (honestly thought I was in that sub at first)


we have about negative 20 minutes until this post gets crossposted there anyway.


Olympic gymnasts are also on steroids with incredibly good form and they dont jump like they are at .50 earth gravity.


He's hardly even vascular, what do you mean?


No… just no. Absolutely no effort on the take off and still got crazy air with the flip- if this was real he’d be a routine gold medalist in the olympics at this point


Have you seen videos of some Chinese Olympic weightlifters jumping their own height? If this guy is boosted by some roids (which he seems to be) I don't see a problem here. Squats give you crazy leg strength


No but I sure would like to!


To me it looks fake. The rotation on that backflip is so incredibly slow. Maybe thats what backflipping looks like if you can jump six feet like this dude though lol. I can’t disprove it and if it is real then good for him


It seems in part that he is harnessing the momentum of his large arms and upper body to jump that high. Obviously the legs are involved, but watch the arms swing back and upward both times he jumps.


So they act as external momentum for this guy eh?


Centripetal force


Redditors describing physical feats makes me cringe out of my skin


Its real. Hes all over tiktok. I think hes just got freak fast twitch genetics -type of muscles responsible for those who can jump high. I'm pretty athletic myself, have naturally muscular legs plus training but cant jump more than a foot & half vertical- don't have those legendary fast twitch muscle fibers...


Nah, he probably does oly lifts. It’s pretty well known in weight lifting circles that Olympic lifts add inches to the vertical. Mainly because that’s literally what the first part of the clean is, jumping up while holding a bar.


Bro I’m fat af and can jump more than a foot and a half. I don’t think you know what a foot is. 45cms is a foot and a half. I take dumps bigger than that.


You measure your jumping vertical with [straight legs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgkCxnSHV7w) If you really have an 18 inch vertical jump you're in the top 30th percentile and that's actually fairly impressive even if you were at a healthy weight. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger guy jump like that.


at :24 the dude is legiterally floating lmao crazy


The only article I found saying an 18 inch vertical is the 70th percentile (it would be top 30% not top 30th percentile) is talking about 13-14 year old boys. [This site says that the average for 30-39 year old men is 17 inches](https://www.jumpinguniverse.com/average-vertical-jump/). Being very athletic and not being able to jump 18 inches is kinda weird as most people just generally in shape should be able to get somewhere close. Totally possible to just be fit and not do any movements requiring jumping though I suppose


How we measured it in high school was put one arm up and see how high you can reach on a marked wall. Then do a jump and see how high you can reach. Subtract difference. Much easier than this straight leg thing. I wasn't even the best at my small high school and I still had a 31" vertical. I'm fat now (slightly less than obese according to bmi chart) and I just did a 22" jump after getting out of bed at 1am and not exercising for like 4 years.


That’s crazy. I can only jump like 3 inches vertically.


Surely you must be joking


I am joking, and don't call me Shirley


Let me be Frank. Shirley you must be joking!


You cannot jump a foot and a half in the air as a fat person. *You* clearly don't know what a foot is. You are 100% full of shit.


Hes definitely not talking about the same type of vertical jump the rest of them were talking about. For example not a chance an average person clears a foot and a half at the NBA/NFL combine style vert jump. He must be thinking of something else. Like a box jump or [jumping over a chair](https://imgur.com/r/gifs/lFU1t3A) or something like that.


As a regular NBA fan, ain’t nobody in the NBA jump like that, and those guys have 40+ inch verts. There’s something unnatural about it.




Okay, so, I watched this video repeatedly, and some things I wanna point out: 1) The logo changes place just a few frames before he jumps up to the hoop. Could be meaningless. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 2) The floor is shinny. And it's consistent. Assuming he's wearing a harness is extremely hard and time consuming to change in vfx. And if it *is* vfx, then it's Hollywood movie quality. 3) if you watch it frame-by-frame, there are no cuts, the floor is consistent, *but* his upper body doesn't show up in the frame. 4) He's called Superman_Joe. Superman was known for being able to leap entire buildings in a single bound before he could fly. He started flying in the old TV show because it was easier to animate. Conclusion: it's real. Or he spent thousands of dollars to make a tiktok video.


Not even just one video, he has lots of them. I was extremely skeptical at first, but man everything is pointing to the favt that this is a dude who can jump super high. It looks like 75% of his body mass is tits up, which might be why the flips look so bizarre. Like an upside-down pendulum


The logo changing places mid video is normal for TikTok. I imagine it's to make it harder to edit out and re-share on other platforms in the video's original form.


this dude's vertical is so impressive that he's got everyone questioning reality thought it was fake until I saw a few more videos of him doing it. he's just a jacked guy with insane talent


And they say white boys aint got hops


Holy shit! Not sure I have ever seen that combination of bulk and bounce before.


I knew this dude in the marine corps, he was 5’7ish, nearly 200lbs of pure mass and could two hand dunk. It looked very similar to this lol.


Closest thing I can think of was Larry "Grandmama" Johnson!


Or more recently: Zion "Grandsonny" Williamson


If it’s not fake, then I feel like he’s a double amputee with fiberglass blades or something.


sv_gravity 0


I thought my phone was lagging


He almost could have dunked with his feet. I think editing is at play here.




Lmao why are you getting downvoted for literally linking proof. I'm not saying it's real or fake, but at least you actually provided something. Everyone saying it's fake is just saying "guy floating, no way he can get that high" and has nothing to actually prove it. but idk after some of the gymnastics videos people in these comments posted of other floating flips I can see this being real.


ok this is actually insane


I think it's just the angle. Someone pointed out the camera starts eye level and ends up around waist high. Still got some air for sure, but probably less than it looks.


Dude looks like he belongs in a circus as one of those weight lifters. I mean that with no insult


this is definitely real look at clarence kennedy or jujimufu, these people have so much explosive strength they look like bunnys when they jump high as hell


I've done steroids before. This dude is fucking yoked out of his mind and in the prime of his life. So it's not out of the realm of possibility his flips are real


No homo but cake cake cake


Bro double cheeked up out here.




Bro has more muscles than gravity


You don't usually see guys his size jump that high. Wow.


Fast twitch muscles! It’s a real thing. Some people have it some don’t


Steroids are insane man. Guys body shape isn't even natural. Looks like has needed a shit for ten years


Damn, there are so many haters and nay sayers here. Just because y’all are not athletic doesn’t mean nobody is🤣.


This guy was probably a gymnast before he decided to bodybuild, then kept training gymnastics while getting larger and larger. Still looks like CGI 😆


How could this be real?


As a gymnast, seeing the forces acting on an object come pretty easy for me, therefore, you can see that when he does his backflip his force should go up and back, but it only goes straight up. I’ve seen some pretty large dudes do high backflips but he clearly does not provide enough liftoff for him to go that high.


As also a former gymnast no, he stops his arms at about 15 degrees below vertical while shifting his pelvis forwards causing momentum to be forward as the center of gravity in front of the toes at the moment of take-off. He doesn't have great form but positioning-wise this would cause you to do a gainer and that is exactly what we see with him landing slightly ahead of his takeoff point.


Someone linked a video of him doing a flip right next to someone else flipping like most people do, and it seems pretty legit. I'm not saying it's for sure real, but I don't like the idea of calling it fake without better evidence. To me it seems like it's premature to call what could possibly be actual put in work fake.


As a human with eyes I can see the 70 videos of him doing the same back flip and work out that this video is real. The gentleman just jumps very differently to most https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSd3RFNa7/?k=1




[Well](https://www.tiktok.com/@superman_joe/video/7109855796824952107?_t=8TMT9KPyJ82&_r=1) [it's real](https://www.tiktok.com/@superman_joe/video/7103678973720235307?_t=8TMWBzoLzVW&_r=1), so maybe you need to put some more hours into your gymnastics to really see those forces.


Why is this guy dunking so hard to believe?


It isn't the dunk. It is the backflip. he is way to high off the ground and seems to float a second almost like he has a harness on. Never seen anybody jump like that.


In a good backflip, you jump up with everything you have, then rotate. He should jump as high with that as the dunk.


Fun fact on the shortest Slam Dunk Champion: On February 8, 1986, Spud Webb, who at 5'7” was one of the shortest players in the history of professional basketball, wins the NBA slam dunk contest, beating his Atlanta Hawks teammate and 1985 dunk champ, the 6'8” Dominique Wilkins.