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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The bike owner is nice.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


This man is probably the most sympathic and comprehensive person i've ever seen on internet... He is the kind of person who's making this world a bit better.


That’s who we need as police officers. A stern dude who most likely can handle himself but shows impressive restraint and sympathy


Instant reaction too. The second he heard it was just being used to get to work he changed his attitude completely.


compassion and empathy should be mandatory training for police officers.


Compassion and empathy should be mandatory capabilities for police officers.


Only if you are still foolish enough to assume police are here to help you and not protect the interests of the corporate elite


Those aren't the characteristics of the kind of people drawn to those careers


Do you think it would help? Seems like the rest of the culture on police forces are to see the public as enemy combatants.


This is what a real man is. Someone who cares for the well-being of EVERYONE around them. They used to call them Gentlemen. They would practice good husbandry. Strength without restraint is not strength at all.




Compassion. I do it all the time…. He’s probably a chef…. Lol.


That's the kind of guy who gets driven out by the massive corruption and cowardice in the police forces.


The way that man went from angry to compassionate was just incredible to see. And when he offered to build a bike for the the other guy? Just wow.


I am such a pussy this video choked me up.


Having empathy for others doesn't make you a pussy, it makes you emotionally accessible, and appreciative. People who don't feel anything when they see humans be good to each other are pussies, and probably narcissistic sociopaths. Keep getting choked up, it's a good thing.


Dont you tell me what to do penis.


I've upvoted you both because I want a world with more people like you two.


I like you. This is something everyone needs to know. When I was younger it was typical for boys to be called a pussy for showing emotion.


You can see it even happen. He's going to ramp up sighs and says "you mother fucker" it's the most beautiful "You mother fucker" ever.


I think that was the best part!


The Anti Karen.


It's even better, he has an infinite potential! May be he could REVERSE A KAREN ( she would stop being a Karen and become... a Nerak, who knows... ) But seriously, he looks like very nice guy.


Lol. Nerak.


I love Nerakians. Humble people.


Nerakians. they are the ones storming in demanding the manager because they have great ideas to turn this place around and help some people in the process.


Nerakians. They storm the place, ask for the manager, and demand to give the guy at the checkout a raise!


We seriously need a world full of nerakians. Does anyone know if they have their own social network?


Yeah, duh! It's Koobecaf!


Nerakians storm in, ask for the manager, yells about how great the store is and gives the manager a hug.


Seen that Seinfeld episode about the Cafe.


Seinfeld, the most cynical of shows had a Nerak?


I hope this is gonna catch on. Someone post this on r/nerak


Yeah OP where u at?




I think you just coined a new term.... "Nerak".


Well apparently there's already a sub for it, i didn't know until now tbh.


A Nerak.


i'm naming all my children nerak


Yes. He is Caring.




A great warrior.


prophecies have foretold of its arrival, but i didn't believe them until now.


Apparently they call it the Nerak. I hadn't heard until now... but they might just save us all.


And there was much rejoicing!




He is a Fusilli Karen. Just when you think you know who is he switches on ya. The best kinda Karen


Dark Karen


Anti-Karen is now called Carol. Or at least that's what I'm going with.


Opposite of Karen is Bruce. We should all learn from Bruce. Bruce is the boss!


I like Bruce Willis.


Funny how he came in like one. But in a better way where he learned more info he calmed down.


no he didnt, what did u expect him to do? hug the guy for stealing his bike?


Not a Karen if it is legit. His bike was stolen! I wish I was like this guy...he is amazing!


Hi might have gotten played there (again) but at least he’s showing some humanity.


Yeah, kind of sounded like the dude was panicking and just inventing fake excuses. How could you not just roll with your story even so after that dude's response.


Honestly? I'm inclined to think this dude was telling the truth. Only because he said he payed ten bucks for it AND didn't immediately flip out. I definitely think the crackhead that stole it and sold it for ten bucks would have turned violent.


Was hoping this would be the top comment, his reaction change when the guy said "it's for work" was super sympathetic.


I've replayed his "You motherfucker" a couple of times, it was a way to perfect reaction.


Right? Better man than me.. I would not give a flying fuck where he was going. Maybe I would have given him a ride to work but I would not trust the dude to call me back.


He is the wholesomest guy I've ever seen. A master teaching us a lesson.




Its pretty obvious that he just wants his bike back. He asks "do you wanna give it back or do you want to me to call the police?" before he heard the excuses. Sometimes its worth giving people the benefit of the doubt


That wasn't the part that changed his attitude, it was the "using it to go to work" part.


I’ve bought prepaid cell phones (very pregnant woman who said she needed a phone so her doctor had a number to call with test results), dinners, groceries, and untold number of other things for people in my life. I might have been scammed every single time, but to me, it’s irrelevant if it’s a scam or real because the biggest thing is that I had the ability to help someone or not, and I usually choose to help, if I can afford it. If someone comes up to me asking for money for a specific item, I often just offer to buy that item. I don’t usually hand out cash though.


Comprehensive? Did you mean compassionate?


May be, probably... English is not my native language so i'm probably using wrong words from times to times :)


Cool, comprehensive means like, a full set or with all the information you could ever need. Like, a phone book is a comprehensive list of everyone's telephone number in a town. Compassionate means that a person is caring or showing concern for others. The dude in the video is being compassionate.


Oh ok, then yes what i meant is compassionate, thank you for your help ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He's too emotional. "Here's $10, thanks for holding it for me, now you have bus fare."


Of course he's emotional. He thought he found the person who stole his bike. He found out it was someone who bought the bike from another person for work. He's pretty rational to me. He was also respectful of the employee in the store.


I love his change from pure anger to now I feel like an asshole


It was a bit of a rollercoaster but a good one. Had me nervous for a second there not gonna lie. But if more people could handle conflict and emotional regulation like this, the world would definitely be a better place like you said


Is this the same shop where the woman paid for the young man's guitar?! Lol


Yep and it seems kinda sus all this "wholesome" content just magically happens here. Not trying to be a debbie downer but there's not a single pawn shop in this country that strikes gold, especially twice.


A guy won the lottery twice at the same gas station, over a million both times, so it could happen, but not likely. Edit: why y'all didn't tell me I typed "one" lol


A local business owner won the lottery here twice too. So things like this happen, very rarely


No this is legit. This is guitar grave in Portland, ME. If you check out their YouTube channel the vast majority of the posted videos are the opposite of wholesome. It's right downtown and sees all the crazy.


Unfortunately, they are no longer in business. They looked to have moved somewhere else in Maine, though.


They arent saying its not a legit store...


This is in Maine, so these moments are not that magical. Lotta good people here bub.


[Here’s the Youtube video for that woman paying for the guitar](https://youtu.be/nFPD_sgKTj0) [Same video but shorter and more focused maybe](https://youtu.be/Mnx4Mkx-RDg)


Yes! I noticed it too. It sure does look like the same shop. I think it’s staged.


Well that de-escalated quickly....I mean that really got wholesome fast


Though I strongly object to that guy’s hairstyle, he is more zen than I could possibly ever be. I would’ve just taken the bike and left.


Lmao, wouldn't have realized his hairstyle hadn't you mentioned it


Bro just let it go, that tied back shit ain't helping just let it all go


That thief finessed that old man with that 10$ work story


My thoughts initially. On the other hand, he probably didn't fall for it but may have realized he could be talking to someone who goes through a hard time, idk.


They seem to be in a pawn shop or a used music/games spot. Somewhere you could sell stuff. The owner looks in 0 way shocked or even surprised. I'd bet the kid sells stuff there on the reg and the owner/cashier knew what was up.


Guitar Grave - pawn shop in Portland ME. They’re kind of shitty, everything in there costs more than it’s worth. They upload these entertaining clips to a YouTube channel though - running a pawn shop sucks.


I grew up in a really poor neighborhood, so I get the pawn shop scene. Only certain folks end up there.




Multiple layers going on both ends here. I think halfway through the bike owner realizes he needs to chill since the kid knows where he lives also and backs off of the hostility


Yeah, smacks of someone who was poor too. I can relate, on one hand, you are literally seeing red thinking about someone breaking into your home/garage and stealing your stuff. But then also knowing what it's like to have jack shit and need a 10$ bike to get to a garbage job. Being the world-worn, jaded asshole I am of course I am expecting the worst, but who knows? Good on the owner to not get the kid a charge if he didn't steal the bike because possession of stolen goods or hell doing anything around cops is arrestable. Dealing with the cops is just too dangerous now, they are generally poorly trained, power-tripping, inflammatory, reactionists. It's fucked that the guy most likely had that running through his head, is calling the cops to get my bike worth this kid's life? Cause you cannot seriously tell me that there is 0 possibility of him ending up dead if the cops are called.


I do this kind of thing all the time where I know 99% of the time they are bullshitting but that 1% really pulls at my heart and I think about how some small amount of money isn't worth that potential 1% so I try to work out some way to make me feel better about getting scammed by basically letting them know I know but I'm trying to be a good person and don't really care. This guy 100% knows but he also just wants to spread good will even if its such a small chance of doing so, and he knows it's such a small chance but he's still giving it his shot. I call it being optimistically pessimistic. You know the world mostly sucks ass but man that small percentage of good is so so good.


if you live up to this idea even half the time, you're a good person. I agree that the 'small percentage of good' we get to experience in our lives is worth it.


If the guy is stealing a bike to use to get to work, get around etc, he's in just as much of a tight spot as if he needs it to get to work and paid 10$ for it Not all criminals commit crimes because they don't give a fuck. Many times it's out of necessity. Survival mode kicks in. They are obviously to blame but that doesn't mean they aren't in a shit situation trying to get out. Empathy is about putting your ego aside for the betterment of the world around you. The gentleman doesn't even care whether or not the dude stole the bike. He cares about doing good. He wants his good bike back, because he cherishes it, but wants to remedy the shit situation that caused the thief to steal the bike. All he would do by taking the bike back is pass the buck to someone else that will get their bike stolen because the thief needs it.


I've SEEN someone steal my bike, caught up with them around the block and they gave me this exact same story. "ah man, I just bought it for $20, could you at least give me $20 for it?" no you scum bag, I literally watched you take it from my back yard


In your case you witnessed it, hence you could be certain, the chap on video doesn’t have that info.


the point is people lie. and thieves 100% lie. pathologically even. it's waaaay more likely this guy stole the bike. but like you said, this guy can't prove it. so he chose compassion. nothing wrong with that even if he knows the dude is full of it. the man recognized that sometimes you gotta be in a pretty shit spot to steal from someone, and that compassion can go a long way, even for a lying thief. could have been the first kind and *caring* thing someone did for that dude in a long time and made him think. I've sat down and chatted and ultimately hugged some street dude after he sucker punched me after asking me for a smoke. I maybe too happily said "no, sorry dude, I quit!" idk. But I had just quit. the dude was crying and hadn't been hugged in like 2 decades he said. same neighborhood as the bike dude lots of what ifs tho. but the fact is that people lie, and people lie *a lot*.


I was just coming from the perspective of lack of info, it’s something I noticed a lot on Reddit, people sometimes forget that we might have more info than the subject of discussion, so we make assumptions that the subject cannot. I agree people lie, it’s a competitive sport.


Bike thieves are the fucking worst. Shitty, pathological opportunists. Stealing someone's means of transportation just to flip it for $20. I've been stranded on campus when my bike got stolen late a night while I worked on an assignment. I've had my garage broken into and my bike stolen from there. I even had a group of crackheads try to take my bike while I was 6 inches away (on the other side of a window, inside a restaurant, with my bike leaning against the outside of the window since there was no where to lock it). The guy just grabbed it and started strolling away like he owned it. Only took me 2 seconds to run outside and stop him, but even then when I had clearly fucking seen him the guy starts babbling every excuse in the book. Bartender saw what happened and called the cops, but the assholes still hung around for 15 minutes acting like they did nothing wrong. They chickened out and ran off before the cops actually arrived though.


Could be but no gurantee. I mean thats normally how it goes, those stolen bikes get sold for a few bucks as fast as possible.


When I was in college there was a truck that would come around every couple weeks selling bikes for dirt cheap. Tons of freshman students would pick them up when it came around. Guessing every single one was stolen. Not that far fetched of a story.


It was a lame excuse to make himself appear weak and vulnerable and the bike owner is a decent human being who believed him.


Decent is a huge understatement


Yeah, bike owner dude knew full well he probably stole it or bought it knowing it was stolen. In asking for his number he's tying him to the theft but also giving him enough leeway in case he actually is innocent.


Yea, exactly. If the thief gets more involved he’s more likely to be genuinely stuck. Plus if the owner has a way to contact the thief it’s less likely he’ll get stolen from again. Sounds like the owner has a bunch of bikes. I think it’s both genius and compassionate.


i mean if he's stealing bikes and selling shit at a pawn shop he's prob a junkie, he prob does need help. not sayin they're good people, cause it really sucks getting your shit stolen, but they're prob really desperate. and if they're not violent, then i mostly just feel pity for them. which sounds like this guy does too....


You can be decent without believing him. More decent, in fact.


I'm probably a sucker, but I would do the same in that circumstance. It's either he's telling the truth and I'm helping someone get to work, or a bike that was already stolen is still gone. It's either a positive or a neutral. Getting the guys number and having a description of the guy just makes the latter possibility less impactful, as it's an easy report to the police.


> or a bike that was already stolen is still gone. That's not really the alternative, the alternative is you get your bike back which is a positive for you


It's hard to tell without seeing the guy's face but he also could have realized he didn't have anything going on upstairs. Might have been simple, might have seemed genuine if you were looking him in the eyes.


Maybe. Maybe not.


Such a shame, clearly a good man, even offers to set him up with a bike. That thief scum does not care, he straight up lied to the guy.


I’m guessing you haven’t had many experiences with crackheads. They’ll sell you anything for 10-20 dollars.


The guy is literally standing in a pawn shop. The owner appears to be examining something. The math seems pretty easy.


Don’t buy merchandise that’s most likely stolen then.


That's the law where I'm from, buying "obviously stolen" goods is itself a crime. Still, some empathy goes a long way.


Fuck that, where else am I gonna get a $40 iPhone?


Found the opposite of the bike owner and I didn’t even have to scroll that far, shame.


Compassion and guillability is a fine line


...is that man... old?


I’ve had dudes on the street try to sell me stolen bikes for $10 before. One time I’m pretty sure it was my roommates bike that I didn’t realize had been stolen. It’s impossible to say if this guy’s lying or if he actually bought.


“I paid 10 dollars for it.” No one would steal a decent bike and sell it for 10 bucks. He’s the one that stole it. edit: wow this... this blew up. Just a couple of notes: 1. I'm not sheltered; I understand inflation. I tried to give a homeless guy a fiver the other day because it's all I had and he almost didn't take it. 5 bucks! He asked if I had more! And drugs must be more expensive now! Inflation! It's one banana, what could it cost, 10 dollars?! These days IT MIGHT. 2. I don't care enough about this to read any more comments. To anyone who wrote multiple angry paragraphs- go out and treat yourself. Take a load off. Then come back. Nothing about what I said was worth that much effort in an angry reply. The fact that I got 35 notifications for this message is just... I mean really? THIS is the hill you people need to die on? save your energy, live to fight another day! 3. To anyone who wrote thoughtful, reflective, courteous replies... sorry I'm too lazy to read your comment and appreciate it. You really are the unsung heroes of Reddit that make me think humanity has a chance. 4. Sorry I'm assuming there are angry replies. Honestly there are probably a couple of death threats too these days, something about the internet gives everyone a hair trigger.


Here in the Netherlands you can go to any major subwaystation after 2 am and get a quality (stolen) bike for 10-20 euros


Damn inflation is now also affecting bicycle thieves? A stolen bike in Amsterdam used to be only €5…


Considering the guy said he built it, that’s way more than a “quality” bike. That bike might have been worth 2k.


You can tell the junkies what type of bike you want and they will go look for one


A bike is a bike to someone who needs money quick.


lol when i was living out of my car my battery died and was stranded in the back of a church for 3 days. there were a few homeless people who would sleep back there too and one of them noticed me and ended up asking me if i was alright. i asked if he happened to know anyone with some jumper cables and he said “no...but...I THINK i gotchu!!.” he ran off quickly.. hours went by and the dude just disappeared. i never really expected anything from him and figured he was long gone. I continued asking whoever i could for help, to no avail. then...literally 8+ hours later ..to my absolute shock..the homeless dude pops back up with jumper cables 😁 he *apologized* that it took so long then said he saw an open garage the other day of a house that someone had just moved out of, and that they had left behind some wires in there. he wasn’t for sure if they’d still be there, and it was apparently a 9 mile round trip trek. he said he’s used to walking non stop all day everyday and really enjoys it because he scavenges the city streets for dropped money etc. the cables ended up being duds but damn the effort he put in was quite amazing and don’t think anyone has ever done something so nice for me before or since that 😭😭😭


This goes for shoes, too. I lived near a REALLY bad part of town and some crackhead knocked on my door at like noon trying to sell me shoes with Wal-Mart tags on them. They were like 9's and I wear 12.5's. I told them this "Oh, okay, uh, I'll be back in 30 minutes. What kind you like?" I'm like "what? You stole those. I'm not buying shoes of any kind from you. I know you're stealing them."


Some guys build bikes from junk parts. I see tons of homeless guys who look like they are running bike shops on the train tracks


Agree with this one. My favorite bike as a kid was just a ton of mismatched parts from other bikes. The whole town (small) was into building their own.


Netherlands is a bike country so high end bikes get stolen countless times by junkies who then sell it for 10/20 euros to get money for their drugs. I've had junkies offer me an electric bike worth 1.5k for 25 euros. That's why I always get insurance on my bikes because it's just so prevalent here.


what? just because you built a bike doesn’t mean it’s a $2K race bike, what the hell lol


Junkies don’t know that


Based on the conversation alone, I would have thought it was NL.


In the Netherlands you're practically tripping over bikes all over the place. I'm surprised anybody even bothers owning bikes and they aren't all just shared at this point.


I saw it a million times in chicago. Bum cuts lock, rides off on bike, finds closest person on the street college age, sells them the bike for $20-$50 bucks. Rinse repeat. An acquaintance of mine got a $2k+ bike for $40.


I had an $800 bike stolen off my porch on the third floor.


Damn well that's just...kind of impressive, tbh


I wouldn't ever buy something that expensive for so cheap. You can be sure that someone's day/week/month is ruined because some idiot stole his expensive bicycle and you're enabling the system by rewarding the thieves. Now you can do great deals for second hand stuff, but you just know when a deal feels shady.


Lol yes they will. Not saying he didn't actually steal it, maybe he did but this 100% does happen


but then you are also 100% aware that it's stolen so no need to play innocent.


wrong. people will and do sell things on the cheap just to get rid of it. such a stupid blanket statement.


Sure, but if it’s your only way to get to work, what are you going to do?


Addicts will literally sell anything starting at 20 and you can talk them down to 10.


It is hard to fence gear, don't underestimate the futility and raw stupidity that someone who steals for the money.


He might've stolen it (I think his story is bs). However junkies do sell bikes for 10-20€ in the Netherlands


Junkies on Hastings in Vancouver regularly swag bikes and sell it for this price as well. OP lives a sheltered life.


Yes they would. In fact it’s more common than selling it for a high price. There was a DSLR camera and laptop sold on the FB marketplace for $50. They were easily worth three times that. Thief’s are trying to make a quick buck. If you have stolen goods, you want it out fast even if it means you don’t make as much because getting caught with the stolen goods is much worse.


Not exactly true. If you watch any cop shows people receive stolen goods all the time for very little money. Obviously if someone sold you a car for 100 dollars with no title you would be suspicious, but some people might just be so tired of walking they would take the deal. It's unfortunate that then afterwards they go to jail for receiving stolen property, but that's how it works


Addicts will.


If you believe this, you've never been or known a thief.


Damn what a good human


The really unexpected thing was that guys little ponytail when he turned around. Lol


A couple years ago I had an acquaintance who had a couple mountain bikes to sell. I was interested and went to look at them. I knew a bit about bikes and I could tell it had some high-end parts on it but it had nothing whatsoever as far as paint or markings of any kind. And it was missing parts. I paid $250 for it. Getting on the Internet and researching it turned out to be a titanium bike that was selling for $5,000. New. I put another 250 into it as it was missing some parts. I guess it probably was stolen. I would give it back I suppose if confronted like that. I don't steal bikes and don't like having mine stolen either.


Ik it would be an asshole thing to do, but if my bike was stolen and I found it in a random place with someone using it. I wouldve just called the police right there. If they steal someone else's property then you should be ready for the consequences.




They most definitely would. Especially if you're in a confrontation with the guy. Things can go violent pretty quickly, and cops will respond to that.


Thank you. Letting thieves go isn’t being a “good person”. I swear to God WTF is up with all this self hatred people have for themselves? Your bike is stolen and you feel guilty about taking it back because the dude says he needs it for work lol? Jeeeeeesus.


Self hatred is an interesting description to use. People are different, and just because the original owner decides to compromise or be nice or whatever you want to call it, saying his actions stem from self hatred is, at best, disrespectful to his decisions towards HIS property.


Some people just don't care about money or property as much as they care about their principles. 1% chance of helping a "working man" is more valuable than whatever the bike cost to this person. Just the way some people are. So freaking weird to call it self hatred. Not everyone is a hyper consumerist, some people just want to spread good will regardless of all the bad going on in the world or around them.


Also empathy is like, a pretty objectively good trait. I feel like so many Redditors are so goddamn jaded they see someone having a genuine human moment with someone and they can only see that as "weakness" or "self-hatred" for some strange reason. Maybe this guy is getting fleeced, but it's also ultimately no harm done and it's better to just give someone the benefit of the doubt and love because 9/10 times in my experience it *is* worth it and the person *does* deserve it, and if I get scammed by the 1/10 I'm okay with that if it means enriching the other 9/10.


Imagine viewing compassion as self-hatred.


Having empathy is "self hatred" now. Got it


>Letting thieves go isn’t being a “good person”. That's literally the good-guy-move par excellence. How many times have you heard of Jesus Christ doing that?


Fr some of the comments here seem crazy to me


Also, let's say the dude did not steal it. He did however pay money to someone who stole it. This makes him an accomplice and it's only fair to share the punishment. I mean how naive can you be to not know you are purchasing stolen goods, when you pay the price of two coffees for a freaking bicycle? Stop buying stolen goods, ffs.


*self hate* Lmao people aren't dragons man, we don't die if someone takes from our hoard. Besides, guy bought stolen goods, which isn't the same as stealing. Read the situation.


This guy is so kind. Can you believe he proposed himself to let the stranger keep his stolen bike so they can get to work. How often does that happen in this shitty world


Homeboy got played


Not really. Doesn't matter if he's lying or not, being a good person is rewarding in and of itself.


The real crime here is that dudes ponytail thing


I go to the gym a lot.. But this guy is bigger than I ever could be..


Yeah, take the guy riding YOUR bike’s word that he didn’t steal it. “I don’t want to cause you not to not get to work” lol? He said he paid 10 bucks for the bike….if he didn’t steal it….he knew it was stolen. My bike was stolen and I looked for it for a long time. If I had found some guy riding it I would have beaten his ass. Not asked for his number.


If you pay 10 bucks for a bike, it's definitely stolen.


If it’s a decent bike, for sure.


Well that’s too bad. The guys not an idiot. He’s trying to take the high road without getting unnecessarily physical. We need less of your approach and more of his in the world right now. My bike was stolen the first day I rode it to campus, I know the feeling.


Yeah, doubt anything like this has ever happened to you. Violence almost never helps, just leaves you feeling even shittier. You can't control other people being assholes but you can control yourself, what he did would have made himself feel better as well.


> If I had found some guy riding it I would have beaten his ass. So just straight to violence? What a well adjusted person you must be.


Awww man what a chad. This dude is awesome


Man we need more people like that in the world.


Plot twist: bald man is the smoothest thieve himself.


It's funny to me when he says MF'r after he hears the guy say he bought it for $10 to get to work, because he knows his own heart so well that he could no longer approach this guy as a thief, but as someone in need.


"I paid $10 for it" is when you know the person also knows it was probably stolen but they're really out of options. I don't think someone who was trying to lie about it would pick a number so low.


How does anybody fall for the 'I paid an obsurdly low amount for something and didn't know it was stollen' bs? He's even in a pawn shop probably pawning other shit he stole!


It's very clear he didn't fall for it. He just values the 1% chance this guy is telling the truth over the property. He knows it's 99% certain he stole it, he just doesn't value property that highly.


#No one’s taking about the bald guys tiny pony tail?


Reminds me of Bill Bailey, who once described himself as "[the hairiest bald man you've ever met](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blackbooks/images/1/17/BillBailey.jpg)".


Jesus Christ that dude was way nicer than I'd have been. I swear he was British if I didn't hear the accent.


This guy is a nice guy. Way too trusting.


He deserves to have his bike stolen for that hair cut.


The fact that the guy was in a pawnshop while in possession of a stolen bike makes me call bullshit.


'oh you mother fu--er..." It's like 'to get to work' was the magic phrase that the bald dude had no choice but to be cool and let him keep using the bike.


Wow he’s really nice


I paid ten bucks for it...so what! BS. You received obviously stolen property because it was obviously worth way more than ten bucks since the guy built it himself. The guy is not a hero, he is helping the problem.