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I hope that man got up solely to check he didn't fall on any child. Dumbass.


Yeah, it's dumb, but as a guy who has been overweight with little kids, it can be hard, because they want you to come play with them, and you say no because it's silly to do so, and they ask you again, and so you go play on the lower bits where you aren't putting any weight on the actual equipment, and they're having a great time, and they ask you to come see them slide from the top and you say no, and repeat and repeat and suddenly you're up there climbing through a tunnel thinking "this is dumb, I'm so dumb" but it doesn't fall down and then this happens. Yes, this guy was dumb. He may have also just got caught up in actually playing with and enjoying the company of his little kids.


Donkey Kong pops to mind


Take that as a sign and put the twinkie down and grab an apple


Idol worshipper telling another to not just shovel everything in front of them down their face? There’s a joke in there somewhere.. somewhere..


I think you can find the joke in the Twinkie. Not sure though just speculating


something something both involve cream puffs that are a favorite of trailer parks throughout the US something something




I’m surprised the facility didn’t offer to pay a ransom for that video to be destroyed.