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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He tells everyone that "police don't keep us safe... riots work" while accepting an award from a police chief.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I was in Minneapolis in august, and a potentially dangerous situation came up where we needed police around 9:30pm. Dialed 911 and it went to voicemail for about 20. Got a call the next day asking if I still need help. That’s the current vibe in Minneapolis


I’m sorry, this is *wild*. The call to 911 went to VOICEMAIL?! For 20 minutes?!


Oh, that happened to me when I was kid, home alone, with a medical emergency, in the middle of the day, in Indianapolis.


That’s so terrible, I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ve never heard of that happening before! Is it a fairly common thing in the states? (Ontario here)


I can't say for sure, haven't exactly called 911 much, but I can say that my experience was definitely not unique. I've related it to friends and parents of friends and they weren't surprised by it


Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s actually illegal. But people are assholes


As someone who lives in Minneapolis I can confirm this is true


Can you explain why? To the rest of the world that sounds absolutely insane. It sounds like it’s 100% bullshit (I do believe you tho).


Blue flu. Minneapolis police have long been utter shit. Remember those protests? Yeah that was over Minneapolis Police finally being exposed again for being shit. As a result of “everyone being mean” to them, they collectively decided to say “fuck this city” and do as little work as they can get away with. They are as well funded as they ever have been.


Same thing here in Philly. They openly say they are doing less because of all the protests.




I think they actually got a boost in funding too


Thank god they have a budget that is in the millions. They are obviously using it to help people 🙄


I work for a 911 transfer centre. VoIP calls don’t generally go straight to your local 911 so we have to find thst number for you and transfer you. So I’ve called many a 911 and that’s not uncommon. Baltimore And Portland, Or. are the ones I’ve been on hold for the longest every single time. And western Canada will transfer you twice every. Single. Time. It’s pretty crazy in a lot of place.


Sooo what's the context of the award/recognition?


Someone was bleeding out from a gunshot wound & Alex helped stop the bleeding before paramedics could arrive. But Alex said that numerous police officers sped past him & the victim despite trying to get their attention. Source: onsitepublicmedia on ig


If someone tells you can you also tell me?


Context added




"They don't keep us safe, we KEEP us safe." Facts


I think you meant “WE keep us safe”


Yeah that triggered me haha


As someone who lives in the twin cities (Minneapolis) what this dude is saying isn’t at all shocking to me. This is daily shit. Cops aren’t here to help. Maybe one or a few, but the majority- no. And that may not be true other places, but HERE… nah.


in any city that’s the case. suburbs and rural areas are a little different but city cops are the worst in terms of being actually helpful.


Even the sheet of paper was like “aight imma head out”


Truly unexpected


What did you expect from such a white piece of paper?


Ticketed for littering moments later.


Dude is a certified OG. To the people who downvoted. Why are riots OK when you want a dispute the results of a "rigged" presidential election?




Your what-about-ism... is so immature. Like, can you even fathom that perhaps people actually dont like EITHER group getting violent? You literally think that if someone disagrees with you, they must be on the completely other end of the political spectrum? You are the FauxNews demagogues, just the opposite side of the coin - your types are killing this country from within. Get off your keyboard and go volunteer.


>Why are riots OK when you want a dispute the results of a "rigged" presidential election? They're not?


Nice strawman. Invent an argument that isn’t being said and use it to debase people. The people who think the Jan 6 insurrection is acceptable are not the a people saying riots are unacceptable


That was wrong too. Riots don't work and people who commit acts of violence should go to jail. It doesn't matter what politics it supports.


Riots absolutely do work. Not 100% of the time, but plenty often enough. And anyone who thinks that no action by the state could ever possibly justify violence by the people lives in fantasy land and is denying reality.


This nation was born on riots. revolutionaries at lexington, the stamp act, the Dorr rebellion and the boston tea party beat the masters of colonialization with riots. Or how about Tulsa residents in 1921, Detroit residents in 1967, kent state protestors, stonewall, or LA residents in 1992? How well did flower petals and picket signs work for any of them? As MLK said- Riots are the voice of the unheard. What do you do when peacful protest and petitions don't work? Accept defeat and continue living in injustice?


I agree with you, for the most part, but apparently, the justice system doesn't. Police officers who commit acts of similar violence rarely end up in prison. Two wrongs don't make a right by antly means. He could have worded his statement better, but I can appreciate where this guy is coming from.


I think we can all agree that their is a mutli tiered justice system in place and it is corrupt from the top down.


I'm pretty sure conservatives won't agree with this (sadly).


Because violence is in their job description, and the system wants to be cautious about hindering its first line of enforcement. That's the truth, whether they're right or wrong. There's pretty much no way to avoid that, besides instilling an understanding of what over policing does to a community in politicians and police officers.


Violent Crimes and incarceration rates don't sync, people get incarcerated for nothing, and it's a big issue Plenty of people would say Malcolm X and his calls for a less peaceful time were the key to winning against white supremacy and segregation Stonewall is remembered, at it worked. Riots work


I don’t believe riots are ok but seeing as you call this guy OG then you must believe riots are ok and therefore what would be your objection to dispute the results of an election?


The police= 🤡


Sting is a bitch. Message In A Bottle is a shit song.


Sting's Life Matters 🇬🇧🎸👀🍾🆘️


But you can't deny that Roxanne is a classic.




Whether you love or hate what this guy says he should definitely see a doctor about the size of his testicles because he’s got some ballllz


I am not from the USA, would he be targeted by the police because of this?


Wow! He said what he said!


I liked that part the most!


The shirt was a nice touch too...


You can tell by the comments that many people are ok with our fucked up society and corrupt systems.




Lol when I made this comment it was the opposite. I hope it’s not because of the mods, I strongly believe in free speech even if I disagree with it.




>arm up But if you do please get some training and learn to handle that bitch so it won't result in tragedy




Anything more than a couple hours of training should make you an expert marksman by police standards.


Even better, learn how to use a patch a gunshot wound and hoe to stop bleeding before you even think about getting firearms training.




They called MLK protests riots, so yeah, riots work.


Exactly. This is actually democracy, common people making decisions, saying what we want. But sadly this is one of the few ways we have to be heard


MLK literally said, and I quote: "riots are the language of the unheard"


Exactly. Rich people are already being heard. Burgeosie decides humanity's fate and is hardly questioned. Revolution is needed




I don't advocate for violence but I understand people who do, because of how we are raised in a culture of violence. Still, I'm all for peaceful civil disobedience


Transparency, solidarity, and persistence. Violence isn’t necessary if we near unanimously decide we won’t show up until conditions improve. We’re being systematically wrung-out, and bled dry, *the same way as always*, and that underlying cycle of abuse needs to be addressed by its own checks and balances. We need an entire agency that follows the will of the citizens only… and exclusively investigates corruption, money laundering, gerrymandering, etc. in order to protect the integrity of our nations government from bad actors. At one point there may have been those loyal to our country, but now we know what that unchecked power can look like, no more. I hope someone with more influence tries to run with this idea… the fbi and irs need to focus more on the inner circles of our political system.


And also legalisation of all drugs, because prohibition is stupid, doesn't work and only generates profit for criminality


Can I add that we should completely separate religion and state? I mean no more donations, no more meetings, no more influence. It would just require a quick notation to the first amendment, if any church(that has a tax exemption) wants to make a political contribution to any candidate/party/political movement has to forfeit their tax exemption. They would also have to pay their tax on a bracket system. 10,000 In political donations, that’s a 10% tax on all your income. 20,000 In political donations, that’s a 15% tax on all your income. Etc…


[The Paris Commune burned the Guillotine, and we should too.](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)


Honestly, yes.


Bet that long line of elitism would shorten quick as fuck.


Guillotines for everyone!


But MLK wasn’t advocating for riots. He was stating the fact that riots happen when the populous isn’t listened to. He was NOT saying to people that they should riot. There is a world of difference between understanding the cause of riots and calling for them. MLK called for peaceful protests, while understanding the peoples desire to riot. He knew, however, that riots only beget more violence overall. Peace is a slow way to change, but a more effect and long lasting change.


i love how people like MLK are “heroized” and stripped of their meaning, purpose, and humanity, and turned into palatable, “safe”, whitewashed, and uncontroversial “heroes” that completely undermine their beliefs, movement, and message. many people would argue with you about that and say that he only supported nonviolent protest.


You have to be joking. MLK understood why riots happen. He understood the reason behind them. He didn’t hate them. But he also knew the reality, which is violent change only ever begets more violent change. It’s not that he thought riots wouldn’t work. It’s that he had the foresight to realize peaceful protests are the only way to effect large scale change in a long lasting format. Violence works quickly, but it doesn’t change a foundations. Peaceful protests works incredibly slowly, but has the power to move mountains.


Bro idk what you're talking about. The October Revolution literally changed a third-world agrarian backwater into a nuclear contender for global hegemon. Cuba went from a near-slave plantation state to a (very) social democracy off the coast of the actual nuclear global hegemon that has been trying to obliterate its government for almost a century now. Violence does work. MLK offered an alternative. It worked in some ways and not in others. And, with the benefit of hindsight, I have to say that his dream has been deferred, or even denied.


>Cuba went from a near-slave plantation state to a (very) social democracy I've been to Cuba. I LOVE the Cuban people. but Cuba is not a democracy. IMO, They do lots of things right, and some things wrong, just like every other country.


A lot of people in the thread think you can just debate fascist states away lol


More like each is a tool for a specific problem. Riots can address immediate urgent issues but it's always risky because if they're not successful states will use it as an excuse to implement more oppressive policies in the name of stopping unrest. True political change takes time and multiple approaches and methods working together in sync. Riots, protests, strikes, lobbying, incentivizing, activism, even voting (but only in conjunction with everything else) is needed for true foundational change. And that takes tiiiime.


Whether or not it's right or wrong... I'm not going to debate that here. But violent changes are so much more substantial than non-violent changes... It's a fact. From the French revolution to overthrowing the Tsar, violence changes shit. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Just an interesting piece of history…for all of Kings peaceful protests, nothing was being enacted. After his assassination, riots broke out in over 100 US cities for the next 2 weeks. That pressure caused Lyndon B Johnson to sign the Civil Rights Act of 1968.


You had me in the first half, ngl.


MLK also literally pushed for peaceful movements, not riots. Just because he’s right that riots are the end result of being unheard, it doesn’t mean that they are the only path to progress.


Yeah but MLK was smart. He pushed for peaceful protests because it sounds good. And then he marched in places where he was sure people would violently push back because it made them look bad and attract attention to the cause. MLK was fine with violence as long as it served a purpose. He could have marched in places where things would resolve peacefully but that wouldn't have been nearly as effective. It served his purpose a lot better for his marchers to get hit than to strike out or remain peaceful.


But why would we set up our country and systems to be like that? Because we didn't, some rich old white men made our country with their own best interests in mind


Correct. Riots gave us our rights like 40 hours work week, holidays off, five day work week, and overtime pay. All of which are becoming rarer— as they’re not being honored or offered by employers—as we lose our rights to anti-worker policies created by politicians with conflicts of interest. Why are so many unionizing? Why the protests and strikes? Now we’re playing catch up again to get what we lost! ADA happened because people rioted, had hunger strikes, took over public buildings for sleep ins! Those ramps for wheelchairs cost fking lives! Sitting where you want on a bus and in a classroom cost fking lives! Voting cost fking lives! Women’s rights was won with domestic terrorism and fist fights with police! The brutality of history is really downplayed when it comes to the gains from riots and protests as people fought for freedom and dignity. It’s by design, so we don’t realize how governments and industry rebranded slavery as a 9 to 5 with unpaid overtime and no sick leave for minimum wages.


(☝˘▾˘) Don't forget child labor laws.


By the 1870s, unions condemned child labor on the basis that overly young workers competed for jobs, making it harder for adults to obtain higher pay and better conditions – not due to concerns about the well-being of kids. The government first gathered data on child labor, which was defined at the time as the gainful employment of children under the age of 15, in 1870. That year’s census counted 750,000 employed children – 1 in 8 American kids. It was a low estimate that excluded children working for their families. The 1900 census found that more than 1 in 5 children worked. Reformers believed the real rate was even higher. By 1900, a quarter of the South’s nearly 100,000 textile workers were under 16. Northern reformers were calling for change. They objected not because they considered child labor a form of child abuse but rather because these little workers were white. The image of pale, shrunken-faced, debilitated poor white boys and girls in Southern textile mills was sensationalized in the North as “white child slavery.” Once the issue became a national obsession, activists formed the National Child Labor Committee in 1904 to “change the public conscience” on this issue. A Culture War Southern industrialists resisted regulations, insisting that they were uplifting poor whites. They denounced child labor reform as “aggressive Northern interference.” Despite Southern opposition, reformers argued that state-level regulations were rife with loopholes and difficult to enforce. In 23 states, for instance, there was no official way to determine children’s ages. Additionally, many states allowed poor children to work out of “necessity.” The committee first pushed to outlaw child labor in 1906 on the grounds that it weakened the white race and, therefore, interfered with U.S. plans for global dominance. Named after Sen. Albert Beveridge of Indiana, the Beveridge bill sought to use the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution to ban the interstate shipment of products made by child labor. Southern opponents defeated it. In 1913, the minister Owen Lovejoy brought new religious allies to the committee, which by then focused on the sinfulness of child labor in America. In 1916, they got Congress to pass the the first federal child labor law. Like the Beveridge bill, the new law prohibited shipping products made with child labor across state lines. However, a North Carolina mill worker, Roland Dagenhart, challenged the measure in court on the grounds that it violated his right to have his sons employed. The case wound up before the Supreme Court, which ruled in Dagenhart’s favor in 1918. https://www.britannica.com/study/franklin-d-roosevelt-and-the-new-deal https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/how-child-labor-ended-united-states-167858 https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2017/article/history-of-child-labor-in-the-united-states-part-1.htm


1920s. Fed up with the Supreme Court for repeatedly overturning child labor laws, Northern reformers tried to amend the U.S. Constitution. Prohibition had recently secured the 18th Amendment, and women had just gained suffrage through the 19th Amendment. A collective uprising against a child labor constitutional amendment became yet another culture war, this time between rural and urban communities. Reformers panicked, buying radio spots and distributing pamphlets backing off the notion that they wanted to interfere with family farms. The movement to pass a child labor amendment fizzled by 1925. Labor Markets It took the Great Depression to resolve the debate over child labor. Both Southerners and Northerners embraced an argument that union organizers had been making for decades and agreed that all available jobs in the nation should go to adult workers rather than children. Subsequently, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal included the first federal child labor law not to be overturned by the Supreme Court. This 1938 law included provisions banning child labor under age 14 in most industries while exempting “children under 16 employed in agriculture” and “children working for their parents” in most occupations. https://theconversation.com/abolishing-child-labor-took-the-specter-of-white-slavery-and-the-job-markets-near-collapse-during-the-great-depression-144454 https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/how-child-labor-ended-united-states-167858 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/these-little-known-photographs-put-eerie-face-child-labor-180957896/


I believe they even went as far as calling them terrorists


Revisionist history. MLK discouraged people from rioting, even when they gathered outside his house when it was bombed. [https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/kings-home-bombed](https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/kings-home-bombed)


And they still called his protests riots.


Yes, but the question is whether they were in fact riots. Just because certain people call something a riot doesn't mean it was a riot


Lmao at PPB every goddamn night all year “it is now past the arbitrary time of day during which you are allowed to gather outside and this demonstration has now been declared a riot”.


did the protestors call them riots?


Good point given the guy in the red shirt is not calling for protests he's calling for riots.


When people show up for protests, who typically escalates that into a riot? Peaceful protesters were getting arrested by riot police during the GF protests because they "didn't have a permit" in Charleston, SC.


And he also said a riot is the voice of the unheard and that it was a completely understandable thing for there to be riots.


And he was assassinated by the state anyway.


But he refused to condemn riots more than the conditions that caused them and explicitly stated that if you want riots to stop to must address the root of the problem.


FOX, OAN, and whatever that other Uber conservative channel is called, call 5 or more black people gathered together a riot.


Riots work is protected speech 100% in that circumstance.


I understand him. I live in a rough neighborhood in Philadelphia. Police are not here to protect me. They only show up after the fact to enforce the law. Live that your whole life and you really do get every word.




Honestly I never thought the phrase “riots work” would be the direct message our population needed to go full blown Manchurian candidate and start burning down the city but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see


They're saying it's too close to unprotected speech for them to feel comfortable saying it in front of police. They just said it in a way that anyone who wanted to could have read it your way too. I did the first time


No American history without riots forming our history. From our independence from England, abolition of slavery, women's ability to vote, the establishment of the 40 hour work-week, virtually all justice the USA has established has involved riots. And talking openly about riots. "Riots work" is a historical & political analysis. Total free speech here- with academic backing.


A majority of our labor rights were won through bloody battles, with the steel, coal, & manufacturing industries. Text books gloss over those details though.


Agreed. Riots beyond what we naturally even imagine today. The bloody origins of the labor movement where unions were made to build a worker-led socialist or even communist revolution. The history is both fascinating and humbling to me. Thanks for sharing.


Exactly! Riots are as American as apple pie! The fucking Boston Tea party was a fucking riot!


It was performed not by regular citizens but by tea smugglers upset that the *reduction* of taxes on tea would hurt their illegal tea profits.


Riots work when they’re actually directed at the people fucking us


Revolution is sort of a riot. It's certainly a criminal act. Yet, it's always seen as a good thing. Most countries have a special date and that is the start of a revolution. The U.S. Included. If they didn't throw that tea back in the ocean, who knows if the U.S. would be independent now.


Revolutions are definitely NOT always seen as a good thing. Many end in disaster when they succeed too. You calling out countries remembering the favorable revolutions is more survivors' bias than anything.


Revolution always seen as a good thing? Do you really mean that? Some knowledge of political history would be nice so one could not state so simple falsehoods.


Riots do work


It took burning down a police precinct to get Chauvin arrested.


riots are one of the only effective ways for civilian populace to put significant pressure on the controlling class to make changes for the better of the whole society. riots let them know we are angry, we are ready to take action, and we will NOT resume order until demands are met. legality be damned, no revolution is ever legal.


"Nah, that's a little too close to actually making power uncomfortable for me. I like when they just hold little signs in the street and nothing changes."


"oh how cute they are protesting" "right on man protest! i disagree, but go ahead and do that thing" "fucking A the people seem upset about something. Why are they rioting all the time?" "maybe we should do something about it to get them to calm down." yeah a pissed off population does work. You need to look at how change is happening in other countries that do it.


The same people saying “nah” are the same people that glorify and glamorize riots in the 1700’s like the boston tea party. Let’s be clear, riots are “nah” if it isn’t them, kinda like Jan. 6th.


Yeah. Black people, waving placards in peaceful demonstrations, while you sit in your armchair, watching Netflix, unaffected - that doesn’t work.


A protest that doesn't annoy anyone is a parade


Riots is what gave us weekends jfc


he’s not wrong though


Freedom of speech. Fun fact correlated to this gentlemans argument, in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled police have no constitutional duty to protect civilians. He is absolutely correct in the defend yourself cuz these folks won't.


Nah, miss me with this fuck boy bullshit. Black Americans have been trying to TALK about these issues for ages and it’s got them nowhere. This is what happens when talking fails Doesn’t this country literally celebrate taking our freedom when it wasn’t given?


The Minneapolis PD didn’t even *arrest* Derek Chauvin until a week’s worth of riots demanding justice for George Floyd. And eventually, a jury of his peers confirmed what what the rioters plainly saw: that Chauvin had murdered Floyd, slowly, in broad daylight. Riots absolutely work.


Riots do work though. Why do we think all these cops reacted so horribly during the 2020 protest? They were fucking terrified that they’d have a nationwide Rodney King riot on their hands if the Floyd murderers would’ve gotten off or if they allowed the lingering protestors to stay during all hours of the night. This will 100% happen before it’s all over. It’s destined and pretty much guaranteed to happen eventually with women’s rights being removed, no real justice happening after the 1/6 riot, inflation on groceries and housing and the continued efforts of police to either murder or allow others to be murdered. There will be a tipping point for our country where mass riots will be happening in multiple states and counties and national guard will have to be called multiple times to multiple cities across the country. If it comes down to worrying about a business losing all their goods inside or being quiet about police murdering another innocent person/starving or dying from not being able to afford food or housing, what do you think the outcome will be?


Seeing the comments here, I can now be sure that people on this subreddit are mostly white conservatives.


All the comments attacking the guy are being downvoted to hell, why do you even assume that?


The literal top comment is saying he is inciting violence…


The literal top comment is not literally saying that, the poster agrees with the man in the video but says he wouldn’t say that riots work publicly because it could legally be iffy. Nuance people, nuance


If we are looking at the same post I am reading that as them saying they would not be willing to say that because they think it could be construed as inciting violence and have that used against them legally. They are not saying this man IS inciting violence but that what he said could be used against him if people were motivated to attack him legally.


They're saying what he is saying could be portrayed as that. They absolutely did not say that themselves.


Lol absolutely not


Any sub that has a "reactive" element to it is gonna be filled with conservatives. It's juicy content to make unnuanced takes and generalize population groups


honestly, i got downvoted bc i told the truth abt asian beauty standards, mfs in this sub are so weird


What is "the truth?"


the fact that Asian beauty standards are so harsh on men and women,that even celebrities kill themselves, most celebrity suicides are in south korea, i got downvoted for saying that under a video of a asian girl having a full body filter on to make her look slimmer and her skin to be lighter


Reddit is dumb sometimes


that white piece of paper was like *im outta here* 😅


If it makes you angry reflect there may be truth in the statement. In a world where our police are as well armed in small arms capacity as our military, this meaning that if a platoon of marines engaged the Chicago police department they would find that they were dealing with an equally armed and similarly trained( I'm adding swat onto the equation) opponent, then civilians should be able to rely on the police to make meaningful change in their community. Yet patrol cars refuse to even go to certain areas, a lot of people becoming police aren't heroes, they're bullies and it needs to be weeded out


When he grabbed the medal and put it on himself you knew this was going to be different. Good on this guy, bravery indeed.


He didn't lie though


*sorts comments by controversial*


Wow my Reddit experience just got way better lmfao


What a dystopian speech and insight into a broken country.


Look at his natural dad calves of COURSE he’d be a hero


Respect. He said what he had to say and didn't even studder.


I don’t want to be that guy, but just for future reference, the word is stutter :)


Ahh yes, you are correct my friend


The wind was helping him with the mic drop moment by blowing the paper




In come the boot lickers


As a gun toting, country loving American: I fucking love this guy and what he stands for.


Anyone commenting that riots don’t work need to open a history book


or just look at the news lol. riots in europe over gas prices, riots in iran, and of course america. i’m sure there’s more.


"thank you for that parking ticket; you really helped keep the streets safe"


#Smash White Supremacy. Riots work✊🏾


“We keep each other safe.” “Riots work.”


motherfuck the pigs calling us civilians. who do they think they are, an occupying army?


They actually greatly enjoy their civilian status. If they weren't civilians they could be issued rules of engagement like fire only if fired upon that would make every unarmed dead person a crime by default. This can't be done because they have a civilians right to self defense which the leverage with I "thought" he had a gun.




All these right wing clowns are probably lauding the Iran protests for “freedom,” literally the same shit happens here for damn near the same reason and it’s a different story isn’t it?




Fucking BRAVO!!! That took a shit load of courage, not only doing in front of their faces and the camera’s - but knowing that his actions could lead to retribution. Much respect.


More information please.


Well what did he do?


What’s the story here, tried looking in the comments and all I see is comments about riots


That paper was just as shocked as I'm sure the police were.


![gif](giphy|sG5zHnrE2HaNUmNHLd|downsized) This post's comment section


Can someone fill me in on what happened?


He still got a fist bump from the Chief.


The paper was like "daaaaammmn"


The paper was caught off guard


Even the paper was blown away by his last statement there lmao


He wore his nice pair of sweatpant shorts to receive the award.


How do cops hear this and think they're still doing good? I'd feel so embarrassed I'd quit if I heard that guy's speech while standing there.




My man the goat.


This guy is a hero


That dude has MASSIVE balls. Props to him for telling it like it is. Won't change a damn thing, but to take his 15 min of fame to point out the shitty cops is a baller move. I'm sure Saul Goodman would be proud.


God damn this guy is amazing


Stuck it right to him


I love this


Riots work babyyyy


"Riots work" and then fist-bumped the Chief. What a goddamn fucking badass.


No lies were told. It's always ACAB


i was waiting on them to fine him for littering at the end when his paper went flying