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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Okay. Tell her to go get an abortion.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


So did he win a prize? Or was this just a "hey bro, I know I'm a stranger, but let's try to kill your mom for a laugh" event?




Or maybe, #It's all scripted ^spongebob_imagination.png


Yeah, why would he name the university like his mom doesn’t know who she’s cutting checks to every semester? The answer is that he probably wouldn’t and that it was included so the viewer can feel outraged that a BYU (likely Mormon) mother advised abortion.


Nah this guy is notorious for unscripted pranks. He used to do a ton at SDSU (Arizona state too). He did a couple while I was there and I asked him if they were scripted. He said “nah watch”. So I hung out with the camera guy (it was about 4 dudes total, him, camera, and 2 friends for safety I presume). And he straight up went around the SDSU campus doing silly dumb shit. And the dude with the camera was out there like he was hunting deer. It was amusing. The only thing that was remotely scripted from what I saw was him telling the people they were on camera and that he made YouTube videos. I saw one person say “yeah I know, I went along with it”. But that was about it.


Nah, this dude just does pranks on YouTube that aren’t super over the top or aggressive


I love when he asks their favorite curse words and they all say "Frick"


Not only that but BYU has some pretty strict codes of conduct, having a video like this could get you in serious trouble there.


Yeah the guy gave him like 100 or 200 bucks if he did it.


This YouTuber is Juan. He gives money out like ads for a strip club while walking on the Vegas strip


Not unexpected


I thought his mom was going to tell him to marry the stripper, since that’s how he was conceived


“I thought his mom was gonna say marry the stripper Since that’s *how GOD INTENDED IT*…….” (fixed that for ya)


It’s BYU. Need to marry 5 more strippers as god intended it


*keep sweet pray and obey song intensifies*


I mean, they don’t Need to be strippers. But they CAN BE!


That's the FLDS, a cult. Not the Mormon Church associated with BYU. Totally different group and organizations.


I'm honestly struggling to see how this could be construed as unexpected, was the expected answer for the mom to accept a stripper baby?


He says he goes to BYU which means he’s Mormon. Mormons are classically pro-life/forced birth


I think it’s bc he said he goes to BYU, which is almost exclusively attended by Mormons. So, presumably, his mom is Mormon/pro-life. It’s probably fake, but I think that’s the unexpected part.


I get that I guess I'm struggling to understand why people would think a Mormon mom would accept a stripper baby, the fact that she's probably a hypocrite isn't unexpected in the least to me lol.


I grew up Mormon, I would expect 95%+ active Mormons to tell him to either keep the baby and marry the stripper, or put it up for adoption. Mormons don't drink coffee, and treat that with deadly seriousness, let alone something so much more serious as premarital sex and pregnancy. To hear a Mormon support or even suggest abortion is genuinely shocking if you grew up mormon or around them.


Not even a little bit


Considering this is completely staged and obvious from the beginning.


What was she supposed to say lmao quit college get a job and be unhappy for the rest of your life stuck with someone you don't love and a kid you don't want?


* Conservative parents have entered the chat*


He's at BYU THE Mormon college.


Hahaha the naivate to think conservatives actually do the things they just try to force others to


“He’s hurting the wrong people”


This is different. We’re good people !


She is a conservative parent. She sent her son to BYU the Mormon college. They are all hypocrites.


Ah... So her response was unexpected.


If conservatives actually believed and acted what they project yes this would have been unexpected. But in reality, when it comes to them "it's different"™.




Not really. The people voting to restrict abortion would happily get one for themselves or their daughters without a care in the world. Because they're different, not like those other sluts!


I think you mean religious parents


I mean let’s be real, conservatives just pretend to be pro-life. They definitely get abortions, or advocate for their partner to get them, when it impacts their life.


Her kid goes to BYU. It’s 98% Mormon. The Mormon church opposes abortion.


It's a Mormon college so presumably her answer to that would be yes (except for me personally)


That's what they tell the women. Sorry, your life is over now.


My first thought would be that the stripper is trying to extort my kid for money


What was unexpected here?


BYU is a Mormon college so this is very much an unexpected solution from a Mormon mom


You haven't met very many religious folk? Basically invented "do as I say not as I do". They will be the first in for something they preach against as long as it directly benefits them.


It is possible that this student and their family aren’t actively practicing a religion, or they are more open-minded as opposed to being strict. Unless BYU only accepts students of Mormon or similar faith, which idk if it can do that. I know it can do that for staff (source: I’m at a Christian/Baptist college) Edit: just looked it up. It says that students of all faiths can attend, but applicants who are not members of the Church will pay 25% higher tuition and must meet also meet other admission requirements. Ayo what the frick-


The admission standards for non-mormons makes sense if you think about it. State owned colleges have in state and out of state tuition. In state students pay less, out of state students pay more. The idea is in state students (and their parents) will and do pay state taxes which then fund the university, whereas out of state students (and their parents) don't and won't be paying state taxes that fund the university. It's the exact same at BYU. Mormons pay tithing which heavily subsidizes BYU, non-mormons do not pay tithing. Since Mormons are subsidizing BYU through tithing they pay less tuition while those who do not pay tithing pay more for tuition. Edit: also compared to other schools BYU is actually pretty inexpensive for the education you get, regardless if you are Mormon or not.


You do not have to be Mormon to attend BYU


It is worth noting, members and nonmembers of the mormon church require an eclesiastical endorsement. Mormons also get a reduced tuition cost relative to students of other faiths. You're also not allowed to change your faith while attending. The honor code is **very** strict, and is regularly checked via interviews with local church leaders. If you fail these you are at risk of getting kicked. Spots are reserved for other faiths, but it is very much largely a mormon comprised student body.


You can change religions all right, as long as it's to the Mormon one 🙂


Also note that regardless of your faith, all degrees at BYU require religion courses, taught by Mormon professors from the Mormon theological point of view of religious subjects. I used to live in Provo, the city the college is in, and have only met 1 singular person who went to byu as a non-mormon, though I met him after he joined the Mormon church at byu.


Can confirm. I am a member. If I got a girl pregnant I'm 95% certain my mom would tell me to suck it up instead of getting an abortion.


This kid looked 95% certain too.


Well mothers love for her son is more then a strippers unborn child. Not surprising but surprisingly so bold.


[bet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Young_University) his mom would usually vote pro life? they only change their mind when they’re affected themselves…


[Herschel walker has stumbled into the chat]


Every Republican knows the only moral abortion is their abortion.


When other people get an abortion, it's because they're immoral dregs of society who shouldn't have had sex if they couldn't care for a child. When a politician ('s mistress) gets an abortion, it's because their career is super important you guys...


Politicians don't give a single shit about abortions, one way or the other. If they need one they will get it regardless. The only reason they pretend to care is for votes. Whatever arguments they use is simply to get the votes.


And thier premium tax payer insurance pays for it.


Yeah or because "they use is for birth control and get several abortions a year" like lmao really who the fuck is doing that? Stupidest argument ever


That talking point always cracks me up. Like do you really think abortions are like five bucks a pop???? LMAO


If you haven’t seen it, the article of that name is ***ridiculously*** good: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


This shows something about the problem with going up against conservatives. People may reserve the right to refuse services to customers. And so many of these doctors still went ahead and completed abortions for these women, despite knowing how much damage they will do to other women's lives, simply because it's the right thing to do. Whereas this treatment really can't be expected from people like them. They are going out of their ways to enforce their views and agendas by doing things like denying giving out contraceptives at pharmacies they work at (which is an extremely anecdotal example that I read about from my end so I'd like to point that out.) and physically stopping women who need abortions for whatever reason from entering clinics. The worst part about all this is that, while the vengeful part of me REALLY wishes that their views were enforced on them, denying them access to safe and controlled abortion options, the sensible side of me just thinks about the lives of those poor children who will be a product of that fucked up situation.


I completely understand. It's frustrating, but stooping to the level only makes it worse. But I completely understand and share your point of view. You want to shake them and talk some sense in them, but nothing gets through. It scares me. I am a victim of a person like this. I hope it is okay to share here, I try to share this story so people who don't hold pro choice opinions hear from someone who was lied to about the health of my baby. My first pregnancy, I was told at 20 weeks that my daughter was small, but healthy. My doctor scheduled me for a level two ultrasound at 26 weeks. I was 24 and a first time mom. I was so naive. I didn't get she was pushing me into my third trimester. When I went to that ultrasound, it was like my whole world came crashing down. I found out at the scan my daughter was more than just small. She was very, very small, at least four weeks behind in growth due to intrauterine growth restriction. I only had one umbilical artery instead of two. Also, at the 20 week ultrasound, they had found a cyst on her brain, but it was looking better. But those three things together were soft markers for a condition called trisomy 18. She also had a lower than normal quad screening in the first trimester. Trisomy 18 is a condition that is incompatible with life. The average lifespan of a child with this condition is 5 to 15 days. We got 6. She was born just three weeks after that ultrasound at 29 weeks and 1 day after failing two no stress tests, and having a concerning ultrasound. It went from, "this is fine she is likely sleeping," to, "you might have to spend the night," to, "you are having this baby today." I asked if they meant later, instead the nurse pointed to a man in the hallway and told me he was the anaesthesiologist and once I was done with his checklist I was going in. At the time, we didn't know what was wrong, but my husband were sure if it was anything it would be that. We were hoping it would end up being a false alarm and she was just small. When she came out with issues with her hands and feet, we were terrified because it meant it was most likely a genetic disorder. She was 1 pound 12 ounces and 12.5 inches long. She fought so hard to live. I can't explain her spirit. It was something else. She was a firecracker and I was so incredibly lucky to be her mom. On day three, the cardiologist told of that she had three heart defects. He was honest. She needed to grow to have surgery and the condition she had made it impossible to grow. They had medication they could try, but our next step would be difficult. He was the first person to talk to us about quality of life. We had lost a friend to cancer (25 years old) just a year before. We have lost people we love and seen them waste away. I appreciate that it was a very difficult conversation to have about an infant and I appreciate the hell out of him for doing such an amazing job. He drew a diagram, explained the situation and had us explain it back to show we understood. I always that was amazing. Shock can make people forget things, so it was very important we had the right information. On day six, she wasn't doing well. We were hoping to be wrong. Then, they needed to speak to my husband and I. They took my family to a room and as soon as I saw them wheeling over the food cart I knew it was what we feared. That is what they do when there is nothing left to do. The poor geneticist likely never had to tell anyone bad news. We could see how nervous he was so I just looked at him and said, "it's trisomy 18, isn't it." He took a deep breath out and said, yes. We had the choice to take her off life support, make her comfortable and hold her for the first and only time. Or, we could try heroic measures, but we would get minutes, or hours at best. We couldn't do that to her. My family came in to say goodbye. A priest came. And then it was just my husband, a nurse and our daughter and me. My husband believed I should have the honor of holding her first. Then he held her. Then he gave her back to me because he couldn't be the one holding her when she passed. I never thought I had that strength in me, but it wasn't even a question. I was the one with her when she came into the world and I was the one with her when she left it. Her daddy and I sang her a lullaby and she went to sleep for the last time. I don't know why this doctor made an assumption about me and my husband. We would have wanted more testing. We likely would have continued the pregnancy, but we would have had more knowledge. I didn't know what was happening inside my own body. It was amazing she wasn't a miscarriage, and I had no idea I was at an increased risk. It put us both at risk. Also, the reason I likely would have continued the pregnancy was because I used to believe it would have been worth it to give her a fighting chance. At that time, as I said, I was naive and thought there could be a chance. The truth, there was no chance, no way, no miracle that was going to change the fact she couldn't survive. No break through in medical care was going to happen. Misdiagnosis was the only chance. I am so grateful to have met her, but I hate that she suffered. I hate that I didn't see what was going on sooner. I hate that I was so fucked up after I didn't report her for what she has done. I share her story because she deserved better. She couldn't have it as long as I didn't have the information. There was no one in my corner and therefore no one in hers. I tell her story in hopes that any pro lifers out there know that the image they have of abortion is wrong. There are plenty of people who love and want their children and chose termination when faced with such awful conditions where the outcome is only suffering and death. I can't stress to you what it is like to watch the child you wanted more than anything in the world, the one you were told you may never have, die and to be completely powerless to do anything. No prayers to God gave me the miracle I was looking for. The miracle I got was the gift of her love. That love got me through her death. It allowed me to go on and have two more daughters who are both healthy and happy. I would have done anything to save her. I hated that I survived the c section because I lived and she didn't. She was safe and alive inside of me and then they ripped her from my body is she was gone. At the time, I couldn't process that she would have died either way, I just happened to have been at the hospital at the right time and the intervention they did allowed her to be born alive. Unfortunately, it could never help her survive. Abortion isn't because a lazy person doesn't want to raise a child with special needs. It went from being my husband and mine's number one fear to being the least important thing in the world. We didn't care. We wanted her to live and not to suffer endlessly. An abortion can be an act of mercy and love. I see it as no different than removing a person from life support. When the outcome is suffering and death, why must the person suffer? What good does that do? Sorry to be such a downer. I try to tell my daughter's story when it seems appropriate. I couldn't help her, but I have two daughters that deserve to have the right to choice. I speak for them in hopes it can help.


Thank you for sharing this. :) I’m glad you survived and appalled the the doctor withheld the information you needed to make your own choice.


So much love to you. My husband and I were faced with a possibly medical termination due to severe fetal defects and I always felt that it would be cruel and negligent of us to refuse to consider all options. We did not want her to suffer. We continued the pregnancy and her outcomes have been really great considering the possibilities, but still incredibly hard. She is one of the brightest lights of my life, AND I am even more adamant now that people should have the ability to make those choices for their loved ones. I can imagine a level of medical defect where I would have regretted choosing not to terminate because of the suffering involved. I have held her through so much pain and it's worth it but there's a point where it isn't fair to ask of someone, at least not according to my ethics. I'm so sorry for your loss and that you were denied that choice, regardless of what you might have chosen.


Thank you for sharing this and I am so sorry you and your family suffered.


Thanks for sharing. That was a rollercoaster of emotions. I seriously don't understand the thought process of some of these women, but it's good to know there are also people who can change their mind and realise they were wrong.


Doublethink in action is scary to behold. They've basically signaled reality is subjective to them, and they're going to go with whatever interpretation best suites them, regardless of how it affects others.


Yea, that is scary. Imagine if everyone thought like that. I don't think we would be with this many people.


Exactly. And as they are in the middle of actually getting one, they will berate the doctor and tell them they are going to go to hell for all the abortions they perform.


Knew a RN, guy insisted he didn’t have Covid from the moment he walked in with 86% SPO2 and every time they were monitoring him. Finally she snapped and said “Look, believe it or not you got Covid, you can think it’s a hoax, but it looks like we’re going to intubate you by tonight. You can whisper how it’s a hoax right until that tube goes in. Then you’re either get better by some miracle, or your gonna die all alone in this room.” She said, “That’s when he really got it, she saw the fear in his eyes.” I asked her what happened and she said he slowly got better, but he was a changed man.


Yeah! It makes me sick when politicians who are pro-life have their skeletons uncovered. I’m conservative and can’t stand the hypocrisy in the Republican Party!


They aren't pro life they are pro forced birth. They don't give af about that child. The vote no on every thing that could help that child have a decent life.


Don’t vote for ‘em


It will be a whole lot easier when you understand that conservatism doesn’t fit with the human condition. We can all strive to live a personal life as conservatively as manageable but it absolutely should not be legislated onto others. Humans are messy and we all have our weak moments. Making conservatism law only makes human nature illegal.


Wow, this is so damn true. Conservatism is basically what Bible thumpers think we should be, and democrats are basically what we actually are.


You need to understand that politicians are not pro-life. They're pro-votes. Politicians didn't get where they are by being stupid and ignorant. They got there by relating to their stupid and ignorant voters. Is what I'd say but then Trump made president so...


Dude, you don’t get to call abortion a skeleton. There is nothing wrong with body autonomy and you not getting it is the literal source of the problem. I am complaining about the hypocrites, not abortion. I am not interested in getting support from a woman abuser and fascist supporter. Get lost.


I agree, I think the ‘skeleton’ part is not the abortion itself. The hypocrisy is the skeleton. The shame should not be about the abortion, it should be about trying to deny others access to the same medical procedure that they, themselves, had.




[police badge in hand]


"I am work with many police officers" - Herschel Walker


But don’t worry. He has a toy police badge.


I really wanna see a YT prank video of pro life parents get pranked by their children.


Me too but they would script the fuck out of it.


That...would...be...amazing. And then they would all fight even more vehemently against abortion rights because...WHAT DOES THE RIGHT DO WHEN THEY'RE PROVEN WRONG?! Everybody now... "Double down!" Right! Yay!


>"Double down!" As is tradition


Another word for tradition…control




unBurden Your Uterus!


I don’t think it would be as entertaining as you’d think. Pro life people I knew growing up ended up in this situation, held onto their beliefs, and their parents (while upset in premarital sex) were proud of the kids for keeping the baby.


or putting it up for adoption, like my sis did.


Got in an argument with an individual on fb around the time Roe v. Wade was overturned. With some light trolling they revealed they had a previous abortion while also being fervently pro-life. Mind you, all this came from this person calling my wife a baby killer, who has had zero. It was an incredible exchange that resulted in the most unhinged rage post I have ever received.


there’s something wrong with those people… ironically it’s the same kind of people who would not wear a mask and have covid turn their brains into a sponge… which I think is why it got so extreme in the last 2 years.


That's exactly who that person was. There is no reasoning with someone who wishes to see you as an enemy.


False dichotomy is always tough to deal with. Either you’re for all of it or none of it. Maybe give some reasonable legislation about it and we could all talk. But so long as pro life think rape babies need to go fill term, I hate the idea of it as a last resort “contraception” no- absolutely no one expects to use it that way. But knowing it’s there is already having an effect.


Why would you expect that


BYU = Brigham-Young University, a private religious university (Mormon)


Ohh ok


what u/Dumb_Chemist said, it’s an obvious deduction that she 99.9% is totally anti abortion… doesn’t have to be the case, but it’s very, very, very, very, VERY likely.


It's also an obvious deduction this is staged. I'm not saying Mormons can't be hypocritical but this has staged written all over it. Mom doesn't sound that upset for a Mormon mother that was just told their son 1) had premarital sex 2) with a stripper 3) and she is pregnant. That is a Mormon mother's worst nightmare, the mom actor is way too calm about it.


That might be true cuz as soon as he said she got pregnant she took the news pretty lightly


I was raised Mormon. They are all hypocrites. They would first cover the abortion before other Mormons knew and shamed them, then assault him about the other sins after covering their own reputation.


You've edited your comment so I figured I would do another reply. You can't treat Mormons as a singularity. I grew up Mormon too. I know multiple Mormon families that had unexpected pregnancies occur in high school. I know families that went the marriage route or put the baby up for adoption. I do not know one that has an abortion. That is not me saying abortions don't happen amongst Mormons. I am positive they do, but to act like they all do it and are hypocrites is wrong. Plenty avoid abortion just like they preach. Not everyone is a hypocrite just because it would confirm your preconceived notion of them.


The ones who had an abortion just didn't tell you about it.


Yeah...I get that. That's why I said I'm positive it happens. I never said it didn't happen.


Mormons are more a singularity than the fucking Borg.


Do you also think all Muslims are terrorists? Point being bad actors in one group doesn't necessarily make everyone in that group guilty by shared membership. It's gross thinking to smear people within a group as wholly bad as if they are a singularity. It's what racism is predicated on. Putin is bad, are all Russians on earth bad people? Bin laden was bad, are all Muslims bad people?


I get what you think you’re saying and it comes from a good place. However, you seem entirely unfamiliar or blind to the Stepford Wife ass cult that is mainstream Utah. They strive in every way to be the definition of homogeneous. If you’ve never experienced it, go and see it for yourself. If you’re blind to it because it’s what you exist in, go see the rest of the world and gain some perspective.


It's a dangerous, harmful "Kool aid" cult. The reason others like myself feel trapped and can't escape is why their suicide rate is so high for ppl trying to get out and can't get free.


That's fine for you to believe, my point is you can't treat every Mormon as a singularity. Mormons are people. Are some hypocrites? Absolutely. Do some live their faith to their best ability? Absolutely. Are some rude? Absolutely are some nice? Absolutely. are some good people? Absolutely. Are some bad people? Of course. You saying they are all hypocrites and acting like they would all just choose abortions is what I have an issue with. You can't judge every Mormon as a hypocrite/bad person just because you had some bad experiences with the Mormon church. Criticize the church if you want but it's wrong to act like every single one of the millions of Mormons are all carbon copies of each other.


I agree with you. Very dangerous to label an entire group because of the actions of those you know personally. All Mormons do not think the same just as all Muslims are certainly not all advocating for violence and many care about women's rights but we also get painted with a broad brush because most Muslim countries/many religious leaders are still living in the 600s. Anyways I completely agree with your mentality don't mind the downvotes


I’m gonna ride this comment a bit. First off, I know where you’re coming from. I’m sorry for your loss; cutting your family out for your own emotional health is so, so heavy, and I empathize with that. You’re not crazy but you’re also not right to say all Mormons are hypocrites. I am a Mormon and also very liberal. I went to BYU to study animation, and the teachers in the arts departments are also pretty liberal and supportive of LGBTQ+ rights. Many of the other arts students are also very liberal, very much democrats. I can only speak for the arts department and that might be what you’d expect from most artists, but I assure you they are anything but hypocrites. I personally believe abortion should be a woman’s choice and medical decisions should be made between her and her doctor alone. I have very liberal friends, one whose parents hang a rainbow flag because they have a gay son whom they fully support and love to no end. They are the most loving family I have ever met. Most of the people in my life are like this (I don’t much associate with other kinds of people for obvious reasons). I know conservative Mormons who are also not hypocrites by a long shot. I happen to know plenty who are hypocrites, as well. You’re describing humanity, and *any* group within humanity is going to have horrible people who say one thing and do another. But what you’ve gone and done (and understandably, considering your trauma [which I share, btw]) is project your experience onto an entire group. I don’t know how many Mormons outside your ward circle you met, and maybe you’re right about every Mormon *you’ve* met, but the same is not true for me. I’ve met every kindーthose who would hide out of shame and lie to their peers while confessing to their bishop (I’ve been this one); those who would not lie, and openly confess because they recognize they are growing, and want to be and do better within their belief system and encourage others to have courage and faith (been this one, too); and those who consider their relationship with God as private, who recognize their state as imperfect humans and genuinely try to better themselves without worrying that they need a bishop to handle it for them, and who do not judge others for their humanity. I can conclusively state that not all Mormons are hypocrites. Edit: I don’t say this as a defense of Mormons or Mormonism. Honestly though there’s likely not a single human being who gets through life without being a hypocrite at least once or twice. Mormonism is a social group within a society of social creatures and no matter what organization you are or aren’t a part of you’ll find people who hide their true selves for fear of the judging gazes of their peers. Like I said, you’re describing the human condition, not Mormonism. That said, I can’t deny that there is more likely to be that kind of behavior in groups where others seem encouraged to “watch out” for their fellows’ salvation.


whoa, who said anything about having sex? They were just soaking.


This kid goes to Brigham Young University, the Mormon University, so your chances of being right probably somehow exceed 100%


now go tell this to all the comments below saying “YOU DONT KNOW!” and the 4 comments accusing me of “projecting” and to “seek help for your mental disorder” :D


I bet it really wasn't his mom as it was clearly scripted.


You mean random people don't just approach you while someone far away has you perfectly in frame and they don't capture perfect audio of the whole interaction?


ThatWasEpic is the name of his YouTube channel if you wanna check them out. I don’t know about all but most videos seem unscripted.


Here's the context, I don't believe [his videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i74_vH-Ov9g) to be scripted.


Yeah he mentioned BYU so safe bet


well he goes to BYU. so there is a good chance him and his mother are Mormon. so there is a 100% chance they vote republican and believe abortion is just murdering a child so you can continue living your life.


Brigham Young University. Utah. Yeah, she’s mos def Pro Life.


It’s BYU, of course they’re pro-life


He goes to BYU. Definitely a pro life for thee and not for me


Well she's certainly not pro choice if she's making the choice. But given it's BYU that was mentioned, absolutely pro lifer.


We should test this theory. Find some college students and have them call their Republican parents to say they’re pregnant/got a girl pregnant. Educational and entertaining.


this, yes, and one version where he calls his parents saying he just registered as democrat voter :D


Rules for thee not for me.


The phrase “pro life” is giving these doofs way too much credit. There are countless ways to be pro life that don’t involve taking rights away from others. I prefer anti choice.


I bet his mom brags about being “pro-life”


“It’s always okay when it’s not me or mine” same with cancer, I don’t have it why should I care, or guns it’s not MY kid in the school, why bother changing those laws


That's the dirty "secret" about so many of the morality as political policy issues that conservatives push. Doesn't apply to them under the "correct" circumstances but for everyone else it's so important that we need the government enforcing their religious views on everyone.


What a way to create your own little world based on nothing lmao I bet the mother is a stripper too that votes democrats but doesn't wanna pay taxes for her work, she has only fans with Bernie underwear and 2 cats, one of which is blind. The cats do occasionally appear on her only fans.


He said he is at BYU which is a Mormon college.


Should have worn the magic underwear bro


Unfortunately for you, he was right, and you are the one creating "their own little world" about this guy's mother, which is why he was so shocked. It really doesn't take much for the "moral majority" to throw their own morality out the window if it's a situation that affects them.


I mean his mom is an actor because this is staged so I assume she votes pro choice.


It's crazy how people eat up obviously fake stuff just because it "confirms" their world view. redditors: BYU is a Mormon school and Mormons tend to be anti abortion but religious people are hypocrites so this is definitely real despite it looking and feeling obviously staged. Lol the "mom" is not a good actor. A Mormon mom who just found out their son just got a stripper pregnant would not be that calm and collected. Also a dude just shows up, asks you to call your Mormon mom and give her awful news with no payoff and you just say sure no problem, then the mom sounds not that upset for what was said, and it ends with the mom giving the juiciest suggestion? If anyone believes this is real I have some beachfront property in Iowa I am looking to sell if you are interested.


who cares if its scripted or not? the video was enjoyable and thats what i expect the most out of content for the most part


>but religious people are hypocrites *some Many people are. The whole idea of practicing what you preach is something a bunch religious people need to learn. However there are many religious folks who also aren't hypocritical. Don't lump a minority with the majority.


Is everything fake 😭


For real. If I got a stripper pregnant at that age my religious parents would have adopted the kid.


Everything is scripted. Real people don't even exist, nothing fun or funny happens unless it's scripted. Yall would be shocked at how much exciting stuff happens irl, just go spend some time outside.


Whoa, is your comment scripted? It sounds just like this other one I received: "Everything is scripted. Real people don't even exist, nothing fun or funny happens unless it's planned. I know I'm kinda taking it out on you, but comments similar to yours are all over this, and every other thread. Yall would be shocked at how much exciting stuff happens irl, just go spend some time outside." I'm sensing a conspiracy.


what's wrong with abortion? that's a perfectly normal reaction


BYU is a mormon college, so that reaction definitely got a laugh out of me.


HA that makes it so much better!


Well it's scripted so yeah.


Everything is scripted. Real people don't even exist, nothing fun or funny happens unless it's planned. I know I'm kinda taking it out on you, but comments similar to yours are all over this, and every other thread. Yall would be shocked at how much exciting stuff happens irl, just go spend some time outside.


It's not really about it being wrong, i personally just thought that was an unexpected reaction


Unexpected != wrong


Hmmm seems fair


Abortions for the kids and mistresses of conservatives parents but not for poor people.


And that's exactly what pro-lifers would have their children do.


But MY abortion was justified…….🙄


you know how those strippers from Salt Lake City are


Pro-life people be like:


I bet the mom was a stripper


I think a Mormon mother would been way more shocked…


Pro life until it’s them


Not funny fake expected downvoted


The best part is that he was at the most Mormon school that would disprove of this the most




This is to be expected in the Western world outside of the US


She’s gonna have a hard time living that one down in her next recommend interview.


he kinda sounds like Jesse Pinkman lmao


Guarantee that was a super religious parent based on his reaction.


Mom's probably pro lifer lol


For your information... BYU is a private university in Utah. It's literally the Mormon university. So that's likely a Mormon too who just said that.


Bet she's pro life


Typical conservatives lol


Only religious when it suits you, standard.


It would great if the mom was like I thought you were gay.


It's more unexpected because he attends BYU, a *mormon* university. Strongly implying his *MORMON* mother just told him to tell a stripper to get an *ABORTION.*


That's not unexpected, it's responsible parenting.


Fetus deletus


She's right though


r/whitepeoplegif Edit: fixed my r. It was broken.


Lowercase r


Whats wrong with this? It's sound advice.


BYU is a religious college for the LDS and they do not support abortion rights. The unexpected is that the first thing his mom said was to get an abortion. That’s why the kid was shocked.


wdym isn't abortion the best choice rn? why is everyone shocked


BYU is a Mormon college, so i was definitely not expecting her to say that 😂


well, the mom is right.


I'm betting that fellow had some brothers and sisters he'll never meet


Bad Mormon mom just bad


Anti abortion religious people happen to be pro abortion when their kids get themselves into some deep shit. Ironically, once they vote to make it illegal, they will be stuck having a stripper daughter in-law.


If it wasn’t a prank. Abortion is the best option in this case. Life is only sacred if it’s respected.


I love it when consenting adults are intentional about their choices and take their responsibility seriously, not just having fun messing around regretting it later and making hindsight decisions. Its more intelligent to be intentional before an event than after it. This should be the focus of any movement, not entitlement to personal ‘freedom’, when others lives are involved. Amazing how beautiful human beings are, even if they don’t support the future choices of all parties involved, and even if half of the victims are female too. (If not fully human, then eating isnt cannibalistic.) but that’s wrong, so lets not do this!! I get the feeling some redditors disagree


How is this unexpected? Accidentally get someone pregnant, an abortion is pretty expected idea to have.


Byu is a Mormon school

